Stella Dimoko Pastor Abel Damina Reveals That In the New Testament Tithe Is Generosity Not 10%


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pastor Abel Damina Reveals That In the New Testament Tithe Is Generosity Not 10%

This is an Interesting topic for those who believe in tithing and for those who dont!

He Said;"In the new testament we don't tithes, there's no percentage. God is not demanding something from you like a tax master....No!!
Christianity is historic and Apostolic, that means what the Apostles didn't do we are not suppose to do.. What Jesus didn't teach we are not suppose to teach, What Jesus didn't do we are not suppose to do.
Jesus didn't pay tithes, Jesus didn't receive tithes. Paul didn't pay tithes, Paul didn't receive tithes. Peter didn't pay tithes, Peter didn't receive tithes. Because the book of Ephesians tells us that the church of Jesus is built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Christ himself the cornerstone, which means is Apostolic and historic. If you read the book of Acts, nobody paid tithes to anybody but people gave.
The bible tells us people sold lands and houses brought and distribution was made, so that everybody was taken care of and nobody was lacking Inside the church. So, in the New Testament we don't tithes. What do we do in the New Testament, we give generously, we give willingly. God loves a cheerful giver. When you have experienced his goodness, when you have experience his love, nobody will need to tell you to support his work on earth, it will flow naturally. That is New Testament, it is generosity not 10 percent."

Pastor Abel Damina On The Honest Bunch Podcast


  1. He is right....If you believe in tithe and it works for you, no qualms....But tying only tithe as a conduit for God's blessings alone or a path to financial success is a very myopic way of seeing God....God's blessings are not quantifiable nor is he a money doubler.......Give because you love giving not that you are expecting something in return or out of compulsion....

    I learnt a lot from him yesterday and this is a challenge to know God for you and him alone not through someone's experiences.....May the truth set us free

    1. It amazes me on how gullible most Christians are and how they jump into any doctrine or quickly follow any man clearly opposing the doctrine of God, most Christians don't know the power behind paying of tithe it's not only about the blessings that comes with it what about the protection and guidance.

    2. Power of paying tithe you say? @ 13:35, this isn't a new doctrine, it is boldly written in the scriptures for all to read...comprehension is another thing altogether. If I have to 'pay' tithe for God to 'bless' me then Christ died in vaแป‹n!

    3. You're not under any commandment in the new testament to pay tithe but because it involves money the men & women of god use it to manipulate people. They put fear & use guilt to force them to pay. Can you imagine where in some churches before they announce tithe the will say and I quote " if you don't tithe things will be tight for you" some people will argue that it's not by force yet if you don't pay it they
      The Most Complex B

  2. I believe in tithing and I will continue but I like Abel Damina. I like his teachings; he goes deeper and makes you understand certain spiritual and religious things than the average pastor/preacher/man of God.

  3. I have never and will never believe that everything written in any holy book is all truth or 100% from God. Humans have proven themselves to be very untrustworthy since the dawn of time.

    1. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜...Trust issues.

    2. @11:37, I totally concur!

  4. Honest bunch last night was 16k views , by the end of the session it got to 40k views. The man really tried answering those questions. Lol, his brain is very active.

  5. Though I don't agree with some of his postulations, but on this very statement of his, I agree.

    Giving should be willingly and freely done.

  6. Abel Damina, those that pay tithes know the benefits, the blessings, and the grace they benefit from doing so; I am a living witness. 
    Nobody is ever forced to pay tithe, inclusive of myself; they are only told the benefits of paying; it's then left for them to pay or not.

    The testimonies are numerous.

    It's something you did and preached for so many years; if suddenly you feel it's no more necessary, then stop paying it. If you discover a new doctrinal teaching, please teach it to your followers, and stop insulting men of God like yourself.

    With your new-found doctrine, your church has become empty...

    From criticizing  paying of tithes, you moved to saying... 
    "Mary didn't give birth to Jesus."
    "It was not God but Satan that sent the fire that destroyed the prophets of Baal."
    "God did not tell Noah to build the Ark."
    "You can keep masturbating, then read Psalm."

    Haba! I don't need a soothsayer to say these are heretical teachings and operating possibly from a spirit that is not of God.

    My advice to people is to read and understand the scripture yourself, and let the Holy Spirit be your guide and not Abel Damina.

    1. Abeg go and sleep.

    2. Lolll, you and transactional god.
      ๐Ÿ˜ Aka pay and do god.

      It's the way many of you spout off, so extremely dense and feel so smart ...๐Ÿคฃ

    3. @Anon 12:25, I am always awake, and not sleeping like you to be easily manipulated, that's why I don't follow trends, I also read and follow facts.

    4. It's statements like this that makes some unbelievers say that the Christians worship a narcissistic God. I was watching a video and the guy was saying things about our God and it's all because of all this transactional gospel that people practice which in the real sense, Jesus Christ has abolished them a long time ago, but people still choose to dwell in these old practices, thereby making Christianity uninteresting.

    5. I have never paid tithe but I am a crazy giver. I discovered the truth about tithing as early as 2004 and I've never lost anything. I go to pastors and the first thing I hear is your giving has always made a way for you. Embrace giving not because you expect something from God but because you are helping an individual to survive. God bless us.

  7. Just passing...๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿผ‍♀️๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿผ‍♀️๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿผ‍♀️

  8. Why should he go and sleep, is it not obvious that this Damina has lost focus and perhaps the Holy Spirit. No one with a clear leading will say the trash he spewed in that podcast.
    He need to retrace his steps before he becomes a false prophet. Enough said.

    1. When they have lost their gifts and anointing,and don't know what to preach again,they start preaching against other men of God

  9. I pay My Tittle and it works real Good for Me

    Hello iya Boys

    1. That means your God is transactional ? You have to pay him before he blesses you?

      Your God does not recognize the benefits of the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary?

    2. Thank you,tithing Is a relationship

  10. This man will soon meet his waterloo

  11. Tithe is just a small fragment of your earnings,I wonder why people make a big deal out of it.i don't blame them sha,it's all an agenda against the body of Christ.

  12. true love of God is OBEYING HIS COMMANDMENT. Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandment.
    There are different types of giving in the Bible.
    Tithes, offerings, alms to the poor, firstfruits and many more. And we are advice to do all, and in each a different kind of blessing is attached.
    Saying your God is transactional bla bla, Is actually funny.whats d consequence of ste.aling, lieing, kid.napping, raping etc. If all these have their consequences, so why should God's reward on tithe be tagged transactional? So why would God blessing an act of obedience be transactional?
    You don't pay yours, fine. But you can't stand other people paying theirs. E dey pain you. Which kind wahala be this.
    When it comes to giving to God in the church, you lot have alot to say. You even completely cancel d old testament. Lol

    Why so much energy in attacking the tithes and offering. Is it your money, is it your gullibility? Has any of you ever use same energy to preach the gospel? Which is bringing men to Christ?
    And Why should the apostles and Jesus collect tithes? Were they the levites in those times that were ordained for it?

    Make una dey calm down oooo.

    1. Ok with all the tithes you lot have paid why are you lot still begging for giveaway on come your transactional god hasn't blessed you beyond measure? Why beg, and beg??, huh?

    2. Ok with all the tithes you lot have paid why are you lot still begging for giveaway on come your transactional god hasn't blessed you beyond measure? Why beg, and beg??, huh?

    3. Anon 14.34 that's my question? Some even give half of what they received from people they always disturb for help and they keep asking for more help thereby draining others

    4. Don't mind them they pay out of fear that things will not work out for them

    5. This pastor said the honest truth.
      The Most Complex B

  13. Kelahni events 0813781292320 August 2024 at 14:55

    I understand him. People give more than their tithe. When you give generously, you can give far above your tithe. He defended his statement using the new testament. Tithe was only mentioned in the old testament as an instruction to the Jews not to the christains. If you want to partake of the abrahamic blessings or the Jewish blessings give your tithe. My take is that if you are giving generously, you can give your tithe unknowingly. Make sure you give to the altar you are benefiting from. The world people give to the altar they benefit from. Don't be a Christian that will not give at all. It's bad

  14. So your pastors are the livetrs ?

  15. Hear them say I pay my tithe & it works wonders for me yet they will go to their offices & embezzle money, they will go to their shops & sell substandard products in the name of original. They will cheat people in their businesses instead of waiting for the God of their tithes to increase them.

  16. Some will be begging for assistance why not wait for your tithes to bring abundance for you?


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