Stella Dimoko MONDAY Morning Spontaneous Post


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Monday, August 26, 2024

MONDAY Morning Spontaneous Post

 #monday #newday #newhustle #newstruggles #newworries #newmotivation #newdigitalfootsteps #itiswhatitis #neversaynever...

Good Morning...
When you are good to someone, they react also good to you....
When you are bad to someone, they react also bad to you...
Dont try to control anyones reaction to how you treated them..
As you begin a good day , try to do good because action and reactions are equal and opposite (If you didnt do Physics in school, you wont understand).
Enjoy the day and dont lose your smile and peace of mind over any ISSUE...



  1. Extricated From Death!!
    2 Timothy 1:10.

    "Moses, in his psalms, made an observation that due to sin, the typical lifespan of man was seventy years or eighty for those who were stronger. Even in old age, man’s life was filled with toil and sorrow, ultimately ending in death."

    "The life you have is the God-life, the divine life; it’s not subject to Satan, sickness, disease, death and the corrupting influences of this world."


    I refuse to be bound by the consciousness of death or the limitations of this world. I walk in the fullness of the life and victory that Christ has obtained for me, and I live in health, strength and vitality. I live out the transcendent life, demonstrating the power and glory of God in all areas of my life, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  2. Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the blessings of seeing another Monday morning. Lord walk beside us and give us the strength to endure the challenges of this week ahead in Jesus name πŸ™
    Let every circumstance we may come across today, be a stepping stone to a higher level in Jesus name πŸ™.
    Lord send your angels to guard over us throughout this week, as you lead us into our divine purpose and bless all that we lay our hands upon. In Jesus mighty name we πŸ™

  3. This new day and week for you and all yours...

    May the Lord God Almighty lift up every support system that you need to arrive in the arena of your life's lasting celebration...

    May the Lord Who delivered David from his friend (Ahitophel) and frustrated the efforts of Sambalat come through for you in this new week...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed day and fulfilling week, I wish you


    John 6:27
    Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

    Brethren it is dangerous to live your life pursuing money, food, clothing, goodlife etc. Without pursuing after the things of Christ, when ur time on earth is up, what will speak for you at the other side.

    It is very dangerous to becloud your soul with prosperity, awards, achievements, accolades,popularity etc at the expense of your eternity.

    This world is passing away, don't loose of eternity in heaven because of frivolities of this world. Kick out the rotten messages of this world that doesn't bring a divine transformation to your soul.

    Day by day you run after what to eat, what to wear, rent, school fees, hospital bill etc. You walk around with well fed body but hungry spirit, you walk around with good perfumed body but stench filled soul.

    Delay is dangerous, God cannot be blamed on that day, you will wished you had listened while you had the time.

    1Tim 6-11-12
    But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

    Live a life that will please and bring glory to God.


    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

    1. Please dear paprika, I really want to give my whole time and life to God but with kids and needs to meet it's kind of not easy for me.
      How do I balance this please

    2. House of Jenny, what do you mean when you say you want to give God your full time? I hope it's not what am thinking about. Even God will not want you to give him your full time. What he wants is your whole life, not your full time. And I hear people saying that they are into full time ministry, therefore they won't work. There is nothing like full time ministry. Even Paul was a tent maker but he was still fully committed to the things of God. Full time ministry won't make them reach a larger audience of unbelievers more than those who are working and serving God at thesame time. Man can serve God and still have time to run their businesses.

      The best way you can effectively give your whole life to God is by studying the Bible. Endeavor to Start from Genesis but first read the whole of the new testament, then go back and start afresh from the old testament tiill you get to the last book of the new testament. This will help you understand the essence of the *Birth, Crusifiction, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ* If you don't understand this essence, Christianity will be like a joke to you and you will find it difficult to know the power that you carry inside of you as a child of God. Don't rush it. Pick at least 2 chapters anytime you are chanced, from there, you can progress to 5, 6, 10... Always read in a conducive environment.

      Next is through prayers. Praying is not necessarily asking God to bless you. Many times just thank God for his supreme power, exalt him, worship him, express your love for him etc.

      Learn to know God by yourself, and for yourself. Don't let any pastor deceive you and make you to depend on them for prayers. There is no intermediary between God and man except Jesus. Always talk to Jesus by yourself. He wants you to come to him one on one.

      Your life style: Your life style should glorify God. Don't do things to impress any human. Impress God alone. Y


    My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’ Exodus 33:14 NKJV

    When you sense God’s presence and know he is with you, you can handle whatever life brings. Try to imagine the assignment Moses had – liberating two million people from the grip of slavery: leading them through a wilderness where they were exposed to enemies and elements such as extreme heat and cold; feeding them, clothing them, settling their disputes and keeping them moving towards their destiny. Here is what Moses prayed: ‘If your presence does not go with us, do not bring us’ (Exodus 33:15 NKJV). Moses preferred to go nowhere with God than anywhere without him. When his affair with Bathsheba was exposed, David didn’t pray, ‘Don’t take my crown from me, or my kingdom, or my army.’ No, he knew what mattered most: ‘Do not take your Holy Spirit from me’ (Psalm 51:11 NKJV).

    To grow spiritually, you must develop an increasing awareness of God’s presence in your life. How? Instead of being a rock, become a sponge. When you place a rock in the ocean, its surface gets wet but its core remains hard and dry. But when you place a sponge in water, the water alters the essence of its being.

    Slow down and sense God’s presence. Begin by reading this Scripture, writing it down, repeating it over and over, and opening every pore of your soul to God’s presence: ‘The Lord your God is with you. He is a hero who saves you. He happily rejoices over you, renews you with his love, and celebrates over you with shouts of joy’ (Zephaniah 3:17 GWT).
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. Thank you Lord Jesus for your manifest presence that is always with me πŸ™Œ

      Thanks for sharing Nneoma ♥️πŸ©·πŸ’œ

    2. Thank you Lord for your ever loving presence in my life πŸ™
      Remain blessed Essa babe 😘

  6. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 239 of 366!!!!
    Awesome God.

  7. A very good Monday morning to you all, dearly beloved of SDK ville. May this day and the new week be good and favourable to each one of us πŸ™

  8. Good morning everyone!

    A blessed day ahead.....

    1. Good morning Missy πŸ’•πŸ’• have an excellent day

  9. Good morning and Happy New Week One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    If Ten Hag never give me BP this new season, him mind no go rest, thank God I have decided that any day Manchester United have match, I will first eat and check my BP before going to viewing center to watch the match just like I did on Saturday, I first eat then check my BP before and after the match.
    My Lady, how was your weekend?
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

    1. Good morning Nwokem πŸ’™πŸ©΅ my weekend was fantastic 🀩 thanks and yours?
      I didn't watch that our match,I was happy sef! You have to man up and remove emotions from football ⚽⚽ I know it's hard but try..I get pained when we lose of course but I don't let it affect me or my mood

  10. Today's a bittersweet day. It's our birthday, my twin and I. Today also makes it 2years our younger sister passed. Like I say, you can never get over the death of a loved one, you can only learn to live with it (it's hard). Happy birthday to us, and my darling mamaboo, we love and miss you♥️😒. Keep resting in the Lord's bosom.

    1. Beautiful Soul (Onyingate)26 August 2024 at 08:13

      Happy birthday to you and your twin dear Candy, God's blessings will abide with you all the days of your life, Amen.

      May your sister's soul continue to rest in peace.

    2. Happy birthday to you.

      May her soul rest in peace. Amen

    3. Birthday wishes to you and your twin, Candilicious babe. May your kid sis keep resting in the bosom of the Lord.

    4. Happy birthday candy, May the soul of your twin sister continue to rest in peace

    5. It's well πŸ€—
      Happy birthday candy, my birthday mate.

    6. Birthday blessings to you Candy and your twinny. May your new age be blessed.

      © TEEJAY

    7. Happy birthday to you and your twin

    8. Happy birthday to you and your twin. I pray for God's divine blessings and grace in your lives in Jesus name πŸ™
      Losing a loved one is never easy. I pray may her soul keep resting in peace.
      Cheer up thank God for his mercies.

    9. Happy Birthday Candy πŸŽ‰❤️ I wish you long life and prosperity ❣️πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

      May your sister's soul rest in peace (Amen) Enjoy your day

    10. Happy Birthday Candy πŸŽ‰❤️ I wish you long life and prosperity ❣️πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

      May your sister's soul rest in peace (Amen) Enjoy your day

    11. Happy Birthday to you and your twin candy. May God heal your heart and comfort you. May the soul of your sister rest in peace.

    12. Awww happy birthday to you and your twin, God's blessings always..
      May the soul of your sister continue to rest in peace

    13. Happy birthday dearest Candy and your twin, may God bless your new age.πŸŽ‚

    14. Happy birthday to you and your sister Candy.

      May your younger sister's soul continue to rest in peace

    15. Happy birthday to you both, i wish you all the best πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚
      May your sister soul continue to rest in peace

    16. Happy birthday to you and your twin, may line fall in pleasant places for you guys, Amen.
      May her soul keep resting in peace πŸ™

    17. Happy birthday to you πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ Lines will keep falling in pleasant places for you πŸ™πŸ»

    18. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³, Candy and twin sister. May God be good to both of you. May lines fall in plesant places for you. No good thing of life shall elude you. I wish you long life and prosperity.

      May your younger sister keep resting in peace. Stay strong, babe πŸ’“

    19. Happy birthday beautiful Candy and your twinny. God bless your new ages. May the soul of your sister continue to rest in peace. πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

    20. Oh happy birthday beautiful Candy to you and your twin, you're blessed and highly favored.

      May the souls of your beloved kid sister continue to rest in peace.

    21. Happy birthday my lovie and twinny πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ may lines fall in pleasant places for you both πŸ™Œ welcome to your best year yet πŸ’ƒ have a fantabulous one πŸ₯‚

      I love you plenty ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    22. May your sis soul continues to rest in God's bosom πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    23. Happy Birthday. Have a blast!

      May your younger sister's soul rest in peace. Amen!

    24. Cheers πŸ₯‚ to your new year Candy πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
      GOD bless you both πŸ™

      May your sister's soul keep resting πŸ•Š️
      It's unforgettable though!

    25. Happy birthday to you dear CandyπŸ₯‚ ur new age is blessed my love πŸ’•
      May ur sister beautiful soul rest onπŸ™

    26. Happy birthday to you Candy and your twin,May lines continue to fall in pleasant places for you both in Jesus name.

      May the soul of your sis continue to rest in peace.

    27. Happy birthday to you beautiful candylious baby and your twin sister..
      May your sisters soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace Amen..

    28. Happy birthday to you and your twin, Candy.

      May the Lord continue to to comfort you.

    29. Happy birthday my beautiful candilicious candy πŸ˜˜πŸŽ‚πŸΎ God's blessings always. May your sister's soul continue to rest in peace πŸ™

    30. Happy birthday to you sweet candy and your twin.May God continually bless you.

      May the soul of your sister continue to rest.

    31. Happy birthday to you and your twin,I wish you a wonderful celebration and many more years. .....May your sister's soul continue to rest in peace, amen!

    32. Amen. Thank you Onyingate
      Thank you Rose.
      Amen. Thank you Mo bebe.
      Amen Chichi. Thank you.
      Happy birtbday to you, Babe KaimaπŸ€—.
      Thank you Teejay.
      Thank you AmyViv.
      Thank you Big Mama. It is not easy, but she's resting.
      Thanks my darling Phoenix. 😘😘
      Amen. Thank you Omo Brizzle.
      Amen MercyBee. Thanks dear
      Amen. Thanks Jules
      Amen Fresh Petals. Thank you.
      Amen Gloglo. Thank you.
      Thank you Starr
      Amen Teacher NK
      Omo B, thanks love
      My darling BB, thank you.
      Amen, thank you Fair lady
      My darling Paris baibay, love ya plenty.
      Amen Jolly.
      Thank you NN Momma.
      Thanks Biz.
      Amen. Thank you Mariam

    33. Happy birthday to you and your twin sister πŸŽŠπŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸ·πŸ·πŸŽ‚
      God bless your new age and happy many returns to you both
      Enjoy your day dear ❤️

      May the Lord continue to console you and your family, l understand how you are feeling. It's well.
      May your sister soul continue to rest in peace. Amen πŸ™

      Licious Babe

    34. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚to u and ur twin..
      May God console the family

    35. Wishing you and your twin a wonderful birthday πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ₯³πŸŽˆ
      Many more beautiful years together in good health and prosperity,enjoy your day.

    36. Happy birthday Candylicious
      God Bless your New Age..
      Wishing you Divine Favour
      Long Life And Divine Prosperity
      May The Sweet Soul Of Your Sis Rest wellπŸ™πŸ™

      Hello iya Boys

  11. May your Monday be a Garden of serenity:, where the seeds of success bloom with each step you take..Good morning everyone and have a wonderful Monday..

  12. You make my life so beautiful
    And as You are You have made me here on earth
    There’ s nothing greater than this
    That’s why I love You forever more
    I want more of You
    I want more of You, Jesus
    We want more of You
    We want more of You, Jesus
    The more I know You, the more I want to know You,
    Jesus, more of You
    The more we know You, the more we want to know You,
    Jesus, more of You
    More of You
    We give glory
    We worship You

    Good morning, Lovely people ♥️

  13. Good morning everyone
    Have a profitable week ❤️ 😍 πŸ’–

  14. Weeping may endure just for a night...but joy comes in the morning.πŸ’“ Thank You JesusπŸ™
    Good morning lovelies πŸ’•πŸ˜˜
    It's another day, let's make the day count!

  15. Just like a fine wine, you get better with age. Belated birthday blessings to you Stella. πŸŽ‚

    May your new age be blessed and celebrated.

    Good Morning Guys

    © TEEJAY

    1. Beautiful Soul (Onyingate)26 August 2024 at 08:14

      Ezege international, how are you doing?

    2. Tj hope you are good.
      May God make a way for you, where there seems to be no way and a miracle that looks like a lie in your life in Jesus name πŸ™

    3. I'm fine Oyin. Thanks for the recap yesterday.

      @Godswill, a pleasant and inspiring Monday I wish you today.

      © TEEJAY

    4. Amen to your prayers @Big Mama. Thanks a lot.

      I'm fine and doing good.

      © TEEJAY

    5. Goodmorning Teejah
      How are you doing?

  16. Good morning everyone πŸ’žπŸ’ž
    Up and thankful
    May the light of God shine upon us today and always πŸ™

  17. Goodmorning iya boys
    Goodmorning Bloglicious Family
    Thank you Jesus For Sleeping And Waking Up perfectly healthy,πŸ™πŸ™
    I Appreciate You LordπŸ™πŸ™
    God bless Our Hustle and Make it Prosper more And More πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    Sign Out Meme πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Hope All The Menlicious Are Okay ooo I no dey See Una Comment again o😁😁 Especially Kelvinlicious And Alicious B

    And Hugs

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Good morning chikalicious. Hope you are good πŸ‘

    2. Yes ooo...we thank the LordπŸ™

    3. Goodmorning Big Mama
      I dey Okay ooo
      How was your nite?

      Hello iya Boys

  18. What a refreshing win for Chelsea yesterday, a surprising 6-2 win away from home was indeed inspiring. Funnily enough, most of the Chelsea fans who were screaming for the signing of Osihmen the previous weekend were mute about it. Lol! Interestingly, Osihmen has just this week to move to another club else, his career will so nosedive as he isn't in Conte's plan and they won without him last night. Sweet win for Liverpool as well and Slot was beaming with smiles and confidence as the Egyptian king came through for them. Finally, I was quite happy seeing my Madrid win last night with a sweet goal from my Valverde. Also happy for Endrick as the goal would do a lot to his confidence. I can't wait for Mbappe to start firing on all cylinders. Good footballing weekend though.

    1. You dislike ur own country man this much to type this about Osimhen? I know I’m not wrong about who u are. Make we dey watch dey go

    2. Thank God for the comeback win for Chelsea 😁

    3. Goodmorning Juleslicious 😁😁

    4. Eka, I like to understand what you mean by dislike? Can you take out emotions and look at his issue logically? Is he in Conte's plan at Napoli? No! I am sure you didn't watch Conte's interview on that, also I am sure you know about Lukaku's move to Napoli which is signed, sealed and delivered? Kindly point out Osihmen's current to options - PSG move have broken down, Chelsea remains the viable option. Should Chelsea move break down, what else is the option? Atleast we are all analyzing based on reports, right? Should he move to Saudi, what do you think would happen to his career? List 5 players that moved to Saudi whose careers are currently at the Top, not even Neymar? It's a simple logic! As for your last train of thought, that is the least of my worries, I can't legislate for you on how to think and your thought patterns. Do have a great day

  19. Beautiful Soul (Onyingate)26 August 2024 at 08:10

    Good morning beautiful people.

    So, I read Adanna yesterday, I almost cried my eyes out. If you've not read it, pls, kindly do. Such as interesting read.

    Wishing you all bliss, prosperity and ease this week.

    1. Wishing you a favourable new week, Onyin πŸ’™

    2. Interesting read that will make me cry my eyes out?
      I pass pls 🀨

    3. Good morning Onyin🧑
      Please what's the name of the author and did you get the hard copy?

  20. Thanks SDK, good morning my country people, wishing us an amazing day πŸ₯³πŸ₯°

    1. Good morning beautiful Tina 😘

    2. Good morning Uju nwanyioma πŸ’žπŸ˜˜

      🀣🀣 Uju juleju reminds me of Ebube🀣 that girl is so funny.
      Good morning Nnukwu nwanyioma πŸ’žπŸ˜˜

  21. Good morning! 🌹


    TEXT; 1 TIMOTHY 6:6-12

    Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee; Let the water and the blood, From thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure; Cleanse me from its guilt and power

  22. Good morning everyone.
    Do have a blessed week.

  23. It's another glorious day,thank you Jesus for adding another beautiful year to my life,
    Happy birthday to me! !!❤️😘😘

    Good morning everyone

    1. Happy birthday to you and many lines fall in pleasant places for you in Jesus name πŸ™

    2. Happy birthday to you πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚
      God bless your new age

    3. Happy birthday darling πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰ God bless and prosper your new age πŸ™Œ have a blast πŸ₯‚ lots of love ❤️❤️

    4. Happy birthday KaimaπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    5. Happy Birthday Kaima. Enjoy your day.

      © TEEJAY

    6. Happy birthday to you babe kaima..

    7. Happy birthday dear πŸ€—πŸŽ‚ God bless your new age.

    8. Happy Birthday Babe Kaima. Wishing you long life and prosperity Amen

  24. Good morning blogfam. Hope we had a restful weekend? Thank God for the rain, so refreshing. May we find success this week in all we do. Safe safe.

  25. Good morning πŸŒžπŸŒ„
    Grateful to God πŸ™ for the gift of life
    Happy New week 🎈
    Oluwa bless our hustle this week
    Have a wonderful day πŸ’—

  26. Good morning everyone
    Wishing us all a beautiful week ahead

  27. Have an appointment for my daughter at the Nigerian Embassy today. Lord, help us pls πŸ™

    1. May everything works out in your favor πŸ™

    2. Amen πŸ™

      Licious Babe

    3. Ekalicious it will End in Praise πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  28. MCM

    In the game of chess, any pawn could rise to the position of queen.

    But the king remains irreplaceable.

    You should strive to be that king, strive to be at the apex level.

    © TEEJAY

  29. Good morning great people,Blessed week ahead.

    Parents of toddlers,please always check the bin before you dispose it.E get why. Your remote,keys,airpod you have been finding, that's where they keep it safe for you.πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜…

    When they resume school,check their bags before leaving before your favourite bra will follow them along πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    It's only humans they can't put in bin or bag and it's because they can't carry us.

  30. Today is bright and fair. May the lord bless our hustle. Una good morning

  31. That the God of our lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory,may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, the eyes of your understanding being, that you may know what is the hope of his calling.(Ephesians 1:17-19).
    These were the prayers apostle Paul prayed over the church in Ephesus.

    Wisdom is a spirit.

    The spirit of wisdom and revelation is in the knowledge of Jesus.The more you know Jesus, the more you will have the spirit of wisdom.
    It is one thing to have the holy spirit inside you but it is another thing to let the holy spirit inside you flow as the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
    When the holy spirit leads you in the wisdom of Jesus, there will be no impossible situation,no insolvable problem and no crisis which can not be overcome.The wisdom of Jesus in you will help you to successfully navigate all your trials and cause you to prevail over all your challenges.
    Good morning πŸ’•

  32. Though we are few
    We're surrounded by many
    Who have crossed that river before
    And this is the song
    We'll be singing forever
    Holy is the Lord
    Holy is the Lord....

    Have a blessed day, people!

  33. Good morning everyone
    Its a new week may our week be blessed.
    May God heal the sick and provide for the needy. Amen

  34. Good morning house
    Trust our weekend went well
    Happy new week
    Do have an amazing day

  35. Grateful heart πŸ™πŸ’ƒ

  36. Up and Grateful πŸ™πŸ»
    Way to begin a New day and Week.
    Amen to all the prayers.
    This New Week will bring favourable reports to us .. Amen !

    Beautiful Morning blog famz πŸ’•

  37. Happy new week to us all, may this week be fruitful to us!

  38. Good morning SDK and BVs. Marvellous Monday. Thank you Jesus. Blessed day and week. πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

  39. Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    6 non-obvious signs you reject yourself.
    1. You apologise nonstop
    2. You get defensive easily.
    3. You never admit you're wrong.
    4. You complain about everything.
    5. You never express your feelings.
    6. You focus on what you can't control.
    Self-acceptance starts with self-awareness.

    Y'all have a productive day ahead 😘😘😘

    1. Good morning sis mi.. have a wonderful day ahead πŸ’žπŸ’ž

  40. OSHODI FBI SAID SO ✌️26 August 2024 at 09:27

    Good morning, my people. I hope you are all doing well. Stella, I have been busy trying to adjust to my new location. That is why I have not been online. For those who said I am Bobrisky's cousin, you must be out of your minds to think such. You called me 10kobo FBI, saying I was jumping everywhere on the blog. Even Stella said the same thing. So, what else should I do? Moreover, I have been busy adjusting to my new location, which is why I have not been online. I just read the posts I missed last night and saw where some of you suggested that Bob and I are the same person. Please stop. I know I don't need to give an explanation, but I am doing this to clarify, especially for Stella because she asked where I am so that I can do my job. However, some anonymous commenter took it the wrong way. I even saw a comment where Bob clarified that we are not the same person. I have to stop here. Stella, I am now around.

    Peace out ✌️

    1. FBI wey dey shalaye πŸ™„ you go explain tire, no evidence.

  41. Onichabor Christopher26 August 2024 at 09:30

    Up and grateful, God I can thank you enough, you have always be for us. Happy birthday candy and your twinny
    Remain blessed and a lovely day ahead

  42. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Happy New week ♥️

  43. I’m new please welcome me
    Good morning SDK family
    May God bless our hustle

  44. Good morning everyone,Have a beautiful and blessed day ahead 🌞


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