Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


Monday, December 09, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..



I saw a deep long mark on my neck when I woke up. I have seen these marks since my final year at the University (2005) and this marks the beginning of the marks on my body. Nobody seems to help me, even here on SDK blog.

The mark is always deep with dry-like blood and very very painful and peppery when I'm sweating. People have been promising jobs but won't help again. Like this year, someone asked me why I'm doing a contract job with shekele money and he said he himself will help get a job in an oil company, I never begged or complained about my job but he did. I contacted him later and he said the friend would help me when he gets back from the US but the usual happened and he stopped replying me. It's common and I'm used to it that if anyone wants to help me, they suddenly stop for no reason, so I'm used to it very well.

 I have dreamt many many times that this is not where I'm supposed to be but by the time deliverance commences i the dream that's when I'll wake up.

I have never had a good job since I graduated in 2005, the job are always contract job with no value but my younger ones are doing very well in their place of work.
The marks were so visible during my NYSC that my fellow corpers always pitied me and give me advice but it is now reducing anyway.

Recently, a woman I have never seen in my life contacted me on the phone through mama A who knows me (I called mama A to discuss something with her but mama A said someone wants to speak with me) The woman said I am a child of the water and that is why I see things in my dream. She said I should appease them so I can make headway in my life.

The woman I have never seen also said I should buy sugar...etc and give a woman (I will never do it) . She said I should have made it in life but I take everything as a joke. She said I should never say my plans to anyone again if I still want to make it in life.
I married late, no man ever toasted me (story of the marriage, na for another time) and she said I'm lucky I gave birth to children. She concluded by saying I should buy fruits and when we see, I will put it inside a calabash with white cloth and put it in the river.
I know I serve a living God and I will still share my testimonies despite my age. I only know God and I wont give in to any water spirit. I am still praying though.........*smiles*

 Hmmmmm some things cannot be explained with words... Were you perhaps a water child with a covenat hanging on your head? I know Ladies who were in your situation and they say they did something similar like you explained up there...They are OK now...I dont knopw what to advice you but if you are a water child, you need serious deliverance and you need to give those sweets....just saying!


  1. Give to Caesar what is Caesars.

    1. So what is that thing that belongs to cesar? Did poster tell you people that she's carrying anything that belongs to cesar?

      Poster what is that thing that belongs to cesar that you have? Does your life belong to Cesar? I thought it's the Almighty Father in heaven that owns your life? Why am I seeing people telling you to go and appease some spirits? Who owns the territory? Who is in charge? Nna na wa o. And una say una be Christians.

  2. This world is a mysterious place. Poster follow your heart

  3. Try it and see naa, me I like to try things o, atleast anything that will not harm me or anybody. Na God create herbs, after all you're not doing it for someone else's own to spoil. Just give it a try and see what happens.

    1. 15:20. Them tell you say na herbal medicine them wan give her?

      They are talking of spiritism and consulting mediums your are here talking of herbs .

      Poster, so those of us that got disappointed in white collar jobs and later diverted to starting our private business are not sensible abi? Must you work for people? Can't you learn a skill or start up a business? Are you the only one that got disappointed in job hunting? You keep rigmaroling on issues that you can easily change with wisdom. You job hunted for years and didn't get favoured, why not divert to private businesses?

      Talking about NNPc job, so you don't know that that person lied to you? Many of us got these promises after Nysc, both from scammers and people we know . Them no dey get NNPC job like that o.

      You are listening to people that say you are water child because you face difficulty. If you give these things relevance, they will come and dwell in you.

      Only Jesus can save. That's if you are truly a Christian that believes in Him. Before him, there is no God and after him there is no.

      See how you have blamed the life's challenges on the injuries you sustain while sleeping. Are you not the one that decided to be job hunting instead of learning a skill or starting up a business? Why are you now blaming it on spirits?

  4. And be involved in any thing ,give your life to Christ locate a bible believing church,your prayer is enough Jesus has defeated all of them ,if your father can't carry you ,tell a pastor whatever you bind in this world is bond in heaven

  5. Life is a mystery. May God help us. Stella is not easy to do what your faith doesn't support.

  6. Please look for a Very Good Church and go for Deliverances ooo..
    Nothing Our Lord Jesus' Christ Cannot Solve..
    God is Faithful
    God Is Alive
    Nothing is too Difficult or hard for him to do
    It is Well with you 🙏🙏

    Hello iya Boys

  7. Please never you dabble into any fetish thing, it would just worsen everything and drag you backwards. Keep believing God and praying with his word. Have you tried our powerful men of God? There's hope poster, hold on to God.

    1. This..
      True powerful men of God, there are some battles u can fight alone, u don't even know what you are fighting or fighting you..

    2. Poster take Sandra's advise, you will be entering another bondage if there's anyone in the first place, take it to God and exercise a little patience, all will be well in Jesus name, Amen

  8. Don't be involved in anything if your faith can't carry you,get a pastor of a bible believing church to agree with you

  9. In none of these did you mention seeing a doctor
    I believe in the spiritual but please always start by seeing a good doctor first anything related to your body

    1. Wetin this one dey talk, is it too much American movies or what is worrying you?person dey talk about spiritual issues and you say make he go

    2. 15:56 not everything is demonic
      Yall should stop over tasking your angels
      See a doctor if you wake up to marks on your body

      For example google shows she’s not the only one waking up to marks on her neck

      Why did I wake up with marks on my neck?
      The most likely reason for the appearance of scratches is that you're unknowingly scratching yourself while you sleep. However, there are also rashes and skin conditions that can sometimes resemble scratch marks.

    3. @icefish, hi doctor I woke and saw a mark on my neck
      Some wake up and see boil
      Tell your doctor
      This is how people die of cancer. Some of those bodily marks are symptoms of something else

    4. If she is seeing things in her dream, that means God is interested in her (Daniel 2:22). Doctors deals with medical problems. Metaphysical issues are solved by God. God opens the eyes of the righteous and shows them the secret things of this world. Some would be going through this and may not even know. So it is a privilege that poster knows.

      Poster, Get closer to God. If you pray for 1 hour every day, start praying for 5 hours (pray all the time). Try your possible best to live a righteous lifestyle. Do not involve yourself in rituals that you know nothing about. All the people who are deeply into juju started small. Before you know it, you will be going deep deep into it.

    5. Non Christians have dreams too
      Go and see a doctor

    6. Being a Christian and being a child of God are 2 different things. Not everyone that called HIM father will enter into the kingdom of God.

  10. The world is full of late bloomers. Not every flower blooms in the morning or every year. There are some that come out in the evening and some that bloom once every 20 years. Know this and know peace.

    The most important thing is that you do not give up on yourself. Make small moves. If you cannot move to the US or UK why not try Kenya or Rwanda? Dig into your mind to see if an idea pops out that you can use to create something. Look into your community and see if there is a need for something and you can fill the gap. This will create an income for you while servicing your community. I believe the government was giving out grants and business loans.

    I am not sure what water spirits are or if they really exist. If they are demonic entities that attach themselves to ppl then you need deliverance not to appease them. Why would you want to appease demons? I don’t even consider angels my friends and I would not seek to appease them, as our realities and existence are so different, so I don’t think that demons are entities I would want any dialogue or exchange with. But do you!

  11. If you notice strange things in your life, please pray and read the word of God, sometimes self deliverance is effective than relying on people sayings. The bible says at the mention of Jesus every knee shall bow, at the mention does not mean you will just say it, but prayerfully and with fasting.

  12. My advice to you from personal experience, this life we are in isn’t fair and serving God doesn’t mean that there will not be challenges in life. Me typing has mine, the devil can’t give you the solution in fact what he and his agent do is to give you a false sense relief from the issue you are going through ( the devil will manipulate you)
    My advice for you is to honestly make a decision on this long standing problem, a decision to end it by genuinely seeking God. First get to know God for yourself and this can be achieved if you decide to.
    You will need the help of the Holy Spirit who will lead you to teaching priest ( pastors or apostle after his heart) just go to a quiet place and tell God to help you discover him. Then visit mfm for deliverance and continue in the path that pleases your maker.
    In the beginning of seeking God it may be hard and you might feel tired and overwhelmed but please that’s just the devil using your emotions against you. Stick to God I can assure you that your life will get better
    Through This I was able to break free from 12 years of chronic masturbation.

  13. I seem to recall OP posting something similar late last year. It is sad you are still dealing with this matter. Some of these things are deeper than they appear.

    Have you ever asked yourself why God asked that the Israelites give a goat to Azazel a demon in Leviticus 16? That's God with all his might still assigned a demon his due.

    Elisha asking Naman to go and take a dip in the Jordan 7 times was not because Elisha could not have prayed for Naman and the leprosy gone. But sometimes you give principalities what belongs to them and sever that tie. Yes prayer works bu

    1. .... Yes prayer works in certain situations but there are some kinds of deliverance that it is better not to even engage in because the delivered cannot stay without sin and that reoccurrence of sin will open the door to more virulent and wicked demons further worsening the situation.

      If you know you will be able to abide in purity, then go for it and fight this battle. But if you know you can't, just settle them and let them free you. Plus if you have anyone you are holding in your heart please forgive that person. It will make your deliverance easier

    2. You don’t know what you are talking about in re Lev. 16.

    3. Please Poster, this advice by Doged is based on old testament practices. It neglects/undermines the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

      Note that we are now in the era of Jesus Christ. We have a great privilege in Him. You don't liaise with the devil, it's an insult to Jesus if you as a child of God go to appease any spirit for you to be saved.

      You are not under the jurisdiction of satan,you have no business with him. Jesus is the only solution. That's why we call Him savior. He is capable of taking the burden away without any assistance.

      You’re seated together with Christ, “Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come” (Ephesians 1:21). 1 Timothy 6:15-16:

      Any deliverance that is not strictly done in the way of Jesus Christ is an evil deliverance.

      I would advise you poster to go and read Rhapsody of Realities of 30th November , 3rd 5th, and 6tht of December. Make sure you read the full message, not the one posted on this blog .
      The right teachings of the word of God is the only thing that can save you, not all those advice we are giving you. Listen to messages that will edify your spirit

  14. Poster, We all serve a living God too but give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar....It's better you end a chapter and commence a new one on a clean slate......You have to face the reality and end things.....

    1. Coming from you, a supposed christian? This is disappointing!
      So she should "settle" the demon now and then keep doing it abi?

  15. My dear prayer is still the key and the master key. Ray and pray without ceasing. So continue and don't forget to do midnight prayers

  16. I meet opportunities but miss them from stupid dreams taking me back to university to being attacked in the bathroom on my left arm woth witchcraft marks in the day. I have shared my Chronicles here. Some get prayed for, it works, some still remain where they are after prayers. I have missed businesses worth millions of dollars. In some cases, instead, someone will die instead of the business to succeed.
    Fast as your body can carry you. Do mid night prayer. Bring a chair and a knife. One by one, prayer point by prayer point, summon every spirit plus those that control them to the chair. Bind or tie them by the blood of Jesus. Use the knife to cut and kill them. Call the spirits; disappointment, bad luck, destiny killer, spirit holding your wealth from manifesting, evil cloth covering you, yoke, promise and fail, near success syndrome etc. You know what you pass through and how the evil manifests, as you summon them, cut them. Chuk or dagger them. It's a warfare do be careful not to injure yourself. You can do it 3 nights or 7nights. May the Lord liberate you in Jesus name.

  17. Hmmm, may God fix this one oo, you are even married with children sef okoo

    1. Why did you say she's even married with children. What does ur statement means

  18. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Study the book of 2kings in the Bible when the axe they were using to work fell in the river. Elisha had to give the water a stick for it to release the axe.

    My sister give the water spirit wants to gain your freedom

  19. I know many here will take this solution lightly and even you the poster! But if truly you are serious and want to get out of this through our heavenly father only, the one who created you? Type Elohim ministry On your Google or Facebook for Wise man Daniels's church in Abuja.
    Today is Monday? By Saturday, you go book for deliverance which is free! By Sunday only laying of hands will uproot whatever God has not deposited in you.
    Pls do ensure to come back here upper Sunday for your testimony, for the doubting uncles and aunty Thomases here.
    I hav remained anon here for ages, but for your sake, here's my contact if you need directions. zero eight zero six seven five five eight zero zero one.

    1. Thanks all for the advice.

      I had a dream years back that I should go to MFM for deliverance of which I did then. I also had a dream years back where I was delivered from water spirit.

      I do have a dream that I always see myself with a man but whenever I see the man, he's always very very very wealthy and rich using big cars while I will be looking like a maid beside him .It was later on the spirit revealed to me that he's the one using my glory. The man also tries sleeping with me. I tell my husband everything and we pray together.

      I am so used to promise and fail ever since I graduated almost 20 years now, so the oil company job wasn't a surprise because I was actually expecting the usual outcome.

      I will still use my glory like someone said up there, that's for sure, I know and have seen it but how it will come, I do not know.

      Sincerely, I can't do any fruit thing and place it on water, my spirit doesn't go with it. I will continue praying.

      My only surprise is I am yoruba ,I don't know how I joined any water spirit . People don't always like me most of the time for NO REASON. I only know that my father was the secretary in his ogboni cult before he became a Christian and this is over forty years ago.

      I appreciate you all.

  20. Thanks all for the advice.

    I had a dream years back that I should go to MFM for deliverance of which I did then. I also had a dream years back where I was delivered from water spirit.

    I do have a dream that I always see myself with a man but whenever I see the man, he's always very very very wealthy and rich using big cars while I will be looking like a maid beside him .It was later on the spirit revealed to me that he's the one using my glory. The man also tries sleeping with me. I tell my husband everything and we pray together.

    I am so used to promise and fail ever since I graduated almost 20 years now, so the oil company job wasn't a surprise because I was actually expecting the usual outcome.

    I will still use my glory like someone said up there, that's for sure, I know and have seen it but how it will come, I do not know.

    Sincerely, I can't do any fruit thing and place it on water, my spirit doesn't go with it. I will continue praying.

    My only surprise is I am yoruba ,I don't know how I joined any water spirit . People don't always like me most of the time for NO REASON. I only know that my father was the secretary in his ogboni cult before he became a Christian and this is over forty years ago.

    I appreciate you all.

    1. Poster, have you tried cutting your finger nails? I would suggest you cut down your finger nails all the time , there are unimaginable things we do when we sleep, injuring yourself with your finger nails could be one of them. Please just try cutting them off to the extent that you won't be able to scratch your body with any of it. Let the investigation of the cause of your problem start from there first.

    2. Poster you said your dad was ogboni and you are here taking it simple? Yoruba people have olokun and water spirits so don’t sound naive . Do what you have to do and pray to God Almight while doing it. It is God that created the sweets and sugar. Thank God it is not human flesh they asked do.

  21. I don't and can never believe in things like this, these people just have a way of messing with ones head.
    Poster pls hold on to Almighty God with prayers and dedication with time God will come through for you.

  22. Don’t ever go diabolical! It never ends well.

    Someone I know that went to university of calabar 1996, was so desperate for money that she went and did juju for men to be giving her money.

    She told us that what the native dr did to her was exactly what they did to Andy in “living in bondage” movie. The only difference is hers was a chicken whilst Andy’s was a goat. After the ritual this girl became a very wealthy young lady as a student. When she eventually went to Abuja for youth service, she became even richer.

    She married a man that works in an oil company that she met while serving. They travel the world together. The next thing we had was that she is running mad. Then after some years she died.

    Do not entangle yourself with demons. We are human, we do not know how they operate. Some of you who are arguing that it works, you don’t really know your end, do you?

    Ukpara okpoko gburu, nti chere ya! (Ask your Igbo friends to explain this) I can’t really translate this in English.

    1. At least she enjoyed life for some time
      Anyone can have mental issues
      Abi what is Olu Jacob’s crime

  23. As you believe in God ,also learn how to be spiritual.God will surely help you.

  24. God will come through for you,don't give up on God

  25. This is just so devastating to read. But what God cannot do does not exist

  26. Wear gloves to sleep first. Exterminate rats in your house. Eishhhh


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