Stella Dimoko Monday In House News


Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday In House News

 I Salute!!!

I salute everyone and hope that you are having a great day.......
I saw a video this Morning where cucumber and pepper was used to prepare stew for rice and it looked really good..Has anyone here tired it before? How is the taste like? It looked like ama put stew color......Please if anyone tries it, come back to let us know how it is....Thanks.
I am off now to get some stuff for my wonderful ceasar salad, i put in grilled chicken stripes and shrimps, i mean this salad is like main food.....*lickslips*
Have a nice day and as usual, please bear with me if comments are slow, just be commenting...I juggle being a mum, wife, and Blogging and e no easy.... Sometimes i fit wan go gbensh and no way cos i have to work....LMAO!!!!
So i heard my name and Blog was mentione don Arise TV this morning by the trio of Dr Reuben Abati, Ayo and Rufai.......Did anyone see that? Can someone explain in details what they said? Make i go drag them for Instagram if them yab me...LOL:......Actually i just wanna thank them for mentioning me, its good business to be mentioned on a National TV in the Morning when everyone is listening to the News..
Kudos to you BVs for making this place rock...
To the person who says this place has become boring and has been posting that since last week...I didnt hear your name mentioned oh and this allegedly boring place was mentioned as a point of reference.....I keep enabling that comment to let you read it and self destruct.........Keep coming here to read and dont forget ya sleeping blanket..hehehehehehhehehhe
#amebonamywork #agbadoblogger #smile #useeyescorrectanytypoabeg
tight hugs



This life ehn, wetin go dey do you, wey you go neglect am kan believe say na normal thing not knowing it's becoming or has become a spiritual problem. I pray you won't experience it in Jesus name.
I was at a new eatery yesterday to get just five piece of spaghetti Fortunately, I met a long time friend who happens to be their supervisor at the eatery. He was transfered from Lagos. I saw him shouting and walked up to him. We exchanged pleasantries and I asked him what was going on(I don leave wetin I Kan buy Kan dey do aproko).
He said one guy has been coming there to pick chicken and eat. He will just pick one, eat and go out without paying and they never noticed. It was one of their staff who noticed after he has done it for over 5 different times and they began to study him each time he is around. The CCTV was active. 
So, yesterday, he came and repeated the same thing and he was given a dirty slap on his way out . They took him in and straight to the CCTV room. They asked him since when he has been doing such and he confessed. They showed him past events on the cctv and the one he did yesterday.
I waited for them to be through and went to the supervisor to plead on his behalf at least not to be handed over to the police because if they do, then it is finished.
 I was busy asking the supervisor on the total chicken he ate (why because, I have decided to use the 10k I took there to help out), not long, a man also came to ask the same question and said, he is willing to pay for everything but they refused. 
He said, the matter has been forwarded to the head office. Before we open eye close am, police don come. They handcuffed him and took him away. I cried for him.
Do I need to pity him? Yes. I need to because a lot is going on with people but we don't know.
I pitied him because he will pay more than what he ate and by so doing,putting his parents into trouble (provided they are still alive). Life hits us differently but a strong man is not known by how many times he falls but how many times he can pick himself up after falling .
If you know you know.
You can judge but , everyone has their flaws.
Ire oooooo


''Good morning all. MC Pinky, that your story about your motorcycle, I had something similar with my first car. I would wake up to a hot bonnet and car not starting even when I just serviced it. I had to change the engine, still the same problem. I went to church and was told that my car was used at night. How??? I live alone in a fenced compound with the car parked in the garage. Long story cut short, I woke up to see a cat struck on the space between the front tyre on the driver's side. That was the end of my car wahala''

Na wah oh...Cat wey dey drive motor dey?


These are 20 names out of the 50 names for 10k each...I will select the next 15 names after these set are sorted out....Please if there is any name here that has gotten from the 50k giveaway, point it out..
Please send your acct details and a screen grab of your comment showing the delete button......I will triple check this so any fraudster should plan well....
Send to

4-Essa atelier
7-Chocolate city
10-Lily Angel
11-Iya kosi
12-Iya nimi
13-St Phoenix
15-lady zee
16-hello iya boys
17-black slimzy
18-golden tulip
19- Esther okoro
20- Morayo
There is someone on this list that was Nasty inbox becos of reasons best known to her.....Be careful where you go to insult people cos you dont know where your Angel will be.....I have forgiven you but i will never forget the words you used....You know yourself, I wont expose your ID

My neighbor's daughter attempted suicide last night, a 22yr old girl, but her mom was to blame for it.
This woman does absolutely nothing to raise her kids right, she leaves 5am in the morning, come back 8pm in the night, I overheard her one time telling this girl that the insult they're getting from our landlord is too much and she must try for them to build their own house soon.
This girl dropped out of school at J.S.S 3 and has been struggling to survive since, she sleeps with anything in trouser including her ancestors and can bring them home without any confrontation.
Sometime last year, she said she was going to register for HK (I think a school where they learn yahoo), I advised her not to buy she said her mom already told her to go ahead and that's all she needs, I come shut up my mouth ooo.
She spent over 9months there and came back last month but I noticed something about her, she's no longer herself, she goes out at every 10pm in the night and comes home in the morning (I know this cos na me de lock compound gate), her mom still said nothing about it, infact the day I got angry about her disturbing me with locking and opening of gate, na her mama come beg me.
She said the reason she attempted suicide was because her life is messed up, that the yahoo apprenticeship wey she go, that she couldn't secure a client and was sent away after her boss and other boys there take her kponyor take rest taya, that all her mom cared about is money and what she brings home not minding what she did to bring those things home
She said she's doing drugs and her mom knows, she recently started olosho business and her mom still knows too and said nothing about it.
Recently she met this guy (I've seen him a few times, very cute guy), she said the guy treats her differently and she's in love with him, she said she was ready to become a better person for him but she caught him yesterday morning with another girl, and he introduced the lady as his fiancee, she then decided to get angry but the guy told her that no sane man will make her type his wife, that she's only good for lashing, he said she's being raised by a terrible mother, that God will curse him if he dares make such a woman his MIL, he said they can still be good friends but he can't marry a girl he paid for segxs on their first meeting.
So she came back and confronted her mom for being such a mother to them, the woman told her that she's not a foolish person wey them go tell to put hand for fire and she go put, that desperation to become whoever she wants to be is her problem not her, she cried so much and decided to end it all.
Come and see how people finished her mom, I never knew that some people were seeing the kind of person this woman is but chose to mind their business, opportunity came and they finished her off, one woman slapped her self cos at first she was trying to defend what I don't know, so the lady come wear am 500, the slap made her sit calmly, she come de cry, the girl was taken to the hospital last night cos she was getting weak, she was almost dying before the fan was brought down, we thank God for everything... Abeg make una follow me thank God, I don't like what this people do but I also don't want them dead, they should be alive and change to the glory of God... 

Did the mum send her to sleep around? Are there not ladies that do yahoo but know how to keepo their legs closed? Did the mum force her to sleep with men for money? She can say no and the mum can go and use hers if she thinks its stairway to surviving.....She bears half of the blame please!!!


Some people want to read scary stories and are saying i should do a post on it...Una want abi una no want?If yes i will do it for Saturday in house gists so make una get the scary stories ready..




  1. Good afternoon house! May we prosper this week and beyond,❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Useless mothers.. Stella she has lost her self esteem and does anything to make her mother happy..
      Heart doctor is called a cardiologist or so..

    2. Good afternoon everyone
      Congratulations to all recipients.
      Congratulations SDK. Greater heights. God bless you🙏
      Doctor for heart is called Cardiologist.

    3. Stella, the scary stories go make sense. Yes oo

    4. What's the title for the doctor who cures Sapa? Sapatist? 😁

    5. Stella we want scary stories post biko.
      Fidel, I watched Annabelle yesterday on Moviebox, e no too sweet jare. Not that scary.

    6. Thank you Stella for including my name
      Pinky ,that guy was stealing the chicken naa, stealing is bad no matter his condition. I hope they'll just punish him small and free him.
      I want to read the scary stories and Saturday will be perfect for it.
      Gist poster,what a wicked mother,thank God the girl is alive.

    7. Amen, congratulations to the giveaway recipients. God bless you Stella.

  2. In House News don Shokoto 🍾🍾🍾

    1. Stella, Our blog is already Global. Arise Dalu nu…

      Congratulations to all the Giveaway Recipients.

      I will always maintain my STANCE on Motherhood; birthing a Baby/child does not make you a Mother automatically

      Your Motherly love, care, Empathy and Instinct makes you One.

      The Girl needs therapy, Love and Guidance.

      I pray she heals from the psychological Trauma.

    2. Holla darling 💕💕 hope you're much better today? Its well with you 🤗

      Congratulations to all the giveaway recipients 🥳🎉 God bless you immensely SDK ♥️

    3. Greetings
      Good afternoon every one oooo
      Kisses from Me to you 💋💋💋

      In house News well come My darling
      Chimo ooooo💃💃💃💃 Thank you iya boys kaiii


      Iyalious iya boys 💋💋💋💋

    4. Janet, Yes oooo💕💕

      Paris Darl, I’m getting better. Hope you e good?
      Thank you 💕💕💕💕

  3. WINNER, YES I AM!10 June 2024 at 14:03

    Good day everyone. May the remaining part of the day do good to us...Amen

  4. Good afternoon y'all
    I plan to try that cucumber stew this weekend. Though u won't add tin tomatoes.

    1. Not sure I can try that cucumber 🥒 stew. Me wey no kuku like cucumber before.

    2. Hiya Babe 😘
      Let us know when you try it...I saw the video too but I doubt if I can eat that type of stew 🍲

    3. Hello babes, I will let y'all know if I eventually try it.

  5. Good afternoon 🌞🌞🌞🌞
    Congratulations 👏👏 to the recipientss...
    Have a wonderful day 💗

  6. Good afternoon house.. finally we have light in my Compound after one week of darkness, the reason is the guy in charge of collecting money used our money for his own need instead of paying for light.. teejay nwannem the lord is your strength you shall overcome whatever you are passing through ..una Weldone ooo..

    1. No light in my area for more than a month now. Its well

      Mao Akuh

  7. Doctor of the heart.....Cardiologist

  8. Good afternoon everyone.
    @Pinky I wish they listened to you. They should have let the boy go with a stern warning. Now it's a very big issue.
    Congratulations to all recipients.
    Y'all have a nice day.

  9. I don't think I can try that Cucumber 🥒 stew, biko. Garden eggs stew can still work for me.

    Doctor of the Heart - Cardiologist

    Thank you, Stella, for including my name. God bless you.

    1. I dey your back. Not sure I can try it oo.

    2. Same here beautiful,won't try it,maybe Candy,the explorer will help us.😂😂😂

    3. I have also ported to Garden egg stew or banga for rice. Don't see myself ever eating cucumber stew 😌

    4. Candy our blog chef, pls try the cucumber stew and come give us reviews 😂

  10. One of the reasons I don't like Stella is her response to the girl that attempted suicide. I've tried to like her but she keeps giving me reason after why I shouldn't bother 🤮🤮🤮

    1. No be by force to like person.

    2. Don't bother.. She doesn't need it

    3. Your attitude to not having what others have, might be the reason your own blessings are diminishing.
      Pls work on attitude before eeh choke you.

    4. Stella,doesn't care.
      Likeness and Love is not by Force.
      You can Force likeness on anyone.

  11. Good afternoon everyone 😍
    Congratulations to the recipients 🎉

  12. I want stories that touch the heart ooStories that shakes the heart Stella bring it on.
    Congratulations to the giveaway recipients. More blessings to the giver.

  13. Good afternoon everyone

    Congratulations to all the recipients

  14. Good afternoon everyone
    Congratulations to the giveaway recipients
    Stella please I need this giveaway. It will go a long way for me this hard times. Thanks

  15. Some of the things we want to run from are a test. God is seeing how we’ll serve when we’re not being treated right. What kind of attitude will we have when it’s not fair, we’re uncomfortable, not getting the credit? Don’t have a running mentality. Every time you don’t get your way, you change jobs, change friends, change churches, change spouses. Stop running. Grow in those times. Let your roots go down deeper. Don’t be moved by what’s not working out. Your character is being developed. God is seeing what He can trust you with.

    Joel Osteen

  16. SDK was mentioned on Arise TV? Wow! This is a good one indeed & it shows how widely known SDK blog has become.

    Lol @"Sometimes i fit wan go gbensh and no way cos i have to work". Stella, I be virgin oo, I no understand wetin you de yarn so 🤣. Thank you so much for choosing me for the giveaway. I am grateful 🙏

  17. Cardiologist


  18. Thank you Stella for all you do...this blog is a blast.

  19. Good afternoon fam
    Congratulations to all the receipents.
    This afternoon,I heard something that almost dampened my spirit,but God is still on the throne and everything is working out for my good.

  20. Awwwh 👏👏👏👏👏👏💃😄
    Congratulations to all selected recipients.
    SDK and Angel koof, you will never no shame in your lives in Jesus name 🙏

  21. The thing some people go through.
    Congrats to the recipient

    Abeg Stellz I need giveaway too. Things hard o

    See wetin chicken cause this guy.

    Mao Akuh

  22. IHN o'clock
    Good afternoon everyone
    Congrats to the recipients
    Stella abeg include my name in the next batch

    Wld love to read the scary stories..

  23. Pleasant Monday afternoon ✨
    Stella and Angel koof, you're blessed.
    Doctor of heart is cardiologist.
    There's hunger in the land,they should have just allow the guy go, since two persons requested to pay for him.
    That girl's story breaks my heart,some don't deserve to be a mother.
    Keni nice day ✌️💋

  24. God bless Angel Koof and Stella who has been blessing the blog visitors. Please Stella consider me am in need of financial help . It has not been easy.

  25. Good afternoon all. Stella, my story may seem strange but its true. I have shared other stories here, but it seems that you and most bvs don't believe it. You posted one of my comment as a chronicle some time ago

  26. May God help that girl to change for good. Wicked mother that suppose to hustle in a legit way.

    Strange stories.

    Tomato and pepper are now diamond o.

    Mao AKuh

  27. It's by popular demand , so you'll definitely do it. As for me, I'll rather watch my horror movies o(at least that one na fiction)
    Doctor of heart na cardiologist na, abi?

  28. I have some of these strange but true pictures on my phone. Stella, I can send them to you maybe then you would believe because seeing is believing

  29. Doctor of Heart - Cardiologist

    Good Afternoon everyone! Ewwoooo!! Aha m nno na giveaway list 🥰🥰🥰...Chukwu gozie gi Stella...O ga diri gi mma na nke ezinulo gi na-aha Jisos (Amen)

  30. Good afternoon everyone..
    Stella jiseike o your work is not easy.
    Guys congratulations on the giveaway, God bless all the givers on this blog

  31. congratulations to anyone sending their detail to SDK for giveaway.

    SDK this blog is never boring, who said is boring. One has something to learn from this blog on daily basis.


    THERE ARE UP TO SIX PEOPLE ON THAT LIST WHO GOT 10K WHEN BV ALI B COMPILED THE LIST AND ALSO ON THE RECENT LISTS. E.G golden tulip, morayo, Chika aka hello iya boys, black slimzy, etc

    There are some regular bvs that have not gotten anything at all yet because they are not popular yet you keep recycling the same names

    1. Shebi na her choice? 🥱🥱🥱

    2. Bv Hello iya boys got 25k this past week.

    3. Your observation is wrong. I wasn't selected when Ali B compiled 10k giveaway list, neither has my name appeared on the recent giveaways. Please check well and get your facts right.

    4. So because of 10k (not like it’s 50k), they should not receive again?

    5. And she write am in CAPS o😂
      Stella must hear😂😂

      Una no go kee me for this blog😂

    6. Yeye "OBSERVATION". Rest abeg!

  33. Good afternoon everyone...
    Welcome IHN...Congrats to the giveaway Recipients. I need giveaway Stella, thanks.

  34. Congratulations to you all who made it to the list.
    Doctor if heart Heariology😊

    Good afternoon everyone ❤️

  35. Good afternoon everyone.

    Pinky, God bless you for your good heart.

  36. Good afternoon everyone

    It is raining so heavily here and doesn't look like it's gonna stop anytime soon

    Congratulations to all the giveaway recipients

  37. Good afternoon blogfam
    Have a beautiful day 😍
    Congrats to you all

  38. Good afternoon everyone
    Congratulations to the recipients

  39. Stella I need giveaway too. Things no easy oh🙏

    1. After all the several monies she dash you as per zeeone things. Na wa for una.

  40. Haaa SDK
    Bv Hello iya boys got 25k last week

  41. 💃🏽🕺🏼💃🏽🕺🏼💃🏽🕺🏼 Grateful to be alive and healthy 🙏 All other things are added advantage.

    Greetings great people of SDK Ville 🙌🏽

  42. Congratulations to all recipients and God bless the givers Amen.
    Thank God that olosho story girl survived. That's a second chance to life for her. Make she use her teeth count her tongue and decide how the rest of her life will be. There's still hope.
    Since my Mama born me, I never experience this kind of 9ja economy ooo. E reach my turn to do big aunty, APC enter Aso Rock. God abeg

  43. Omo, it's a rainy day here.
    May God be praised.🙏🙏

    God bless the givers.🙏🙏

    Congratulations to the winners, may it multiply in your hands.

    God, please guide and protect us.🙏🙏😍😍😍💙💙💙😎

  44. Omo, it's a rainy day here.
    May God be praised.🙏🙏

    God bless the givers.🙏🙏

    Congratulations to the winners, may it multiply in your hands.

    God, please guide and protect us.🙏🙏😍😍😍💙💙💙😎

  45. Sign out meme on point. Yes I need those that can be a support system. We need to support one another

  46. In house has landed🛴🛴🛴
    Congrats to the recipients🎉🎊
    I felt handing over the boy that stole to eat was a bit harsh,they should have made him wash plates or do some form of manual labor with a final warning,if he stole again,then they'd call the police.
    Now they involved,e don be for the boy be dat.
    Witchcraft activity,Holy Ghost🔥🔥
    God pass dem oo
    Enjoy the rest of the day folks.

  47. 10k will be a whole lot for me ooo like this. Food na diamond for 9ja now

  48. Good afternoon All!
    Very cool and breezy afternoon,been long overdue...

    Please o, sorry for this little rant but some people get heart o
    How can you be in your neighbour's house and you guys are about to eat...
    What am seeing here is only 3 spoons instead of 4
    I just wonder who is not hungry here🤨

    Am not a glutton shaa but this is normal courtesy...

    GoldenTulip ✍️🕊️

  49. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog. Things are happening ooo.

  50. But the girl knew her way of living wasn't good, why still wait for you to be told its not good? Can we just be responsible for our own actions as Africans?

    I just pray she heals & becomes better
    BV Ushang

    1. She no be know right from left at that girl. Moreover if a girl doesn't see someone to caution her at that age,her life fit run especially if the parents got no time for her

      The mother should be blamed for everything not the girl

  51. No wonder cucumber don dey cost. I got a nice portable juicer for my cucumber as I don't enjoy eating it. Got to the market on Saturday and ugly ugly cucumber for high price. Maybe it's not it's season sha.

    The woman that sells food down my street, I suspect she uses carrot to make her stew. It has never tasted like tomatoes. I used sachet tomato and dry pepper to make concoction rice and it was the sweetest. Nigeria cannot wound me laye.

    Welcome IHNs.

  52. Stella please look my side for this giveaway
    I am hopeful
    Thank you

  53. Good afternoon BVs
    Congratulations to the recipients.

  54. Stella, please what was said about the blog?

  55. Good afternoon everyone
    Thank you so much Stella, God bless you. I'm grateful 🥰😘🥰

  56. Stella, Ali B and Lily angel got 10k each in May when Ali B compiled the 10k list
    Also, bv chika hello iya boys got 25k last week

  57. Doctor of heart... Cardiologist.

  58. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Nice one SDK,that you're mentioned. You're Awesome. Congratulations to the recipients.

    1. SDK blog is going places. Pleasant afternoon darling.

  59. Congratulations to all the give away recipients,God bless Stella and every blog angel in Jesus name.

    The devil is a liar!
    This afternoon,I and my son had a small bike accident,how God saved us,I don't know,I just saw myself,son and the bike man on the ground.(Thank God the guy wasn't on speed,it would have been worse).
    I sprained my toes and had small bruises.
    The bike man that collided with us,blood was gushing out from his knees.....
    My son was just crying and shaking.I had to stay in a place to be a bit calm ,funny enough,it still another bike that took us home because tricycle doesn't work in my area.

    Thank you Jesus!

    1. Thank you Jesus 🙏 for your mercy.
      So sorry Mariam. It's well with you, your son and the bike man

    2. Thank God for saving you guys. May His name be praised.

    3. Thank God for saving you and your son...And you are wise for staying at a place and calming down..Thank God

    4. Kai... Alhamduillah 🤲🤲 all of you are ok.

    5. Thank God it ended 🙏 🙌 in praise...
      Sorry dear

    6. Eeya... Glory be to God!

    7. Thank God for saving you guys

    8. Thank God for everything. Hope you're both fine now...

    9. Thank you everyone.💕💕💕
      @PP,I am better now.Just trying to erase the memory,the picture keeps coming to my head maybe because this is my first road toes are swollen.
      May God continue to protect us all.

  60. Good afternoon everyone, hope our day is going smooth.
    @Pinky, keep doing good,heaven will smile on you one day.
    @gist poster, I feel sorry for the girl.
    Congratulations to all the recipient.
    Please stella look my side too o, i need the business giveaway.

    1. You need business giveaway as what, as an emergency bv abi.

  61. Na waoo for some kind mother's,u did not ask her to sleep around,but u encourage her to bring from where? encourage her to learn yahoo. encourage her to bring men home and some of this evil mothers will nag and nag you to frustration.check well now ,they were raping that girl from little and the mother won't care cause money will come from the abuser. Abeg Abeg,who no go know no.🚶🚶🚶🚶

  62. Rebranding yourself is so therapeutic. A new look, new habits, new connections, etc.

    Awwwww. Thank you so much Stella for including my name 🙏. Am indeed super grateful. God bless you
    A big thank you and God bless Angel KOOF. Your source of wealth will never run dry Amen

  63. ‘Galactico’ Weldone oh 😂😂😂

  64. IHN is here
    Good afternoon everyone
    🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸 I'm so blessed to be chosen 😇 thank you Stella and Angel Koof for all you do 🙏
    This is really going to gooooo a long way for me, God bless you Stella 🙏

  65. SDK chika aka hello iya boys got in the last one.

  66. Good afternoon house, please bring the scary story on, I want it

  67. I once watched a movie in which SDK blog was mentioned. Congratulations, Stella. Shows you're making impact.
    Congratulations to today's winners.

    1. Me too. It was on the morning show Stella and SDKBLOG was mentioned. Rufai's teeth almost broke from pronouncing "dimoko Korkus" until Dr Reuben and Ayo helped him.

      Stella and the SDK brand no small.

    2. JENIFA once mentioned SDK in the series

    3. Rufai?
      Oh, that should be ARise TV. Nice one

  68. Bv Iya nimi is on the list, kudos SDK
    Iya nimi, hope you have changed your ways?

  69. Hello everybody!!! 👋

    Congratulations 🎊 to the giveaway recipients.

  70. Thank you Stella for choosing my name on the list.. God bless.

  71. Is karma real? Is there really karma?? Hmmmmm.

  72. Good Afternoon Beautiful People 😍♥️
    Wao! Arise TV? That's good!
    Congratulations to all.the giveaway recipients.

  73. That story up there is the mother's fault too not only the girl. Ow u go allow your girl behaved anyhow and u didn't caution her atall
    Assuming the mother cautioned or lectured her,I dey sure all those things wouldn't have happened to her.

    She should also create time for her children nah no be everything be work work. Assuming the girl died now she go dey cry nonsense cry

    Congratulations to all the recipients of the giveaway
    Wish everyone a blessed afternoon 🤗

  74. Congratulations to all the recipients.

  75. Your dog probably dreams about you, according to researchers.


  76. Stella include me in the next list please. Naija no funny again...

  77. Wow !!! path
    💃🏻 congratulations 🎉 to all the recipients. God bless our blog angels 🙏🏻. @ Pinky I really sympathize with the guy. The hunger is real .
    The young lady could have chosen another path naa, must she do all her mother says ?? Thank God for her life sha.. Jewelu I'm interested in the scary story o. Make we continue to dey learn.

    Pleasant Afternoon everyone ☺️

  78. Pleasant surprises10 June 2024 at 16:11

    Stella pls I need the giveaway ohh,thank you

  79. Congratulations to all recepients better luck for others int he next list

  80. Good afternoon everyone.

  81. Congratulations to all recipients.

  82. That story up is scary
    She's of age to know,that what she's doing is not good and stop it instead blaming her mother,I know her mother contributed to it but,she can as well say no to some things..

  83. Good day Fam.
    Congratulations to the Giveaway recipients.

    I don't totally blame the mother in the gist up there, she had her choice to make. There are so many out there faced with similar situations, bad parenting and all but proposed in their heart not to soil themselves with any form of evil... I hope they both learn and change their ways for good

    Scary story? some of us are still babies ohh🤭😬 but nevertheless, bring it on!

    Meanwhile a heart Doctor is called a Cardiologist🙂

  84. Good afternoon everyone.
    Please who has an idea on a very good product/brand of Smart TV between and Life is G....D(L..G)?

  85. Congratulations to all the recipients, God bless sdk.

  86. You said you don't like Stella and this blog..

    What I will tell you is, enjoy ur hatred alone. You will be alright at the end of the tunnel.

    It's been raining since. Presently at U.I walking around the campus to get few things done..I pray I testify at the end

  87. Good day Everyone.
    Thank you so so much Stella for including my name on the giveaway list.
    May God continue to bless you plenty. Amen!

    Essa Atelier

  88. I feel bad for the pinky story it's bad to steal but what's the reason behind his actions

  89. Good afternoon Everyone, congratulations to all the giveaway recipients. God bless you Stella and all the blog angels.

  90. That cucumber stew sounds right up there with the curry eggs I saw Shenseea doing on IG. My sister tried the curried eggs, she said it was "alright". I can't come cook up cucumber stew. But I love the innovation and giving ppl the options to try new things to eat that are cheaper during hard times.

    Good luck to everyone that is hoping their name will be selected for the next giveaway. Where is the triangle head person who was looking for money to make hair to hide the triangle? Hope you get.

    1. Na me o 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      I'm hoping for a business giveaway, make the head dey where e dey abeg

  91. Stellz, I'm all for the scary post. Maybe i will share one of my stories that I rarely talk about.

    1. Me too
      I support the scary post
      I will go anon and share our Akwa ibom village witches own

  92. Onichabor Christopher10 June 2024 at 17:06

    Good day bvs, howz the day dey go, God bless Sdk, alert received, thank you all you do.

  93. Thank you Stella I made it to the list it's so surreal and overwhelming... Lemme stop here before I give a whole speech for the Oscars. Thanks again.

  94. That nonsense woman share a large portion of the blame because who knows if this has started right from when the girl was very young and innocent and because of her lack of care for the child men had been taking advantage of the girl right from childhood. This made me remember the story of the girl that did podcast with this Bisola Adebayo. The lady was so addicted to sex that she started sleeping with dogs yes she bought two dogs and she was having sex with them all these happened as a result of bad parenting. I even I heard the girl has committed suicide now.

  95. Good afternoon my people congratulations to the giveaway recipients, Waju congratulations to you dear, send my own share of the money oo😂
    This Nepa people no good at all no light since last week, thank God for Sola system if not, I can't even imagine my phone switch off for one hour.

  96. They mentioned our blog on TVC? Wow!
    Our blog is going places
    The girl's story, so sad. God pls order the steps of our girls.
    Una good afternoon

  97. Oh Big Stellz shine ur giveaway on me ooo. Congrats everyone

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.


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