Stella Dimoko Monday In House News..



Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday In House News..


I salute everyone oh...I hope that your day is going on well?
I dont have much to say today because as i am preparing in house news, i am looking at Maitree on zeeone.....LOL
The snake has stolen somebodys husband..
Please people that watch zeeone, why is it that they always fall?She will fall into his hand and they will look each other until Alangba finishes doing press ups!--....Mscheeeeeeew!!!
Abeg.....If i pray now for God to free me from zeeone, my satelite station will have God free zeeone from me..LOL

Enjoy the day....I am making spagheeti bolognese for Dinner



Today's my birthday and I'm so grateful to God for life and growth.
I wish to bless someone with 5k if anyone is interested.
Thanks for a wonderful platform you've given us. God bless you ma'am.

Happy Birthday Mystic.....God bless you!
Send the 5k to BV Rose.. she celebrated her Birthday recently and would be nice to gift her. contact me for her account details



Please if you dropped this comment, contact me, I wanna ask you something about carrying your baby on your back to the Market....



Today was somehow for me, you see this marriage of a thing, e suppose get expiring date, once e turn to manage, them suppose click the quit button,

E get one husband and wife wey de live around my shop area, from the day the guy brought her home, everyone had been asking him what he saw in her, cos babe be like trouble pack pro max, it's written all over her..

 Emeka got her pregnant and her family forced her on him, they got married, in her few weeks in that area, she don sabi everybody, she can greet for Africa, always complaining, if you smile too much with her, the next day she's back to complain about her husband to you,

All her husband's family were already tired of her, they fight often even while she was pregnant, instead of them killing each other, the husband's family took her to their family house and kept her there.

she caused one huge fight there cos she jammed two people heads together, they almost kpaii'd themselves.
The husband's family returned her to her husband's house, at some point the guy moved out, was living well outside, when she went into labour, their neighbors called him and he came back (you know Anambra men and baby boy). immediately they informed him that she had put to birth a bouncing baby boy, Oga became so happy that he forgot everything, he took care of her till she was discharged, he brought her back home and they both started living well as couples, this thing happened in June.
This morning I came to shop and everyone was whispering, so I enquired to know what happened, they said the husband bought rat poison to kpaii their roommates (rats),
She went to where he kept the poison and took it, added some in the man's food , so Oga ate the food, though he suspected something was not right with the food plus the smell, but then he was so hungry and tired, so after eating, he decided to use the bones and left over fish to mix the rat poison, only to notice that the sachet had been opened, suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, he fell down, picked up his phone and called his family, narrated everything to them, he tried going to the hospital but fell at the street, it was neighbors that helped him there, the thing been don chop am almost finish...
To cut the story short, he died this morning, and his wife is not one bit remorseful, she said she couldn't forgive him for abandoning her when she was pregnant and moved in with another woman, that she wanted him to die a very painful death,
Police arrested the woman this morning, their barely two months old son was handed over to a family brother and his wife, she was taken away... Wonders they say, shall never end, once it gets toxic, please walk away... Marriage no be do or die affair..



Please the following blog visitors should send in their adverts for posting inside in house news....
-BV Suave
-BV Dreza
-BV Stella Maris Baby
-BV Justyswt



''I am just angry and disappointed right now. My friends son was jailed years ago. This is the only child he has. He didn't tell me what the boy did that lead to his imprisonment My friend told me his son will be released this August, he even went and bought things to arrange his room for him. I just spoke to him now asking him what date exactly he would be released only for him to tell me that they've added two more years to the boys sentence
Either he was involved in gang fight in prison or he did something else that has warranted the sentence being extended for 2 more years.
I haven't even met the son and I'm disappointed how much more my friend whose wife died some years ago before the son was jailed.
I don't even know what to say to comfort him and i cant see hm cos they are abroad ''

May God not give us kids that will shame us like this, imagine!!!



--It takes 3-6 seconds for silence to become awkward.

--If you keep going North, you will eventually go South, but if you keep going East, you will never go West.

--Online Dating: If you ask somebody questions and they reply without asking you anything back, they're not interested or lack social skills.

--Lions cannot roar until they reach the age of two.

--No relationship is perfect. Every relationship has ups and downs. The ones who make it through everything are the ones really in love.

--A person generally hates you for 3 reasons: 1) They want to be you. 2) They hate themselves. 3) They see you as a threat.



  1. Replies

    2. Happy birthday BV mystic. May God bless your new age.

  2. With the turn of events ongoing, we're likely going to witness and see a first black American female President. Donald Trump performance so far isn't encouraging I must be frank.

    He's losing strong base and battlefield to Harris Kamala.

    On another news, a bill seeking to make a single term of six years to President and Governors in Nigeria has passed its first reading at the Green chamber. While it's commendable, I wish to also state that, it's not the years in governance that's the solution(s). I have seen African presidents stayed in office for over 30yrs yet nothing good can be said of their leadership.

    Our problem in Nigeria is institutional failures plus bad leadership. Even with tenure elongation, it still wouldn't solve a thing if those two things I mentioned above can't be tackled.

    © TEEJAY

    1. As long as it isn't a repeat of what happened in Clinton vs Trump, when Clinton was doing well in the polls ..but I guess it is anyone but Trump for most this space, I 'd say.

  3. It's a New Week right?
    I pray God comes through for each and everyone of us this new week. Amen.
    Raining here since morning.
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

    1. Holla darling πŸ’™πŸ©΅ how are you doing?

      Happy birthday @Mystic πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ God bless you richly πŸ™Œ have a blast πŸ₯‚
      Shebi I for come learn how to swim πŸ‘™ assuming I dey Abi? πŸ€”πŸ€”

    2. Amen. Thanks Paris Savannah,
      Please any day you find yourself in Abuja, I'll be honored to coach you in swimming ma'am

    3. Amen. Thanks Paris Savannah,
      Please any day you find yourself in Abuja, I'll be honored to coach you in swimming ma'am

  4. Good afternoon blogfam. How are we doing? Happy Birthday Mystic. Long life in good health. Enjoy the rest of the day

    1. Amen, Happy birthday Mystic may the Lord bless you in Jesus name.

  5. Good afternoon house... some Nigeria films are not just torture to the eyes they are torture to the whole part of the body? Some one sent me Dead serious and Oloture all I can say is it's well with them..

    1. Lol. You see that 'Dead Serious' ehn. Na waste of time and data. 'Oloture 1' was much better than 'Oloture 2'. But I'll pick 'Oloture 2' over 'Dead Serious' any day.

    2. Metoyou Dead serious is very annoying to watch..

  6. Happy birthday Mystic. The 5th way way to make a man happy, be a doormat. Some of them believe being submissive equals to being a doormat. πŸ™„

    1. Greetings lovie πŸ’–❤️ howdy?

      Emily in Paris season 4 episode 1 is dropping in two days πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    2. Hiya baibay♥️♥️♥️. I didn't finish season 1 sef.

  7. Good day everyone. Happy birthday blog visitor Mystic. God bless your new age.

  8. I hope y’all have now watched last straw because there’s something I need to say about this.

    Go online and see how men are in love with the final reaction of Timini when he eventually gave it back to his mother in law. They are even saying that for sure, the mother should not even have a key to their home and should not live there and a host of other things. Especially that the wife should have stood up to her mum. Which I totally agree with.

    Now, women have been saying things like this since time immemorial and complaining of how their mothers in law treat them with no interference from the husband and the get accused of trying to make their husbands not love their mothers or keep them away from their mothers if they disagree with their mothers in law moving into their home (this is not a lie, it’s even on this blog).

    I’m glad the movie used reverse psychology on these type of people (men and even women) who vilify a woman for simply wanting to be in charge of her home.

    1. What movie is this?

    2. Watched it yesterday. That speech he gave the MIL was my best part of the movie. A lot of times, I felt like slapping Bimbo through the screen. Like what? How do you let ANYONE talk down on your loving husband like that? She's your mum? So???????? If Rimini didn't speak up for himself, Bimbo and her mother's eyes no go clear.

    3. I just Downloaded this Movie oo
      Make I go watch am..
      Hope it worst the hype shaa
      Ekalicious 😁😁

      Hello iya Boys

  9. Happy birthday Mystlc.... May your new age be blessed. E be like say I go come Abuja come learn this swimming from you. πŸ€”

    © TEEJAY

    1. Amen. 😊 Thanks Boss TeeJay, na since u don dey whine me say u dey come Abuja, I don wait u sotey I lose weight 😊😁

      Thanks Fresh Energy

  10. Btw, anon, you have crossed a line. Involve my husband and my kids again and see the kind of response you will get from me. Stella, pls before trying to withhold my comment when it decides to try this nonsense again, pls remember the nonsense started it πŸ™. Like it’s by force to support a known APC politician like Adeboye.

    Anon, better be guided!


    2. Didn’t insult my husband but asked that my husband take my kids away from me and raise them by himself.

      There’s no need for any apology pls because it wasn’t a comment that I didn’t think should be posted, I just don’t want mine held back when I decide to respond to it.

    3. I avoided that post cos I don't want to get angry or rile up to expose that old man. I woke up today in a good mood. Maybe some other time.


    4. He will still take them away.

    5. Teejay, while I am not trying to hold briefs for any pastor, I just want to ask you a question. How does "that old man" sound or sounded while you were typing? At least if you (and anyone) won't respect the office, then respect the age.
      If someone refers to your father as "that old man", please, how would you feel?
      That statement sounded some kinda way, that's why I typed this. I don't drag "pastor this, pastor that", with people cos I know that, "They that know their God..." But at least, let's learn to be mindful of our utterances.

    6. Anon he's older than me and a father too. Calling him old man isn't an insult. It's only in Nigeria you guys sees it as insult.

      I have someone in the state that the children addresses as old papa and old man too.

      If I'm old an you call me that, I will appreciate it I must be frank.

      © TEEJAY

  11. Sign out post so on point. Truly no relationship is perfect,true relationship is light a duck on water looking calm but it's webbed feet doing serious work underneath the water. Sign out post so on point , may God help us.

  12. Good afternoon everyone
    How your side?

  13. 6 ways to make ur woman happy

    1.Give her money always
    2. Always give her money
    3. Continue to give her money
    4. Keep giving her money
    5. Never get tired of giving her
    6. Give her money even before she asks.

    1. You have vex πŸ™†
      This blog na cruise 🀣🀣🀣😁

    2. 7. Make sure you don't get tired of giving her money.

  14. A Hubby bought a dozen of same-colour pānts 4 his wife. Wife, protestīng, "Ah! why buy the same color? People will think I never change my pāntīes"!
    Who are the people?πŸ™„πŸ™†πŸΎ‍♂️πŸ™†πŸΎ‍♂️πŸ˜‚

    Good afternoon everyoneπŸ’ŸπŸ’πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’–❤πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹

  15. Some people are enjoying their marriages big time. There are beautiful and fulfilling marriages out there.

    Marriage has beautified some people's destiny.

    May we not fall into the wrong hands.

    Happy birthday, Mystic. πŸŽ‚ πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ

    1. Marriage to the right person is one of the greatest achievement one can achieve.

    2. Eka Joy, You are right o. No be lie at all. Thank God for you! 🌹

    3. Says the lady whose mantra was not putting all your eggs in one basket? What actually happened to all those that you were advising then? This life, believe all this online motigbetional mgbeke feeling funky ikorodu lowlifes clutching any straw from Europe to escape a life of poverty, anger, anguish and depression and won’t let us rest reeling on how they got out of the vicious cycle, abeg go sit down make we hear word

    4. "online motigbetional mgbeke feeling funky ikorodu lowlifes clutching any straw from Europe to escape a life of poverty, anger, anguish and depression"
      @15:28 I drop cap for you.
      I'm saving this insult

    5. At least you got type with your id na, why are you scared of her.

    6. @Anon 15:18. You a vile dimwit, get an effing life!

    7. My mantra still remains not to put all ur eggs in one basket. My own egg don hatch and it produced a beautiful chicken that ama stick with to the very end of time.

      I hope it’s not my Switzerland senior finance manager that u are referring to as a straw from Europe because I could say the same for ur father. Keep crying.

      For the fact that you came from a generation of lowlifes doesn’t mean we are all lowlifes. You will keep crying and my marriage will keep being beautiful and you will never have a taste of anything remotely close to this.

      So lo stupid ni!

    8. Ha and somehow like 15:36 will be seriously praying to God for a change of level, when you are beefing someone who God has already elevated, well, you can't attract what you despise, so incase your prayers no quick answer,na you do yourself o. As for me, I celebrate the grace at work in eka joy life.

  16. I went to market on Saturday to get some things for soup...I left my two kids at home...gave them food before I left... though they finished the food before I left and were watching cartoon..

    When I came back, I noticed my Ist son has taken food again from d remaining one in d pot..I asked him y he did so ...he said he was still hungry..

    I felt it was wrong so I beat himπŸ˜”
    Pls, is it right for him to take food by himself when I am not around? Abi I overreacted by beating him..

    Good afternoon everyone πŸ₯° 😍

    1. You overreacted,nothing wrong in him doing that.

    2. I am sorry you overreacted...You could have just cautioned him...Infact what is wrong with him helping himself with extra food....Don't start making your son to have unhealthy relationship with food....

    3. I think you shouldn't have beat him. Since he didn't waste it, he took it cos he was hungry. May God continue to provide for parents, the way kids eat during holidays ehn

    4. It's wrong for him to have done that. You did right by punishing him. That singular act is criminal in nature. Taking things or a thing you're not suppose to take for yourself.

      Pls don't condone such behaviour. Try and make sure you give them enough that will be okay for them.

      © TEEJAY

    5. You overreacted. He was hungry, if he can't be free to eat more food at home where else.

      Please if you don't like them going to the pot, dish out extra portions in a small cooler or takeaway plate where they can always take from.
      Please apologise to him, please πŸ™


    6. So where did u expect him to get food while hungry next time?
      U overreacted abeg.. Apologize to him please

    7. No be everything dem dey take beat pikin. Even if you thought he was no longer hungry, you could have sat him down to explain why he shouldn’t have done it. What if he was actually hungry? Is it not better he eats than stay hungry?

      Don’t u eat whenever u feel hungry?

    8. You overreacted. You were supposed to talk to him gently. Pls apologise to him.

    9. Hey @teejay, oga oni sokoto pempe? Hope you’ve changed that your trouser? You don born before? Abi who ask brother ile okan question?

    10. You guys are missing a very important line in her comment above. ''though they finished the food before I left and were watching cartoon...''

      If they weren't filled, shouldn't they have told their mommy they want more? Why wait till she has gone out? That's how some children starts stealing meat in the pot.

      I don't know kids are being trained these days. During our time, we don't dare go to the pot. Rather we will ask for more if we are not satisfied. My mom will always dish the second time for us.

      Oh well! Everyone with their own.

      © TEEJAY

    11. Madam you overrected. If you met him weeping because a neighbour flogged him for stealing I believe you would have been disappointed at him. Next time, please keep a portion in a well covered plate just in case. Children eat a lot especially now that they're on holiday.

      Please apologize to him...

    12. You should've cautioned him instead of beating him. I understand how you felt, probably you kept the remaining food so they can eat later.

    13. Haaaa, criminal in nature keh? πŸ™„ Issokay!

  17. I was wondering if the freedom we got as kids when growing up was a blessing or lack of good parenting guidance.

    From my primary school to secondary,I go to school all by myself,I trekked for like 30 mins to and from, atimes alone or with friends, we gist ,warder into bushes to pick fruits etc. nowadays, parents hardly give their kids that kind of freedom again maybe because of the insecurity we are facing now, cos those days even people at the 3rd street knows the children of whom we are, now parents even follow their children to write waec and jamb, if you try it those days eh, they'll laugh at you

    1. You are correct but thinking about it now scares me. My siblings and waka ooo. The distance was something else. We were living at Fola Agoro and schooling around St. Dominics Church area and we were trekking. Thank God for everything sha.

    2. My dear my parents will leave in the morning and return at night, my siblings safety will entrusted in my care. Lucky them I watched over my siblings like a mother hen.

    3. If I hear say I no follow my children go university 😁

    4. Infact the thing tire me.
      Those days, If anyone here knows FUTA staff school, I'll trek from there to Ondo road, I'll still branch my friends house at Oke Ogba and nothing go happen to me, unlike this days, if even afraid to send my daughter to the street on an errand.

    5. During my days who get time to take you to school and bring you back.
      Things have really changed now, so many bad and evil people amongst us plus the insecurities.

    6. Thanks my people for all your responses.

      Indeed time have changed, but I prefer those days to now.

  18. Good afternoon loveliesπŸ’•
    Welcome IHN.......
    Please who's seeing the Power Book II series season 4? Since the last episode 5, I haven't seen the rest episodes cos it can't end like that o

  19. There is this new actor that is 'killing me softly'. Michael Dappa. Dont know if he is exactly new or i am the one just seeing his movies. Mehhnn, anytime i see any of his movies, i always have to run to the toilet at intervals to clean up. Michael, you are SMOOTH. Hellooo.

    Welcome IHNs.

    1. πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™† you say wetin?

    2. Abionah, commit your sins alone and don't recruit me na πŸ˜‚ see me rushing to Google to check him out, he's so cute, I'm going to watch his movies sha

    3. You will run to the toilet to clean up what? Im confused biko😁

    4. Cute guy! Saw him in omoni's street blues

    5. That guy's voice and face will do something to your body mehn 😁
      Guy so fine and posh

    6. A 24 year old? Lol

    7. Chai 🀦🀦 Abi baby o.

  20. Stella you are fetish. First you use dog pictures now stuffed animals. Look at their eyes. Trying to look into a person's soul. Whose soul are you trying to deviate and enslave on this blog? I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.

    1. OH MY GOD..hahaahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaaahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
      i cover myself with the blood of JESUS from you.....I am not fetish but blessed...
      Tufiakwa....You are what u believe

    2. Ah ah! You have come back? Fetish because of the pics. Really. Una dey amaze person sha🀣🀣🀣. Instead of covering yourself, leave the blog na. No be by force.

    3. Jesus.. How does some people think?..
      Even me want to complain about the dog but not that she's fetish, I feel she's just playing around..
      What does she need ur soul for?
      I cover myself with the blood of jesus..

    4. I really laughed out loud. My neighbor told me she is leaving her house because she is always seeing wallgeko and it means witchcraft 🀣🀣🀣. Superstitious people everywhere and they will be the first to go to church on Sundays

    5. This must be Bv Onyilove, the one that complained about Stella using dogs pictures. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    6. This crase woman is back 🀣🀣🀣

    7. Anonymous free yourself from demonic bandage,you're enslaved to.

    8. Wetin be this?
      Some of you na wao
      No be only look into soul,na into spirit πŸ˜‚

    9. Seriously? Lmao 🀣🀣

    10. Orisirisi 🀣🀣

    11. This Anon is back again πŸ˜‚, kolomental somebody

    12. Anon, so what are you doing here?

      Na you gangan be monitoring spirit. Better getat of this blog. Nonsense😑.

    13. Stella abeg give me permission to laugh small at anon 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Anon you dey ment

    14. Omo, Nigerians no dey take mental condition serious, until the person enter market.
      This right here πŸ‘†, is a case of Yabaleft escapee.🀯

    15. All of this for a dog picture?Haa Paranoia and Schizophrenia have entered the equation.....

    16. Stella include this comment in hilarious post by bvs πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

    17. LMAO 🀣🀣 so Anon na this small dog πŸ• the make you shake like this

    18. 🀣🀣🀣 this anon really needs help o chai.

    19. I've been busy lately... To come online sef it's war.
      Omo this comment got me in stitches 😭🀣🀣🀣🀣
      I couldn't resist

    20. Mehn, I don laugh my a** out. What's this? Onyilove, is that you? Walahi, were lo po ju ninu yin

    21. 🀣🀣🀣 This should be included in Saturday laugh walahi.

      You reminded me of one of my former friend,I had to distance myself from her cos I believe she don dey kolo, she suspects everything, everyone na winch, everyone stole her children star,omo I wonder how she sleeps at night

  21. The narcissist does not want a partner, they want a servant, a pawn in their game of self-aggrandizement, a mere reflection of their own magnificence. They crave a devoted follower, a loyal subject, a constant admirer, and a perpetual source of supply for their insatiable ego.

    They seek someone to:

    - Cater to their every whim
    - Anticipate their every need
    - Fulfill their every desire without question or hesitation
    - Idolize them, worship them, and put them on a pedestal
    - Be their echo chamber, their yes-person, their enabler, and their accomplice

    The narcissist sees their partner as an extension of themselves, a tool to be used for their own gratification, a means to an end, not an end in themselves. They don't see their partner as a person with their own:

    - Thoughts
    - Feelings
    - Needs
    - Desires

    But as a mere object to be manipulated, controlled, and exploited. And when the partner finally realizes that they are nothing more than a servant, a slave to the narcissist's ego, and tries to break free, the narcissist will stop at nothing to keep them in their place.

    They will use:

    - Guilt
    - Anger
    - Manipulation
    - Gaslighting
    - Emotional blackmail
    - Even violence

    To maintain their control and dominance. So, if you find yourself in a relationship with a narcissist, remember that you are not a partner, but a servant, and that your only value lies in your ability to serve their ego. Break free, take back your life, and never look back.


  22. @ Amebo Gist,Humans are Becoming Desperately Wicked and Justifying it. Was the Man born because of her?
    People should learn to Leave Wicked People.
    May he Rest in Peace.
    Yesss No Relationship is Perfect, Its 2 imperfect People Working towards A Great Relationship, Is it Easy NO ,Can it be Achieved YES.

    1. She wasted a soul because of what? She would have left the marriage, but no she wants to have her pounds of flesh.

  23. Happy Birthday BV Mystic....God bless your new age...

    Congratulations to Free Business Advert recipients!! Thank God it is Monday no be only TGIF we go dey celebrate....

    My MCM is Olawealth & Ali B you guys are truly awesome....BV IsaacBaba where are you? Long time....

    1. Chai! Phoenix, I am humbled and honored. Thanks a lot sis. You rock!! πŸ€—

  24. In House done Land Land Land

    Madam Amebo This Ya Story carry Wickedness oooo
    Ahhh Oluwa Biko Please do not Always us to Marry wicked Jezebel oooo

    There are Some Good Jezebel you Know😁😁

    Happy Bornday Mystic Many More Years Ahead.
    Cheers 🍷🍷🍷 Swimming Teacher😁😁

    Hello iya Boys

  25. Be like Holy Spirit don sama Daddy Freeze slap or he has been warned from the spiritual realm, cuz my guy no dey on Ring light again o! Ikwakwakwakwakwakwa. Still not a fan of some of these pastors tho’ kmt!.

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. His ring light don spoil, waiting for his UK pastor friend to send money so he can get another

  26. Happy birthday Mystic
    Cheers πŸ₯‚ to your new year πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

    May GOD bless us with 'NWA'...
    'NWA KA NWA' πŸ™

    Good afternoon lovelies.

  27. We have been in the hospital since morning my father in-law is sick, I pray for quick recovery. πŸ™

    1. I wish him quick recovery. It is well with him.

  28. @Amebo woman... That was a sad story.. Killing someone because they offend you.. Happy birthday bv mystic

  29. Reading this Paul and Peter brouhaha. I'm a twin myself too and sincerely the worst thing you can do to twins is to compare them to each other.
    Don't ever try that it is really evil things like you are more beautiful than your other twin bla bla bla
    Anytime someone says to me that you are more beautiful than your twin sister immediately I stop them from saying such or when we were in secondary school because I used to come out top of the class you say it to my face or twinnie that chi is more intelligent I didn't use to take that statement funny.
    Anytime you are around twins avoid the urge to put one over the other I know it might be harmless but to twins we don't perceive it that way

  30. Happy birthday mystic. You are handsome. Better years ahead of you. Amen.

  31. Get Nigerian Foodstuffs Abroad12 August 2024 at 14:34

    What a sad sad ending @ amebo gist. I was hoping he'd survive as I was reading.
    @ anonymous comment, I am happy you got such a pleasant surprise gift when you needed it the most, congratulation. LOL @ Stella saying "wanna ask you something about carrying your baby on your back to the Market."

  32. You can go for a while out of balance, but it will catch up to you. I heard the saying, it’s easier to maintain good health than it is to regain lost health. When you live depleted, it wears you down, it affects your immune system. You have to get out from under that pressure. Learn to say no. You may have to eliminate some good things in order to stay healthy. We need you here for a long time. What you have to offer is amazing: your gifts, your talents, your love. Keep your light burning. Yes, be good to others, but don’t forget to be good to you.

    Joel Osteen

  33. Thanks SDK for the free advert
    That boy I'm prison, I pray he becomes a changed man when he is released. The father should thank God that they are not in Nigeria. The discrimination that would be metted out on him and the boy would be much.
    May our children make us proud

    1. Congratulations to you Suave and others for the free adverts. God bless SDK

  34. Good afternoon 🌞🌞🌞
    My day is going well... Thank God πŸ™
    Have a wonderful day πŸ’—

  35. Last Straw is not a movie i want to watch twice. The movie is for people who want to learn how to kiss and kiss.

    1. πŸ˜‚ The plenty kissing no be here o. I kept thinking about Bimbo's boyfriend - how he must have felt watching those scenes.

    2. 🀣🀣🀣 this my babe you no go kill me fa.
      The movie is for learners abi.

  36. I am slowly regaining my will to live. After months of depression and just existing I'm starting to look at the bright side of life. Thank you Almighty Father for loving me so much you sent your son Jesus to die for my sins. I thought I was the worst sinner ( which I am) but your mercy saved me Lord. I'm not perfect and even though it was hard forgiving myself for my past ( I have done horrible things) I now know that by giving my life to you, I am made new in your image. Thank you for saving me and protecting me. Thank you for healing my broken heart, mind, body and soul. Thank you for giving me the strength to forgive everyone that hurt me in my past. Your word says if we forgive others you will forgive us and most importantly if we humbly confess our sins and turn away from them you are just to forgive us. I want to be a new person in Christ. I am the light set on a hill, I'm the salt of the earth. I'm loved, saved, protected and respected. I'm capable, worthy of love and respect. Help me in my journey oh Lord. Your word says that you have plans to prosper me and not to harm me. I trust in the plan you have for my life. Thank you Almighty Father for your mercy, grace and love in my life. My only desire is for me to live in such a way your glory will be reflected in my life for the whole world to see and praise your mighty name. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray. Amen

    1. HallelujahπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
      Amen Amen
      U will be fine, continue believing

    2. HallelujahπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
      Amen Amen
      U will be fine, continue believing..

    3. I am happy for you.
      God will be with you.

    4. Amen.
      Congratulations πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    5. Amen to your prayers
      Congratulations for the renewed hope in life.

    6. Thank God for you.

      No matter how bad it is, there's always one reason we have to keep going. May God help us all

  37. Beautiful Soul (Onyingate)12 August 2024 at 14:41

    Good afternoon beautiful people. Happy birthday to you MyStic, may lines fall for you into pleasant places.

  38. Happy birthday Mystic, may God bless your new age.
    Good afternoon my people ♥️

  39. Abeg, my fellow tapswap family, what happened to all our tapping na 🀣🀣 oyinbo ti gbe wa ni handicap 🀣

    1. GM my sister I co ask o.
      Seems like they all died a natural death. I've kuku stopped tapping.

    2. I already know say na wash, that's why I didn't take them serious. Old and young were going around with power banks, tapping on their phones 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  40. "Alangba doing press up"🀣🀣🀣
    Happy birthday Mystic, God bless your new age.🎊πŸ₯³πŸŽπŸŽ‚

  41. Good afternoon everyone

    Happy birthday Bv Mystic🎊

  42. Indeed the heart of man is desperately w!cked. How can a human harbour such wickedness in her mind for her fellow human. Kai!
    Now you've rendered your boy an orphan. May I not marry the weapon formed against me. In Jesus' name, AMEN!!!!

    Happy Birthday Bv Mystic πŸ’. God bless you today and always...

  43. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Happy birthday Mystic.

  44. Good afternoon blog fam.
    I still believe talking against Anointed men of God is wrong,the Bible condemns it.
    Yes,they are humans to and may be flawed in certain areas,but respect the anointing on them and leave judgement for God.

  45. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚, Mystic. Wishing you the best of life. Long life and prosperity.

    Hello everyone πŸ‘‹ πŸ«‚

  46. Happy birthday Mystic, God bless your new age.

    So that woman use korokoro eyes take kill her husband because of one thing one thing.. some people are just so evil kai! May the man soul rest in peace

    Good afternoon everyone

  47. Yes oh..
    As 4 ways to make a woman happy na to dey give am money.. 4 ways to make us happy is to not ask us for money..

    The money that should be given to you is the salary you worked for..

    You no work money put for any man hand


    Happy Birthday Mystic

  48. IHN
    Good afternoon everyone πŸ₯³

    Happy birthday Mystic πŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰

  49. Good afternoon beautiful people.πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    Omo, na Baba God dey run our matter.
    Thank you Jesus Christ.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    Happy birthday to you, Mystic.
    May God bless your new age.πŸ™πŸ™πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸΎπŸ₯‚

  50. Happy birthday Mystic
    Good afternoon fam!

  51. Cool and breezy Monday afternoon in the city of Lasgidi ✨
    That woman that poisoned her husband is crazy,her head needs to be checked. You killed a whole human being?

  52. Good afternoon beautiful fam. Madam amebo that your story gave me goosebumps when I got see the man die πŸ˜­πŸ’”.... Happy birthday mystic.wishing you more fruitful years of celebrations πŸΎπŸŽ‚

  53. In house has landedπŸ›΄πŸ›΄πŸ›΄
    Happy birthday MysticπŸŽˆπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰
    @Amebo:such a wicked woman,let her rot in jail for her crime.
    Enjoy the rest of the day people.

  54. Good afternoon,na wa@gist,she killed a humaΓ± being just like that.

  55. Good afternoon everyone.

    Happy birthday Mystic.
    God bless you with Good health, Longlife and Prosperity.

    Thank you Stella.

  56. Good afternoon everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    Happy birthday bv Mystic πŸŽ‰

  57. Matthew 12:31, "for this reason I tell you, people can be forgiven any sin and any evil thing they say but whoever says evil things against the holy spirit will not be forgiven."

    Inorder to avoid the wrath of God,Please let's be careful of what we say or how we critize men of God.leave all judgement to God, he will deal with them in his own way.

    Miracles happen every day.The gift of life is a miracle, e.t.c.Learn to trust God.
    Good afternoon πŸ’•



    Anonymous12 August 2024 at 11:33
    On a Monday morning this man is back here pasting peoples comments, replying himself.
    Up there what you complain about bvs with bad blood is what you are doing.
    Guy as I've told you,asked you,pin pointed severally without getting any replies from you,
    Why do you live in same location with sexy daddy
    Do same job
    Read same course
    Practice same profession.

    Guy if you don't have answers for us,enter street go hustle,no dey disgrace men. You, tj no get kobo shame for body rara.

    Anonymous12 August 2024 at 12:00
    11:33, they are even from same state and local government
    They attended the same university too
    They are both thin

  59. Happy birthday BV Mystic
    Amebo gist that woman is so mean, wicked and heartless and she should rot in jail for the rest of her miserable life
    Enjoy the rest of your day 😊

  60. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog. @madam Amebo gist, some people are very wicked ooo.

  61. Happy Birthday Mystic πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ 🎈

  62. Indeed,what God cannot do doesn't exist.

    Happy birthday Mystic.

  63. Hello ihn 😘
    Good afternoon good people of this beautiful blog 😍

    Amebo, that woman is evil o. Put rat poison in her husband's food! The father of her child! Ajoo nwanyi! Now her poor child would be raised by another person(s). Nne na wa for her.

    Happy birthday Mystic, your new age is blessed.

    Bvs enjoy the rest of your day.
    E go surely be ✌️

  64. That man with his only child in prison na too much pampering dey cause all this kin issue.Oyibo need to learn how to use the rod sometimes take reset their pickin to avoid story that touch

  65. Good afternoon everyone
    Sad one @madam Amebo
    The Anon comment, God bless your angel in abroad
    It's a new week of possibilities. May our hustles pay.

  66. Good afternoon everyone.
    Happy birthday to you BV Mystic.
    Stella send me some spaghetti bolognese.


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