Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..



My husbands younger brother has been hitting on me...I have warned him and tried to keep this low so that it doesnt cause any family issues but he is boasting to me that if i report him, nothing will happen...He also keeps telling me that it seems my hubby did not tell me the deal...What deal? He wont say!

He brought it to my notice that everytime he tries to sleep with me that my hubby is not always around and to my shock , it is true....... He says that there is a family secret that i should know about but it looks like my husband did not tell me.........My husband is very rich but is always cared of spending money as if it will finish with one purchase....We have been married for a year.....

What did i get myself into? What do i do? How do i trick this brother to tell me what is going on? He says that sleeping with me is the only way i can be free and that after that i should run for my life....My feet became cold after he said that...

My hubby is acting all nice as if nothing is going on.....Seems i am being watched.....Should i run away or get to the bottom of the matter? I am so scared!!!

Ah, this is serious, let me take my tabs...pick your legs and run four fourty..


  1. Best believe you are been observed.
    Try and record conversations with the fellow as your own evidence for posterity sake.
    Probably they are testing you.
    Get a relative to stay with you

    1. Involve your FATHER! Evil thrives in secrecy. Don’t be weak. Stop appearing weak. Does he know what you too are capable of? Your attitude should warn him that you too do not stand alone.
      Take time , travel home and come back then call his bluff. He doesn’t know what you carry. Tell him to bring it on openly in front of your husband. Then watch and see if his threats hold water.
      Your brother inlaw might just be a deranged maniac trying to exploit you and there may not be any secret anywhere. And if there is, you should know who you are. Involve your father!

      Stop being a victim.

    2. Don’t get pregnant in that marriage until you get to the bottom of the matter. How could your husband’s brother attempt to sleep with you and you don’t tell your husband immediately? They are not testing you, no man would test his WIFE with his BROTHER of all people. The brother is either lying or you married into a very diabolic family. Get an IUD immediately!!!

  2. You cannot run when you are not sure if your brother in law is even telling you the truth or he is just trying so hard to get you in bed. Why don't you record your conversation with him thr next time he comes around, now that yiy are thinking both are in acceptances to get you in bed. Watch your h carefully and when he is not around, that your brother in law will come around. Swt your camera and get him recorded.

    You can travel to your family and get all the Clarifications you would be need while thinking of your next step. You alone cannot fight this battle and you need God for strength, wisdom, direction to pull through. Wishing you all the very best please update us with your decision.

    1. Poster there is nothing confusing here...Act fast and be sharp...Follow this advice...

  3. This your story is half-baked. Did he force himself on you? Since he brags about it, tell your husband and plan to set him up when your husband is around to see your husband's reaction.

  4. First of all, have you gone to God in prayer for protection and directions before coming to social media because this is really strange.

    Please tell someone; maybe your parents, siblings, trusted friend etc incase(God forbid) something should happen. Get proof while informing them (voice notes, WhatsApp chats, SMS etc)

    Open up to your husband abeg, it could literally be nothing and that brother in-law of yours is just being an idiot. Don't keep shut, speak up!

  5. lol didn’t see where you said you have told your husband what his brother is trying to do with you.
    Tell your husband! Or you’re afraid of your husband?
    His brother is trying to play with your mind about the family secret and looks like it’s working because why are you still there saying you want to find out more? Why ?
    Also how old are you? 20yrs ? Because you sound very naive , gullible and impressionable.

    TELL YOUR HUSBAND before the brother rxpes you

    1. Gbam! You’ve said it all!

  6. Huh! And you are still dey just talking

  7. I suggest you know what's up, and then ruuuuun. But next time, record your bro in law when he starts his nonsense. Show it to the fam, their reaction will tell you everything you need to know. Sha be careful around your BIL. Do not accept anything from him, make he no go drug you, have his way, and then blame the devil.

  8. Record the conversation, call a family meeting and play it so your bil can explain himself. If you like continue dulling till that boy sets you up.

    1. Absolutely 💯 poster please don't act like a damsel in distress like Zeeone soap operas....Strike while it's hot

    2. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars12 January 2025 at 16:33

      This is it.
      Are they trying to set you up?
      Or they are into some kind of occultic practice.
      Whatever, pls don't fall for your BIL's act.
      Depending on what is going on, your life may depend on your choice.
      Be careful.

  9. It’s like you don’t trust your husband because what is this
    Why can’t you tell your man

  10. Your brother inlaw is manipulating you. There's no secret anywhere, he's devilish. Report him to his brother, he might not believe you but report him and tell him you don't want his brother around. Your husband is being nice to you because you are his wife. If you don't trust him, why did you marry him?
    Let your husband know his brother says there's a secret that can only become ineffective when he sleeps with you and you've told your own family members about what his brother said.

  11. He saw you as a softie the moment you tried keeping it low so as not to cause a ruckus in the family, knowing fully well that it should have been the least of your concerns; rather, your self-respect being upheld as a woman, wife, and his sister-in-law should have been your top priority and not the fear of ruffling feathers. The more you kept quiet, the more he saw you as a gullible person, and as a last resort, he invented a cock-and-bull story to frighten you. Sadly, it seems to be working because you have suddenly become paranoid.

    Your husband is never at home on the days his brother tries to hit on you. Well, that's because his brother only hits on you on days your husband isn't around, simple! You have a conniving and sleazy brother-in-law in your home who won't back down and would go to any length, even to the point of tainting his brother's image, just to have a taste of his wife.

    I don't even think the reasons you have are concrete enough to elicit fear or doubts. Your husband may have experienced lack and extreme poverty while growing up; hence, his weird approach to how he handles money. His frugality and extreme fear are deeply rooted in past traumatic experiences, and I feel it is psychological and may not even be diabolical, as his brother has succeeded in making you believe.

    Get physical evidence of his brother's distasteful behaviors towards you and table it before everyone. I am sure he is the black sheep of the family, and they are already familiar with his antecedents, so it won't even be a surprise to them when you voice your complaints. Do not wait till he forces himself on you. With brothers like him, who needs an enemy? So the only way for you to be free is for him to have carnal knowledge of you? How compassionate!

    Please, expose him already!

  12. This is serious. I will advise you visit your spiritual father or pray to God to show you because this is deep secret. That's if you have anyone. That's why it's advisable to seek counsel from God before marriage before somebody's daughter enter one chance. This is another Adam and Eve story.

    Please do not sleep with your husband brother. He wants to tempt so you will Fall inorder to sabotage you

    Be wise

  13. Record him and play it for your husband, set a hidden camera everywhere in your house.

  14. Why don't you tell your hubby all that's been happening? Since you didn't at the beginning, he's using it to his advantage. I believe you know your hubby better. Pls give us an update Nne and be very careful around that guy 🙏

    1. That's what I don't understand....Why can't one open up to their spouse...I don't get it...Why will you be afraid of the one you married....The first person to hear this is your husband with evidence...

  15. Whatttttttt😲
    I can't deal with......

    Licious Babe

  16. Poster, you better tell your husband before you will be setup by that your brother in-law. Your husband's response will let you know if you are to run without looking back.

  17. All this your follow up stories are for formalities. Why did you agree to sleep with him in the first place? See how you are now looking for where to put the blame on as if you don't know the lies men tell inorder to carry out their mischievous acts.

    I ask again, why did you sleep with him if you are not a loose woman? Your marriage is still young yet you agreed to sleep with another man , your husband's brother for that matter, it's not like it's a marriage of like; 10yrs that we may say, maybe it's because of see finish. You are simply a loose girl. It's a good thing that the brother is using that singular act (agreeing to sleep with him when he approached you earlier)to have you submit to him anytime he wants you 🤣 . If you protected your integrity you wouldn't have been subjected to all these threats and conditions.

    Better go and reveal to your husband what's been happening between you and his brother now so that he won't hear about it from outside. Tell him the truth, tell him how the boy tried to hypnotize you with those stories that looks like everything is diabolical. Ask him why he didn't tell you about his family secrets before marrying you? As you ask him, be sensitive to his reaction, it might be a cooked up story by his brother just to subject you to him, the man might not be aware of all this, Let him know about all you have been told. But if he's not aware of the stories, cry and ask for his forgiveness afterwards, if he accepts, fine if he doesn't, fine.Tell him that you thought all the brother told you was true about the family that's why you did it for his own good. But now it's becoming too much and you can't continue with his demands.. But why did you sleep with that guy?

    1. Are you sure it's the same story we all read!!? He is hitting on her and manipulating her to sleep with him.
      She hasn't done it yet? She has laid all he told her. She wants our opinion on how to get him off her back.

      Pls read again. Thank you.

    2. Oh, thank you anon. I did.

      Poster get phone conversation like WhatsApp messages and phone recordings ready before revealing anything to hubby because that guy can Denny everything and the family will believe him that you are the one that wants to ruin the relationship between the brothers.

  18. Poster you sound so naive. Get your evidence and tell your husband so that nobody will blame you when you decide to break up.

  19. See manipulation and sowing seeds of confusion, standard practice straight from the devil’s playbook. Never keep these things a secret, he grows stronger and more brazen the more you stay quiet. Tell your husband today and know peace. The more you linger the more the household staff may begin to think that you are up for it, you don’t think they have seen from the corner of their eyes.

    Someone said to record him, fine, but how long will you record him for? How long will you be a prisoner in your home for? How can you even be pleasant and friendly to someone who is sexually harassing you, your own brother-in-law at that. Yes, you have only been married a year but keeping household secrets from your husband will setup the foundation upon which your marriage will be built. Your brother-in-law has crossed every boundary, he is immoral, conniving, envious, diabolical and a snake. He is a household enemy, he is your husband’s enemy and your enemy. Enemies do not get to sleep under our roofs. Stop letting him lure you in with his forked tongue of lies. Will a man trying to sleep with his brother’s wife speak truth? Your husband is no saint, no man is, so do not try to discover any secrets, there are none. This fckr is playing mind games with you and because you don’t know your husband well you falling for it. What did the snake tell Eve? He lured her with supposedly revealing a secret. Don’t try to discover anything. Tell your husband everything!

  20. Record Your Conversation with BIL
    And Sit Your Hubby Down to play it o..
    Then See His Reaction
    After This If Your Hubby Did not Confront him make you carry your leg for hand o..
    About the Confrontation make sure you're there o also..

    Hello iya Boys

  21. Poster you have no boundaries!!! How did you become so familiar with ur BIL to the point of him attempting to sleep with you? Like how did he see that face? After the first attempt you continued entertaining his rubbish sotey he is telling you abt family secret. There is no family secret anywhere, and it is after you sleep wt him that u’ll realise that u’ve been scammed.
    Respect urslf and report him to ur husband, make a scene out of it and tell him to call his brother to order, in fact at this point he shud ban him from entering the house, before he rapes you one day. And what do u mean that anytime the brother tries to sleep with u, ur hubby isnt around? Bfr nko? U think he would do it in his presence? You sound like u also have a secret that u r afraid the boy would tell or u like the attention or u r beginning to fall for the boy.

    1. You people and your sharp mouth ….how do you arrive at she has no boundaries? What sort of man is that BIL? Eh ?

    2. 19:48, i said she has no boundaries because, these things don’t jst start in a day, it starts gradually, with flirting, how did she allow him to get to that point, even after hitting on her the first time, she is still giving him audience to the point of him telling her that she can only be free when she sleeps with him, haba, is that someone wt boundaries? After he made that indecent proposal to her, she should never have agreed to ever be in the same space alone wt him, cos m sure he didnt tell her all this in the presence of ppl. Read up on how to create healthy boundaries, u’ll understand what m saying.

  22. Poster sounds like a child.

  23. After reading the first paragraph, I thought, perhaps, your husband is infertile and it has been agreed between the men, for your BIL to impregnate you. At least the child/ren will be family/blood.

    By the second paragraph, my mind went straight to the 2019 Hollywood movie "Ready or Not". It tells the story of the Domas family - who have to sacrifice some of their new members (on their wedding day), in order for the family to remain wealthy.

    Your husband's weird behaviour with money makes me suspicious. However, all I can advice is...tell him what is going on (with proof)!! That is the only way you will be able to make a fully informed decision.

  24. Poster did he say it's a family secret ? Did you not court before marrying ?

    There's something called Iju Ase in Igbo land, whereby you enquire about your would be spouse and the family.

    These things your inlaw mentioned if at all can never go unnoticed. I tell you.

    Your marriage is just one year and already with these baggages. I advise you don't even try to attempt recording him , you could end up under his whims. That guy isn't even operating ordinary, believe me charms are also at work here.

    You have a family, I advise you confide in yours. Get more prayerful. And seek for separation for a little while. If after six months of living apart and there's no improvement. You are obliged to head for a divorce.

    Watch your back.This people can't be trusted.

  25. Evil thrives in secrecy! Expose him or did they marry you to serve as family ahewo? Better wake up and speak up . See them pass you round and then push you out with accusations of infidelity. It is an insult for your BIL to hit on you. It is absolutely disrespectful. I hate nonsense, don't you?

  26. This is a sensitive situation that requires clear boundaries and communication. Avoid situations where you're alone together, keep a record of any inappropriate messages, gestures, or interactions. This will serve as evidence when you're telling your husband about his brother behavior and explain the situation to him calmly and without exaggeration.

  27. Get an evidence against your brother in_law before telling your husband,this is because the accusation is huge.
    It may be that the young man is playing with your head.
    At this point,you can inform your closest sibling about it.
    May God continue to protect you in Jesus name.

  28. First off, do not open the door to your BIL if your hubby is not home. Secondly TELL your family. Thirdly make sure you record as you confront your husband with what your BIL has been saying. Your BIL sounds like a dastardly manipulator and you sound very naive and gullible.

  29. 15:59,I did not see where she said she slept with him,abi my eyes dey pain me?

  30. Don't do it! Pray and fast if possible white fast, tell God to reveal the secret to you, if you truly seek God, He will reveal it to you, there is nothing hidden under the sun.

  31. "he told you that anytime he tries to sleep with you your husband is not always around" and you are believing this tales by moonlight...he should try when your hubby is around.
    It's the Audacity for me, I guess you have become too free for him to attempt such.

  32. This woman isnt serious at all. Read her opening statement "My husbands younger brother has been hitting on me...I have warned him and tried to keep this low so that it doesnt cause any family issues"

    She is not giving him a sound warning never to try it again. She is rather telling him to keep it on the low.

    Madam, the thing dey your mind. Do it, let all of us rest.

  33. That family is very deep oooo. You can't find the solution from sleeping with the brother. Leave that environment for a while

  34. Record the bastard on tape and tell your family abi you don't have anybody on your side .Don't allow him do anything with you ,get the bastard on tape and show your husband the evidence then if he didn't do anything about it tell your family and leave period ,don't linger


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