Stella Dimoko Thursday In House News....


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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday In House News....


How you dey?
Hope your day is going well?,,My day is OK and i am doing just fine....What are you cooking today? I am not cooking today and getting food from ym fave chinese Restaurant......Yummy!
Is it possible that some people dont eat for days but still have money to buy data and post comments begging for food? I saw a post on Instagram saying they had not eaten for one week.....Hmm is there anyone like that here? I for like help oh...Let me think am..
Catch my hugs.

No Zeeone today please, I have not looked, will do later.......



I greet you all in here my people and hope this meet you well? 
This is coming from a place of love to the bv who posted this morning on SP/IHN, if I'm not mistaken about  his / her uncle who has failed to help.

I think it's high time we get down to reality and understand some basic phenomenon of life. that you have a rich uncle who is a governor either in Nigeria or in the diaspora doesn't guarantee your success / failure. Don't forget these people also has families and life issues and challenges that can be hidden to you. In life, if you want to move forward quickly, you need to stop expecting support mostly from family members who hasn't in one time or the other remembered you for good but only when they need to send you on an errand. It is funny to say that, unknown people render assistance to you even without asking and this assistance might be earned due to good character(trust, accountability,reliability and transparency) or through an undiluted grace  and mercy from your creator. Let me quickly say this to you, you will advance better in life if you focus more on developing yourself and doing what you derive joy in (passion).

I could remember begging one of my uncle years back to help me out few things(e.g, my studies, because i wanted to further more and also become a lecturer). I was denied but one day, i sat myself down and told myself that"'I can be whoever or whatever i want to be without any family member, all I need is just to be proactive, determined and focus". I began to lay my hands on different things and within a twinkle of an eye, i graduated from federal college of education then  i came across this blog through my sibling. One way or the other, God showed me mercy and i started my degree program before i open eye close am, i was done with it while riding a bike to support myself  coupled with the moral, psychological, and financial support from STELLA(she is my living reference). After this, i thought about my Postgraduate program before my marriage but it was not forth coming but i kept the hope alive and never allowed anything to discourage me. 
Here i'm today, the postgraduate program I have ever wanted has started easily and keeping the focus towards my Phd if God is willing because, I so much have passion for either to become a lecturer or a minister of education to reconstruct the educational policies that has been destroyed. Our educational policy is just making us to be a job seeker and not a problem solver.

This is to encourage you that, you can become anything in life without any help from your family only if you believe, have focus, determines and prayerful . Nobody wants to be associated with a failure, every individual wants to be relevant but we have forgotten that, failure is created for in other to re-strategies and plan appropriately again. What your family didn't see in you, an angel in form of human will and they will invest in you. all you need is to be consistent in  whatever you do. Stop pointing accusing fingers to any of your family members, let them be. Pray for success and work for iyt. They will look for you themselves and when you there, don't forget those looking up to you. Don't act like your uncle, don't do the same. be different in all your approach to life.

Well done Pinky......I pray you get what you prayed for...AMEN!!!


The problem has been fixed, it was not really a problem and it was good i pointed it out to them cos an advertiser was serving me wrong ad sizes..Please if you notice it still happening, grab a screenshot and send me so that i can send them...
Thanks a lot for your understanding and thanks to Eka Joy for explaining the problem properly cos i screenshot your comment and sent them.......
Una own no go spoil...Una doh!



Ladies love (marry) with condition but only men love (marry) unconditionally.
This is a hard truth, but you need to believe it. If the money a woman is enjoying is no more with you, the love
d!es. That's why you see a woman that will divorce a man 3 days after wedding, just because she found out that the man is not working in an oil company as he claims but he is a mechanic that comes to her with different cars, and he has many cars to be repaired in his compound.

She didn't divorce because you lie but because her dream of marrying a man that has good money is not fulfilled.
If you want to confirm what I just wrote, if you have a big oil company of your own, lie to your girlfriend that you work as a teacher in a school, if after wedding she found out that you are a CEO of an oil company, she wont leave because you lie....but if its the reversal. You know the answer
That woman telling you that she loves you more than money is dangerously lying to you.
For the right price every women is cheap, even your own woman will cheat and abandon you for the right price.
This is why you as a man can never find love without success, a man is not loved because he is a human being, a man is loved based on his accomplishments and success.
Life is in phases, but men are in sizes......
Your financial size will determine the level of love you enjoy from any woman.

When a woman with very high taste meets a wealthy man, she becomes very nice suddenly
Every lady has a price, they love whoever can meet their demand.

Money plays a huge role in relationships and marriage, brother you need it if not, you will see dust.
No woman will joyfully stay with you in poverty, its just a matter of time before she decamp to another man's camp.
Some of them can use you to move out of poverty, when she gather enough money from you, they will divorce you and leave to settle down with the man they really love who has money according to their hopes. Many are times that men they love don't really love them, he too will use them to get money from them and leave them to settle down with the lady he wanted

For you to be on the safer side, just have money so that .....
1. It will be difficult for her to dump you,
2. when she dumps you, you can easily find her replacement.
3. When you are very rich, your emotions d!es because you don't beg for love from any woman, ladies become toys that you play with 24/7. This is why you see many rich men that have many wives, they know that non of them loves him, he too doesn't love them, but he marries as many as he want, to enjoy himself like a toy.
A win win situation for you.
If you are lucky to find a wife that loves you at your lowly level, thank God specially for it, for "a good wife is from the Lord".

My brother, God just favour you specially because 95% of ladies can never marry you for who you are but for WHAT YOU HAVE. Only 5% can marry a man for who he is.
If you are privileged to have a wife from those 5%, thank God specifically

If a lady is crying because a man want to leave her or because the husband want to marry another wife, she is not crying because of love, she is crying because she want to be enjoying his money alone.
Most times, If the husband gives her two houses in her name, two shopping complex, a good and standard business, with heavy money in her account, she will permit the husband to marry any number of wife he wants, she will just face her children.
If not for money and material, 95% of ladies will not marry, that's why when most ladies have good jobs that pays their bills, they hardly think of marriage, many just hate men, because they see men as nothing. But no matter how many billions a man has, until he marries a lady to enjoy it together, he feels not fulfilled.

There is nothing that makes a woman to misbehave like when she makes good money. She will start remembering the things she doesn't like and those things disqualifies you to date her, or marry her but when a man makes big money, he doesn't care about your shortcomings.
The bottom line, guys stop falling in love without money, make enough money to throw around with ease, you will select who you love, if she messed up, you won't even run after her, you get another one.
Men, may you succeed in all you do. may you make it big, huge money makes a man a big man. May you make it in a huge way. 




Respect people who find time in their schedule to see you. Love people who never look at their schedule when you need them.




The primary reason people stay with you is not because of your beauty; there are more beautiful people than you. It is not because of your money; there are richer people than you.
 It is not because of your s£xual ability; there are more s£xually experienced people out there.people stay with you because of the way you treat andmake them feel be it in platonic relationship or an intimate relationship.I learnt this late in life and it has costed me so much.I used to treat people especially the ones that i was dating any how but yet still expect them to love me and be there for me which was wrong. It took me alot of time accept that i serious anger issues which needed my immediate attention. 

As an adult i was broken, angry and carrying around all kinds of baggage & this lead me to abuse of alcohol.I realized i needed to change & work on myself after losing a good relationship with someone who meant so much to me. If you met me on a day when i was angry you would think its not me you encountered. 
I used to be so disrespectful & honestly i didn’t even know that respect,submission and honor are vital keys in maintaining relationships and friends. 

The Bible says in Proverbs 21:19, that it is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious, troublesome and angry woman. No person in their right mind would want to stay with the woman described in the above scripture. Your loved ones should not be the ones to experience the worst version of you. Simply because they tolerate you doesn’t mean you should continue behaving like that, you can change. It all starts by being accountable and admitting that you need help.

Contention and strife will push the people you love away from you. You should learn to talk over issues and not enter into verbal fights because you want to win an argument. Remember its not what you said but how you said. Sometimes its okay to let certain things slide its not everything you need to discuss.

I used to be a drama queen, who would throw a tantrum worthy of an Oscar performance.I had no self control and no emotional maturity.
I was always in a perpetual state of anger because i had alot of unresolved issues in my life and I would carry emotional baggage with me into new  relationships. My levels of anger were very destructive to an extent that I wouldn’t even remember the things I said or did everytime i was angry.
When i got angry, I would use my own mouth to destroy a relationship that has taken me many years or months to build. Such foolishness kept me in pain for so many years because i’d always find myself regretting and apologizing even when i wasn’t wrong.
My levels of arrogance grew because i kept learning and finding in comfort videos that would justify my bad behavior.I became too proud to honour and respect people and starting assuming that i was equal with everybody.

Pride always comes before a great fall. Nature has programmed people to gravitate in the direction of someone who honours  may be educated or illiterate; it is of no consequence. If you  give people respect, you will eat of the good of the land. It quite sad to see a number of people make the same mistakes i made. Honoring people is not human worship.

One of the major reasons why I couldn’t bring peace to my relationship is because i had no peace myself. I was full of conflicting emotions which would steal my peace and happiness. Your emotions will always deceive you, never listen to them. Refrain from acting or speaking out of emotion because it will cost you relationships and people that mean alot to you.Remember you can’t give what you don’t have, it never too late to change, heal, unlearn and grow. 
Transformation is warfare. It may not be easy but the destiny that you desire can not accommodate this version of. If I managed to change, you can also change. #Copied

Is there anyone here reading this Blog with this kind of anger issues? Please dont say No cos the way some people comment sometimes is so scary....I get angry quickly but i dont have anger issues.....There is something i do, when i am angry i dont say a word to avoid using the worng word...I totally ignore and shut out that person until i am ready to interact but i dont open the door again...
Na wah..............And you?


Well sometimes gossip can be positive, so if you have that keep it....LOL


  1. In House News don SHELE 🏹🏹

    1. PInky, Nice one 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

      Whoever wrote that Article about Women must be so Misogynistic in Nature…

      The Article about why some people stay with some peeps is so True

      People stay with some people based on how good and kind hearted you are to them… I can relate 💯💯💯

      Stella, No weird facts today 🙄🙄🙄

    2. Maybe the author wrote about personal experience.
      The author also excluded 5% of women.
      Every woman should seek inclusion in that 5% to expand it.
      Some women will not bother about the article or try to discredit it because they know that is their reality. Saidatu confirmed that recently.

    3. Signing out meme is the message.

    4. I'm glad the Ad issue has been fixed. It was so frustrating because as you close, more pop up and would block the whole screen that you couldn't even peep read from under. I just started reading headlines and exiting the blog. The Advertiser should pay you compensation for lost revenue and impact to the user experience your readers were subjected to due to their negligence.

  2. Replies
    1. Good afternoon, may customers fall on you, Amen

  3. Good afternoon house.. my sisters wedding is on Saturday so we're preparing for the d day.. see you guys later✋

    1. Congratulations to sister.
      Her new home is blessed already 🙌 💖

    2. Congratulations to your sister

    3. Wow, that's great.
      Congratulations to your sister.

    4. Congratulations to your family.


    5. Congratulations to your sister 🎊

    6. Congratulations to your sister.

    7. Congratulations to your sister
      Her home is bless.

    8. I love weddings!
      Congratulations to your sister, her home is blessed.

    9. Congratulations 🎊 to your sister. May God bless her home.

    10. Pureee congratulations to your sis.

    11. Congratulations to your sister, the Lord bless her home in Jesus name.

      Package our Jollof rice come.

    12. Congratulations to your sis

    13. Congratulations on your sis

    14. Congratulations to your sister

    15. Congratulations to your Sister. God bless her home.

    16. Congrats to your sister. Send our jollof rice o

    17. Thank you all for your well wishes, may good celebration never depart from your lives in Jesus name..Amen

    18. Congratulations 👏👏👏👏 .her home is blessed in Jesus name 🙏

    19. Congratulations to your SIS and May God bless her New Home

  4. Good afternoon everyone, I no just understand today's weather.

    1. The weather is somehow here too

      Holla darling 🩵🩵 how's your day going?

    2. Fickle weather, a little sunshine and rain in between.

    3. Paree Baibay💕💕💕, How are you doing today???

  5. Thank you Stella for posting my aso oke advert.
    For your birthday photoshoot attire, wedding outfit, aso ebi and all other occasions, we get you covered. Quality is our language ❤️

  6. Good afternoon y'all
    It's been a crazy week at work. I thank God for strength.

  7. The Scripture says that God is the author and finisher of your faith. He’s the author. Psalm 139 says, “All of your days were written before you were born.” God has already written your story. The key is to get your story in line with His story. God says His plans for you are for good, to give you a future and a hope. He calls you a masterpiece, valuable, victorious, an overcomer. He said, “What was meant for harm, He’s turning to your advantage.” You may have been through bad breaks, things that are not fair. The enemy would love to author your story. He would love to rewrite what God says about you. You need to take that pen back, cross out all those lies, and tell your story.

    Joel Osteen

    1. Yes I need to take that pen back and erase every lies and tell my own story.
      Thanks for sharing.

  8. If Eka Joy complains of anything on the blog, boom, it's addressed. She complained of the lifts and copied materials and the "constant bashing of women", guess who came out to explain she's not the writer? Stella. Stella even went as far as explaining where she lifts them and more explanation that she does not completely agree with what she herself lifts from social media sites. Stella till today still explains each time she posts those stuff. Enter Eka Joy complaining of adverts "disturbing" her reading comments. Boom, Stella appeared and quietly apologized without apologizing with promise to "... mail ad... owners..." Really? You? Almighty Stella? Eka Joy, you do this one. I don't think Stella would have attended to the above if another bv had complained. Check out the bv that said Stella should not be using dog as face of an official post as IHN and Stella has been sourcing for dog photos and pictures ever since to use to "pepper" her, just to be seen or prove stubborn. If it was Eka Joy that complained about the dog pictures on IHN, Stella would have listened and corrected.
    It's obvious Stella likes those that are agressive that can insult at the bounce. From Eka Joy to Vincent the rat to Shooter Gyal and has gifted them money to encourage disrespect to others.To every bv that wants things done on the blog, reach out to Eka Joy with convintion and it will come to pass. Just reading now the pop up adverts have been fixed. You see what I"m saying? Every insult to this post if it will be enabled has been activated to back to sender.

    1. Put your hand on your hand and belly and say “Mama I’m a witch and I fly at night, and I want to teach witchcraftcy” what kind of jealous, and low self esteem is this? Wtf!!!! I’m laughing and shocked someone will write this on a Blog fa, where no one gives a fuck bout ya! Nne na wa o!.

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    2. Then again, did u see where Stellz wrote Eka wrote the problem in details? Keyword: Details…. Mehn, go knack ur head for wall.. free Eka, she’s not your problem!.

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    3. This one pain you special. I'm sure you the same anon that wrote that epistle yesterday. You wee be alright laslas

    4. Conviction*
      Pardon me for the correction o

    5. Beautiful Soul (Onyingate)29 August 2024 at 15:14

      Oh, chim! What exactly in the painment is this??

    6. 🤣😃😂 Anon the way you personalised the matter is very funny, what!! Just complain of something relevant first and see if Stella will not come out and address it.
      Why whine like a child whose bobo juice was collected from 😁, nawa o

    7. This level of hate will just destroy u. Keep at it.

    8. Miss aboki, you took the words out of my mouth. He's the same anon.

  9. Good afternoon blogfam. That shoe wearing glasses got me laughing. Treat people with respect no matter your level or class. Sign out post on point.

  10. God is the only dependable One. But He uses humans like us to help us. So we should do our best to maintain cordial relationships with others.

  11. Stella, it's possible people don't eat for days, but they can squeeze out N100 to do daily data. But you see that 'I have not eaten in one week', na LIE.

    1. Good afternoon beautiful Candy 😘. The begging is too much. 😔😔😔

    2. Tor,it's hard to believe but not impossible o, maybe not eating consistently like before,maybe that's what they meant.

    3. Big lie, how person no go eat for one week when you're not doing marathon fast

    4. Good afternoon BB darling.😘😘

    5. MomB, this one is format. Go to IG, dem plenty.
      Starr, fat lie o.
      MercyBee, 🤣

    6. It's not possible for one not to eat for a week. Maybe it was an exaggeration, maybe the person did not eat any normal food for one week. The person might be living on garri, biscuits, like Bv Sweetness below

  12. Good afternoon,@pinky,God help to fulfill that dream,Amen

  13. "In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, "We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!"

    —Isaiah 4:1

    1. Heaven and earth may pass away, but the word of God will never change..

      Thank you Jesus 🙏

    2. Okay, now I understand. You'll have to wait till then, shebi you're looking for a wife who you won't have to spend one Naira on her. You'll have to wait . DDY🤪

    3. What is stopping this prophecy in your lives? By now you Kings should be showing off not one, but 7 wives! Lol...

    4. The way they lambast women,you'd wonder y they don't just date their fellow men.

  14. There are men who marry for money and vice versa.
    And in some cases, the partners don't mind and they know that is why their spouses stayed with them.
    Don't you know that portable knows it's bcos of his money? Also these young boys marrying granies, don't they know its because of the benefits?
    That doesn't remove true love and people that marry foe true love. Them dey berekete both in the rich and poor circles.
    Everybody do you ooo. But the most important thing to me is not deceiving anyone into marriage. Marriage is a long (unending) journey. Being totally honest will help alot.

  15. There are men who marry for money and vice versa.
    And in some cases, the partners don't mind and they know that is why their spouses stayed with them.
    Don't you know that portable knows it's bcos of his money? Also these young boys marrying granies, don't they know its because of the benefits?
    That doesn't remove true love and people that marry foe true love. Them dey berekete both in the rich and poor circles.
    Everybody do you ooo. But the most important thing to me is not deceiving anyone into marriage. Marriage is a long (unending) journey. Being totally honest will help alot.

    1. When I hear "men love unconditionally" ,I just he marrying you for nothing? Sex,food,kids??? Take away these frm a married man and let's see if he still loves the wife unconditionally....

    2. The only unconditional love in this world is God's love for us and a mother's love for her child. Nobody shld cap careless abt men loving unconditionally...that's utter bladder dash.

  16. Good afternoon lovelies 💞💞
    IHN is here 😍
    Jellof rice on my mind 😋

  17. Well Said MC Pinky and May your heart desires be granted....Thanks for your write up!!

    A beautiful Thursday Afternoon we have here...So no more DOG pictures...Nice!!

    Stella 🤣🤣🤣 No Zeeone today why? Hmmm okay

    Blog Visitor advert more sales for you...Ahia Oma!!

    E go be

    1. Survey the area for about 1 week.
    2. On the day of operation, wear an
    oversized shirt.
    3. Be at the place between 11am to
    2:30pm. At this time of the day, the
    owners will be gone to work or be
    indoor. The chicken will be playing
    outside happily.
    4. Walk at the edge of the street and let
    the chicken walk freely at the centre,
    [its more easy if you are in the village]
    5. This is where you make the grand
    6. Dive like a goalkeeper and grab the
    chicken by the head. Quickly fold the
    head into the feathers and put it inside
    your oversized shirt.
    7. Move on as if nothing happened. No
    looking back.

    How to steal a cow is next😉😉😉

    1. Thief,ole,barawo🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. 😂😂😂 Lilyangel you're not serious. Kam choo kwa okukom acho😂😂

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      After tips on how to steal, tell us how to steal a crocodile next

      Waiting patiently 😆

    4. How do I steal a Lioness with cubs??? Na that one be the KOKO

  19. In House has Landed Landed
    Landed Well well oooo
    Wellcome oooo
    Yes ooo @pinkylicious
    Thank you for your words of Encouragement 🙏🙏🙏
    May God grant you Your Special Heart Desires in Jesus mighty name 🙏🙏🙏

    Sign out Meme 👍💯👍💯👍

    Hello iya Boys

  20. En route Ilorin for a function with the Fam! Military escort deep! No chances taken, clear any body for road if u fit put chest, Power is sweeeeet! 😂..God be with us!… Hey Chikalicious, how you doing?

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. Am doing fine fine Kelvinlicious
      How are you doing too?
      Hope you dey Alright ooo?
      You wen I done dey find since ooo make you be My blg boo😁😁
      Sha iya boys no tell you🤣🤣

      Hello iya Boys

    2. Hmmm better keep your mouth shut. Even barracks aren't safe this period.

    3. Enjoy your trip.

      No cap! Power sweet die

    4. Thanks y’all, I appreciate 🤗
      Chika i full ground na!
      Anon: Ewu! Bcos I dropped my plate number and live location here abi? And I’m the only one using Escort in the whole of Ilorin road abi? Come put chest na, make groundnut waste you, no wonder some of y’all are slow.

      Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  21. A Short Moral Story
    A boy was out with his father at the farm. Having worked all day long, they were pretty tired and wanted to go home. As they prepared to leave, a young man with dirty hands suddenly came up to them and asked for a favour,
    "Please, could you give me some water toq wash my hands? They are extremely dirty from my work in my cattle ranch."
    The boy looked at him and answered,
    "I'm sorry, but we don't have enough water. My father just washed his hands, and I'm about to wash my own hands with the few drops left."
    The father stood up and touched his son's shoulder and told him,
    "Son, help him wash his hands with the last water. Do it for him."
    The boy turned to his father and said,
    "But father, I also need to wash my hands. If I use the last water to wash his hands, there won't be any more left for myself."
    The father just smiled and insisted,
    "Just do as I say, son. Help this young man wash his hands, and don't worry about yours. You'll be surprised at what would happen at the end of it."
    The boy hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly in agreement. He picked up the water bottle and poured water over the young man's hands, helping him to wash them thoroughly. The man was elated and filled with gratitude.
    Just as the boy finished washing the young man's hands, his father looked at him and asked,
    "Son, what do you notice about your hands?"
    The boy turned to his father and exclaimed,
    "Wow, father... my hands are clean!"
    The father smiled for a moment and said,
    "Yes, your hands are properly washed! In the process of washing the man's hands, your hands got washed too! The good you did to him, came back to you!"
    Upon saying that, the father slung his arm around his son's shoulders and continued,
    "Listen son, in all aspects of life, what ever one does, has its way of bouncing back, be it good or bad. The effort you invest will be returned to you. Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap.

  22. Well done pinky, may God continue to bless and elevate you.
    Hello Gifty
    Hello Tyler
    Enjoy the rest of your day 😘

    1. Hi darling 😘🤗
      How is your day going....

    2. It's going good, trust yours is too

  23. Does it mean that rich men don't fall in love or can't be faithful to their wives?

    You are not interested in marriage but you are interested in having a sexual partner, no be juju be that?

    All the "broad minded" people that believe in sexual partner without marriage should park one side abeg.

  24. Good afternoon everyone
    Pinky thank God for you and I pray the almighty will complete what he has started in your life and beyond 🙏well-done
    Sign out meme is 💯

  25. It's a beautiful Thursday afternoon 🥰🥰
    Ekasan ooooo

  26. Wow, pinky I thank God for you, your resilience spirit will surely make way for you.

    I usually tell myself, I won't depend on anyone in this my life and I'll continue to keep pushing till I reach my destination.

    My cousin has been stagnant for years, lamenting instead of looking beyond his father's property, I see him languishing in self pity, one day I told him, what if your father didn't even leave anything behind , won't you hustle for yourself? He's always fighting war with his siblings because of property, up till now, he's only gotten crumbs that can't even feed him,ehn is that life?

    1. Pinky may God come through for u..
      I don't depend on people, I've been an orphan for over 20yrs, and has fend for myself and brother all my life, so I understand what it's meant not to have and only to depend on God..

  27. Good afternoon my people, how una dey? Today strong ooo.


  28. Good afternoon bvs, how are we doing today?

  29. Finally o, I don see money inside akube 💃💃 but na Korean money sha but atleast the vision is getting clearer, dollars or pounds is the goal.

    Make I take this my 500 won buy land first or should I buy small corolla so I can start Uber 🤔 still thinking of what I'll use it to buy. 500 Korean money fit reach like 5M abi😜

    1. 5gini?🤣😃😂
      They gave me 2k when i went to change the one i got one time

    2. Buy land or Corolla?😂 Dey play

    3. 😂😂😂 GM, we are getting closer o. Congratulations. I believe if you change that 500 e fit reach to buy house for banana island 🤔

    4. 😁😁😁😁 congratulations to you. Na dollar you go see next or jewelry.

    5. Lol...... congratulations,I've seen yuan before and gold hand chain,not real gold though but it's non tarnish and I still use it till date

    6. I have never seen money in my own okrika.... maybe cos I buy in slots not bale.

      The person opening d bale go don check wella before sending to us.

  30. Good afternoon my people ♥️ I hope our day is going well, I come here to read comments today, so bring it on guysss...

  31. I am writing this with serious pain in my heart. What do people really gain from scamming and hurting others?

    Some months ago, I came across several postings on IG and Thread of remote vacancies for Customer Care in a company, Africope. Several legit remote job finders posted this so I went ahead to apply. After a month, I was listed to do an online test which they said I passed. Just this week, they sent me a mail, saying I should get an official electronic transcript from my school or from some licensed agents(which they mentioned) and send to their email. I used my last 60k to process this transcript to them. Now, I just saw on Twitter that Africope is a scam and they want to use the transcripts for identity theft. What am I supposed to do now? My hopes and dreams of finally getting a good remote job has been dashed, my last kobo gone and I now run the risk of being used for some fraudulent scheme somewhere in the world. I have never beeb this pained before.

    Please is there anyone that can help me with the identity theft thing?

    1. Kai this is serious and painful at the same time..
      So sorry God will make a way

    2. This is so painful to read. May God come through for you 🙏

    3. Geez

      This kind thing can Pain

      May God show up for you

    4. Sorry dear, don't worry a better job will come your way very soon.

    5. Chai.......scammers are crazy,they can go any length

    6. Please print all the conversations and Info that you had with them. Take it to a police station and log a complaint. They will give you a copy for keeps. Just keep it safe for future reference.

  32. Today's inhouse news is so full.
    @Stella,I don't think it's possible to starve yourself for days but buy data to beg for food,if there is anyone like that,that means the person isn't normal again.

    @Pinky,well said and congratulations on your studies.
    I also i have a well to do aunty that spent over 30 years abroad and she still goes anytime she wants,fly first class and living large yet she can't point to anyone that she made them,so their is some level of respect.
    Although a little kindness towards your family members can't be in vain,you see outsiders telling you to greet your aunty for helping them travel out yet you can do same for your own siblings or their children.It is well o jarey.

    @Anger issues,I hardly get angry easily but when I do,I say alot until about 8 years ago,I stopped reacting immediately,talk when I am a bit calm and sometimes I choose not to talk about it again ... emotional intelligence @100 now

  33. Ihn land well
    Back from farm and tired

  34. Yes Stella some people can go days without eating. The fact that some people comments here doesn't mean they have data, some of us are on opra mini free mode. If someone say they've not eaten in a week, I think that is an exaggeration, probably the person means they've not eaten anything tangible maybe garri without anything. So tell me is that filling? If you haven't eaten anything in days u drink garri trust me u can never be filled. If you don't believe, just try it and see. whoever argues this is someone who doesn't know what hunger is.

  35. Good day lovelies.
    I'm on a long walk before some lazy ass mammas reach up, feels like making a video like London people 😋 and uploading on my insta too.😂
    Got to join a queue for school materials for ndi ana akpalu ego.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

    Pinky...nice article.
    With prayers you'll achieve more but you still need family anyways.
    Good luck in your pursuit.

    No Zeeone?
    A gauche et a droite.
    Woohooooooooo 💃🤸🥳

    Blog comedians... y'all take it easy .No rape jokes, stealing,murder or lewd contents.
    Aboniki to increase size of pee? I had goose pimples then now up there 👆 how to steal chicken? 🥺🤯😰
    I'm begging. Let it stop.

    This hatred isn't ordinary anymore.
    Eka made a complain and it was sorted? How's it an issue?
    Maybe it's a leftover of the mutual connection they have.
    Stella bought her wedding gown if I'm not mistaken. That's beyond blog affair,why not find out how it's done instead of whining?
    Crying over dog photos too is a sign of mental health. Please SEE YOUR DOCTOR!

    Stella...osino "I don't have anger issues?" Hian. Nne na wa o🙈😯
    That's a big lie biko. The scariest part of you remains your temperament. I've been saying that from time immemorial. Work on it.🤺

    And please I don't need your memo.😏🤨
    DJ abeg play me ABENA FOKOPINA jare.
    BTW...(That's Dj Drillz I bet I fuk up in y'all).🚶🏽‍♀️

    Ngwanu bye.
    (I stopped to type this).

    1. I was reading from below, I already knew it was XP before I reached the middle.
      I love beautiful dog pics. Sad that your dog Spookie died. I love its picture.

    2. Ahaaa. So Lady Port you do it too🙈😂
      When I'm stressed I read from down.My brain capacity has elastic limit.

      Thanks about Spookie. The pugs are doing fine but we mourn her still.
      E-hugs to y'all.

  36. Good afternoon Blogfam. Our own no go spoil Amen.
    @Pinky your narrative up there is so true remind me when I was in school begging my uncles and aunty for help, no be person tell me to start trusting God and find something doing to help myself graduate. I wish you well Pinky and
    everything you desire God shall grant them to you. You are very deep and I appreciate learning one or two from you.

    God love thankful humans thats why HE asked for the other nine when HE healed ten. Please BVs allow people to thank praise sing to high Heaven about someone who did them good without calling them a$s lickers it's quite irritating esp when one is doing so with his/her whole heart.
    SDK thank you for being a living Angel people point to.Your seeds go reap am plenty.
    Una well done ooooo

  37. Pinky welldone, may God crown your efforts with your dreams coming true.
    Professor Adebisi in the making.

    Stella sometimes I don't eat real food for days but you won't even know cos I won't show it on my face. I will drink pap in the morning before leaving the house and drink water all through the day, sometimes I may buy #50 biscuits in the afternoon, then at night I will drink garri. This may last for three or four days till a breakthrough comes.
    I'm not on Instagram or Twitter or Tiktok or Snapchat because of data.

    1. Are they still selling N50 biscuits??😲

    2. It is well with you @Sweetness
      Apple, there ae #50 biscuits o. I buy them for my kids, only four small pieces inside. Their favourites are Top biscuits, Digestive and Choco Rings

  38. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Many private universities are insisting on 16 years before matriculation. 🤔🤔🤔

    1. I thought they said it's now 18 years.

    2. No Blogbrity it is 18years before matriculation

    3. It's 18years.
      Take your kids elsewhere if it's gonna affect them.
      I know what I passed through before I quickly jumped faculty.

      You can't fight instituted authorities.
      Their law is final.

  39. Stella I dey wait for your update for Zeeone oh...
    Wetin happen today now🌚

  40. Good afternoon blog fam
    The weather is cool over here this afternoon ☀️.
    People are going through so much,please let's treat people with love.

  41. Onichabor Christopher29 August 2024 at 15:21

    Good day bvs, pinky, I like your write up, nice one. God will come through for you! Educating piece
    The write up on marriage ! E choke. I appreciate Sdk, pinky and teejah, you are the bomb, I cant write, it's boring, having a lot bottled up but once I see a writer- I kowtow them. Respect

  42. 🤣🤣🤣 laughing at DM me to join VIGILANTE.😁😁

    Omo, it's a confuse weather here, na anyhow e happen we go see am.😎

    May God bless our going out and coming back.🙏🙏😍😍😍💙💙💙😎😎

  43. Someone I know struggle with anger management.Even though she is older than thirty, what is most shocking is how unconcerned her folks were about her situation unless they don't see those updates.Her social media posts are frequently filthy.With the frequent use of derogatory language against her boyfriend, whenever they fall out. It was evident that everything about her relationship was disclosed online. She seems like she might be bipolar to me due to her family's permissive attitude, in my opinion. She is likewise unable to maintain a relationship in that same manner as the writer. I had to block her after several failed attempts to advise her. I couldn't continue seeing those vile words on her statuses.

  44. Congratulations Pinky,I am genuinely happy for you,it can only be God.
    May God be praised...
    More Grace to carry on

  45. Good afternoon everyone 😍🥰

  46. Well said Pinky 👍🏻 God's. gat our back.
    Don't quite agree with that love and poverty post. Most. Marriages these days are mostly calculating. Some Men calculate 💯 and so do some women. You never hear"What are you bringing to the table"? What a wawu !

    In preparation towards resumption Omo has been planning and re-planning, running one or two free courses online. God's our Muscle 💪🏻
    Farmished here and seeking what to eat.
    Pleasant afternoon everyone 🌻

  47. There is a town in Arizona called Nothing and nobody lives there.


  48. Good day beautiful souls 😚.

    Boss Pinky, You will go higher and higher, God bless you my boss.
    Your story is an inspiration.

    How's everyone doing today, stay blessed

  49. Resumption is almost here,coupled with running my business and I'm currently running a course online. I'm so spent but,we thank God for his mercies.
    @bv pinky,your writeup is so apt, right from time, I've always had it in mind that nobody owes me anything,even my parents not to talk of mere family members.

    That's why Stella has a very special place in my heart because,she doesn't know me from anywhere and she chose to elevate my life. She did what no family has never done before (no asslicking,this is straight from the heart)
    I'm forever grateful to God and her benevolence.

  50. Pleasant surprises29 August 2024 at 18:07

    Every time women this and that, I am waiting for write ups that will be male based as well,haba mana! Is it not in this life that some women marry down,brush up their husbands through stress and at the end some of those men leave and remarry fine women /side chickens while some are killed or be gifted with std from philandering!
    Women,pls don't be perturbed ,keep winning and don't let negativity deter you,the Lord is our muscle.

    1. Just take my stance, Jump the post".

      I don't have strength for such mindset.
      Too long sef and messes up the psyche, so I pass.

      E-hugs 🤗 jare

  51. First of all.
    I'm so sorry about the pain.
    God will comfort you.

    Secondly, legit remote job finders posting it doesn't make it legit.
    It becomes one when you get the job as recommended.

    Africope isn't a reliable duly certified firm.
    Did you run checks before posting your details for the biometrics? How many connections, real active ones do they have?
    How old is this company?
    What's their financial capacity?
    The contact info, do they reply when you mail or call? Many ways to check them out.
    I bet you didn't.

    There's a red flag you ignored.
    Once they direct you to 2nd-tier or 3rd-tier fintech companies delegated to collect money for processing your transcript,RUN. Leave your sneakers behind.
    It's a Cartel. 4 men seated in their living room and having a good laugh.
    I bet they are a syndicate stationed to obtain hundreds of millions from ignorant job seekers.😭

    Before they use your full name and details anywhere?.
    Write to the Fintech firm declaring and threatening brimstone if;
    A. If your money isn't reversed.
    B. If your details are abused.
    Trust me, they'll be settling you right away.

    Go back to that website.
    Either closed or hanging. They have a way, same way some shout here I received millions from so so firm, watch them by September 1st if there's an announcement for a N100k giveaway they'll nearly kill to be selected.
    What happened? They accepted peanuts from scammers to pose as millionaires for bvs.
    Don't cover up for them. Redo this post and fix their names. Help is coming your way.
    The whole world reads this blog.

    Watch the Process.
    Be on alert.
    Ndo 🤗

    Stella...your blog and Naira aren't opening.
    Posting comments is war too. What's gwan?

  52. First of all.
    I'm so sorry about the pain.
    God will comfort you.

    Secondly, legit remote job finders posting it doesn't make it legit.
    It becomes one when you get the job as recommended.

    Africope isn't a reliable duly certified firm.
    Did you run checks before posting your details for the biometrics? How many connections, real active ones do they have?
    How old is this company?
    What's their financial capacity?
    The contact info, do they reply when you mail or call? Many ways to check them out.
    I bet you didn't.

    There's a red flag you ignored.
    Once they direct you to 2nd-tier or 3rd-tier fintech companies delegated to collect money for processing your transcript,RUN. Leave your sneakers behind.
    It's a Cartel. 4 men seated in their living room and having a good laugh.
    I bet they are a syndicate stationed to obtain hundreds of millions from ignorant job seekers.😭

    Before they use your full name and details anywhere?.
    Write to the Fintech firm declaring and threatening brimstone if;
    A. If your money isn't reversed.
    B. If your details are abused.
    Trust me, they'll be settling you right away.

    Go back to that website.
    Either closed or hanging. They have a way, same way some shout here I received millions from so so firm, watch them by September 1st if there's an announcement for a N100k giveaway they'll nearly kill to be selected.
    What happened? They accepted peanuts from scammers to pose as millionaires for bvs.
    Don't cover up for them. Redo this post and fix their names. Help is coming your way.
    The whole world reads this blog.

    Watch the Process.
    Be on alert.
    Ndo 🤗

    Stella...your blog and Naira aren't opening.
    Posting comments is war too. What's gwan?

  53. More increase Pinky... This life ehnn just don't depend totally on anyone but God and you will be just alright.
    That VIGILANTE post got me laughing really hard

  54. Regarding the people the people that say they haven't eaten and come on social media to beg, I experienced one recently, my old friend. She turns off her data, because she doesn't really have. When she turns it on is to beg/ check on the people she begged to see if they have replied. It's a very sad situation


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