Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Monday, July 29, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Hello Stella, Hello Bvs.
My chronicle will be so short. 
My baby will be here soon and whilemy hubby and i were casually talking I asked my hubby what church we would baptise the baby (we are Catholics but hubby doesn't go to church) .he said he doesn't believe in those things and I was like were you not baptised? He said no and he didn't have a father who went to church (that I know) but I never knew hubby was never baptised. 
Now that's by the way...Hubby says; I should never try to baptise his child not even Dedication.
Please how do I handle this situation?
 I have made up my mind to do the baptism during week days when he will be away to work with my siblings and godparents and his siblings. Then let all hell break loose after!!!!

Hmmmm Instead of going behind his back, why dont you try to convince him about this?You can always baptise a child no matter the age......I baptised my Bambinos but not immediately they were born...
This process is beautiful and should involve both parents if they are willing..Dont start a war because of it..If it ends your marriage, will these people support you or say you went against your mans wish?
How come you did not know he was not baptised and both are catholics? I thought they ask that when couples wanna get married?


  1. Hmmmmmmmm!!

    Please dedicate your child before anything else, but try to find a way to talk him into agreeing or go with some him respects so much.


    1. Must a child be dedicated in the church? And if she doesn’t what will happen to such child. Most parents didn’t do the dedication stuff, yet their kids survived and are good. We should stop making it look like children dedicated are better or do better in life.

    2. Where do you ladies meet these terrible men?

    3. Yes, every Christian is supposed to present their child/children to God! It is Biblical: Jesus was presented, Samuel was presented and dedicated, there are other examples.
      It's not about them being better or not, but about presenting them to God for safe keeping and guidance.

    4. Anon 19:59 I'm not even the poster but you people just completely judge, how's he terrible? Just by refusing? He's terrible? How was/is your father? & Relatives? SMH

  2. Like Stella said, do no go behind his back to do it. Convince him. If you do it without him knowing, he'll definitely find out.

  3. My dear, it seems the peace and love you are enjoying in your home now, you don't like it.
    ..let all hell break loose? Just pray to God dis doesn't ever happen.
    My advise: baptism I not ticket into heaven. When the child is of age, he can decide to do it himself if he wants. Or leave it till when ever he agrees. You both have your lifetime to have him change mind.

    Let sleeping dog lie ooo. You knew he doesn't go to church before marrying him and now you want to impose religion on him?
    Allow the man to be the HEAD of his home and support as d NECK.

    1. According to the Catholic doctrine, it is.

  4. Why did you marry a man that doesn't go to Church?

    You knew he wasn't going to church and still went ahead to marry him.

    1. Please that's not the case here. If you have no advice to give kindly scroll away

    2. Bold, brave and cool question is valid. Poster’s husband not attending church is a major red flag and that’s the cause of this big issue.

    3. Meanwhile, that is the only question here. Being a Catholic means practicing Christianity in accordance with Catholic doctrine which includes attending church services by whatever name called.

  5. Poster,please follow SDK's advice. No need for you to disobey your husband,talk it through with him. I don't believe in infant baptism too but since it's your religion,cajole him to join you.

  6. Were you wedded in the Catholic church? Bcos it's impossible for an unbaptized Catholic to be wedded in the church. Anyway, don't do anything behind his back ooo, try and convince him and if he disagrees don't stress it, there's always room for adult baptism which is better in my opinion.

  7. Let him know that baptism is a symbolic dedication of the child to God and it helps to provide divine protection throughout their life. Even if they never baptize again, they are consecrated in the lineage of God and will have access to God’s mercy and grace through that. Give him the option not to attend if he doesn’t want to be there, but let him know it is important for you to know that the child is baptized.

    I too do not believe in doing this behind his back. You do not want distrust and lies to seep into your marriage. Once you start you will keep doing it and nobody needs a cloak and dagger marriage. Please reason with your husband and state your case through love calmly and peacefully. Pray to God for the right words and to show you the right time to speak with him.

  8. Medicine after death.. U are already married to him, so u have listen and obey him.. What were u discussing during ur dating period? His he even a Christian?

    1. Y'all chill with this "what were you discussing during courtship talk". Na everything person go even remember to discuss?

    2. Mrs Sharon.. it shows you are really a perfect woman & someone who asked all there was to ask during courtship hence..your narrative above. He was a very devoted Christian until he backslided. Do living faith do baptism? Me I don't know or go there. Thank you

    3. They do baptism when the child is old enough to complete baptismal class, thereafter you will be baptised by immersion. I don't think they do baptism at birth, they do baby dedication.

    4. I am not a perfect person but u should know a person faith and beliefs before settling with him.. If he goes to living faith and they don't do baptism there, why do u want do it to his child?
      Have u try to find out why he backslided, ..

  9. Which means you didn't wed in the Catholic Church. Forget infant baptism,if your husband is not in support.

  10. Please don't flout his orders, your kids can always get baptized later, I even got baptized just last year.

    Try reasoning with him, but this is not enough to cause chaos in your home.

    1. It is enough to cause chaos in her marital home.
      Then she would send another chronicle for us to cuss out men.

  11. Poster you can baptise your child yourself using the scripture of John baptising Jesus in the Bible also dedicate your baby at home using Psalm 19 snd other scriptures like Isaiah 9, Isaiah 11:12 all this you can do on your own before going to church for ceremony

    1. Thank you God bless you. I never knew this. Thanks

    2. Thanks for this advice. You have the mouth to pray and declare what you want from your father. Do this, you can even get few people to join you in faith, or someone to pray for your child at home.

    3. Exactly. And as a parent it will be more effective in the child's life because you will make the declarations from your heart. Most pastors just recite these things with their lips but in their heart they may be thinking something else. It is what I even plan to do to my children but on a second thought, Jesus was directed to go and meet John the Baptist for baptism. I want to study more on the effectiveness of meeting John for it. I've not really put interest in that angle

    4. But for the dedication, you and your husband can dedicate him to God by yourself at home. Make proclamations on the child from the depth of your heart. It's very effective if you bless your child by yourself.

  12. Kelahni events 0813781292329 July 2024 at 15:51

    Please try and talk sense into him at his happy moment let him understand the significance of it. It's divine since he is Catholic. If he was pentecostal, baptism is done later not immediately the child is born.

  13. Sad that you didn't marry someone on the same spiritual level with you or you thought you will change him. The Catholic church baptized at birth other churches wait until the child come to the age they know between good and bad.

    1. No I never thought I would change him. I never had that mind set. He was very very devoted till he back slided.

  14. What does he mean by "my child"? I thought the child would belong to you both and you both would always have to decide on how to handle issues concerning him/her? I am curious about the union you both have for him to utter such a statement, but considering that isn't the focus of this chronicle, I will let it pass.

    I am not surprised about your husband's reaction. After all, he is not a churchgoer, so he is bound to view your suggestions as mere religious practices. Are you even sure your husband is Catholic, if you have never seen him step his feet in church before or you just took his words for it?

    If his father didn't go to church and he didn't get to step his feet in church as well, then how sure are you that he has a denomination where he worships. Maybe he simply said he is Catholic because you said you were one.

    Are you sure he is a Christian? What if he is a traditionalist or an atheist, disguising? Even if he doesn't subscribe to baptising a child, what about child dedication?

    Personally, I don't subscribe to babies being baptized because I feel they do not have the freewill to decide. I think it's always best only after they have a full knowledge of what they are engaging in, i.e., teenage or adult years. For that reason, I see this as a non-issue. When your baby is old enough to decide to get baptized, that can be done in later years.

    However, because of the way it is in your church, I understand you may not want to wait till then. You would have to involve a few family members who can help talk to him.

    Hope your children could go to church with you in the future, or would he force them to stay home back home simply because he is not interested? I hope you know you would have to discuss that as well. I feel this issue might go beyond your present concern.

    1. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars29 July 2024 at 17:04

      @Gaby, has raised valid questions. Do you really know the man you call your husband?

      No need to fuss about baptism. The baby is a baby and doesn't know his left or right. However, you can dedicate your baby to the Lord by yourself. Just make pronouncements over him and that's it. As the baby grows teach him the way of the Lord. And when he is old enough he can make the decisions by himself. But that also depends on what you teach him. So be intentional about teaching him the ways of God. So that he won't grow up to be one who doesn't go to church.

    2. That is why we have other sacraments that come after baptism in Catholic Church . We have holy communion and confirmation. Confirmation is usually done from 12 years and above . We respect Holy communion as well and that is why we do classes for both of them .

    3. Do men have a right to children born in marriage? Are they not only obligated to wholly fend for the children and their wives who have all rights to and over the children? Our great grand fathers understood this better, and it influenced a lot of the decisions they took which today's women criticise but still hold on to what our great great grand mothers held on to.

  15. Poster you have to study your husband well. Newly weded brides are used to spuing all that is in thier heart to thier husband, I advise its not all things you say, you have to study him well and know what he likes and what he doesn't. For this one don't flaut his orders you can actually do all this by yourself without any pastor helping all you need is the bible and the right scripture on baptism gbam you don do am even while bathing for baby you can be doing it and praying over him/her.

  16. Poster you have to study your husband well. Newly weded brides are used to spuing all that is in thier heart to thier husband, I advise its not all things you say, you have to study him well and know what he likes and what he doesn't. For this one don't flaut his orders you can actually do all this by yourself without any pastor helping all you need is the bible and the right scripture on baptism gbam you don do am even while bathing for baby you can be doing it and praying over him/her.

  17. This your approach is not the best dear, everything no be by gra gra oo.
    He's your husband and you should know better how to press his MuMu button. Try that and thank us later ☺️

    1. Thank you...I will. Grateful 🙏

  18. Dear sis, please obey your husband.He is the head of that home.He may be wrong, not wanting his child to be baptized now but you can pray and continue convincing him.The child can be baptized much later just like Stella said.
    if you disobey this man, you have opened a door for the devil to strike.A once happy home will suddenly become a.........??? God forbid.
    Let's endeavor to do things right and keep the devil out.He roams about looking for whom to destroy.He comes to you,once he finds his properties(Sin) around you.

  19. You said you only did traditional. My dear, leave Catholic matter for now. Baptism should be the least of your worries. As you didn’t wed in Catholic Church then you’re not 💯 into the church cos no communion for you. So just relax.


    1. Anonymous 16:63, why don't you use your name or create a blog name. Using the name Karen with K can create confusion of identity here. As someone has already drawn my attention to this. Thank you .

  20. Read today's Rhapsody of realities. It talked about water baptism. Read the complete message from wherever you think you can find it. The ones posted here are not complete the messages.

    And you can do more research on water baptism so to me able to know what to tell your husband about it.

    There is still room for adult baptism incase your husband doesn't buy the idea okay? At least by then the child will know the reason he is being baptized by immersion; but ensure you give your husband valid reasons why you need to baptize the child at infancy

  21. Humans, we take unnecessary risk sha. I mean what do you expect from someone who doesn't go to Church, he probably doesn't believe in the God you serve.

    Women are the pillars of a home, secure your home with prayers, your husband doesn't seem like one who will change his stance on this. A genuine cry to God makes the impossible possible

    For the unmarried, please marry someone of the same Faith, e get why

  22. Poster please don't do any baptism or dedication behind him...It will backfire big time...You should know your husband by now and how to meet him half way

    See how you can convince him for at least child dedication. The truth is baptism can be done at any age; preferably when you have come to the consciousness of Christ...Jesus was baptised at the start of his ministry...


    All the best

  23. You never knew he wasn't baptised? These are things you ought to have discussed before marriage. Ask for his reasons for not wanting your child's baptism. Again you said he doesn't go to church, that is another issue, hope he won't stop you from going to church too. Poster you have work to do, try subtly convince him or talk to someone he respects so much to talk to him. Don't do anything behind him.

  24. If not that you are a Catholic and your doctrines are different, baptism is expected to come after someone is conscious of his decision to give his/her life to Christ. Sprinkling of water does not connote baptism. Talk to your husband about what you think the dedication of your child in Church means to you. You should both agree on the child, you are not the only parent.

  25. Is good to ask your Partner question before marriage ooo

    Anyway please do not do anything behide his back o
    Make kasala no go burst
    Just sweet talk him and beg him well well ooo
    Pele dear it is well🙏🙏🙏

    Hello iya Boys

    1. Thank you Chika ❤️

    2. Do women enjoy marriage without Kasala. The type the wife is already prepared for? For which she can claim being the victim or shame the husband about?

  26. Awon Amotekun Ladies come gather sense today ooo. Oma shey oo. Poster please no need to disobey hubby. Get someone he respects and talk things through. wisdom will not leave you and love you for it.

  27. Lagos Mainland Girl29 July 2024 at 23:40

    This one you are responding to every comment and seem to be defending yourself.
    It is well dear Poster.

  28. Going to baptize your child behind your husband's back will not be nice. Make him see reasons. If he doesn't come around, leave it like that

  29. All these traditions of men that have no Scriptural basis. Show me in the Scriptures where infants are to be baptized. If you know the significance of baptism, you will know it is for someone who that taken a decision to accept Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. Can an infant do that? And baptism ought to be by immersion which symbolizes a public confession and demonstration of being identified with the death of Christ( when you go into the water) and being identified with the resurrection of Christ into newness of life (when you come out of the water).

    1. Thank you.
      Jesus preached peace in matrimonial homes.
      Poster wants to baptise her child as an infant.
      And she is has prepared for and wants "all hell [to] break loose after" in her matrimonial home.
      Yet she is the follower of Jesus who was baptised as an ADULT o!

  30. Like say all these naming ceremony, baptism, dedications na him dey make child leave long? Just wetin reach you.

  31. Is he not your husband, you should know hw to convince him over the issue.

  32. Stupid women, more reason i would never marry an imbecile.

  33. If you ever take this senseless risk with me, that is the end. Its an unforgiveable sin.

  34. Please let him be , you have entered the marriage already,I was even baptized in my late twenties when I was preparing for my wedding.


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