Stella Dimoko Thursday Morning Spontaneous Post



Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #newday #blessedday #miracles #smile #goodthingswillcometoyoukindaday #itiswhatitis


Guten Tag!!!
Have a great day!!!


  1. "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."
    "God opposes the proud. But gives grace to the humble."
    “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.”
    "Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished."
    "The LORD detests the proud;
    they will surely be punished"
    “One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.”

    There are far too many passages in the Bible, that talk about pride and arrogance. I just picked out a few.
    I pray that as we journey through life, God will clothe us with humility and give us the Grace to treat other humans with absolute respect!
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

  2. The greatest glory in living doesn't lie in never falling, but in rising whenever we fall.

    Good morning blogfam and Stella. Hope we slept like babies? We thank God for the cool weather. May we find that helping hand that will lift us up in our low state. I wish us a great day ahead. Stay safe


    'I praise you because I am...wonderfully made.' Psalm 139:14 NIV

    Despite your aches and pains, you are a living, breathing, walking, talking wonder. The psalmist said, 'You...put me together inside my mother's body, and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me' (Psalm 139:13-14 CEV).

    One author explains: 'Most of us take our eyesight for granted, but even the simplest of processes is divinely complex. The retina, for example, conducts close to ten billion calculations every second, and that is before an image even travels through the optic nerve to the visual cortex. The human nose can detect one-millionth of one milligram of garlic floating in the air and distinguish among ten thousand distinct odours. The hairs blanketing your body magnify the sensation of touch so that you can discern a thousandth of an ounce of pressure on the tip of a half-inch hair. Amazing, isn't it?' Trillions of chemical reactions are taking place in every cell of your body every second. You are inhaling oxygen, metabolising energy, digesting food, maintaining equilibrium, purifying toxins, producing hormones, exhaling carbon dioxide, repairing tissues and circulating blood. As you read this, millions of electrical impulses are firing across billions of synaptic pathways, and you don't even think about it.

    Praise God for the gift of life and the multitude of his blessings you enjoy. And one more all-important thing: discover your life's purpose and dedicate yourself to fulfilling it. It has been said the two most important days in a person's life are the day they're born and the day they discover why they were born. Think about it!
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. God, I am super grateful for the gift of life & for Your wondrous works in my life.

    2. Awesome
      Thank you Jesus for life. πŸ™πŸ™

    3. Yes yes yes I'm wonderfully, fearfully and awesomely made in the express image of God πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

      Thanks for sharing Sis πŸ’œπŸ©·πŸ’–

    4. Thank you Almighty God for the gift of life and the multitude of Your blessings that I enjoy πŸ™πŸΌ

    5. God I adore you for the gift of life

    6. Thank you Jesus for your Love πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    7. Thank you Lord for gift of life,thank you because I'm wonderfully made.

      Thanks Essa babe πŸ˜˜πŸ’•

    8. Thank You Jesus πŸ™ 😊

    9. God, I'm grateful for the gift of life.

  4. Being In A Local Church Is SacroSanct!!
    Hebrews 10:25.

    "There’s a subtle but dangerous movement orchestrated by Satan to diminish the importance of church membership. The notion that one can serve God without being a part of a church community is a deceptive ploy aimed at pulling Christians away from the security and support systems established by God for families."

    "It is crucial not to heed the voices of ignorance or those influenced by Satan, seeking to undermine the work of God through His established structures. These structures are ordained for the edification and training of God's people in their Christian walk."


    Dear Father, I recognise the Church as the pillar and ground of truth. I value and actively engage in the fellowship and teaching provided by the Church; thus, I’m edified, instructed, built up and nurtured unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  5. People that download big (mb) videos from company wifi and send to WhatsApp groups/forums, where do you think group members will get data to download the videos? 😎😎😎

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Biko help me ask them o. Some files are as high as 800 mb. With which data abeg?

    2. 🀣🀣🀣🀣 The thing taya me oo.

    3. E reach to ask oh πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ I don't even bother opening them talk less of downloading it

    4. Good question πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    5. Lmao 🀣 help me ask them o

    6. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I follow you ask them oπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    7. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚, ask them o

    8. I keep wondering, why people do this often, immediately l open ur status on WhatsApp and notice that it will drain my mb, l dey close am sharp sharp😁

  6. Never mock a pain you haven't endured, because when life hits you..
    You might become everything you ever criticized.
    Good morning everyone πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
    Lovely day ahead to us.

  7. Don't lose the spark that makes you... YOU!
    Good morning Sweethearts πŸ’ž
    May we find favour and goodness today πŸ™

  8. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    I went through that post yesterday, and all I have to say is that, when you gang up and fight some with a pure heart, God will fight their battle and disgrace you. Karma is real.
    Stella has a Pure Heart.
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

  9. Replies
    1. This woman...

      Oyah change ur ways of greeting us before I flog u bayii

    2. Lol why should she change her pattern of greeting? Shebi it means "good morning everyone"?
      Weti be the difference between her own and the series of good mornings we see here every day? Abeg abeg🀀

  10. Good morning house..I watched the video of the president falling down and to me nothing is funny there...any body can make that mistake by misculating your step while walking,, I saw a lot of people rejoicing because of the fall and what they fail to understand is nobody is above falling down no matter your rank or status.?my prayers for all is may God not let our enemies rejoice over our downfall in Jesus name..Amen.

    1. Abi o. Rejoicing that he fell would they have been rejoicing if it were to be their fathers

      I just hope he's fine and okay. It's not easy to rule a country and make it better in a space of a year.
      I pray Nigeria be great one day πŸ™ I'm not supporting him but let's just try and give him time and pray everything work out for us in this country

    2. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    3. That video is something that can happen to anyone.
      I Googled presidents that had fallen on the podium or stage and I saw many. Even younger men. It's not something out of the ordinary.

    4. Anyone can missed his or her steps and fall, it's not something strange, I have fallen severally that way too

    5. I nearly fall down this morning on stair with my koy koy shoe πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, if you see the way l take hold myself. You go laugh tireπŸ€£πŸ˜‚ thank God nobody saw me only few children that were playing outside saw me, na so my neighbors for laugh this morning 😁 however it's a common thing that can happen to anyone both adults or children, to me no issue here.

  11. Good morning everyone πŸŽ‰
    Alhamduillah for the gift of life.

  12. Good morning everyone
    The public holiday is over
    We are off to hustle for today
    Stay blessed

  13. Good morning everyone πŸ₯³

    May the Lord give you a lasting laughter and make your dreams possible in ways beyond your reasoning as he elevates you above the place of your merits...

    I wish you all a blessed, exciting and fruitful day

  14. Someone sent me a DM to ask: “Which one is correct?” πŸ‘‡πŸΏ

    "I was in hospital yesterday."
    "I was in the hospital yesterday."

    I responded:

    Both of them are correct; however, they have different meanings.

    On the one hand, you use "I'm IN hospital" when you're a patient.

    You're IN hospital just to get treated.

    On the other hand, you say, "I'm IN THE hospital" when you probably went to visit/see a patient there.

    The same way that if you’re in school/college, you’re a pupil or student.

    But if you’re in THE school/college, you probably went to visit/see someone who's a student.

    If someone is in prison, he/she is an inmate.

    If someone is in THE prison, it means he/she is a visitor to the prison facility.

    If you're in church, you’re a congregant.

    If you're in the church, you’re there to see someone (a member of the church or the pastor, for instance).

    Technically, that has to do with the difference between Arthrous noun and Anarthrous noun.

    Arthrous nouns are those nouns that take the definite article "the".
    For example:
    I'm in THE hospital.

    Anarthrous nouns are those nouns that DON'T take the definite article "the".
    For example:
    I'm in hospital.

    Did you get any value from my explanations?

    I'm rooting for you!✌🏾

    1. I learnt from this! Thank you!

    2. Simple and direct explanation.
      Thank you ma.

    3. Of course I got value reading. Thanks for the teaching, Vic.

    4. Thanks for sharing. I got value reading this.

    5. Thanks Prof
      I got value reading it

    6. Thanks for sharing, really got value from the explanation

  15. Heavy duty blenders are life savers indeed, making life easy for mums. πŸ’ͺ🏽. Since the porpular one on SM is too pricey like say na war, I opted for a tokunbo one as recommended by Martins (God bless you bro). It's super good, strong and not pricey too. I've been enjoying it for weeks now..

    I never knew these guys do sell good stuff like blenders apart from fairly used irons. I like what I got. See the way it blended my grains for pap so smoothly and beans for moimoi!πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ½

    I greet you all this beautiful morning 🌹

    1. Biko where and how much did you get yours for?

    2. So it can also be used to blend grains for pap? This is awesome.

    3. Pls what is the name of the one you got?

  16. Na for abroad you fit pursue your dream
    For Nigeria, dem go pursue you for dream.

  17. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 165 of 366!!!!!
    Take all the Glory Lord.

  18. Dear anonymous
    I believe you enjoy running people down for whatever to make your miserable life feel good.

    Now peace of mind shall be far from you each time you come under me to spill negativity henceforth.
    I no go reply you on this again

    Na joke I dey too ooo

    1. Omo the curses on this blog ehn... Since I was born till this oldage, I never see am once. And some for really little things that you can just ignore.

      KJ, ignore the anons. It won't take anything from you. One day they will eventually stop.
      It's how I feel tho. Nor vex.


    2. Back to sender in double measure, pressed down and shaken together

    3. Y'all take this blog comments too seriously. This type of curses don't hold water, if not all the children of anger on Twitter and Instagram would have been in serious pains by now. Just ignore, this won't make them back off. Seriously.

    4. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Very funny
      Hi Jerry

    5. Fidel thanks! Henceforth I will only read silently and move on..
      Though SDK has bn a wonderful platform for me since 2017.

    6. Back to sender in triple measure. πŸ–️ waka.

    7. Oniyeye, what is funny in what he wrote?
      Jerry, trust me they won't listen. one is here laughing. So just ignore

    8. My dear, learn to press ignore button because they won't stop anytime soon

    9. King Jerry, you say you will only read silently and move on?
      Like seriously?
      If you have been here since 2017 like you wrote up there, you would know that the blog is saner now. Back then, they will troll you with their full chest, full blog id and they were more cruel than now. So what would you have done back then?
      Don't let them win. Keep doing your thing and keep taking the corrections while ignoring the trolls , you will get better with time.

  19. Good morning great people of SDKville...

    Ehen, shebi you people said that "broke and proud" movie was very good? Why Is it now taking days for me to finish it? I kept waiting for the storyline to pick up. Or did I download the wrong one? The house, the compound, the entire setting no just follow. Uzor's acting and the unnecesarily long scenes nko? Like secondary school drama. God abeg, I'm not sure any amount of hype will make me watch RK,'s movies again.

    1. Aboki nor stress me this morning abeg😏
      That film nor try reach??

    2. I really enjoyed the movie o, I laughed ehn

      Well different strokes

    3. Hian? Same movie featuring Blessing Nze, Ruth Kadiri, Uzor, Deyemi and one other guy laidat? Omo that movie no try abeg. Be like
      I no go dey follow una recommendation for here again, twitter own sure pass.

    4. Aboki na lie!!! All of us cannot gather and not know interesting movie. Na your eye! Rewatch am again, slowlyπŸ˜‚
      Pause after every scene. This thing dey pain me cos I really enjoy the movie.
      Make another person nor come read this your comment come really believe say na rubbish movie.


    5. I searched for it on moviebox but I no see. This your review don help me but for like watch because of Uzor o...

    6. @Aboki, you see that "Broke and proud" ehn, I no sure say the movie enter 30mins before I deleted it.
      Uzor was just shouting upandan and there were so many unnecessary "senreren" in the movie, making the whole thing tiring.
      The movie no just get head, honestly.

    7. I so much enjoyed that movie too, maybe you don't like comedy moviesπŸ€£πŸ˜‚, Uzor Arukwe na foolπŸ˜‚

    8. no vex Fidel but rewatch gini?? Something that took me days to complete I should now rewatch. Na my MB wey I take download no let me vex delete am after the first 20mins. God abeg ooo.

      Osundi, It should be on her youtube page but I downloaded mine from one telegram page.

    9. Aboki, I tried watching it and lasted exactly 5 minutes. I can’t remember what it was but something turned me off about it.

    10. 10:12, Thank you very much. Na that babalawo scene for the office vex me pass, then the lady wey come change am for Ruth ontop 5k abi na those ones wey dey drag bucket? God abeg abeg.

      Another thing that caused me sifia painment was Uzor shouting Ruth's name (Anna) upandan. The thing come dey vex me like say na my name (Hannah) them dey shout like that.

    Eph 5:2

    Children of God, some mistakes in life can never be corected, rather it can be managed. Life without God is like a blind man without a guide. Have u ever seen a blind man confortably living alone, going to market, running a business etc without a helper, that is how you as a child of God whenever you throw God by the corner and do things yourself without involving him.

    The choices you make will either make you or mar you. How do you feel as a parent when your ten years old wakes up suddenly to tell you, mother or father, despite you feed me, take care of me and clothe me, i will start taking decisions of my life myself, i don't need your input anymore.
    Won't that be madness and also funny to you, because you know that he/she is just a child and will make so many bad choices. This is exactly how God feels when we do things without his help.

    No matter your age, affluence, qualifications and exposure. You can still make loads of mistakes. But with God being your eyes, ears and Mouth. You will never fall into the ocean of regret.

    In life, their are three spiritual gates that the enemy can use to destroy us. They are:
    The eyes
    The ears and the mouth

    In decision making, what you see with your eyes can either convince or confuse you. What you hear can mislead or disorganize you, what you speak or spoken to can build or destroy you.

    The fact remains that you need God. That thing you feel that you know well can humiliate you.
    Allow Jesus to be a part of you. Normalize involving him in all you do.
    Any man that puts God first in all things will always be first and can never come last. God can not be mocked Jesus will forever remain lord, whether you acknowledge him or not.

  21. Good morning 🌞🌞🌞🌞
    Have a wonderful day πŸ’—

  22. The ability to watch your words and behavior is called emotional intelligence.

    Good morning people

    1. Gbam... Very few people have it and are able to use it wisely.

  23. I met a man so full of grace
    He came to me and gave me grace
    He made my life so free from sin
    So I rest in Your grace
    I rest in Your grace...

    Have a fulfilling day, beautiful souls!

  24. Good morning everyone 🀩🀩
    Blessed be the name of the Lord

  25. Good morning beautiful people ♥️

  26. No one noticed your tears,
    No one notices your sadness,
    No one notices your pains.
    But they all notice your mistakes.

  27. I sold fridge worth 250k for you at 45k and you're complaining "the fridge dey shock you". The price sef no shock you?

  28. Giving glory to the Lord for the gift of life. For another great opportunity to be among the living.

    May today be a blessed day to us all in Jesus name.

  29. Good morning everyone 😍😍😍

    Be wary of people who constantly keep an eye on what you're doing but don't compliment or support you.

    Candy, how're you today??? Get well soon, babe 😘😘😘

    Y'all have a great day ahead 😘😘😘

    1. I really miss her. Get well soon Candy❤️
      By now she for don try this cucumber stew and tell us how far 🀦

    2. God's speed my explorer πŸ™πŸ»πŸ₯°

    3. Your second paragraph is so apt. They won't compliment your little wins nor support you. But just may 1 single blunder or mistake, na them go first point it out

  30. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    I have set The Lord always before me, He is at my Right hand, I shall not be moved πŸ™

  31. Good morning Lovers
    Hope we all woke up strong today.

    For that special woman out there
    No matter how life treats you, never regret having a baby...

    Single Mothers, May You never lackπŸ™πŸ™Amen

    GoldenTulip ✍️πŸ•Š️

  32. The accident that occured at Ugwu Onyeama is so sad 😒😭😭. The man was crying and screaming "Jesus" in the video. So sad that the government keeps playing politics with the lives of citizens in this country.
    The road is poorly constructed coupled with military checkpoints at the wrong places 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.
    It is so chaotic living in this country.

    1. You get mind set watch accident video

    2. One of my Church Member was involved in the accident but he was badly injured,he is in Orthopaedic hospital now...

      I pray God show him mercy

  33. Good morning my people. Ow una day? Make Almighty bless us today and keep us safe. May he send us helpers that will remove us from grass and take us to grace πŸ™✌️
    We are blessed ijnπŸ™

  34. Good morning everyone πŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’—πŸ’›πŸ’œ♥️πŸ’™❤️❤️πŸ₯°πŸ˜
    Thank you Stella and Angel KOOF I got the giveaway alert yesterday may God's blessings never depart from youπŸ™πŸ’“πŸ’–πŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ’šπŸ’—πŸ’›πŸ’œ♥️♥️πŸ’™❤️❤️😍😍

    1. Congratulations
      I think Stella should publish the names of those that were credited so that those who have not gotten alert will voice out

  35. Good morning and blessed day for us all

    1) TAKE AWAY SLAP: this is a situation where someone will give you a dirty slap and all u could do is just walk away, this kind is normally received by newly born Christians
    2) RESOUNDING SLAP: this is when after you're been slapped you keep hearing funny sounds in your brain like wiiiiiiiiii, and voices and your head singing skelewu
    3) FORMATTING SLAP: this is the type dat makes someone instantly forget what he/she is doing.. you find yourself asking questions like "what did I do?" "Who slapped me? This type is very common it's a slap from a guy who is stronger than you
    4) EXPLANATION SLAP: when someone gives you this kind, you find yourself explaining the situation to the nearest person out of your own accord..E.g "bros ahbi u dey watch?" I no do anything oo, I just dey pass go my somewhere oo. this is a slap from soldiers that haven't received promotion for soo long
    5) FIXED DEPOSIT SLAP: when you receive this kind, all you do is just stand where you are and what watch the person go, this is slap from elder brothers
    6) RETHORICAL SLAP: that moment you download this slap you start asking that don't need reply like "you slapped me?"
    So which one have you receiv𝒆d🀣🀣🀣🀣


    1. You seriously made me laugh πŸ˜‚ this morning

    2. I'm just laughing πŸ˜„

  37. Oluwa dey my side oo, na Baba God dey run am for me, I'll never fail nor fall

  38. The society has decayed so much that we all forget our manners and home training, we can now laugh and make jest of elders all in the name of forming woke! It can never be me, and no child of mine will make jest of an elderly person cos I'll make sure I imbibe that forgotten culture in them

    1. Meaning that people that make jest of elders lack home training

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Good morning people of this great blog. Do have a productive day.

  40. Blessed morning πŸŒžπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  41. Good morning SDKville,
    Anytime I see another breaking of the day,I say thank you Lord🎡
    May this day be filled with our answered prayers and joyful news
    Stay happy always,one love❤❤❤

  42. Religion and State must be separate otherwise you get a dystopian society where people are forced to conform to what and who they dont believe in..Religion is dangerous! #justthinkingoutloud

  43. Good morning blog fam

    We bless God for today, waking up is a privilege denied many.
    Have a fruitful day today

  44. Good morning blog fam

    We bless God for today, waking up is a privilege denied many.
    Have a fruitful day today

  45. Good morning everyone
    Hope you are all doing fine.
    We are inside vehicle now, waiting for it to full, travelling for Sallah today before rushing starts tomorrow.
    Have a beautiful day all

  46. Good morning Bvs😁
    I had a great day yesterday😊

  47. Good morning beautiful people.πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    Thank you Jesus.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

  48. Sallah should do and come and go. Went to the market yesterday, the prices have gone up again.

  49. Good morning SDK fam.... Just a reminder, add a smile to your attire as you go out, it doesn't cost much you know. Cheerssssss

  50. Good morning. Up and about again. Thank you Jesus for daily. on the grind again

  51. Good morning beautiful people may we all have a blessed and fulfilled day.

  52. Thankful Thursday πŸ™πŸ»
    I'm grateful Lord....

    Online Meetings and training thingsπŸ™„
    holiday will soon be over abeg lemme enjoy the few days remaining joor

    Good Morning blog famz πŸ’•

  53. Good morning people
    It's a bright and sunny day in Ibadan. I'm feeling kind of feverish, I have taken paracetamol. God pls I don't want to fall sick. I hate being sick.

  54. Top of the Morning Everyone πŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’•

  55. Good morning SDK and BVs. Tremendous Thursday. Forever thankful to you my maker. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  56. Your best friend gave birth,you are sending her WhatsApp message to congratulate her. How much credit will you use to call and greet her? Not like you both are in different countries
    I do not understand some people.

    1. Are you close to both of them?
      She may be in a place where she cannot make calls immediately, hence the WhatsApp message. Let's stop drawing conclusion hastily

    2. I don't see anything wrong in that

  57. Good morning everyone
    Thank you Jesus for everything
    Have a fabulous day ahead πŸ’–πŸŒΉ

  58. Good morning everyone. Do have a blessed day.

  59. Good morning everyone.


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