Stella Dimoko Actress Dupe Jayesimi Talks About Her Failed Marriage And Inability To Conceive


Monday, March 24, 2025

Actress Dupe Jayesimi Talks About Her Failed Marriage And Inability To Conceive

 This broke me in many ways!!!

Veteran Yoruba Nollywood actress, Dupe Jayesimi in an emotional interview has opened up on her inability to conceive and her failed marriage.

She revealed that before she got married, she was pregnant but had a miscarriage, which led to a marital dispute between her and her husband, who would always use a pillow to demarcate their bed.

“When I was pregnant, I was happy. It was later, the doctors observed that the baby was at the back of my womb. It was like I should get swallowed by the ground.
I questioned God, “I shouldn’t lie after so many years. I was 40 years old when it happened.
My mum refused and said I should adopt any child, that she would feed the child till death. So many children that I have taken good care of don’t even look back to check on me. Is it my younger sister’s kid, or name them?
For now, I have no other job than theatre, and it isn’t paying like before. May God not let me suffer in old age. It has been seven years since I worked last.

I did marry when I was pregnant, but weeks after, I had a miscarriage. Whenever my husband and I wanted to sleep, he would use a pillow to demarcate the bed. So our body wouldn’t touch.
Two weeks after I left my husband’s house, he had a new wife come in immediately with pregnancy. I cried. I am not an alcohølic person, but because of that, I did turn into a drunkard.

I determined I wasn’t going to marry. I did IVF twice, and it got to a stage where I used to see a drop of blood every evening.
My father told me I shouldn’t fight anyone over their things: property, money and men.
I know how it is to be celebrated by your own kids. I haven’t seen anyone to celebrate me before. I believe that no one will ever die and get dropped on the roadside and they say it’s because she didn’t give birth. If there’s still life there’s always hope”.

Interview with Talk to B podcast with Biola 


  1. This is so heart wrenching. I don't know what to say to you ma'am. Than give you a tight hug. 🤗😭

  2. She should have follow her mom advice to adopt a child, she could have adopted a little baby to nurse as her own. I wish her well.

    1. I tell you
      At 60 now, where will she start from?

    2. No, her mum was against her adopting. Stella made a mistake in her transcript. Her mother said that she would not accept any adopted child. Anyways, she shouldn't have listened to her mum and should have gone ahead to adopt. She can still adopt now, it's not too late. At least she will have someone to care for her in old age. At her age she has to face the harsh reality that she won't have a biological child of her own so she should just go ahead and adopt. Maybe not a baby because it's hard work for her age but a child around 5 or 6 years and raise her/ him with love and care.

    3. Her mom said he'll force feed any child she adopted till the child kpai.

      One of her siblings is on tiktok ranting about how she made life difficult for them while growing up, no empathy from her so called family, you need to hear them talking about her😭

    4. Exactly my thoughts. A child of 5 to 7 years will do her a lot of good now. May God clear her path and make things easy for her

    5. It's still not late, let her cry out , pple will go fund it for her, adopt a 7/8 yrs and start something doing

  3. It is better late than never. Do it now. Adopt a baby today. It is not over till we enter the grave.

    1. She should not adopt a baby at 60yrs pls.
      Which strength will she use to nurse a baby and she doesn't have money to get a nanny. She should adopt a child that is up to 10yrs and above. At least that one will be able to do some things for her around the house and take care of himself/herself to an extent. She won't be packing poopoo and weewee or washing clothes everyday, having sleepless nights and rocking baby to sleep.

  4. I am touch by this, I don't know what to say to console u but I know Jehovah the almighty God and the hearer of prayer, the most compassionate being in the universe is paying attention to u.

  5. It's so heartbreaking
    People are going through a lot...

  6. Hugssss ma'am... I don't think it's too late to go the adoption route though with God's guidance.

  7. This is so heartbreaking 😞. If she can adopt now, she should do so now.

  8. My fellow women if you reach a certain age adopt or birth yours
    I keep saying this
    Please I am pleading
    Many women are crying this cry this woman is just bold enough to admit publicly
    You won’t be young forever
    Secondly have a source of income,have a source of income
    I can’t overemphasize this
    The world is wicked to poor women
    I tell you this
    The world will reject you ten times over if you are old poor and have nobody
    Save towards tomorrow
    God help us
    I wish people will gather to celebrate this woman shaa
    One day

    1. Old and poor are the two absolutely worst states to be in. If she has not worked in seven years how will she care for the day to day needs of a child which can be quite expensive? Many ppl are saying she should do it now, but it doesn’t seem like she has much to even care for herself.

      I wish the truth about ivf was put out there. It is not a cure all and the failures are much greater than the successes. I was told about 20 years ago that it only had a 25% success rate. These doctors should not take on ppl who they know have a slim to none chance and let them put them self into bankruptcy and destitution knowing their eggs/sperm are not healthy or they physically cannot carry to term.

  9. It is well with you ma🤗🤗

  10. Meanwhile, I'm here thinking of terminating my pregnancy
    Hmmm, dis life 😓

    1. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars24 March 2025 at 10:33

      Pls don't.
      You can give the child up for adoption.

    2. I beg you please don’t. See me dey cry for babies for me and my sister

  11. I read somewhere else that her mother refused her adopting, that she'll kill the child. It's really sad

    1. Must have been some old world cultural beliefs. Ppl need to have the courage and will to break out of the clutches of cultural holds. Even if they had shun her she would not be moaning this loneliness and poverty. Obeying her mother and killing her soul. You can love your parents and still defiantly claim your life. How many are still under the stranglehold of parents and slowly fading away. They better go claim their life and get their slice of joy.

  12. Stop crying mama, it's not too late to adopt sha.

  13. May the good lord give you strength to stand.

  14. It's well with you Ma, may God come through for you E Hugs 🤗


  15. My Friend did Surrogate and Had Twins Boys she just showed me their pic yesterday, She lives in America
    She did surrogate here in Nigeria.
    Story Plenty l will like send Her Story to iya Boys ..

    It is well with you Ma

    Hello iya Boys

  16. She should have adopted a child whether her mom liked it or not, not every mother's advices are to be followed, by now she will have someone to love and love her in return.

  17. When I told my elder sister I was going to adopt, she kicked against it and wanted me to try surrogacy. I told her I will not want to go through that stress. They dont want me to adopt. The want me to be taking care of their children for them. I have sense oo and will not allow rubbish. They are married, glory be to God. I will use my money to take care of myself and enjoy.

    1. You better go for adoption now you are still young and stop wasting your money on other people’s children. As soon as you have the legal documents, write a will naming the child the beneficiary of your estate in case of your death.

    2. Don't mind them. They are selfish. Adopt a child and face your child. If anything happens now, they wont release their children to be with you.

  18. This is heartbreaking.
    I wish she had adopted earlier but then it is still not late I guess.
    It is well with her.

  19. Lagos Mainland Girl24 March 2025 at 10:30

    Thou it seems late but God does not come late, He will definitely come through for everyone looking unto Him for children
    You will have a reward

  20. This is heartbreaking,it is well with you.

  21. Oh Lord... Hmnnnn
    May God continue to be with you 🤗

  22. It is not too late ro adopt.

  23. Your story is so touching and heartbreaking ma'am. Try and adopt if you still have the capacity to take good care of the child. It's not too late, just let it be a lil bit grown child and not a toddler or baby. God will help you

  24. One of her siblings is on tiktok ranting, it's obvious her family doesn't like her even her own mother, she said she's moved far from her mother, something I'm planning to do too so I can have peace of mind

    1. Please do babe is you can, the only thing keeping me from doing same is money ,my peace of mind matters.

  25. Training other people's children does not mean they are your children, Some people dont have heart of gratitude. Ma, go to any orphanage home and adopt a kid close to 10 years. I pray God gives you a good man with children that will love and cherish you.

  26. How i wish i will connect with this woman. I truly love her in movies. I will treat her like my mother.

    1. And you think she will trust a total stranger like you?
      If she needs a foster child , she has nieces and nephews

  27. This is too much 😭
    ma'am please you can still do the adoption now, it's not late.🤗🤗

  28. It's is painful to read. God please bless every woman who desire a child. Fill their quiver with children amen.

  29. This is heartbreaking 💔💔
    It is well with you ma'am 🥰

  30. Replies
    1. No Pinky
      Stella made a mistake in the narration
      Her mother didn’t advise her to adopt
      She rather told her that if she dares adopt a child, she the mother will force-feed the child to death!
      It was supposed to read…
      “My mum refused and said that I should NOT adopt any child, that she would feed the child till death”

    2. Anon, she will never forgive her mum, so sad.
      Pinky , it is heed
      Shebi you are doing Masters now? Nawah o


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