Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



I got into a new relationship and I have this friend that said I should test my man to know if he's serious with me or he's just around for fun, so she said she's going to call me and pretend to be a man on the other side of the phone then " I'm going to say I'm not going to marry you I told you I don't want to marry you" while all this is happening in his presence, so she says his reaction will tell/ determine if he's serious or not ....

What do you think? I don't think it's a good advice......

You said its a new relationship so why pressure him?If you do what you wanna do, wont he think the call is from someone you are dating? You can date someone and not wanna marry them....
It is definitely not a good idea my dear.........


  1. Take a closer look at this friend of yours she's evil becareful of her .she may want him for herself or not want anything good for you.

    1. Evil kwa?! Please take it easy. Most times people give advice based on what they themselves would likely do in the same situation. It may not be a wise advice but she doesn’t know any better. There are far more genuine friends and people around than you people choose to portray especially online. Every one can’t be wise but everyone could be a good friend.

    2. Poster, you and your friend sound very young. Take your time. A man you just started dating, you should be studying him, understand his temperament, his thinking patterns, his values, how does he treat you, watch how he treats you others, understand his background, what does he do, etc. You should be the one taking your time because, my sister, is not how far when it comes to marriage, it is how well. Take your time and get it right, not get it fast.

    3. But seriously were una dey see all diz friends when nor get good advice from?

  2. Poster don’t do that. If the relationship is up to 3months, sit the guy down and ask him questions

    Fan Emmanuel

  3. My goodness!!!! Why do you people like to test your relationships, WHY?? If it goes south, you will still send another chronicle that your friend is evil, she gave you bad advice.

  4. Why are you this desperate and want to scare the guy away..
    A new relationship oh.. To enter relationship now na wahala..

  5. Which kin kindergarten thing is this? Relationships are for adults not teenagers...Testing is a very lazy way to know someone in your relationship..Take your time to know him, if e no work, you move to next guy and shine your eyes....

    Sometimes your head and ask yourself if a man does that to you, how will you feel? The friend's initiative is very lame...Choose better and sensible friends...

    All the best

  6. Text? Is he writing an exam?🚶‍♀️‍➡️🚶‍♀️‍➡️🚶‍♀️‍➡️

  7. Test anything your eyes see carry. Avoid that your friend she is an evil person she doesn't mean well for you.

    Any friend that tells you to put your partner to some silly test is not a friend but a foe

  8. Bad advice..... please don't especially with something that will sow seed of distrust.

  9. Please do it and tell us later ,best of luck

  10. If your friend has access to him and can communicate with him any time she likes then trust me, she has already gone to him first to tell him you are two-timing. He probably didn't believe her so she devised this crafty means disguised as a fake test to implicate you. Even if she hasn't met him yet this fake test is to your detriment and not coming from a place of love from your so called friend to you. Do what she says and you will end up losing your new man and the imaginary one.

  11. My dear taking such advice from a friend to test your partner's love can have several disadvantages.
    1. It may lead to unnecessary mistrust and strain in the relationship. Such tests often arise from insecurity, which can cause misunderstandings and hurt feelings, potentially damaging the new relationship you just started.
    2. Additionally, your partner may feel manipulated or deceived if he discover the test, which could lead to resentment and break down in communication.

    Moreover, the advice may not be rooted in a genuine understanding of your unique relationship dynamics, making it less relevant or effective. Trust and open communication are essential for a healthy relationship, and relying on your friends opinions can undermine those foundational elements. Ultimately, pursuing honesty and direct conversations about feelings may be far more beneficial than trying to play games or set tests.
    My take on your chronicle

  12. Don’t try it! Thats not how to test a man’s character. You are only testing his reaction and that can be dependent on his mood at that time
    Why don’t you analyse his words, thoughts and actions. That how to know someone who is genuine. Also check his motives. Those are ways to test a man’s character not looking for validation through a circumstantial reaction

  13. I dunno how plp just say things , why on earth do you want to 'test ' a man's seriousness, new relationship for that matter. That's why relationship these days are so superficial, what happened to good old COMMUNICATION. When you wanted to start, abi he no toast you? Why didn't you ask what he wants from the relationship and in terms of relationship where does he see himself in the next few years. But nooo na test and exam una wan do

  14. Desperation is written all over you.

    Better use your sense and don't allow your friend pressure you into what you will regret.

    Men don't like when a woman is so desperate.


  15. You're a new relationship and you're already pressuring and plotting for marriage.

    This is how you daft lots marry maniacs, paedophiles and imbeciles

  16. Use the time to study his character, reputation and learn

  17. Improve yourself and see if your values align. Instead you will be plotting with your isialangwa Shirley Holmes on how to nudge him to marry you. Mtshewwwwwww


  18. In 2025, please let’s do better with friendships. She is not a good friend:

  19. What kind of prank is that? Dey play.

  20. Haaaa what if you pressure him into hurry marriage and later discover he is not what you really want.... Calm down and know him better first.

  21. Is this a primary school play?

    Take things easy and go with the flow jare. How long have you known him that you want to start this?

  22. This suggestion is dead on arrival. Don't give in to it please.
    Once you do that even if the man had an intention of marrying you, he might become unserious.
    All these tests no just make sense . Besides this relationship is new why not give it time and see how it goes.
    There's no need to rush when you're just starting.

  23. Poster why not study him first and know if you guys are compatible? Marriage na life time business ooooo take your time

  24. Your friend eye done dey the man. Try it and watch her take over. I pity you

  25. That your friend eye don dey the relationship. Flee from her as fast as you can

  26. Your friend hates you. Take it to the bank. Try it and see. When he dumps you she will move in on him. How old are you gan? How long is this relationship sef? Testing ko mchew

  27. I kept wandering why non of the over 3children didn't venture into the business that their father is using to make money with. Is their father's job too low that the children would rather remain jobless than do thesame business that has been fetching money for their dad? If they have really suffered in this life nobody will tell at least one of them to go and get his/her own shop somewhere and start doing their dad's type of business pending when they will find a better one. These are the kind of children that sees salary earning jobs as a greatest achievement while looking down on mechanics, welders and all those jobs that you don't have to dress well for.

    Can't the men in your family get a hired purchase bus and start a transport business with?


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