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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Stella's Blog Frequently Asked Question

 This is a fun post...


  1. Ask and you shall be Answered, good luck 😘😘

  2. Hi everyone, please all these antiseptic bathing soaps do they really kill germs in the body ? If yes can someone suggest a very good one for me?

    1. Do you have any skin infection? It's better recommended by a doctor...You don't need to use antiseptic soaps daily so you don't disturb the natural flora on your skin.....

      You are fine with regular toilet soaps

  3. Goodafternoon everyone, what I can use to get rid of tiny ants in my shop, they feast on everything and when crushed they smell badly.....I have used pestox, they stopped for a while and resumed again.

    Thanks everyone.

    1. Greenleaf is what you need..

      You can order from the popular Ju*** online store,10 pieces in a pack or thereabout.

      You just pour in around the corners the ant come from,and you are good.

      You can also use the liquid sniper after that,just sprinkle around the corner,you won't see them again.

      Hope this helps.


    2. try to fumigate your shop, at least for a while you won't see them. they disturb in my house a lot too until i fumigated the house. also get some of the fumigation chemical and keep in case you see them again.

    3. Get green leaves the one with nafdac number, sprinkle in every corner and you won't see them again.

    4. Have you tried green leaf satchet? It is a potent chinese powder or the Almighty Sniper can help here...

    5. If it's possible to get cinnamon oil, even the giant ones go scamper when they perceive it.

    6. If you see ants, wipe them up with a solution of 50-50 vinegar and water, or straight vinegar. White vinegar kills ants and also repels them. If you have an ant problem, try using diluted vinegar to clean hard surfaces, including floors and counter-tops, throughout your home.

      #copied from google

    7. Green leaf can do the work, get it.

    8. Oh... Green leaf works for it too? Thought it's only cockroach. Thank you for this.

  4. Please how do I deal with a very envious step sibling? She tries to pretend but her speech often give her away.

    1. Be yourself, give her space, mind what you tell her don't quarrel with her though

    2. hi Iya Nimi, learn what is called 'distant but cordial' it will help you.

    3. I will suggest you limit your closeness and don't share your success stories with her.

    4. *Become a ghost
      *Maintain healthy distance
      *Learn not to divulge certain information regarding your education,business or career to her
      *Cut off anyone you know who can give her info about the good things you make out of life;AND if at a point your mouth is scratching you to loud your SUCCESS;talk to God in prayers or face your mirror and talk to yourself.

      Nobody criticizes or envies what they have no idea of,so keep all your aspirations and life progress(both present,past and future) away from her.

      Wish you the best.


    5. Reduce or cut off communication with her.
      Don't share any plans & good news with her.
      Don't engage in any gossip or be mindful of the information you share with her.
      Channel your energy to more productive activities, stop worrying about her... Don't preach to her or try to be a 2 goody shoes....

      They can't change except they realize they are envious and want to change....

    6. Arm's length relationship, gradual ghosting until completely ghosted, carry your shoes on your head and run, the red flags you have seen, don't think of pleasing him/her but saving yourself. You are at risk dealing closely with him/her!!! Take my word from someone who have had experience with polygamy/Step envious siblings. Face front, even siblings of same parent, Abel had no generation because of envious full siblings, wisdom is profitable.

    7. Stay far far away from, don't share any of your win with her again

    8. Stay away and avoid any "Envious person"

    9. Iya Nimi pls learn to avoid her completely. If possible keep her far away from you and stop telling her stuff about yourself and your family. Limit your friendship with her. Make only greetings join una.

    10. Sometimes the best way to deal with rivalry between step siblings is to let them work it out by themselves. You should of course step in if abusive language or physical violence is used, but otherwise try not to get sucked into the arguments.

      #copied from google

    11. Avoid her at all cost and let her get the message. Being cordial will not help you in dealing with her. I had a very close envious friend. It was like they sent her to me.
      She never congratulates when you succeed. Instead do face like someone that wants to cry and give the credit of your hard work to anyone else except you that hustled to make itz to make it look like you got your blessings by luck.
      Always keeping tabs and copying my style. At first thought it was admiration but the whole thing was looking like she was obsessed. I stopped picking her calls, cold turkey style. and she got the message and left me alone.

  5. Good day dears
    Please I need suggestions on the best phone to buy( as birthday gift for hubby), budget is 150k - 200k.
    Good camera quality and speed

    1. Martins your attention is needed here

    2. The best alternative for that budget is the Redmi 14C.

      Hope this helps.


    3. I'm a samsung fan, so i suggest one

    4. Just want to appreciate you, well done! 🌹

    5. Hi @Lora,thanks for your kind words🍻,I appreciate you too.


  6. Good day to everyone in this special family. please for the 1st time, i noticed the color of my V. discharge did not go back to normal, until 5days after my period this month.

    1. Even after your period, you will still be ''spotting'' so this is normal and it can vary every month

    2. If you are not in pain or discomfort then watch again and see if it reoccurs, then you can seek medical attention. If you are in pain or discomfort now then go see a doctor.

    3. Shukran SDK Habibi

  7. Good my people
    Please who has tried any of these online money making website?anchor to be precise,how legit is it?

  8. Good my people
    Please who has tried any of these online money making website?anchor to be precise,how legit is it?

  9. Please what profitable and lucrative business can I do online or offline to make money, I'm tired of doing over labour for my employer and collecting peanut salary.

    1. Stella's blue pen: Open provision store 🙃🙃

    2. Look at if you have any current skills that you can put to use. Are you open to learning a new skill? Look in your neighborhood or general environment to see if there is a need you can fill. Remember that man went into toilet business because publicly toilets were hard to find. A BV mentioned someone doing kids hair from their home and they are now doing a thriving business plaiting kids hair, then that same person was also selling moi moi to workmen on a construction site. In your comings and goings what do you see that is needed? Can you fill the gap?

      Martins has a lot of info related to online work and being a merchant, doing export/import he may have something to share.

    3. Agriculture- Farming or you selling foodstuff in wholesale or retail..

      As Christmas is approaching,be creative,offer food baskets(Wrapped in a big carton).

      Example-Ten pieces of spaghetti,Five big tubers of Yam,1kg of crayfish,Iru,Ogbono half paint,dry pepper etc.

      Get a big carton,brand your logo and offer that and more for delivery to anyone anywhere within Nigeria.

      It's not wrong to do what others are doing,but just be creative with your sales strategy.

      If normally you know those things above will cost 100k,go to market like mile 12 and get them in wholesale,then offer yours for 95 or 93k.

      Learn how to market on TikTok and Instagram especially,you would be amazed with no of housewives amongst others who would trust you to be delivering to them.

      Hope this helps.


  10. Guys what are your thoughts on moving into an apartment where the previous owner died. I’m newly married and trying to secure a bigger apartment. Just saw this good house, perfect location and all only to be told by the agent that the previous occupant(also a young man) fell sick and died so the widow is moving to a smaller apartment. I don’t know why I’m having second thoughts about this.

    1. I don;t think there is anything wrong in moving to an apartment where the previous tenant died. it is all mindset, but if you are not comfortable look for another place.

    2. It happened twice....Hmmm look for another apartment...Don't discharge your intuition

    3. It's won't be your own potion to die untimely..
      Everybody will die one day, like it or not it inevitable..
      So just over look that, pray and enjoy your new home..
      Hope it hasn't happened before?

    4. That you're concerned means you're uncomfortable with it. Don't take the apartment. Listen to your guts.

    5. Please, don't take the house. previous owner died, previous occupant oooo

    6. I would not move into it if two previous residents have died there. Death is a must but there are too many other places to take on something with extra energy in there.

      I have watched too many haunted house stories and the families who get trapped in these places usually have little money and they get stuck or the house appears so spacious, well lit and airy and just perfect for them. It’s always an illusion to entice new residents in. Run!!!!

    7. What of hospital bed? If you are very sick am you where rush to the hospital. Am you hear that the last patient died . Will you go home?

  11. Plz what can I use to preserve my crayfish?

    1. Grind it and store in air tight container,.

    2. Make sure you pick out the dirts, next you sun-dry it for several days...Then store in an air-tight container....You are good to go.....

      If it's still raining, just put the crayfish in a pot and heat up on low heat for like 20 minutes and stir so the heat can go round...Allow to cool and store in an air-tight container....

    3. Sun dry it well;then get a ziplock and put it there,and seal to avoid air entering..

      Keep in a cool dry environment,or if you have a refrigerator,you keep it there.

      If you want the local style,pour the crayfish in a stainless tray,and just keep it in a place where water or any moisture won't get into would remain that way for long.

      Another way too,get a custard bucket,pour it inside,add dry pepper;and then cover it up.

      Lastly,grind it all and pour into a dry container which has lid,such that you just open anytime and scoop the quantity you need when cooking.

      It would remain that way for as long as it can.

      Hope this helps.


    4. If you fry like phoenix said it will last longer but become smaller, so if you're selling it and not for home consumption, you won't get plenty gain.

    5. I keep my crayfish in the freezer. Don't grind

  12. Please what business can I start with 1m. I'm thinking of children okrika clothes or foodstuff but I'm confused. I don't want to make mistake because this is my only opportunity to better myself. And this is my first time doing business. Thank you.

    1. Food stuffs is very good,if you have a good location.

    2. Foodstuff, you can never go wrong with it...
      Rent an affordable shop in a good location,don't spend too much to beautify it, just make tables and shelves that you need for now and stock your shop with raw food and add few packaged foods like noodles,spag,semovita,salt, seasoning and spices from different brands.

      All the best.

    3. Do a market survey so you know the right business to embark on....Don't venture into something because everyone is doing it....

      Understand the business you want to go for and understudy someone who is already in the business....

      All the best

    4. Okirika business is luck.
      Foodstuffs is good or bag business

    5. Foodstuff is better,just don't sell on credit to avoid running the business down.

      Note that provisions business is different from foodstuff;there is no much profit in the provision biz and also if you have kids,they might finish your capital with things they take from your store.

      So do only foodstuff biz,and avoid selling on credit if you want your biz to survive.

      People might not buy new clothes for their kids,but everyone must eat no matter what,so get a good location and start.

      Wishing you all the best and I Hope this helps.


    6. For a newbie, foodstuff. But don't start with the perishable ones. And don't invest all the money at once. As you progress, you will know what to add and what not to.

    7. Food stuff or Rental Service is viable depending on your strength and strategy.

  13. which colour comes out best for my baby girls. Their school said they should choose either yellow or gold color on black skirt. Which will be the perfect colour on skirt?

    1. Both gold and yellow goes well on black, just choose

    2. bright Yellow/Mustard yellow is fine.

    3. Yellow forever!! Any shade is a blast!

    4. Both are good. The style of both the top s and black will determine which best

  14. Pls guys ŵhat can I take for excessive farting but its not smelly but always loud ?

    1. Most farts are odorless and indicate that the digestive system is healthy. Farts that have no smell only mean that too much air has accumulated in the body and is now ready to pass and exit.

      @ as seen on google

    2. it's due to excessive gas, take some antacid

    3. If you take too much carbohydrate, reduce it. But if not, I hope you get the answers you seek.

    4. Flatulence - You can take gestid....

      Make sure you cook your vegetables well before you eat...

      Don't eat heavy meals on a empty stomach

      Take your time to chew your meal slowly before you swallow...Reduce talking while eating

    5. You need to detox

      Then get a Good quality Probiotics for Gut Health

      Always take Yogurt

    6. Take more fruits and watch your diet, you might be finding it hard to digest some food properly.

    7. Farting is natural but EXCESSIVE is mostly as a result of what goes into your system(Food,drinks etc).

      So check and change your diet,for some it's less of protein too,so check your milk if you do take,eggs and the likes.

      If you change the diet,your fart would be less loudly and you would also fart quite less.

      More of veggies and fruits,less of junks and you are good.

      Hope this helps.


    8. If you are a talkative person then do less talking. Eat on time! Even if you can’t eat a big meal eat a fruit or something to ensure excess gas does not build up inside of you. Keep away from dairy and other foods that are gas producing. Drink peppermint tea.

    9. Most likely but issues.
      Frequent farts not normal.
      Consult a practitioner.

  15. Good afternoon.
    Please am a graduate of sociology, pls which online skills or course will you advice me to study.
    Between data analytics, or cyber security etc ony one sustainable or valuable.
    And where can I learn it. Like a physical office, online . Pls help a sister 🙏.

    1. try Alison online courses

    2. The two are very great.

      But focus on Data Analytics because literally all sector in the world needs a data analyst so the chances of you getting Jobs anywhere you find yourself is higher.

      Every sector uses data,Banks oo,church, construction, hospitality, Agriculture, Tourism etc.

      So go into Data analysis and be the very best at it,with more certifications after that,don't just stop ok🍻

      Wish you all the best.


    3. Pls Martins any idea where one can learn it physical, am in PHC

  16. Please guys that orange bank G.. have refused to reverse my money since a week. I have complained but they kept sending mails that they would but haven't followed through. Please how do I tag them on Twitter?

    1. You just tag them. That's how you tag them
      Look for their handle, tag them and lay your complaints. If you want to be extra, add cbn handle on the tweet.😑

      Alternatively, under a very popular handle tweet, say don jazzy, tag them with your complaint. Very swift!

    2. Thank you Fidel😘

  17. I do not know the circumstances and your office dynamics. Here are my views

    - The ladies are not obliged to inform you about their plans for husband's birthday since you are in a different unit - From your write-up, this should be the unit plan for your husband.

    - Your husband should inform you about the plan of his unit at the close of work or at home and let you know if you are invited or not.....

    All the best

  18. Good afternoon.

    please what can i use to get rid of egwusi ache on my face. my nose area have this yellowish thing that comes out when you press it and the same with my face too.
    please help a sister because I'm tired of pressing it.

    1. Exfoliate your face; use a gentle facial scrub; then get Azelaic Acid toner to clear your acne....

    2. I will like to know too. It only occurs on my nose but only when I press it

    3. What is egwusi??? Gosh! Bushingo.

  19. No;I would turn it down if it were me,because most women are naturally overthinkers and I won't want a situation where I would have to be explaining myself in the future to my wife or to the women who threw me a party.

    Secondly,even if he is to agree,you should be aware from the start,that's courtesy and respect for your person..

    If your husband is the one to tell you,while you work with them everyday;then they have no regard for you or your position as his wife.

    Lastly;what is his relationship with them?
    I think it's only acceptable if it's the whole office planning a party for him;and not just "Two married women".

    Why would two married women be throwing party for another married man? *Yawns in disbelief*

    Me,I don't like women stress;so it's better I just say "Thank you,I appreciate your thoughtfulness" and then proceed to turn it down.

    God abeg ooo


  20. Please Martin help, My Samsung a53 is having panel problem, they advice me to buy another one instead of repairing it. I don't want to buy Samsung again .I want to buy Google pixel phone, do you know any thing about it and what advice will you give me.

    1. It's the phone I use personally;and almost all my tech friends too(few just add iphone for aesthetic purposes).

      It's the best phone I know,yet to see any phone beat them both in quality,durability,specifications and also value for your money.

      If you have up to 800k+,you can get a brand new pixel 8,if budget is more you can get other higher series like the 9,9 pro or the 9 pro XL(currently almost 2M naira).

      If your budget is low,go for a foreign used,you hardly even see Nigerian used cos those who use hardly sell theirs😊;that's how good it is.

      So based on your budget if it's low(at least 200k upwards)start with at least the 4,4XL,5 and above.

      Hope this helps.


    2. It's the phone I use personally;and almost all my tech friends too(few just add iphone for aesthetic purposes).

      It's the best phone I know,yet to see any phone beat them both in quality,durability,specifications and also value for your money.

      If you have up to 800k+,you can get a brand new pixel 8,if budget is more you can get other higher series like the 9,9 pro or the 9 pro XL(currently almost 2M naira).

      If your budget is low,go for a foreign used,you hardly even see Nigerian used cos those who use hardly sell theirs😊;that's how good it is.

      So based on your budget if it's low(at least 200k upwards)start with at least the 4,4XL,5 and above.

      Hope this helps.


    3. Also regarding the panel issue,it's a waste of money..

      Either buy an entirely brand new phone with that money,even if it's not google pixel..There is Redmi,Oppo,Vivo and the likes too which are durable.

      Panels are overly expensive,and if it comes with issues before it's installed,it's a lifetime regret,cos you go cryyyyyyyyyy😊 and wished you just got another phone earlier.


  21. Anybody in product marketing?

    Need some guidance.

    Whats the best way to break in?

    I have 8 years experience in Communications and want to pivot.

    Please advise me.🙏

  22. What can I use to get rid of chronic nail fungi.Thanks for your input.

    1. Use Gentian Violet Pain (GV) It will help kill that nail fungi or any fungi infection

    2. Thank you Phoenix.

  23. What do you do when you find yourself in a toxic work environment? leaving is not an option for now because I don't have any planB?

    1. Which is more important to you?

      Toxicity? Or your PEACE of mind? or Money?

      Everyone has a tolerance level for everything,and my decision in such situations like this won't be same as yours,based on our various priority..

      For some,Money is the TARGET,so they can take anything and still be healthy emotionally and mentally,just don't miss their paycheck on payday.

      For others,their mental health matters,it doesn't matter how much you are paying them;they would leave.

      So which category are you? Choose what gives you peace,but always remember your BILLS have no emotions and must be paid irrespective of whichever decision you take regarding your Job.

      Hope this helps.


    2. Okay how to navigate the murky waters of a toxic work environment; I wish you could mention specifics so I can give an informed advice. However

      1. Start planning your exit NOW (you are at the window where jobs are open for application for next year).

      2. Focus on your work or roles assigned to you...Ensure every verbal communication is backed with an email, letter, memo or Whatsapp message.

      3. It can take an emotional toll on you; so try as much as possible to take care of your mental health.

      4. Before you accept any job offer, check the company reviews on Glassdoor and Linkedin. If possible, speak with other colleagues in the organization to get the organization's culture (Please don't ask HR or any management team member).

      5. If you go to their office physically for a new job, speak with the cleaner, driver or security guard in a tactical manner, you will be amazed with the information they will share about the company culture better than other employees.

      6. Understand your boss, his/her preferences, likes/dislikes and play the office politics in your favour.....Most times you also have to manage your boss based on their temprament.

      All the best...

    3. Since you cant leave, you stay.
      Buy headphone and be listening to music while you search for other opportunities.

  24. Can anyone recommend a very good nipple cream?

    1. Nipple cream!

    2. Ask at the pharmacy they will be able to help you.

  25. Pls i need an ID, how do i get from my system at work or my personal phone @ Martins


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