Stella Dimoko Monday Spontaneous Post



Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday Spontaneous Post

 #monday #newday #newthoughts #positivevibesonly #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #smile

Good Morning...
May today be peaceful for you in Jesus mighty name and may your steps be ordered by God as you step out and step back in......

E go be!


  1. So, a man sleeps with your wife in a game of Truth or Dare, and later comes out to say he's sorry. Then you go to meet the man to accept his apology, and even prostrate continuously because he's obviously richer and a bigger actor in your industry....Omoh! This is ridiculous. Absolutely crazy! Wow!
    Good morning all. Cheers to a successful week ahead, where we don't allow anyone belittle us or disrespect us, just because of small favors.

    1. There's something called self respect. I believe he doesn't know that.

      © TEEJAY

    2. Such a disgusting story, shameless lots

      Good morning bro馃挋 have an awesome day

    3. Ali B the thing no tire U 馃槒.I don't know the kind of adjective to qualify dat Lande with.

    4. Lol..them no dey put mouth for Yoruba hood matter..
      The hypocrisy in that industry is alarming ..

    5. 馃ぃ馃ぃ some people don't have shame samsam. I'm sure if the babe Tee dash am money e go collect sharply 馃ぃ馃ぃ ndi eberibe.

    6. What if they planned it to have an evidence..... If not, the guy should not be around baba Tee at this time.

    7. From the way he's been talking papapa upandan, you will know he is not a serious fellow.

    8. I dnt bother reading stories like this 馃憜....

    9. That video disgusted me. At this point lande need a good manager

    10. Ali B, may we not know poverty and lack that will make us foolish.
      The Lande guy is broke and helpless. He had bid farewell to the adulterous wife and wants to use her sins to cash out from someone who should be his enemy.
      It is so shameful.

    11. I don't really blame baba tee at all but landes wife that has no shame, abeg am tired of the drama


  2. Heavenly Father, we thank you for another beautiful Monday morning.
    We thank you for the gift of health and the blessing of safety. Lord, we acknowledge your mercies and grace upon us.
    We ask for your guidance and wisdom as we face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Grant us the strength and courage to overcome any obstacles, and help us to approach each task with a positive attitude.
    May this week be an opportunity for growth, vessel of your peace and instruments of positive change in Jesus name 馃檹

  3. When you are Kind, you valuie people so highly that you refuse to engage in fault finding and exposing their weaknesses instead you buildi people up.

    Good morning blogfam. I hope we had a restful weekend ? Thank God for a new week , may we be blessed as we show kindness to others. Stay safe.

  4. Rhapsody

    Gracious And Loving Words!!
    Ephesians 4:29.

    "What kind of words come out of your mouth? Are they words of love and grace, or words that pierce like a sword?"

    "Don’t utter words that destabilize others and rob them of their self-esteem. Support, uplift, bless and minister grace to others with your words. Your mouth is a tool given to you by God for edification, not for vengeful, hateful, or distasteful words that engender strife or contention."


    Dear Father, I thank you for filling my heart with your love and grace. I speak words that edify, inspire and build others. My life reflects your goodness and love. I’m a blessing to everyone around me, and my actions reflect the life of Christ in me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  5. We begin this New week in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit Amen.. good morning all and have a great day ahead 馃挄馃挄

    1. Amen 馃檹

      Good morning sweet babe 馃挅 have an amazing day

    2. Good morning beautiful PSP ♥️

    3. Amen.
      Good morning my nwanne 馃槝

  6. No evidence say poor man dey try him best , If e easy for you just Thank God . No dey reason sey you smart pass or you work hard pass everybody.
    Good morning everyone

  7. Good Morning and Happy New Week One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Thank You, Manchester United.
    Thank You, Arsenal.
    Thank You, Newcastle.
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

    1. Good morning Nwokem 馃挋馃挌 I know you had an interesting weekend, see how you’re thanking the gainers 馃槅馃槅
      That Newcastle game over sweet me, what❗️broken the jinx after 56yrs was so happy for them…Hojlund drought over too, I’m happy for him..we didn’t labored to win yesterday
      Chelsea with them ballers & freedom fighter couldn’t pick a draw at Emirates 馃ぃ馃槀馃ぃ lousy club & fans


    'So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face.' Exodus 33:11 NKJV

    Moses had a special place where he met with God. It was called 'the tent of meeting' (Exodus 33:7 NIV). What did they talk about? 'Then Moses said to the Lord, "See, you say to me, 'Bring up this people.' But you have not let me know whom you will send with me...Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in your sight, show me now your way, that I may know you and that I may find grace in your sight..." And [God] said, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest"' (Exodus 33:12-14 NKJV).

    Note the three things Moses asked God about:
    (1) 'Let me know whom you will send with me.' That was wise, because people either add to you or take from you, build you up or tear you down. You need to know who belongs in your life and who doesn't, and God is the only one who can tell you that.
    (2) 'Show me now your way.' God's will, done God's way, according to God's timetable, always brings success. But your will, done your way, according to your timetable, can bring you trouble and heartache.
    (3) 'That I may know you and that I may find grace in your sight.' Here the word 'grace' means 'divine enablement'. By yourself you are not equal to the challenge, but through the power of God's indwelling Spirit, you can accomplish great things.

    What God promised to Moses, he also promises to you: 'My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'
    Word For Today


    1. Lord don't leave me. Let your presence go with me.

    2. Thanks for sharing Nne ❤️馃挅馃┓

    3. Thank you for sharing and have a great day ahead 馃グ

    4. This word ministered to me
      Thanks for sharing 馃檹
      God bless you


  9. RAMADAN DAY - 17 DUA馃げ馃げ

    Oh Allah, on this day, guide us to the virtuous deeds; fulfil our needs and hopes, Oh One who does not need explanations nor questions.
    Oh one who knows what is in the hearts of all. Amin ya Al-'Alim馃げ

    Good morning everyone 馃帀

  10. Good morning everyone, hope we had a successful night rest,to God be glorified 馃檹
    it's another money making Monday and Men crush, celebrating all the Men here, More life,more win, more strength ✌️

    Celebrating my one and only hot chocolate on SDK
    Dearest king Jerry
    I heart you babe馃拫馃挄

    1. Goodmorning flower 馃尭... your lips print woke me up already

    2. So for your mind you are peppering TJ馃槀, you are so shameless girl. Tueh馃槒

    3. 8:47, better leave these two. I was just laughing when I read their comments. Whatever they are up to, na dem know.

    4. As a lady, does she think it's respectful to be loving up different men up and down even if it's for fun. It's still tacky.

  11. Good morning people
    Have a pleasant day

  12. It's a Forever thank you GOD 馃檶
    I'm grateful for everything 馃檶

    Good morning Sweethearts 馃槏
    Against all odds, make it a memorable Monday...
    Your happiness counts!

  13. Thank God for a sweet weekend. I enjoyed it! 馃槉

    GGMU 馃挭馃従❣️... Mennn, winning is beautiful abeg 馃榿
    Newcastle's win was a sweet one. Congratulations to them.

    I greet you all this beautiful morning. Enjoy your day ❣️

    1. Good morning beautiful Cyn 馃槏

    2. Thanksgiving is important 馃挄

    3. Good morning sista 馃挅 yes I enjoyed my weekend too 馃榿 after those entertaining matches across Europe..your boy Hojlund drought is over too

      Newcastle totally outplayed, outmuscled and outclassed Liverpool, big kudos to Eddie Howe who has automatically becomes the club legend breaking 56yrs jinx

      I was so pained last night that ATM bottled two goals lead against Barcelona 馃槱馃槱

    4. I feel so bad for ATM, honestly. First, against Real, now Barca. It's sad abeg.
      I'm happy for Eddie Howe too. I felt bad for him when he lost his job with Bournemouth and went back to being a pundit before he got the Newcastle job. Congrats to him jare.
      Hojlund is getting better but I just don't like his goal celebration. It's so weird

      I greet you, Sis馃挄

      Hello Bloggie 馃挄

      Hello Stella Maris Baby 馃挄

  14. Replies
    1. Good morning darling ❣️ have a glorious day

  15. Goodmorning iya Boys
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family

    Blessing And Glory
    Wisdom ,Thanksgiving And Honour
    Power And Might
    Be Unto The Lord
    Forever And Ever
    Hallelujah 馃檹馃檹馃檹

    Kisses 馃拫 And Hugs 馃珎 From Chikalicious 馃尮

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Good morning beautiful Chika 馃槏

    2. Good morning Chikalicious Twinny, have a favorable day ahead 馃槝

    3. Goodmorning BBlicious My Darling 馃グ馃珎

      Hello iya Boys

    4. Glorylicious Twinny 馃グ

      Hello iya Boys

  16. Good morning everyone.
    Amen to your prayers @Stella.
    Taking my parent to the hospital.

    1. It is well 馃
      God's divine touch to your parent.

    2. Amen and amen.
      Thanks @SMB

    3. It is well with them馃馃

  17. Thank God for a beautiful day 馃挒馃挄馃挏馃挄

    1. Productive and favoured week to everyone 馃尯

  18. Lenten Reflection – Day 11: Walking in Humility
    Verse for Meditation: "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up." (James 4:10)
    Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. As we continue this Lenten journey, we are called to humble ourselves before God and others, recognizing that all we have is from Him. Paul in 1 Cor 4:7 said “For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?”

    Action Steps on the Path of Humility:
    Step 1: Recognize and confess your Need for God: Humility begins with acknowledging your dependence on God, without Him, we are nothing.
    Step 2: Serve Others in Love: True humility shows up in how we treat others, especially the vulnerable and those who cannot repay our kindness or wickedness. Serving without expectation elevates those around you.
    Step 3: Trust God’s Timing: Let go of the need for recognition and human accolades, God sees and rewards the humble heart in His perfect time.

    Think About This:
    What does humility look like in your life today?
    What would you do differently in life of today’s reflection?
    How can you serve those around you with a humble heart?

    Prayer Points:
    • Thank God for His grace that can lift you when you humble yourself.
    • Ask for a humble spirit that reflects Christ’s love.
    • Pray for the strength to serve others selflessly.
    • Pray for divine guidance in all your actions, keeping God at the center of your life.

    Let us pray:
    Lord, teach me to walk in humility, following Your example. Help me to serve others with love and to trust Your perfect timing. May my life reflect Your greatness, not my own. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  19. Great is thy faithfulness,
    Great is thy faithfulness,
    Morning by morning new mercies I see.
    All I have needed thy hand hast provided;
    Great is thy faithfulness,
    Lord unto me....

    Have a good day, Lovelies!

  20. Good morning everyone.
    Up and grateful to God 馃檹
    May our day be fruitful 馃檹

  21. Good morning everyone 馃挍馃憢馃挍

    Anyone who condescendingly claims to know what's in your head or how you should be perceiving your lived experiences is waging a psychological war on you 馃挴馃挴馃挴

    Y'all have a productive day ahead 馃槝馃槝馃槝

  22. I noticed I added weight recently even before people started saying it. My face and hips showed it. I saw it on my cheeks too馃榿, making my neatly shaved beard to look beautiful. This brought more handsomeness to my already good look. No joke here. Take my word for it.

    I must be honest. I ate very well and richly too all through my stay in Abia State. Mostly fresh meals. Drank lots of water and ate much of vegetables and fruits. Money was really spent. I had adequate rest and less worries.

    Worries and stress reduces one and make one to emaciate. Going forward, I have started investing on myself, my appearance and my dreams. Henceforth, it's luxury or nothing. This is one of the reasons for the money hustle.

    Good Morning Guys!!!!


    © TEEJAY

    1. Please make out time to pamper yourself oh
      It's not only for women.
      You live only once.
      Celebrating all Men 馃

  23. Good morning everyone.
    I miss Harmattan so much!!!

    1. Trekking.... Passing Vehemently
      Harmattan my brother don japa

    2. I miss harmattan too
      Bcos I don't understand this kind heat 馃サ

    3. I miss harmattan too 馃ゲ
      This sun is too harsh abeg, e no get joy.

  24. "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing..."_
    _(Isaiah 43:18-19)_

    Never allow the voice of the past to speak in your present. Those who allows it are often frustrated and can't experience true joy, nor live up to their full potentials. There's no beauty or glory in yesterday; therefore, don't live your life on the basis of yesterday's experiences. Let the Word of God guide you. Be inspired by the joy of the present and the inspiration of a better and more glorious tomorrow. "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."_ *_(Colossians 3:2)._* _"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."_ *_(Romans 12:2)_* 馃槏馃槏馃槏馃槏馃槏

    Good morning 馃挄

  25. Thank you Jesus 馃檹馃檹
    I've been hospitalized for 5 days now.
    Probably will be discharged today.
    If you have a good health, you don't know what God has done for you.
    Cheers and don't be a reason to someone's sadness.
    Great day ahead 馃挒馃挒

    1. Sorry Cherrybaby, the Lord perfect your healing in Jesus name.

    2. May God come through for you and heal your completely 馃檹 ✨️ 馃檶
      Sorry dear..

    3. Sorry dear Cherrybaby, i wish you quick recovery

    4. Ehya 馃馃 so sorry.
      I wish you quick recovery.
      It is well with you 馃

    5. Sorry dear, May God grant you healings from above.馃

    6. Stay strong and healthy 馃檹

    7. Sorry dear. I wish you a quick recovery. 馃挄

  26. Good morning to the beautiful people of this blog. Your day will be good and beautiful.

  27. Good morning 馃寗
    Grateful to God Almighty for the gift 馃巵 of life.
    Have a wonderful week 馃挄

  28. It’s against the code of conduct for you to identify s as a corp member and speak against the government. You’re not permitted to comment, grant interviews and so on. They’re expected to remain neutral. This is usually taught at the orientation camp.

    1. What the lady said is not bad but if she’s a serving corper then she’s totally wrong.

      It’s just like a military personnel or police making a video to bash the government.
      NYSC is a paramilitary and hence directly under the presidency. Secondly, she’s a staff of the FG.

    2. Spot on 馃憤
      Sentiments aside, the Youth corps member was wrong. What she said were correct to an extent but she doesn't have the right to say them now that she is stil a serving corps member..
      She should have waited till after her service year to bash the government.
      She should apologize for peace to reign.

  29. Good morning SDK and BVs. Marvellous Monday. Thank you Jesus. Blessed day and week. 馃檹馃徔馃檹馃徔馃檹馃徔

  30. Ekaaro gbogbo ile
    Ojumo ire

  31. Transfiguration of our Earthly MINDSET.

    We are being prepared to be ready for the Glorious REWARD of our Faith and Services in Christ.

    Our VISION and MISSION are being empowered to THINK and LOOK beyond the trials of this World.

    We are encouraged to listen to the VOICE of God's Beloved Son so as to shun CONTRARY voices around.

    The GLORY of Heaven is WORTH LONGING for.

    Good Morning Everyone, hope you had a restful night. Please do have a beautiful Day ahead. God's protection.

  32. Good morning everyone 馃挒馃挒
    Up and grateful 馃檹
    Amen to your prayers SDK 馃檹
    Nice day to us 馃檹

  33. Thank you Lord for a beautiful day you've made.
    Let today be great and this week be blissful to all of us.
    Good morning wonderful BVs

    1. It's a brand new day,thank U Lord 馃檹.

      Ob谩 t贸 dar铆 afef茅

      Ob谩 t贸 gbe ik煤 ni id茅

      Ob谩 t贸 oro r茅 g谩,j煤 oruko r茅 l贸

      Ol煤dari aw贸n or煤n

      Ob谩 alash茅p茅

      Olowo nla

      Adani ma gbagbe en铆

  34. Bonjour people 馃グ馃槏馃А❤️馃挋

    It's going to be a great day.

  35. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Happy New Week!

  36. Good morning beautiful people of SDK blog馃槏馃グ

    Keni nice day ahead ❤️馃

  37. Good morning bvs
    Pls join me and pray for Stella and Engr Ayyub. I just received another 20k from Engr Ayyub Ramadan giveaway. I wasn't expecting double blessing but God's ways are different from man's own and I appreciate Him with my whole heart.
    May God expand Engr Ayyub and bless him abundantly, may his prayers be answered in this Holy month.
    Stella you shall never know lack.

    1. Amen. Thank you Engineer Ayyub.
      This is what they call "a heartfelt appreciation"

    2. Amen!
      Congratulations to you dear Teemah G, enjoy jaree
      May God continue to bless and multiply to the giver and Mammi Stella in Jesus name Amen!馃檹

    3. Congratulations dear 馃
      God bless Engr Ayyub.
      Thank you SDK 馃槝 God bless you.

    4. Congratulations T馃帀馃帄


  38. As we kick off a new week, let's embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. Take a moment today to set a small intention—whether it's tackling that to-do list, reaching out to a friend, or simply taking a breather.

    Remember, every day is a fresh start. Let’s make it a great one!..馃挭

    Good morning people...❤️
    Enjoy your special day...✌️

  39. Thank you Engr. Ayubb for the pleasant surprise..I put on my phone few minutes ago and your alert met my eyes. May God reward you, may He accept your Ibadah in this Ramadan season, give you more grace, more success, more happiness in your life sir.
    Thank you Stella for picking me again. May God keep blessing you too.

  40. What shall I said unto the Lord!all I have to say is thank you LORD;Faithful God I'm grateful for everything.馃檹馃徑 Good morning beautiful people, wishing you all a blessed day 馃檹馃尮❤️馃グ

  41. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 76 of 365...

    There is no one like God.

  42. Good morning everyone
    It's a new week and I pray God almighty bless us with all our heart desires 馃檹

  43. Good morning, holla at you all, Monday crush to all the men,
    Ali b
    To all the amazing men

    1. Thanks to you brother. I appreciate.

      © TEEJAY

    2. Thanks brotherly. Wish you a successful week. God bless you!


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