Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Friday, October 04, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Good day bvs.
This is the most unimaginable allegation that I've ever experienced in my life.
I learnt a skill with some guys last year, during that period, I had a little altercation with two brothers there. These guys are from another part of the east and one of the brothers uses jazz , the type that no matter how strong you are, if you hit him with your hand it will be as if your bone wants to break. We always joke about it when he boats that nobody can defeat him in a fight.

One fateful day after they came back from their mum's burial, one of the brothers said, 'there is hardship in this country, and if he finds where he would do money ritual, he won't hesitate, he is ready to use any girl for ritual, and the other guys cheered him, his brother also said he would do same as well.
That is how I carried my aproko and chipped in my unsolicited advice, of course I won't pretend as if I didn't hear what they said.

What I told them is; "so you want to use someone's child for money ritual? You that couldn't contain the pain when your mother died, you can imagine someone doing same to your sister and how it's going to affect you, yet you want to put other families in such pain" They sprang up, I was shocked as to why they took it too far, I said what I said jokingly(like, jokingly telling someone the bitter truth) but they became furious that I mentioned their late mum.
 All these Gen Zee children o, they threatened me and tried to put fear in me, I was shocked that they took it too far. but for where, you can't threaten me and I won't threaten you as well, whether I have the means to carry out my own attack on them or not, let it be that I put fear in them same way they tried to do to me. 

I can't even remember anything I told them as well as the ones they threatened me with because I have long forgotten and didn't even take them to heart for long.
After that day I decided to be minding my business anytime I go there. They greeted me after some days but I told them that I don't want to relate with them ever again and they should keep their greetings to themselves. I actually wanted to respond to their greetings but I took the decision to avoid further insult from them.
 There was no more grudges in my mind after they greeted me that day but too much of play with these children can cause see finish hence my decision to steer clear because those guys talk any how when you become too friendly with them.
Yesterday, our oga came looking for me with his friend, this is strange because he's not the type of person that would stress himself looking for someone like that because of his busy schedules.
He went to my house and my neighbors told him that I was in my shop, he went to my shop, I wasn't around, so he told people there to ask me to call him. When I came back to the shop, they informed me and I called him. When him and his friend came, they started narrating what happened.

One of the guys is seriously sick, they said they have taken him to many native doctors and prophets in their place and all of them keep mentioning my name as the brain behind what ever is happening to him. That he was asked if he had issues with anybody where he's learning work and he said it's me and the native doctor then said i am the one that placed him in the condition. 
See me o, hmm...
They said I took his picture to a native doctor. (Where did I see his picture kwanu?)That they have spent over two million naira because of the ailment. They said sometimes it's as if the thing is touching him in his brain like he wants to run mad, and sometimes, it becomes normal, many things they say happens to him.

 My Oga said they have been looking for where to find me , that they came some days ago with just their elder brother, looking for me to free their brother from the shackles I put him in.
Then , yesterday, up to eight of them came to my oga's office with threats, that they want to see me, and deal with me for putting their brother in that situation.

Who are these prophets that are laying these allegations on me? I just want to see them and they should say it in my face how I was able to take the guy to a native doctor and they should mention the native doctor that I took him to. See me see native doctor relationship na. I don't even take my problems to any prayer house for prayers not to talk of native doctor.

 The person that stole upto 1million naira from me is in the UK now chilling and I've not taken her name to prayer house it's this one that will now be my problem? The guys I had issues with in my kindred who planned to harm me are doing very well financially today and it's this guy's matter that never gave me sleepless night that I will now take to native doctor?

My fear now is that they should not come and embarrass me here for what I know nothing about. See that lady that they threw acid in her face out of anger in yesterday's post, I pray these people don't harm me for what I have no hand in.

Funnily, there was a day that they said the guy is the next person to serve their agbara in the village (agbara is the village god ) and he's been running...

Bvs, please I need advice on the next step to take. Should I make entry at the police, what will the police do about a spiritual matter like this? Police people are not easy to deal with. My friend reported a case to them two months ago and they milked him dry financially. Those who have met the police before, how do you do it to make the police solve it easily for you?

My Oga's friend suggested that we go to another prophet to enquire about my innocence. Me self, I had already promised God that I will never step my foot in any prophets place, now this wants to compel me to do what I vowed not to ever do. People that know me here will know that I have always advised people against visiting prophets but rather pray to God by themselves.
Wait a minute, so this is how these prophets lay false accusations on people and their family members will start avoiding them and calling them witch? Sometimes you see people saying that their uncle or aunt tied their destiny etc, so this is how these prophets go about laying allegation on innocent people? Many people have been killed today because a prophet said something that is not it against an innocent soul. All of you that have taken someone to their early grave as a result of false allegation from prophets and all you prophets laying false allegation on people. May God judge all of you.

This is really very serious!!
If you refuse to go the prophet, it makes you guilty.
-If you go to the prophet, he might still point you out, so if you agree, go to a neutral one....
-If the man dies, there will be trouble for you...I suggest you tell your Boss to arrange a meeting where you can talk and clear yourself and bring up that serving gods case that he is running from.....
Make sure you clear your name in this meeting otherwise i see serious trouble ahead oh...forget the Police, cos even guilty people use the police to oppress the poor....


  1. The babalawo had to ask for a name, before he "saw" that you're the one behind it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. My dear, do not go to any prophet, or babalawo. Report to the police, and be very prayerful, and alert. God be with you o.

  2. Tell him to confess his crime, I believe he has gone to do something negative to you but it back fired hence your name the prophets are coming.

    1. This!
      Use reverse psychology on them

    2. This!
      Jojo you are right 👍.
      I had similar experience but I was lucky to have voiced out to people around to warn him not to try any juju funny move on me because it will backfire, that I know who I am.
      Luckily, when he started reaping the fruit of his juju way. (Backfired).
      People were testifying on my behalf that I had said it oh.
      And what happened to him was exactly all the things he voiced out that he will do to me and more.

  3. Poster my honest advice is don't fight this battle alone....This may be the repercussion of the Otumokpo he placed on his body, but he would rather put the blame of someone else.....

    Please look for any respected older person(s) in your family or kindred along with your oga so that you can sort this out immediately....Just be careful while proving your innocence so you don't enter into more wahala...Let them know about the ritual conversation they had....

    After this brouhaha, I will ask that you relocate to a different shop location because it is human nature that people will see you in a certain light....

    All the best; please be careful

  4. This is seriously serious,

    Dear poster i know you have small gbege on your hands rai na and need some advice but ma/sir please can you epp us issue Federal Government and our wicked politicians some threats so they can do the needful or else? T for thanks

    Please explain to the man that you were just joking when making the threats as they were threatening you also, i think you need to pray for the afflicted boy before he now go and kpai, pray against all you told him and pray for healing, words have power you know.

  5. Poster maybe go to the meeting and ask them if this man has not encountered bigger fish. You know that's one of the problems with dabbling in occult. You are fine until you try someone or their relatives who are bigger and better than you in the business

  6. Poster, you talk too much. You need to talk less and listen more.
    Just follow stella advice and clear yourself directly to the guy and his family.

  7. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Christ said "the words I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life." We also have another scripture that says "as you have spoken, so will I do unto you." Another scripture says "He who guards his tongue,keeps his life."

    I using my phone so I can't type those scriptures out. I effect OP, your mouth has put you in wahala or as the Americans put it, you have written a check with your mouth that your arse can't cash.

    Here's the thing, the words that left your mouth are what the spirits after that young man latched unto. Your words authorised them. Thats why your name keeps coming up.

    I do not have the time to give a breakdown how this works. But if you are conversant with Balack and Balaam in the Bible, then you should have an idea.

  8. What Stella suggested is ok cos if this guys case goes beyond this,ur in a bigger case.

  9. Follow Stella's advice and be more prayerful. You can also ask them to be more specific about what they claimed you did to the guy cos it could be an issue of a repercussion of what he intended to do to you.

  10. This made me remember when hubby and I were dating back then in the university, he had a roommate, I lived alone.
    I used to visit them sometimes and cook for them, even other guys dey join enjoy the meal.
    It turns out that his roommate used to gbensh all his former girlfriends behind him.
    So when we started dating, he tried it with me, I warned him never to try that nonsense with me. He started telling my hubby then how ugly I look that he needs a better person.
    One day he became really sick that he was taken to the village to get cured.
    Luckily, he was healed, he came back with the news that Native Doctor said I want him dead since I do most weekends cooking, same pot I don’t dish his own.
    That I am evil, and poisonous, he turned all hubby friends against hubby that he should stop dating me.
    He told them since the food has not caused him any sickness, they can't influence him.
    I stopped going there, we continued our relationship till we finally got married.
    One Evening, Hubby called me that his former roommate is at his place of work, that he was surprised to see him, that he got info about him through someone else, so he came from East to Lagos to ask me to forgive him that whereever he goes now ,he is warned to ask for my forgiveness that he lied against me cos of his bitterness towards me and na excess Marijauna intake wan kpai him that time.
    I told him that I have forgiven him that I don't need to see him to forgive him.
    When hubby came home, I told him what happened those days, he told me he has always known with the former babes but kept quiet cos the guy uses means too.
    Poster, you are sure your side, you will be vindicated!

  11. Don't u have families, please get them involve in this for it is not a joking matter.. I'm scared for u

  12. When retribution reaches the wicked for their evil deeds they are always running up and down thinking somebody did something to them. They can never think that the mighty hand of God has finally reached their satanic azzes. What do they have and who are they that anybody would waste their precious time to go work on them. Their delusions of grandeur and self importance always have them thinking someone is after them.

    Tell them plainly that you are not God and the earth still belongs to God so whatever is happening for the family to pray to the true and living God for help or go seek proper medical care if they are in a deep sickness that requires advanced specialist care. Ask them who has the power to put someone who has boasted about their spiritual protection being so great that no human can fall them. Only God can help them and it is God they should seek help from. The same God can give back Samson his strength can raise him back to health if they turn from wickedness and return to God.

  13. Poster, don't go to any prophet or native doctor so that you don't open a demonic portal/access door into your life. Rather,go to the meeting with people that can speak up for you.
    Avoid eating/drinking anything there and make sure you fast and pray. Don't shake there hands. Limit contact with them.
    That guy is suffering from "back to sender'

  14. Dear poster, ignore for the time being, record all the conversations,and discussions, you have with your boss,the guy,that is ill and his family members,use the recorded information and report the matter, to your clan head, village head, family head and if possible the guys family members, while the elders of your family are still dragging them, institute a fundamental right action against them in court, for threat of life, and discrimination by accusing you of witchcraft,cause enough noise,they will be the one coming to seek peace with you but don't give them face,insist they should clear your name, or you will report them to your village deity abi you no get village deity?

  15. Poster please inform your family members. And inform the spiritual head of your Church. Don't follow anyone to any Prophet before they use you for ritual. Whatever that guy planned for you, boomeranged on him. May God protect you.

  16. Poster this is very serious and delicate ooo..
    Abeg be very careful ooo
    May God Almighty be with you...🙏🙏

    Hello iya Boys

  17. I cover you and all that is yours with the Precious BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST!
    No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper,
    Every lying tongue against you will dry
    off and all evil accusations against you will be put to shame.

    You will come out of this Victoriously, untouched and Joyful.
    Your GOD will prove HIMSELF to everyone around you AMEN.

  18. Can my mother inlaw juju that she boasts go back to her like this pls God

  19. I think the guy is suffering from back to sender, don't go anywhere with them, sue them in a court of law for threatening of life, defamation and wrong accusations if you have means, tell everyone what happened between you guys, call them out on social media, and lastly pray like never before.

  20. Something like this story happens to me over 20 yrs in Ogun-state. I was a single mother of 6 kids hustling survival of I and kids. So I got a job at bakery through a friend from church. ( The bakery is runs by a wealthy man and his wife Mr & Mrs Olu) very lovely family and good hearted couple . This couples love me and my children very much. So most times I will helped the woman to do house chores and she will dash me money. Every thing was going on well until the junior bro. Of the bakery man came to spend some times with them. ( He is almost 50 yrs then , let's called him Mr Ojo). He begins to make a pass at me , most times when am at the couple home doing house chores , he will sneek back home and disturbing my life for s*x. When I could not take it any longer I reported him to my boss and his wife. My boss was so angry with him and in my present he told him if he did not stop he will be sent out of his house. ( I was happy I thought the matter is settled). 3 weeks later my boss and his wife travel to his wife home town leaving me and Mr Ojo at home. ( Mr Olu kids are all grown up living outside the state,) and the bakery shop is fat from their home. This man came home and tried to rape me but I resist him, he beat me like I was a thief. I escaped through the back door of kitchen and to my house. While I left to my house this man went to the bakery and told them that he saw me stealing my madam expensive cloth and jewelries ( he used hammer to break the padlock of the room of my boss and his wife, he packed some clothes and jewelry into a bag. He shows it to everyone that he caught me with it and he beat me Bcos of it. All the staff of the bakery did not believe him but they came to my house to hear my side of story. When they saw how badly I was beaten they cried with me. ( I don't have money to go to station) When my boss and his wife came back ( to my surprised they believe Mr Olu. I beg and beg but no is their reply. Na so den sack me oh. I left immediately with my children to another town . After a month I was in the market selling pepper when someone called me to my surprise it was one the staff of the man from bakery shop. He said that they have searched everywhere for me but nobody knows much about my where about. He said that Mr Olu has run mad and every spiritual house they went to always mentions my name that I was behind his ailments. ( Me wey I no get money to buy p*race*ta*ol). I went to my former boss to clear my name but he still insisted that they believe the native doctors that I was behind it. We went to the native doctors and the man still say the same thing, but he told me that I have to carry a ritual for the man before he can be healed. 20,000naira was given to me by Mr Olu to carry the ritual on behalf of his sick bro.) When they were not looking my side I ran away. Mr Ojo was mad for over 10 yrs before he died. I never step my foot in that town again , is over 20 yrs plus now.

    1. What a painful experience the sexual predator made you go through 😭😭. I thank God that you were vindicated at last.

  21. Please don’t go anywhere. Direct them to your church for prayers if possible


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