
Tuesday, December 03, 2024


 Thrilling Terrific, Tantalising Tuesday Hailings....

I saulte everyone..
Let me quickly correct a mistake i made yesterday..BV Pretty Mary was not part of the recipients, i mistakenly included her name but it was Olori jojo i wanted to add........
This place is a little calmer now right?RIGHT!!!
I had a good laugh yesterday when one Anon hinted that comments have reduced..My dear Anon, dont let it bother you oh, na so e dey be every year, we are used to it...
To that anon who has been insulting me and BV Eka Joy, I am sorry that i cannot post the trash you wrote...You said i was doing mumu for Eka? Yes i am..
You said I a begging Eka for friendship? Yes i am . ...Yousay i dey beg am? Yes i dey beg am.......You say you are rich and live abroad?Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha now run along to your little hole and hide there, i will wake you up when SEMTEMBER comes...hahahahahahahahaha.
This is a memo to give away scavengers, please if you can scam the money off me with fake stories, please do and enjoy it...hehehehehehehehehe

I have been thinking of Ofe Nsala...see me see wahala oh..that something i cannot cook is what i want....I would need to check google to see what to buy and how to cook it.....I used to eat this a lot in was done with fresh fish and stockfish and all sorts but most of what was used i cant eat it insides of any anmial i will throw up eating it...Stockfish smell makes me sick... Na wah...One anon said that i behave as if i was born abroad.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....The BVs who had dinner with me last year when i was in Nigeria will testify that I am 100 percent local tall woman who laughs like jingle bells....Rhoda, Gladys, Oche and Zazu right?

Please when the Christmas count down with that song begin?whoever starts it will get cash on the last of round up...BV Ummu be watching oh cos you sef will be compensated for collating all the giveaway names....
Enough said for today.......Eka send me more dry fish nah!!!!LMAO

Tight hugs to all friends and blog frenemies.....



It’s been crazy for me this past few weeks, we have been in and out of the hospital, and we still have more trips to make, but I am also very happy with the outcome.
So my kids have enamel hypoplasia. This is a defect in the teeth where the teeth enamel is deficient in quantity 
My first case is mild, my second kid’s own is severe, and he has lost a lot of his teeth, and it’s so sensitive that his teeth used to chip off when brushing it.

My little princess’s teeth are already chipping off, and we are trying to start treatment early so we can slow down the degeneration. Now as a mom I am worried about my second kid’s teeth because from my research, crowning the teeth or veneers is the best solution to the issue but all the dentists we have seen in the past have told us it’s not possible or just simply clueless because of how rare the issue is .
You can imagine my relief, joy and anger when I finally got to see a specialist in the general hospital of the new state we moved to and the first thing that was said was “ we wish we had seen your sons earlier before they lost so many teeth, we would have crowned it or put veneers”. I felt relieved that a solution was found to protect the remaining teeth, I felt vindicated that I was right all along and anger that despite spending so much in the past to see the other dentists who made me feel I was doing too much by asking for their teeth to be crowned.
Anyway, I am happy with the new treatment they are getting, I am looking forward to when we are done and our appointments are monthly or every three months because the stress is crazy.

WOW...... I just finsihed Reading about this and the causes.....As they grow  older and lose all their teeth, they can have the dentist make dentUres for them...A lot of people use DentUres but you wont know until they take it off...All the best to you!...Motherhood no be joke at all...



Hello fellow SDK blog visitors.
It is that time of the year again when we share the love of Christ with our community. We are distributing clothes, raw food, medical care, and professional counseling to those in need. If you are in the Keffi area of Nasarawa state and unsure where your meal or clothes will come from this December, please join us:

Venue: Happy Home Secondary School, Behind A. A Rano filling station, Keffi - Nasarawa State.
Date: Tomorrow, 4th December 2024
Time: 10 am until what we have finish.
I am Sis ZARAM. There is no partiality in this one. Just come and feel the love of Christ.
Remember Jesus is the reason for the season.


''Good morning everyone, I'm the anon that talked about leaving work due to too much of frustration, and was yet to receive salary, I'm very glad to tell everyone that I've received my salary today.
Thanks to Stella for posting it and thanks to everyone that replied me, I'm very grateful, God bless you all''.

Thank God that you got your money.Please start looking for another job just in case cos this one is already giving you signs that you may soon be sacked..



There was a time when I used to think that most rich people were very stingy until I learned the truth.
Almost everyone who has made it big through the gradual process of building works with a budget.

They make a budget for everything and when you ask them to do something that’s not captured in that budget, they either say no or take their time to smuggle your emergency into their next budget.

The time it takes them to find a way to create a space for these your problems in their budget is why you think they are stingy and slow.
This is why your emergency is not their emergency. They hear your kind of story every day.

That’s how they are able to sustain what they have built. There’s a restriction to how they can spend the money you think they have.
If you ask Tony Elumelu for financial help today he will send you to the Tony Elumelu Foundation to go and hustle for a space within the budget of the foundation, even though he owns a BANK.

But someone would say, “He has money oh, he just doesn’t want to help me.”
That’s not true. He or she wants to help you but they can’t break a sacred rule they have used to build and sustain the wealth you now feel entitled to just because of your little emergency.

If their budget this month is to pay the rent of ten people, they cannot add one more even if you are from their village.
They are not like the p00r whose only guiding principle is their emotional feelings. It’s people who predicate their actions on their feelings that say “I just felt like helping her.” And they offer this help from the treasury that contains everything they are worth.

These ones with p00r management policies don’t make budgets. They go on spending as long as there’s money within their reach. Business account is also a charity account. Lol.
They spend all that they have and then realize that they have not helped enough.
It takes some ‘w1ckedness,’ stinginess, madness, and a lot of structural restrictions to build and sustain wealth. And It’s not a matter of choice.



--The human brain can process up to 11 million bits of information per second. However, the conscious mind is far more limited, processing only 50 to 120 bits per second.

--The discrepancy between the brain's raw processing power and our conscious experience is a subject of ongoing scientific research. It's possible that our brains filter out a significant amount of information to prevent information overload.

--Your brain makes decisions for you seconds before you realize you're making a decision

--The human s#xual response typically involves four stages: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.



  1. Replies
    1. Motherhood Poster the Lord is your strength...I can imagine all the dentist appointment and expenses...May God's healing rest upon your children (Amen)

    2. That stock fish smell is somewhat else! It hangs in the house! I will be making this nsala as well soon! I will have to buy it.

    3. Good afternoon Nne...Lol, I find myself calling women Nne these days. Hope your day is fine Esther?

    4. Today I went to a Chinese restaurant. I wanted to go to a nigerian restaurant ( I love nigerian food) but I opted for the chinese one since I had gone to the nigerian restaurant just yesterday evening. I don't always eat out but is December so I want to pamper myself and do things I enjoy. Anyways once I finished eating at the chinese restaurant and was waiting outside about to call a taxi, one nigerian lady approached me ( I'm ghananian by the way) asking for direction to one big market we have here in Torino. Honestly I didn't know how to get there from where we were so I apologized and told there I myself don't know how to reach there. Few minutes later as I was about to call the taxi for myself because I needed to go to the bank to withdraw money, I felt in my spirit to call a taxi for the lady and her two kids and direct the taxi driver to Porta Palazzo, the market. I did and gave the nigerian lady money to pay the driver when she reached the place. The taxi arrived and I explained to the taxi driver where he should drop her and told him I gave the lady 25 euros. The taxi driver said 25 euros is too much because the drive would be less than 15 euros. I said no problem as long as she pays you the right amount and in my mind I said maybe she might need the rest of the money to buy something for her two children that where with her. Afterwards I called a taxi for myself, went to the bank and withdrew some money for myself. During the drive home I felt at peace knowing that I helped someone who was stressed, in distress and stranded. Wherever that lady is a pray peace, blessing and prosperity upon her life and those of her children. Their thank you was enough to warm my heart. Always help if you can. God will bless you in tenfold.

    5. Stella you can cook nsala soup, if you carefully follow the steps in youtube.

      Mao Akuh

    6. 14:59
      God bless you abundantly for being a blessing to the lady and her kids.

  2. Get well soon Supernova, be Strong, your comment in the morning really breaks my heart, and I prayed for you silently in my Heart.

  3. In House News is Here📣📣📣

    Good Afternoon BlogFam

    Happy Tuesday What’s Happening at your Area?

    Is the Festive season already showing face or nah Sidon Dey Look una side Dey? 💕💕💕💕

    1. Business wise everywhere dry but we are still hopeful.
      God no go shame us.

  4. In House News Done Land ooooooooo
    He Done Show
    My SDK passengers let go Chocho Chocho ooo
    SDK Last Bustop ooooo
    I greetlicious Everybody

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Chikalicious eeeehn 🤣🤣🤣. You be case

    2. Hey Chikalicious dear, hope your day is fine?

    3. Landilicious 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. Nklicious 🥰
      Adunni 🥰
      Mom Ella 🥰

      Hello iya Boys

    5. Chikalious Chika nwannem good afternoon sis

  5. Greetings 🫡
    Pronto ‼️
    Ditto ⁉️
    Hiya 👋
    Holla darlings 🩷🩷🩵🩵
    How’s the weather treating you today?

    So which subject you easily aced while in secondary school without even reading ⁉️

    Me: Government ✅
    Countdown to Government was living rent free in my head, so even when I don’t read i pass the subject easily #memories
    What about you ❓

    @LadyPort you mean to eat swallow & soup with egg as the protein 😳 unbelievable! Abeg how to you feel when eating it? No vex oh, I’m just surprised 😅😅

    @Aby Baby 💞💞 you’re a clown 🤡🤣🤣🤣 hope you don discard that paent❓I opened IHN at midnight to see your comment, I was laughing like hyena 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Kai 🤦‍♀️

    Ciao 💋💋💋💋

    1. Paris, no too loud am abeg. I still wear another one wey resemble am today. We listen, we dont judge.

    2. English
      Good afternoon my darling 😘

    3. Mine is biology, up till tomorrow I still love that subject.

    4. Chemistry, My Chemistry teacher made Me fall in love yakata with this subject.
      Thanks for the birthday wishes on SP baiby❣️💕🥳

    5. Abionah,please not today again 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Lwkmd 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    6. Paris darling you're doing well, trust your day is going well....
      It's has to be Government and CRS.
      Hehehehe egg as subtitle for protein when eating swallow chai..

    7. hey Paris, I easily aced english and agric back in secondary school. my all time favourite subjects.

    8. Love love Biology till date, see me teaching my child circulatory syatem like a Pro. Lol. Paris dear, hope your day is fine?

    9. Paris baby❤️ my best subject in secondary school was Government as well, I don't even need to read before I get it right.

    10. Hiya my darling♥️♥️. Mine was English.

    11. Mine is Government too,
      😂😂 Abii baby na werey.
      My Paree nwa oma😘💕 hope your day is going on well.

    12. Government and Literature in English.

  6. MALARIA MALARIA MALARIA how many times did I call you, please leave me alone..because my body is the temple of the lord, abeg any body that knows MALARIA address should help me beg him to leave me alone.. Good afternoon house..

    1. Malaria, leave sweet pure alone o! Wishing you perfect healing 💪🏽

    2. Malaria Biko Ejoor leave my Sweet Pure pure Alone oooo..
      Sorry Dearie🫂 Take your Meds and Rest well ..pele you gonna be alright🙏🙏

      Hello iya Boys

    3. Malaria 🦟 you no dey hear word bah, leave pure alone her heart is pure she didn't offend you so please leave her alone.

    4. Malaria fly away oh..Pele...You will be fine

    5. So sorry
      Do take care of yourself...
      God's healing

    6. Awww, it's the weather
      Sorry pure soul, please rest well and drink water well.

    7. HOLLA MALA, pure gave me a message to pass across to you oh, she said you should flee from her it not ehn...

    8. Please tackle the cause (mosquito), you will be fine okay 👍🏾

    9. Pele Pure, you'll be fine in Jesus name...

    10. Malaria kpachara anya gi o, please leave my nwanne alone. So sorry dear🤗🤗

    11. Biko get some rest, and take some meds. 🤗

    12. Abeg, take proper precautions. Na the season we dey ooo.

      Do take care of yourself, Sis. I wish you swift recovery.

    13. Thank you @ lora baby, chikalious Chika, chi chi, Phoenix, Fab mama, Mrs sharon, Tyler, Kosi, MercyBee, Adunni, Osundi nwannem and candylious baby 💕💋 thank you all..

    14. Wey cord dey make I wipe am for head . Na run e go carry go😂. Pele Pure baiby

  7. Beautiful Tuesday afternoon all.

    1. Beautiful day to you to Super.
      Zaram, God bless you & all who organized the event. May your Christmas be beautiful too Zaza..

    2. Good afternoon SuperV.

      Motherhood poster it is well with your kids. I wish them quick recovery.

  8. Good afternoon people
    May your remaining day be blessed more than

  9. HF Emporium beddings pillows towels honey etc3 December 2024 at 14:05

    Hi lovely people.
    How is everyone doing .
    Have a lovely day all.

  10. Footnote: Accurate. Grace is something I pray for everyday, because if we all go for an eye for an eye, almost everyone would be blind.

  11. Good afternoon everyone
    Feeling the Christmas already 💃💃💃💃💃
    Weldon BV Zaram.

    1. You feeling it right? Christmas is here...whoooops!

  12. Thank you. Jesus for our daily bread and for being a savoir we appreciate

  13. IHN is loaded..
    Good afternoon my people😊
    Hey BV Sandra, trust you are keeping well..🤗

    1. Its been a while we heard from her.. Hope she's good

    2. She crossed my mind as well this morning. I hope she is fine

    3. Beautiful sis Jules how is you..

  14. I enjoyed that read on budgeting cos I can relate so well. Like, separating my funds has helped me so much in my finances.
    So much on my mind this December. Na wah oo.


    1. Financial discipline is very important...Budgeting really helps from falling into hot water...

  15. Good afternoon blog fam
    Have a blessed day,.
    Weldon Zaram,let's spread love this season.

  16. Let me just assume it's harmattan dat made Jimpo Shea butter cost like dis..
    Cos I bought d one I finished for #1,600.. wanted to buy yesterday and was told it's #3,000...asked almost 5 shops and was told same price...I had to buy it like dat..

    Good afternoon everyone 😍🥰

    1. Harmattan 🌫️🌫️3 December 2024 at 14:26

      What is my offense now

    2. No o.. BJ, they added money now o. I bought it #2,500 but that would be the last. Reverting to my homemade coconut oil for harmattan season.

    3. Mine is toke Ori, the last I bought was 1,800. Yesterday was told it's #2,900.

      Haaaa!! A whole 1100 increment. Heard Ori is expensive now.

  17. Rice has been very scarce lately and the prices are so high but today's prices from suppliers fit make person collapse.

    The garri wey we dey see gain too don increase today.

    I was telling a friend I needed to get somethings at Lagos island, she told me children jean better one is 20k while shirt is 14k,I still dey reason this info.

    Make I find cold water wash face and drink first.

    Goodafternoon everyone.

    God help us oooo

    1. Lobatan! Even thrift sef don cost. It is well.

    2. God help his people.
      Someone was just telling me that basically all their meals now are potatoes with something.

      Potato and BEANS
      Potato and rice
      Potato and stew
      Potato Jollof
      Potato Porridge
      Potato roasted
      Potato fries
      Potato Potato 😁

      I told her say no more, its Dankali season 😁
      Dankali to the rescue.

      I plan buying a bag sef. Dankali to the rescue.

    3. 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ how?
      It's too expensive

    4. No lies told oo, kiddies clothes are so over the roof even thrift.

    5. Hmmm.. me ive stopped worrying myself, live each day as it comes. God will help us.

    6. Jesu! Mariam, u say? Thank God I got my kid's clothes in June. Na God go help us for this Dec o...

    7. @Fab mom, that Thrift part is shocking oo. Nothing is truly cheap again
      People should just do according to their power sha. Christmas is every year abeg

    8. @Lora, Amen! naso I hear and I don't even know how to price those ones.
      @Caren, what's potato jollof?
      Mrs Sharon; To go the market sef they fear me.
      @ Fab momma; honestly it is well.
      @ Tyler,Justyswt and Osundi ; Amen oo
      @ Adunni, Good for you oo

  18. It baffles me when people who didn't get giveaway start attacking sdk. You didnt give her money to keep for you,you applied and weren't chosen, instead of you to revert to prayers and hope God blesses you someday, you resort to bad mouthing, heaping curses on your head and therefore blocking God's blessings.
    This is a friendly advice from someone with zero problems😀
    If you come for me,na you and God go ' Digger am'.

  19. The man or woman that disappointed you, will still marry someone better than you and they will live happily, if you don't do anything about your life other than swear and cry... Forget wetin you dey watch for Nigeria movie
    The sign out post thou...

  20. Pretending to be fine after breakup is not easy ooh! Person just faint here after shouting "we move" 🤣🤣🤣😅

    1. Nah in the night the thing dey enter well well. Only you go dey awake dey sob quietly so people around you won't hear😁 because daytime you don tell them say the breakup no touch you.

    2. Hahahahaha 🤣 🤣 🤣

      Well, the person dey move to heaven. All move na move 🤣

  21. Good afternoon everyone

    Lafunky is the definition of going all out. Her promotions, movie trailer, going to the studio to record music for the movie. She is really setting the pace. When she starts raking billi, it really has been sweat and working smart.

    1. She sure put blood, sweat, body and soul into her production

    2. A very hardworking woman at that....
      Lafunky come take your flowers jareh

    3. You're right dear, Jenifa knows the market wella....#everyonelovesjenifa

    4. She is really putting in the hard work. I pray God crowns her efforts with success.

    5. Thank you for the shoutout🥳💕

  22. Good afternoon everyone
    The sun today is too much ehhh

    May God bless our hustle

  23. IHN is here.

    HOUSE 13

    As I walked back home from attending the community meeting slated every Tuesday. I couldn't help but peep thru the window blinds of the Phillips.

    They were the cynosure of all eyes, an admiration and envy to the married club in my community. I couldn't help but wonder if they were in or out. I have often seen the Phillips as my model someday if am going to get married, even papa tells me they are ageless like fine wine.

    I peered closer into the blinds and i coughed to announce my presence should if someone knew I trespassed. I went round the walkway of the glittering compound, till I found my confidence to approach the door with a knock.

  24. IHN is here...
    Good afternoon good people of SDK ville 💕

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. The dumbo that claims Stella is begging me for friendship, if u know suffer wey I Dey suffer for her hand sometimes ehn, you go know say no be how person wey dey beg for friendship dey behave. If u had enough sense, you’d know that there’s no way, Stella, that I’m not even qualified to lace her shoes will be begging me for friendship. As what na????

    Stella, I for no mind sending more dry fish, as I have someone even coming my way soon, but the shipping fee from Switzerland to Germany no just worth am at all. Portugal was cheap but this Switzerland ehn, you will now start asking yourself price of the thing u are sending that u have to pay more for shipping.

  26. Not feeling so well today....

  27. Good afternoon,
    I don't know why I am so lazy in marking my student's exams scripts,abeg laziness leave me oooo.

    1. Lol...abeg go & mark them o. The Lord is your strength.

  28. Good afternoon my people, how una dey naa?
    How is work or business?

    If you do my kind of business, I mean carry your goods office to office, door to door etc.
    Start demanding debts ohhh, fight shout oh, shaa collect your money,
    E get why😔.
    No sell on credit again till January finish self.

    WE MOVE!!

  29. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog.

  30. I read that Interesting Read about the rich and the poor twice. The second to the last and last paragraph (poor management policies) was calling my name. God abeg o.

    1. Stray bullet nearly hit you be that 😂😂

  31. My neighbour woke everyone up with hot tears this morning. Around 4.00 this morning, I heard someone crying deeply. I didnt know the exact apartment the wailing was coming from. In my fcuking mind, i was even thinking it was a bush baby crying, pardon me. This woman is a widow with 2 children. When neighbours eventually got to her, she said she was tired of everything. This woman fine and was getting plenty admiration from the opposite s#x. She and her kids also look well. What went wrong now is what i dont know. A part of me feels pity for her but when i remember how hostile she was to her one time housemaid, i just told myself Abeg Abeg. She damaged that girl.

  32. Lol Stella and her Anon friends.
    Jingle bell be playing all over the place here.

  33. Good afternoon blog family

  34. Hmmmm it's well iJmn Amen

  35. With giveaway or not we remain here, this is where I chill off my worries by reading Stella and comment.

    1. So true. Stress reliever and a chilling place 😁😁

  36. Welcome ihn
    I love ofe sala if it well prepare with chevon,I think is been prepared with white cocoyam and chevon..

    If you want to revamp your water wave
    It is easy
    Step 1) soak with warm water and conditioner for five or ten minutes then wash.
    Step2) wash again with just warm water.allow it to dry
    Step 3) get a curl lala oil apply on it stretch out the curls with your hands and your wave will fresh and new...
    Try this and come and thank me later.

  37. Good afternoon everyone. oni a sanwa o

  38. Lord abeg you fit borrow me #5.5 million? I wan use am buy something... meaningful I'm your son so I no fit run with you money

  39. Good afternoon everyone. Am just passing by.

  40. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Count down to school vacation. 🥱🥱🥱

    1. Yes dear, can't wait

    2. Thank you Bbeautiful Momma for the birthday wishes 💕

    3. Good afternoon my beautiful Bloggy😘💕

  41. Replies
    1. Posh, how's baby? Hope she's eating well today? Pele dear, not easy.

    2. Thank you Poshscents for the birthday wishes💕

  42. Hello everyone .IHN spicy as ever. Do have a great day everyone

  43. Pleasant afternoon to everyone 💞💞
    Welcome IHN 😍

  44. IHN
    Good afternoon everyone 🥳

    "In our lives, change is unavoidable, loss is unavoidable. In the adaptability and ease with which we experience change, lies our happiness and freedom" ~ Gautama Buddha

    I wish you all a blessed and exciting day

  45. The Christmas breeze is seriously blowing now.. Exams are done and dusted today na Marking and inputing get Me🥺
    Lemme use this opportunity to say a very biggggg THANK YOU TO Everyone for My Geh's birthday wishes , and prayers. We Feel so loved💕❣️💯. Thanks and God Bless You All.
    Zaram, God bless you and the organisers for remembering the poor
    Appreciation, Mo Dupe by KSA....on replay 💃🏻

    1. Your daughter is 19 years old, meaning that you are 40 plus or almost 40 if you had her early.

      I never still see work, so na calculation get me now, no more counting of giveaway appreciation comments.

    2. Happy birthday to your baby girl, may she continue to grow in the wisdom of God.

    3. Annon 15:00, why are you so particular about her age?

      Go write a poem or something.

    4. See assignment for you 🤣🤣🤣🤣anon 15:00 so you been think say I be ya mate 😂
      Se o mo age Mi ? 😂

    5. Happy birthday to your gal. May God be good to her. She will excel in life. I wish her happiness and good health.

    6. Amen !! Thank You @God's 🙌🏻

  46. Good afternoon everyone 🥰🥰

  47. Good afternoon Beautiful People 😍
    I really enjoyed the financial discipline write up!

  48. Blessings to y’all Zaram, May God replenish your pockets as you extend a helping hand. I like being in welfare where I can put myself to good use by helping out.

    Hurt people, always looking for ways to hurt others. It costs less to be jolly, happy and spread it.

    Greetings Everyone 🙌🏽

  49. Gratituesday💃💃💃💃💃💃
    Grateful for the gift of life.
    The sun ☀️ is in its full glory today.
    Keni nice day o ✌️💋

  50. Good afternoon house.
    Stella we pin for here giveaway or no giveaway.
    The value we get from reading the blog is more than money.
    Meanwhile, hot pap is bae in this cold weather. As I cannot afford peak milk, I would just buy one satchet of Dano milk for 200 and pour inside the pap with sugar. No wahala at all when you cut your cloth according to your size.

    1. I swear, life is very simple when you live within your means and be happy 😊.. Everything will be fine

  51. Well done Zaram.
    Good afternoon everyone 😊

  52. Good afternoon blogfam. How is the day going? Zaram God bless and reward you for that beautiful initiative and making others happy. Stella enjoy your ofe Nsala

  53. The sun here is too much just imagining the heat this night.
    Good afternoon beautiful people ♥️

  54. Dusty Sunny Day.
    Christmas wan begin smell.

  55. I just wish there is some kind of way in which someone can be easily fish out when they comment in anno mode.
    They are using this anno mode to comment a lot of horrible things na wa o

  56. The interesting read is really educative. @motherhood poster, the Lord is your strength, it is not easy to be a parent at all.
    LMAO @the anon wey dey put mouth for Eka and Stella matter, MYOB.

  57. Good afternoon everyone...The count down has began oh Lord 🙏...have a good day guys ❤️

  58. Good afternoon everyone 🌞
    Had a terrible experience at the market today.
    so I got some things and I loaded them in a barrow and I wanted to move then I realized I forgot to buy something so I just told a barrow guy that I was watching him, before I knew what was happening one man just came and said that why am I telling him that I am watching him,I was like I'm not talking to you I'm talking to my Barrow guy. just like that the man lifted his hand I wanted to slap me oh. Then some guys came around and was shouting at him before he left. I realized he was drunk later.
    Hey God!
    I was just speechless.

  59. Nk, happy birthday to your lovely daughter 🥰 She'll always make you proud 👏
    Pinky, happy birthday to your beautiful wifey 😍 God bless her always 👏🍰
    Zaram, more blessings on you dear 🥰👏
    Sandra dear, hope your day is fine? Plsl ets see more of you here ehn...we love you 🥰

  60. 🤣🤣🤣 na this picture of Jewelu dog up there . Doggy under arrest 🤣

  61. Good afternoon my beautiful fellow bvs
    The salary ish lady, thank God you got paid. Next time , wait and collect your money before leaving.


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