Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



I have lost my peace, so many things happening to me.
1. Hubby left me for another woman due to infertility 6 years ago even though bride price has been returned, the pain has refused to go.

2. My carpenter nearly raped me last month when he came to help me fix something.
3. My stepbrother whom I have invested so much sent voice notes containing unbearable insults, He told me how useless and frustrated my life has become. How I will die miserable, lonely and childless. My offence was ignoring his calls and refusing to send him money since last year. Only if my mum had a son.

4. I wrote an online exam with others, everyone passed excluding me
I feel ashamed when I see my colleagues whom I wrote the exam with. Work environment has added to my pain.
I am losing my mind; I can't eat nor sleep. No one to talk to.

Awwwwww. please come and take a hug..
Sorry about your hubby leaving you for someone else...Your blessing will come, dont worry.
Your carpenter needs to be dealt with...What in heavens name would make him want to do that? DID you report the case or you left it?you need to take disciplinary measures against him or he might do this to someone else.
As for your step brother , what he did was wrong but why did you ignore his calls? that was not so good, you should have taken his calls and told him you dont have to give..Please ignore whatever he said, he will come back to apologise, accept his apology but keep him at arms length.
Sorry about your failing, do the exams again!


  1. Did you get the carpenter arrested? About your step brother, pls ignore his lazy a&&. Archive his messages, if you do not want to block him. About your exams, write it again. You had too much on your mind, reason why you couldn't focus. I wish you all the best.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    1. Search for NSPPD fire altar on YouTube and join by 7am Nigerian time. Within 3 months, you will start to see results even for things you didn’t ask for. You will testify for WHAT GOD CANNOT DO DOES NOT EXIST!!!

    2. Oh dear! Please I understand your situation but please hang in there, I can't promise you that it's going to be well or not but dear just go to Jesus and let him console you!
      There's too much pain in the world

    3. Chai poster your chronicle broke my heart, it's well dear, everything will be fine so far there's life and God. Please don't stop praying for mercy and a good health!

  2. Poster can you adopt? It will distract you from so many worries. As for the exam, it’s normal for people to fail and try again, not everyone will pass once. Thank God you’re healthy,Snap out of self pity and sea the good side of life.

    Fan Emmanuel

    1. Great advise. Poster, sit down and articulate your problems in writing. Get a vision board or a piece of paper. Prioritize your list, sometimes 2 goals can be achieved at once. You want a child/children, GO & ADOPT, start with one or 2 if you can afford to. You failed an exam, so what? Prepare for the next one. At work, look good, smell good, maintain a positive outlook, when they bring it up, laugh at yourself first, joke about it. If they don’t, just look successful and perform optimally, you are over thinking this. When next you have handymen at home, make sure you have somebody with you. In addition, take their picture and send it to a relative, name included or make a video call and make sure you tell the listener who you are with. Make sure any visitor in your home know you are not alone. People will fleece you when they perceive you don’t have any so called responsibility. Ignore them, block them and the noise. You will be okay. Write that list and work on them, don’t just pray, do something!

  3. Stella has taken all the words from my mouth.
    Stay strong dear, don't give up. Take your self out to nice places and avoid staying alone to avoid negative thoughts and loneliness.
    You will definitely bounce back.

  4. Please join NSPPD fire altar.mon-fri 7am

    1. I'm a Christian ooo but the way I hate this statement with every fiber in me ehn. Any small thing join NSPPD join NSPPD

    2. As in ehn!!!My friend received better insult for constantly telling a couple to trusting God for fruit of the womb to join NSPPD fire alter, they felt harrassed and told her off.

    3. Chichi, you ain't the only one.
      Like, they don't know if the poster (or any other) is a Christian or is someone not swayed by all these "Men of God" and their stuff, yet, they will come and type, "Join NSSPD" upandan.

    4. Very annoying, we should tell people to be practical when seeking for a solution, everything is not spiritual, nawa o

  5. Awww, please take heart..
    But always take care of yourself, love yourself, stop blaming yourself for everything.. Firstly see a fertility doctor to know how they can help, get the carpenter arrested for attempted rape, then make ur own voice note and curse the hell out of ur stepbrother too..
    Find out why the rest pass and u failed, compare ur script and then resit and pass with flying colors dear..dress well, attend a nice church, make nice friends, another good man will come..

    1. Is that what your own Holy Book tells you, to curse those that curse you? My own Holy Book says love your enemies, bless them that curse you and pray for those that despitefully use you, so that you may be like your Father in heaven.

    2. Anon,I do what makes me sleep at night..u can't curse me and expect me to pray for
      Mind u,I can't and will never love my enemies..

  6. I don't have any advice...All you need is some sugar hugs πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—....I am sending you E-hugs πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚....The sun 🌞 is gonna shine on everything you do....In no time, you will be fine by God's grace....All is well....

    All the best and God loves you....Best Believe!!!!

  7. Every storm will pass. Most of us on this planet will pass through various storms in our lifetime. Recognize it for what it is, a period of disruption. But storms are also cleansers, they remove the unnecessary things and clear the path for us to see more clearly. What have these experiences taught you?

    1. Your husband was never your true love
    2. Your carpenter is someone who you should never trust or do business with again
    3. Your stepbrother was using you all this time and never respected or valued you, only cared about what he could get from you.
    4. You failed the test to teach you to love yourself more, trust your capacity, do not compare yourself with anyone and be patient with yourself.

    The storm hasn’t harmed you, it has given you great revelations and is setting you up to be a more conscious and aware individual. Wiser, kinder, more watchful, and now ppl will have to earn your trust. You are learning to put a value on yourself and not to give your power away to others. My dear, embrace the storm.

  8. I pray for Divine Restoration,
    Divine Perfection
    Divine Favour
    Divine Healing, Blessing And Grace Upon You..
    It is well with you Poster
    Almighty God will surely come
    Through for You in A Glorious Way..

    Hello iya Boys

  9. Big hugs poster. God will come through for you. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  10. Lagos Mainland Girl12 October 2024 at 15:53

    Oh dear
    Sorry about what you are passing through. THE SUN WILL SHINE AGAIN.
    Every thing that you have lost, all the years that is wasted shall be restored in Jesus name.
    Don't lose hope Sis, please heal and open your heart to Love once more
    We are rooting for you Sis

  11. Cast your burden on Christ Jesus and He will make it light.You will testify to the Glory of God soonest, this phrase shall soon pass πŸ™

  12. Jesus please calm this storm and restore all the palmy worms had destroyed. Please ignore your step brother and focus more on God. He would come through for you

  13. Poster all will be well! Just keep hope alive and follow Stella advice πŸ€—πŸ€—

    Mama Dee Alaso Oke ❤️

  14. πŸ€ŽπŸ€ŽπŸ€ŽπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ©·πŸ©·πŸ©· sending u some love. God be with u.

  15. Come here πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
    People like you, when your blessings finally show up, would look at you and think you have always had life easy. Some would start comparing their lives to yours while being ignorant of the storm you passed through, and it was the mercy of God that held you.

    You already know the reason your stepbrother insulted you was to spite you, so all his vituperation shouldn't faze you. He is hurt that you ignored him; he already sees himself in an inferior position having to beg from you, but you not picking up his calls again exacerbated everything. His inadequacies stared him in the face, and he resorted to hurting you to the same degree he feels hurt. Though that doesn't justify his outbursts, the earlier you know some people in need only see their own struggles and find it hard to empathize with others' pain, the more you would see your stepbrother's utterances as weightless.

    Tell me, whose life on earth is perfect? People's challenges are just different. If you check his life, I am sure you would find up to two or three things that beg for divine intervention. So why let the words of a human being going through life's challenges just like yourself get to you?

    Don't see all these as platitudes to make you feel better. Rather, embrace them as truths. Blame it on shallowness, but sometimes people cannot see beyond the present, and they delude themselves into thinking your present circumstance is your final reality, but life isn't like that, nor does God roll that way. Are you a Christian? Do you believe God is not done with you yet? Then refuse to be downtrodden; get back on your feet. Cheer up and be happy.

    When you see your colleagues, don't be embarrassed. Okay, you failed once? So what? Go sit for the exam again, but with a positive attitude. If you fail it, write it again; if you fail it, write it again and again till you succeed.

    I am sure there are other aspects of life where you are succeeding but others aren't, but you just feel so let down to acknowledge it, and it inhibits your ability to see it. Let your hair down, take yourself out, eat, dance, and be happy. As of today, let your motto be: I cannot come and kill myself. Live your life in total surrender to God and watch Him surprise you. It's typical of humans to write you off, but you must NEVER write yourself off. Don't ever betray yourself like that.

    Please, whenever you invite people home to fix things, always make sure you have others around. I have heard a lot of unpleasant stories of people who got hurt because they stayed home alone with their handymen. If having someone around is not feasible, get on the phone, put it on speaker and video call and let the person you are talking to know who is with you in your house and tell them when he leaves you would let them know or call them back.
    I hope the evil being was dealt with.

    Poster, know this: you will look back in years to come and laugh at yourself for even sending this in.

    1. ❤️πŸ’• Poster sending you all the love and warmth you need.
      Know that we are here for you this place isn't just a blog but a family and a community where we have each other's back ❤️
      Please do not give up there'd always be better days ahead.
      Do the things you love to do bury yourself in the word of God keep affirming his promises for you and do not have a negative outlook words life.

  16. These things happen sis but it will get better

  17. People fail exams all the time.. just prepare hard and pray..

    Have you gone to check yourself in the hospital to see why you couldn't concieve?

    Other issues are just life

  18. I empathize with you dear poster. All i can say is, May God of Restoration restore all you've lost in double folds. Take hugs and know that everything will be fine, don't worry too much

  19. I stopped worrying about life because I believe everything is working for my good,at time we forgot our life,visions, plans everything is been monitored and controlled by our creator,we want everything to happen the way we planned it to be without knowing if that's the will of God.your hubby left you is the willof God,you failed the exam was the will of God maybe to keep you alive....dear poster be happy in every situation you find yourself.sending ❤️🌹πŸ₯°

    1. Thanks Benny for writing this,you just wrote every thing I wanted to write bless you πŸ’‹
      Poster live your Life with out worries,and you see things working in your favor.E-hugs to you.

  20. Chai, life my sister breath just breath in ok , is well you know in this life, life happens to people unpredicted. is well am pissed with this stories God abeg fix this πŸ€”πŸ€”

  21. As painful as it may be for you, you need to move on, your ex has.

    As for your brother's insults, put it behind you. Maybe he did that out of frustration. Not blaming you but you shouldn't have ignored his calls.

    As for your situation, maybe you should look into adoption and other options.

    You failed your exams, so what?
    You had a lot of things going on in your mind. If you can re take the exam again, please do, you go pass.

    May God see you through.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  22. Call on Jesus
    Cry out to him with all your heart. Accept him as your Lord and Savior and he will change your story.

    He will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.


  23. Life will surely throw unpleasant things at you but what matters most is, what you do with what life throws at you,how you are able to overcome them and not beaten down.

    The battle field is in your mind, you need to develop your mind set to see opportunities in challenges that come your way or frustration will set in.

    You can not commit all to God wholly and not experience him fully.He knows the right man for you and will surely give you that child.Go to him in prayers and wait on the lord.His time is not our time and God's time is never late.

    Whatever consumes your mind, controls your life.Always plant seeds of joy and you will see the full manifestation.

  24. Don't feel frustrated, you are too harsh on yourself just look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself who you are and who you want to be. God love you don't let other people tell you otherwiseπŸ€—πŸ€—

  25. 'Commanding the day midnight prayer' to the rescue πŸ™
    Your breakthrough is sure. Amen πŸ™

  26. You’ve received great advice on this blog. You will come back to testify of your breakthroughs in Jesus name. Amen.

  27. God will come through for you belive me ,when you have any artisan coming to your house to work fake a call in his presence that you re calling a male figure, or tell a friend to pick so that the artisan will know you re not alone , tell the friend pls come o my plumber /carpenter is here .
    Believe God he will do exceedingly and perfect his works, resit the exam with faith it's well with you

  28. I feel your pain dear,please tell it all to Jesus and allow him heal you,it's not easy but you will overcome

  29. Dear poster e-hug πŸ«‚
    I pray that God will settle you in every area of your life you need God settlement

  30. First be thankful for what you have. You have your life, your health and your job. As for the exam you failed, revise very well and then retake it. As for infertility issues, get yourself checked and WAIT for the right man. Be confident in the Lord. As for the rapist, this is where my advice go get k leg. The bastard knows where you live and he knows you live alone. You may need to move. But before you do. gather some area boys to teach him a big lesson. If you can add soldiers join. I cannot tolerate rapists.

  31. Sending you lots of love.πŸ’•πŸ’•
    Your season of happiness will come, just hang on a little.
    Sometimes it seems everything is working against us which makes us question God but then.....His ways are not our ways.

    Hang on sis, you will laugh happily again soon....😘😘

  32. Hi poster, I understand that sometimes life can be unfair. I really don't know what else to tell you than to remind you that you are loved, beautifully and wonderfully made.
    It may not be easy but you need to start working on your mind and fill it with more positive things. You can read 'the power of positive thinking'. Listen to songs, people and do things that uplifts your spirit.
    As for the exams, you'll surely excel at the next attempt with adequate preparedness. And concerning children, since you desire it, it will surely come.
    But you also need to be firm on some issues, don't allow yourself be a walk-over. Don't let anyone take advantage of you.
    It might seem like a lot, but keep trying bit by bit.
    God will surely see you through. ❤


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