Stella Dimoko SATURDAY Morning Spontaneous Post


Saturday, July 13, 2024

SATURDAY Morning Spontaneous Post

 #weekend #niceday #satisfyingsaturday #smile

Ekaaro gbo gbo ile Alayo...
Se dada ni? Se e seun dadad ni? Ejoor oooooooooooooooh...LOL!
Mo fe so fun epe today ma beautful fun yi gaaan! LOL
E ni nice day joor oooooh....



  1. The Spirit Of Truth Has Been Poured Out!!
    John 14:16-17.

    "Today, in this Church age, the Spirit of truth is at work. We live and function by the Spirit of truth. The Bible says the lying tongue is only for a short time; it can never be successful. In this day of the Church where the Spirit of truth has been released and poured out, He’s at work throughout the whole world."

    "The spirit of truth must prevail in every land and in every heart until all whom God has appointed unto salvation have come into the Kingdom. This is the day of God’s grace, where Truth must gain the ascendancy."


    Dear Father, thank you for the Spirit of truth by whose ministry in every nation deception is being decimated. As the Church boldly proclaims and propagates the truth of the Gospel, it penetrates the hearts and minds of men, inspiring faith and resulting in salvation and increased knowledge of your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


    2. My heart is filled with Gratitude πŸ™πŸ™
      Thanks Angel Star and Stella Jewelchi.

      Huge Alert Received with Thanks.I will forever be grateful for all kind gesture,love,supports..
      Thanks so much..

    3. Lemme relax here small
      Dear aunties in the house,
      Please stop advising women to leave their homes at the first sign of trouble. As long as there is no domestic violence or infidelity, a marriage can still be repaired with love and patience. Just because you couldn't stay in your marriage doesn't mean other women can't, especially when there is no abuse or cheating involved.

      Regarding marital rape, we know that a husband's kinikan often wake up in the morning when his wife is still resting, and he may feel entitled to her body, just as she is to his. This is something that can and should be discussed and agreed upon between partners.

      There are no perfect people or perfect marriages, but we can make our relationships enjoyable if we choose to work on them.

      To the anon who replied to my comment on yesterday's chronicle (update), I have responded and hope you find peace, whether in or out of marriage.

    4. Good morning Blog Fam.
      Turned on my phone a little while ago to something hooge that landed this morning!
      This has made my day and I am super grateful for it. Thank you so so Angel Star and Stella for being a great blessing indeed. May need of any kind be very far from you both in Jesus name…Amen.πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½❤️πŸ’•

      Essa Atelier

    5. Stella and Angel πŸ˜‡ star,thank you so much. I got the huuuuuuuge alert.
      Ese gan o,mo mo loore.
      Received with many thanks πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  2. Heavenly father,we thank you for another beautiful saturday morning.
    Thank you for what we've been throughπŸ™
    Thank you for the sorrows and pains πŸ™
    Thank you for the joy and happiness πŸ™
    Thank you for where we are now πŸ™
    Thank you for where we will be πŸ™
    Thank you for what we have achievedπŸ™
    Thank you for what we are yet to achieve πŸ™
    Thank you lord for where you are taking us πŸ™
    Thank you Lord , for you alone is worthy of our praise.

    1. Really appreciate God with for all πŸ‘†

    2. Good morning wonderful people

    3. Thank you Jesus πŸ™

    4. Amen πŸ™
      Good morning everyone ❤️❤️

    5. Amen oooooπŸ™πŸ™
      Goodmorning My beautiful People
      Happy Weekend oooo
      How are you people doing this Morning πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚

      Hello iya boys

    6. Hallelujah πŸ™Œ. The Great High Priest, I adore you.

      Good morning, Big mama.

    7. Amen and Amen πŸ™ πŸ™Œ

    8. Thank you Jesus πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

  3. To every soul lost in Jos πŸ•― πŸ•―receive their soul lord and grant comfort to their household

    We pray

  4. Good morning everyone
    May God bless our hustles today

  5. Good morning house, please I need tips on how to preserve bulk Ogobono and Egusi granded ones to stay longer and still fresh.. thanks..

    1. Grind it,put it separately in a Ziplock bag;and put them in the freezer.

      When you want to use it,bring it out and take the quantity needed then make sure the ziplock is sealed well too.

      It will stay that way for as long as you need.

      Hope this helps.


    2. Grinded*
      @Pure pls take corrections, it is embarrassing to see you write like this

    3. Just put them in a tight container and store in your refrigerator.

    4. Good morning, Pure. How're you today, Sis???

    5. In the absence of a refrigerator, it's better to dry the whole seeds very well and store in tightly locked containers and be grinding small small whenever you want to use them.

    6. More embarrassing for you to think it's "grinded".

    7. I will speak from experience.
      For egusi, blend it without adding anything thing to it. Allow to cool and store it in an airtight container. If you can get that checkers custard big container it will serve the purpose. It will remain fresh for long.
      I blend up to a paint bucket and it doesn't go stale or loose taste.
      Then for Ogbono, do same thing but this time store the container in your freezer. It will be fresh and never loose taste.

      This is πŸ’― guaranteed

    8. All this are helpful..
      Confirm tips above

    9. Thanks @ martins, morayo, Omotola Brianna,miss Aboki, mummy Andre, SWTNESS G, stella Maris baby I appreciate you all..

  6. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 195 of 366!!!
    God is God and God is Good.
    Beautiful Weather.
    I am Super excited, Binging weekend

    1. Yes oo. God is God and God is Good. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Lord for everything I'm supper grateful πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    © TEEJAY

  8. Good morning all.
    May we all have a restful weekend, for those working today, God bless your day πŸ™

  9. Good morning everyone.
    Enjoy your weekend. ❣️

    1. Have an enjoyable weekend, Cynthi πŸ’•

    2. Happy weekend Sis πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰ have a relaxing one

  10. As long as GOD's blessings are countless, my GRATITUDE will be endless. It's gonna be on a steady GOD πŸ™

    Thanks to everyone that congratulated me yesterday, for that moment it lasted, I felt the love. May Congratulations not cease in our lives, it's gonna be on a steady in different areas of our lives πŸ™
    I appreciate you all.

    Good morning and happy weekend Sweethearts πŸ’ž

    1. So sorry about that, it was an honest mistake...I didnt intend for it to be like this.

    2. Oh my Mami πŸ’œπŸ’œ congratulations πŸ‘πŸ‘
      Good morning.

    3. Good morning NN, Amen to your prayers

    4. I can imagine how you feel.
      Sorry, she will compensate you with 100k next week

    5. Amen NN! I pray you receive favour where you are expecting and where you are not in Jesus name.
      Have a great weekend.

    6. ANON 8:17am
      I did not say that please.

    7. Big woman like you. I was even surprised when I saw your name cos you didn't even apply for it

    8. Awww mamaπŸ€—
      Good morning ma.

    9. Happy weekend, Nnukwu 😘

    10. Anon 8:26 .dey play. Don't you know things are hard now.
      Who told you, she didn't apply?

    11. Oh dear! I'm so sorry Nne πŸ€—πŸ€— cheer up

    12. Sorry dear, congratulations still.
      I love how you took it in good faith.

    13. It's well with you πŸ™πŸΏ

  11. Good morning My People
    How una dey? Today na weekend ooo,
    Aunty if you are single, try commot outside today πŸ˜‚That wedding for your street, wear that your fine cloth go, Make Brother for see you abeg, You self, Brother !! You are single and you still dey stay indoors!
    Omor nawa oo, Abeg that wedding for the other street, Wear that your new cloth and attend, When you see that Sister, follow her talk, Collect her phone number,
    Visit her village people,
    Do small thing for her head,
    Call us make we come chop foodπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Stella E se ooo dadaa la ji,eni a san wa si ire,aiku,baale oro amin

  12. Good morning everyone
    I don't know if I am the only one that has felt this way, you get to a point that you don't like praying because it makes you vulnerable

    1. This aint a good feeling........

    2. Good morning Chichi, I've been there. Pls, try to worship, if you can't pray, worship.

    3. God is able to do just what He says He would do.
      He's gonna fulfill every promise to you .
      Don't give up on God cos He won't give up on you.
      He's able!!!

    4. Don't get tired of praying, Chichi. Who cares about vulnerability? You're before your Father, please be shameless. Cast all your burden on him without care. It might look like it's not working but trust me God is working behind the scene. Don't stop seeking his face.

    5. Please pray. It's you and God be as vulnerable and open as you want to. He understands.

    6. I understand your feeling, but don't give up on prayer my dear. God will definitely answer you.

    7. Sometime is not about praying. Praise and worship is the most powerful thing to do as well

      By praising and worshipping HIM, Almighty is pleased with that trust me

    8. Vulnerable to what?

    9. @Chichi, but that's the key to God's heart, vulnerability in worship, being 'naked' and not ashamed, before Him. This has helped me a great deal in my life's journey...remember in our weakness, He is our strength πŸ’ͺ.

  13. Ekaaro gbo gbo Ile ooo
    Aku oju mo ire..
    Adupe alafia πŸ™
    Otutu mu ni aro yi..
    Emu ogi to gbona ati moi moi tabi akara
    Ojo nro ni odo mi...
    Eni nice day πŸ’—

  14. Village People vs Town People, Who attack Most?
    It's time to challenge the long-held belief that villagers are more evil than town people. The truth is, evil knows no boundaries - it's everywhere and takes many forms. As the Bible says, "The heart of man is desperately wicked" (Jeremiah 17:9).
    In Nigeria, when misfortune strikes, we often hear the phrase, "Are you sure it's not your village people?" But what about the evil that lurks in our own backyard in town? Town people can be just as wicked, if not more so, than villagers.
    Anxiety and jealousy can drive people to harm others, regardless of where they're from. Who sees you daily? Your neighbors, colleagues, and business partners in town, not your village people. Who is more likely to attack you and your family? The answer is clear.
    Let's shift our focus from stereotyping villagers as evil and recognize that evil can come from anywhere. Town people can be just as evil as villagers, using digital means to cause evil.
    Remember, just because you don't plot evil doesn't mean others don't. Be careful and discerning in your dealings with others, whether in town or village.
    Father deliver us from evil IJMN

  15. You are right Stella, not everyone is perfect, i try to manage the good thing in people and live happily with them.
    Up and grateful πŸ™ Oluwa thank you for waking me up perfectly.
    Good morning everyone

  16. Thank you Jesus for another beautiful day
    Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  17. “No one leaves here alive. So please stop treating yourself as an afterthought. Eat delicious food. Walk in the sun. Jump into the sea. Speak the truth that you carry in your heart like a hidden treasure. Be silly. Be good. Be weird. There is no time for anything else…”

    Anthony Hopkins

  18. Good morning everyone πŸ˜˜πŸ’ž

    Thank you so much Angel Star and SDK, I received alert of a whooping sum of 200k!! Who has ever done this for me 😭 I'm forever grateful.
    God bless you and rewarf you tremendously.

    Bvs enjoy your weekend.
    E go surely be ✌️

    1. Congratulations 🎊, my woman πŸ₯°. May God bless your business.

    2. Congratulations bv Osundi may your business grow in Jesus name,i am so happy for you sisπŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’“❤πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹

    3. Na the tears of joy o. Because "rewarf"?πŸ₯±πŸ€€
      Congratulations babes. Happy for you.☺️

    4. Congratulations you.

      God bless Stella and Angel Star for us.

    5. Congratulations dear 🌹🌹

    6. Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ may it multiply in your business

    7. Congratulations my Osundi πŸ₯°

    8. Congratulations, nwanne.

    9. Ohhh congratulations dearie, more of God's blessings. God's blessings upon SDK and angel star πŸ™Œ

    10. Congratulations sis πŸ₯°

    11. Congratulations darling πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

    12. Osundi darling, congratulations to you... More sales and profits in your business

    13. Congratulations

      Long live SDK
      More blessings πŸ™Œ πŸ™
      More favour

    14. Congrats my darling, so happy for you. 😘. Fidel, you be case sha. 🀣

    15. Congratulations sis

    16. Congratulations beautiful πŸ™πŸΏ

  19. Na wah....Happy Weekend to us all...CHEERS..

  20. Good morning beautiful people. I have a question. When your child complains of been beaten by a schoolmate at school, do you tell them to beat their own back or to report to their teacher? Thank you.

    Wishing y'all a fruitful day.

    1. Hi Oyin, my first son school mates bullied him so much in pry sch, when I tell him to fight back, he will say child of God do not fight. He reports their teacher, and the teacher just caution the bullies. It's made just too soft for my liking. My second son, I told him fight back after reporting your teacher.

    2. Option 3.
      Beat the child for not being able to beat his mate😩😩

    3. I will tell him to report to their teacher and if it doesn't stop, I'll go and see the teacher myself.

    4. Fidel you get!!! Start teaching him to stand up for himself, to defend himself.
      We did it to my lil cousin everytime he comes back crying that one boy in his class beat him one day I charged him like a warrior that if anybody comes to your space and tries to hit you give the person same hitting and he will cry too and become scared of you knowing you are not one to be messed with. Today no more complains he is giving it to the bully hot and the bully's mom had to come lay complaints that his son is always being bullied

    5. I always tell them to report the person to their teachers.

    6. Report to the Teacher yourself... I tell my child to report to his Teacher if any of the classmate bullies him or he should tell me that very day. I tell him to be very bold not to do didirin tooπŸ˜„

    7. Report to their teacher and if their teacher does not respond, I will tell him to beat back in ooo, one girl was always slapping my son everyday, I didn't tell him to do anything but yesterday he said he slapped her back, it was becoming too much 🀣

    8. Some teachers do nithing about it. It happened to my nephew. I told him when next it happens, he should beat the boy. He did. Guess what, the teacher scolded him. I told her when my nephew compained, she did nothing, he decided to do his own back, then she sees a problem. I gave my nephew a πŸ–

    9. Stand up for themselves.. Then report to ur teachers

  21. Good morning everyone.

    Thank you to all the birthday messages yesterday. God bless you all. Amen.

  22. Good morning everyone
    I'm here to appreciate SDK and Angel Star for the 200k giveaway. I received my alert yesterday evening.
    May God replenish you Angel Star.
    Stella, your blessings shall multiply.

  23. Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    Everything and everyone is powerless without your reaction. Preserve your energy.

    Y'all have a fun-filled weekend 😘😘😘

    1. Have a relaxing weekend 😘

    2. You too babes😘😘

    3. Congratulations sis mi for the giveaway money you received.. may it multiply in plenty folds in Jesus name..Amen

  24. Good morning everyone πŸ₯³

    May you move from where you are presently to the place of destiny fulfilments and divine satisfaction.

    I wish you all a exciting blessed and fabulous weekend

  25. Here to say thank you Jesus.
    Good morning great people

  26. Congratulations to all the bvs picked for the business giveaway may your business continue to grow and the money multiply in Jesus mighty name amenπŸ’ŸπŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’“❤πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’œπŸ’‹πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™

  27. "Ogechi ka mma"
    Strange how I woke up this morning to this words ringing in my head

    Well... God's time is truly the best...
    Just that the wait can make one run mad.


    1. Nothing strange about it o
      That song is everywhere, it's living rent free in my head

      God's time is the best of, it's the confidence we have in him

  28. With joy in my heart,I say a big thank you to Stella and Angel star 🌟
    I received the alert of 200,000 last night.
    Thank you so much Stella and Angel star, whatever you lay your hands on will continue to prosper in Jesus name πŸ™
    No evill will befall you and your family.
    Ese ganπŸ™

    1. A Resounding Amen and Amen πŸ™ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘
      A Mega Amen and Amen πŸ™ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘

    2. My heart is filled with Gratitude πŸ™πŸ™
      Thanks Angel Star and Stella Jewelchi.

      Huge Alert Received with Thanks.I will forever be grateful for all kind gesture,love,supports..
      Thanks so much..

      Lack is far from you Angel Star and Stella Jewelchi ✨️ πŸ’›. Remain blessed Angel Star 🌟 and Stella..

    3. Congratulations 🎊, Arike. May God bless your business.

    4. Congratulations beautiful Arike

  29. This your Yoruba na one in town, you try sef
    Good morning blogfam

  30. Good morning.

    Off to boil my corn for breakfast. I have been longing for it.

    Have a blessed day people.

  31. Good morning wonderful people on this blog and happy weekend to us.

  32. Good morning beautiful people of SDKVille, hope we all slept well?

    I have visited my village 3 times in the last 17years bcos my parents dont live there. My 3 younger siblings school in our state uni which is located very close to both my mum and dad's village so they visit regularly. I honestly envy the relationship they have with our grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins from both sides. Any short holiday laidis them don run go village.
    I travelled home last year and had to be introduced with my siblings name( na ABC senior sister) e pain me small sha. Now I've decided to be going home for family events, I am my father's first born and I need to represent wella.

    1. Meself i will try to travel to my village more often.. I cant even remember when last I travelled to my village..

  33. Bv Paris, I know you are not Igbo, that's why you use NWOKEM to address Tripple C.
    NWOKEM literally means MY MAN, but it is very rude to address someone like that in Igbo land.
    Calling someone NWOKEM in Igbo land is like saying MR MAN.
    As in, calling someone MY MAN is cool in English, but calling someone NWOKEM in Igbo is rude. Igbos use that NWOKEM when talking to someone you are angry with, just the way you use MR MAN when talking to someone you are angry with.

    One Igbo man almost fought a Yoruba man that called him that in the market.

    How it happened is that, this Yoruba man understands small Igbo language. This Igbo came the his shop and priced his goods, when he wanted to leave, the Yoruba man said "NWOKEM nye m ego" which literally means "MY man give me money " but in Igbo is like saying "Mr MAN give me money" so it sounded rude.
    The Igbo got angry, asked the Yoruba man if he was stupid for talking to him like that. So we the Igbos there have to calm him down and explain to him that he is a Yoruba man and didn't mean that statement in the Igbo context.

    So, Since Tripple C is from Imo, you can call him NWOKE OMA, Dee or Dede, that sounds better.

    I hope you understand what I explained.

  34. My heart is filled with Gratitude πŸ™πŸ™
    Thanks Angel Star and Stella Jewelchi.

    Huge Alert Received with Thanks.I will forever be grateful for your kind gesture,love,supports..
    Thanks so much..
    I appreciate πŸ™

  35. Ekaro gbogbo yin ooo. SΓ© dΓ Γ dΓ  lΓ  jΓ­? KΓ­ everybody nΓ­ nice day oπŸ€—πŸ€—

  36. Good morning beautiful people πŸ’•

  37. Good morning and happy weekend

    As the school calendar is coming to an end,parents are getting ready for double portion. They will be asking for food per seconds now,shouting will also increase πŸ˜…

    This summer break is a good time to get them occupied with a basic skills they like,they learn new things and get busy.

    May God keep providing for us parents as we help them towards achieving their goalsπŸ™πŸ™

  38. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Couldn't sleep all night, this week is just somehow, lost a friend that worked for EFFC last week coupled with that Jos news God please in wrath remember Mercy πŸ™

  39. Good morning famπŸ₯°πŸŒΉ❤️

  40. Good morning all.

    Are there people like me ???

    I get bored of people easily.
    I can just wake up and decide not to speak to someone again for no reason.

    Okay for eg. I became close to my coworker who I see just as a 'coworker' but she sees me as her sister and best friend πŸ₯± and honestly i do not rate her like that.

    She can call me 100 times a day as if were dating πŸ₯Ά and that's choking and irritating now I'm bored.

    Now i am tayad i do not want again.

    So many other instances too please am I okay ?

    1. Hmmmm. There are many others in the world who are exactly like you. If you know this about yourself then stop forming strong bonds with ppl. It can be hurtful to just be tossed aside by someone you thought you were close to.

  41. Good morning my people.

    The shout of " thief thief" at midnight didn't allow me to sleep well, I was scared to my bone, people were blowing whistle and shouting, it was scary. I'm yet to go out and confirm what happened.

  42. Open your heart to God, when he enters the scene, miracles happen.
    No matter what you are going through right now, believe he that gave you life has the ability of turning things around for your good.
    Good morning everyone πŸ’•

  43. Good morning everyone πŸ˜πŸ’•
    Happy weekend

  44. Good morning blog fam
    ThankGod for another beautiful day.

  45. Good morning everyone.

  46. This rain sha wan start drama this morning

    Una good morning for hia


  47. Good morning all.
    I have been so emotional since yesterday evening,all this sad videos and news about the school☹️πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯.
    Any small thing ,tears will just follow from my eyes,my heart hurt for the families 😭😭. I keep asking why,why, innocent kids. What do I say self? God knows best abeg🚢🚢🚢🚢

  48. Good morning SDK and BVs. Satisfying Saturday. Thank you Jesus,for lighting my paths,no human will ever ask me,where is your God? Because you're my forever sure plug,paving ways for me and fighting my battles. Eternally grateful my maker. πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

  49. Up and forever grateful.
    May God's light guide our path this day and always ✌️

    Good morning Fam


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