
Wednesday, March 26, 2025


 #midweek #blessings #womancrushwednesday #peace #joylikeariver #smile #itiswhatitis #positivevibesonly

Good Morning.....

Happy Woman Crush Wednesday to all the lovely Ladies out there.....Today as you celebrates yourselves or each other, may that praayer that you prayed be answered speedily in Jesus name...

Say a prayer for Ladies out there having it tough with conception,love, life adn family.....May it suddenly become easy because Jesus is Lord!!!!

Have an awesome woman crush day!!!



  1. "You are a disgrace to the Senate" - Dr Oby Ezekwesili
    "You are an insult to womanhood" - Senator Nwaebonyi

    Honestly, those of you who subscribe to Netflix and Showmax, are just wasting money. Naija na complete film. Everyday, you go watch 1 or 2 Blockbusters. Just get data.
    In my opinion, Senator Nwaebonyi and Dr Oby, could have handled this better. (Although both of them have a history of condescending and 'anyhow' talk). That show of shame could have, and should have been avoided.
    Meanwhile, with too many weighty allegations, own goals, and several instances of power intoxication, the current Nigerian Senate is doing its best, to win the 'WORST NIGERIAN SENATE EVER' Award.
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

    1. Shame just dey catch me on their behalf..

      Ndi ogadi na abuo

    2. I dey shame on their behalf. Let me not insult my elders

    3. You jus spoke My Mind and it's the bitter truth. The "WORST SENATE EVER " !!!

  2. The hardest challege is not just being yourself, but having to keep up with being what others want you to be if you had yielded to them. Be faithful to that which exists within yourself!

    Good morning. I hope we had a splendid night rest? Happy WCW. May God heal all the physially challenged women and those in pain. Stay safe.

    1. Be yourself as far as you aren't hurting anyone.
      Good morning Omo 😘
      #WCW πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    2. Well said Brizzle. This is as a result of Social-consciousness. Satisfying people's taste.

      I rather be a reflection of myself


    'A person in a hurry makes mistakes.' Proverbs 19:2 GWT

    If you're impulsive, you tend to lack discipline. You can be thoughtless, or insensitive to others, or driven by appetite. You may not like delayed gratification or have a low frustration tolerance. You get bored easily. You can fly off the handle.

    If any of these describe you, here are six principles to incorporate into your life: (1) Ask counsel from wise friends before plunging forward with an idea. 'Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge' (Proverbs 18:15 NLT).
    (2) Cultivate friendships with people who are not only wise but strong enough to hold you accountable. 'Admit your sins to each other, and pray for each other so that you will be healed' (James 5:16 GWT).
    (3) Spend time praying about a potential open door before assuming that your intuition is a divine command. 'He shows the proper path to those who go astray. He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way' (Psalm 25:8-9 NLT).
    (4) Study and read about an area of need before you commit yourself to action. 'Don't be stupid and believe all you hear; be smart and know where you are headed' (Proverbs 14:15 CEV).
    (5) When you come to the end of a season of activity, spend some time in reflection so that you can become a wiser person before you go on to the next thing. 'Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty' (Proverbs 21:5 NLT).
    (6) Make a commitment and stick with it, even when the next impulse, which looks so much more fun, comes along.
    Word For Today


  4. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 85 of 365...

    TobeChukwu!!! He has Done it For Us. ..

  5. Lenten Reflection – Day 19: Compassion
    Verse for Meditation: "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)

    As we continue the journey of Lent 2025, come with me to meditate on Compassion. Compassion reflects the heart of God toward His creation. Jesus constantly showed kindness to the sick, the outcast, and the broken-hearted (Matthew 9:36). As His followers, we are called to extend the same love and mercy to those around us. In this Lenten season, let’s cultivate a heart that sees the needs of others and responds with grace.

    Action Steps:
    • Show Kindness Daily: Look for small ways to express love and care to random people (better if they’re strangers).
    • Forgive Freely: Release bitterness and choose grace.
    • Pray for a Compassionate Heart: Ask God to help you love as He loves.

    Think About This:
    Who in your life needs an extra measure of kindness today?

    Prayer Points:
    • Thank God for His endless mercy and love in your life.
    • Pray for a heart that reflects God’s compassion.
    • Ask for strength to forgive as Christ forgave you.
    • Pray for opportunities to show love to those in need.

    Let us pray:
    May God our heavenly Father, fill your heart with Your compassion. Receive the enablement to love, forgive, and care for others as God in Christ has done for you. May you become a vessel of Divine grace in this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    1. AmenπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. AmennnπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  6. Good morning everyone, and Happy Wednesday to us,May God come through for everyone that needed him at this point in time Amen πŸ™
    Cheers to a positive vibes ✌️
    Cheers to a better days ahead 😘πŸ₯°
    One love πŸ’•

    1. Cheers to better days ahead πŸ’ž

    2. Cheers Darling πŸ«‚

      Hello iya Boys

    3. Stop billing Anuty Jerry biko. He said talking stage is now expensive. You can just add #500 to his own and make it 6k. Na our boy abeg.

  7. WCW goes out to all of us to be a strong and hardworking working woman is not a days job Cheers to us πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚ I love you all πŸ’˜πŸ’‹

    1. #WCW πŸ₯°πŸ˜ crushing on you my nwanne 😘

    2. To be hardworking is really a big flex, I pray we get appreciated and compensated for our hardwork

    3. Beautiful SMB πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
      My darling Paris baby πŸ₯°πŸ’˜
      My Ezigbo nwanne osundi 😘😘
      Sweet pearl 😘😘
      And my beautiful MercyBee πŸ’‹πŸ˜

    4. Cheers purest sweetie πŸ₯°πŸ«‚

      Hello iya Boys

  8. Breathe on me, breath of God,
    Fill me with life anew,
    That I may love what Thou dost love,
    And do what Thou wouldst do....

    Have a beautiful day, Lovelies!

  9. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Having a happy soul is a true blessing. It radiates positivity and attracts joy into our lives. 😊✨
    My beautiful lady in Paris.
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

    1. Thanks Nwoke Oma πŸ’™πŸ’™
      Good morning and have an awesome day ahead πŸ€—

  10. My πŸ‘© Wcw goes out to all the beautiful ladles here, most especially to my most beautiful & se*iest damsel0❤️❤️ cry cry baby thou girl, you cry " nicely"

    Enjoy your day


    1. Love Nwantiti ❤️.

      Nice one King Jerry.

    2. Cry cry baby πŸ‘€
      Jerry abeg try to dey update us na πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ’­ ayam

    4. This one na cruise oooo.
      Make we dey cruise with you
      Good morning my people

    5. Attention seeker

    6. Anuty Jerry, I have begged her for you, she will not make talking stage expensive for you

  11. Rhapsody

    The Foundation Of True Christianity!!
    2 Timothy 3:16.

    "True Christianity is based on the Bible—the Word of God."

    "Every Christian believes, accepts, confesses, endorses and proclaims that the Bible is absolutely true and it’s the final arbiter concerning everything in life. Otherwise, such a person isn’t a Christian."


    Dear Father, I thank you for the light of your Word that defines and directs my life. I believe, accept, confess, and proclaim the absolute truth of the Scriptures. I boldly affirm that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died as my Saviour, was raised from the dead, and now, lives in my heart by His Spirit. I live by these truths, walking in the full blessings of your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  12. Goodmorning iya Boys
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family

    Your Name is the Highest
    Your Name Is The Greatest
    Your Name Stand Above Them All
    All Thrones And Dominion
    All Power And Positions
    Your Name Stand Above Them All
    And The Angels Cry Holy
    All Creation Cry Holy
    Holy Forever

    Hallelujah πŸ™πŸ™
    Kisses πŸ’‹ And Hugs πŸ«‚ From Chikalicious 🌹

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Good morning Chi babe πŸ’• hope you’re much better today? Cheer up ok, all will be well πŸ€—

    2. Chikalicious come take a πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    3. My beautiful chikalicious chika I can see you're bubbling today πŸ₯°πŸ’‹

    4. Paris baby πŸ₯°
      thank You Sweetheart πŸ«‚
      Cherrybaby Sweetheart πŸ«‚

      Hello iya Boys

    5. Purest sweetie πŸ₯°πŸ«‚

      Hello iya Boys

  13. Oh Lord I am very very grateful for all you have done for me, oh Lord I am very very grateful I am saying thank you Jesus πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™. Good morning beautiful people of sdk ville.

    1. I'm thanking God on your behalf. Enjoy God's faithfulness

  14. Dear beloved customer your bank has deducted 2,000,00 from your account to support TIBUNU campaign 2027, reply as a citizen πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


    1. Bombomclaut!!! 😠😠😠

    2. Dey should return it immediately without wastg time.
      Na who send dem d work..

    3. And I just woke up from such dream.... shouting jehovah x 6 times & Holy Micheal x17 times

    4. Tinubu campaign kill you there.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ they shouldn't try that nonsense o

    5. Nonsense. Return my money πŸ€‘

    6. Me and that bank go put leg for one pant... Nobe only Tinibu na Remi..

    7. Let me just be going because I will walk naked and curse them.

    8. The Thunder and brimstone that will fire dem still dey do press up πŸ˜‚

    9. Ti n ti yo? When I never chop belleful, someone come dey bring spoon πŸ₯„

  15. To the Ladies going through different Challenges...
    I speak PEACE into your lives πŸ™

    E CHOKE!

    Good morning Sweethearts 😍
    I love you 😘
    @ Choco Noir... I greet you Specially

  16. Amen πŸ™ to Mammi Stella's prayers up there, celebrating myself and all our gender here for good,a better and achievable life Amen!
    Happy women Wednesday crush to us πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜

  17. Some people sha, must every prayers be channel towards finding husband? Why can't you pray for me to make headway in life, must everything be about men and marriage? Did I tell you say to marry dey hungry me???

    1. Lol πŸ˜† 🀣

      That's some people's belief sha.

    2. vex
      Amen to Ur prayers @stella

    3. My dear, in 9ja being married is an achievement.

    4. That's the most topic Nigerians are good at. Their discussion no dey pass man and woman matter. I don't blame who said that Nigerians are dumb.

  18. A big Amen

    God bless every woman that is looking for the fruit of the womb.

    Good morning everyone

  19. Thank God for the privilege to see another day in the land of the living. My prayers goes to everyone trusting God for the fruit of the womb, God God come through for you, He will take away every barriers and we will soon rejoice with you.
    Good morning beautiful people.


  20. RAMADAN DAY 26 DUA🀲🀲

    O Allah, you are the hearer of supplication, merciful to your servants, we supplicate to you on this blessed month of Ramadan to forgive our sins, accept our repentance, and send down your mercies and blessings upon us. Ya Al-'Afuww. Amin🀲

    Good morning everyone πŸŽ‰

  21. Prayers is one of the garment,we should put upon ourselves if we must be able to meet the request of God in our lives.God is a spirit,we must humble ourselves in prayers to connect to him. Mark 1:35 And in the morning,he went to a solitary place and there,he prayed.when Jesus came to earth as man,he always prayed.he never Joked with prayers,he prayed at all time and for that reason he was able to accomplish his father's task here on earth.

    Altar of prayers are altars that lead us to the great victory concerning the battles of life,if you are a believer and you can't pray, you will always be defeated and for that reason many people misunderstand God, because they thought they can get things from God without engaging in the altar of prayers and I often hear many people say 'I am not the type that prays, yes, you are not, but the devil will never stop tormenting you once he notice you are unable to do so.

    Pls pray always,it's the key to unlock closed doors.

    Good morning πŸ’•

    1. Prayer is the πŸ—️
      Thanks for sharing.


    I'm the anonymous that talked about 150k loan from app on BEP yesterday.

    And the response from one anonymous shattered me more.

    I just want to let you know that not everyone is a scammer. Some persons are genuine with their stories. It was after you mentioned the lady gifted money for surgery i remembered it because I totally forgot about her story.

    And the question on BEP made me talk about mine not necessarily because I'm soliciting for help through that post.

    Do I regret this marriage? Yes I do everyday I wake to see a new day is full of regrets.

    I have sent my chronicle here before. Had it been I got the advises I got before I wedded him, nothing could have made me go ahead with the wedding.

    Pressure from mumy & people made me enter into it without proper scrutiny.

    I got to know about SDK blog a month after wedding while I was crying out of pain and I stumbled on it in opera mini and I sent my story two days later and my eyes were opened by the input of BVs.

    I'm a very shy, timid, suck emotions, avoid quarrels kind of person. Unfortunately, I married a man who doesn't care about me and my emotions but will so shout, whines, abuse me for the slightest mistake.

    I will be 40 by August but if you see me, I look like what I don't know.

    This is one of my greatest mistakes in life.

    DESPERATION and PRESSURE are destructive!!!

    1. It is well dear πŸ€—
      May God intervene in your case and give you victory ✌️ πŸ™

    2. Stella Maris why you dey call God name? why will anyone stay in such a marriage in the first place? Is it not better to just walk away? so where u wan see that money now dont u work ????i feel really bad for you but u are the architect of what u are going through...PLEASE CHANGE YOUR NARRATIVE..........get a grip on yourself, improve yourself.....dont wait for the loan app to disgrace you, tell him and let him do his worst,maybe u will be free when he throws u out.....useless nonsense he goat......
      The people who alleged you might be a scammer is right but did not really target u per se.please dont take it to heart..
      All the best

    3. I feel for you, but can't you leave? Depression is real o.

    4. May God come through for you.

    5. You got married to the weapon fashioned against you and you're still there? God forbid

    6. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— it is well with you.

    7. My sister run for for life.. to be late is better than to be the late..

    8. So your eyes opened after one month of marriage and you still remained in the marriage, crying everyday, is that how you want to live the rest of your life?

      For you to write like this means you have at least secondary school education, why are you still there?

      If we give you the money, you will still need more money as long as you don't take the necessary steps to better your life.
      Leave the marriage first, then start your life newly. Hustle and make yourself great in life.

      Widows hustle and raise their children to become great in life.
      Stand up and do something, stop coming here to whine.

    9. Lagos Mainland Girl26 March 2025 at 10:31

      Dear Poster
      It has happened already, people make mistakes all the time, the important thing is learning from your mistakes, getting up from the ground and looking for a lasting solution
      Get a life
      Get a job
      You deserve to be happy
      Get something doing so you won't rely on his money money and he will be insulting you
      Stop pitying yourself
      This is 2025 time is going

    10. A man you live with, sleep with and bear his name, is who you are so afraid of?
      You lost money and you had to borrow from these wicked loan apps cos you don't want your husband's wahala. In the midst of this depression, don't you still give him your body?
      How you can subject yourself to such torture? Is it not better to remain single than being in such a sad marriage?
      Life is sweet and beautiful, make the best of it and stop the suffering.

    11. hope say ur zodiac na virgo bcuz leo nor dey moomoo laik this.
      wish u all d best ma'am.


    I'm the anonymous that talked about 150k loan from app on BEP yesterday.

    And the response from one anonymous shattered me more.

    I just want to let you know that not everyone is a scammer. Some persons are genuine with their stories. It was after you mentioned the lady gifted money for surgery i remembered it because I totally forgot about her story.

    And the question on BEP made me talk about mine not necessarily because I'm soliciting for help through that post.

    Do I regret this marriage? Yes I do everyday I wake to see a new day is full of regrets.

    I have sent my chronicle here before. Had it been I got the advises I got before I wedded him, nothing could have made me go ahead with the wedding.

    Pressure from mumy & people made me enter into it without proper scrutiny.

    I got to know about SDK blog a month after wedding while I was crying out of pain and I stumbled on it in opera mini and I sent my story two days later and my eyes were opened by the input of BVs.

    I'm a very shy, timid, suck emotions, avoid quarrels kind of person. Unfortunately, I married a man who doesn't care about me and my emotions but will so shout, whines, abuse me for the slightest mistake.

    I will be 40 by August but if you see me, I look like what I don't know.

    This is one of my greatest mistakes in life.

    DESPERATION and PRESSURE are destructive!!!

  24. Good morning Bvs
    My WCW goes to the women who have had to take up huge responsibilities for their family, may your labour not be in vainπŸ™

  25. This hereπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
    Hit the Gym. Avoid Drama. Smell nice. Make money. Level up your circle. Talk less. Pray more. Think highly of yourself.

    Good morning everyone.

    1. The anon above, see this woman here working and doing fine after leaving her husband. She only suffered for a while, now she is living her life on her own terms. This can be you, only if you change!
      No matter how much we give you, if you don't change, you will remain the same.

    2. Anonymous who are you referring pls??

  26. All the ladies πŸ’–πŸ’–❤️πŸ’–πŸ’ž❤️πŸ’–πŸ’ž❤️πŸ’–πŸ’ž❤️πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’•
    You are blessed beyond measure πŸ™
    God's Grace and Mercy speak πŸ™ around you and your loved ones πŸ™ ❤️ .

  27. Lagos Mainland Girl26 March 2025 at 08:19

    How lovely, thanks for the prayers Stella. Wishing you same.

    So much positive vibes oozing from this your post

    Ehugs to everyone

  28. Good morning πŸŒ„πŸŒžπŸŒž
    Happy woman crush Wednesday πŸ’• to all the beautiful women all over the world...
    Dear women, no matter how desperate you are to get married, never ever sponsor your wedding... It doesn't always end well...
    Have a wonderful day πŸ’—

  29. Good morning everyone πŸ’›πŸ‘‹πŸ’›

    Once I have addressed something multiple times and nothing changes, I stop caring. It is out of my hands now. People treat you how they truly feel about you, if you heard me, saw how it affected me and still didn't change, that says enough. At some point, you just have to know your worth and move accordingly. Your standards might seem to high, unrealistic or even crazy to people who have no idea what it takes to build real relationship. But here's the truth;
    Honesty, accountability, clear communication and vulnerability aren't high standards, they are the bare minimum πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

    Happy Women Crush Wednesday, Queens πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’•. Move accordingly!πŸ’―

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’–

    1. My darling, your 2nd paragraph is so true.

    2. #WCW😍😍
      Have a beautiful day ahead my 😘

  30. Pleasant morning to u all.
    Pls, do have a splendid day ahead.

  31. Good morning,
    Celebrating all the beautiful ladies ,you rock,also praying for everyone trusting God for their own children,sweetheart,God hasn't forgotten nor abandoned you,he will surely bless you and give you peace,
    It's ending in praise.
    Shout-out to candy,chocolate noir,and so many sweet souls here,God bless you all, Gratitude is a must.

    1. Thanks Tochi darl for the shoutout♥️♥️.

  32. I'm celebrating I and my sisters todayπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
    Happy WCW to all the amazing women hereπŸ’–πŸ’“

  33. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Happy WCW to all out beautiful sisters on Tha blog ♥️
    Crushing on you all 😍

  34. To I'm celebrating my strength. How far I have endure bone and body pains.
    Waking up every single day with pain and how far I can manage it . sometimes I want to give up, and God will give me a reason to be happy.
    I pray Jehovah to take away this disease from me and anyone struggling, to overcome same .
    Happy woman crush to all SCD.
    We born to win and survive.

    1. Have you sued your parents?
      If I see anyone around me with SS crisis, I will encourage them to drag their parents. Very selfish people.
      Why have a child to make them to come and suffer because of your selfishness?

    2. My sweet Cherry, you are a strong lady. Never ever forget that.♥️♥️♥️♥️

    3. Anon: may be her parents are old already, they don’t know much during their own time. If anyone tries this now, that person should be sued.

    4. You are a warrior ❣️ I celebrate you πŸ₯°

    5. It well my dear

      God will see you through.

    6. Candy thanks for always encouraging me.
      Anon. I understand your pain. My parents got married without finding out their genotype.
      Whenever I look at my mom, I see her pain too.
      All my siblings are all carriers. They don't even fall sick.
      When I cry out in pains, my mom cries too.
      How I wish my dad is alive to go through same pains with me.

  35. Thank you Jesus..85 days already put of 365.hmmmm

    God, nothing is impossible for you to do. Please answer my humble cry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    1. Don't lose hope. Your prayers have been answered in Jesus name. Amen

    2. God will come through for you soon, keep hope alive.

  36. Good morning SDK FAM 😁
    Hormone balancing healthy herbs
    Fruits, foods veggies and drinks for balancing hormone
    Coconut water
    Leafy greens
    Nut milk
    Chai seeds mangoes
    Almonds butter

  37. Thank you Jesus for a other beautiful day πŸ™πŸ™ may your name alone be exalted 🀸🀸🀸

    Happy woman crush wednesday to all the hardworking ond beautiful ladies in hereπŸ₯° may God almighty come through for us πŸ™

  38. Today, I want to shine a spotlight on the incredible women who inspire me every day! πŸ’ͺ.

    Whether you're trailblazer in your field, a friend who's always there to uplift me, or an activist making waves for social change, i celebrate your strength, resilience, and brilliance. πŸ’–
    It's another day,go out there and make a different

    Good morning people...❤️
    Enjoy your day...✌️

  39. Good morning Stella and BVs, Stella thanks very much for the 250k I received from you yesterday concerning my myom surgery and POS business, honestly I wasn't expecting that huge amount, I was very surprised and I'm still surprised that people can turn up for me like that, I promise to utilize the money very well.
    Stella, BV Doris Day, BV Jeweluchi Choc Noir, BV Rose, BV Mrs Sharon, BV Glam Grandma, I thank you all so much for your financial contributions towards me, may your pockets never run dry and may you always have reasons to be happy in your lives.
    To all the other BVs praying for me, I thank you all, may you all live your lives in abundance and good health.
    I promise to come with a full testimony after the surgery, thank you all, I'm very appreciative.
    Once again I'm very grateful, I received the 250k with a heart of gratitude.

    1. Congratulations dear.
      God will see you through.

    2. Congratulations dear πŸ€— and I pray for a successful surgery.
      We await your testimony.

    3. Congratulations dear. Pls come back with testimony πŸ‘πŸ‘

    4. Congratulation to you. You shall return with testimony.

  40. I have chemistry, is it possible to switch to law. Help a sis.

    1. Why law?
      Is possible if you have connections.
      But can you do it?

  41. Good morning everyone 😍πŸ₯°

  42. Good morning my SDK blogfam
    Please mothers in the house, at what weeks of pregnancy do one starts antenatal? I'm at 10 weeks and I was told it's not yet time by the nurse. I don't want to use myself play as a first timer

    Also can I drink kunu? The way I'm craving it is so too much

    1. 10 weeks and you still haven't registered for antenatal? Please madam go and register.
      I think kunu is safe for a pregnant woman.
      Congratulations to you πŸ’•

  43. To the woman battling sickness, whose body feels like a prison of pain and exhaustion, hold on. You are stronger than you think. Even in your weakest moments, you are still a fighter. Healing will come.

    Copied. Happy woman crush Wednesday πŸ₯°

  44. Amen to all prayersπŸ™πŸ»
    Honestly, Lord , I dont know how I manage to always pull thr' .
    Na your Grace πŸ™ŒπŸ»
    I am thankful
    Happy #wcw My Ladies πŸ’•πŸ’―

  45. Amen to our silent prayers.
    WCW to every wonder woman

  46. Good morning SDK and BVs. Wonderful Wednesday . Thank you Jesus. πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

  47. Good morning beautiful people ❤️🌹πŸ₯°


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