Stella Dimoko Wednesday Morning Spontaneous Post


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #midweek #hurtpeoplehurtpeopleavoidthem #smile #womancrushwednesday

Good Morning...

Thank you for the gift of life today oh Lord....We dont take this for granted....

Thank you for the food and for good health........ We are so grateful and this morning we sing you songs of thanksgiving..... (God is so good,God is so good.......)

Have a nice day!!!

E go be...



  1. Any man dragging his late brother's properties with the innocent widow and her kids, is a weakling, and an absolute disgrace!! 😡
    Woman suffer with her husband finish, you wan come reap where you no sow. 🙄
    Instead of you to even contribute something for the woman and the kids, you want to take from the one they have. You nor get shame??
    Go find work, hustle your own money. Idi.ot!..
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

    1. It is as if they will just be waiting for their rich brother to kpai. Shameless people, dragging what they didn't work for with the widow.

    2. dem no go ever hear word.. awon werey...

      always praying for their family member to die so they can show the wife shege

    3. They are just heartless, selfish and greedy. Very annoying, honestly.

    4. This is most common with the Igbos, sometimes I wonder if they were actually waiting for the death of their brother, Lazy men

    5. They are the worst ever and they deserve the worst form of de*th!

    6. I always wonder how anyone could do that! Ah... God abeg o 0!!!

    7. Men, please write a will. Not later. Now!!

      Women, please, when your brothers and husbands are meeting our this evil against another woman, please speak up and dissociate yourself from that evil. If you support them in their quest to frustrate another woman, the cycle go reach you.

    8. And what makes you think it was not the brother that suffered for the property or wasn't the wife that caused his death. Easy with the way you always want to talk down on your gender to impress people that don't send you

    9. Igbos bawo. As chukwudi furck u finish e no marry u everything is now Igbo in ur eyes

    10. Anonymous 9:20 Rest! You are all over the place with your weak attempt to turn everything to a gender war. If all you could deduce from this wise writeup is this your myopic stance, then go and seek help and fast!!

    11. I concur with the part where you said men should write a will. Thats just the solution to all these entitlement

    12. Even With WILL They Will Still Come With Their Dirty Legs To Come Show Their Werey...
      May God Help Us ooo

      Hello iya Boys

    13. The reason the husband should make necessary provision for his family by writing a will. If he dies intestate, the greedy family will come for the properties.

      Bv God's Favor

  2. Rhapsody

    The Power And Value Of Words!!
    Proverbs 18:21.

    "The most important part of your life is your ability to use words. Maybe you didn’t know it, but words define your life. Words define your value. Words define your personality."

    "He said in Mark 11:23, "you shall have what you say." So be a master of words. Have faith in your words, for the Word of God in your mouth is God talking; it’ll prevail and produce what it talks about."


    Dear Father, I thank you for the power of your Word in my life. My words are filled with faith and life, and they shape my destiny. I speak health, prosperity and victory, and I live in alignment with your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  3. The key to a healthy life is having a healthy mind and body, so you need to watch what you feed your eyes , body and mind with.

    Good morning blogfam. I hope we slept well? Thank God for another day. I wish all women here a splendid WCW and positive vibes all the way. Do have a safe day ahead.

    1. you are right ooooo Aunty mi...Healthy mind and body says it all. Even if you have the whole money in this world, if mind no ey healthy..awo lo niyen

    2. Thanks dear 🤗🤗

  4. Take a bow PARIS SAINT GERMAIN!!!!

    1. Wow❗️shortest comment ever..i know the feeling tho

      Over two legs Liverpool didn't deserve to go through..PSG should have finished the tie in the first leg, even in normal time at Anfield…who will beat them will work hard, I’m rooting for them

    2. Your shortest update 😃. Wishing you a great day.

    3. I have mixed feelings. A part of me wanted PSG to qualify while the other side wants Liverpool to also qualify.
      Congratulations to PSG!

      BV God's Favor

  5. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 71 of 365...

    When The Lord Turned the Captivity of Zion, I was Like them that Dreamt!!!!
    Thank You Lord Jesus....

    1. Up and thankful to God for life 🙏 🙌
      Thank You Jesus 😊

    2. Thank you Sweet Jesus, the Rivers that never runs dry.

    3. Thank you Lord, Grateful for everything,
      Good morning all,heat and mosquito haaa.

    4. Good morning beautiful Marie 😍

    5. Thank you Gracious father 🙏🙏

    6. Thank U Lord 🙏.

      Olorun Ayó

      Ashéda ayé

      Olorun idunnu

      Orí sún tí kí ñ gbé

      Olorun Jakobú

    7. Thank you Lord Jesus 🙏🏽

    8. Omemma you are always on time.
      Thank you Lord🙌🙌

    9. God be praised,
      Hello Marie. How was your journey, how is our baby girl, May God grant you wisdom to handle the matter well.


    We are only God's servants.' 1 Corinthians 3:5 NLT

    One day when Charles Colson was scheduled to preach to three hundred inmates at San Quentin prison, a lockdown was called and most of the prisoners were confined to their cells. To the few allowed to attend, Colson decided to go ahead and give the complete message he had prepared. Later when he expressed disappointment that the three hundred were unable to attend, he was told, 'We videotaped your message and will be showing it numerous times to all twenty-two hundred prisoners.' What if Colson had given way to disappointment and just delivered a short devotional instead of the full evangelistic message he had prepared? More than two thousand prisoners would not have heard the gospel.

    Paul writes: 'Apollos and I are merely servants who helped you to have faith. It was the Lord who made it all happen. I planted the seeds, Apollos watered them, but God made them sprout and grow. What matters isn't those who planted or watered, but God who made the plants grow. The one who plants is just as important as the one who waters. And each one will be paid for what they do' (1 Corinthians 3:5-8 NLT).
    Word For Today


  7. Jesus, You are so good
    Jesus, You are so good
    What no man can do, You have done for me
    What no man can do, You have done for me......

    Have a good day, Lovelies!

  8. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Maturity has shown me that confrontation isn’t always necessary. Simply observing people’s behavior and setting boundaries is enough.
    I don laugh tire for IHN yesterday, honestly speaking, maturity is not by age.
    Glory O, no even send anybody, she don port carry her love go meet King Jerry, sharp sharp. That was so fast. LOL.
    In all I sense Jealousy.
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

    1. 😂 these days people move on easily

    2. Who's jealous of who @Pinky? Spill the tea!

    3. Good morning Nwokem 💙💙

      I don’t even understand all the gbas gbos in IHN that yesterday 🤷‍♀️

    4. Lolzzz... IHN was full of gbas gbos yesterday. I no fit laugh 😂

      Good morning everyone 😊

    5. Chika OOO disappeared.
      I love how boda teejay is shifting their pants without sweating a kobo.
      Teeglo is over. King Jerry is on.

    6. @TripleC** Buhaha

    7. That useless boy, Internet was all over the place.

      Dem use this blog swear for the useless thing.
      It was even saying the Internet is for everyone and that it cannot leave this blog

    8. Lols. Stellz come and hold your "snatched" blog boo before then drag him.

  9. The more you explain, the more slimy the wit in you descends into the abyss.
    Good morning everyone 🌞

  10. Goodmorning iya Boys
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family

    Oh Glory, Glory, Glory, To The Lord
    Hallelujah Hosannah
    Hosannah, Hosannah
    Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord

    Kisses 💋 And Hugs 🫂 From Chikalicious 🌹

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Good morning beautiful Chika 😍

    2. Good morning Chikalicious Nwannem Oma 🥰😍

    3. Hallelujah 🙏🙌
      Good morning Chikalicious 💕

    4. BBlicious My Darling 🫂
      Glorylicious Twinny 🫂
      Juleslicious Dearie 🫂
      Happy Women Crush Wednesday My Darlings..

      Hello iya Boys

    5. My beautiful chikalicious chika 💋

  11. You all will always be my WCW..I love you all 🤗💕❤️..

    1. Love you my darling Pure. ♥️

    2. Love you too my purest pure,I celebrate you Ezigbo nwannem Oma 🥰😘

    3. Love you Sweet PSP ♥️🥰

    4. Love you darling Pure💕

    5. WCW to you too Pure Sweetie 🥰

    6. Crushing on you my sweet nwanne😘😘😘

    7. Purest sweetie 🥰
      Love you Too Nwannem 🫂

      Hello iya Boys

  12. To all the beautiful women here, 😘😘😘😘♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

    1. Muaaah 😘😘😘

      Have a great day ahead 😘

    2. Same here 💕 Candy 🍬 😍

    3. Good morning beautiful Candy 😍❤️

    4. Have a successful day ahead Candy baby 😘

    5. Hello sweetie 🥰😘 love you sis

    6. Queen B, you too love😘😘😘😘
      SMB darling 😘😘😘😘
      Hiyaa Cute Cynthia ♥️♥️♥️
      Good morning BB darling ♥️♥️♥️

    7. 💋💋💋😘😘😘 to you too Candy baby 😘

    8. I love you my candilicious Candy😘😘😘

    9. You too Glory😊😊.
      Sweet P, 😘😘
      My darling Mariam 😘😘
      Lora dearie 😘😘. I still dey wait ooooo
      Jules baibay,😘😘

    10. Candylicious baby 🥰

      Hello iya Boys

    11. Love you too, Osundi darling ♥️♥️
      Chika Chika 😘

  13. Lenten Reflection – Day 7: Breaking the Chains of Injustice
    Verse for meditation: "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?" (Isaiah 58:6)
    Welcome to the fourth day of Lent 2025. The Lord was speaking to His people in Isaiah 58:6 about the nature of fast he desires from His people and thus set out parameters for true and acceptable fasting. As we continue in this season, and in light of our text for today, I like to remind you that fasting is not only about giving up food—it’s about freeing your heart.

    Reflect on True Fasting:
    • Fasting empowers us to be the voice for the voiceless in the society Fasting cleanses more than the body.
    • It empowers us to come through for those oppressed, intimidated and burdened in various ways around us.
    • It opens the door for spiritual renewal and frees our heart to connect unhindered with God through the Holy Spirit.

    Action steps:
    Step 1: Break the Chains:
    • Identify the habits, fears, or sins that bind you and allow God to break these chains and set you free.
    • Identify the areas in which there are people bound by chains of injustice and oppression around you and seek God’s help to break such loose.
    Step 2: *Embrace Transformation:*
    • Use this day to commit to change.
    • Trust that God will empower you to live in freedom.
    • Trust God to enable you see His perspectives and image in others.

    Think About This:
    What chains are holding you back from your full potential in Christ?
    What chains can God use you to break in the lives of others?

    Prayer Points:
    • Pray for strength to let go of old habits.
    • Thank God for His liberating love.
    • Request wisdom to embrace the discipline of true fasting.
    • Pray that God’s love will move you to fulfill His will in this season and beyond.

    Let us pray:
    O God and heavenly Father, help us to understand the true meaning of fasting, break the chains that hold us back and free our hearts to serve you in spirit and in truth. Help us to arise and break chains of injustice and end the reign of oppression in our sphere of influence in Jesus mighty name. Amen.


    Good morning Sweethearts 😘
    We thank GOD for life today 🙏
    Do have a fruitful day ahead!


  15. RAMADAN DAY -12 DUA🤲🤲

    Oh Allah, on this day, beautify us and cover us with the clothes of satisfaction and contentment, let us adhere to justice and fairness, and keep us safe from all that we fear, by your protection, Oh the protector of the frightened. Ya Al-Azim🤲
    May Al-Muhaymin Protect us & our families. Amin ya Allah 🤲.
    Good morning everyone🎉🎉🎉

    1. Ramadan Kareem Missy
      Enjoy your day 😘

    2. Ameen thumma Amen
      Assalam Alaikum Miss Hauwa

  16. Thank you, Lord, for a new day.
    Thank you for everything! Na you sure pass!

    I'm so happy for PSG. A victory well deserved.

    Good morning my people. May you day be beautiful.

  17. Thank you Jesus for a bright new day💃💃
    May our day be fruitful Amen 🙏
    Good morning everyone.

  18. It's a beautiful Wednesday morning 🌟🌟
    Thank you Jesus for the gift of life 🙏

    Good morning everyone 🥰

  19. Good morning to everyone, hope we had a successful night rest,I thank God for another new day, for a new life,new hope,new Wednesday once again to celebrate us women 😘🥰😍
    May God continue to see us through in all aspects of life Amen 🙏
    Better days ahead 🤞
    One love 💕😘

    1. Amen
      One Love Chika twinnee💕

    2. Good morning ezigbo nwannemu 🤗

    3. ☕ ☕ 🌹 specially WCW


    4. Amen 🙌🙏
      WCW to you too 🤗

    5. So you can type epistle.
      How is your heartbeat this morning??!!

    6. Jerry no dull o
      Fire the kpekus well 😂

    7. Hello Glory. I love the way you handled yesterday gbas gbos. Well-done.

    8. Mariamlicious 🥰
      One Love To My Twinny o

      Hello iya Boys

    9. Zaram do you have an issue with teejay? I noticed in the past, he was always singing your praise and telling Dante not to drag you and yesterday you avoided his comments. You didn't defend him or anything like that. It was easier to believe thought you didn't want to involve yourself in everything that happened yesterday but here you are praising glory for how she responded to everything he wrote.

  20. Good morning.

    Have a good day people.

  21. Good morning everyone 💛👋💛

    Dear Sis,
    Be gentle with the girl in the mirror. We spend so much time thinking we need to be better, to push harder, to do more, but sometimes, all we really need is to show ourselves some love.

    Tell her she's doing great. Remind her that it's okay to have bad days, and she's still worthy of everything good life has to offer. She needs your kindness most when she's feeling unworthy.

    Happy Women Crush Wednesday, Queens. Be kind to the girl in the mirror 💖💕💖.

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 💖💕💖

  22. If we have the faith that can move mountains, the same faith that Jesus had that made him turn water into wine, raise the dead with just a touch, healed the sick, cured blindness, gave fishermen a boost in their business and raised himself up from the grave, then why is our lives so mediocre?

    If we truly have the resources of heaven at our disposal, surely this is not the way to spend it.

    Why do we see ourselves at the mercy of everything? Why are we afraid to do big things? The answer is simple: we need COURAGE.

    Faith without courage will not give you any result. Faith without courage takes no risks and achieves nothing.
    To your faith, add courage. This is the bit we do not emphasize enough in Christianity. Courage is a commandment in the bible.

    God told Joshua,
    _*Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)*_

    We don’t lack faith. What we lack is courage.
    Isaiah 41:10
    *Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will surely help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.*

    Good morning 💕

  23. Thank you Jesus for another wonderful day, good morning everyone.

  24. Good morning all. Wishing all of us a beautiful day.

  25. Good morning everyone, Have a beautiful day 🥰

  26. Beautiful Wednesday morning to everyone, thank God for the gift of life.
    I celebrate all the amazing women here. God will crown all our efforts..

    May we all have a fantastic day.

  27. Good morning everyone ❤️
    Exam starts today, wishing all my students success in their examination.

  28. Good morning everyone, how the night? Body just tire me today ehn, normally, I wake up by 5:30 am everyday to cook, do house chores, and wake my child 6 dot. But today I was so tired gan
    I didn't even cook, I gave him money to get food for school. Gave him 1k and called his Teacher to get him the food.

    Person need rest from kitchen sometimes jare, no be everyday be cook cook.

    Wish everyone a blessed day ahead 🙏

    1. Pele sis💕try and rest well.
      Hustle and house chores no dey finish.

    2. It is well with you 🤗🤗 the heat is not helping matter sef. Please try and rest.

    3. Honestly,that rest is needed once in a while. You need to see how I'm counting down to holiday, tired of school runs.

    4. Please do have the necessary rest you need.

      Bv God's Favor.

    5. Pele Nne
      Make You Rest Sis .

      Hello iya Boys

  29. Ekaaro gbogbo ile
    Ojumo ire

    Thank you Allah for the gift of life
    Erun dupe

    Happy woman crush Wednesday💕💓

    1. Modupeola where is Morayo?

  30. Good morning great people 💞💞
    Beautiful day ahead 🙏

    1. Good morning Gloglo
      Asa😘 how are you doing? Long time

  31. Stella I have never received anything here before. Please I will like to partake in the give away for my barbecue business, I will like to change my stand because I am managing it with faith.and at for one month space rent.

    1. Go and apply on yesterday's IHN. This is not the giveaway post

    2. Sdk you see all these I've never received anything yadayda gang, shine your eyes.
      If possible collect their NIN before giving them N100k.
      @miss aboki has resurrected @medussa the savage.
      She hid it after the call out early last year.
      Slim shady
      Miss Lewisky
      They are old IDs

    3. Add @modupeola👆

    4. Anon, can you tell us why you think I am not qualified for the 100k? There should be a reason why you think I shouldn't be picked isn't it?

  32. Good morning everyone. have a good day.

  33. Good morning one happy family....

    I celebrate all the women in here. You are all doing well and may the good Lord continue to bless you, guide you, guard you, protect you and perfect everything that concerns you all.

    The mothers in here. I pray the Lord will provide for you and your husband and God will meet you both at every point of your needs

    The Grandmas in here. You will live long and strong to witness every success of your children, your grand children and your great great grand children

    The single mothers: Oluwa a ro nyi lowo oooo.. e ni se lasan ni agbara Oba Ogo

    1. Amen! Thank you pincky
      Celebrating your wife too my greetings to her 🥰😍
      Cheers 🥂

  34. Good morning everyone.
    Do enjoy ur day pleasantly

  35. Good morning SDK and BVs. Wonderful Wednesday. Thank you Jesus. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  36. Good morning SDK FAM 😁
    Why most people failed in business
    Lack of funds
    Bad customer service
    Poor marketing skills
    Hiring the wrong hands
    Ignoring market demand
    Financial mismanagement
    Lack of consistency
    No skills
    Fear of failure
    Leadership and vision

  37. Good morning Stella and BVs😍🥰

    Keni nice day 😊🤗

  38. The current heat wave has underscored the harsh realities of life in 9ja, where air conditioning (AC) stands as a crucial necessity for comfort and health. In this current extreme temperatures, access to AC can mean the difference between staying safe and suffering from heat-related illnesses. Unfortunately, this essential resource often remains a luxury only available to the privileged.

    Many families struggle to afford the high costs of installation and electricity, leaving them vulnerable to the sweltering heat. As temperatures rise, it is imperative to advocate for other means to cooling solutions in our communities.

    The ongoing climate crisis makes it clear that we must prioritize initiatives that support the common people, ensuring that everyone has the means to protect themselves from the unforgiving heat. God help us all in these trying times.
    Good morning people..❤️
    Enjoy your day..✌️

  39. Mama Internet Rat, call your son to order.
    It was all over yesterday's IHN comment section, insulting giveaway applicants and causing commotion. Other recent giveaway posts where it was not present in the comment section were peaceful. Call that rat to order before it gets what it deserves.

    1. Mama IR you got mail

    2. Don't worry Mammi don download the app soon she go tell us their names one by one
      Ikwakwakwa kiki😛🙄

    3. Who is mama internet rat again??!..
      This blog na cruise

  40. That one that was proclaiming positivity on IHN yesterday, when you get employment and you fall sick, tell your boss that you cannot come to the office because you are strong.

    1. If she is broke and wants to get a loan, she will tell the lending organization that she is rich 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  41. Senator Natasha reported the sexual harassment case to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) UK

    The Senate President might step down soon until the investigation is concluded if evidence dey , watching those clips last night & I felt embarrassed.

    But she"natasha" gambling with her political career already because they play it dirty down here


    1. Step down you say? Hahaha, I laugh in Swahili.

      Bv God's Favor

  42. Good morning lovelies ❤️🧡🥰

  43. Good morning everyone 🥰🥰
    I'm still basking in the euphoria of having a new phone 😁😁 the feeling is sweet abeg. Ihe dinma dinma.

    WCW to all the beautiful, strong and amazing women here 🥰🥰 we all rock.

    Bvs have a great day ahead (this keyboard dey underline bv😄😄 e go soon understand)
    E go surely be ✌️

    1. Congratulations once again, the phone go last o, thief no go see am.

    2. Congratulations to you my nwanne ✌️😎

    3. Amen my sis🤗🤗 and thanks😘

    4. Congratulations to you dear Osundi enjoy your new phone Jaree 😘🥰

  44. Good morning people of God. I hope we all have a nice day. it's good to help one another. Let's do better

  45. Good morning everyone
    How is the week going?
    Enjoy your day

  46. Good morning beautiful people.wishing you all a blessed day 🙏❤️🥰

  47. Good morning everyone
    Y'all have a blessed wednesday 🙏

  48. Good morning beautiful people 😍
    Have an amazing day today

  49. Stella tadarada


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