Stella Dimoko Sunday In House Gists - Comment Section Gists Boulevard


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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday In House Gists - Comment Section Gists Boulevard

These comments might Interest you if you missed reading the Blog this week....

On Sunday spontaneous post, Bv Fabulous Momma and wify had a good advice for bvs. She said that if you build a house and you are not around to live there yet, don't ask a relative or friend to go live there till you are ready to live there. Instead, pay for a house for the person if they are homeless and you wish to help.
She said some people lost their lives for this kindness. She also advised that if you are not ready to live there yet, rent it out or put it under lock and key, to avoid bitter and sad ending. Many bvs came out to share their experiences.
Thanks for that very good advice.
A bv commented with an epic blog ID, "Bank Alert". Stella could not help but laugh at the funny Id. The owner of the blog id said she has been here for long and was formerly commenting as IJEY but one bv was trying to cause confusion with a similar blog id IJAAY, so IJEY changed to Bank Alert to avoid wahala.
Welcome back Bv Bank Alert.


On Monday spontaneous post, Bv Disco dancer made a comment that showed she lives in Kubwa, bvs came under her and asked if she is related to the internet rat or if she is its girlfriend because that one's hole too is in Kubwa, they are both blog friends and speak the same language.
Bv Disco dancer has not responded to bvs.
Stella addressed bvs, she told us that Our blog Amotekun King and DNA ambassador bv Dante is a trained lawyer who graduated with distinction. She also said he is a cool guy.
Bv Losty said our blog detective Bv XP had already said it since, that Bv Dante is a Lawyer and that XP is correct 80% of the time. An Anon came and told her that Bv XP's FBI findings is 50/50 and not 80% correct because XP once lied on her.
*Holds lips with both hands*
Blog Josephina, Bv Suave had another dream o. She said in the dream, her neighbour gave her fine red pepper, which she misplaced. She kept searching for it but couldn't find it till she woke up. She prayed and cancelled the dream.
Bv Asia rejoiced with her for not finding it, she said pepper means sorrow and strive.
Bv Losty too brought her own dream, she said she was walking on the road wearing only dross on her waist and people were passing by, not bothered. A blog prophet/ess replied her and told her to pray well against disgrace.

On Monday IHN, Stella asked why the men on the blog do not celebrate themselves on man crush Mondays, instead they will come and be chooking their mouth on women crush Wednesday.
Blog Aproko cum Ibadan CNN, Comrade Pinky brought a gist about an aspiring butcher who killed five healthy goats for eating his crops. He was caught while trying to dispose off the dead goats. The owner of the goats used police to show him shege banza before he was rescued.


On Tuesday IHN, Blog Aproko cum Ibadan CNN, Bv Pinky complained to bvs that what he has been experiencing in his shop since he started business there wants to make him a changed man, he emphasized that the different experiences want to change him from an Aproko to a non-Aproko. He said that they want to make him to start minding his business, which is not in his blood, Aproko came with him from heaven.
He shared a story of a man whom he advised, but the man went behind him and spilled all that Pinky told him, thereby exposing Pinky to premium dragging by his shop neigbour.
Blog most punctual bv, Ali B posted his son Giovanni who clocked 5yrs. Happy birthday to him.
Blog chef, Bv Candy wished Ali B's son a happy birthday and said his shoes are fine, she "jokingly" said they don't look like Chucky's shoes.
An anony'mouse bilisu came and called on Baba Chucky(Bv Excess3code), that Candy is mocking his son's shoes. Baba Chucky jumped out and "jokingly" called Candy bad belle.
Wahala wahala wahala!
Another anony'mouse asked Bv King Jerry why there are no more URL IDs coming to laugh beneath his jokes since trolls came for him. He didn't answer.


On Wednesday spontaneous post, candy, told Baba Chucky that she is not a bad belle, she was not referring to him and that he should avoid her comments henceforth.
Bvs trooped out in solidarity with Candy. They had all sorts of things to say to Baba Chucky.
Lastly, Baba Chucky came with an epic reply, he said he likes the way he is trending here. Hahahahahahahaha

Stella asked after Bv Oki Royalty, bvs said she commented recently. Stella now said any day Oki comments again, we should tell her that she has something for her.
Official blog Hunter, Bv Game mistress told us a story of how her neigbour borrowed money from LAPO. She defaulted in the repayment and they came to her house early in the morning to disgrace her.
Bvs make una stay far from LAPO loan o.
On Wednesday IHN, Stella asked bvs to nominate a bv for women crush Wednesday giveaway. Bvs came out in their numbers to nominate BV Fidel .
Blog SAN and Amotekun King, Dante came to defend bv Excess3code aka Baba Chucky. He said they mocked his son's birthday shoes and he embraced the name Baba Chucky, a bv came again to mock him on another boy's birthday and they are playing the victim after the man responded.
Bv Candy the blog chef caught the shade and responded. She said she did not mock BV Excess3code as she was referring to the real Chucky.
Some bvs came to lend their pens to the argument including bv Phoenix and Stella herself. Stella told them to sheath their swords.

Blog prophetess, Bv BIZ told us about a dream she had. She said in the dream, her boss gave her 2000 dollars for being hardworking and loyal. Then a woman appeared and was dragging the money from her, telling her she had been waiting for her to bring all her rewards. She fought the woman off in the dream and woke up with body pains.
Then she went into 3days fasting and prayers.
A few days after the prayers, she received news of the demise of her aunt who slept and didn't wake up, she had marks on her body as if she fought with busu, cat.
Bvs came under her comment with music and dancing, congratulating her for using prayers to kpai her witchy aunt.
We thank God for you, our prophetess. Now that your witchy aunt that was stealing your blessings is gone, you will start doing giveaway here soon.

Blog Josephina, bv Suave said it's like her dreams are coming to pass cos her mum was very sick and coullllllld not talk, she begged the new blog prophetess, bv BIZ for Psalms to pray with so she would be healed.
Blog prophetess, bv BIZ did not disappoint. She told her to read Psalm 41 into chilled water in a glass 7 times and then put a pinch of salt and let her mum read the same Psalm 41 14 times, sip small from it and pour some on her head, then pour the rest on her two feet.
I said it before, that we need a Prophetic Ministry in this blog for our prophets, prophetesses and their members.


On Thursday spontaneous post, Stella asked Bv Fidel to send her account details, she won the WCW giveaway.

Blog prophetess, bv BIZ offered to share Psalms to bvs so they can pray with them and be saved. An Anonymous was against what BIZ said. The anon told Stella to stop enabling bv BIZ's Psalms on the blog because she may graduate to telling people to consult her privately which may turn to yam pepper scatter scatter.
On Thursday IHN, an anony'mouse said it didn't vote bv Fidel for the WCW giveaway because it knew Fidel would reject the gift as a result of her faith, she is a Jehovah's witness.
Bvs came with diverse views on JW people. They also noted that Fidel rejected the Christmas giveaway last December because they don't celebrate Christmas, however they don't reject gifts and that she will accept Stella's gift. Fidel also replied and said they accept gifts.
Hmmmmm, so this means that JW people celebrate woman crush Wednesday but don't celebrate birthdays, Christmas and Easter. Okay.
An Anon lamented that she did abortions while single but when she needed babies, she had miscarriages. Now she is single at 48 without a child. Bvs advised her to try other means like adoption or surrogacy because her condition was just a coincidence. They told her to pray for forgiveness and forget her past because some others did worst and now married with kids.
Eve our blog Prophetess gave her Psalms to read.

Bv Ryah brought a story of how some guys drank too much alcohol and went to look for some girls' trouble. They beat up the girls but those one showed them woman power. The girls brought soldiers who first removed a few teeth from the guys mouths before taking them to unknown destination.
I doubt if they will still remember their own names when they come back home..
Next time, if they see woman, dem go fold.
One anony'mouse told Stella to round up the next giveaway within a month because it gets depressed seeing giveaway comments all over the place.


On Friday IHN, Stella replied the bv who complained about giveaway length in the previous day's comment section. She told the bv to stay away from posts that contain giveaway comments. She asked the bv if he or she wants to teach her how to draw traffic on her blog.
Stella also said she wanted to ask what 5k can do in these times but fear would not let her ask.
She advised anyone that is depressed to talk to someone but they should not come into her own inbox because she too gets sad as a result of their condition.
Lastly, Stella said bvs can go anon and share their depression stories on the post and if a pot of stew is the cause of their depression, they should indicate.
Stella shared a news that got bvs dancing for joy. She said she would stop watching Zeeone/Zeeworld, as from Monday she won't watch it again because they have infected her with their mumu behavior and camera angles that twist her eyes. She said she will revert to her American series before they turn her into a mumu and also blind her eyes.
A gist poster brought gist about a couple who attend that church where they wear lemon apron. The woman was pregnant with multiples and was scheduled for a CS birth. The husband wearing their church's apron, told the doctor not to carry out the operation, he said the God of his pastor will deliver the woman without operation. The woman was gradually dying.
At last, she called her brother who signed and paid, she was operated on successfully while the husband disappeared and switched off his phone. He was given a thorough beating when he came back to the hospital the next morning and started saying rubbish.
The woman's things were later moved out of the man's house by his brothers.
I personally avoid the church people who wear that apron.

As bvs trooped out to apply for the 5k that Stella barely mentioned, an anony'mouse said Stella should forget the 5k idea because it cannot do anything nowadays. Bvs almost chopped the anon raw. LMAO.

Many bvs came out to share their depression stories. Check the post to read them.


On Saturday Spontaneous post, an anony'mouse collected wotowoto after giving Stella unsolicited advice. It told Stella that no one on the blog apart from those who have nothing to gain from her truly cares about her. It said that no one on the blog supported Stella on Instagram when netizens poured hatred on her for the Sharon Ooja's post that she did.
The comment backfired as SDK came for the anony'mouse. She told the anon to carry its fake love and disappear because she does not need any support from anyone, she said she has pomo skin to withstand the heat from netizens. She warned it never to try gaslight her again.
Bvs also came for the anony'mouse. They asked whether it knows the social media handles of all BVs to draw the conclusion that no one from the blog supported Stella on Instagram. They told it to fly away with its "high service". Hahahahahahahaha
I wish you all a beautiful weekend.
Yours in Amebo,
Aunty Oyokometer.


  1. The past week was really interesting on the blog. Keep up the good work, Oyokometre.

  2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Aunty Oyokometer take three gbosas 🤜🤜🤜

  3. Fidel, so Jehovah witnesses celebrate Woman crush Wednesday?

    Thanks Oyokometer

    1. Fidel has not answered this 🙄

  4. Medussa(Savage)30 June 2024 at 14:29

    Ibadan CNN 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. Thanks for the update 🌹❤️

  6. This Aunty Oyoo eh... Your mouth too sharp! 🤣🤣See summary nah

  7. I've witnessed many problems with giving someone your house or land just because you are not yet ready to be using it, if I want to write about it, it will contain two pages, my father, my aunt and grandfather are clear examples.

  8. I don't think anyone avoid that church with apron like me. If I want to board a bus and sight that apron, I'll tell you am not going again.

  9. Very interesting recap. Well done bv Oyokometer

  10. This week was crazily interesting. Nice one Oyokometer . Happy New Month and great week ahead

  11. Oyokometer with sharp mouth 🤣🤣 well-done.

  12. Thanks oyokometer
    It's the wotowoto for me🤣
    Congratulations Bv Fidel🥰


  14. Aunty Oyoko, you never disappoint. Hahahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣. You're doing well. Thanks!!!

  15. This week is shaa one of my best. Gbas gbos left right and centre. Thank you SDK for this blog if only you know how you are helping me cure my loneliness
    Aunty Oyoko thank you for update and no mind that busybody bv giving unsolicited advice. Make we try have a peaceful night

  16. Hah God! This your mouth will not put you in trouble. She say Ali B Is a short engine 🤣🤣😂😂. Pinky is Ibadan CNN. Suave is blog Josephina😂

  17. You said bv BIZ will do giveaway here? The one that went to France for vacation, has she done giveaway? Instead she came to apply for 10k. The one that has used charcoal business sponsored by this blog to build house and buy car, has she done recharge card giveaway here before? Sebi she also came to apply for 10k.
    Some of them are very greedy and stingy, they only know how to collect and collect no matter how comfortable they are.

  18. What an interesting week
    Thanks for the update Oyokometer

  19. This recap is really hilarious 😂 Oyonko dalu ooo.


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