Stella Dimoko Wordless Post


Thursday, February 06, 2025

Wordless Post




  1. This is kinda true. The one my sister just got has hepatitis b and c, and pregnant. Had to let her go

  2. When my brother was still in the country with hes family any house help or nanny they want to employ has to go with the wife to their family hospital for a comprehensive test ,HEPATITIS,HIV AND PREGNANCY was hiv positive another had Hepatitis while another was pregnant.

    1. And so what?

    2. Anonymous 13.09 na wa for you why do sound so angry? Are you guilty of deceit? Because I don'tsee anything wrong with Anonymous 11.52 comment, but a frightening revelation to keep everyone at alert when it comes to employing people to carryout tests, before contacts with especially minors. A lot of health risks involved here ,even with adults.

  3. Height of deceit, you want to work in a family where there may be children and you're hiding this type of illness...

  4. You can easily take them to conduct the tests you want at your preferred hospital or lab. Why do you have to drug them?

  5. Please note that there is a law not to segregate HIV patient because it's not AIDS yet

  6. I said i’m done with house helps because dem don kuku show me shege despite the fact that all of them are my relatives and hubby’s relatives. My daughter has turned 13. The last one left when my daughter was 9 and i decided not to carry any house help again. Travelled last Christmas and my younger brother asked me to carry his daughter who is same age mate with my daughter (13) I promised them September but honestly, am still contemplating because i don’t want stories anymore

    1. No carry oh.
      You 13 year old can do any work that a house help will do for you.

      He/she should be able to do dishes and keep the house relatively tidy. They should also be able to boil rice, spaghetti, maybe make stew.
      What else will house help do for you

  7. everyone should be careful out there please.

  8. Very True!
    My Niece intended house helps (two) were both tested HIV positive .

    Thank GOD she took them for comprehensive medical investigations.

  9. I hope those loose men sleeping with househelps are reading this?

  10. Years ago, a help died in my sister's car while she was being taken to the hospital. It was later discovered that she was HIV positive. We all need to take care, it's not about stigmatisation. Some of them are out to spread the virus and it is not only through sex that they can do this.


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