Stella Dimoko Thursday Spontaneous Post



Thursday, March 06, 2025

Thursday Spontaneous Post

 #waymaker #promisekeeper #miracleworker #blessedGod #weloveyouLord #smile #beautifulthursday #timelessthursday

Good Morning....

Everyday is a gift and if you are up and reading this, congratulations and know that you are blessed in Jesus might name.......
Have a fantastic day......



  1. Dear Parents,
    Just because you can afford to buy any luxury your kids need, doesn't mean you should actually get it for them. If you provide everything they want on a platter, you risk raising entitled adults and reckless spenders!
    Let your kids know, that making money isn't easy. Teach them the value of working hard, thinking smart, and spending wisely.
    Yes, life na just once, and we should enjoy ourselves bla bla bla. But moderation and common sense should always prevail.
    Remember, "....all things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial".
    Lastly, discourage food wastage. Just because food stuff full house, no mean say children go dey waste am anyhow. Let them be Grateful!!
    Privileged living is good, but should never be abused!
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

    1. Nice one.
      Good morning all.

    2. Well Spoken πŸ‘

      Goodmorning Brotherly

      Hello iya Boys

    3. No better words said. Good morning

    4. Well, I can't help it. I will give my kids the best I can afford but still teach them contentment!

    5. I know someone on this table. She buys her child everything. Yet that child lacks contentment. Whatever he sees on/with others, even if it's an adult, he tells the mum and that one without thinking, will get it for him. Should I say the most annoying thing is that, the child now steals. Take things that doesn't belong to him and lie he didn't. He wants to have a new pair of trainers, he lied that the one he is using is now very tight. The mother didn't make any finding but paid for another to be gotten. Meanwhile, the so called tight snickers, the child uses shoe pad with it.

  2. Heavenly Father,we thank you for another wonderful Thursday morning.
    In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
    in the morning I lay my requests before you
    and wait expectantly.
    (Psalm 5:3)
    Oh Lord, we thank you for your faithfulness that is evident in our lives, despite our human tendencies to fail,Lord you still remain steadfast and unchanging. We praise you for your unconditional love, and for your grace that is sufficient for us.
    Abba father establish the works of our hands by helping us to be productive, patient, focused, and insightful. Thank you Jesus and may your name be praised πŸ™

  3. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    When life gets harder, hold on to God tighter.
    Belated happy birthday to you, Pinky my brother, wishing you a happy many returns of the day and cheers πŸ₯‚ to a better life ahead πŸ™.
    Have a nice day ahead guys, One Love.

    1. Word πŸ‘
      Good morning darling πŸ’šπŸ’™ have an amazing day

  4. Rhapsody

    God's Ultimate Plan For The Church!!
    Ephesians 4:13.

    "The Lord is bringing the Church into that state of maturity, and then the Rapture will take place. This doesn't mean there won't be spiritual babies in the Church nor does it mean that those who have just given their hearts to Christ would suddenly grow into maturity. No! The Spirit is dealing here with the nationhood of the Church—the body of Christ."

    "The sum total of our understanding, our walk in Christ, our consciousness, will be one of those who have come to maturity, completeness, wholeness and perfection."


    I walk in the fullness of Christ, manifesting His nature; I live in the consciousness of this glorious reality, and I declare that the church is moving collectively into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ even as the Lord’s return is imminent. Amen.

  5. Good morning all and have a positive day ahead πŸ₯°❤️

    1. Good morning pure sis πŸ’ž

    2. Goodmorning
      Purest sweetie πŸ₯°

      Hello iya Boys

    3. Good morning dear purest Nwanne m

    4. Good morning beautiful Gloglo
      My beautiful MercyBee
      My darling chikalicious chika my darling Glory O ezigbo nwanne madu πŸ₯°πŸ˜

    5. Good morning beautiful Pure 😍



    Oh Allah, on this day, do not let us abase ourself by incurring your disobedience, and do not strike us with the whip of your punishment, keep us away from the causes of your anger, by your kindness and your power, Oh the ultimate wish of those who desire . Amin ya Allah 🀲
    Good morning everyone

  7. Life is too short to keep frowning and brooding about. Smile and be happy. Remember smiling is a medicine for looking younger.

    Good morning blogfam jhole we had a refreshing night rest? May we find fulfilment is our endeavors this day. I wish us a safe day ahead

    1. You too Brizzle πŸ’•

      Good morning fam πŸ’•

    2. Yes o it doesnt cost anything to wear a smile on your face.

      Good morning Omo BπŸ’•πŸ’•


    1. NNlicious sweetie πŸ₯°

      Hello iya Boys

    2. Good morning ijele Nnukwu Nwayi 😍

    3. Good morning beautiful NN 😍

    4. Good morning nwanyioma😘 have a blessed day.

  9. Yes o! I'm grateful for today's gift. Good life and health is a blessing. Oluwaseun!

    Good morning everyone.
    Enjoy your day.

  10. Good morning to us, hope we had a successful night rest,yes Mammi
    I am blessed
    I am happy
    I am favoured
    God's grace is all over me
    Goodness and mercies shall follow me all the days of my life Amen!
    Good morning once and happy Thursday
    Cheers πŸ₯‚πŸ€ž

  11. I greeted my Landlord this morning, he said Nne how are you with one kind eye like that hmmm,I fit book mass for this man head you know why me and his wife na best gossip mate 😜😜

  12. Goodmorning iya Boys
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family

    I will worship you forever
    Love you forever
    Because this God is too
    Good oooo
    This God Is Too Good o..

    Hallelujah πŸ™πŸ™
    Kisses πŸ’‹ And Hugs πŸ«‚ From Chikalicious 🌹

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Good morning Chikalicious πŸ’ž

    2. Good morning Chikalicious Twinny

    3. My beautiful chikalicious chika πŸ’‹

    4. Good morning Chika 😍

    5. Gloglolicious Darling πŸ₯°
      Glorylicious Twinny πŸ₯°
      Cherrybaby sweetie πŸ₯°
      Ace DearieπŸ₯°
      Purest sweetie πŸ₯°

      Hello iya Boys

    6. BBlicious My Darling πŸ˜˜πŸ«‚

      Hello iya Boys

  13. I thank God for the gift of today. Long time no see, I have missed this blog, I hope you guys are doing well. Enjoy your day.

    1. We missed you tooπŸ€—πŸ€— welcome back.

  14. Hey everyone! Just a little reminder as you step out and go about your day: Every step you take, no matter how small, is a step toward your dreams. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and remember that growth often happens outside of your comfort zone.

    Trust the journey, stay positive, and keep shining bright. You've got this... πŸ’ͺ

    Good morning people...❤️
    Enjoy your special day..πŸ₯°

  15. John 15:4
    "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me."

    Jesus compares our relationship with Him to that of a vine and its branches. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit unless it is connected to the vine, we cannot bear fruit in our lives unless we remain connected to Jesus. Abiding in Christ means staying close to Him through prayer, His Word, worship, and trusting in His guidance daily. It is in this constant connection that we experience growth, peace, and fruitfulness.
    Abiding is not about striving or performing; it is about resting in His love and relying on His power. Jesus has provided everything we need for life and godliness, but it is up to us to remain in Him, drawing strength from His presence.
    When we abide in Christ, our lives naturally bear the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is the evidence that we are truly connected to Him.

    "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he shall bear much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." – John 15:5

    "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." – John 15:7

  16. When you don't come from struggle, gaining appreciation is a quality that's difficult to come by and I know what it's like to feel that fear and the need of affirmation and appreciation. To build confidence in yourself is the toughest thing.

    This is why I'm saying thank you to everyone who celebrated me. You all shall continue to witness God's grace and undiluted love in everything that concerns you.

    To that Anon that wrote rubish. I appreciate you too but give your life to Christ. Isokuso will not help you see beyond normal πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Belated Happy blessed Birthday Bro. Keep winning, may God continually bless all your endeavors.

    2. Belated happy birthday to you Pinky, may God grant you every of your heart desires

    3. Happy belated birthday sir pinky.. hope you had fun..

    4. Belated happy birthday to you. God bless your new age and answer all your secret prayers.

  17. Good morning,
    Life is a gift,cherish it,
    Thank you Lord,
    It's ending in praise.

  18. Amen! I, m blessed in JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY NAME!! AMEN. Goodmorning beautiful family, May the whether be nice to us today!! Amen!

  19. Good morning everyone πŸ₯³

    Lenten Reflection – Day 2: Renewal of the Heart
    Verse for the day: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    As we continue the journey of forty days in this penitential season of Lent, I invite you to join me in meditating on the words of Psalm 51:10. The entirety of Psalm 51 is dedicated to seeking mercy, sanctification and pardon from God and in our verse for today, the Psalmist was asking God for a “new heart” and renewal of a “right” spirit. Recall that yesterday, we embraced our human fragility, I like to encourage you to join me as we open our hearts to God’s renewing power. Will you take the necessary steps today?

    Step 1: Let Go of the Past: Release old hurts and regrets.
    Step 2: Embrace New Beginnings
    Step 3: Pursue a Clean Heart:

    Ponder on these today:
    • Are you ready for a spiritual spring cleaning?
    • What old weights will you let go of today?

    Prayer Points:
    • Pray for forgiveness for past mistakes.
    • Ask for strength to embrace change.
    • Thank God for His transformative love.
    • Request guidance to keep your heart pure and renewed.

    Let us pray:
    O God our Father, I thank You for the gift of a fresh start in the life of Your children. Cleanse their hearts and renew their spirits today. Guide them to walk in Your light with joy and purpose in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

  20. Nothing kills faster than your own mind. Don't stress over things that are out of your control. Instead trust in God.
    Good morning all ❤️❤️❤️


  21. Wishing myself the best of luck as I head to school for my exams today! First two papers, here I come! #ExamMode #StayFocused

    Good morning beautiful people 😚

  22. Good morning SDK family members

    Belated happy birthday to the beautiful CY and handsome Mc pinky. May God bless you both immensely and grant your utmost heart desires πŸ™

    MTN, you do this one oo
    Since I can't get my 45gb for 6k monthly plan anymore, which one will one move to nowπŸ˜πŸ€”πŸ₯Ί

    1. Good morning beautiful Fab Mama.. mtn just day do anyhow this days.

    2. Fab πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
      Yellow Netwk Wahala

      Hello iya Boys

  23. Looking for side hustles to add to your existing Job?

    You can try any of these:
    1. Dropshipping – Sell products without stocking inventory.

    2. Print-on-Demand – Create custom designs for T-shirts, mugs, and more.

    3. Social Media Management – Help small businesses grow their online presence. (Nah here I dey😊)

    4. Freelance Writing – Offer content writing, blogging, or copywriting services.

    5. Online Coaching – Teach skills like fitness, cooking, or personal development.

    7. Handmade Crafts – Sell unique, handcrafted items like jewelry or home decor.

    8. Digital Products – Sell e-books, templates, or online courses.

  24. I am a blood-bought, spirit-filled, tongue-talking, demon-yanking, fire-baptized warrior! Every chain of bondage, every yoke of oppression, and every demondemonic stronghold is shattered over my life by the power in the name of Jesus. Amen!!! πŸ™

  25. I lost something very important to me today, it made me anxious and I was panicky all day. I said a little prayer and asked God to help me find it because getting this said item back was going to take longer time and process

    After praying, I whispered under my breath, "St Anthony of Padua, finder of lost things, help me find this". Few hours later, I went back where I was earlier and I saw my lost item on the floor waiting for me. I jumped,shout!

    Prayers work. For the small things, big thing Pray about it and you can say the St Anthony prayer if you believe in it.
    prayer works wonders.

    1. If only people know this. Glad you found your Lost item

    2. The St Anthony prayer works. I use it as a last resort when I've exhausted all options and I always always find what I'm looking for.

    3. Prayer works together with faith..good morning beautiful sis πŸ₯°

    4. Prayer is The Master Key
      Goodmorning Ada Bekee πŸ₯°

      Hello iya Boys

    5. Adaoluchi this is not your handwriting, put copied next time

    6. I am not Catholic o but my Aunty told me to pray to St. Anthony for lost things....And truly, the prayer works remarkably.....

    7. Belief, is a powerful weapon!

  26. Good morning everyone, Stella, saw your replied late last night. The fibroid was fresh wen it fell out, not like something rotten atall. And I wasn't feeling any pain at all.

    Please, doctors in the house, hope it's not a bad thing when a fibroid Fall out after taking herbal mixture??

    I go wait at least two weeks after before I go do the scan because I did one before I started taking the herbs thou.
    Wish everyone a blessed day ahead πŸ™

    1. Please stop taking all these herbal mixtures.

    2. Whether fresh or squeezed or rotten, trust me when i say that u r drinking poison..Please stop before its too late..dont let your intestines fall you know that you can internal bleeding and became late before help reaches you?please stop!!!1

    3. Biz, Stella don tell you gaskiya based on experience yesterday...You are still asking if it is good to continue taking herbal mixture....Listen to the voice of reasoning that have already given you the answer.....

    4. Please stop!!
      I lost someone through this means

  27. The prayer up there is how I feel this morning. Thank you Lord. Y'all have a blessed day today..😘

    1. Good morning beautiful sis πŸ₯° have a nice day darling

    2. Stay safe, my darling😘

  28. Sp is here
    Goodmorning everyone
    Wishing you a great day


  29. Good morning everyone πŸ’›πŸ‘‹πŸ’›

    Rest shouldn't be a reward. You don't earn rest. You don't need to prove you're worthy of down time. It's not a luxury. You need rest in order to be a functioning person. Give yourself a break!!!

    Y'all have a splendid day ahead 😘😘😘

  30. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 65 of 365...

    God is God and God is Good !!!!

    1. Thank you LordπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    2. Thank You Jesus 😊 πŸ’“

    3. Thank U Lord πŸ™ it's another beautiful day.

      Leyin Olorun, Olorun tΓΊ ni

      Ologo didan

      Oba tΓ³ pΓ‘ ibi dΓ‘,sΓ³ ibi dirΓ©

      Olorun obΓ‘ tΓ­ kΓ­ shΓ©y eniyan

    4. Thank you Jesus
      I'm so grateful for life

  31. My SIL' child is one month today, born a day after his daddy died. I look at her and I'm in awe of her strength, nursing a baby, mourning the loss of her beloved husband while dealing with cs pains. Only God knows why the young man had to die at this time. It's really sad.

    1. May God give her the strength she needs.

    2. Oh! Dear,so sorry this will be a double pain, it's well with her soul please you guys should be calming her

    3. Kai this is so sad.
      May God console and strengthen her.

    4. So sorry for the loss. May God console your family and keep the baby safe.
      The grandma, my neighbor whose daughter also died while giving birth is really doing a great job taking care of the baby. She is a few months old now and so beautiful. I can't remember the exact month when the whole incident happened anymore. It is well

    5. It's well with her.. only God can give her the strength she needs..

    6. Ehyaa, I pray for more strength for her, and May God Almighty continue to provide for her and the baby.

    7. May God continue to strengthen her,not easy but God will see her through..
      God's Grace and Mercy upon her.

    8. May God continue to strengthen her,not easy but God will see her through..
      God's Grace and Mercy upon her.

    9. So Sorry
      It is Well With Her
      Wishing Her Divine Healing πŸ™

      Hello iya Boys

    10. Ehugs to her...She needs all the love and support...Congratulations to her! Greater days ahead

  32. Bless the LORD O my soul and all that is within me,bless His Holy name πŸ™ good morning beautiful people.

  33. Did you guys know that Kiwi kills human parasite very effectively? I just wasn't the video. It was experimented under microscope. But one thing is that it bursts the parasites πŸͺ± into pieces and I think that will/ may cause another problem on it's own.

    Some people said it's advisable to use BINDERS after taking it to neutralize any toxin that comes out of it .

    Salt salt is also very effective (I mean Celtic Salt) it's not as harmful to out health as the doctors make us believe. I don't mean the time of salt we use here please .

  34. Amen to your prayers Stella. Good morning everyone. May this day be good and kind to us

  35. Good morning SDK FAM 😁
    Health Foods to Eat after 8pm
    Mixed nuts
    Greek yogurts
    Apple & peanuts butter
    Cheese and crackers
    Hard - boil Egg
    Chamomile tea
    Turkey meat

    1. Thanks for sharing
      I have screenshot it. After fasting , I will start eating the ones I can afford among them. I also do not like eating normal food after 8:pm but I didn't have a choice.

  36. Good morning my yard people, have a nice day y'all.

  37. Good morning blog fam.
    Stella, Amen to Ur prayer up there.
    May we all have a pleasant day ahead.

  38. Alhamdulilah for the gift of life πŸ™

    Good morning everyone 😍πŸ₯°

  39. Good morning Bvs, Everyday is indeed a gift.

  40. Good morning everyone, Have a beautiful and blessed day 😍

  41. Beautiful Morning Everyone πŸ’– πŸ’žπŸ₯°

  42. Good morning beautiful 😘 people
    Thankful to God Almighty for the precious gift of life.
    It's throw back Thursday...
    This time last year, I was heavily pregnant with my beautiful baby girl
    Now, we are counting down to her first birthday πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³
    Which of your

  43. Gate Closed 😁
    See You all lerra😜

    Beautiful morningπŸ’•

  44. I've been bleeding more than two weeks ago due to fibroids and thinking it would stop, yesterday and today are very heavy with severe cramps and passing out of plenty blood clots, I've been using drugs prescribed by my gynaecologist for the pain and bleeding since yesterday, the pain has subsided but the bleeding is still heavy.
    I'm afraid to go out for hustling because I'm standing under the sun for my hustling, I don't want to go and disgrace myself in the market because I don't know if the bleeding will be heavier due to the hot weather. Does anybody know what else to use to stop the bleeding or at least reduce it, I'm tired.


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