
Monday, March 24, 2025


 #newday #newweek #newstrength #newhustle #newblessings #smile #neversaynever #mancrushmonday

Good Morning....

It is another Monday and i pray that you are Blessed as you step out and step back in later today....
Say a prayer out there for all the men not having it easy with love, life, family and business....May their prayers suddenly begin to manifest its results because JESUS IS LORD....Amen!!!
Enjoy the day...


  1. "He's just an ordinary keke driver". "Her parents are divorced". "He's an illiterate".
    "She is not my tribe". "He's too local"...
    These are some of the excuses some people give, for not getting married.
    So, the question is, who told you a keke driver cannot be successful? Who told you a girl from a divorced home will not make a good wife? Who told you a man who is illiterate, cannot learn? Who told you only your tribe produce great spouses? Who said a local guy cannot be refined?
    The problem is, when it comes to marriages, we minor on the major, and major on the minor, and that's why most people get it wrong.
    Anyway las las, to each their own.
    Cheers to a fabulous week!
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

  2. Heavenly Father, we thank you for another wonderful new day.
    The angel of the Lord came back a 2nd time & touched him & Said, "Get up and eat for the journey is too much for you.
    Beloved of God, it's another week to bless the Lord for the gift life.
    We pray unto the Lord of supply, to supply unto us and our families this week with his riches, blessings, good health favour and grace in Jesus name 🙏
    May we be strengthened in the hour of weekness by his divine assistance in Jesus name 🙏.
    May the lord keep us strong till we reach our goal destination in Jesus name 🙏

  3. Rhapsody

    His Righteousness Fulfilled In Us!!
    Romans 8:3-4.

    "God’s righteousness is expressed through us. As ambassadors of the Kingdom, we extend His righteousness, peace, and joy to the nations."

    "Wherever you go, when you arrive, righteousness arrives. When you step into a place, peace comes with you. When you are present, joy is made manifest. This should shape your daily consciousness; you are an extension of the Kingdom of God to your world."


    Dear Father, thank you for revealing your righteousness through your Word, and fulfilling it in us through Christ. I walk after the Spirit, manifesting the life and glory of your Word to my world. Your Word is my life, and I treasure it above all. Thank you for making me a living expression of your righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  4. No matter what condition you are in today, trust God over your circumstances. Have faith and stay positive always
    Good morning everyone

  5. You don't need anybody's permission to succeed ,however you will come across obstacles which are inevitable but never consider quitting!

    Good morning blogfam. I hope we enjoyed the weekend? May we experience the joy that comes with fulfilment of that long expected prayer points. Do have a fruitful your day ahead. Stay safe.

    1. Amen 🙏
      Cheers to a beautiful day.

    2. Never give up 👌
      Good morning Omo 😘 and do have a great day ahead.

  6. Good Morning and Happy New Week One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Your result will tell men, there is a God in Heaven.🙏🙏💯💯.
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

  7. We begin this New week in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit Amen.. good morning all and have a great day ahead 💗💗


  8. RAMADAN DAY 25- DUA🤲🤲

    Oh Allah, on this day, we ask you for what pleases you, and we seek refuge in you from what displeases you, we ask you to grant us the opportunity to obey you and not disobey you, Oh One who is generous with those who ask. Ya Al-Karim Amin 🤲
    Good morning everyone 🎉

    1. Ramadan is 25 days already?
      How time flies, so it is just 5 days to the end of the fast, then Sallah. Kudos to you Miss H

  9. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 83 of 365...



    'In perfect peace...whose thoughts are fixed on you.' Isaiah 26:3 NLT

    Your thoughts create your feelings, and your feelings dictate your approach to life. So by changing the way you think, you can change how you feel and how you approach life. Unlike the world, which teaches you to empty your mind to achieve peace, God's way is to fill your mind with fresh, powerful, redeeming thoughts. 'You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you' (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)!

    It's not just about trying to blot out bad thoughts with your willpower. If a wrong, bad or negative thought is lodged in your mind and you can't seem to shake it, stop trying! That won't erase it from your mind. That's like cutting a weed off at ground level rather than uprooting it; it will just grow again. What you need to do is replace that wrong destructive thought with a thought that's from God. That's the only way to deal with wrong thoughts and begin the healing process.

    The apostle Paul writes: 'Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise...Then the God of peace will be with you' (Philippians 4:8-9 NLT). Are you concerned about your health? 'Fix' your mind on this Scripture: 'He himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses' (Matthew 8:17 NKJV). Are you concerned about the future? 'Fix' your mind on this promise: 'And the Lord, he is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, he will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed' (Deuteronomy 31:8 NKJV).
    Word For Today


  11. Its 3am Here. I am so Tired but Yet cannot Sleep.
    Oremi Lora, My Village people sapeè

    1. What happened? Village people wan make you take shayo ni? Just say your throat is dry 🤣

  12. Lenten Reflection – Day 17: The Power of the Tongue
    Verse for Meditation: "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21)

    Our words carry incredible power—they can build up or tear down, heal or wound, encourage or discourage. James 3:5 compares the tongue to a small spark that can set a great forest ablaze. This Lenten season is a time to reflect on the words we speak. Are they filled with grace, truth, and love? Do our words bring life to others, or do they spread negativity? Jesus reminds us that we will give an account for every idle word (Matthew 12:36), urging us to use our speech wisely.

    Action Steps:
    • Guard Your Speech: Be mindful of how your words affect others.
    • Speak Life: Use your words to encourage, bless, and uplift.
    • Pray Before You Speak: Ask God to help you control your tongue.

    Think About This:
    How can you use your words today to bring life and encouragement to someone?

    Prayer Points:
    • Thank Him for the ability to use words to glorify Him.
    • Pray for wisdom in your speech.
    • Ask God to help you avoid gossip, harsh words, and negativity.
    • Pray for opportunities to speak words of hope and encouragement.

    Let us pray:
    Say with me “Father, let my words be filled with grace and truth. Help me to speak in a way that brings life to others. May my tongue reflect Your love and wisdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  13. Good morning,
    May love find anyone in a bad place and the right one too.
    Have a lovely week.

  14. He paid the debt he did not own, I own the debt I could not pay
    I needed someone to wash my sins away
    And now I sing a brand new song, "Amazing grace"
    Christ Jesus paid the debt I could never pay....

    Have a beautiful day, Lovelies!

  15. King's Monday.

    As we step out today, may will put our best foot forward.


    In answering your yesterday's question, this is what I will have to say. I don't look out for a woman cos of money. It's so shameful to even contemplate that. The women I have dated, I have been the provider and I have never look out or depend on their money. While I appreciate a woman's gift & celebration in a relationship, I don't ever wish to be depended on anyone's finance not just women alone. This is why I'm not lazy but hustling to take care of my bills & responsibilities being the man I am. I come from a tribe known as hustlers and where men are the real provider to their family having a supportive wife.

    Nothing beats a genuine love in a relationship/marriage that brings respect and mutual understanding between partners..

    l see nothing wrong in an older and mature woman provided she's EDUCATED, LOVING AND PASSIONATE ABOUT RAISING A FAMILY. A woman with knowledge and had got experience about life and love. One who have got her shit together. It doesn't necessary mean she must be a Bv. I can settle for that whether she have got big boobs/ass or not.

    Blessed new week Guys!!!


    © TEEJAY

    1. You are a drama king, you could have answered this in the post where stella asked the question.

    2. Nice..
      May you find the right one 🙏

    3. Dude always crying like a Sisi...🤮🤡

    4. God's favour, he has to think well, write it overnight and edit it carefully to reduce the gbagauns before bringing it here. He can't rush and write such a long and sensitive reply.

    5. God's Favour, you people should let this dude be, haba. Is he the first person that reply to questions the next day? He might need a thorough thinking before answering. As far as Stella that asked the question didn't take offense about the time of the answering, let him be please. You too can decide to be the drama queen and we will support you 🥱

    6. Gods favor just say you don’t like Teejay, no need beating about the bush. What crime did he commit in this instance that warrants the name calling.

      People like you will talk about bullying but engage in the same bullying. People have continued to pile on TJ day in day out. Now he cannot put one foot in front of the other on this blog for fear of what people like you will say. Any normal thing he does will still bring nonsense talk from people like you

  16. Good morning everyone.
    Have a blessed week.

    I'm so happy Portugal is through to the semi final on the UEFA Nations League. 😊

  17. Good morning beautiful people of this great community...I bring you glad tidings....

    Happy MCM to all our wonderful male folks...May God see you through in all your challenges, may you come out strong...You are loved!!

    Mother's day coming up this Sunday 🎊🥳🥳

    1. Yes ooh
      So many activities going on this week in Church for our day on Sunday.

    2. Anwuchuloo DAA!
      Lost interest in everything Mother's day, Mothering Sunday etc since my Mom passed! 💔💔

    3. Yes,I love the Anglican way of celebrating mother's day , it's so interesting and beautiful 😍

    4. NN darling, no pls, cheer up dear. She has gone to rest.
      You are a mum, if your children organize something to celebrate you on Mother's Day will you reject it?
      It's the cycle of life, she has finished her mission and left, you have to continue from where she stopped, your children too will continue when you grow old and leave.
      May we all grow old in good health and leave peacefully.
      May our departed loved ones keep resting in peace.
      Have a beautiful week

    5. Hello Ladies!!! @NN Anwuchulo Daa!! Ndo Nne...Biko celebrate in her memory...May her soul rest in peace 🙏

    6. Hello Ladies!!! @NN Anwuchulo Daa!! Ndo Nne...Biko celebrate in her memory...May her soul rest in peace 🙏

    7. @ Losty... Amen 🙏
      I will try oooo, it's not easy!
      @ Saint... Amen 🙏

  18. Ekaaro gbogbo ile
    Ojumo ire

  19. Good morning everyone 💛👋💛

    I believe that people's actions can make it clear that they have no respect or regard for you, regardless of what they say. Their actions clearly indicate that they don't value you. When you notice this, take it for what is. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Focus on how they're moving, not what they are saying.

    Y'all have a productive day ahead 😘😘😘

  20. Yessssssss to a beautiful and positive week
    Thank you GOD for today 🙌
    Good money morning Sweethearts

    1. Good morning Nnukwu nwanyioma 😘 have a great day ahead.

    2. Good morning beautiful NN 😍

    3. Good morning beautiful Ijele nwayi 🥰

  21. Good money making Monday to you all my lovely blogfam 😘😘😘

    #MCM 🥰 crushing on all the God fearing and kind-hearted men who are making sacrifices to better the lives of their families. God bless you all and make ways for you.

    Bvs have a melodious Monday💕
    E go surely be ✌️

  22. Good morning everyone, May our be blessed and filled with joy in Jesus name. Amen ❤️❤️❤️.

    Belated happy birthday Eka joy, I wish you the best of the year.

  23. Good money making Monday to you all my lovely blogfam 😘😘😘

    #MCM 🥰 crushing on all the God fearing and kind-hearted men who are making sacrifices to better the lives of their families. God bless you all and make ways for you.

    Bvs have a melodious Monday💕
    E go surely be ✌️

  24. Good morning everyone.
    Wishing you a happy new week! May this fresh start bring us closer to our dreams and make all our desires a reality🙏

  25. Happy new week bvs
    May our businesses receive new clients this week.
    #MancrushMonday to me and other men here.

  26. Goodmorning iya Boys
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family

    The One Your Save Has Come To Worship You
    The One You Help Has Come To Worship You
    The One You Bless Has Come To Worship You Lord
    Hallelujah 🙏🙏
    Kisses 💋 And Hugs 🫂 From Chikalicious 🌹

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Good morning beautiful chikalicious chika 🥰

    2. Good morning Twinny and enjoy your day 😘

    3. Purest sweetie 🥰

      Hello iya Boys

    4. Glorylicious Twinny 🥰

      Hello iya Boys

  27. "Achalugo you're not sweet"
    Dante is annoyingly funny, I have been laughing since last night 😂

    1. Dante is our toxic partner that we can't leave, we dislike him and love him at the same time

    2. I read it and laughed too. He is correct. No one nacks a good kpekus and let it go once

  28. Good morning everyone😊
    Trust y'all had an amazing night rest.
    I don't know why some persons will enter a public transportation and they will be feeling reluctant to pay for the bus fare.
    Conductor will be shouting oga your money at the back, pay your money oo but they will just be looking somewhere else😕hmmmm 🤔

  29. Mathew 6:16-17 But when thou fast anoint thine head and wash thy face,: that thou may not appear unto men as though fasting, but unto your father, which is in secrets and thy father which seeth in secrets shall reward thee. .

    God recognize fasting and prayers and it is his will that we should engage in the altar of fasting and prayers and he gives us instructions that when we fast he will answer us Isaiah 41;17

    Fasting and prayers help to deliver answers according to Mathew 7:7 any time you engage in fasting expect an answer

    why must I fast and pray?

    The reason you must fast,is because there are some spirits you cant cast out Mark 9:29
    Again when you fast your spiritual strength will be renewed Isaiah 40;31

    Fasting and praying is about you bringing your body under subjection of the holy ghost and also disciplining your self in other to get what you want from God Rom13:14

    Whenever we fast and pray, God will hears us and gladly grant us our heart desires.

    Good morning 💕

  30. God bless all good men out there and prosper the works of their hand. Touch the hearts of irresponsible ones to be better Amen
    Good morning Blogfam

  31. As soon as u wake up in the morning, pray to God foforr you to be at the right place and at the right time. Before you step out of your house, pray too.

    In Calabar, yesterday,a police officer who suff€r€d a m€ntal br£akdown opened fir€ on bystanders at Watt Market in Calabar, injur!ng three individuals. But sadly, one of the v!ctims succumbed to her injur!es.

    1. He was most probably high on drugs. The authorities are now saying he had a mental breakdown to.cover up.
      You need to see where these officers are taking drugs and smoking Indian hemp

  32. Good morning SDK and BVs. Marvellous Monday. Thank you Jesus. Blessed day and week 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  33. Good morning Bvs
    To the men struggling with life, may God raise helpers for you🙏
    May you find the right people to keep you in check always.
    I am rooting for you guys🥰

  34. Beautiful and Blessed week ahead to everyone here..

    Good Morning Everyone 💖💞

    God take the wheel 🙏 🙌

  35. Beautiful morning everyone
    May God bless all the responsible men out there 🙏🙏 keep grinding keep moving, God will make way where there seems no way 🙏
    Blessed week to Y'all 🙏🙏🙏

  36. Hi, everyone! Fresh week, fresh opportunities! Let's tackle our goals with energy and enthusiasm. Remember, every day is a chance to start anew. Go out there and make it a great one! 💪

    Good morning people...,♥️
    Enjoy your day...✌️

  37. Wishing you all a productive week full of pleasant surprises. Good news everywhere you turn to this week. Peace of God all around you.

  38. I say a resounding amen to your prayer.

    Beautiful Monday morning to everyone. May God bless our week..

  39. Live a life of purpose.
    Imagine driving a car at high speed, but without a clear destination in
    You might get somewhere, but it won't be where u truly want to be.
    In life , direction is what gives us purpose, clarity and fulfilment.
    Good morning.
    Have a blessed New week.

  40. Good morning SDK FAM 😁
    Foods rich in magnesium
    Mackerel fish 🐠
    Brown rice 🌾
    Broccoli 🥦
    Cashews 🥜
    Spinach 🥬
    Almonds 🥜
    Avocado 🥑
    Bananas 🍌
    Pumpkin seeds
    Dark chocolate 🍫
    Oatmeal 🥣
    Dried Apricots
    Milk 🥛

    1. Bv Beautiful Mon, How will this your hustle pay you in plastic ID?
      Abi you don't want giveaway?
      You have a nice format, sorry content.

    2. Beautiful Mon pls keep sharing. I have saved this one too. Don't let them chase you away o. I can see one of them above me. Just ignore

  41. Good morning everyone 🥰😍

    Wishing us all a wonderful week 😊

  42. Bonjour Everbady🥳
    Ca va una dey ?

    Pleasant Morning 😘❣️💯

  43. Good morning house
    I read news of where former actress Sandra Achums' son joined the German Army, I was smiling while reading it. I know that feeling of a proud mother. I didn't know she was in the same country with SDK. Congratulations beautiful Sandy
    More joy I wish you.

    Let me relax and read old posts, I just finished cleaning my goods.
    Beautiful day I wish you all.

  44. Good morning blogfam
    Happy new week
    May this week favour us all🙏

  45. Good morning beautiful people

  46. Good morning beautiful people

  47. The whole back and forth thing going on between Teejay and Glory O be me like one reality tv show. Kwakwakwakwa
    Especially as the Glory O don move on to a certain King Jerry.
    Kwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwa
    Chai! .....I reserve my comment.

    1. That King Jerry is not a good person.
      What happens to the brotherhood code? Someone broke your fellow bros heart here, before the heat even died down, you've started calling her sweet names. Even if they are just catching cruise, it's still not nice.

  48. Good morning fam
    Have a blessed week ahead.


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