Stella Dimoko Viral Story Of Woman Allegedly Caught With Another Man


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Viral Story Of Woman Allegedly Caught With Another Man

A man allegedly found his wife in their matrimonial bed with another man and he made them sit down on the floor, with only a blanket covering them.
Then he allegedly made calls to family members.....He called her family members and called the mans wife....
Hmmm is this a skit? one doesnt know what to Believe these days...


  1. This one doesn't look like skit o. What's with the rope?

    1. Skit ke?

      Watch the video with full recording of every person's face.

  2. The preachings and advice of marrying a decent and a virtuous woman can't be overemphasized. Some women find it difficult leaving behind their old dirty and promiscuous lifestyle even after getting married.

    God in heaven knows I will never in this life tolerate cheating. It's a deal breaker to me. The day you're caught, is the day our path ceases to exist. Apology doesn't remedy and will not.

    © TEEJAY

    1. Like she was the only gender cheating.

    2. When you divorce a woman for cheating, how sure are you the next one you marry won't cheat ? Or is it because you caught the current one

    3. The preachings and advice of marrying a decent and a virtuous man can't be overemphasized. Some men find it difficult leaving behind their old dirty and promiscuous lifestyle even after getting married.

      God in heaven knows I will never in this life tolerate cheating. It's a deal breaker to me. The day you're caught, is the day our path ceases to exist. Apology doesn't remedy and will not.

      © TEEJAY

    4. Thank you @Candy and Anon 16:24.

      Let me not just type more than this, cos e fit no nice.

    5. Candy dear,

      Yea, both gender cheat no doubt. It's the audacity of the woman bringing in a man to their matrimonial bed. Now let me tell you something. It's the woman that holds the power for cheating to take place. If she doesn't want it, it won't happen. So you get the point now. If a man persistently disturbs a married woman and she doesn't want it, it's her duty to inform her husband.

      Anon 15:57,

      That even make it more scary to be honest. Faithful women are hard to come by.

      Anon 16:04,

      You got me laughing. Cheating though takes both gender to happen, but the blames lies on the woman like I said above.

      © TEEJAY

    6. @Able God,

      I haven't cheated in a relationship and I don't intend to do so in marriage. Should I do that, my wife has every right to end the marriage and dump my silly ass. Will I apologize in such case? Yes, it's her duty to either forgive or end it all and leave. I will take it as the consequences of my infidelity.

      © TEEJAY

    7. If you truly believe an apology doesn't remedy and will not, then you should have the decency not to say you would apologize if you cheated and were caught by your wife.

      A man who wouldn't forgive his wife for cheating when caught should never even think of being accepted or forgiven when he cheats, that is, if he has any integrity left. He should just move on, but ironically, people who can't forgive are the ones who apologize the most and expect to be tolerated.

    8. Anon 19:08,

      Yea you're right but you see I just said that not necessary I'm gonna do that. I will rather have a discussion with my wife for a second wife than cheat. Why I made that inference of apologizing is to point out that forgiveness is at one's discretion.

      © TEEJAY

    9. Teejay just pray for a God fearing woman because so many things can make a woman to cheat in marriage, including the ones who married as virgin. It is not a matter of being promiscuous as a single woman alone. Some promiscuous women change after marriage, they don't go back, no matter what. I have seen someone who was a decent lady while single, changed after marriage due to pressure.
      I was promiscuous as a single, in fact I was not looking forward to marriage as a result of childhood trauma from being molested by adult cousins. I had no feelings for men, I just slept with them and move. No serious relationship or faithfulness on my side.
      When I met my husband, I changed, he changed me with love. I was faithful all through the dating days. Married and swore never to even think of cheating talkless of carrying it out.
      Then he made plenty money and women started coming around. He slept with them, Impregnated some and put my life at risk as they started threatening me. If I complain I recieved serious beating.
      I was still the good wife, determined to remain married at all means. To cut the long story, I ran for my life when his babymama beat me twice and he did nothing about it. I would recieve beating from husband, recieve beating from girlfriend too. I ran away before they go diabolical and kill me or my kids.

    10. Aww 20:22, may God keep you in all ways. Your commitment to your vows have not gone unnoticed. And your past is behind you fully and completely. You did right by choosing your peace and survival. I hope you receive tenfold for what you lost.

  3. This embarrassment will last a life time

  4. The society is deeply perverted. God help our future . What pornography leads people into is so unimaginable. You have a spouse and you still fall for someone else.

    1. Slim, come on now, you know infidelity has been happening long before pornography was in existence. Reread your Bible to see all the record of infidelity. Read historical stories of ppl's lives to see that infidelity has always been a part of the human experience.

  5. married man coming to sleeping with a married woman in her husband's house. No fear at all, you both should enjoy your fame.

    1. @excited courtesy no fear at all... He should thank his stars that the man didn't want to go further or else their limbs & blood will be everywhere.
      Him for kuku carry her go him house naaa 😳🤪😳

    2. Why the man got no shame, the woman's stupidity and foolishness is beyond explanation. Which woman brings in a man on their matrimonial bed? What happen to short time lodging if they have decided to be so shameless.

      I can't even f**k a single lady in her house let alone a married woman. I don't even do married women, not with all the money in this life. Some things are abnormal pls.

      © TEEJAY

    3. I tell you, he is lucky that his head is still on his body. If the husband was someone like my dad who is very hot tempered, he would have gone to meet his maker. You dared enter another man's house and bed to knack his wife.

  6. Tueh❗️shameless adulterous duos

  7. Shameless woman.Some women married without any real love for their partner, simply to have the title of "mrs"and then go ahead to cheat. That's how one of my friends tried to persuade me to marry her older divorced uncle saying"just marry him, it won't stop you having a boyfriend "before de tok finished for her mouth I screamed.. Taaaaaa gbafuooo!!!! She just open mouth dey look me. Bombomclaut friend!

    1. And the man is not "shameless"?

  8. Wahala everywhere, what a shameful act😳

  9. They were sweating buckets. Who got time to sweat themselves like that in the hot period, at the height of the day. They don't fear dehydration. Unless the husband is built like a rhino, which man is going to sit down and at the command of another man, even if he was sweating out his wife behind his back in his house. I am shocked that the man is obeying and sitting quietly on the floor waiting for the man to make calls and whatever, even a thief tries to run and


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