Stella Dimoko Thursday Spontaneous Post


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday Spontaneous Post

 #thanksgivingthursday #smile #neversaynever #itiswhatitis #believeinyourself #dontinvestinbadfriendships

Good Morning.......

Have an AMAZING day and dont let anything (no matter what it is) make you lose your smile or happy mood.



  1. The problem with this generation of kids, is that they are smart, and can ask you questions that will make you sweat......
    Dressing up Giovanni this morning, and he asks me, "Daddy, what's the moon made up of". I swear, that question took me by surprise. First off, I have no idea what he's asking me. Me sef just know say moon dey for sky, and na God put am there.....
    Anyway, I quickly deflect by telling him that I am proud of him, and that he will have plenty money and marry a fine wife. He smiled.
    When I dropped them off in school, he reminded me again - "Daddy, you still didn't tell me what the moon is made up of". 🀦
    Like this now, I dey on top Google page. I cannot fall hand. When he's back, I will prove myself!
    I just wish he'd ask me more questions about democracy or marriage. Oh Chim! πŸ™†
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

    1. 🀣🀣🀣 hahaha,. Your son just made my day with morning laughter.
      You better give him answer ooh

    2. A clear case of google is ya friend.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Answer him when he gets back o,and come and tell us.

    3. Hahaha... I can relate! Google to the rescue πŸ˜€

    4. Hehe, Giovanni is my son friend. That boy can ask big, big question. I thank God for Google.

    5. 🀣🀣 @ Daddy, you still didn't tell me what the moon is made up of?.

    6. Go and make extensive research so that you no go fall your handπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ kids can ask the most random questions and they will expect you to answer

    7. I remember when I asked my dad who created God. As he was explaining many explanations, I still dinno gree. "Why do we now believe that there's God if nobody made God? Who told you it's God that made all these things?"... I was 5🀦
      We thank God for my life sha because I nor dey gree before🀦

    8. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Get prepared,more questions coming after school today.

    9. LoL smart little lad πŸ˜‚

    10. Their questions dey be like JAMB question πŸ˜‚

    11. Lol πŸ˜‚ kids these days are super smart

    12. 🀣🀣🀣 you better Google Away o, If not, you go explain tire.πŸ˜‚

    13. Lol 🀣🀣🀣
      These children are something else. Me I used to chase her away to go and watch TV back then when the questions pass my power. Now that she is grown, she simply goes on Google to ask her questions.

    14. Wow!!!
      Ngwanu Ali nwanem, no fall hand o. This kind question go dey come more often now. So like the boys Scout slogan... Be Prepared !!! 😁😁

    15. Fidel: LoL. No be small thing.
      How's your baby today? Glad to read your positive update yesterday. May God perfect her healing, and may affliction never arise a 2nd time. Truly happy for you. Sorry for the stress. God will replenish all that you spent. Parenting no easy. But God go help us run am well. Kisses to your babies.

      Thanks everyone. I don Google am finish. I am now sufficiently equipped to answer impressively. And I will use big grammar to appear smart. 😁

    16. Lol🀣🀣🀣🀣

      Hello iya Boys

    17. Dreza pls monitor how she uses the phone to search stuff before she stumbles on porn and gets hooked

    18. C'mon! Haven't you heard about parental controls? Google it.

  2. Heavenly father, we thank you for another beautiful thursday morning. We declare this morning that good things will spring up for us everywhere we go in Jesus name πŸ™.
    Lord we thank you for your faithfulness to guide us and see us through times of uncertainty, for lifting us up, and setting us on high.
    He frustrates the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot carry out their plans.
    My beloved, God will frustrate every efforts of our enemies to stop us from progressing, their sacrifice will fail them, their alter will disappoint them, their charm will fail them.
    This morning , God is giving us victory over our enemies in Jesus name πŸ™.

  3. Rhapsody

    Love And Righteousness!!
    Romans 5:17.

    "Christ in you means the nature of God is in you, and God's nature is love."

    "With all the sins you’ve ever committed, with all the evil you may have done, Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, gives you His righteousness. Now you can stand in the presence of God just like He does. You have become as pure as He is—washed, sanctified, justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of God."


    Dear Father, I thank you for your liquid love that’s shed abroad in my heart, and the gift of righteousness by which I reign in life through Jesus Christ. I live in the power of your love and righteousness. Thank you for making me holy and blameless; I walk in the consciousness of this truth, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  4. Good morning all and have a great day ahead 😍

    1. Best wishes Pure Sweetie 😘

    2. Blessings the purest.
      Have a beautiful day πŸ’•

    3. Wish you same too my nwanne❣️

    4. Good morning beautiful candy sis, my beautiful Jules, Adabeke,my beautiful MercyBee and osundi ezigbo nwannemu πŸ₯°

    5. Purest sweetie πŸ₯°

      Hello iya Boys

  5. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 44 of 365.

    1. Jehovah you are good πŸ™

    2. Grateful heart to You Jesus πŸ™

    3. Thank you Jesus from a very grateful heart!!!

    4. Thank you the doctors of all doctors, who has never lost a patient.

    5. Thank you Lord πŸ™πŸΏ.

      I am grateful πŸ™πŸΏ.

    6. Thanks you Marie
      Abba Father, we thank you

    7. Thank you LordπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    8. Thank you Ancient of days πŸ™

    9. Thank U Lord πŸ™


      Ogbeni nija keru o ba onija

      EkΓΊn oko farao

  6. We should always learn to be grateful and humble because so many people had a hand in our success. We might not have achieved much without some people God has placed in our journey in life.

    Good morning blogfam. I hope we slept peacefully? May we find success in our hustle today. Have a stress-free day ahead and stay safe.

  7. You'll be surprised soon at how everything Supernaturally works in your favor. You'll realize that your current situation was only leading you to a blessing!

  8. Jesus Iye,
    You have done it again
    Jesus Iye
    In your special way
    What was impossible
    (Baba) You made possible
    Jesus Iye....

    Have a splendid day, Lovelies


    'The Son...can do only what he sees his Father doing.' John 5:19 NIV

    The second thing that defines Jesus' relationship with his Father is: dependency. Corrie ten Boom used to say, 'I am just the glove, Jesus is the hand that fills it and works through it.' That's a picture of Jesus' relationship with his heavenly Father, and it's a blueprint for the kind of relationship you can have with God.

    In the Bible you will notice two all-important things about Jesus: (1) He never seemed to suffer from the fear of failing, like we so often do. Why? Because he prayed regularly and got direction from his Father. Knowing he was acting on the Father's word and operating in the Father's will, he never doubted. Until you have heard from God, you are a question mark. But once you have heard from God, you are an exclamation mark. (2) Jesus knew he couldn't accomplish anything of significance without his Father's direction and power, so he never attempted to. We, on the other hand, say we trust God but act like everything depends on us. And the result? We fall flat on our faces and keep wondering why.
    Every action of God in your life is intended to increase, not decrease, your dependence on him.
    Word For Today

    ESSA Atelier

    1. Thanks for sharing.πŸ€πŸ˜πŸ’™

    2. Thanks for sharing and remain blessed❤️


    'The Son...can do only what he sees his Father doing.' John 5:19 NIV

    The second thing that defines Jesus' relationship with his Father is: dependency. Corrie ten Boom used to say, 'I am just the glove, Jesus is the hand that fills it and works through it.' That's a picture of Jesus' relationship with his heavenly Father, and it's a blueprint for the kind of relationship you can have with God.

    In the Bible you will notice two all-important things about Jesus: (1) He never seemed to suffer from the fear of failing, like we so often do. Why? Because he prayed regularly and got direction from his Father. Knowing he was acting on the Father's word and operating in the Father's will, he never doubted. Until you have heard from God, you are a question mark. But once you have heard from God, you are an exclamation mark. (2) Jesus knew he couldn't accomplish anything of significance without his Father's direction and power, so he never attempted to. We, on the other hand, say we trust God but act like everything depends on us. And the result? We fall flat on our faces and keep wondering why.
    Every action of God in your life is intended to increase, not decrease, your dependence on him.
    Word For Today

    ESSA Atelier

  11. Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday,may today be better and favorable to us Amen!πŸ™

    1. Amen πŸ™
      Same here.
      Have a lovely day Sweetie πŸ₯°

  12. The heat lately fit make person off cloth ooo. Ha! 😞

    I hail you all this beautiful morning.
    Enjoy your day ❤️

    1. Na so o, the weather is so hot

    2. Pele o. The weather here is kool (at the moment sha)

    3. I dey off clothe steady when I dey house sha, no me heat go finish

    4. Sorry Cyn πŸ€—πŸ€— we are still enjoying small harmattan here.

  13. Good morning everyone πŸ€—
    It's another beautiful day 😊🀩
    Thank God for the gift of life πŸ™
    Y'all should have an amazing day ❤️

  14. Good morning everyone πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    Alhamduillah for the gift of life 🀲🀲🀲

  15. Nah, this waking up to get the kid ready for school thing is not for me at all.

    How do I ask this man to also get her ready while he’s preparing for work without sounding like a witch or actually being a witch? πŸ˜‚

    1. Na my husband dey prepare my son. I nor fit really just die 🀧
      Started when I just had Oreva. So he was getting Andre ready while I was recuperating. Na so e turn he permanent job.
      My mum in-law came since day before yesterday to help with the kids. Omo the kyn sleep when I dey sleep since yesterday ehn... Lazy life too sweet abeg😭😭😭
      I go enter depression if she go back🀦

    2. You can tell him with puppy eyes 🀣
      I remember you used to share that he was the one who dressed up for Alex to go to school in the morning, back in Portugal

    3. You know his mumu button πŸ˜‚ so press am and I trust him, he will gladly do it. Na man wey know family value you marry.

      Mummy Andre so glad to know that you are resting well. God bless your mother inlaw.

    4. Gifted, that was when we both had jobs na. Now he’s still responsible for Alex, like taking her to bed but I’d be an actual witch to be a full housewife and still make this man wake up early to prepare Alex for school before preparing himself when I’m doing absolutely nothing. No na!

    5. LoL. School runs no just easy sha! I don dey used to am now though. Get up early, we feed the kids, bathe them, dress em up, and then onward journey to school. Sigh!
      May our labor never be in vain. Parenting no be moimoi.

    6. Fidel 🀣
      Lazy housewife life is sweet truly especially if they are paying you free salary or huge pocket money. I have been there before when I was married. We had maids and I was still getting pocket money but good times don't last some times.
      Pls rest well my dear.

  16. Yessssssss to happy mood
    Yessssssss to positive vibes
    Yessssssss to a beautiful day
    Yessssssss to Thanksgiving

    Good morning people of GOD
    Have a fruitful day ahead 😘

    1. NN Momma 😘😘😘

    2. YesssssπŸ’―πŸ‘
      Good morning beautiful NN 😘

    3. Good morning NW
      Enjoy your day.

    4. Good morning to you, Nwanyioma.πŸ˜πŸ’™

    5. Beautiful morning Nneoma 😘

    6. Good morning beautiful Ijele nwayi 😍

  17. Good morning my beautiful darlings 😘😘😘😘😘. IG chefs no go kill person. Saw Spaghetti swallow πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. You blend your shaghetti (in the raw state), add to a pot of boiling water, and stir till it becomes hard, and your swallow is ready. I will try this one sha, cos I want to know what it tastes like. Y'all enjoy your day ♥️♥️

    1. Morning beautiful ❤️
      Yes Ive tasted it . Even indomine swallow.
      The Lord is our strength πŸ‘

    2. E get any swallow wey no even dey now? We will soon see bread swallow sef. It is well. Awaiting review 😜

    3. Haaaaaaa 😯 nibo lati jasi bayi
      Spaghetti swallow

    4. Hey God!
      Spaghetti swallow?

    5. It would be nice cos it is the same ingredients used for making both spaghetti and semo.

    6. Try it and update us dear Candy
      Different swallows just full town now sef

    7. Cherry darling, noodles ke. Omo. That'll be a no no for me.
      Lora dearie, it is because they have celebrity blender na. They think they can blend anything.
      NN Momma, e reach to shour (but I will still try it 😁)
      Justy dearie, I will drop update when I do.

    8. Na eggs and bacon butter swallow remain.😁

    9. Candilicious Candy the explorerπŸ˜‚ try it and gist us the outcome.

    10. BJ, na so we see am na.
      Ada, the work of IG chefs na.
      Gifted, let me try it first o.
      MercyBee, I tire o.
      Apple, no give them idea o
      Osundi darling, definitely. 😁
      NK, should I invite you when I prepare it? 😁

    11. This one pass my power so I will just 🚢 are you sis

    12. Explorer for a reason 😍❤️. Don't understand the motivation for those Instagram chefs,it's swallow and carbohydrates.πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    13. Come and give us feedback tomorrow

  18. Goodmorning iya Boy
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family
    I Put My Faith In Jesus
    Cos He Will Never Let Me Down
    He Won't Fail
    He Won't Fail
    He's Able
    Hallelujah πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    Kisses πŸ’‹ And Hugs πŸ«‚ From Chikalicious 🌹

    Hello iya Boys

    1. He will never fail us.
      Hello Chikalicious.

    2. Chikalicious, I greet you specially!!

    3. Chika Chika 😘😘

    4. Chikalicious chika nwannemu 😍

    5. Cherrybaby πŸ₯°
      Candylicious baby πŸ₯°
      Purest sweetie πŸ₯°
      Ali B πŸ‘
      Ada Bekee πŸ₯°

      Hello iya Boys

  19. May our day be as entertaining as Stella's blog.

  20. From Dr Christabel Akinola

    We had a case of a 28 year old woman who was experiencing kidney failure. She did not smoke, nor was she hypertensive or diabetic. So, what was causing this young lady to have kidney failure?
    She had some kidney stones that caused pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis. We commenced treatment, but it kept degenerating quickly, much to our surprise. She soon reach the point where she will be needing kidney transplant.
    This young girl's life was slowly sleeping away. They looked for a donor, and her sister was a match. With consent, we quickly arranged for transplant to be done and hoped for the best.
    The transplant of her sister's kidney successful, and when an analysis of the kidney was done, it turned out that there were alot of oxalates embedded everywhere in both kidneys.
    When she returned, we try to find what had caused this, to prevent it from recurring. But all our inquiries were not fruitful, until we asked a seemingly harmless question : Were you using vitamin c supplements regularly? It turned out she was.
    How much she was taking? She took it as a pill, it was mixed with Glutathione powder which she drank and she also regularly took infusions-all to have glowing skin. She even kept on taking it while we were battling to save her kidneys. This was why it progressed quickly.
    Her sister was left with one kidney because of this, but it could have turned out much worse. She almost lost her life! We see similar cases of those who dont who dont make it out alive. Now the world is raving about skincare and investing heavily in supplements.
    Vitamin C can make u glow but, taking more than 2,000 mg a day can damage your kidneys! We are seeing rising cases of kidney issues among young people, and this is one of the reasons for it.

    1. Very enlightening. I pray they hear. That was how this lady on Real housewives of Lagos, Diiadem was taking infusion (drip), saying it makes her glow.

    2. Too much of everything is bad

    3. I read it yesterday.
      The message is confusing, because they made it look like the too much vitamin c coursed it, but if you read on, you will see other things mentioned.
      So basically, it's a warning for ndi "I want my skin to be glowing".

      Ekenekwa m unu.😎😎

    4. I will screenshot this and send to a friend that is taking all sorts of supplements to glow.
      Thank you.

    5. Those whom take all sorts of hard drugs and those who take different supplements should read and digest this.

  21. Heavenly Father, as we embrace this Thursday, we thank You for the gift of today. We ask for Your guidance in our thoughts, words, and actions. May we find joy in the little things and strength in the challenges we face.

    Bless our intentions and help us to spread kindness and love to those around us. Amen..πŸ™πŸ™
    Morning people, enjoy your day, love ya all..♥️

  22. Good morning Beautiful people of this blogosphere. How are we? It is well with us & our families in Jesus name.

  23. Good morning everyone πŸ₯³

    "But your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, them will I bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have despised." Numbers 14:31

    We pray for our children today, every evil pronouncement upon them shall never stand.
    The future of our children shall not be mortgaged for poverty in this nation.
    The future of our children is bright and they will live in joy and peace in Jesus name. Amen

    I wish you all a blessed and exciting day

  24. Baba buhari finally proposed to his newest edo wifey yesterday

    Cameraman and hype man: Yul Edo..........

  25. Good 😊 morning 🌞🌞.
    Have a wonderful day πŸ’—

  26. Gudmorning my beautiful people

  27. Good morning everyone.
    Fidel, how are ur kids this morning?
    Wishing them good health.

    1. Fine thank you ma! We are all doing well.
      Andre resumed school today. Oreva is still trying to stand unaided. They said I should give her time, I'm getting impatient but oh wellπŸ™„
      She stood for 3mins yesterday tho😊
      Thank you very much for checking ❤️

    2. Fidel ThankGod for everything and I wish the both of them permanent healings In the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

    3. Oh poor Oreva, she will regain her strength by God's grace

  28. Matthew. 21:22.
    Mark 11:24

    There are three stages to having what you desire or ask for in prayer:

    Ask whatever you desire, to The Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Ensuring that your desire is in line with the word of God.

    For instance,you cannot ask God for another man's wife, or another woman's husband...

    If you don't know if your desire is right or wrong, study the word of God concerning it.
    Ask the Holy Spirit for help and directions.

    The light in the Word of God,will illuminate you.
    And a Holy desire born out of your fellowship with the Word will emerge.
    Believe, you receive: -
    Trust and be confident that what you ask for is granted to you. This is the most important aspect of your faith life. Know that God hears you because your request is in line with His word.

    Have it:-
    Have it, receive it,be expectant for it, take hold of it by faith.

    This depends on
    how you stand in faith. Stand in faith until the physical manifestation

    The devil will not play dead, he will fight you to make sure you don't
    receive what God says is yours, he wants you to give up on the word,
    and walk by sight, resist him steadfastly in faith, confessing you
    receive what God says is yours.

    Good morning πŸ’•

  29. Been horny for some days now but now that hubby is coming today all horniness gone, as in I don't even feel like again. Am I a witch?

    1. 🧐Be like another thing dey hungry you πŸ™„πŸ™„

      My hands no dey o.πŸƒπŸΌ‍♀️πŸƒπŸΌ‍♀️

    2. Go and eat plenty watermelon and pineapple

    3. Chew on dates and coconut
      Thank me later 😊

  30. Good morning.

    Have a great day people.

  31. LORD, I'm grateful for everythingπŸ™ good morning beautiful people wishing you all a blessed day πŸ™❤️πŸ₯°πŸŒΉ

  32. Woke up to harmattan this morning, I know it's a deceiving weather whereby you'll wear thick clothing thinking harmattan is back only for heat to sneak in before noon. Saw plenty school children with cardigans even my child but I told her to remove it once it's getting hot.

  33. Good morning everyone o.
    How was your night?
    So I went checking two of my exes out on Facebook 🀣, we are not friends so I just searched for them. I do this once in a few years, monitoring spirit things 🀣.
    Omoh, the way they now look so old makes me wonder what could be wrong with them, the stress of Nigeria's present situation maybe? But they seem like they are doing well, abi na packaging? These are men in their early 50s and late 40s.
    My husband is in his early 50s but does not look old like any of them.
    I am for marrying a man who is not up to 10yrs older than his woman so that they will grow old together but what I saw shows that one can later grow very older than the other . One of them even has a big pot belly, looking round like pawpaw. Well, it is well with them.

    1. Hey God 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      If they looked young, rich and fine, what would you have done?πŸ€”

    2. Keep checking until you earn their top page badge 🀣

    3. This is why I try to look my best whenever I take pictures for posting on social media. May our enemies not mock us.

  34. Good morning
    Bv Elsa Showmax people did not call me o. They didn't send me any email too. Maybe it applies to a set of subscribers.
    The heat these days is terrifying. SDK pls send us some cold nau.

    1. @Gifted it was me that asked the question, not Elsa. So they didn't call or mail you, you are on a bigger package? I'm on the 1600 package.
      Well, I'm enjoying myself with their movies. I am watching Ini Edo's "My fairytale wedding" and it's so captivating. I got to see Mercy Eke 's true shape and face, filters and editing be saving lives since 1900.

    2. I saw your question late Dreza. Dem no call me o. I will check my mail though.
      Yes I love Ini Edo's character in that fairytale wedding. Caro tried small too but her acting is somehow. Lilian Esoro is so beautiful

  35. Good morning everyone😘😘
    It's a thankful Thursday and Im forever grateful to my all sufficient God, the one who is able to turn around any situation, my dependable GodπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    Bvs have a beautiful day.
    E go surely be ✌️

  36. Faithful GodπŸ™
    I'll be making conscious effort to reduce my pepper intake for next week. God help me

    1. Waju pls tell us, does too much pepper have harmful effects?

  37. Open day things on going....
    Just sneaked in to say hiiii πŸ‘‹πŸ»
    Wishing everyone a beautiful day
    Love n light πŸ’•

  38. Up and grateful πŸ™πŸ™

    Good morning everyone 😍πŸ₯°

  39. Good morning SDK FAM
    Benefits of of ginger to our bodies
    and why we should add it to our diet
    Ginger help to keep our cardiovascular system healthy by lower cholesterol and blood sugar
    Ginger has Anti -inflammatory properties that helps with to relieve pain and inflammation
    Ginger help to strengthen the immune system
    Ginger help to relieve nausea and vomitting
    Ginger contain antioxidants that help the body to fight against inflection and remove free radicals from the body
    Eating Giger can cut down on fermentation , constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas

  40. All of una wey dey complain about school runs......Meeen i can understand cos eh that thing terrirized me.....Dropping and picking off was so stressful but now i don free from the runs but i still wake up 5am.....its like magic, once its 5 am i cant sleep again....

    1. Honestly it's so stressful and once your body system gets used to that waking up time, it is finished. My mum is old but she still wakes up by 5:am

    2. "terrorized

  41. Don't spend another moment worrying. God has already worked it out for you.

  42. Good morning SDK and BVs. Tremendous Thursday. Thank you Jesus. Baba modupe πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ


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