Stella Dimoko Wednesday In House News


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday In House News

 Hailings from a cold Country called Deutschland!

How una dey? whats cooking I hope that your day is going on well......Yesterday i spotted some former BVs in anonymous mood..ALLEGEDLY
I saw IR; I saw Oshodi DSS, I saw the Generals wife but allegedly with another ID that was whispered to me allegedly.... All in Tuesdays in house news oh......Hmmmm
BV Adunni you indicated for the phone giveaway and i wanted to pick you but yesterday i saw you again indicating for the 100k giveaway...So let me put you on pause for now....I dont know which one to give you again.....

BV Osundi your phone is so so does it mean that even the phone you are complaining about, someone also wants it to use? I was shocked when you said you sold your old phone for 20k and added with other money to the 50k i gave you.....Osundi bought a REDMI phone that is brand new for N110k......
So please if you do not have money to add to the 50k i have to give, do not indicate at all cos nah wetin go cause fight.
Where is BV Courage sef? havent noted her comment in a while...hope she dey OK sha....

An idiot without brain commented and said that i had a fight with Oyingate and thats why she no longer comments....I have been deleting this comment but yout stoopidity cannot let you stop posting it...What is wrong with you? 
Oyingate may be attending to her personal life that made her stop commenting, before she stopped commenting she indicated she wanted to pause from writing that column and spend time with the kids....I dont know what she is going though but i wish her all the best and look forward to seeing her comments again someday by Gods grace!....Ozuor, if me and you quarelled does not mean i quarrel with everyone....Your character stinks and smells after you like fly sheet.

The rest of you enjoy your day.....

Least I forget, A BV will be going for Myom surgery tomorrow..Please join hands and pray for her to come out successfully in Jesus mighty name......AMEN.


''This is BV straight guy
I thank God for making me see this special day in my life. I AM FORTIFIED! I am glad that I am celebrating in good health. Money is not everything. I won do photoshoot before, looking at how things are,I say make I send one of outdoor pictures. I hope it's nice''

The photo is OK.....happy birthday to you and may God put a new song of success on your lips.


''Happy birthday to my little princess Kamila... I thank God Almighty for the gift of You in our lives... I pray that Almighty Allah will continue to protect you, give you wisdom and grant you long fulfilling life .. We love you ''

Happy 1st Birthday Kamila...
Amen to your mums prayer concerning your life.


Beaten on Wedding Day
When I finally laid my eyes on the guy who mercilessly beat his wife to coma on the night of their wedding day, my pre-anger quickly dissipated. I was so so angry when i heard he beat up his wife that night because, I don't support domestic violence. It's better to let go than beat your wife.
Any woman sharing her bed deserves nothing but a national disgrace. Such woman needs the praises of the destruction of the universe.(So disheartening).
On their wedding day, things went well and everyone was happy seeing both parties become one after 3years of coursthip. 
Little did the groom knew that the bride went to see her Ex same day and they had s#x. 
After the wedding party and whatever, the bride was bathing while the groom was with friends outside and luckily he was with the bride's phone. A message came in from Tunde(name withheld) which reads "I enjoyed you yesterday pretty and can't stop having you"
The groom excused himself and went into the room(Hotel) where they lodged and bounced on his wife mercilessly. The wife was taken to a nearby hospital. Both families came around and the groom showed them the message on his wife's phone. When the wife regained consciousness, she was asked several questions and she didn't deny it. She was only apologizing and asking the husband to forgive her and give her a second chance.

Presently, I don't know what is happening but the husband is out of the country and the wife is presently in her parents house recovering from the panel beating.

Its so annoying and disheartening seeing young girls,women, single mothers and married women engaging themselves into nasty things. I'm not excusing the marri3d men though but recently, its more of marri3d women than the marri3d men.
We go dey alright shaaa

She dey do like that and she leave phone for husband hand?What a pity..I pray that he forgives her and takes her back...Everyone deserves a second chance...


 know it before you procced

First of all, our society has made it look like being a single mother is a crime.
I put it to you that there is no single mother without a single father
It’s takes two to make a baby.
So while you blame young single mothers , give equal blames to the fathers who impregnated them.
Let’s go into the main detail

1. A single mom is patient, calm and kind.
2. A single mom is going to be very respectful as she sees you as a man who choose her out of millions .
3. You won’t need to ask her to get pregnant before marriage as there is an evidence already to show how fertile she is.
4. Most single mothers are independent women, because they have learnt to work harder to take care of their babies.
5. A single mom will tolerate you more than a woman who hadn’t given birth before.
6. A single mom will make a very good wife because she has more experience and have learnt from her past mistakes
7. Most of them didn’t choose to be single mothers, either they left because his dead or they left cause it was toxic, theres always a reason that’s why they are 1 of the strongest women alive
Don’t look Down on them
They deserve love and respect
If you can’t love their child please don’t go closer to them. Be Warned!! A word is enough for the wise!!! 

If one of these goes South, it can break up a marriage built on love.....


95 percent of the body's serotonin is found in your gut
The gut acts as a 'second brain' that heavily influences our mood and well-being

Earth receives enough sunlight every day to meet all of humanity's energy needs 10,000 times over


The use of 'a' or 'an' depends on the sound that begins the next word, not whether it starts with a vowel or consonant


People who stay up late tend to be bigger risk-takers



  1. Replies
    1. Hello purest sweetie 🥰

      Hello iya Boys

    2. Hello Pure,
      Happy birthday @ bv Straight guy and baby kamila the Lord bless you both.

    3. Hello on this sunny day PSP dear..

    4. Happy birthday straight guy..
      Happy birthday Kamila😍🥰

    5. Happy birthday to you bv straight guy 🎊🎉

    6. Happy birthday BV Straight guy may God bless your new age. I pray for the person going for myom surgery tomorrow, it shall be successful, you will come out alive and your recovery shall be speedy in Jesus name, amen.

    7. Women getting married without brains.

  2. Plenty failures and then one massive success hits you and wipes away all the pains of the past.

    1. That’s why you will remember the scripture that says’ when God turned away the captivity of Zion’ Psalms 126:1

      Greetings Nwokem 💚 how’s your day going?

  3. Happy Birthday straight guy. 🎈🍰

    1. Happy birthday BV Straight guy🎊🎉
      Happy birthday baby Kamila🎊🎊🎂

    2. Hiya Sandy baby ❣️

      @Straight guy , Happy birthday man 🎊🎉 God bless your new age

      Happy birthday baby Kamila 🎊🎉 Gid bless and keep you 🙏

    3. Happy birthday to all celebrant and to my sister most especially

  4. Good afternoon blogfam. How is the day going? Sign out post on point. ...

  5. In House news don YAKATA 🪘🪘🪘

    Good Afternoon BlogFam How aré Y’ll doing💗💗💗

    WCW to all the Beautiful Lovely Blog Girlies 💗💗💗. Stella, Paireebaibay , Pheonix, Adunni, Nnukwu Nwanyi, Mrs Sharon, Apple of Gods Eye 💗💗💗

  6. Good afternoon 😊😊
    Thank you 💕 Stella
    Amen 🙌
    Have a wonderful day 💗

    1. Happy birthday to your baby girl 🎉

    2. Happy birthday to Kamila, she's beautiful 😍🎂🍰

    3. Happy birthday to your beautiful princess 🎉🎊

    4. Happy birthday to your sweet🍽️🎂

  7. Vanessa just ruined my friend's couch.

    Dropped her off at her place cos it was drizzling and I needed to go pick Alex from playgroup. Getting back to pick her, my friend asked that I just stay for a while so they can all play together with her son.

    We were having so much fun and gusting that I took my eye off Vanessa for a few minutes and before we knew it, she had written permanent marker on her perfect couch!!!!!

    We tried everything possible to get the stain off but it didn't come out. I felt so horrible that I even cried. Apologising like a lunatic over and over again. I so hate to be guilty of something.

    She has told me not to worry about it but I can't stop apologising. Why didn't she just write on my head instead of writing on someone's couch!

    1. Write on your head. 🤣🤣🤣. Kids will be kids, don't feel guilty about it.

    2. Aaaaaaw!!! Eka Joy I know that feeling. You will be feeling guilty as if it was intentional.
      That's how one woman and her children came visiting, I didn't know where they got razor blade they used to redesign our leather couch. Their mama beat them mercilessly .

    3. Vanessa the writer 😁😁😁

    4. Lol🤣🤣🤣@ Write on my head.

    5. Why dem even keep permanent marker where children hand go fit reach? Permanent marker for that matter!
      Oh well, make she nor vex😴

    6. Write on your head? Lmao 🤣🤣 nothing much you can do, it's done already.

    7. Don't be too hard on yourself...Her son might as well do same

    8. Lol, Eka say write on my head...chai, am smiling here. When they say children r wonderful, this is one. Lol.

    9. Fidel, she actually has a very well behaved 4 year old that uses to markers to work in designated area, na my pikin just go overstep

    10. 14:28, I can imagine how you must have felt 😂.

    11. Oooohhh dear Pele. We apologize to your friend on her behalf. The joy and pain of motherhood I am sure your friend understands

  8. Good afternoon everyone. Happy birthday to you BV Straight guy and Happy birthday to you Little Kamila.

  9. Good afternoon y'all
    I wish the BV going for myom surgery a successful one and God's healing too.

  10. welcome ihn
    unu goodaftunu
    shey them don relocate hell fire come lagos ni , cos i dont understand the sun and the heat . even till past 6 pm sun go dey shine eyes like winch .

  11. Hello BVS, please know this and know peace, we are here as one family and friends to have fun,catch cruise 😘 and learn yeah. But trying to accuse me falsely of gbenshing or knacking someone here is the one I will not tolerate please STOP IT ! now and never 😳
    ordinary comment abi shaking of table I did yesterday I no even brake table leg you guys flared up mk una fear God abeg
    I come in peace 🕊️

    1. Because what if you really break the table leg shey? Glory break the leg!😤🫠

    2. That lovey dovey wey una been dey do that time, na real abi cruise? how did it start? Shey e end for blog abi e enter real life? Just asking for my neighbour.

    3. Stay on your lane,
      No be everything eye see mouth dey talk.

    4. I hope you know I'm not stupid for chosen silent over this all. Don't push or force me to react. At best i will leave the blog after narrating how this all started and ended. My good to you while it lasted won't kill me.

      I repeat don't push me else I will explain it all and leave this blog for good. I just warned you.

      I left you for good and told you to move on but it seems you resorted to shading me after my care on you.

      Pls don't push me let this rest.

      I saw someone already saying it's jealousy on SP on my part of reaction yesterday.. For the record, I was the one who walked out. I can't be used. Don't twist the narrative. I still want you here the reason I chose the path of silence when you started shading me from last month

      Be careful.

      © TEEJAY

    5. Ah! wetin dey sup oooo.

    6. Lol baba spent the giveaways money on her already?lol

    7. "while it lasted..."
      "the one who walked out..."

      Omo make una nor dey keep us the dark! Talk let everywhere scatter!!!

    8. Teejay you know you can never leave this blog na, you keep threatening to leave

      Wait a minute, warriss is going on here??

    9. Teejay, it seems like you are on a revenge mission. She wasn't even addressing you, but rather asking people not to spread rumours. Don't you think she has the right to defend her reputation?

      What happened between you two that's so terrible you're threatening to expose? You claim to dislike being bullied, but now you're bullying her. Just because you dated doesn't give you the right to harass her. You've already issued a warning yesterday, isn't that enough? Why bring up your past relationship as if it's something to be ashamed of? If she trolls or shade you, address it directly. No need to make it about your history together. It's not a big deal! 😒

    10. It's obvious from Teejay's comments that something transpired outside this blog between him and Glory o. Na wa oo, Glory o that's new in this blog. Abi old BV that got a new blog ID. There's something off about her. She's always all over the comment section blabbing nonsense and calling it cruise.

    11. He's not going anywhere @Gifty.
      Highest he will create another id & dumb this one
      Same format since 6 years.

      Oga apply for giveaway as you no see phone collect. Any ahewo wey open punani, gbensh am comot for road.
      That Glory OOO wey her pant de hot, she e neva cool down?

    12. Okotorigba!!! Be like this two people run things for bagrand. Bv Suave was right afterall.
      Glory you sef no try, you no see coded guys for blog na Teejay wey sabi chochocho you go dey run things with, now baba wan cast you for blog. Wetin consign me, I will be here to read and be entertained.

    13. Ah Ezege you say whaaaat! You walked out! Walked out of where kwanu. Ehya you two were really dating🥲 chai
      Ezege don't leave o abeg we your fans still want you here.

    14. Don't worry Glory na palliative e go reach everybody

    15. 😂😹😆
      Y'all never cease to amaze on here. Isn't it "unwise and uncalled for" to run things on a place such as this? Goodness gracious!! Theirs is a love that has turned sour from sweet I guess. 👀 Love in La la land!

    16. Omotola B,

      We're no kids here. Let's be factual here. Saying she didn't break the table but shook a table with a comment shading me. What do you expect me to say? Keep quiet? It means she's gloating she shook a table right. I have to speak up for myself as well before a wrong narrative is being passed.

      No, there was no sex involved and we never met. Let her keep away with all the subtle shade on me. If you care I can direct you were all these subtle shades started. I never wrong her in any way and God is my witness.

      © TEEJAY

    17. Há! Há! Há! It's like these people dated oh! Há!!!! I no fit close my mouth again oh

    18. Hmmm warris going on here. Yam pepper scatter.

      So as glory O dey comment scatter scatter like who dem drop for head she and TJ dey run stuffs for bagrand.

      TJ let it all out biko let's see who is at fault

    19. How most of you didn't see anything wrong with her throwing a shade on me yesterday and coming to gloat it was table she shook and what if she had broke it leaves me in surprise. It's always the case here. The men is the guilty ones. You'll all blame me for standing up to caution a disrespect on me. I'm not surprised though. You guys hatred on me here has never been hidden.

      Let her break the table like she's being shared so you guys will be the judge.

      © TEEJAY

    20. Tueh

      For all people to follow, its Teejay
      Truly, everyone is someone's spec

      cause, imagine dating Teejay

    21. Teejay, whatever happened between you two happened off the blog. We all thought na cruise una dey catch, but this is no way to handle this shit. Relationship turned sour, doesn't mean you both can't act like mature adults. I mean your comments from yesterday (and today), shows you wanna spill the tea so bad. Why not take your issues offline and settle it.

    22. Teejay, I understand your frustration, but it's misdirected. As I mentioned earlier, you can hold her accountable for her actions without bringing up your past relationship. If I were in your shoes, I would even ignore her if she made any references about your past history and focus on defending yourself, if necessary. That way, you take the high road and don't give her the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. Threatening to expose secrets if she continues is not a constructive approach.

    23. Naaa waaohhhhhh whatsssssss up my people. Let’s be calming down

    24. @Teejay, if you people didn't gbensh and never met outside the block, why the all these threats you're throwing at Glory O? The way you're ranting on and on, it's like youre itching to spill all. You've been talking and yet not saying anything. Pls address whatever is going on between you two and move on. You've been on this blog long enough to know how to handle your affairs here with maturity

    25. in** I am Anon1710

    26. Teejay!! Na the issue be this....Always focus on the topic and not deviate....You have every right to call her out but you were always joining issues about you walking away insinuating that you both shared something i.e dating....You don't need to play the victim here....

      Nobody said you shouldn't call her out for allegedly shading you but you wanted to magnify it by mentioning a dating part, which you have said that there was nothing between you both....I think you should try and not join issues together and make it look like on a revenge mission....

      Please read Omotola's writeup again to understand where she is driving at.....If you knew you didn't want this to blow out of proportion...You should have just warned her without mentioning the attempted dating aspect....Kapish!!

    27. Anon 17:25 what do you mean by that your comment. Is Teejay not a human being with functioning gbola? Everybody get him spec.

    28. Free the anon dis @Osundi..if teejay is entering your eyes take over where Glory O stopped. Teejay said he showed "care", good functioning gbola is waiting for you we've seen you don't have an atom of shame, dear aunty phone hustler.
      By the way where's Purest pure and Chika O her gang of Ezigbo nwannemus ??

    29. Teejay,
      For you to have contact with Glory O outside this blog means you don't have taste, your gbola controls you. You run after anything that has big bwests and waist or any of the two.
      A girl that is all over the place typing shit, simple sentence she cannot construct, they will make a post about A, she will be talking Y, no comprehension at all.
      Just because she once made a comment that insinuated that she has big breasts, you started famzing her on the blog and then took it outside.

      No self control 😠

      Tell me, how will you make it in life like this?
      If you are like this on the blog, heaven knows what you do outside the blog.
      So you did many things for her, yet you are always broke on the blog. See, even if they give you 10 million naira for business, you will not grow until you change.

      See you threatening to spill rubbish, what do you want to spill? At your age?
      I shame on your behalf.

  12. Happy Birthday you, Straight guy. You ain't bad looking. You look kinda shy too. God bless your new age. Happy 1st birthday to you, baby Kamila, grow in wisdom. To the BV going in for surgery, it will be successful. Amen.

  13. Good afternoon, happy birthday to you straight guy and baby kamila,
    God bless you both,
    To the bv who's going for the surgery,I pray for a successful one and healing.
    Everyone,take care poo.

  14. Good afternoon everyone
    Happy birthday Bv Straight guy
    Happy birthday baby Kamila
    Today is my daughter's birthday
    I wish all the celebrants more years ahead

    1. Happy birthday to your daughter.

    2. Happy birthday to your princess

    3. Happy birthday to your daughter 🎉 Esther

    4. Happy birthday to your dear daughter, God bless her.

    5. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter.

    6. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter

    7. Happy birthday to your daughter
      God bless and keep her

  15. When I was worried and couldn't sleep
    He was working behind the scene o
    Tobechukwu, He has done it for me 💃🏼💃🏼

    He has taken away the pain
    And given me joy and victory
    Tobechukwu, He has done it for me
    Tobechukwu, Tobechukwu
    Tobechukwu, He has done it for me🎵💃🏼🎵

    Let me perch here and share my testimony.

    During my period in January, I noticed my period came with severe cramps and heavy blood clots. Then February came and it was something else. I experienced abnormal bleeding and heavy blood clots. The blood clot this time around was something else. Each time I felt pressed to ease myself, I found out I was urinating heavy blood clots. It was so bad that I was rushed to the hospital for loss of strength and blood infusion. I went for a test and discovered it was fibroid. I was shattered. Fibroid again ! after having done fibroid surgery few years back.

    During the last Hallelujah challenge, I earnestly asked God to heal me of fibroid, deliver me from the trauma (abnormal bleeding and heavy blood clot) I experienced during my last period. I also prayed that God replaces the fibroid with twins having waited for fruits of the womb for years. I was dreading my next period cos the last one showed me shege.

    Fast forward to this month, my period came and it was normal. Men and brethren, it was normal. No excessive bleeding, no heavy blood clots. Just normal menstrual flow. This is what the enemy planned that I would be experiencing every month during my period due to the fibroid but God has delivered me from all. I'm still in awe of what God has done. I will come back to testify of my miracle twins. Indeed, God hears and answers prayer. Thank you Jesus.

    Odiri Chineke m eeee 💃🏼🎶
    Agam ahutuya mbu 🎶🎶
    Odiri Chineke m eeee 💃🏼💃🏼
    Agam ahutuya mbu 💃🏼🎵

    1. I don't know if it is only me that was expecting that it is pregnancy news that will end your comment. I pray that you bring that news soon in Jesus name. Thank God for conqering this particular battle. Fibroids are evil.


    3. Thank you Jesus. Your healing is permanent and you shall carry your babies next.
      Before the year ends , we will celebrate your double blessings. Your faith has healed you.

    4. I pray God perfect what he has started

    5. God is great!!
      We await the news of your twins!!

    6. Thank God for ur normal period and I join my faith with you believing God has done it. But like the anon up there said, pls go to the hospital to confirm that indeed the fibroid is gone.

      Otobong, I was also about to congratulate her on her pregnancy 😂

    7. Your testimony is permanent in Jesus name Amen 🙏.

    8. What God cannot do does not exist.
      Your healing is permanent in Jesus name 🙏

    9. Amen ! Thank you 🙏

    10. I'm Anon 14.09. Thank you fam. I'm emotionally reading your prayers. As the Lord lives, I will come back to testify of my miracle twins pregnancy. Thank you all 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    11. Congratulations. God will perfect your healing

    12. Glory to God. Congratulations dear and our God shall top it up with your hearts desires. Still visit hospital biko

    13. Amen amen and healing be permanent in Jesus name Amen

    14. He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it. Thank God.

  16. Good afternoon everyone hope our day is progressing, mine di busy oo
    Yes shebi I talk am the app was downloaded and is working 😜✌️
    Una Weldon,will come back to read later,
    See ya

  17. Happy Birthday Straight Guy. Forty Looks Good on You. God Bless You
    Happy Birthday Baby Kamila. May You Continuously be A Blessing To Your Family and To Your Generation.
    @ Pinky No Human should be Subjected to Physical Abuse Regardless of The Crime. He Beat her up and still left her What if in the Process of Beating Her and she Slumps and Dies, Does he think his Defense of " She Cheated will Hold Water.
    Jè Kaà nisuru!!

  18. Good afternoon everyone 😊
    Welcome IHN...
    Happy birthday to the celebrants. God's blessings will be upon you always🙏🤞
    I wish the person going for the surgery a successful one. God is on your case already. Amen 🙌🙏

  19. Lol@the rest of you enjoy your day.

    Most of the BVs that you guys are always asking about and hoping they are fine, are very much around and commenting with new blog IDs. Stop stressing yourselves.

    Welcome IHNs.

  20. Happy birthday princess Kamila and Straight guy. God bless you both🙏🏽🍾🎂

  21. Stella that Bv Adunni is very greedy and desperate.
    You yesterday that only those that have never gotten anything before should apply for the business giveaway but she no hear. She applied for phone giveaway that have passed since last week, then applied for business giveaway too, in one breathe.
    Very greedy and desperate somebody.

    1. Anon, I applied for both because I need them. Why sound pained? I applied for phone giveaway thinking it's still opened because Stella mentioned she still had giveaway for phone if no one is forthcoming.
      And I still applied for business giveaway as I need it for business. If you can afford to assist me, pls do. Stop pointing fingers at me & calling me desperate.

    2. And Anon, don't think I don't know you. I know this your handwriting very well. Hiding behind anonymous, use your ID!

    3. I'm not the anon but I agree that you are greedy and badly behaved. Instead of just keeping quiet you're still arguing.
      Are you the only one that needs business money or phone here?
      There are bvs that have never received any giveaway here before and these are the people that SDK asked to apply. Greediness would not allow some of you to be sensible.

  22. Birthday blessings to you Bv Straight guy. Many more years to you.

    Happy birthday to your daughter Poshscent. May she grow in love and wisdom.

    © TEEJAY

  23. Good afternoon everyone. Anonymous commenting under my comment this morning please leave me alone oooo, I know I am old BV, when I said I have never been help monetary before I meant it, and if you have proof you can proof it let everyone see it here, if you put sand for my garri God go put sand for your own too.

  24. Bobo yi hanz gan 😍
    Happy birthday straight guy, may your new age bring you fulfillment.

  25. Good afternoon all
    Happy birthday Bv Straight guy, forty looks good on you
    Happy birthday to your baby Bv Posh Hajia.

  26. Good afternoon Bvs
    Congratulations on your phone@ Osundi

  27. Happy Birthday straight guy. You look younger than your age, nice gene.
    Happy Birthday bay Kamila, I love your name. Keep growing in God's wisdom.
    May God perfect your surgery, may that day not be a day of sorrow.

    It was when I decided to watch omoni's movie, YouTube now removed it. The thing pain me sha.

    1. It's no longer there? Wow. I still have it on my phone o.

    2. They removed it??? Why?

    3. Metoyou, no longer there o.
      Fidel, dont why jare.. I saw where she said it will be coming back soon sha.

    4. All part of the pr stunt. It's back now.

    5. It was reported by someone who claimed to be the original screen play writer of the film...I saw it in the news yesterday

    6. It's there, l watched it today.

    7. Miss aboki, everything na pr stunt for this people, very annoying something 🙄
      Phoenix, I saw it this afternoon
      Adaoluchi, was not there yesterday sha. Thanks I'll look it up again.

  28. To the BV going for surgery, l wish you a successful one. May the Lord perfect every in Jesus name Amen 🙏

  29. Lmao, some bvs no get joy o, see as they come for classic yesterday 🤣🤣 well, some people says they don't like to say negative things to themselves but if business no good talk am now , no be everything person dey carry spirikoko enter

    1. Let them go and try it in a standard corporate organization.
      Tell the HR in a mail or text that they are strong and will not be coming to work.
      Mumu people

    2. It is well . All business owners know say it is well 😀 we now use money we used to buy 10 packs to buy 3, it's not easy to keep business floating , but it is well, make Una free me, even data to post goods online is very expensive now and we don't have choice than to keep posting everyday. Indeed it is well

  30. Happy birthday to you, Straight guy. God bless and perfect all that concerns you.

    Happy birthday to Kamila. May the Lord guide, keep and protect you always. Be blessed beautiful Kamila.

    @Pinky, the guy shouldn't have touched her at all. I believe he was just too furious which is not an excuse. He for just send her back to her people, jeje!
    Stella, I don't pray he takes her back. Some of these careless and heartless people need to learn, everything is not wokeness . This is how she will give another man's child to her husband and people will be looking at the complexion, ears or eyes as the semblance the child has with her husband.

  31. Hi gʻguys!!
    This sun/heat wave is something else!!

  32. Pinky, where and how did you do your research to know that it is more of married women that cheat now than married men?
    Was the husband innocent?
    Abeg let all of them be cheating. Let men also experience what it feels like to be cheated on.

  33. Happy birthday BV straight guy.
    Happy birthday to baby Kamila, grow old.

    Good afternoon all

  34. So instead of sending her away quietly, he had to beat her into unconsciousness?
    If she had died, he would be in prison by now, that abroad that he travelled to would not be possible. His own life would have turned upside down.

    Men should learn to take cheating with maturity without laying their stupid hands on the female. Simply walk away!

  35. Good afternoon everyone, how day dey go? Happy birthday to straight guy, more years ijn 🙏🙏

    A wonderful afternoon to everyone

  36. Happy birthday Straight guy
    Princess Kamila Happy Birthday Dearie 🥰

    Wellcome in House News
    Una Good Good Afternoon oooo..

    Hello iya Boys

  37. Happy birthday straight guy.your new age is blessed in Jesus name 🙏

    Happy birthday Kamila. God bless you.

  38. Hello ihn 🥰🥰
    Good afternoon everyone.

    This kind of sun eeh I never see o. God have mercy upon us (in that Ghanaian actor's voice)

    Thank you so much Stella 😘 God bless you. I've been using that old phone for 6yrs now. The battery is weak and it's an inbuilt battery it can hang for Africa 😅 infact so many wahala dey the phone body. So what these shop people do is, they buy old phones like my own, do some repairs and put in in their shop as London use. You buy thinking it's London use, take home and after few days wahala don start.

    Happy birthday bv Straight Guy🎂may the grounds you walk on be greener.

    Happy birthday princess Kamila😘 God bless and keep you.

    The bv going in for surgery, it is well with you 🤗 I pray a successful surgery.

    Bvs enjoy the rest of your day.
    E go surely be ✌️

    1. Congratulations my woman 💃💃💃I’m super happy for you 🩷

    2. Congratulations dear, you will enjoy it to the fullest.

    3. Thanks my lovely people 😘😘 God bless you 🤗

  39. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Happy birthday straight guy and the cute princess, God bless your new ages. 🙏🏿🙏🏿

  40. Happy birthday, Bv Straight guy. May God be good to you.

    Happy birthday, Kamila. Grow and excel!

    The Bv going for surgery, may God be with you. I wish you swift healing.

  41. IHN
    Good afternoon everyone 🥳

    Happy birthday BV Straight guy 🥳🎂🎊🎉
    Happy birthday baby Kamila🥳🎂🎉🎊🎂
    The BV going for surgery, I pray for a successful surgery. May the Lord go with you and perfect everythings concerning you in Jesus name Amen 🙏

    Happy Women Crush Wednesday to all the amazing women here 🥰

  42. Happy birthday to today's celebrants. God bless your new ages.

  43. I miss reading Martins' comments

  44. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog.

  45. Happy birthday Straight guy, may God bless & prosper you.
    Happy birthday Poshscents lovely daughter, God bless you dear.
    Stella maami, pls I would take the business giveaway, all are important to me biko. Thanks so much.
    Good afternoon beautiful people.

  46. Happy birthday straight guy and happy 1st birthday baby Kamila, May the Lord continue to shine his light upon both of you in Jesus name.

  47. Happy birthday baby girl and happy birthday bv straight guy🎂🥂

  48. Good afternoon everyone

    Happy birthday straight guy🎂
    Happy birthday kamila🎂you will live long and prosper🤗

  49. Happy birthday BV Straight Guy....God bless ur new age

    Good afternoon everyone 🥰🥰

  50. Happy birthday to you Straight guy 🎉
    Happy birthday to Kamila
    Successful surgery I wish for the BV going for myom surgery, it will end in praise..
    Y'all enjoy the rest of your day

  51. The Bv going for myoma surgery tomorrow will come out alive , Jehovah will take absolute control

    Good afternoon everyone.

  52. Happy Borthday BV straight guy. See how you stand straight, your name suit you. Enjoy the day and may this new year bring untold blessings into your life.

    Pinky, that story is just horrible. The guy didn’t have to beat her at all he could have declared the marriage annulled publicly, state the reason and move on. At the end of the day no matter how we feel about anyone, each person owns their body to do with as they please, it’s theirs so we just move on when someone lacks responsibilit.

    Let us normalize cutting off exes completely and not having anything to do with them. Do we show up at old places we used to work to work one last day before we go to our new job? Do we show up to our old places we used to live to just walk through the house again after moving away? Why do folks want to have relations with exes before their wedding day? So you going to bring the mouth and body you used on the ex to use on your spouse the next day. Some with the ejaculate from the ex still in them bringing right over to their wedding night, and we wonder why marriages are having so much issues these days.

  53. Note to self ”Never give up on yourself". I like it.

  54. Happy birthday Straight Guy.
    Happy princess Kamila.

  55. Happy birthday to the celebrant many more years ahead.

  56. Happy Birthday BV Straight Guy and Baby Kamila....May God bless your new age (Amen)

  57. Good afternoon
    Happy birthday to the celebrants.

  58. Ma'am Stella I really need that 50k phone, I'm managing my phone but I don't have money to add up now, I'm focusing on growing my business, frist alot happened to me around November and December last year but I thanks God for everything,not easy loosing your love ones in such manner.

    1. Bennycoco you are still on this blog?
      Giveaway don bring you out 🤣
      So your phone sef get issues? 🤣🤣

  59. Wetin be our offense wey this sun kan vex like this?

    Hapoy natal day to ur Bv Straight giy..You straight well cutve at all

    Your are 40 and not faulty

  60. Hello guys, how una dey?
    If Una get rain for una side , make una share small ooo😔😔, na hell fire we dey🥺.
    Happy women crush Wednesday to all hard working first daughters, Oluwa gat Us 🙏.

    WE MOVE!!

  61. Happy birthday Kamila baby.
    Happy birthday straight guy.

    How hard is it to be faithful to someone that you truly love? , it's a pity that she might lose her husband cause of her selfishness.

    Good afternoon.

  62. Good afternoon everyone
    Happy birthday to the celebrants

  63. Happy birthday bv straight guy. I pray for open doors for you.

    Happy birthday to your baby poshscent. God's blessings and protection be upon her.

    Bv going for myon surgery, may it be successful. And I I pray for permanent healing upon you.

  64. I'm grateful to God for everything He has done and He is doing in my life.🙇‍♂️

    1. You will always have reasons to be grateful to God.

  65. Good afternoon family. Happy birthday cutie pie. May you live long and healthy.

  66. Good afternoon, everyone
    Stella, please I will like to apply for the phone give away for my daughter that's is school,she has been complaining about her infinite phone since last year but now it has packed up. I have been calling her through her room mate;s phone. Please she will really appreciate it, she is coming home from school by end of the month, I was thinking of giving her my own though it would affect my business but if I don't who would.
    Thanks in anticipation

    1. The audacity!
      Phone giveaway that have not reached bvs is what you are applying on behalf of your child?
      F*ck off!

  67. Yey🤸🤸🤸
    Never give up on yourself gbam
    Good afternoon everyone

  68. Pinky that bad behavior is very common among new brides. This is how they give another man's children to the their husbands. All men should do DNA test on their firstborns.

  69. The British pound is the world's oldest currency still in use today. It is 1200 years old.


  70. The British pound is the world's oldest currency still in use today. It is 1200 years old.


  71. Happy birthday Bv Straight guy and Bv Poshscent's daughter

  72. Happy Birthday day Bv Straight guy, may the Lord perfect all that concerns you.🎂🥂

  73. Happy birthday straight guy, may God perfect all that concerns you Amen
    Happy birthday to you Kamila baby More win
    Has been busy since afternoon, never get time and strength to read those comments up there sef ,mk I enjoy my special white soup first


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