
Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Hello All......
The Madam Amebo segment will be posted twice a week henceforth so as not to put pressure on Madam Amebo, make she no come go begin manufacture stories like block for cement factory....She is not being paid for the column and she is not under any pressure to do it...She has been a beneficiary of the goodness of God via this Blog and decided to be sending it in as her own way of me thank her and all other who comment, send in writeup and do various things to assist me to keep this place ging...I must tell you guys that it is not easy running a Blog, if you doubt, please start one.....(weyBV Oki sef? i wan ask am how far with her Facebook page)
If there is any day that in house news is dry, i will add Madam Amebo.
Thank you pinky, thank you Motherhood columnist, thank you Madam amebo and thank you to everyone else....
Today is blog visitor appreciation day and i appreciate you all.....
Why dont you appreciate a BV with nice words in the comment section? Thank you!!!
Enjoy the rest of the day.........

I was on my own jeje and saw that they were showing zeeone so i LOOKED!!!
Hmmmmmmthis Maitree and this snake story is beginnin to look worrisome. snake no gree die and e no fit kill her target...them don over use all their tricks, in fact nah my dey write script for them now.....nah so..
All i do now is look.......


My new neighbourhood is normally quiet. Apart from Saturdays when I hear the neighbours' children playing, I hardly hear noises, since the holiday started it’s been totally different.
The number of times i have heard screaming and loud thumps is innumerable. Even the old grannies are not left out. They have their grandchildren around, and these once quiet women are always shouting.
The pattern is the children start playing loudly then one hears the parents/grand parents shouting their warnings and soon loud thump is heard followed by more screaming by the adults, then pleading and crying from the children that shows they are being spanked .....
Every time I hear all these, it takes me back to my childhood, sneaking to play with the neighbours kids, running around, watching others climb our neighbours guava tree (because I was too scared too and I was also scared of the snakes found on the tree).
Sneaking to eat my share of the guava loot and sometimes swallowing the seeds without chewing to see if it will grow in my stomach. 
During this long breaks was when most of my friends broke their hands or legs. The little fights we had among ourselves and little rival cliques.
I sucked at most games except from hide and seek and games where I had to stand still for a long time. Most hand games that involved several hand movements such as “ten ten”, “tinko tinko”, “our grandmother" were not my forte because I couldn’t keep up.
I loved the long school breaks as a child and still do because of the fond memories I have from then, I still get excited when school is closing for the summer break.

I used to love ''ten ten'' and that one you will draw boxes on the flower and throwing something on each and jumping with two or one leg to the next one..I cant remember the name it is called...I also remember skipping with ropes and cooking fake food with real fire using used cans of tined tomoatoes and milk....LOL...I was learning how to cook and using several leaves found in bushes.....I am sure most people have fond memories of growing up....


Read it HERE

''If only Stella will post.
Comments from Female blog visitors are mostly stereotypical and tending to the insulting. Some even say an unmarried man at 40 is a red flag. If the same is said of an unmarried woman at 50, okay 45 or 40 or 35, what would you all say of her? Do we all have the same life journeys?
Again, here is why some male Bvs say that a man writing in for advice may not get what he seeks onblog if he is not discerning to sift the grain(s) from the chaff of cacophonous snide and sarcastic comments from female Bvs.

It appears we forget that a man at 40 may be getting into his first real romantic relationship due to his pathway in life. Instead of gently guiding him on, we talk to or on him based on our 10 to 15 years of unmarried serially broken romantic relationships or marriage experiences
A woman who seeks advice on how to cause a fight with her boyfriend so she can rely on that to go complete her already started marriage rites with another man is counseled in cool or jovial tones. But a man who asks for clarifying guidance from mostly women on how to handle a woman gets mostly insults.
A question for the married female BVs on this post: When was the last time you set a full dinner table for your husbands on a work day? Okay, what about a lunch/dinner table on a Sunday? A similar or related question was asked here recently on a BEP. We know the answers some of us gave that day. Yet you lampoon a man who stepped back when a woman sent him 6 pots of different soups on a simple request for home made food!

We should not forget that no chronicle tells the full facts of a matter. This chronicle is not an exception. The man only expressed his understanding of the vibes and non-verbal feedback in the relationship. He may be wrong or he may be right.
And yes. There is nothing wrong in a man seeking a submissive woman or in a man seeking to be the sole provider or major provider in his home or both. The real issue is what he does with the woman's submission or how he handles his duty of provision in the marriage. There are submissive wives who are the brain boxes of their marriages, and most of them will not even let anybody know they are the CinC of the marriage. There are men who provide all and still do more than some of your husbands you wear ranking trousers with in your homes.

Marriage has no unbreakable rules. What works for a couple to their fulfillment and in marriage and purpose in life is what is best for them.
Dear Poster, if you were my younger brother, here is what I would have told you -

You are old enough to know what you want in your matrimonial home or your life. Unselfishly go for it. All your concerns are valid. Resolve them in your courtship. That is the essence of courtship anyway. And Be prepared to pay the price on the tags on them. Nothing changes a man's life for good or bad as marriage. Luckily, you may be in a country where pre-nuptial agreements and other legal marital arrangements are permitted. It is better you make full use of all of them to secure yourself and to assure any woman you move on with.
Best wishes.
Mr. Mann''

Must the views of the women on the Blog align to yours? if they disagree and you agree, it balances, if it is the other way round, it also balances...Please live and let live ojare!!!!




Mystic i love your advert, the Royal blue color is so friendly....More customers to you


---We do not recognize people by their entire face but from key facial features and their eyes.

---Sometimes trusting a friend is the hardest thing to do. Even the closest friends can become your enemies.

---Demure (adj):
The quality of being shy and modest; reserved

---91% people skip the first slice of bread, just because it's ugly.

---The clitoris is the only human organ known to exist solely for s#xual pleasure

---In 1996, a boy fell into a zoo enclosure. Female gorilla Binti Jua protected the boy from other animals, cradling him until he was rescued.



  1. Replies
    1. Hello Esther. Thank you for being a calm BV. We appreciate you.

    2. Thanks Zaram,I appreciate you too and all blog visitors,
      God bless everyone.

    3. Talking about appreciating BVs, my shout out goes to SapioJules. Been a while I saw her comment.

      Also, how James (most Gbagauns) disappeared from the blog is still a misery.

    4. Esther,kisses to your little Angel
      I appreciate you dearly.

  2. Naa me go first comment today 😎
    Oya Good afternoon my wonderful people ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Hello mama Dee. Thank you for being here. We appreciate you.

    2. I appreciate all the blog visitors, Madam Amebo and Pinky, you always made my day🌹🥰 Thank you Stella for the platform♥️

    3. We appreciate you mama ajasco for showing face once in a blue 🌒😛


    A tattoo is a design that is drawn on someone's skin using needles to make little holes and filling them with coloured dye

    The purpose and desire for which someone decides to get a TATOO is solemnly dependent on their choice which varies. Some do it because it looks cool and trendy,others do it to coverup their scars etc.

    No matter how noble your reason for wanting a tatoo or getting it, the truth of the matter is that God doesn't approve it.
    Leviticus 19:28 You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.

    Our body it's the Lord's temple, and he wouldn't want to see it tainted or deformed with any atom of sin.
    1Cor 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
    Even if you tato bible or write Jesus on your skin, it is still a sin, and when you die with this ignorance, you will not make it to the kingdom of God.

    Some people even go as far as drawing hideous creatures and satanic symbols they know
    nothing about, because it makes you look rugged and hot. This drawings opens a portal or gate in the realm of the spirit, which gives demons easy access to your life.

    Are you planning to get a tattoo please do not, you will displease the holyspirit of God.
    Do you have a tattoo already, I will advice you to go and clean it off, repent from it and ask God for forgiveness.

    No true Christian will be proud to have a tatto or hope to get one.


    1. Hello Paprika. Thank you for always feeding us with the undiluted word of God. We appreciate you.

    2. Yes, I am planning to get a tattoo 🤪

    3. There are tattoos for medical purposes, I have two dots on my skin that look like moles but are in fact tattoos and they were completely for medical reasons. There are tattoos for scar coverup purposes, to make the appearance of hair for ppl who have alopecia or have gone bald. There are women who have had mastectomies who use tattoos to cover up their chest scars to allow them to live in their new reality without diminishing their mental health.

      Place the scripture within the cultural context and what was happening in the region at the time to those ppl to whom that message was given. The message is a specific one for a specific group of people.

    4. Thanks for the Word of God.
      You are blessed

  4. Good afternoon house.. I bought the worst cooked corn today, the corn is just to sweet as if they use sugar to cook that love cooked corn so much I abandoned this one, nobe me go chop watin go make me marry my toilet by force..

    1. It might just be naturally sweet,seems your system is very sensitive.

    2. Hello Pure. Thank you for being as pure as your name here. We appreciate you.

    3. Haba my nwanne 😁😁 were you expecting the corn to be bitter, the corn might be naturally sweet,some corn are like that. Abeg enjoy your sweet corn.
      Now you don make corn dey hungry me😂😂

    4. I had some extra sweet corn yesterday too. I am not a corn lover but have one or two per year, so this is it for me and corn for 2024

    5. Mariam no this one is sugar sugar kind of sweet, yea my system is very light any mistake means purge straight..
      Mercybee 😄😄😄
      Zaram nwannemu thanks so much..🥰🥰
      Osundi nwannem madu this one is sugar sweet..make I send the remaining ones for you..

    6. You and sugar no just gree rara 😄

    7. Lol
      Puree Purest baby,may be they add sugar in cooking..

      I appreciate you Big time

  5. Good afternoon blogfam. May customers fall on all those that advertised. Enjoy the rest of the day.

    1. Hello Omo Bizzle. Thank you for being a wonderful BV. We appreciate you.

    2. Amen 🙌

      Demure is the new word now on SM

  6. Good afternoon 😊
    I went out since morning to deliver a customer's order to the park... On my way home, I witnessed a very pathetic scene of animal cruelty by some traditional worshipers at a popular market junction here in Ibadan
    At first, I did not have any idea of what was going on until I saw two men dragging a small dog... These heartless people dragged the dog until they severe the head from it's body and sprinkled the blo0d onto a stone. After which they started jubilating that their god has answered their prayers... I don't know people still dothis and I am sure that if it was in advanced countries, they ll be behind bars by now...
    Thank God I serve a merciful God
    Have a wonderful day 💗

    1. Jeeeez, and you watched all this? 🤢

    2. Hello Poshscents. Thank you for being a dedicated BV. We appreciate you.

    3. Many people still so this.. Them plenty.. That's why I don't bother to argue with those who complained over miracles and testimonies..

    4. Awwww 😍
      Thank you too for being amazing Zaram 💕

  7. Good afternoon blog fam
    Stella said she Looked😂😂
    Thank you Stella for creating this wonderful community 💗.
    And to everyone who has contributed one way or the other to make this place fun,God bless you and you are deeply appreciated.🙏

    1. Hello MomB. Thank you for being a dedicated BV. We appreciate you.

    2. Thank you Madam for your kind nature💗

  8. I actually love the first and last slices of a bread. I love bread abeg!

    I appreciate this platform cos I've learned a lot here. I appreciate everyone one here, this won't be happening without you all. #Bvappreciationday

    1. And I hate the first and last slice of bread. Like nothing can make me eat it.

    2. start my slice bread from the second layer but will still end up eating the first one I left behind.😂.
      Lover of bread too

    3. Ditto here👌👌 I love the first and last slice too

      I sincerely appreciate you SDK ♥️ and all you do...I love it here,this platform is amazing
      I also appreciate all the lovely bvs here who comment,share some vital information everyday💖💙

    4. I appreciate you too

      Have a lovely day

    5. Even if I'll not finish it the bread I must remove the under,😋

    6. Hello Cynthia. Calm and calculated. Thank you for not suggesting names for giveaway. This shows you love us all and do not want anyone left behind we appreciate you

    7. Oh yes, I appreciate you all beautiful ladies including Stella, we all are amazing women and men..

    8. Zaram ,where you see giveaway?

    9. @Cynthia, the two both of us like the same thing. When having breakfast with my family they usually leave the first and last slices of bread for me 😂❤️

    10. Anonymous don't mind her doing oversabi up and down.

  9. I appreciate everyone that drops comments here consistently... God bless all of unah ooo

    The blog comments are my midnight snacks sometimes

    1. I appreciate you for all your funny jokes 😘

      Have a pleasant day

    2. Hello Kosidumzy. Thank you for always making us laugh and forget wahala. We appreciate you.

    3. And I appreciate you for always making me laugh. Thank you 😘

    4. So are yours, they make me laugh hysterically. Oshey.🤝

    5. You na madam for jokes.
      I appreciate you

  10. Stella, you were on your own indeed. 🤣🤣🤣. Who turned on the TV na. To all those who make this blog exciting, who teach us a thing or two, THANK YOU. 😘😘😘

    1. Greetings lovie 🩷💜 how's your day going?

      Gemini ♊ men pls leave me alone
      Gemini ♊ men pls leave me alone
      Gemini ♊ men pls leave me alone
      End of rant 😠😠

    2. Good afternoon beautiful Candilicious Candy 🍭

      Yes o its blog appreciation day, thanks to everyone that makes this blog a place to visit 😘😘

    3. Thanks,beautiful and intelligent Candy. Our resident blog explorer. More guts to your exploration. 😘👍

    4. I appreciate you for being the blog explorer

    5. Hello Candy. All I can say is awwwwwww. You are loved. Thanks for being unique.

    6. Hiya Paris baibay♥️♥️. Wetin Gemini do you o. 🤣
      Good afternoon MercyBee😘😘
      Thank you BB darling, ♥️♥️
      BJ, thanj you love. 😘😘
      Hiyaaaa Dimplez, how body. 🤗🤗
      Za bebe, much love to you my darling. ♥️♥️
      Omo B, e reach to ask o. 🤣

    7. Hello candy sis we appreciate and love you too..🥰🥰💞

    8. Candy💗,your character depicts a pure soul,always looking forward to your comments,we appreciate you sis

    9. Hello Purest Pure. 😘😘

    10. Candy 🍬 you are loved here.
      I appreciate you dear

  11. Childhood games were fun. I miss playing those games.

    1. Hello Metoyou. Thank you for those Christian songs. We appreciate you.

  12. Good afternoon,
    I appreciate @pinky,thank you for how you always try to make life better in your own way for anyone who needs help,God bless you.
    Amebo gist, you're a whole vibe on your own,
    Martin's,chukwu gozie gi
    Motherhood column, you're doing well.
    All the comedians, thanks for relieving our stress.

    1. Hello Tochi. Thank you for being a part of SDK family. We appreciate you.


  13. A professor drove into a Petrôl Statíon in his sleék state of the art range rover sports.
    Professor: Guy, abeg, give me full tank.
    Fúel Attendant: Sir, I don't speak pidgin, I only speak English.
    Professor: Ok! Good morning, I currently fēel a profound desire to replenísh the prōpellíng of my motôrízed automobile.
    Therefore i cordially request you to transfer from your súbterrånêån reservoír a súffícient quantity of the cômbustíble flúid of the highest octâne rating to fill the appropriate receptaçle of the said means of perambúlatíon to the brím.
    Fúel Attendant: Oga am just a traditional boy na play I dey play o, how much fúel you wan buy?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Lolzzz, English na your mate?

    2. Hello lilyangle. Thank you today as always for those hilarious jokes. We appreciate you.

    3. Copy and paste angel lasan , you can not.

    4. Thank you LilyAngel for the funny jokes

  14. Good afternoon everyone
    Lovely cold afternoon here...

    1. Sending you loads of hugs 🤗🤗🤗

      I appreciate all my soul sisters here 💖💖♥️♥️ y'all are the best 😘😘

    2. Hello Adaoluchi. Thank you for being a dedicated BV. We appreciate you.

  15. SDK, thanks so much for the free advert 🙏🙏🙏.

    1. Plenty sales in Jesus name.

    2. I wish you plenty customers dear

    3. More sales,beautiful 🙏🏿

    4. Hello Game mistress. Thank you for being a part of SDK blog. We appreciate you.


    5. GM I wish you plenty sales.

    6. Thank you my people, God bless you all

      I showed my neighbour my advert on SDK blog, she didn't believe it 😁 I'm now a mini celeb okrika seller, see my ad on SDK blog na. Dey go take, my ministry don move o. God bless SDK

  16. There are days I will want to cook..i will wish to add all dis seasonings like curry, thyme, rosemary, ginger, garlic and so dat kind food no dey sweet if I cook am finish..

    But let me just use only knorr cube and Mr Chef(d two seasonings I use)d food will come out very nice and tasty..

    Good afternoon everyone 🥰 😍

    1. Hello ChardeyAlade. Thank you for being a part of this unique family. We appreciate you.

    2. Thank you Zaram
      I appreciate you too ma

  17. I can’t promise you there won’t be struggling seasons, seasons that are not fair, but I can promise you that if you’ll keep the right attitude, you’ll come out better. We don’t grow so much in the good times, we grow in the difficult times, where we’re being stretched and pressed and we have to dig down deep and pass the test. That’s where God is getting us prepared for our destiny. Without that adversity, we couldn’t step into the fullness of what He has in store.

    Joel Osteen

    1. Joan Alexis. Thank you for being consistent with sharing encouraging and uplifting sippets from Joel Osteen. We appreciate you.

    2. Thank you Joan for sharing Joel posts with Bvs. I appreciate you and look forward to the messages.

  18. I love my family and close friends...and today being out & about and feeling stressed, my elder sis called to liven me up. Like she knew I needed those words at that moment, God bless her. Stella, that game is Suwe or was it the one we throw something towards the marked Motherhood mum, you made me remember my childhood sweet days. Haa! It's cool to be a child, no worries.

    1. Hello Adunni. Thank you for being a part of SDK family. We appreciate you.

    2. Lucky you, I miss not having a sister that cares

    3. Pardon my first comment, I mean I miss having a sister that cares.

  19. Before the boom of social mediums like Instagram, Tiktok and the rest, radio houses were the in thing.
    I grew up listening to radio; he same as most people born before 2000. There were great radio stations back then, especially if you lived in the South. In the East, the only stations that made sense were Cosmos and Dream FM.
    One particular thing about radio stations that drove a lot of girls crazy back then, were the voices of the OAPs.
    I don't know how they did it, but once those men got on air, they sounded like they stuffed okro in their windpipe to enhance the bass in their voices.
    And trust women, nothing makes them fall harder than a man with a deep, husky, baritone voice. So, it wasn't uncommon for female listeners to crush on these OAPs.
    Some stayed up as late as 1 AM just so they could get lost and drown in the imagination of the voice of their favourite host. And those radio owners knew what they were doing! They deliberately saved the OAPs with the best , seductive voices for their late night shows! Girls will be listening and clutching their thighs together in imagination.
    But, there was a problem. There was no social media back then, so you couldn't place the face behind the voice.
    A friend of mine told me a story of how her crush, an OAP finally invited her to the studio one time, since she was a regular caller and had been confessing her admiration for him.
    The girl said she was excited, as she had been looking forward to seeing what her OAP crush looked like.
    She dressed up and went all the way to the station in Owerri and got the shock of her life, when her crush came out to welcome her.
    She said she couldn't believe her eyes, when a stout, robust, baldheaded man walked up and introduced himself to her.
    As if he knew what was in her mind, he said;
    "You're disappointed, yeah? Not the face you were expecting with this voice, abi?"
    The girl was too stunned to say a word.
    "I understand your surprise. I get that a lot." He said.
    That was the last time the girl ever called the radio station.


    1. Owerri....hmmmm
      Why do i feel like I know this OAP and the redio station.

    2. Radio* mbok ooooo

    3. 😂😂😂 listening and clutching their thighs with imagination. Chai I remembered when I was crushing on one OAP that year staying all nights to listen to his programme ..Kai😂

  20. Today is BV thank you day
    thank you Madam Amebo
    thank you bv Pinky
    Thank you bv motherhood
    thank you to all the beautiful, lovely, interesting bvs who has been of a help to us on this blog
    thank you sdk for the platform because without your platform where i for see fun on daily basis
    I appreciate all the bvs for your corrections, to those who see auto correct and still want to say something, thank you oh
    to those who correct with love, thank you
    to those who bring fire, laughter, fun, thank you all
    to all the angels that has been a blessing to this blog, i must greet you specially
    to everyone who is planning to make this blog more fun filled, i great you specially.

    1. Excited courtesy. Thank you for being a consistent BV. Supporting the blog in your own way. We appreciate you.

  21. People are planting in my area too, but recently community said they should stop for security reasons. Wetin concern security with plants along the road side?

    1. Hello Abionah. Thank you for being a part of this big SDK family. We appreciate you

    2. Thank you dear Zaram. You are appreciated too. One day we go meet for this Abuja. Kisses.

  22. Shout out to my customers in here. Aunty R, Mr O, Mr B, Aunty C etc. You didn't know me before, but decided to support me because I am a BV here. I appreciate you all.

    Shout out to Amebonawork , Shooter Gyal, Martins, SMH, Chocolate noir, Ronalda, Xp, blogbrity, praise, miss aess and many more.
    Doppelganger where are you. Beloved where are you. Chike, Chikito, general wife, jobless housewife where are you all

    Then to you all bvs keeping this blog going, una too much

    1. HF beddings. Thank you for being a consistent BV. We appreciate you

  23. In House has landed

    I Appreciate Kelvin 🫂

    I Appreciate Ekalicious 💋
    I Appreciate Madam Amebo🫂
    I Appreciate Jolly Jolly Jollification🫂
    I Appreciate Mrs Sharon 🫂
    I Appreciate Paris Savannah 🫂
    I Appreciate Gift licious 🫂
    I Appreciate Teejah🫂
    I Appreciate Dantanlicious🫂
    I Appreciate Ali B🫂
    I Appreciate Mom B
    I Appreciate Courage
    I Appreciate NN 🫂🫂

    Still Appreciateing o
    I dey comes

    Hello iya Boys

    1. I feel honoured. Thank you Ma'am.

    2. I appreciate Babe 💕💕 thanks

      @Fidel @Ummu @Amebonawork @Choc 🍫 Noir @Ryah @Monaco @WOM hope y'all doing great?

    3. Hello Chika. Thank you for adding fun to the comments. We appreciate you.

    4. Chikalicious! 🤗❤️
      First off, I want to say that you are amazing, and you deserve all the happiness in the world. Please don't let anyone here, dull your shine. We all have things we do and say, that make us happy and refreshed, and as long as you are not insulting or abusing anyone, please carry on with yoir 'liciousness'. Like Eka Joy rightly pointed out, in a community like this, little things can make you stand out.
      I LOVE your happy vibe. God bless you.
      Byelicious! 🤗

    5. U are well appreciated too..
      May God always give u reasons to smile..

    6. You are wellcome Jolly Jolly 🫂🫂

      I Appreciate Iyalicious iya Boys💋💋
      I Appreciate BV Mathias 🫂🫂
      I Appreciate Tyler🫂🫂
      I Appreciate BZ AKA Sdk beloved daughter 🫂🫂
      I Appreciate Oyinlicious gate For Adding Salt and Sugar Together 😁😁

      I done cook Rice And Stew to celebrate my Appreciateion o

      Still Appreciateing I dey come o🏃🏃

      Hello iya Boys

    7. Hello BV Zaramlicious I Appreciate you 🫂🫂🫂

      Thank You BV Ali B🙏🙏

      Hello iya Boys

    8. Thanks dear,I love your happy soul💗

    9. Wowwwwww! Chikalicious Chika🤗🤗🤗🤗I appreciate you too darling ❤️❤️ I love you

      I really appreciate every Bv here and also appreciate our oga patapata at the Top😊Stella toh the korko herself. You are too good to be a human,you are an angel in form of a human because ur heart is full of gold 🪙
      Ur hand no go ever touch isale àpó 🙏🙏
      Love you all 💕💕💕

  24. I appreciate you Stella for all your help you have rendered to me. May God continue to bless and keep you. I appreciate all the angels here too for their help. May God bless and keep you all.🙏🏿

    Thank you all the people that give unbiased and genuine advise here. Thank you those that make the comment sections fun to be. You all make the blog lively.

    Stella, the name of that game is called SUWE.

    1. Hello justswit. You are just as sweet as your name. Thank you for your wonderful and consistent contributions to the blog. We appreciate you.

    2. Thank you Zaram. And I appreciate you too for consistent and love for bvs. God bless you dear🙏

  25. I love and appreciate Ali B for your interesting and educative comments
    Keep it up Sir ☝️

    1. I'm truly honored. Thanks a lot. May God bless you and prosper your business.....

  26. Kelahni events 0813781292320 August 2024 at 14:24

    I want to appreciate bv amebo and bv pinky. Thanks for all your write ups. I also want to thank bv martins aboy. Well done on the FAQ segment. It was from you that I learnt how to download through savefrom.Net. we have met one on one. You have a helpful soul. The bv i know in AJ. I used to come to your shop to charge phone even people in the area admire your kindness. I have missed you my guy. How is Europe. I hope say you never forget your tall friend. How is your family. Big love my brother. Cheers

  27. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog. It's a rainy day here in Warri.

  28. I appreciate everyone who have made the blog,a blog where you can learn,unlearn and relearn..Thank you all!

    1. Yes o. I've learned, relearned and unlearned and Im still learning. This place has reshaped me positively. This place is like my safe place.

  29. Stella, I support you on that amebo corner. E no easy to dey bring gist everyday. If amebo too much, lies, fake and fabricated stories go join am. 😂😂😂

    If anyone tells you about a supplement that will make you shine and fresh, abeg, google the side effects before you waste money.

    I wasted 9k on Omega 3. The supplements makes me feel nausea and causes rashes. E pain me.

    In don keep am for one corner. I no fit shout

  30. I appreciate SDK for this wonderful platform.

    I appreciate Pinky ,Martins ,Oyingate, motherhood poster,madam Amebo and all the blog comedians❤️❤️
    I appreciate everyone here🥰🥰 Thank you for making this blog fun, entertaining and educative.

  31. Game Mistress, what type of crass advert is this? Stella you should have told her to go and redo it. Is that how others own looked?

    1. Very "crass" I must say

    2. When I was asking for help on how to go about it yesterday, you people didn't come out to help except xp but my phone couldn't use the app she suggested, but you're eager to point out crassness, thank you o. Those that'll patronise me will still patronise me.

      You even had to hide your 🆔, lols

    3. You people are impossic"ants" smh.

  32. Beautiful Soul (Onyingate)20 August 2024 at 14:34

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Today, I appreciate everyone that have made this blog interesting either by dropping comments consistently, bringing in drama, sharing their vast knowledge with BVs, bringing positive vibes, sending their stories, chronicles etc. Y'all are the realest MVPs.

    1. I appreciate you for your weekly update on all the happenings. God bless you 😘

  33. "Train up a child in the way he should go" - The Holy Book is full of knowledge, no doubt. I'll be back make I get the full/accurate gist 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

  34. I love first slice of bread, because it's more brown than the other slices most of the time.
    I appreciate everybody that's contributing to this blog, either by bringing gists, stories, advice, lessons, entertainment, jokes and any other things that make this blog entertaining and educative, I appreciate everybody that comments on this blog.
    Lastly I appreciate Stella for creating this wonderful blog, I've learned a lot here, God bless Stella, and all the bvs.

  35. Thanks to all our blog contributors and columnists...You all make these blog like a home and family....Thanks for sharing your gift...This blog is a University on its own.....

    Amebo writer and other contributors May your inks never run dry...Plus Oyokometer and Onyin who do great work summarizing blog activities for the week....Kudos!!

    Mr. Mann You can make your voice heard without throwing aspersions...If you have been following chronicles keenly, we call out anyone who does wrong irrespective of gender...No one is stopping you from giving your own perspective...Everyone will have a bias....At least I know that BVs Gaby (he or she gives very balanced advices to both parties involved; he/she reminds me of Ronalda), Yvonne O, Lady T always give good advice....This blog is large enough for everyone to fly......

    As the great Literary Giant, Chinua Achebe would say, ''If you don't like the story you read, write your own''

    1. That Gaby is female nah maybe they want every women on the blog to reason like her because I don't understand. Must we all reason alike when we are not robot

    2. Thank you for all you do Habibi, you are appreciated.💐😘

    3. OSHODI FBI SAID SO ✌️20 August 2024 at 17:16

      I really appreciate and will always you Phoenix dear😊😊 just that I felt somehow after your replied to me the day Stella called me out😔. But I let go because you are the best.And I always look forward in seeing your comments on the blog if you don't know 💙
      I appreciate Stella too. You are one in a million 💪you are well appreciated. I also appreciate everyone here, you guys are the best 👏👏👏

      Peace out✌️

  36. Mehn it's been raining non stop, God thank you for the rain, sun and all the things you create.
    Thank you blog family. You've all impacted on me and I'm grateful. Thanks to everyone and God bless us all

  37. This is me appreciating those who go extra mile to keep this blog entertaining and a go to place, God bless you all.
    All the blog Angels, a million thumbs up!

  38. Good afternoon everyone 👋
    I wish plenty customers on those adverts up there.
    Madam Amebo thank you for always making me laugh, I look forward to IHN every day all because of your hot and funny gist, more ink to your pen😁
    I can never get tired of being kind to anyone 😍

  39. Good day beautiful souls of SDKsphere!

    Thanks Stella for the free advert and amen to the prayers.

    I want to specially and specifically appreciate MC Pinky, you are kind and caring to a fault, always seeing good in people, always seeking to do good, standing up for justice and also bringing us hot hot gists.
    More grace, more heights, God will richly reward you boss.

    Stella "looked" and in a sharp glance, saw many scenes 😂 😂

    Cheers everyone

  40. When I was growing, I had a lot of pleasant childhood memories. I grew up in a big house, big compound where different kids come together every evening to play together. We would play Suwe, ten _ten , hide and seek, the one we play with skipping rope, that one goes like this, we would sing then at the end of the song they would ask how many children will you have then you start jumping and skippping the rope. Also the one you would write name of person, things, places on the shit of paper that one is called "I call on"
    Oh I miss those beautiful, peaceful innocent days.

  41. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Thanks and God bless all the columnist of this Blog. More ink to your pens. God bless you SDK for creating this platform. I love all the commenters,you guys rock. Where is mummy Andre?.

  42. If cartoon keeps children together and football keeps men together, what then keep women together?

    1. People will say gossip but i'm not in the group. I'll rather do movies 😉

  43. Appreciating everyone making this family blog a safe place. Depression would have finished person but thank God for soul building, uplifting comments and contributions daily.

    Long live SDK and SDK Blog
    Long live SDK BV's

    May God continue to make our lives beautiful 😍

  44. IHN
    Good afternoon everyone 🥳

    I appreciate this blog because I have learned a lot from this blog. I appreciate everyone here.
    I appreciate everyone who contributed one way or the other in the IHN Post.
    I appreciate everyone who always say Amen to my prayers in the Spontaneous Post and to everyone who always comments under my post.
    I appreciate you all 🤝
    Thank you very much 🥳
    BV Appreciation Day

    Have a pleasant day

  45. Appreciation to everyone making this platform a safe haven for all. May God reward you all richly. Your contributions to the blog are valued. Stella, thanks for creating platform for all.

  46. Good day lovelies.
    All eyes on @KamalaHQ.
    Ogo bu chi onye.💖👌
    Who turned off the comments section yesterday evening? Aiii 😂

    Amebo corner isn't paid? I donbelieveit😚Awww. God bless you.

    Zeeone...I jump and pass🤸
    Inukwa ndi Nehi nehi, eyorho.

    Blog bvs Appreciation day. First of all;
    1. To all Pastors...Big Mama , Rhapsody, Essa etc. I'm closer to heaven.

    2. To motivators...Joan, Lady Port, me to you etc.
    I'm more confident.

    3. To whizkids and nerds...Martins, Phoenix, Kelvin etc. My notes are filling up steadily.

    4. To clowns...Lily, Kozidum, Praise.
    My blood pressure is normal, you don't know what you do for us.💋😚

    5. To Olingo(enjoyment Ministers)...Paree paree, Candy, Nnukwu Nwanyi, Blogbrity) etc... I'm still copying menus and combos.

    6. Legal luminaries...Dante, Amethyst, Hezbollah (I think?🤔). Thanks for the enlightened remarks.

    7. To activists...Slim Shady, Sluttychic,Eka Joy... Weldone comrades.

    8. To sweet Carers...Miss ESS, LEE 70 etc... God will bless your labor of love.

    9. Business gurus...HP Beddies, Waju , Games Mistressetc. God bless your hustle.

    10... The anonymous.
    Good ones... thank you for the quality inputs.
    Bad....may God upturn the basket on your face.🥺

    11. To columnists...Mc Pinky, Married man, Oyokometer Oyingate etc. More ink to your biros.

    12. To MOI😚, Sapphire, etc. May our time schedule favor our coming.

    13. To the Honorables...Arc Ade, ALEXANDER, Yemi 7up. We're waiting for the change. Thanks for the ginger.

    Finally to Stella oriaku Kork.
    Daalurinne for all you do.
    Do I love blogging? Yes I do.
    Do I envy you? No, I don't. I no wan craze abeg. This job ain't easy.

    Sign out meme... Only farming in arable empty lands in Niger State can feed the whole NIGERIA for a year.
    There's a reason they don't want it to happen.
    God is watching.

    Stay safe guys.
    Eyes on POLITICS.


    1. Awww XP Momma😘😘, we are trying our best o.

    2. XP Thanks for the mention...Thank you for your tips and nuggets of wisdom you share....Welcome back

    3. Thanks iya ibeji. Your intelligence is alluring. 😘👍. Recommend more combo.

    4. XP I really appreciate you alot. Always looking forward to your educative comments.
      Welcome back beautiful ❤️

  47. Hello ihn 😘
    Good afternoon everyone and how's your day going.

    Stella, running a blog isn't a child's play and honestly you're doing a great job ( no asslicking) I appreciate you.

    I appreciate Pinky, motherhood poster,madam amebo and all the bvs sharing stories that educate,inform and entertain us. Even the likes of Lilyangel that makes us laugh with their funny jokes. God bless you all 😘💜

    The weather is so cold here.

    Stella abeg watch your zeeone with your full chest 😂 😂

    Bvs enjoy the rest of your day.
    E go surely be ✌️

    1. Thanks Bv Osundi. You're so refreshing 😍

  48. Stella, the box, stone and jump game is called "suuuuwe" 😂. Na "suuwe" we dey call am.

    What about "who sabi swim water"?

    Churches in Nigeria have helped a lot of people o. Some people find solace in Church. Your hope and faith are renewed after Church service.

    1. You are appreciated 💐😘

    2. Lora, Thank you very much. You are also appreciated. God bless you abundantly! ❤️🌹

    3. very correct.

    4. Very correct!

  49. Good old days, I cook mama put as a kid ooo, I cook am enter adulthood self. Cause I till love cooking, cooking is my best chore.
    On the flip side, this word 'DEMURE ' will hate entering this country 😂.

  50. Resumption date is approaching and my mind is not at rest..
    From back to school items, to buying of textbooks and paying of school's honestly not eas


  51. Thanks to the beautiful and handsome bv's. Thank you bb Dante because your comments always make my day.

  52. Let me appreciate Mama Amebo, Pinky, and Motherhood submitters who have committed to sharing their experiences to entertain us. The blog would not be what it is without your continued contributions to it. I have learned so much from you and thank you all for doing what you do.

  53. Top of the day to all BVs and Stella nwanyioma. I appreciate you all for been here, you guys are the real MVPs. Special shout out to Bv Martins, your answer to my questions on FAQs column has helped my life a lot. Thank you.

  54. I appreciate this blog, the owner,- SDK, readers,bv Amebo that writes ,Mc Pinky, bv Martins- he is do versed ,always willing to help, prompt in reverting to issues asked, XP - always dishing out enlightening and helpful comments,funny, gat swag.
    Also Paree Paree( Paris savannah), Phoenix,Dante, Candy,Castle, there are so many of them I can't remember, God gat you all!
    Keep on keeping on!
    Stella ,God is your muscle

    1. Thanks for the mention Anonymous....You are appreciated

    2. Thank you Anon. I appreciate. 🤗🤗🤗🤗

  55. Thank you, Stella for this amazing platform. It never gets boring in here. And for every BV who have in one way or the other kept this place lively, i salute y'all as well.

    Meanwhile, I'm an exception because i like the very first and last slice of bread like kilode😊

    Enjoy the rest your day fam✌

  56. The first appreciation goes to Stella Jeweluchiozi,I cannot thank you enough.
    For all the wonderful lessons
    I have learnt from your blog.
    As this blog wouldn't have come into existence without you.
    E no easy to get a blog and carry it in your own unique way to this level that you have, like no other...
    The only regrets I have is, I didn't come to know this blog before making some life decisions earlier in life .. This blog made me wiser and it is expository. One of the best thing that happened to me in 2014 was knowing this blog.
    Please keep the flag flying
    Keep your light shining bright
    And to the God who inspires you
    Keep holding on to Him tight.

    Second appreciation goes to all the wonderful blog visitors that are instrumental to all I have learnt and still learning. It's like medicine to me.
    Thank you all for all those times I had to laugh like a wacko because of the kind of funny comment I get to read here.Most of those blog visitors no longer comment but Still, I am grateful to you all.

    SDK is a wonderful place to be and I thank God for Stella and I also thank God for her blog visitors.
    you guys are the real MVP'S

  57. I appreciate everyone in here and I also appreciate Stella for the opportunity given. The column has really helped me a lot.

    Thanks to all the bvs trying in one way or the other to correct me on somethings

    1. God bless you Pinky. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  58. Good afternoon everyone 💋💋
    I appreciate SDK for this wonderful platform
    I appreciate all the Bvs thank you all for making this place entertaining

  59. I want to appreciate Stella for opening a blog that has helped my life in so many ways.

    I want to appreciate all the bvs on this blog. I have learnt so much from here.

    Thank you everyone.

  60. Thank you BV Paris Savannah for always asking after others, really appreciate you. 💐😘

    1. Thanks beautiful Lora,for always exuding positive aura.😍🙏🏿

  61. Onichabor Christopher20 August 2024 at 16:22

    Kudos to Stella korkus
    Thank you Pinky
    Amebo gist
    Martins, Dante, teejay, Lili angel, Eka Joy, courage, zaram, teacher nk and all bvs, thanks for your columnist, gist, advice and making the blog interesting. I kowtow you all

  62. Stella your blog is impactful. Thanks to all that have made us laugh, learn, and also argue.

  63. From the Chronicles of Monday. I see most Amotekun as bias especially to story relating to men. Not at all Sha. They are sometimes not rational with their advise they just want to stand wether it is feminism or aluta nonsense spirit. Make you put ursef for their shoes . Nur be by being toxic .Who I be self . Una no go hear

  64. I appreciate everyone here,you all makes here Cool,Comfortable, Lovely and Sweet all the time..
    Never a dull moment here because of your guys ❤️💖💞💕❤️💖💞💕

    Stella Jewelchi thanks,for the platform.
    You are loved ❤️ ♥️ 💕 💗 💖 💙
    God bless you immensely

  65. Thank u Stella for creating this blog, have been following for yrs but just have the privilege of commenting thru one of Dante response to a question of how to start commenting.
    I appreciate everyone on this blog, Dante,Teeje Blogbrity, Eka joy, Fidel, Paris Savannah, Ali B, Chika ( hello Iya boys), Zaram, Bv Martin's, Onyingate,Anions, Candy and so many beautiful bvs. Have learnt a lot, especially to keep pushing in this hard time. Once again thank u Stella

    My appreciation goes to all BVs that contributes positively here. May God bless everyone of us Amen 🙏

  67. Thank you God fir using sdk to run this blog, ko easy rara but it is well even in the well
    All thexangels blessing people,I say God bless you all, for bvs making the blog all fun,educative an

  68. Thank You God for this blog and using sdk to run it.
    Angels on this blog blessing people you do not know, may God open doors for you
    Bvs commenting,doing write ups,making the blog fun,educative and entertaining, may Gid bless you all,there are a lot of them but the ones I can remember are: Amebo- columnist,MC Pinky,Motherhood writer, Candy,XP with her wealth of experience and brilliant ideas,Martin the superman- always helpful, Phoenix, Paris savannahs,excited courtesy, Onyigate- ahh those your complications na 🔥 ,Castle,Dante the kingy kings, Ali ,Kamsidumsy,Olawealth,Osundi, Arike. .a whole lot of them....where is ladybug kwanu?? appear ohh I miss you, trust you are cool?
    God bless you all,now byeeeeee

  69. Thank you all my SDK family. You all rock!


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