Stella Dimoko Skitmaker Oluwadollarz' Wife Calls Him Out In A Long Rant And Ends Their Marriage


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Skitmaker Oluwadollarz' Wife Calls Him Out In A Long Rant And Ends Their Marriage

 WOW.....This messy!!!



  1. It's well with you beautiful. Please keep moving. Save yourself. πŸ™πŸΏπŸ€—

  2. Replies
    1. We didn't see you screaming women when that man's wife was sleeping with everyone in trousers, man hater

    2. Anonymous 09:09 You go cry tire...You never hala with this stale rant

  3. Hmmmmmm this is a tough one Chai, some men and their lieing tongue plus πŸ™„πŸ˜³ fake life nawaoo
    Baby girl get well soon,pack up your life , move on.., don't ever allow anybody to take that peace away from you ok.
    It's's well with you
    E Hugs πŸ€—

  4. Is it that difficult to stay faithful? As a woman ehn, being with someone that is obsessed with sex is one world problem, I don't wish on anyone!

    If u are a sex freak, seek help now! It will only ruin you!

    1. It’s terrible, they are never content and always on the prowl

    2. It’s terrible, they are never content and always on the prowl

    3. There's no remedy for a sex freak.
      He has promiscuity in his blood.
      His mother is not responsible either.

  5. Hmmmm this month of march is really marching bozaboza left and right.. everywhere just day hot πŸ”₯

  6. Thank God you've known better, may God perfect you healing.

  7. If you as a man or woman can control your MOUTH,PRIVATE part and what goes into your STOMACH,you have solved a larger part of your problem while alive.


  8. Content wouldn't allow us know if its true or not but if she actually went through this, I pray she finds healing and true happiness.....she is such an hardworking and beautiful woman to allow a man take her peace.
    All the best dear

  9. It’s good she came out publicly before he will come and gaslight the public as usual.

    Fan Emmanuel

  10. One day, one trouble! It is well.

  11. Is well with you Ife
    Please stay strong. Even though I know that you will go back to him. (Trust his mother to make that happen. She can do anything to protect her children).
    But please use your head this time. Stop enslaving for him.
    You guys should co-parent in peace.
    Get well soon

    1. Pandering to children is not protection or love

  12. Self control is a virtue that some people didn't learn to have. They don't even know how to try to have it because they are too loose and cobwebs full their thick skulls πŸ’€

  13. So many men are women have a psychological problem with sex called being a Nymphomaniac but they won't seek do they even know something is wrong with them.

    Instead they will be saying they are polygamous in nature, no you are not you have a problem seek help

  14. Oluwadollarz, or whatever he calls himself, is arguably the most irresponsible person I have heard of. He's constantly involved in car accidents, blaming enemies for his misfortune every now and then. However, I sense a lack of accountability in his stories.

    It's appalling that someone who managed to stay safe throughout her adolescence would end up with someone as reckless as him. No one deserves this kind of stress. While his fiancee is in surgery, he's already having another woman sleep over in the same house where his child lives. This guy has no regard for life whatsoever. Apparently, he had been secretly in a relationship with this woman for a long time, despite being engaged to his fiancee. So irresponsible!

    I watched a snippet of a TikTok live video featuring Ife and his mom. It's disturbing how mothers often enable their son's careless behaviour. His mom was even justifying his son's misdeeds by saying those advising Ife are facing worse circumstances, so she shouldn't leave because they advised her to. Is that really a valid excuse to stay in an unhealthy relationship? Just because others are facing worse circumstances don't make it acceptable! Gosh!πŸ˜’

    I sincerely hope she prioritize her wellbeing and mental health, and makes the best decision for herself in this situation.

    1. Pickme women are narcissistic and dangerous to themselves and other women

    2. Imagine a mother saying that nonsense. If Ife was her daughter, would she say such. I hope she does what's best for her.

    3. His mother is wayward. You can never change oluwadols

    4. Like mother like son, pathetic duo! She even said she has begged Ife (as if begging Ife is the solution to her son's sexual waywardness).

    5. Fantastic! Always writing succinctly, Omo T....Ife na you hold the yam and knife now...

    6. A fruit will never be far from its tree. Iru iro nborun, like mother like son.
      I hope she gets well soon and take the right decision for herself and son.

  15. Pele Ife, you will be fine.

  16. Sad...while awaiting his joinder, my issue is with his mum; is she not aware of all these and how has she enabled it?

  17. This is how it is done
    Not that Ijoba Lande that keeps disturbing us everyday about his wife's cheating. Mtcheeeeeeew

    1. That one na confirm Simp! Instead of addressing the issues one-one-one with his so-called wife, he chose to cry, dance naked in the market square and call out one of the 'several men'. Shameless fool.

    2. Smh.. you people are indeed pathetic. He should address it privately with his wife but you’re here applauding Ife for bringing hers to social media. The double standard is super real

  18. I pray for healing on you, don't bother about the man for now, take care of your health first and you will definitely be fine.

  19. Everything is now fingers crossed 🀞

  20. I don’t see any need for a call out here. Cheating multiple times, why are you still there. Leave if you’re tired. If you’re calling him out for not paying child support, then you’re talking. This is a marital problem. There’s no threat to life. Sort it out with him please.
    I don’t see need for this call out .

  21. The good girls often get the bad boys.

    1. Gbamsolutely! Life no balance true true.

    2. That is because being good is not enough. As a good girl you should also live for God and have godly standards to support your moral standard. He will help you take out the chaff. She was a virgin but didn't have a standard of the kind of man she wants for herself. He literally lured her into fornication, that was the first sign that he wasn't the one God has for her. A good guy would have the same moral standard and lead her closer to God. I am happy she has a high self esteem to leave the guy. She won't settle for less again

  22. He his cheating and irresponsible and you are still there thank God your eyes have opened.

  23. Thank God for a successful surgery πŸ™ πŸ™Œ

    It is well Ife

  24. His mother even liked the post . I hope this isn't one of their stunt to get monetisation, cos this family can do anything to get monetize, the fiance and the mother are both on life chat this morning again, doing shalaye as if social media is their family house, shey they no get molebi ni?

  25. Pls walk out and take care yourself
    Men are not reliable

    1. She needs to leave him and focus on herself. Actions always matter more than words.

  26. It is Well with her ooo
    Pele Nne You gonna be Okay..

    Hello iya Boys

  27. Why did you marry a man that's not a virgin. You kept yourself. He didn't. Now you're complaining. Virgins should marry virgins. Men that have lost count of the numbers of women they have slept with will be here saying they want virgins. Be deceiving yourself. Metchewww.

    1. Like!! One thing I have noticed about some of these virgins is that they do not have standards at all. They only have those standards for themselves alone but not for the men they want to allow into their lives. Some are even okay with the man just waiting for them till marriage without caring what he does behind their back as long as he waits for them. Such hypocrisy.

  28. Get well soon and take the best decision for you and your son. The guy is as irresponsible as his mom that is making excuses for him.

    Bv God's Favor

  29. Nne na WA for all these wandering gbolas o. How difficult is it to be faithful to your partner.
    Please get well soon and take care of yourself.

  30. This new trend of partners calling themselves out on social media is not the ideal thing to do

  31. Birds of the same feather, The lady saw the red flag but because of greed she went ahead to get pregnant for the mummy's boy, most of Nigerian celebrities are fake and deceptive and that's why their atrocities are being exposed on daily basis, as for the mother it's written all over her that she is a bad woman, I digged out information that she is the arrow misleading her overgrown baby, surely all those that contributed directly or indirectly to the end sars killing back then will never know peace or happiness in their life's because a lot of innocent people were killed and they collected a hell of money for this wahala

  32. We just have to come to the conclusion that ppl are flawed and have their proclivities. Marriage is not going to turn a wild person into a saint, so vet very well before marriage and make sure the flaw your spouse has is one that is easy to live with.


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