Stella Dimoko Friday In House News


Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday In House News

 Friday hailings....

I hope that you are having an amazing day?I am!
Enjoy the rest of the day and stay outta trouble.



Watching my princess grow is one of the major highlights of my life right now, I am smiling while writing because of how much she lights up my world. I never expected how different raising a girl child can be from that of the boys.

My boys at her age just wanted to eat and play with their toy trucks, and they were satisfied . On the other hand my princess is so interested in her environment at this age, she notices and tries to mimic everything , she is way more independent than they were at her age which is understandable since girls develop faster and all.

She plays with toy cars and trucks like the boys, but she gravitates more towards dolls when we are at the toy section. I got her one not too long ago and I have seen her sit down with a comb, combing the dolls hair with so much care and a softened expression that reminds me of a mom with her child.

Last week we were going out and I dressed her up and she picked up the edge of her dress and did a twirl, looking so pleased with herself. My sister even has to hide a make-up bag because she laid hands on it, and this little damsel applies lip gloss and lipstick on her lips, cheeks like blush and on her eyelids like eyeshadow . It was all over the place, and she looked like a clown, but I was amazed at the effort she put into trying to look like my sister.

She is still very little, but I know she is a girly girl through and through. She didn’t get it from me, though ( I think). The other day she threw a full blown tantrum at the supermarket, she flopped on the ground so dramatically and started kicking her legs up and screaming just as I had seen in movies because I had never experienced this with the boys.

My first instinct as an African parent was to smack the tantrum out of her but I remembered my parenting class lessons at the last minute and just ignored her, I continued what I was doing while keeping a firm eye on her. When she was done , she came to me with the cutest pout ever and was sobbing silently.

It was the first big tantrum experience for both of us, and it made me realise I had a drama queen on my hands. I am being firm with her but also enthralled by her girly antics. I know I will be having my hands full with this one.

WOW!!!;;;if she jut knows your mumu button thats all she will be



There Are Only Two Types of Women: Assets or Liabilities
A woman in your life will either build you up or drag you down—there is no in-between. The sooner you learn this, the faster you’ll filter out the parasites from the real partners. A liability costs you time, money, and peace, while an asset brings value, loyalty, and support.
Here are 10 ways to know whether she’s a liability or an asset:

A Liability Woman:
1. She’s Expensive with No Value – Always expecting you to pay, provide, and finance her lifestyle but brings nothing to the table.

2. She’s Emotionally Draining – Full of drama, arguments, and attention-seeking nonsense that distracts you from your purpose.

3. She Seeks Validation from the World – Always half-naked online, addicted to likes, and obsessed with impressing strangers instead of respecting her man.

4. She Competes Instead of Complements – Wants to "be the boss" and prove she doesn’t need a man while still depending on one.

5. She Disrespects You – Talks back, belittles you, and makes you feel small instead of making you feel like a king.

6. She Has a "Bestie" (a Male Backup Plan) – Keeps other men in her life under the excuse of “he’s just a friend” when in reality, he’s an option.

7. She’s Lazy and Entitled – Expects a high-value man but brings nothing valuable to the relationship. No cooking, no effort, no growth.

8. She Plays the Victim – Never takes accountability for her actions and blames men for all her failures.

9. She’s Addicted to Social Media & Trends – More focused on TikTok dances and feminist nonsense than building a real relationship.

10. She Threatens to Leave Over Small Issues – Uses emotional blackmail and ultimatums because she doesn’t see you as the prize.

An Asset Woman:
1. She’s Supportive – Encourages your vision, pushes you to be better, and contributes to your goals.

2. She’s Emotionally Intelligent – Avoids unnecessary drama and knows how to handle stress maturely.

3. She Seeks Validation from You, Not the World – Dresses and behaves with class, knowing that your approval matters most.

4. She Knows Her Role – Embraces her femininity, respects leadership, and complements your strength instead of competing.

5. She Respects You Deeply – Listens, values your opinions, and never belittles or embarrasses you.

6. She’s Loyal and Keeps Boundaries – No male "besties," no ex-boyfriend friendships—only loyalty and respect for your relationship.

7. She Contributes, Not Just Consumes – Adds value to your life, whether through emotional support, intelligence, or skills.

8. She Takes Accountability – Owns her mistakes, apologizes when necessary, and strives to improve.

9. She’s Focused on Building a Future – More interested in stability and family than temporary internet trends.

10. She Stays Through Hard Times – Doesn’t threaten to leave over small issues but works with you to solve problems.

A woman will either elevate you or destroy you—there is no middle ground. The biggest mistake a man can make is turning a liability into a wife. If she’s draining your energy, disrespects you, or brings nothing but problems, cut her off immediately.
A high-value man does not waste time on liabilities—he builds his empire with an asset by his side. 


WORD!!!......I know someone who married a liability...She used housekeeping money to buy hair  and then went to borrow money from his friends wife adn did not pay back on time....



-Beauty sleep is real - scientists found that faces of well-rested people look younger and are more attractive than sleep-deprived people.

-Psychology says, depression is often the result of over thinking. Our minds create problems that initially didn't exist.


-A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities and second, respecting the differences.

-Delete everything in your mind that is not moving you forward.



  1. Today's weather is πŸ”₯good afternoon house

    1. Hola babe ❣️
      The sun is blazing down here

    2. Hello my beautiful MercyBee and my beautiful Paris baby πŸ’‹πŸ˜˜

  2. TGIF.
    Welcome to the weekend everyone πŸ™.

    1. macron
      Capital boo

      i dey saΓΆute oh..

    2. Greetings Nwoke Oma πŸ’šπŸ’™ how’s your day going?

      @SDK ..leave my boo alone before I go hear allegedly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. That's how me and my lactose intolerant self went to do long throat yesterday and drank milkshake (mehnnn it tasted sooo good 😊) but we didn't sleep, we used the toilet like 4 times before morning, it was horrible. My tummy is bloated and strong. On my way to work this morning, I kept praying I don't drop a duce inside Keke for the poor guy. I'm so uncomfortable guys. 😣

    I need to go spiritual on this thing, i thought I would outgrow it but nope, Its still rearing its ugly head. Look at all the things I'm missing out on. Yesterday was my first time tasting milkshake because of fear and still. I've gotten flagyl now sha. Fingers crossed. 🀞

    Thank God it's weekend I can rest

    1. Lol!
      Abeg no take again o

    2. Sorry Sandra, please stay away from it.

    3. Does lactose intolerance kill? If no, it's to be risking it once once na🀧

    4. Me any mistakes my belly will suffer.. so sorry sis

    5. My dear, I think you should just adhere strictly to diet for lactose intolerance...

    6. Pele dear

    7. Sice I started taking almond milk it has stopped except when i taste something that has normal milk
      @fidel it does not kill but theres a kind of discomfort that is worse than pains and u will feel like u r carrying tiri storey building in your stomach

    8. So sorry babe πŸ€—πŸ€— hope you feel better soon

    9. Sorry dearπŸ€—πŸ€—

    10. Thank you beautiful people.

    11. Ah it's that serious? I've always thought it was just small diarrhoea. Eyaaa sorry Sandy.
      Na wa o

    12. Sorry Sandra, it used to happen to me as a child, but when I came of age, I just couldn't find it anymore, so I'm totally free now, and can enjoy milk now.

    13. Sorry about the discomfort

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. Sandra, buy probiotics and thank me later.

  4. In house news don land again oooo. Una good afternoon oooo. O boy this sun 🌞🌞🌞🌞 no come to play ooo.

  5. Starting watching the series Paradise and I’m hooked!
    Sinatra is really a beast!

    1. I started episode 1 but stopped half way. I'll go back now.

    2. Hooked? ah no unless you wanna gimme small synopsis

    3. Is it on Netflix?

      Tyler Perry better be fast in releasing season 2 of Beauty in Black fa and Horace better not die 🀣 he’s my best character ,then Charles ..his facial expressions and I don’t care attitude does it for me

    4. @Paris Savannah, I also can't wait for season 2.

    5. Lmao Stella, it’s about an SS agent devoted to protecting the POTUS after the world collapsed and they were all transported into an underground man made world.
      A lot of conspiracies and secrets begin to unfold as you watch. Very interesting dialogues and characters.
      @Paris no it’s on Hulu.

      BTW, this season of love is blind should be name love is liberal cos what the hell?
      Forcing your beliefs down people’s throats!
      Sara needs to get a life and stop living in her sister’s shadows. Everybody must not be gay!
      Very annoying bunch of people.

  6. I enjoyed the write-up about the two types of women.
    Good afternoon house

  7. I saw this video where Efe Carter's daughter was playing with his nipples, and be made funny sounds. Is that supposed to be funny? 😑. These people lack contents.

    1. The annoying part is the Efe Carter is not even funny on a good day....He has a very annoying personality...Normal Normal dem suppose arrest that him oblong head....

    2. Good afternoon beautiful Candy ❤️. I saw the video too,and I cringed. 😌😌😌

    3. πŸ˜„ Phoenix who angered you this afternoon?

    4. Reading this sef is making feel nauseous 🀦

    5. I watched it and felt very irritated by it.. good afternoon beautiful sis πŸ€—

    6. Describing the video as cringeworthy falls short. His behavior is concerning and the child's reaction are unsettling. Unfortunately, I'm not surprised by his complete lack of decorum. Recording that and laughing speaks volume about his bizarre behaviour.

    7. Nonsense content.shior

    8. They should start arresting the for posting such content...u cant try that and post on the social media abroad cos they will take the child away, that already abuse of some sort

    9. I saw the video and honestly I cringed 😬 like WTF ❗️the wife better be vigilant cos that baby is not safe with him..what sort of stupid content is that?

    10. Phoenix, he is not funny o. Like his skits are really irritating.
      BB darling, he recorded it and posted it again. For WHAT?
      Sandy, if you watch it, you sef go vex.
      Fidel, everything about the video is just wrong.
      MercyBee, speechless?
      Purest Pure, good afternoon my darling.
      Stella, what annoys me is some comments even said can't a father play with his kids. For eal?? If he wanted to play, he should be playing with her dolls.. Damn annoying.

    11. I didn't watch the video but reading about it is not even funny... Hian!

    12. Is that guy even funny ?
      I hate his facial expression πŸ˜‘.

    13. There are just so many irresponsible parents out there. Na wa!

    14. Queen B, that won't be his first time allowing his daughter play with his nipples.
      Paris darling, Buchi said his daughter should be taken from him and the comments were off. Like people see nothing wrong with that video.

    15. Some of them overdo it seriously, they do all manner of nonsense just to create content it's so annoying.

    16. Ehn ehn? Candy so they said a father can play with his kids right? As in play with nipples.
      Next time he should bring out his gbola and ask her to play with it and then post it.
      I don't blame them, the law enforcement authorities here are useless

    17. Stella, is there a reason my comments are always flagged???

  8. Goodafternoon πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Good afternoon beautiful sis πŸ€—

    2. Mercybee my darling 😘
      Purest sweetie πŸ₯°

      Hello iya Boys

  9. Just coming from the ENT doctor because of my nose that is always blocked except I use some sorts of spray and it’s so relieving that after over 20 years, I finally have a diagnosis for what has been wrong with me. I cried knowing that it’s not just me randomly having blocked nose and sneezing but there was actually something causing it and I can now treat the cause and not the symptoms.

    I honestly hope the medications they gave me works cos I’m tired and I just want to be free of this.

    1. Is it sinusitis? I suffer from it too.

    2. Pele dear, thank God it's been diagnosed so there's a solution. You're healed in Jesus name πŸ‘

    3. Apparently I have a swollen mucosal whatever and polyps. So I have been given medications that will hopefully shrink it

    4. My fear now is the bill oh

    5. Same with me. The ENT doctor said its a case of rhinosinusitis. However, I was told to go for a CT scan to check for nasal polyps.
      People who freely breathe with their two nostrils dont know what God has done for them.
      Otrivin and Xylo Acino sprays are never far from me.


    6. Eka Joy dont take it for too long as it will surely contain steriods

    7. Thank you, 14:52. Stella, I was only told to take it for a week and then they scheduled a follow up appointment

    8. Stella, what could go wrong if one takes it for long? I've been taking mine for years.

    9. Pele Ekalicious DearπŸ«‚

      Hello iya Boys

  10. Good afternoon SDK family members, TGIF πŸ₯³

    Woman going through motherhood, your daughter is my daughter's twinnee. She already has a favorite color pinkπŸ˜…πŸ€©..

    1. Ah! Abi na to flog this oreva turn girly??😩😩

    2. Good afternoon beautiful Fab Mama πŸ₯°

    3. Been awhile dearie, how you dey?

    4. Hahahahaha, she will at her time FidelπŸ˜…πŸ€©

      Hello my purest sweet pure 🌹

      Adunni sis, fine and you.
      Work no lete see road.

  11. Motherhood poster, I can totally relate. My daughters, especially Alex are so girlie girlie. Alex picks up my makeup brush and powders her face, and even applies my lipstick. Just a few days back, I had to paint their nails because Alex insisted and after hers Vanessa also wanted hers done.

    I have turned to those mothers we judge because they apply these things for their kids but it’s so cute when they ask that you can’t just refuse.

    1. I remember how my sister and I used to play with our mom's nail polish when she leaves for work. The beating we received in the evening when she returns is something else.

      Well done Eka.

    2. My own na to climb windows and gate, fight her brother... Maybe the girly still dey come for front but rn... Boyie🀦

    3. I hope they don't put those fingers in their mouths?

    4. Lol @climb windows 🀣🀣 Fidel o. She will change before your eyes.

    5. Lol πŸ˜†, Fidel leave that girl alone.

  12. Ina i the only one that love the competition going on btw both Nnpcl and Dangote?5 hundred naira fuel is the goal oh.

    1. I love it,it's called healthy competition and beneficial for the consumers.

    2. Lol very good competition

    3. Lmao 🀣🀣 monopoly doesn't favour consumers na

    4. Dangote really shook them. God bless him for us.

    5. Yes I, I pray it gets to that price. Nigeria must be great again

    6. I suspect this Mdee is Milkshakes' new blog ID.
      This is his handwriting.

      If you like lock your profile , we will still fish you out internet rat.

    7. I suspect too @15:34. He has started with his stereotype question-comment.
      His handwriting cannot be mistaken even if he twists it like that year when he was commenting in pidgin with the blog ID "Prudent: I sell everything". He later changed it to Big energy and was fished out.
      Mdee Miliki, no hiding place for you here

  13. Good afternoon everyone, hope the day is progressing well, mine still busy today oo,may our hustle continue to pay Amen!πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜
    E go be ✌️

  14. Sunny Friday afternoon 🌞🌞

  15. I wonder when the next season of Beauty in Black will come out. I saw a video of a chef making akara and bread in similar fashion as French toast. I should try that soon.

    1. How are you people really enjoying that series. Their dialogues are so overstretched that it annoys me like mad

    2. If you can overlook the repetitive annoying dialogue, it’s very interesting. Kimmie is so annoying and I almost gave her younger sister a slap through my screen at the last episode.
      I especially enjoy the dialogue between Roy and Malory 🀣 two crazy people!

    3. Crazy couple indeed!@roy&malory

  16. Good afternoon everyone
    The two types of woman is apt πŸ’―
    Sign out meme so true πŸ‘

  17. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Sunny Friday. Enjoy your weekend. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    1. You too dearie πŸ₯°

    2. Greetings BBlicious My Darling 😘

      Hello iya Boys

  18. Good afternoon,
    The sun is so hot.
    Have a sweet weekend.

  19. IHN
    Good afternoon everyone πŸ₯³

    Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.' Psalm 86:11

    I wish you all a fun-filled and exciting weekend

  20. Hello bvs
    Motherhood poster, I love that you are not quick to raise hands on your kids. I pray for grace to reduce spanking too.

  21. Greateful heart πŸ™

  22. Good afternoon beautiful people

  23. If you have a blog ID that you cannot sign into, please download chrome browser and try again....I just got back my ID after changing laptop been trying since Saturday and could not until i got help...
    Unless you dumped your ID, this works evrytime

    1. Thanks for the tips Sdk πŸ‘

    2. SDK welcome back to the comment section
      Chrome is my best browser.
      Unless you forgot your email or password, it works well.

    3. Thank you Stella. Hope it works for me cos I don tire

      Fan Emmanuel

  24. New update: if you want to send a small parcel abroad and you no get money for courier service, just go to the airport and beg pilot to help you run it ... they'll keep it Infront where they sir , make sure you add the recipient phone number, pilot no go collect pass 2500 and if you can speak good English you can price it to 1500. .... copied

  25. Hello 🀩 everyone
    Cheers πŸ₯‚ to the weekend πŸ’•
    Have a wonderful rest of the day πŸ’—

  26. Negel the parrot vanished from his British owners home in 2010 and was presumed dead or gone until he randomly showed up four years later. Nobody knew where he went, but he came back speaking Spanish and talking about some guy named Larry.


  27. Good afternoon everyone. Thank God it's Friday.

  28. Good afternoon. Thanks GOD for the friendly here in Abj.

  29. Good day all πŸ’žπŸ’ž
    God bless our hustle

  30. OSHODI DSS SAID SO ✌️14 March 2025 at 16:00

    I cannot wait to leave this hot country. It's as if they opened hellfire down in Nigeria. Damn, you guys are trying, huh?
    I have a lot to say, but I would talk about it when I get back to my base.Cheers πŸ₯‚

    Peace out ✌️

  31. Good afternoon everyone.

    I just pray we enter the rainy season soon, cause this sun isn't helping matters at all. Hian😭

  32. Anybody sight the bloody moon in their location today?

    1. I was most certainly not looking dear πŸ˜‚

  33. @motherhood lady, I really envy you ooo. I really wanted a girl child, they are so different and kind. Na 2 Boyz I get wey no send anybody


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