Stella Dimoko Tuesday In House News..



Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tuesday In House News..


I salute everybody ooooooo..
Abeg has anyone watched zeeone series called  'Sister wives''? well, i saw something like that and it looked kinda interesting but i cant watch it but wanna know the story.....This wicked people dont finish the series on free TV....LOL
I bought a powerbank yesterday that has charging cables for iphone and android phones, it is soo cute and will sell out in Naija... This one nah bizness idea oooooooh....So when next i am coming to naija i will bring some to make cool cash ( I hope that i can collect money from people and dash them oh).... 
Teejay i saw you saying your phone was going off, please get a power bank and you you will be fine....
There is a 500k giveaway next month and i want to choose 5 people who have not received anything before.....The money is for bizness if you feel that 100k can make a small difference in an already existing business, tell us the business and indicate what you would do with it...Pease any new ID should not spring up and if you ID started commenting in the last 6 months, please dont bother.....I dont want al that giveaway craziness here again.......
No fights in the comment section oh......
Have a nice day and dont step on toes to get your daily bread....

What am i cooking today?I am making Lasagne......Shout out to the people fasting,may God give you all strength.


Dear Men,
-Before you send a woman money to buy a dress make sure you have bought a nice suit for yourself..

-Before you send a woman money to buy makeup make sure you have bought that expensive perfume for yourself.

-Before you send a woman money to buy data bundles make sure you have paid your WiFi.

-Before you send a woman money for lunch make sure you have enough food in your house.

-Before you send a woman money make sure you have settled your bills, needs & wants.

Men, learn to love yourselves and stop neglecting yourselves to impress women who don't even care about you, life is short! be happy and Stay blessed. 


I repeat, always "LET THEM GO"

1- Never feel as if the world is coming to an end. When someone decides to walk out of your life, "LET THEM GO"

2- Trying to force someone to love you is like teaching a pig how to appreciate beauty and cleanliness. Don't force them let them love you and if they don't. "LET THEM GO"

3- You are too precious to beg for love. A person who love you will respect you and will not treat you like trash. "LET THEM GO"

4- Don't waste your valueable time trying to convince or beg anyone to love you. Someone out there is sinking deeply in love with you but you are damn busy chasing broken dream. WHY??? "LET THEM GO"

5- Never be sad if someone else prefers another over you, it's always difficult to convince a monkey that strawberry is sweeter than bannana. "LET THEM GO"

6- Any man/ woman that takes you for granted will eventually take advantage of you. Don't preserve just "LET THEM GO"

7- There are people who will never love you no matter how much love you show and that's okay. "LET THEM GO"

8- Their rejection of you does not mean
there is something wrong with you, it simply means they are not meant to be with you. Don't force a circle shape into a triangle shape. "JUST LET THEM GO"

9- You can't change anyone's opinion about you, but you can prevent their opinion from changing you. "LET THEM GO"

10- Cheap people buy cheap things and if they can't afford to be with you it means they are cheap. " LET THEM GO "

11- Don't undermine yourself you are so precious and know that someone somewhere is fasting and praying just to have a lover like you, so look forward and let these cowards GO


The average human throat is about 5 inches deep

Toxic relationships increase your risk of heart disease, anxiety, depression and weaken your immune system
Positive relationships reduce stress, improve confidence, self-worth and boost your sense of belonging


Albert Einstein was known to sleep for at least 10 hours a night

Foreign Accent Syndrome: A brain disorder that causes the sufferer to speak in a foreign accent, involuntarily.

Happy people tend to have deeper conversations with others
Researchers have also found that the more substantive conversations you have, the happier you'll be


Your brain begins to feed on its own neurons when it doesn't get enough sleep



  1. Replies
    1. I greet you specially sis 💞🤗
      Welcome IHN 🥰🥰

    2. Good afternoon Sweet pure
      This kind Sun can fry egg ooh
      Oh boy!

    3. Greetings
      Purest sweetie 🥰

      Hello iya Boys

    4. Hello dear PSP, how you dey?

    5. Good afternoon sweet pure

    6. Good afternoon my beautiful and lovely Gloglo, Adabeke, chikalicious chika, pretty patience,Adunni, MercyBee and Lora baby 🤗❤️🥰


  3. How I managed to inherit Adam's sin and not Solomon's Wealth from the Bible is what baffles me till date.*

  4. Ihn is here
    The sun can fry egg
    Freaking hot
    Abi na sun God wan Carry end the world ??


  5. It's IHN O' CLOCK
    Good afternoon lovelies 🌞
    Beautiful weather today 👌

  6. Good afternoon Beautiful People ♥️

  7. Hola darlings

    How’s the sun and heat treating y’all?

    Beauty in Black is back with 8 episodes on Netflix oh❗️I say make I update una

    Ciao 💋💋

    1. I don download am to watch later. 😊

      Hello Sis 💖

    2. Thanks dear, let me go download for weekend.

    3. Sun is sunning again o, just last night rain was falling heavily

    4. I don't like the dialogues! Unnecessarily over stretched

    5. The movie is goood ❤️ can’t wait to watch s2

    6. Thank you for the update 😘

    7. Such a great movie....I'm done with it. Waiting for the next season

  8. Memo for men still talks about women. Oh boy! 🤦‍♀️. Hope y'all are staying hydrated cos the heat these eh, I no just understand. Beauty in black, i don't know if it's just me but episodes 9 and 10 wasn't it for me.

    1. I started watching episode 9 today and had to pause because I wasn't feeling it as well. I'll continue later.

    2. There's no man without a woman & vice versa... naso God do am. Lol. Hope your day is fine dear?

    3. Episodes 9&10 is out when am almost forgetting the previous episodes sef.🙄 God help me

    4. The heat is on a mission but it "werk" for it. 🤣🤣

    5. Metoyou, or maybe the excitement sef don vamoose.
      Adunni darl, I dey o. Just really really hot. How your side?
      MercyBee, I think it has about 16 episodes. Omo i need ginger to finish it.
      Joan, it is hooooot
      Acenene, it's season 1, just more episodes.


  9. To alll those who don't read instructions.
    Stella said the giveaway is for those who have not collected any giveaway before on this blog and the person must have been commenting for over 6 months.
    Follow instructions to avoid embarrassment o.

    1. I pray they read your comment before applying. Dem no dey hear word for this blog

    2. Maybe Stella wanted to say those who have not gotten a business giveaway before.
      No BV wey dey here for years wey never benefited from here unless the new ones and Stella doesn't want new Id.
      Or maybe I'm wrong sha

    3. Don't bother your pretty head my dear Suave. When compiling names, I will not include anyone who does not meet the criteria. I know those who have gotten giveaway in the past and those with new IDs. Plastic IDs are invalid

    4. Biz really? So you even read and understood the memo and yet you still went ahead to apply?
      You should be banned from giveaway for six months

    5. Anon15:15 abeg make u no vex oooo. Don't let Stella ban me for 6months abeg 😁😁😁I have apologized for applying down there already
      Why u con vex finish like this nah😊

    6. Hahahahahaha una no go kill me here today.
      Stella no ban them edakun
      Na stubborn children dem be. Dem no dey follow instructions

  10. Good afternoon everyone
    Rain should start o.
    The weather is very hot.

  11. Good afternoon bvs

    Yesterday's sun was mad. Today is okay. Thanks to the rain. I am not surprised on the weather. It's the season. March is like that.

    Tomorrow is my special day. I will be celebrating a special year in my life

    Cheers everyone. Have a great day

  12. Hello beautiful people 😍
    It's been a while...
    I have been offline for 4 days...
    For the past 2 weeks, I have been going back and forth with phone Wahala... This is not a begging post please
    So, two weeks ago, I opened my phone for the first time since 3 years ago that I bought it brand new to change the charging port...
    Since that day, it has been from one problem to another... I have spent close to 30k plui don't know why
    Last night again, the screen went blank, I just came back from repair office now, I changed the phone screen for the first time again...
    I just that God ll lay his mighty hands upon it this time, cos I am frustrated...
    Tommorow is my baby girl first birthday 🎉

    1. Start saving money to buy a new phone. The money that you have spent so far when you add money to it you can get a new phone.

    2. Omo, I pity SDK. If blog is like this, how does her inbox look like?
      They are talking about business giveaway some of them are stylishly applying for phone money 🤣🤣🤣

    3. That phone must be infini*

      Once u touch it! Different things will start happening to it

  13. Good afternoon,
    Today,the sun is very, very angry,
    Na wa oo,abeg pity us.

  14. SDK, I don't think there is any Bv here who has a valid blog ID that has never received any giveaway here before, except you mean those who have never received business giveaway before. I fall into the last category.

    1. I have the same feeling
      Maybe she meant those who have never gotten business giveaway before. Almost everyone here have gotten one giveaway or the other here, except a few like Marie, Chocolat Noir and Dante. She picks those who did not even apply and dashes them something for being bvs here. Dante would have gotten but he rejects it each time.

    2. She said "if you have not received anything before". So pls adhere to instructions.

      I would have applied if she meant those who have not gotten business giveaway before because I have never gotten a business giveaway before.
      Thanks for all you do SDK

  15. Good afternoon everyone

    Ameen to your prayers stella

  16. The first Anonymous on my comment earlier today on spontaneous post, I carry hand up for you oooo. Comment I made here over four years ago if not more and you still haven't forgotten.

    Sweetie, I know you're a she with an ID. I would have appreciate and love you more with an ID saying that. You didn't say anything bad to hide under anonymity. Beside, I don't bite anymore. Like I said, that was in the past. I'm a changed man now and no longer in the 'World.' Abeg forgive me, don't hold it against me again you hear.

    So if to say I want contest for election now, na so you for flashback that comment🙆 I will start minding what I say here henceforth since you people don't forget things here.

    @ Glory O,

    I saw your comment on spontaneous post as well. Pls Ma'am, can you stop this now????

    Pls move on!!! I beg of you.

    I still want to be here commenting and also want same for you as well.

    Pls stop this now!!!

    I chose calmness and peace over drama. Regardless, I still want the best for you and will never disrespect you in any way. So never you walk this path of disrespect you've chosen on me.

    Enough said!!!

    © TEEJAY

    1. Glory O your blog boo? What happened?
      Una don gbensh?
      Hian o!
      Let me go and read the said comment 🏃🏃🏃
      Meanwhile, the anon you are warning, after what you have seen here that your fellow men attacked you unprovoked, how can you be so sure that the person was a female?
      I come in peace o ✌️✌️

    2. Glory O is now a ma'am? Wow!!!! What happened to the "love", Sugar, Sweetie pie 😅😅😅😅🤣

    3. I'm back from SP.
      Glory stop going under Teejay to shade him.
      Whatever happened to your blog love, let it remain in your inboxes 🫢

    4. Glory O? Trailer don pass between una 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Unku have chop and clean mouth

    5. Teejay, I had to scroll back and read Glory comment under yours. That lady did not say anything bad that will warrant this call out. Apologise to her pls.

      Yours secrete admirer. I love tall and slim guys because...... You know what I am saying,

    6. Ah ah!! You and your love don fight nawnawnaw😏 na so una dey do for hiia love wey still dey fresh don scatter even b4 starting.

    7. After that internet love between you two? It's a lie. Teeglo must continue.

    8. Well! Well!! Well!!! What's going on here? Teejay wetin bring this plenty spill

    9. I don't comment on this blog again with my ID but I had to come out of sabbatical to laugh out loud. Anons be cracking me the heck up! Teejay!!! What happened to you and your supposed sweetheart?

    10. Teejay why do you choose to address Glory o like this? Na wa o.

    11. 15:11, Glory said he will soon go and report, she was shading Teejay. She was wrong. Let's call a spade a spade.
      Btw, I'm not supposed to interfere in lovers fight before they use me and settle 🤣

    12. Lol, I just came from sp. Your annoyance is because she said you will report them.

      Glory o move on? So you guys have connected already and we didn't know? Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!

    13. Anon 15:11,

      You won't understand dear..I don't usually do this call out. For someone who once professed blog love to me here to come under my thread to say I'm going to report the anonymous making jest of me speaks volume. Simply cos Stella said the other time that I came to her inbox to report a troll. If this isn't a mockery to me by her, then you're not being fair to me.

      For she to be suddenly doing this to me should get you concerned what did change.

      Stella, I will get a new phone by the end of the month. I can't put on my phone without light or power bank. The battery doesn't add. It's a panel problem
      So without a charged power bank or light I can't be online. Already made arrangement for a phone. This is the reason I no longer engage in some post or come back to some comments.

      Hopefully, by next week or thereabout, I will sort all about it. See you guys tomorrow morning. My battery almost out. Draining with the speed of light.

      © TEEJAY

    14. Teejay, what is wrong now? are you guys dating or u guys have dated before?

      again, dont allow any woman to bring you into some nasty drama except if you want to dirty the white garment given to you by God. and again, Hope u didn't try any funny thing with her cuz that's the only way some ladies can get a man..

      i dey here dey read response..please charge ur power bank cuz we need more info

    15. @ Anon 15:11 I tire oo tell them
      Na my normal commenting oo
      Me dancing gwogwongwo

    16. Wait. Did you guys date???? Sounds like love turned sour, abi how do they say it sef!

    17. Mc pincky I follow you here dey read dey go 🙄🙄

    18. You don insert phone again ikwakwakwakwakwakwa this guy sha..

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    19. Teejay, you don't need a new phone..You only need to change the downbaord and its 4k

    20. Slim shady Teejay 's email is visible on his profile, so it is easy for them to connect. He must have knacked her better thing and moved on.
      Don't you notice that Glory doesn't comment like a horny person anymore?

      She has moved on to King Jerry. That one sef go knack am better thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Choi, I miss Onyingate and Aunty oyokometer in times like this. The narration of this their fight on Sunday would have been epic kwakwakwa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    21. This blog is a season feem 🤣😂😂🤣🤣

    22. Kingjerry with his big duck, I missed aunty oyokometer drama drama drama

    23. What's going on
      Glory,he doesn't like Ur joke,so stop.. lovers fight no dey last

  17. Stella I need the money to do well with writing freelancing business. My last laptop pack up and people don't like articles written with phone. please help me to get a new used laptop for the business it would help me get jobs easily and to execute them as well.

  18. Good afternoon everyone......Wow the throat fact...So its just 5 inches long; some ladies throat game is unmatched....

    Wow 5 people are gonna smile soon....This is lovely...Congratulations in advance to them....Long live SDK blog.....

    Have a terrific Tuesday.....We need rain mehn!!

  19. The rain we have been asking for arrived in grand style last night….And I slept like a new born baby. Lol. Nothing like nature abeg, with all the fan blowing me, the natural cool breeze was BAE.
    Stella, pls can I be a recipient of this phone I have been managing, broken screen & all has finally collapsed. Kindly consider me pls,I will be so grateful. Thank you so much.
    Good afternoon beautiful people, may God bless our hustles today.

    1. This giveaway is for business, not phone. Go up and read again 🙄

  20. When I hear people talking about insomnia, that they find it difficult to sleep at night. Sometimes the cause may be as a result of living in an unconducive environment,
    Noisy area,
    Hot weather mostly when there is no light.
    Your bed mattress is it comfortable for sleep??
    Do you take your bath before going to bed??
    Toxic neighbors .

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That taking a bath before sleeping it's me o. Can't sleep without a shower.

    3. That taking a bath before sleeping it's me o. Can't sleep without a shower.

    4. I have none of this and still struggle to sleep at night, instead I will be busy playing candy crush.

    5. @Eka, people enjoy that game ehen....I will try to quickly win an episode race only to discover someone else already won it. The thing dey pain ehn.

    God bless us all.
    Cheers 🌹🌹🌹

  22. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog.

  23. Good afternoon Bvs
    I just want sleep😞

  24. IHN is here people .

    Hope your day is going as planned. 😘

  25. Good afternoon everyone, how is the day going? Weather is so hot and sunny despite the rain last night.

    Stella, sister wives is a very interesting story, you go enjoy am but some part go vex you o🤣🤣🤣 but very very interesting story.
    They finished season one since November abi December, we dey wait for part two.
    A wonderful afternoon to everyone

    1. Stella, I would be glad and appreciate if I'm part of the recipents. I sell foodstuff , pure water and drinks.
      I will use the money to buy manual grinder, the one they use in grinding ogbonno and egusi. As I really need it for my business.
      God bless the giver of the giveaway and bless Stella🙏🙏

    2. BIZ why so greedy?
      Did you not read the memo?
      She said it is for those that have never gotten giveaway here before. You have gotten several giveaways here including business giveaways

    3. Okay, anon. I thought Stella wanted to say those who have not gotten business giveaway before.
      I have gotten giveaways here before, but never gotten a business giveaway.
      Sorry for applying Stella😊

    4. You thought?
      You are now thinking for Stella

  26. Good afternoon guys, how are y'all doing today?
    Heat here dey cook us ooo🥺,God Abeg ooo open heaven let there be rain, before person go crazy 🤣.

    Pls ooo, I am interested in the business give away, I already have an existing business. I sell perfume, body spray, roll on, wrist watches etc.
    I move around with my goods and I have mentioned my business here abeg Stella help me, this money will help me buy more goods and upgrade thank you.


    1. Have you not gotten ANY giveaway in the past or you didn't read the memo?

    2. Anon ,I'm not sure sugar has gotten before

  27. True..
    Never beg for love, Never beg to be loved, never beg for attention.If you ain't the one, then you are certainly not it. Don't even try to push it.
    If you as much as go these route, you will be giving them the power to use you and walk over you and kpim you no go fit is not a sweet experience at all....

  28. I am into building construction and other things that has to do with building and renovation. I will appreciate the 100k business grant, I will use it for POS business. I have a POS machine that I only use for transfer as there is no cash to do withdrawals on it. I got it for POS business to compliment the building business as it doesn't come everytime but after my wife delivered our last baby a few months back, there has not been any job, the POS cash was used for delivery and baby items and since then I have been doing odd jobs to make ends meet while my wife sells food stuff at home. This claim can be checked by any Ilorin Bv.
    Glam Granny thank you so much. May God bless you and other angels for your kindness.
    Thanks SDK for your platform.

    NB: I am not a new Bv, I lost my old blog ID and got this one, a Google search of my name (Megasam Aluminum) will bring old advert posts where I was featured and also comments carrying my name.

  29. Sister's wives, is interesting Stella,you will like it..

    Una Good Afternoon 👍 👏

    The weather di kwa very hot 🔥 🥵
    Over hot 🔥 dey worry dis weather.

    1. So, una dey wey dey watch zee world for here? Think say nah only me and Simply Divine dey watch o🤣🤣🤣

  30. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. God bless you for enriching lives. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  31. God must be angry with is cuz what is this sun o

    The sun almost fried my brain

  32. Thank God for yesterday's rain. The weather's calm a bit today.

    Hello everyone....

    1. True Cyn, the rain was a blessing because I was already feeling sick. At least today is a bit cool.

  33. Good afternoon family, the weather is s bit friendly today, Thanks GOD. Stella good afternoon, I would like to apply for the 100k business giveaway.
    As a small chops business owner, this funding will be a game changer .Specifically, I plan to utilize the 100k to,
    Rent a commercial stand
    Purchase an umbrella
    Aquire a cooler for drinks.
    This investment will enable me to transition from operating my business from home to a more visible and accessible location. I hope you considerd me, I will appreciate it forever. Thanks and GOD bless.

  34. I finally watched Ada omo daddy,omg it was a very emotional movie for me, I almost entered my phone to slap the lady. Mercy aigbe really tried on that project

  35. Hello ihn😘😘
    Good afternoon everyone😘 how is the sun treating you all.

    Oya make una clear road for the newest phone owner💃💃 I got my phone today. So I sold my old worn-out phone for 20k added shikini money to the 50k SDK gave me and got a new phone. Thank you so much Stella. I'm free from jagajaga phone that dies at any point. God bless you and replenish your pocket in million folds🙏

    Bvs enjoy the rest of your day.
    E go surely be ✌️

    1. Congratulations my Ezigbo nwanne ✌️✌️

    2. Congratulations
      Oya send the phone pics and proof of purchase to SDK mail

    3. Congratulations Osundi,

    4. Thank God for you sis. Congratulations 👏👏🎉

    5. As in ehn @1547
      Some of them are as fake as they come and I am glad you know it too

  36. Stella please I'm applying for the giveaway, this is my first time of ever applying for giveaway, but these days business has been good on the other hand, I sell lingerie, undies and perfume oil. The 100k will really go a long way to restock, my goods . I sell both online and offline. I'll really appreciate if I can be considered

    1. Business has been good according to you, so why are you applying for giveaway?
      You should be doing giveaway to appreciate God for a good business

    2. Anon maybe she is a Winners member
      Is they are sick they will say they are strong
      If they are broke they will say they are rich.
      Clueless people

  37. Dua's happily married life takes a drastic turn when her husband, Haider, marries another woman, Ghazal. Both Ghazal and Dua give birth to Haider's child. 22 years later..

  38. Good afternoon my lovely SDK family.
    Hope we're enjoying our day?
    Concerning the giveaway, I don't know maybe am qualified, am in to chicken rearing business, buy from a day old till 8- 10 weeks, then get a buyer, some prefer to buy it life, while some wants it neatly packaged ( cut four). Presently I have 100 birds to be neatly packaged in to cut four this week by God's grace.

    1. Invalid!
      Go and get a proper blog ID

    2. "Desire" is the proper blog ID while this plastic one "Sally B" is the second one.
      Come and get giveaway let me see you

  39. Hello BeeVees Yaya Azumi??? May God reward Us all with peace and prosperity.
    Meanwhile I still dey sell Kulikuli ooo

  40. Rain dat fell in FCDA Kubwa yesterday...serious rain with ice block falling from d sky...only for me to get to biaji and everywhere was dry..
    When I asked my neighbor...she said it only drizzled...

    God is wonderful

    Stella... pls I am humbly applying for d will help me get some goods(thrift men's wears)..cos dats what I sell as a side hustle to my work...God bless 🙏🙏

    Good afternoon everyone 😍🥰

    1. You can't read or what?
      You got several giveaways in the past including business giveaways, what is wrong with your brain?

  41. Goodafternoon oooooo
    In House News Done Landlicious
    In House News Done Landing oooo
    Iya Boys Please Consider Me For The Business Giveaway cos am Saving Up To Get A Small Space Where I Can Be Buying made in Nigeria wears to sells and Also Selling Of Zobo Drinks..
    I will Be Very Grateful if am Considered
    Thank You Ma🫂

    Hello iya Boys

    1. You have gotten other giveaway in the past, I still remember that 25k among others. They said it is for those that have not gotten any giveaway

    2. Good afternoon beautiful sis 🤗

  42. Stella your bvs are something else 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    As the conditions for applying for the business giveaway no favour them, they are now focusing on phone support giveaway. New applicants have emerged today even when you didn't ask them to apply again.
    Pls just forget about the 50k phone support giveaway. Use the money for something else, you can add it to the business giveaway or use it for fasting giveaway for Christians.

    1. Despite the conditions some of them greedy and stubborn ones are still applying. I wish Stella will ban them from giveaway for months

  43. Good afternoon everyone, hope our day is going well, today di too busy for me oo
    See ya😘🥰

    1. How far? Scroll up, you've got mail. Ikwakwakwkawakwakwakwa

    2. Miss Aboki I follow you laf ikwakwakwa huhuhu hahahah hihhihi😆😆😜

    3. Glory stop turning it to joke let's be serious, una gbensh abi una no gbensh?

    4. Aboki leave me abeg 😂😂na real you’ve got a mail .

  44. Lol Stella they will not pay o, except you collect money before giving them the power bank. They will take it as your gift to them from abroad, trust Nigerians.
    Memo to men o, memo to women o, I don't read anyone again.
    Weird facts are educative

  45. I beg to apply for this giveaway
    I have not received any and now is peak period for my Cocacola business. People are drinking coke daily na money to stock up is what I need. SDK please look my direction and God will continue to lift you up Amen
    Good afternoon good people of God

  46. Thanks Glam Granny Gigi in U.S.A., more blessings to you. SDK I'm available to compile the names of applicants.

    1. Sebi you are seeing those greedy lots applying after getting giveaways here, just exclude their names.
      Also exclude the plastic IDs. Stella already warned them that plastic IDs will not be considered for any giveaway after they ripped her off using plastic IDs.

    2. Is this like a volunteering job for you or what? Fill me the heck in! Who send you message??

    3. 16:35, she is our giveaway collator, leave her alone. Go and get a proper blog ID. Follow other instructions if you want giveaway. Simple!

  47. Today's IHN has potentials, I will be investing...

  48. It is like its only Xp that knows what went down between Miliki and Stella.Abi no be so?

    1. Mumu anon
      You must be dumb or your miserable self was in a rehab when the drama between milki and Stella happened here for everyone to see.
      Wai, milki is this you? So you are back in the comment section after the warning?
      Useless boy.

    2. Xp is actually cool cos she gave me her listening ears and grasped what I had to say unlike others with their judgemental selves. Her trying to control how I comment online was the last straw that broke the camel's back for me. I am still happy that she reached out regardless. Toodles!!

  49. Stella this one you said the power bank is potable? I have always know that potable power banks to have low battery capacity.

    Because of the inconsistent power supply in Nigeria, you can hardly see a phone presiding individual in this phone pressing generation using a power bank with battery capacity below 25000MAh. 25000 is even small.

  50. 100k will help me buy a button hole machine for my business

    1. See this one too. Many things disqualify you.
      Number one, plastic blog ID
      Number two, You have gotten several giveaways here, almost 1million altogether, yet you still came here to shamelessly apply after the instruction up there.
      Disobedience and greediness should be punished

    2. False accuser, how's you?

  51. Big STELLA if you can bring the power bank... I will buy part of it and re sell them here

    I get buyers already and 100k will help pick 15 cartoons of G**no Maggie biko


    1. Go and beg your fellow man yo help you.
      Men supporting men init?

  52. Good afternoon all
    How are you all doing?
    Rain is gathering here and I'm happy. I love cold weather.
    You all enjoy the rest of your day

  53. Hello 👋🫂👋

    Thank you Stella for all you do. May God bless you richly.

  54. The sun here can fry human beans i swear.

    Thank you so so much Glam Granny for the birthday cash gift. I'm so grateful ma. The good :ord will continue to be with you and also perfect everything that concerns you in Jesus name.

    Stella, thanks for all you do and may the good Lord continue to bless every of ur endeavours.

  55. IHN
    Good afternoon everyone 🥳

    "And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking." Luke 5:6

    I pray for you in the name of the Lord that you will not labour in vain, your labour shall encounter the favour of the Lord.

    I wish you all a blessed and exciting day

  56. Good day bvs, howz the go dey go, u na do

  57. Good afternoon everyone
    We need more rain LORD this heat is killing 😔
    See me just dey seat like Christmas goat 😅

  58. Reading some comments here ddey make me laugh...abeg, make una no start that matter ooooo cuz i go drag una like rope

  59. In 1987, it was revealed that Queen Elizabeth II had two secret cousins with severe disabilities, who had been kept hidden from the public.


  60. Good afternoon everyone. Please Stella I would want the business giveaway to add to my provision store. I will be grateful if am considered. I have not gotten any giveaway here. Thanks

  61. SDK e for good you share this money 20k for regular commenters hunger dey abeg

  62. the heat is heating oh
    oluwa have mercy on us and send down some rain

  63. Forgiveness is the greatest demonstration of love.
    How una dey my people?

  64. Good afternoon all
    Thanks Glam Granny, thanks SDK,
    God bless you both.
    Back from school run

  65. Who goes you that's scared of Miliki? You must be a giveaway scavenger that's thinking he's a competition to your fake ass self that switch from ID to Anon to troll. Don't let high BP kee you sha.

    1. Miliki you said you have stopped commenting for good, why can't you be man enough to stay away?

    2. I won't stay away, lovely. Come and tell me if the Internet is yours and yours only to be flexing. I have been here before and it's not like I haven't right? I know you and that HR lady are pained but it's what it is. Don't cry too much and forgive me please!!

    3. Why the violence ?

    4. Who dash am man?
      Miliki is a useless boy
      Dem bury him placenta inside this blog

  66. Good afternoon bvs
    Rain has started here, I pray I sell these fruits o, let me not enter gbese lol.
    Comment section is hot this afternoon. Stella said no fight, how won't there be fight on a giveaway post? 🤣

  67. Is like if SDK should stop giveaway some brothers and sisters will stop commenting on this blog. The way some people dey carry this thing for head am just like waooo
    Anyways God continue to bless SDK 🙏


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