Stella Dimoko Reverend Father Who Secretly Wedded In The US Has Been Suspended



Monday, January 20, 2025

Reverend Father Who Secretly Wedded In The US Has Been Suspended

The Catholic Diocese of Warri in Delta State has suspended Rev. Fr. Daniel Okanatotor Oghenerukevwe from priestly duties after his alleged marriage in the United States.
This was disclosed in a statement titled ‘Decree of Suspension’, dated Thursday, January 16, 2025.

The Diocese alleged that Fr. Oghenerukevwe entered into marriage with Ms. Dora Chichah on December 29, 2024, at the Streams of Joy Church in Dallas, USA.
The footage of the marriage reportedly circulated widely on social media, prompting the church to act.

“By this action, Rev. Fr. Daniel Okanatotor Oghenerukevwe has incurred a Latae Sententiae suspension in accordance with the provisions of Canon 1394 §1, and I, Most Rev. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, Bishop of Warri, do hereby officially decree that he is suspended from the exercise of sacred ministry,”

The Diocese revealed that Fr. Oghenerukevwe had requested on November 30, 2024, to be released from all canonical obligations associated with Holy Orders. However, the Diocese said it reached out to him, asking for the required documents to begin the process, but the priest went on to marry without completing the procedure.

“As such, he is prohibited from presenting himself as a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Warri in any capacity. All canonical implications associated with this suspension take immediate effect (cf. Can. 1333),” the statement added.

The Diocese further stated that Fr. Oghenerukevwe retains the right to petition for the revocation or amendment of the decree but must demonstrate a willingness to reform.
“May God grant him the grace to reflect on this situation and guide him on the path of reconciliation,” the church concluded.

No respect at all for the Church.....There is a procedure to follow and he didnt follow it......This is sad


  1. Replies
    1. Streams of Joy ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
      But he should have just not bothered getting into it before nau ๐Ÿ˜”

  2. I have always wondered how these priests manage. It's better has he got married than he hiding and doing it.

  3. He should have done this the proper way.

  4. Deceitful man ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ . Thank God,he was caught

    1. He asked to be released but didn't wait for due process to be followed before proceeding with his wedding.

    2. Always read with understanding. He deceived no man and he committed no sin by taking a wife. And as for the procedure or no procedure, it’s all man-made rules

  5. Everyone is on a race, it's either heavenly or earthly race. His own race don clear, the former redeemed church pastor too opened a new church instead of facing the disciplinary committee, his own race too is clear.

    1. I'm telling you Game mistress, that pastor is now a celebrated pastor

    2. Which pastor?

    3. I read he already requested to be released from the priesthood, but still he could have waited for their response before the wedding
      I saw the former Redeemed pastor video thanksgiving, my sister the matter just tire me ๐Ÿ™†‍♀️

    4. GM sis is it the one they accused of being g$y?

    5. Paris, say what? Many of these Pastors & Priests, no be God call them abeg.

    6. Adunni true talk, some of them called themselves

  6. He should have just resigned honourably before getting married and not try to deceive the Church.

    1. Maybe he had no intentions to continue as a priest

    2. He put in papers of "resignation" but he didnt wait for due process. Any which way, I think he has choosen a path already.

    3. He did resign before he got married. It's better he gets married if he cannot continue with his vow of celibacy.
      The Lord bless his new home.

  7. He did the right thing in a wrong way. He got married instead of fornicating with either a man or woman, like some of them allegedly do but he should have allowed the procedure of excluding him from holy duties to be concluded before getting married. Now he had made a bad name for himself.

  8. Why deceiving himself thinking he was deceiving church, his wife couldn't even advise him to resign honourably instead of disgracing himself, thank God he was caught.
    Some of them are deceivers and pretenders, there was this handsome father in my hometown then, that impregnated a woman the church employed as housekeeper for him, he left after his secret was opened.

  9. He wants to eat his cake and have it. He would rather stay and be enjoying all the benefits of being a priest than resign honourably, Nigerian men and their deceitful ways.

    1. Did you read that statement at all???

    2. Anonymous no mind all these people wey dey use poster dey narrate movie. They just read headlines and conclude from there

  10. Lagos Mainland Girl20 January 2025 at 09:30

    He already told them before he went ahead with the wedding that he was no longer interested
    It's not like he didn't tell them and they just saw his wedding pictures online

    Not right please, he made it clear to them so why are they now denouncing him and putting his name out there?

    1. Good one, if this info is true, I think he should sue them for defamation.

    2. 'The Diocese revealed that Fr. Oghenerukevwe had requested on November 30, 2024, to be released from all canonical obligations associated with Holy Orders. However, the Diocese said it reached out to him, asking for the required documents to begin the process, but the priest went on to marry without completing the procedure.'
      Lagos Mainland Girl, go back & read again. If someone signs up for something, he do honorably follow due process to pull out na...

    3. Don't mind them! Talmbout process mtchewwww

  11. It's not sad to me. For some weird reason, I actually love what he did

  12. Busted.
    Better than living double life.

  13. Something he would've resigned honorably

    1. He did inform the church of his decision. Just that the church was taking time to respond to his request and he went ahead with his plans.

    2. Thank you 10:33. Who has all the time to wait for their response

    3. They take their time to respond in both joining and exiting. Reasons best known to them but I wonder why he didn’t just start on this pathway from the onset ๐Ÿค”

    4. Stop this nonsense. He got entangled with this lady as a Catholic priest, dated her, proposed to her, planned a wedding, booked his flight and obtained his visa as a priest of the Catholic church while deceiving himself and others, performingdutiesof a priest. He only informed them 3 months ago when he had sorted himself.

      It says a lot about his flawed character and his posture towards agreements especially as he is now entering a new one.

  14. Better for him ,so that he will enjoy the thing well, but he didn't try though

  15. Na waoooo for Some people o..
    Why Deceiving yourself..

    Hello iya Boys

  16. Lets try to always get facts.
    He resigned but Did not wait for the long protocol it will follow to grant his his "freedom" before saying I Do.

  17. This Man has committed no crime plsss...
    Just recently the Pope announced that "gays " can be ordained as priest with a weird "provided they are Celibate" ๐Ÿ™„O Chim ooo Celibate gay???
    It is well with the Church.

    1. You heard this from the mouth of the Pope?

    2. Hmm always be sure of what you are saying. He talked about blessing them and not making them priests.

  18. This is what Father A... should have done too. Resign and go and marry in peace. Instead of bringing your wife and daughter into the mission house, saying she is the new cook.
    When breeze begin blow fowl nyash small small, you then rented an apartment for them elsewhere, after saying, she got pregnant for you "by mistake".

    1. Imagine the deception
      I hope the Church jailed him for using the church funds to take care of his secret wife and daughter. Why didn't he just resign? Will that daughter if his be proud of him when she grows and learns of the what he did?

    2. You mean father Jacobo ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  19. This one pain me o, father Daniel is a family friend o
    He has been living in America for over a decade o

    1. Why e pain you. Is it not better than gbenshing women secretly. Abeg free him, he choose a path.

    2. He is also a family friend o. I was shocked to see his wedding pictures all over the net. He is a man with a very good heart. At least he no kill person. If he can't continue with being a priest,it is
      better he decided to openly marry and start a family. May the Lord bless his new vocation .

    3. What has he done wrong? Is it a sin to marry? He informed them he was not doing again before he proceeded.

  20. Nobody will stop him from denouncing his priesthood, he should have just done it the right way....everything in life has a process.

  21. He was brave in his decision to be laicized but he should have waited for the process to end before saying I do. There's no gun to the head about this, a priest can leave at anytime but should do so properly

  22. He already resigned but didn't wait for their response before the wedding so why the suspension ๐Ÿ˜” body no be firewood na๐Ÿ˜

    1. Nobody forced him to became a priest, it was his decision. He would obey the church's procedure when he made a decision to resign. The woman he married is even a single mother.

  23. If he already resigned, why were the painting him red kwanu?? May GOD BLESS your marriage Jare?

  24. He informed them but couldn't wait. He must have been dating the woman while on duty. That wedding wasn't plan in a Day.

  25. He really took a bold decision. There are many like him but they don't know how to take this bold step. All the best to him .
    To all the judginas, let God be the judge of this matter.
    Christian race is personal.

  26. Stella Maris Baby20 January 2025 at 15:11

    He has found his missing rib.
    Congratulations ๐Ÿ’ to them..

    Can't judge you.
    God is the final judge not ma .

  27. No one is saying he should not marry! He is well within his rights. The issue, is the fact that he courted this woman as a Catholic priest!

    He informed the church that he was resigning only one month prior to his wedding! Obviously, he did not meet this woman in November 2024, and marry her the following month!

    He dated her for an extended period of time, whilst still performing his duties as a priest.

    Why did he not resign when he initially met her and took interest in her? Why didn't he resign when he got down on one knee? Why didn't he let the diocese know when he met her parents/family and formalised traditional marriage rites? Nuptials usually take time to plan. Why didn't he tender his resignation in between meeting wedding vendors?

  28. He knew exactly what he was doing and the repercussions๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝ‍♀️

    Someone I knew as a teenager told me that his mother was a nun in the convent and his father a priest in training when they met, and they left the calling to marry.


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