Stella Dimoko Singer Harrysong Defends Gospel Musicians Who Have Monetized Their Singing...



Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Singer Harrysong Defends Gospel Musicians Who Have Monetized Their Singing...

Recently some Nigerian pastors have condemned the modus operandi of gospel musicians and accused them of monetizing their talents by charging exorbitant fees instead of singing freely for the church.
Singer harrysong made a post defiending gospel musicians. 



  1. Time is coming when churches and pastors will not invite Gospel musician to their church to come and sing.

    The charges is too much.

  2. Do Christian doctors treat for free? Pastors who open schools,do they do it for free? Do Christian engineers work for free? Does being a Christian mean we should not earn money?
    Pastors, don't they collect and offerings plus seeds with endless programs they organize from time to time to make more money? Some members pay tithes running into millions,these pastors just want to eat alone. So why should gospel artists work for free? Is it easy to seat and compose music that will sell? If secular musicians are well appreciated for their talents,why shouldn't gospel artists be appreciated?
    The logistics, back up singers, transportation etc involved,is it free? Won't they be paid?
    Someone was saying,they should use choir and stop inviting gospel artists. The role of a choir and gospel artists,are the same? The choir in question, is it not the songs of these gospel artists they sing?
    Having a gospel artists once in a while in a church is truly refreshing.

    1. The tithe is for food in God's storehouse . Who are the members of this storehouse ? See ehn pastors are selfish and greedy they and their family members are not the only beneficiary of the lords storehouse but they want to make it so .thank God no one is buying this injustice anymore. Reason I don't give my tithe to the church anymore. I give it to the lords children who are hungry out there.

  3. Without gospel artists,we would probably lack songs to praise and worship the Lord with. They deserved to be well paid. Being a Christian is not a crime biko. People pay hundreds of thousands to go watch their favorite secular musicians perform, why should gospel artists not be well appreciated and celebrated. If the kingdom of darkness celebrate their own,why shouldn't we celebrate our own?

    1. Thank you so much for saying exactly what is on my mind. We are all one body in christ so why the pull down

  4. It's modern expenses,no one is exempted. Music is business whether gospel or circular. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

  5. If you want to monetise your gift as a gospel singer then go ahead with all pleasure but don't discourage those who are willing to do it without a fee.

  6. If pastors groom their own praise leaders they won’t need outsiders
    You can pay mercy Chinelo,Moses bliss,joe praise and others b but can’t pay your praise leaders that has been with you a kobo
    Some praise leaders have no job,no accommodation no handwork

    The day we stop lying to ourselves that day our miracle will start


    Drummer will play every Sunday 6am-2pm you wouldn’t help him or put him on salary but sinach will come and sing for 30mins you will pay her an amount that any ear hears will tingle

    1. πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ
      Pay the cleaners too and stop preaching service
      You are getting paid to pastor and asking folks to clean for free
      Use the tithe and pay people

  7. You can charge, but it shouldn't be ridiculous.

  8. Some churches are business centres, they should conduct their business in peace

  9. Any singer doing it for free is surely an upcoming singer trying to get recognized. The moment he "blows", forget.

  10. Pastors collecting money to minister but don't want to pay gospel artists lol
    The Most Complex B

  11. Nobody can be asked to labour for free, because money is required in EVERY area of life. We did not create a world where the necessities of life are free, we could have created such a world, but we opted to use money. Nobody can eat, drink, clothe themselves or have a home without money.

    Let us attune ourselves to the reality of this world and respect ppl’s right to having a good life. Even going to some beaches which are freely given by nature cost money. So how will these gospel singers live if they too do not make money? If man could bottle oxygen like they bottle water we would be buying oxygen too. The earth of man is a scam because humans are the only creatures paying to live here.

  12. Pastors are ministers of God, gospel artists are also ministers of God Pastors receive tithes and offerings to run the church and take care of their families but a gospel minister should minister for free and not charge haba

  13. The church has already been lost to Satan so I understand why many of you here think it is ok for evangelism to be monetized,the fact that most of you even equate evangelists (gospel musicians) with doctors, engineers and others who are Christians just shows how lost in the world many claiming Christianity really all can argue with yourselves o,but the gifts of God can never ever be monetized and the day you begin to place value on them,that is the day your emptiness spiritually begins. The pastors complaining are also guilty of the same sin so it is just the pot calling the kettle black.


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