Stella Dimoko Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog


Thursday, March 13, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog

 Ask anything (Except Chronicles) and get answers..


  1. Please where can I get durable induction pots online,I don't mind if it's thrift

    1. Google it my dear

    2. I advise u go to Lawanson....there are lots of warehouse for such over there

  2. Good afternoon my beautiful people on this blogsphere.
    Please Bible students, Sunday school teachers and even pastors, your attention is highly needed.
    I'm taking up on the youth in my church as regards marriages, I need topics and verses on morals, vices, life styles, peer groups, the beauty of marriage, why marriages don't last, high rate of divorce etc. Just any good thing to spice up the meeting/discussions while I chip in my little experience.
    Thank you all.

    1. I will suggest you focus on the beauty of marriage and parenting together and forget why marriages don't last and high rate of divorce.

      As per the beauty of marriage. Remind them that once one is married, you can never be referred to as spinster or bachelor again, you are either referred to as a widow, widower, Divorced or separated so the need to be very careful before making a choice.
      The anchor scriptures for marriage are Hebrew !3: 4, Ephesians 5: 21-23 and Mathew 19: 5-6 . In all, no two marriages are the same. Let them not forget the place of prayer.
      We need to raise a generation that believes so much in marriage and ready to make it work.

    2. Do a study on the book of Ruth and Esther with topics like
      *Don't think it's over until you win
      Study on Samson
      *Avoid distractions and be focused
      David's story
      *Maximizing opportunities, facing your giants etc.
      I hope this helps

    3. Ask Chatgbt, it will give you a.more comprehensive answer

    4. If the Bible alone could teach us on marriage all the problems in Christian marriages would not exist. While you use the Bible you also need to speak to ppl to see if they would be willing to share their lived experiences. Speak to the divorcees, speak to the those who experienced violence, speak to those who dealt with infidelity, polygamy, double families, outside children. Look for ppl willing to share. If you cannot find anyone look for videos, bring in professional marriage counsellors who can share their lived experiences problems they see with couples and how to fix them.

      The Bible is great but add other resources to it, especially people living today with experience.

    5. Thanks for your inputs, God bless you all.

  3. HR people in private companies biko, when you people ask for documentation, please which document do you focus on gan gan? As in the one you scrutinise top to bottom.
    Is it NYSC abi birth abi WASCE?
    Let me know what I'm doing over here.🤦‍♀️

    1. In my place it is as follows:
      Primary school certificate. (FSLC)
      Age declaration and

    2. Zaza, if you don't mind me asking. Where do you work?

    3. It's always NYSC discharge certificate number if you want to know if the applicant is a graduate

    4. You should ask the HR which documents are you to provide? We scrutinize all documents though...From your WAEC, NYSC, University and Professional certificates e.t.c

    5. very correct at straight guy, even DOB is on NYSC certificate now

      People rarely scrutinize professional qualifications

    6. Anon 14:27. Do you want to dash me money?

  4. I decided to do a sew in.

    It's been over 10 years.

    Guys please recommend a good salon that can do real good sew ins. I want something that will look really natural and splendid not sitting on my head.

    Anywhere in Lagos is fine.

  5. Do you know any apartments that take monthly or quarterly payments in Lagos?

    1. Service apartments
      Face me, i slap you

    2. Google service apartments in Lagos

  6. Blog visitors pls help a sister
    Which browser should I download to make browsing easier for me?
    I use chrome and Opera mini but they both give me headache every day. They crash at will even after updating them

    1. Check Phoenix browser...I hope the apps are updated in your phone

    2. I find chrome perfect for myself, u can as well clear your browser history or try firefox too

  7. I just wasted my money in cooking Spaghetti and it came out bad..

    Tastes good but gum together.
    Some soft some hard.
    Let my cook yam for my kids,
    Wasted effort.
    Wasted money
    Wasted gas.
    Vex no go kill my joy

    1. Best way to cook spaghetti is to add a little bit of veg, groundnut or olive oil to it before parboiling it. In that case, it won’t stick together and all of them will cook evenly.

    2. Next time use enough boiling hot water to parboil your spaghetti...Don't add oil....The water should be above the spaghetti and it will never come out stickly....

      Try this method

    3. Chai, sorry dear...
      But don't see it as waste, it's a learning experience.
      You can use good spaghetti brands like g*lden pe*nny or cr*wn next time. I add a little cooking oil to my hot water before boiling the spaghetti.
      Allow the water to dry up before stirring spag during cooking.
      And also check if your cooker was burning on one side since you said it's not soft all round. Just few tips to for next time.

    4. Spaghetti na food???
      When una dey leave native foods dey switch to Oyibo foods.

    5. Before you put your spaghetti in the pot, make sure the water must have boiled very well, then continue to stir it while on cooking gas to avoid gumming together..... Most times don't even cover it, keep tasting it to avoid overcooked one or too soft. Once done pour it into a selve and pour into pot immediately while you wait for sauce

    6. Anon 15:03 has stated exactly what you need to do. A little oil and when I say a little I mean one or two tablespoons depending on amount. Oil must be in the pot to prevent them from sticking together. I also never cook spaghetti in a large pot with lots of water. I use a frying pan and cook it in there, I hate overcooked, oversoft spaghetti and prefer al dente, so I don’t do the big pot thing, but that is a personal thing, most ppl do the pot thing. Remember to keep the pot uncovered, no lid when it is cooking and stir occasionally.

    7. Parboil it next time, no need to waste oil. It will not gum together

    8. 14:48, Miliki Internet rat, stop trolling bvs

  8. Hi everyone, what side online hustle can I do online , I'm three months postpartum, I'll be home till June when I'll resume back to work kindly help me

    1. The baby isn’t keeping you busy enough? Even if your mom is there for omugwo your body is still healing and the bonding with the baby is important. Plus, you need to rest well for the return to the work world. Unless money is really tight and times are hard just enjoy the six months off and bask in the new life you have brought into the world.

      Online businesses are aplenty these days. Look at your skills and interests and go from there.

  9. Hey lovelies, how does this drop shipping thing work I have an ig page with followers already , but I don't have money to stock goods yet , what do I do

    1. Can you drop ship for me, I sell female clothes @gop_female_fashion

  10. When can we introduce puree to babies , my baby is just three months, she's on lactogen milk and breast milk, but I want to introduce other meal to her before she starts creche in may

  11. I want to ask a funny question, like when you back a little baby , when can you start removing their hands out whenever you back them

    1. I don't know of other tribes...but for we Yoruba ..we start when d baby is 3 months old....same with slightly parting d baby's leg

    2. 6 weeks/2 months is fine.

    3. Be careful with that backing thing. Make sure the fingers are strong enough to cling on the back.
      I got a beating of my life when I was younger. I backed ' my baby sister , mistakenly she fell from my back and hit head on the floor . The following day she woke up with swollen eyes.

    4. When neck is strong , like the neck can stand without falling to one side. That's like three months old

    5. When the baby can hold their neck

  12. Bvs I'm in Lagos
    Lekki though.
    Which business can I do
    Please I'm not doing kiosk and provision store lol
    Side eyes at ogbonge jewelu
    Again what's the best marketing strategy for Lagos
    How best do I get customers for my business
    Thank you love

    1. You can start wholesales business. It could be drinks, diapers/ detergents, etc

  13. Guys!!! My introduction (knocking of door) is this Wednesday and I'm glad to share with all of you as a family.

    I'm a little bit confused on what to cook considering the cost of things in the market. Should I prepare my native soup or jollof rice? The money at hand is for only a type of food .

    Lastly, who is meant to buy drinks? Is it the man or the woman?

    Please I need inputs..

    1. Congratulations! From my own side, the man provides money for the food and drinks for the day but you add your own to support....

      I will advise you to cook only 2 types of food: Jollof rice and small egusi soup/Ofe Onugbu with semo...You don't need to cook too much so it does not waste and also depending on the number of people in attendance......

      All the best and congratulations once again

    2. If you are Igbo, cook your native soup because that is partly showcasing who you are and the family/culture your in-laws expect. E.g If you are from Anambara, ofe olugbu. If you are from Abia, ofe oha, if you are from owerri, ofe owerri. If you are from Aba, mmri nri. If you are from umuahia, ofe achara. I think your in law will prefer it than jollof rice.

      Igbo traditions mandate in-laws to bring some wine for iku aka or imara uzo. But your family needs to buy more drinks for visitors. You can’t just depend on the ones the in-laws are bringing to the occasion.

    3. Congratulations on your intro.
      Swallow is preferable for intro & trad. If you want to prepare your native soup, pls cook what your guests can eat...considering you & fiancé are not from same tribe.
      But do what your budget can...if its' jollof rice or rice & stew, fine.
      You can get malt & juice...let the men bring the wine.

    4. They are coming to your house for the first time.Accept them and entertain them as visitors. Serve them what you can afford.

    5. Congratulations on this new stage of life. Never skimp on a meal especially for a first meeting of families. Yes, you have budgetary considerations but ppl have long memories. Have in proportion, so there is enough for your guests to all be full. As for drinks ensure there is ice and whether soft drinks or home made juice is available. Some folks are only doing water for dietary consideration so have some bottled water.

      Just ensure cleanliness of space, a good serene environment that smells nice and show dutifulness to their son and all should be well.

    6. Jollof rice please. Make in laws no go chop soup wey go run their belle. A word is enough for the wise.

  14. When animals die, where do they go?

    Heaven or hell?

    1. They go to your village

    2. They go nowhere...They rest here on earth....

    3. It is believed animals don't have souls, so....

    4. There is an animal heaven as well. Remember Noah and the ark, in Genesis chapter six, God instructed Noah to bring in some clean animal into the ark.

    5. Nobody knows. Some ppl believe that animals have souls some believe that they don’t. Some ppl believe that a person could reincarnate as an animal if they lived bad as a human, others believe some who are human today once were an animal in a former incarnation. Only God knows. If you really want to know pray on it and ask God to show you.

  15. One of the disability that is affecting me is the area of speech and a good writing skill. I have so many things to write but most times I can't put it down in writing.
    Am 31 yrs old.
    I really want to learn .

    1. You may have dyslexia. Go and see a professional therapist to ascertain why that is.

    2. That's not a disability...You have a creative mind regardless....You can partner with someone who can interprete your words and thoughts into excellent writing....You can't have it all, everyone has weakness.....

      However you can enrol for copywriting courses... Keep reading blogs, or materials....Focus on one part and then continuous practice and you will get there....

      All the best

    3. You can start with reading widely, read a good number of good books that will help you build your vocab.
      Also talk to yourself before your mirror. Rehearse a lot on your speeches. If you have someone to rehearse with, the better. Don't worry, you'll be doing fine in no time.

    4. Start from somewhere. Practice makes perfection. When you write you give a good writer to proofread before you post. Read and also to improve your skills.

    5. Check Grammarly and website like that. They teach ppl how to write well. Depending on where you are you can also join a Toastmasters club to learn how to speak well publicly. There are options.

    6. Use meta ai or chat gpt

    7. You can get a personal tutor.
      In 6 months, the transformation will be incredible.

  16. I would like to start a perfume/skincare retail business.
    Size: small to medium
    But I don't know how much it will cost to begin.
    Please house, any idea how much it will cost and where to buy from?

    1. Watch YouTube. Many ppl started in their kitchen. Check Ali Express for packaging supplies or local wholesale places on ground. If you are using shea butter as your base then go on ground to see the cost of bulk shea butter in the market. What it will cost depends on what you plan to do, on what scale and the ingredients you will use. Nobody can tell you this, you have to do your own research to find out.

  17. Please bvs what causes a lady to have sex in the dream? I mean you will cum for real

    1. If we like we can argue this until eternity, it is a spirit husband issue. It has happened to a lot of girls who attested to progression difficulties in real life. I don’t know what other evidence people need.

      I will advise you to get closer to God, repent of all your sin and God will sort you out.

      And for those of you who think nwa bekee doesn’t experience spirit husband (dey play), go on YouTube and have a fill day with the ones that were caught on camera.

    2. It's only shallow minds that believe in spiritual husband. Don't let this believe to define you. It could be imagination, or a mere fantasy.

    3. If you are horny, desiring sex, longing for a partner, have a high sex drive then you will dream of having sex. If you are getting close to the end of your fertility years your body will send you a signal that your eggs will be dying soon and you will dream of having sex as a trigger for you to go get pregnant. If you are ovulating you will dream of having sex, because the ovulation time is the time for procreation. Your body has an intelligence built in to help you through life. Never ever underestimate the messages that your body will send you, one of the key methods it will communicate illness or danger is through dreams.

      My body has sent me dreams to stop using tampons and eating beef and I obeyed. Perhaps you need to have sex for some good reason, so look at your own life and see if there is a message that your body is trying to send you.

    4. Annony 15.29 spirit husband for a married woman? Abeg i no believe that rather i believe the other annony that said if you are getting closer to the end of your fertility years. I'm 43 and believe I'm getting closer to menopause

    5. Stop watching porn before sleeping.
      They will shutdown the websites soon. End of sex and cumming in the dream.

  18. Pls house, I'm a village madam that needs logical explanation about frontal wigs.

    I just learnt that frontal wigs can be styled using hot comb and will also be installed ( this one shock me most ,install wig keh)

    Well, I saw a messy bun wig ,very beautiful but it's the frontal that's giving me wahala. I don't have time to be styling with hot comb and also installation. I was also told I'll be putting baby oil and spirit so it won't cut my front hair.

    Can't I get a simple frontal or Pony tail wig that I can just use with the messy bun? I mean a wig with no wahala of using hot comb,styling installing.
    Just to wear the wig and add my messy bun?????

    I need answers

  19. SDKs, how can one make money with a "branded content" monetised instagram account? This account has less than 150 followers, but a #branded content monetization".

  20. Can expensive school fees guaranty a good Education ?

    1. Expensive school doesn't guaranty a good education. Some of the schools have standard packages but lack qualified teachers .

    2. It depends on the school. Look at the graduates and see where they end up and you will know if it is worth the investment. I have seen private secondary schools with eye watering tuition but when you look at the alumni they haven’t really taken on the world. Technically, they may have a good education but if you are looking at major success it is not there. So look at the graduate outcomes and you will know if the school is worth the investment.

    3. Some of us went to government primary and secondary school but mostly medical doctors and lived all over the world.

      I have childhood friends who went to Santa Maria (constitution secondary school aba) in the 80s, which was the best back then. They also went to FGGCs, which was sort after secondary schools back then but a lot of them are still in Aba wasting away.

      It doesn’t matter, what matters is intelligence and destiny. It plays a huge part in our life. Emphasis on “destiny”after intelligence.

    4. @anon1748 destiny is the key some no go school sef

    5. If you have the money, please send your kids to a good school. It has a lot of advantages.

      EUM Cali

  21. Can someone tell me the best App to download videos on Instagram and Facebook? I mean the very good one. Thanks in advance.

  22. You cannot use ponytail wig with messy bun, they are same style

    There's frontals and closure of different types, we also have the 360 frontals.

    I think you are saying that you do not want the stress of maintain a frontal, cos most frontals for maximum slaying effects are best installed and need maintenance, whether in HD lace or swiss lace.

    Maybe you can check out glueless frontals
    or skip using frontals with the bun, style the bun like parking gel and get fringes (full or side) and style with the hair.


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