Stella Dimoko Sunday Morning Spontaneous Post


Sunday, November 03, 2024

Sunday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #smile #sabbathday #holyday #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #miraclesabound

Good Morning oh....
I hope say you sleep well?Maintain your lane today you hear?
Take am easy as the day dey meander dey go....


  1. Water Baptism And The Holy Communion!!
    1 Corinthians 11:26.

    "In the Early Church, during the great persecution, if individuals were asked about their faith and they denied it, their baptism was used as evidence of their true commitment to Christ, often leading to their persecution."

    "Many churches believe that true Christians should be baptized and therefore may only serve Communion to those who have been baptized. The practice is commendable."


    Dear Father, I recognize the significance of the Holy Communion and Water Baptism as symbols of my faith and commitment to you. Every opportunity to partake in the Holy Communion is my declaration of my victory over Satan, the world and its elements; a declaration that the Lord Jesus bequeathed His wealth, rights, and privileges to me, a will which is now in force. I have eternal victory and dominion over sin, sickness, disease, death and the devil, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Good morning beautiful people of SDKville❤️
      In the presence of the Lord, there's fullness of Joy.

      Happy Sunday to y'all 💕🤗

  2. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 308 of 366!!!!

    Prince of Peace.
    Eternal Rock of Ages.
    King of Glory .
    Mighty God.
    Saviour of The World.
    Wisdom of God.
    Rock of salvation.
    Gracious God.
    Victorious in Holiness.
    Consuming Fire.
    Hope of Glory.
    Lion of Judah.
    Light of the world.
    Father of the fatherless.
    Husband of the widow.
    The Way.
    The Truth.
    The Life .
    Bread of life.
    Glorious in Holiness .
    Fearful in praises.
    Ancient of day.
    Compassionate God.
    Praiseworthy God.
    Older than the oldest .
    Trustworthy God.
    Master Planner.
    Voice of hope.
    Game Changer.
    Our Refuge.
    Strong Tower.
    Unchanging changer.
    Rose of Sharon.
    The word of God.
    Our Advocate.
    Our High Priest.
    GOD Is GOD And GOD is Good.

    1. I love this! Thank you Marie ❤️🌹

    2. Agu na eche mba
      The one who seats in heaven and make the earth his footstool.
      The only king without boundaries
      The creator that was not created.

    3. I am Full with Happiness, Mother and Son in Good Health.
      Wonderful God

    4. Bright and morning star
      The lion of the tribe of Judah
      Way maker
      Miracle worker
      Ocean divider
      The lily of the valley
      Abba father
      Thank you for the gift of life 🙏

    5. Haha!! Been waiting for the good news. Congratulations to y'all 🥳🥳💃💃💃🌹

    6. Anu kporonku n'eju onu
      One na nmuo one n'madu
      Obata Obie esiike

    7. Merciful God, thank you for everything.

    8. Faithful God i am grateful.

    9. Miracle Worker
      Odogwu akataka
      Rose of Sharon

    10. Awesome Father, thank You Jesus 🙏

    11. Congratulations ma'am 💃🎊

    12. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 Marie...Glory to God

    13. Almighty God we are grateful.

    14. Thank you King of kings 🙏

  3. Good Morning BlogFam and Happy Sunday🥰

    Who else loves the Movie “ Straight out of Compton”.

    That Movie is Dope

  4. Smile more, worry less and have the best sunday.. good morning house

  5. Good Morning BlogFam and Happy Sunday🥰

    Who else loves the Movie “ Straight out of Compton”.

    That Movie is Dope

    1. @Lora, it is about the early lives of musicians Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Eazy Mutharf#ckin E, DJ Yelle and Snoop Doggy Dogg.

      It is very interesting.

      @CEO Empress, watch "All Eyes on Me"(Tupac)
      "Get Rich or Die Trying "(50cent)

  6. Good Morning BlogFam and Happy Sunday🥰

    Who else loves the Movie “ Straight out of Compton”.

    That Movie is Dope

  7. Happy Sunday to Everyone
    welcome to Sunday morning spontaneous post
    smile and be happy,be thankful for what the Lord has done for you
    Count your blessings and appreciate him once again.
    Have a peaceful day ahead 😘

  8. A man who chases two rabbits, catches neither. ~ Confucius.

    A pleasant Sunday to you guys.


    © TEEJAY

    1. That's where setting a trap and being strategic come in..
      Impossible is nothing..


    John 6:27
    Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

    Brethren it is dangerous to live your life pursuing money, food, clothing, goodlife etc. Without pursuing after the things of Christ, when ur time on earth is up, what will speak for you at the other side.

    It is very dangerous to becloud your soul with prosperity, awards, achievements, accolades,popularity etc at the expense of your eternity.

    This world is passing away, don't loose of eternity in heaven because of frivolities of this world. Kick out the rotten messages of this world that doesn't bring a divine transformation to your soul.

    Day by day you run after what to eat, what to wear, rent, school fees, hospital bill etc. You walk around with well fed body but hungry spirit, you walk around with good perfumed body but stench filled soul.

    Delay is dangerous, God cannot be blamed on that day, you will wished you had listened while you had the time.

    1Tim 6-11-12
    But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

    Live a life that will please and bring glory to God.


    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  10. Good Morning and Happy Sunday everyone 🥳

    I was glad when they say unto me let go to the house of the Lord

    I wish you all a wonderful Sunday

  11. A beautiful day in a beautiful month of ABOUNDANCE.
    Thank you GOD for everything 🙌

    Good morning and happy Sunday Sweethearts 💞

  12. Happy glorious Sunday everyone 🌺

    1. HF beddings, fiber pillows, towels, honey, etc 090723003913 November 2024 at 09:11

      Good morning mercybee

      Hey people, Here is your divine卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳ for today from CE

      My body is not sustained by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in me. My health flourishes from one level of glory to another. Daily, my blood is purified by the Holy Ghost, and I walk in God’s perfect will every day.

      I'm Alive!

    2. HF beddings, fiber pillows, towels, honey, etc 090723003913 November 2024 at 09:11

      Good morning mercybee

      Hey people, Here is your divine卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳ for today from CE

      My body is not sustained by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in me. My health flourishes from one level of glory to another. Daily, my blood is purified by the Holy Ghost, and I walk in God’s perfect will every day.

      I'm Alive!

    3. Happy Sunday beautiful Mercy

  13. Should You Pay Kids for Chores?

    As a parent, deciding whether to pay your kids for doing chores can feel like a balancing act. On one hand, you want to teach them responsibility and the value of work; on the other, you don’t want to send the message that chores are only worth doing for money. Let’s break down the pros and cons of this decision to help you find the right approach for your family.

    Pros of Paying Kids for Chores
    1. Teaches Financial Responsibility
    By giving your kids money for completing chores, you introduce them to the concept of earning. This can be a valuable lesson in budgeting, saving, and spending wisely as they learn how to manage their own finances.

    2. Motivates Participation
    Let’s face it-sometimes kids need a little extra incentive to get things done! Offering payment can motivate them to tackle chores they might otherwise avoid, making them more engaged and responsible in the process.

    3. Encourages Hard Work
    When kids see a direct correlation between effort and reward, it can foster a strong work ethic. Learning that they can earn money by completing tasks can empower them to take initiative, not just at home but in other aspects of life.


    Good morning and happy Sunday 🌹
    Will share the cons tomorrow God's willing.

    1. I pay my Bambinos for chores oh......Its a must....My bambinos tell me if i will pay someone else to do it then i should pay them and not use them cos i am their makes sense so i pay but i bargain well.....I am even owing sef and will pay next week.

    2. Stellz, that's such a good way of parenting. It makes them responsible and accountable 👏👏👏

    3. Happy Sunday Lora sis
      Did you see the movie??

    4. I can’t give you money for doing chores. I can only give you any day I feel like. You haven’t finished paying me for birthing you.

      Fan Emmanuel

    5. Seems cool but I don't like the method
      Some naija kids might abuse it
      What if I don't have money to pay again.

    6. Fan Emmanuel that didnt work anymore when they got bigger...they told me i didnt bargain with them before i got pregnant with them..they asked me to pay dem for birthing them without their approval....LOL

    7. Yes, I did. I guess I've been watching movies from my Mama's womb so I kinda feel like I've seen it all 😀. It was predictable sha, but not bad at all.
      So, you have not seen kelechi udegbe before? Wow! He's been everywhere and I like him 😉

    8. Hahahahahahaha.. True true no body bargained to be born 😂 children of nawadays 🤣🤣

      Fan Emmanuel

    9. Your bambinos na proper "na my mama born me" waffi sense too much 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    10. Stella na you born dem tru tru 😆😆😆😆.

    11. Hahahahaha 😂😂
      Bambinos and waffi sense

    12. LMAO Stella your bambinos are very funny abeg.
      Fabbie to me it has to be time to time oh not everytime abeg. Imagine paying them everyday and the day you don't pay them nko, what happens then...
      I've seen children been paid for going for errands and the day you don't pay them come and see misbehaving now

    13. LMAO Stella your bambinos are very funny abeg.
      Fabbie to me it has to be time to time oh not everytime abeg. Imagine paying them everyday and the day you don't pay them nko, what happens then...
      I've seen children been paid for going for errands and the day you don't pay them come and see misbehaving now

    14. 🤣🤣🤣 Stella your kids are very smart. Na correct Waffi boys dem be

    15. I pay for them to help me peel my groundnuts when they are around. I don't pay for chores.

    16. Stella, your bambinos really carry your Delta sense😂😂😂

    17. Hahaha hahahaha.. Stella u be Delta babe use ur cane to threaten them🤣

    18. Mrs Sharon cane to threaten who? My Bambinos are in the University and not small boys that i can push around......besides i can NEVER use cane on my kids and have taught them that its abuse and a human violation to do so to anyone.

    19. Very funny, but simple true.
      Den dey on there own you carry them come.

  14. Good morning to you Mami Stella, Amen!🙏🏾 to your prayers up there,yes I slept well oo we bless God
    Enjoy your Sunday 🥰

  15. In this new week, may we walk in victory and never in defeat 🙏 .
    Precious morning 🌄

  16. Good morning everyone ❤️
    Happy Sunday to you.
    I Read that tweet of Mike Bamiloye son attacking Peter obi because he said the culture of Night vigils should be turned to night shift in this country and the boy had unpleasant words to say.

    1. Don't mind him...Na goody 2 shoes dey worry father like son

    2. No be small like father like son.

  17. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.
    (Isaiah 40:31)
    Heavenly Father thank you for another beautiful Sunday morning. Lord we come before you seeking renewal in our minds, body and spirit. Lord fill us with your peace and mercies, and help us to let go of any burdens that are weighing us down in Jesus name 🙏
    Abba father we know your ways are far greater than our ways and your thoughts far deeper than our thoughts. Lord we pray that you renew our spirit and restore our strengths in Jesus name 🙏

  18. Always remember to commit your day into God's hand for a day to day smooth operations.

    I great all my fellow church dropouts and those going to church.

    1. Lol, I do online service sha.

    2. I greet you too. I will start going to church again by next year. God help me oo

    3. @Mariam, happy Sunday sis

      @AmyViv, amen o, I pray I locate a good church too so I can start attending again

    4. 😂😂😂😂. Me I didn't go to church today o.

    5. 🤣🤣🤣 church dropout.
      Good morning sis💚

  19. Good morning 🌞🌞🌞
    Happy New week 🎈
    Holiday is over 🥺
    Have a great week ahead

  20. Happy 1st Sunday Everyone 💕💕💞

    Good Morning Umuchukwu 🙏

  21. Happy first Sunday in the Month of NOVEMBER.
    I am super grateful for what God have done, what he is doing presently and what he will still do before the end of this year.
    2024, have been an awesome so far, doing news things, walking in a new path that I have never before.
    Thank you Lord for the strength, gift of life, good health and spiritual well being.

    Mo mo ire Oluwa ninu aye mi.

    Goodmorning everyone. Ke ni nice day!

    1. Happy first Sunday,beautiful Mariam

    2. Good morning Miriam 💞 and thank God on your behalf and I pray He perfect everything that concerns you. It can only get better 💞

  22. Good morning and happy Sunday everyone 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  23. Goodmorning iya Boys
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family

    Lord because of Me
    You gave up your Life
    At The Cross Of Cavalry
    Shedding Your Blood For me
    What More can I do
    What else can I say
    Than to praise you from my heart
    Singing Hallelujah 🙏🙏🙏
    Kisses 💋 and Hugs 🫂 from Chikalicious

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Chikalious Chika nwannem good morning sis 💋💞

    2. Goodmorning Dear pure pure Nwannem 😘 😘

      Hello iya Boys

  24. My daughter's love for ponmo ehn?! Ayam not understanding!

    1. Lol, my son also loves ponmo, especially the soft ones that have muta😂

    2. Lora Come and whisper in my ears, when you were her age did you like ponmo or not..

    3. No, I didn't. Wasn't eating much ponmo then until I grew old and started seeing it at relaxation spots😉

    4. Lol, I think it's all of them o. Mine loves ponmo too but I hardly cook ponmo, I don't really like it

    5. My first son loves it more than meat sef.

    6. I love peppered ponmo too 😋
      Send my 😘 to your beautiful daughter.

  25. OSHODI DSS SAID SO ✌️3 November 2024 at 08:19

    Good morning Stella and everyone, wish you guys a beautiful Sunday ✌️

    Peace out✌️

  26. "Na childbirth wey all animals dey do na him Una won use dey brag say Una dey bring to the table"

    Dante First off, I'm not surprised with your comparism because you ain't different from those creatures you compared us to na only animals fit think like this. You fit even gbensh animal because to you na the same puna all of us get.
    Of course you can't get pregnant or give birth reason why you should allow women breathe and don't underestimate the power and significance of childbearing. It's a remarkable and life-changing experience that only women go through which requires immense strength, resilience, and sacrifice. Childbearing is a testament to women's remarkable capacity to nurture and bring new life into the world. Is that a joke to you...
    You go just dey open mouth wa

    "Good luck with the men wey go accept that as your contribution" of course these are real men who reason and think like real kings.

    As Marie said "Money Might be Your own Yardstick for Measuring Worth and Importance BUT Childbirth Supersedes ALL. Funny enough women have a lot to offer than you men, if you think your duty is to provide for the family women can do same with even Jara on top. To give birth is enough bragging my brother. If it wasn't a big deal, why do men get married to second wives because their first wife can't conceive, if it was that easy then child bearing shouldn't be taken seriously.
    I really pity the women in your life. I don't know what this gender has done to you in the past but I really wish you speedy recovery brother.
    Una good morning this morning.

    1. Stop giving IT attention. Allow it to fade into oblivion by depriving IT of attention. That is what it lives for. Attention, so it says outrageous things to get attention

    2. Happy Sunday Tyler sis

      Let's move past this topic, all I will say is "If e easy do and run am". I am a proud mother and indeed women brings their lives to the table. No cap.

      The post is just a sad and emotional one.

    3. You described him completely Tyler. That idiot is an animal, empty and damaged. I feel sorry for the women in his life.

    4. Tyler dont mind that boy he is always yaping nonsense all the time.. I honestly pity any woman/ women in his life because they dont know the type of nonsense they are dating.. imagine comparing a woman's child birth to that of animals..God take control abeg.

    5. It’s not all men that get married to second wife because of ttc, I know someone that has been married since 2003 and they’re yet to conceive yet the man loves his wife with passion.
      I thought this banter ended yesterday? It haf do na haba!

      Fan Emmanuel

    6. Tyler, you shouldn't have bothered yourself, that one wey fit no get functioning equipment to even give woman belle

    7. Chi I've stopped already, I didn't have the time to really air this out yesterday that's why.

      Fabbie I'm done, I won't talk about this again. Thank you sis and Happy Sunday to you darling.
      Anon 8:37 lol, don't mind him jare.
      Anon 08:43 likeeee, always capping nonsense as if it wasn't a woman that gave birth to him.

      Fan I know it's not all men, I just dey dey give example ni. Of course we don finish this banter yesterday but I needed to just air this one out.

    8. I agree with Chi Chi. It does outrageous things for attention. Best not to give it attention, it feeds off it.

      Ladies, let's ignore it until it loses steam

    9. If e easy make him run am..👌
      No sensible person will downplay childbirth.

    10. Dante, just pretend you don’t see this. It will still be over flogged as usual.

  27. In Jeremiah 18:1, God specifically led Jeremiah to the house of the potter, so he could observe something and hear the word of the Lord.

    Jeremiah 18:1-6 says,
    The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,
    Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.
    Then I went down to the potter’s house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.
    And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.
    Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
    O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in my hands, O house of Israel.

    Whatever situation you find yourself, it carries an instruction. There are revelations from situations. There are strategic revelations from most life’s conditions.

    Be sensitive and discerning to know the instruction God is passing across to you in any situation and get instructions from them.Take note of the instructions passed to you and apply them.

    Remember this:- Every situation carries an instruction.

    May we not miss the revelations that situations of life brings our way.Amen.

    Happy Sunday everyone
    Good morning 💕

  28. Anything middleast country you have to look carefully because those places people that went and came back they don't have good stories when speaking about there.

  29. I was at a hair dressing salon yesterday and someone brought a table for the owner of the salon. As the man left, the woman who is in her mid forties started cursing the man. She said upon all she has done for the man yet he chose to treat her badly. In her words, she bought phone for him and gave the man 100k to construct a good salon table for her. The man ate the money and went to do rubbish for her after much quarrelling. In my mind. Where una dey see this kind men. This kind women will come to SDK blog and say men are scum. Madam you are the scum.

    1. Maybe madam is paying him for his "services" or just a good person being taken for granted.

    2. The phone and 100k is payment for what the table abi she dey dey pay for other special nocturnal services?

  30. Happy Sunday everyone 🥰🥰

  31. Good morning everyone and happy Sunday
    Lord we thank you for the gift of life

  32. Hmmmmm..I hope there wont be any drama here today...Yesterday was hot hot hot i didnt know which comment to delete or enable, if you feel someone addressed you and i was not fair by deleting your commenting, please forgive me.........
    You can still say your mind but dont cuss out anyone i beg you......

    I went into the labour room and made it out alive but my mind still bears the trauma of what went on there, my mind is still scared from the pain i went through and i will never heal despite the Joy the title of MAMA gave me...
    when someone who has never been inside there comes out to make small of childbirth it hurts me so bad.....I have lost friends to childbirth which even scared me from going in, i know ids walking around clueless cos they lost their mum in there..Please hate on a woman all you can but do not make mockery of THE LABOUR ROOM OR CHILD BIRTH cos even God will not let you get away with it..
    Labour pain is a punishment to all women from God right?
    Please no one should insult Dante on this again, most men have this mindset until they marry and experience it first hand....He will understand when the time is right and that is why i am not angry at him.

    lets move on...
    I have addressed this without insulting anyone, you can as well.....

    1. Me too I use to see it as common cos I see even teenagers having kids until I experienced it 😂 experience is the best teacher

      Fan Emmanuel

    2. I was traumatized by what happened yesterday, it brought back some memories that I don't like to bring up, I wasn't surprised at his submission, some women also have the notion that childbirth is nothing.

      An elderly woman told me to my face, how can I be sick, bleeding, not functioning well few months after I gave birth that I must be pretending meanwhile I was in serious pain , loosing weight and a lot was happening to me.

      It took me six month for my v area to heal and a year for my right wrist to lift anything, till now, I dare not carry any heavy things.

      I have seen women go into labour room and came back limping.

      I have seen women go into the labour room and didn't survive.

      I have seen women go into the labour room and came out with anal and urinary incontinence

      Even the animals we were compared with also go through pain to give life from the few videos I have watched.

      Gaskia, It is well!

    3. Lol..

      Shebi they've started insulting themselves again this morning,. When I reply now they'll start playing victims and saying I should be banned Lol..

      I am not making little of childbirth,. All I said is that it's wrong to say a man shouldn't ask you what you bring to the table because of child birth.
      This comment is wrong from every standard..
      Like you're doing the man favour by giving birth to a child that is also yours.. as I dey remember the comment sef I don' dey provoke again lol..

      But it's all good..

      I'll overlook those insulting themselves this morning,. I understand why they're so pained, if they have values to add to a relationship they wouldn't feel attacked..

      Peace and Love✌️

    4. No sensible man will downplay childbearing. Not at all. The pains and stitches can't be described.

      However, I understand the point Dante was coming from that it shouldn't be a bragging thing cos ''I'm a woman and I gave birth to babies and as such, I won't bring any other value to the man or home'' is the most senseless thing any woman will say.

      In a modern world, such thing shouldn't be talked about as what a woman brings to the table alone. Yes it's a huge sacrifice no doubt and I applaud every woman that have gone through that stage. But you see,there's more to just child bearing. When we talk about what a woman brings to the man/home, most women are always quick to think it's all about money and all other connections. No dear. To me I see virtues and good moral as the ultimate thing I look out for a woman should bring to the table. For that's what she'll imbibe on our kids.

      Whoever wasn't happy with anyone's disposition here should engage constructively and civil. I don't get it why we should insult or rubbish people here on something a simple superior rejoinder will clarify.

      © TEEJAY

    5. Mariam when I remember that your chronicle, I just zero my mind concerning any more pregnancy.
      My mother inlaw will call me and be praying "by God's grace, you will still give us an heir," meaning a male child, I will just ignore her. These two beautiful girls don do us abeg. Hubby does not even want more kids too.

    6. The insults yesterday wasn't necessary we can make our arguments without being sentimental.

    7. Lol.. Ezege,. I no won stress my head this morning,. I have made my points yesterday,. The sensible ones that have the wrong mindset will change,. The ones that don't want to do better for themselves can continue playing themselves..

      Same children that it's them that enjoy them most o.. I know how many of my guys wey their momsi dey obodo oyibow for many months now under the disguise of omugbo but their papa never commot naija before..

      Like giving birth to children doesn't give them joy and fulfilment, now coming to say something you want so badly is what you're bringing to the table.. like?..

      Omo,. Abeg I get many things lined up for today and sleep still dey my eyes sef, na 4am I enter house..

      Make nobody stress my head..

      Then one werey come talk say him dey embarrassed on my behalf.. like wetin your papa dey do for me before since I join this blog😂 iffa nod you ehn..

      I dey give Una gold wey Una suppose dey pay for,. You open mouth dey scatter yarn.. no be Una fault na because say na for free Una dey see am

    8. Stella this one no ready to get children for future now

    9. Mariam this one doesn't know what he's saying now. Hate on women but doesn't underestimate the power of child bearing, but as e be say him na those creatures elder brother wetin you think

    10. I pray Dante ate his words someday, after getting married and seeing what his wife goes through, he will apologize someday.

    11. Stella, you asked that no one comment with insults yet allowed Dante to do so. Who is werey and all the names he wrote in his comment.

      The audacity to think all women who address you are as hungry as the ones around you. With the delusion that anyone takes your comments and improves from it. You will have to show yourself approved, show workings to be taken serious here.

      For now, you come across as a wounded animal who attacks anything contrary to your myopic thoughts.

    12. I wonder how that goat will be treating the woman that gave him life😢🙁

  33. If you are not a football fan I need to know why cos you are missing a whole lot, trust me. Who on earth would have believed Bournemouth with a stadium capacity of 11000 and entire value of $145m as at January 2023, making them the last-ranked team in the premier league would have defeated Manchester City in the manner they did? Did you see the joy in them? This is what makes football sweet and most especially the English Premier League. Please can we try to make sense of what is happening to Arsenal, not even a draw at the Newcastle Stadium? There has been tons of excuses of Odegaard not being available but such excuses shouldn't hold water for a club as big as Arsenal. No excuses would be tolerated from Arteta this season if he fails to grab the premier league as City isn't in the best of forms and like I have said before, they have been shipping in goals way more than they did last season. Can Arsenal please stand up and be counted? Mo Salah as usual came to the party yesterday as Liverpool came from a goal down to defeat Brighton with Salah scoring the winner. Arne Slot is quietly getting the job done.

    In one of the biggest matches in Germany yesterday, Dortmund came from a goal down to defeat Leipzig, you cannot but just enjoy the way Dortmund plays and how their fans turns up at every match day. Good Job to Nuri Sahin. Bayern as expected made a light walk of Union Berlin by thrashing them 3-0 with Harry Kane scoring a brace.

    In Italy, it ended Udinese loosing at home to Juventus by 2 goals while Monza lost at home to AC Milan as well.

    Let's me also introduce us to our Nigeria Premier league fixtures as well as, I am sure some of us already have our favorite clubs while some of us are yet to, please pick up a club and support. Here are the fixtures for today:

    Bayelsa vs Enyimba
    Akwa United vs Kwara United
    Kano Pillars vs Plateau United
    Sunshine Stars vs Bendel Insurance
    Abia Warriors vs Heartland
    Remo Stars vs Lobi Stars
    Enugu Rangers vs Nassarawa United
    Ikorodu City vs Rivers United
    Niger Tornadoes vs Shooting Stars
    El-kanemi Warriors vs Katsina United

    1. Galactico, I used to be a football fan until the day I went to Ogbe stadium to watch Super Eagle play a novelty match. I left the stadium with cut sandelse,bag and bruises, and that was the end of football for me

  34. Good morning my beautiful yard members.
    Erm, Bv Courage do you know you can use your food processor/yam pounder to blend beans for akara?
    Very perfect as you don't need to add any water, it will give you a very thick paste. Just be grinding it for 30 seconds and then stop, then grind again and don't put too much beans at a time, two cups at a time is fine. since you said yours is 5liters.
    Lastly, soak the beans for like 1hour after peeling.
    I'm enjoying crunchy akara with pap that has milk flowing on it(side eyes at that bv that doesn't like milk in pap). I cannot come and go and die on top Nigeria's problem, let me enjoy my sweat 😜
    Fidel, you said frying of yam is what again? Have you tried frying of akara? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. I was already rolling my eyes when I saw pap and milk. Pap is best enjoyed with just sugar biko.

    2. The pap and akara gang have come again 😚. Making someone to do longer throat laaro Sunday 😒

    3. Aboki leave this place!!!😕
      What kind of dry nonsense just sugar pap is that?? 1 whole full cream peak milk inside pap, eat it with bread. If full cream milk can wreck my husband during breastfeeding, I would've wrecked that man. 3x a day nai I dey eat am. I say na breast milk I dey boost. My husband sef believe 😂😂

      Praise ooo... Anything frying na stress for me eyyy. Ordinary ripe plantain dodo that I love with all my life, na my husband de fry am for me. I fit die for that stress🤦

    4. Lol 🤣🤣 Miss Aboki was it you that said it? I sha know someone said it but didn't remember the person. Pap and liquid milk especially is very yummy.

      Mariam come and eat 😋

      Lora, fry akara next weekend 😜

    5. 🤣🤣🤣
      It actually takes a patient and hardworking person to fry akara or cook moimoi. Hunger will nearly kpai you before you will finish making food, which kain life be dat? I make them once in a while though.
      @Courage, your daughter that made moimoi without oil, how far with her? Has she made something else? Pls encourage her to cook, she is wife material for making moimoi from scratch to finish at that age 🤣, was it 10yrs or so?
      Pls Courage reply whenever you see this, I'm just curious to know how she fares in the kitchen now.

    6. Praise you don't mean it, and my blender be giving me nonsense lately and allowing my food processor/yam pounder wasting, Kai thank you for this.

    7. Lora allow us breef hahahahah

    8. @Praise na me talk am with my full chest, milk in pap is trash! *dodges Fidel's turning garri*

    9. Praise enjoy jare, nothing does you. Thanks for the update, I will try it with my food processor.

      Fidel na lazy woman on a normal day nau 🏃🏃🏃

      Miss Aboki na bush woman you be? Or you react to the milk? 🤣

      Asia, sadly she has not cooked any serious meal since then, just noodles and making of tea, remember I bashed her and made her feel so bad when she did it, she did it without my permission and I flared up. It was when XP commented about it that I realized I should have praised her, because truly, moimoi is hardwork. Yes, she was 10yrs old. I will encourage her to try orher foods.

      Tyler, you allowed it to lay lazily there? Your food processor can peel beans, cut okro, cut vegetables, pound banga (palm fruits) for Banga soup, blend pepper, tomatoes and onions for sauce like the one we grind with hand blender, it can mix your batter for snacks, then pound your swallow like yam, plantain, etc.. I have used for for all of the above ever since I saw the review online.

    10. Courage darling thanks for this

  35. Happy Sunday People
    Good morning everyone

  36. Happy Sunday SDK family ♥️💛

  37. Good morning SDK and BVs. Happy Sunday. Thank you Jesus. My forever faithful friend and sure plug. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

    1. Jesus is the sure plug👍
      Happy Sunday my beautiful Bloggy 💞😘

  38. 80% of ladies living a baby girl lifestyle out there are being sponsored by a man. And for every man seriously sponsoring a baby girl lifestyle recklessly is somewhere ripping individual or masses off their sweat to meet up with the lifestyle for babygirl
    Pov : some of your celebrities and your public get sponsored with your public funds while you praise them on the Internet

    This chain doesn't break,it goes continuously

  39. Good morning everyone
    Happy 1st Sunday lovelies🤸🤸🤸

  40. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    I really bless God for what He did this morning, while I was boiling rice this morning, my first son came to tell me that his brother mistakenly put a small ball in his nose 😩 you know those small round white balls they put in big perfume oil? Yes the big one, only God knows how the thing got in. I just got dressed to go to hospita,l so they can remove it, something told me to tell my neighbour, she told him to sneeze, and she used her hand to hit the nose and it came out 🙌🙏
    Only God knows how much hospital will charge me this morning, I really bless God because I almost missed Thanksgiving service.
    Thanksgiving mode 🙌

    1. OMG...
      These children ehn be giving someone HBP
      Thank God e no pass like this.


  42. Good morning everyone 😘💞 and happy first Sunday of November.

    Yes Stella miracles abound and I believe in miracles.

    Bvs have a beautiful Sunday.
    E go surely be ✌️

  43. Happy Sunday beautiful people ❤️❤️🌹


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