Stella Dimoko LandeGATE - Estranged Wife Dara Denies Sleeping Around And Apologises For Truth Or Dare Game



Saturday, March 15, 2025

LandeGATE - Estranged Wife Dara Denies Sleeping Around And Apologises For Truth Or Dare Game

Actor Lande Ijoba's estranged wife Darasimi in an interview has come out to say her own side of the story. She denies claims that Lande spends heavily on her instead she said he is a chronic gambler who gambles away all his money and that is the reason for his present broke and depressed state. 
She apologized for the truth or dare game that ended up in her gbenshing Doggy style with actor Baba Tee....

She said  to actress Biola Bayo
“I am always surprised when people say I spent lande’s money and dumped him. Which money did lande have? He has never been a wealthy guy; he is an addicted gambler who spends all the money he sees on gambling.

His love for gambling is so much such that he gambled with 2 million naira in a day aviator virtual gambling is his favorite. His gambling habit led to him selling his car to fund his gambling lifestyle. This is the reason why he is broke and depressed today. I suffered a lot by borrowing money and food from neighbors. He is also very hot tempered; he hits me whenever he is angry. The major reason why I left him was when he hot me because of the ajo money that Marygold was owing. He didn’t want me to pester her for the money. Ijoba lande was broke when I met him but because of the love I had for him I still went ahead to marry him. I sponsored most of the things needed during our wedding introduction.

Concerning the truth or dare game with baba tee, I regret what I did and I have asked God for forgiveness. I don’t know how lande got to know because it was only three of us in that house. I didn’t know when and how any d0ggy happened. I know I gave baba tee a lap dance.

The makecash he is talking about; we are only business partners. Lande said I have slept with 21 men in the movie industry, I challenge him to post any evidence he has against me. He came out to lie that I denied him s#x for eight months, how can you deny someone you are sleeping on the same bed s#x for eight months? He knows I am a smoker and we used to smoke and drink together for fun. He just wants to paint me bad. Lande I am sorry for the truth and dare game I played while in your house and I apologize to everyone I disappointed”

Translated from Yoruba by Temilolasobola on Instagram


  1. Replies
    1. It is so easy to condemn her but some, if not most, single and married women, have done worse escapades that will be taken to the grave. I know so many married women (with lovey dovey pictures of themselves and husbands as petmanent social media display pictures) but who knack secretly with colleagues and Ogas, especially in govt offices and private coys. "Na who dem catch be thief". Let God be the judge and have mercy on all of us.

  2. Shame lock my inside toilet throway key.

    1. Shame no wear gstring today???🤣

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 were you dey get all these your dls slangs sef

    3. Lmao 🤣🤣 all these your shame comment is hilarious 😂

      instead of her to enter house with her shameful self, she’s still out there granting useless interviews upandan..tueh

  3. Why do we even have to be confronted with these brainless yeyebrities. These are the ones people celebrate?? Lord have mercy.
    Madam, stop giving interviews and quietly allow everyone forget a disgrace like you y existed. He did this, he is not this...biko, you're not Natasha. If you could doggy a TnD, what's 21??
    Nonsense and Ingredients

  4. As a married woman, you had NO business giving another man a lap dance. Y'all need to close this messy gate.

  5. We don even dey forget her fuck up naim she run go do interview to make people remember her atrocities again.

  6. You can't shame the shameless

  7. Hmmmmmm
    Some words are better left unsaid

  8. People should free this girl abeg. It’s adultery she committed,she didn’t kill anyone.

    1. I hope if it happens to you , you will said the same thing

  9. Two of them fit! Who dey even interview these things? Both interviewers and interviewees- all of them no well.

  10. 😅😅😅😅😅 mad oooo

  11. Very beautiful woman with low moral

  12. Dirty people with dirty stories.

  13. Kai 💔
    And the lady fine oh.

  14. You're asking him to bring evidence of other men and yet you didn't know how he got to know about the doggy. If he releases more evidence you will start apologising and disturbing us.
    Madam be careful and jejely enter your house.

  15. Most of you judginas have been cheated on. Used and dumped. Beaten and bruised so your only outlet is to come on this blog and shame other women. Did she kill someone? So because she made a mistake she should hide in shame? Pathetic lots. You all have done worst yet pretend to be perfect. All those abortions, body counts, prostitution, sleeping with married men yet you feel superior to her. If you insult her, insult yourself too. And for the few men insulting her, we all know that yall are misogynistic , jobless nonentities.

    1. Stop it! Just stop it! Her file is messy for a MARRIED woman with children. Who cares if a single woman with no children wants to hoe out herself. This one is too much. Who in their right mind hoe out themselves to the same circle of men their husband must come in contact with, she not even have any damn sense. She is reckless and deserves all the heat she is getting. She can go rest her drilled out parts and stretched out jaw for a while, and do some life examination. Mtsscchhwww

    2. 21:50 I guess you are sinless.whether single or not no one has the right to insult another human being. Even using the simple word fool is considered sin yet you are all abusing this woman. Shameless lots. Doing abortion, threesome, prostitution , drugs, gossiping each other, maltreating people's children, lying yet you have the mouth to talk. Mtcheew

    3. My sins are against me, they do not involve anyone else. My sins don’t cause pain to others and I did not vow to love honour and respect a husband then turn him into a laughing stock among his peers, because of being a married bicycle that everyone and anyone can get a turn to ride. There are sins and then there are sins.

      She is not above roasting. We roasted Balthazar and all the married women who laid with him, what is so special about this one that she cannot be roasted too. Folks roasted queen Dami right here on this blog, even though her problems run deep. Who is this one that you want nobody to touch? King David and even his son had to face their humiliation for their evils and it corrected them, they never did such evil again. If a king on the throne can be outed, who is this one that you want nobody to touch. She is too free and easy for a woman with children. Her mouth shouldn’t be out there doing the things she does and coming home to kiss those kids, they shouldn’t have to be smelling different men on her. And regardless of her husband’s shortcomings, he gave her his name and a status, the least she could do is respect his name and get him help if he needs it. How is fckn down the town good for the family. Mtsscchhwww

    4. Anonymous 16:21 you deserve very chilled wine.

  16. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
    John 8.7 (KJV)

    1. Keep trying🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Association of sinners, people that wear the same garment of shame with her have spoken.

    3. 23.14 she simple stated what God asked us to do and you are here falsely accusing us of doing what this woman did ( this is false accusation which is a sin). Unlike you lots we have the fear of God in our hearts and we are empathetic wto other people struggles and mistakes. In everything you do remember that God will judge us all. Instead of insulting her, you all should make sure you are without sin.

    4. No body is without sin, you will sin more when you don’t shune and caution evil doers. May be the bashing will help her leave right.

    5. 10:15 No, you will sin more if you shun them. We should caution everyone that sins or make mistakes with love and not insulting them. Plus how is this your business when I'm sure you have not resolved your own family problems and if we get to know your sinsdone in secret they would be worst. I know this is a gossip/ news/ entertainment blog but we should caution her or anyone who sin or make mistakes with the love God has given us freely and reflect on our own sins. Plus is it really our job to caution her or her family and friends? This is just and avenue for yall to unleash your frustration and venom. You are no better than her. SIN IS SIN. NO SIN IS GREATER THAN THE OTHER.

  17. For those saying this lady should be left alone y'all are supporting evil.
    So we should normalise infidelity abi because say na woman. But if it were a man who did this, the Internet would be on fire especially from we ladies.
    Make we dey always dey truthful. Had it been the husband didn't call her out, would she have been this repentant seeking pity?
    Make all these holier than thou no just provoke me abeg.
    So because he exposed you, you're now telling the whole world how broke he is and how he gambles.
    Why didn't you just leave the marriage and then live the kind of life you wanted.
    What is good for the goose is good for the gander. I support those faulting her 100percent. Married men and women should do better.

    1. Even if it was a man it would be wrong to insult him and judge him instead of caution him with love and kindly push him to learn from his mistakes. We all sin. SIN IS SIN. What we need is to stop judging and insulting those who fall short because we all have fallen short of the grace of God. Let's learn to mind our business. She has a family. They will speak sense into her if needed. What yall are doing is idles gossip. Forgetting that we all have sinned even if it is in secret or we think is not has serious as our own. The measure you used to judge others, God will use to judge you. Kindness hoe's a long way. I'm not defending her but this bullying is getting too far. You are the same people who will come under anonymous post and share your evil deeds in secret because you don't want to be judged and looked down upon but you are doing the same thing to this woman.

    2. Abeg!!!!!!!!
      Spare me with this righteousness preaching.
      A full grown woman with her open eyes committed adultery and you want me to be kind with my words. Was she under duress? Some of you just blindly practice Christianity. So because the bible preaches forgiveness people should be misbehaving.
      My dear, when your partner cheats on you please speak to them in a kind way and encourage them to take the right path.
      You see this one eh, I will not mind my business same way you're not minding your business replying everyone condemning her behaviour.
      I will continue to condemn her behaviour until people like her learn. Is marriage a child's play? If you're not ready to stay committed to a partner why marry or stay married?
      And mind you nobody is gossiping; they brought it to us online and we are giving our honest opinions.
      What do you mean by bullying is getting too much? Who is bullying her? That's the next thing people like you will tag it but you won't see where she is calling out her husband o mtchewww
      Aunty defender of the defenseless keep defending o; Internet never forgets and will not forgive.
      God will judge we know but you cannot expect us to keep quiet and encourage things that are bad.
      Even those that post anonymous chronicles here receive bashing when they are wrong and that is how it is supposed to be.
      Stop supporting evil and call a spade a spade!!!


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