Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Hello BVs, 

My friend has had very bad luck with romance, and yes, this if for a friend. Anyway, she met someone new who seems quite promising and I told her to take it to God in prayer because she has done it her way for so long and to pray and let God take control and guide her. She asked me to pray for her too. Are there any specific Bible passages for romantic matters? Or for success in ventures to boost the prayers?

There exists a Bilbe verse to help relationships? I am not aware of it....Does anyone know of this?


  1. Let her buy new international version (NIV) or Amplified bible with bible concordance...With searching the word LOVE, it will reference all the bible passages on it.

    Focus more on book of Ephesians, Galatians and Romans

    All the best

  2. I don't think so..

    In the book of Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus Christ says, "ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asks receives, he that seeks finds and to him that knocks the door will be opened unto him.

    I think we are too familiar with this passage of the scripture, that's why you hardly hear people talk about it.

    All your friend needs to do is to ask God for the signs she needs to know if a man she likes or in love with is the right one for her.

    Psalms 91:15, God say, "he shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him".

    The promises of God are Yes and Amen.

  3. If I be the new guy I go dump you.
    These kinda ladies needs to be avoided at all cost.
    The problem just they start

    1. Dump a lady for praying? This world is strange sometimes

    2. Hpw??? Kindly explain

    3. Read the post again.... slowly

    4. Dump her for wanting to take her challenge to God??? Some of you are just taking the term "men's world" too far. You think you're the only best thing ever. Please Dump her and let the God who sees her, show himself. Egocentric twit!!!🙄

  4. All the best. Take SEP's advice please.

  5. If I be the new guy I go dump need to be avoided at all cost.who does that? Its not healthy oh and a recipi for greater wahala should avoid these kinda thing na to go juju house..

    1. You would be lucky if a lady prayed on top your head. When you cannot spell common recipe. Whose answered prayer you wan come be like this? Your inability to spell is indicative of pride and lack of good decision making skills. It also shows you don’t have self-respect and dignity. Pride because you refuse to tell yourself the truth that you cannot spell. Lack of good decision making skills because you refused to find a solution. Lack of self-respect and dignity because you don’t care the impression your misspelling creates in your readers’ minds. Selah.

    2. Dump a lady for praying to find love? Na wa oh. Poster, just tell her to pray and keep an open mind, not to be desperate but to trust and believe God to work things out for her.

    3. Anon 17/13 has you is very wicked.

  6. I don't know any. May God bless her & bless you too ♥️

  7. It is well with her
    May The Love Of Almighty God shower Upon Her🙏🙏🙏

    Hello iya boys

  8. The book of proverbs is one of many to read from.

  9. First of all she should surrender to God, not because of this relationship but for her own salvation,start studying God's word for more knowledge and directions... I tell you if she's genuine God will direct her every steps .
    Forever is too long for God to give us someone who doesn't align with our purpose

    1. Very apt , Baruch! Salvation is key . The only love passage in The Bible is John 3:16. That's all she needs

  10. Why are you people stressing yourself over these things. What will be will be . If you like fast 100 days or not. If he finds pleasure in her, he will take the relationship to the level she wants. Unless you want to hold him down through diabolical means.

    If you have been trying and you aren't being lucky, it means that you've been dating the wrong people. It's not everybody you see that you will want to try a relationship with. Is the guy really into her or she's just forcing herself even after seeing that it's not flowing naturally? If it's not flowing naturally, explain to him that you don't feel loved and ask him if he feels thesame. If he's not meeting up to your expectations, open up to him and he should also open up to you so the both of you can work on it. But if he's not adjusting certain things for your sake, you should know that the relationship is heading no where and be sensible and free enough to let it go. Na so life be o. If not then go use you do yeye.

    Ehen, you guys say you want to do fasting and prayer for him to stay? Instead, I would advise her to pray that God provides her with a man that will love and cherish her. You can be in a relationship thinking he's suitable for you whereas God is waiting for you to breakup with the person and give you time to go and build yourself to the extent that you'll be suitable for the next person that will be coming. Pray for God to make a good man/woman to find you. If it's not working immediately, that means God is telling you to wait, he is working on something on your behalf. But still, never stop praying until it happens.
    I hope they are not engaging in premarital sex and expecting God to move mountains?

    Many people do it their way and still get lucky to some extent but if you are involving God, just be clean.

  11. She should (on her own not you, you can join in to support if you wish) do a full day fast with regular prayers throughout the day. I don't think she needs Bible verses, let her just pour out her heart in prayer to the Lord.
    She can drink only water during the fast to avoid dehydration.
    Good wishes.

  12. Join any prayer believing platform like NSPPD or Koinonia. Use the psalms to pray and fast for deliverance. You can add midnight prayer to it. God will show up for your friend.

  13. It is well

    Hello iya boys

  14. She should get a love mentor to help her navigate finding love

  15. She should spend time praying.Her positive declarations and expectations will bring only the best to her.

    Song of Solomon 3:4 - I have found the one whom my soul loves and I would not let him go

    1 peter 4:8 - Above all,love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins.

    Romans 13:8 - Owe no one anything, except to love each other for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

    Mark 10:9 - Therefore what God has joined together,let no one seperate.

    Ecclesiastes 4:9 - Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labour.

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8 - Love is patient, love is kind.iy does not does not boast,it is not proud.

    1. Thanks for these scriptures. I will use and also share with her. My sincere gratitude.

    2. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing

  16. She should fast and pray with the book of Esther 2:15-17, to find favour in the sight of her new boyfriend

  17. I believe its great to pray with God's word.
    And when I want to pray specifically concerning an issue, I search online for scriptures relating to it.
    However, I like the scripture that says, call unto me and i will answer you, also Mathew 7:7. He also says he will not withold any good thing from those that love Him.
    Personally, the last time I received clear revelation about something, i engaged in praise for 3 days as instructed.
    Also note that God may choose to be silent. So, she can be friends with him to find out if he's the kind of man she wants in her life.

  18. Thanks to everyone who provided constructive and positive comments. You all helped tremendously.

    She is 45 yrs now and I just wanted her to be settled as I know she truly desires for motherhood and wifehood. May God deliver in double measure for her. Thanks again and for any BV desiring the same for themselves, may God grant you double measure also and remove all obstacles🙏🏾

    Thanks Stellz for posting and for the community you have created here💕

  19. When the way men - Nigerian men - are generally denigrated on this blog, is considered, posts like this on this same blog teach the lesson of not taking to heart all that is said in public.

  20. Dear Poster, I believe many Bvs have given godly advice. You can send them to your friend. May God bless her and give her the bone of her bone 🙏

  21. This can be a very daunting experience. I pray for her. May GOD see her through


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