Stella Dimoko Red Vigor CEO Maureen Ezissi Says She Is Still ''Technically''Married To Actor Blossom Chukwujekwu



Saturday, June 08, 2024

Red Vigor CEO Maureen Ezissi Says She Is Still ''Technically''Married To Actor Blossom Chukwujekwu

Red Vigor CEO, Maureen Ezissi is currently trending for the shocking disclosure she made on the Internet

During an interview with The House Chronicles, Maureen revealed that she was shocked when Blosom's parents agreed with their son when he said he was done with the marriage even after his mum had kicked against it, saying that 'its not of the Lord'.She also revealed that she was still married to the actor as she never signed any divorce papers.
She said:
"My separation rather happened before it went public.
By the books, am not divorced
So technically am still married
When you say you are divorced, it means you signed papers right?
All i did was defend him and I wasn't defending him because regardless of everything that happened, am never gonna stop saying that he's a good person.
I would call his mum and she would give me reasons why we cannot divorce, why it's more of the world, I should not worry that it would get better
And then magically, he said he was done and they were okay with it
The same you guys that was telling me every year to stay so how come the son comes come to you and tells you, 'oh, he's done' and surprisingly, you threw away God out of the equation.
When they said he had missed a bullet, that's extreme because if we really want to analyze if, like that, I dodged a bullet"


  1. Wow..
    The new wife has money then..

    1. she married a gigolo

    2. Maturity has finally come and regret sets in.
      Nwaada move on, it's well.

      Mao Akuh

  2. Sign the divorce paper and move on with your life, your ex has moved on already, I know it's not easy but you need to let go.

    1. So true, why would she not sign the divorce papers.

    2. I'm sure the new wife must have sent Divorce papers on his behalf. Just sign it and move on. But then again, you can divorce one if they refused to sign the divorce papers. I don't know if is done in Nigeria

  3. Technically, lawfully and spiritually una go dey alright.
    May you have the strength and zeal to carry on Maureen

  4. She is tired of "independent, single lady, living her best life, aint need no man, all men are dogs, all men can go to hell" etc that she has been doing on IG for years now?

    She has suddenly remembered that she is still technically married?

    Mrs Headward.

    1. I wonder why people say things like this. So she should not answer a simple question asked. She was asked this, are you saying she won't have answered

    2. My own is, why would a church wed anyone that is not properly divorced! Is even my church here! Why? Even pastor Chris that is divorced for years, has not remarried! So why would Blossom be properly married; when there is no divorce papers! Most times, I just online services from my house.

    3. @Anon 10:57
      Cho cho cho.
      Dont mind your business. Or Maureen, is that you?

  5. Cho cho cho everytime.sign the papers men don't talk much wether they right or wrong.. when a man's mind is made up it is and you won't hear pim from the man.

    1. There is no signing any divorce Nigeria or abroad unless they are sharing assets. If one person file and the other refuse to respond or appear at hearing, the judge may postpone one or two times and grants divorce to the person seeking since the other party didn’t contest or care. But if assets is to be shared , they will force the other party to appear by court order.

  6. Woman sign the ladies alway feel you too important and the nect best thing after bonjour bread.always over rating yourselves.mov3 on.

    1. At least, type properly na. Life ain't that hard.

  7. Woman sign the ladies alway feel you too important and the nect best thing after bonjour bread.always over rating yourselves.mov3 on.

  8. We don't sign divorce papers in Nigeria.
    May Almighty God heal you totally Maureen.

    1. That’s how people go to jailb

  9. This is serious, but you sure say no bi you refused to sign the papers? That means he has not married his new wife legally.

    Anne K

  10. Stella abeg, which one be ''Technically''Married"...?

  11. Blossom has moved on
    Sis please move on 💕

  12. Don't mind his stupid mother. Exactly what my friend's mother in-law did. Pls forget them,stop hurting and move on

    1. It is your own mother that is stupid

    2. And you had to call someone's mother "Stupid"?
      Gosh! Why have you thrown your morals to the dogs?
      If someone calls your mother "Stupid", please sir/ma, how would you feel?

  13. She still wants him
    Guy must be good in bed cos I know he is not rich

    1. You know he is not rich. Omniknowest, you, are you rich?

  14. This lady is still stuck with her past,abi she has refused to give love a chance,what am I even saying sef

    1. why are some of you so if they ask you questions and you answer means you are stuck? have you never recounted past incidences in your life? fools, you all love to just have something to say about celebrities

  15. You are doing yourself a disservice by been tied to a man who has long gone and perhaps currently in the bossom of another woman mocking your comment.

    On a serious note, Lawyers in the house, what's the legal implication of Blossom's action? I'll like to see him punished for what he put this lady through.

    1. Perhaps?
      Man wey don re-marry since?

    2. What he put her thru ke? Because you’re in the same house with them Abi what? Do you know what he had to endure as well? Just because the man isn’t as loud and vocal as she is doesn’t mean she’s blameless! It takes two to make it work and for her to be considering divorce too she must have been tired as well. Blossom has not once spoken on this matter, you don’t live with them, you don’t know what happened so don’t make silly conclusions.
      The legal system in Nigeria doesn’t work the way you guys see it in foreign movies, read it up!

    3. Once you go to court and the judge pronounces you as divorced. That's the end. No one signs divorce papers in Nigeria, so let this woman keep fooling herself.
      Blossom is married now, she wants him to divorce his wife and return? Real life isn't a Hollywood romcom

  16. I feel for this woman. She is yet to heal. After all these years?

    1. I understand her pain sha but I personally feel she’s doing herself a disservice by still being hung up on the matter. She seems like the kind that loves fiercely. She needs to let go of whatever hurt and pain she’s holding on to and move on for her own sake and sanity. The man is not coming back ever. He moved on and it’s time for her to do the same too!

    2. And she will never heal. After fooling around with Prince BBNaija and Minjin (failed musician) she has suddenly remembered that she is technically married. Oshisco

    3. I thought it was cross she fooled around with, I saw a very uncomfortable almost intimate video of them she posted … plus other not so popular men too.
      If and when she decides to tell herself the truth and really decide to move on then her healing can start.
      Also, how are her family members comfortable with what she puts out online, like why??!!

    4. @Anon
      Birds of a feather flock together.

      Have you seen what she does with two men who she claims are her biological brothers?

      The lady is sick upstairs

  17. I cry for her. It is obvious the marriage was everything, her entire identity was wrapped up into being that man’s wife. He was her god and she idolized him. Idolatry is blasphemous no matter the form it takes. This is a spiritual issue that requires deliverance. Flee from idolatry!

  18. Is there any impossible for God to do,the answer is NO, keep hope alive.God can send someone better than you in every area.Please MOVE on.May God answer your prayer in Jesus name.
    Chi loving.

  19. Ehya she loves hard and still hasn't moved on.

  20. You're not technically married to him anymore or anywhere. Have some dignity and move on.🙄🙄🙄. Nigeria law don't need you to sign any papers.

  21. Everytime sign the paper. Please, in Nigeria there's nothing like sign the paper, the judge gives judgement dissoving the marriage after trial and that's it. Both parties go their separate ways.

  22. Is this a recent interview?? The last time that I checked, the guy has moved on with someone else. Let her find closure and give love another chance. Leave the past behind and keep it moving.
    Sometimes you give it all your best, and when it seems like your best is not enough, maybe there is someone that will love you better. Love is not hard.

  23. If she didn't sign any papers like she said, then she has every right to take the case to court. She seems fairly smart and intelligent so its a wonder why she hasn't done that yet. No fault divorce is not recognised in Nigeria yet.

    But it is self defeating what she is doing. She thinks she's still married. She sounds like a wreck though. You can't say you are married to someone and then in the same breathe say you dodged a bullet.

    1. You give your opinions with so much confidence/authority but they lack substance, most times. Once judgement is given, her signing the divorce papers or not, is legally meaningless and of no effect.

    2. Don’t pretend to be an authority when you clearly don’t know! A « no fault » divorce is legally possible in Nigeria. It’s one of the seven reasons for which a judge can rule to dissolve a marriage. If a couple has lived apart for at least 3 years, it is assumed the marriage has broken down irretrievably - in the eyes of the law. If Blossom filed for a divorce and she didn’t respond to the petition in one month, his lawyers can move to dissolve particularly if she doesn’t show up in court.

  24. We don't sign paper in Nigeria. The judge rather signs and dissolve the marriage.

  25. She still dey talk her Ex matter
    No kids is involved nah, why still talking about your EX?
    She should try as much as possible to move on jare...
    Mo mo it is well with you oo..

    Hello iya boys

  26. There's nothing like no fault divorce in Nigeria rather it's in the USA.
    Meanwhile whether you signed or not it will get to the point that the judge will grant the party seeking divorce his or her wish.
    The Most Complex B

  27. Lagos Mainland Girl9 June 2024 at 13:27

    Oh dear
    You will find a man who will love you more someday
    Try move on

  28. Maureen please have therapy. You can move on. Yes you can do it! You need to do away with any form of self destructive behaviours and open your heart to possibilities...........

  29. This woman is yet to heal
    Please move on

  30. what is all the stupid comments littering the story? is this not an interview? did she just sit down and start talking of her marriage on her own? blame naija media people to always overflog stories. if she refuses to answer the questions the same fools here will say she is still pained that is why she refused to answer. Honestly nigerans are so freaking irritating busy bodies


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