Stella Dimoko Friday Morning Spontaneous Post


Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #thankGoditsfridaykindafeeling #awesomeGod #smile #weekendbutterflies

Oghene Migwor...
May your Friday be full of love and laughter and profits...
Enjoy the day and dont stop smiling!


  1. The Bible enjoins us to honour and obey our parents, so that it will be well with us, and we may live long on earth. It is the ONLY commandment that came with a promise!
    There's no Prayer or Pronouncement, that supercedes that of your parents! 💯
    It's not bad to respect or honor elders, pastors, etc. But the people you should honor, above all others, are your parents.
    Perhaps, things aren't looking up for you right now, because you dishonor and disobey your parents. Maybe you feel hurt and pained by something they've done to you in the past. Please if you can, let go, forgive, make it right with them, and honor them as your parents!
    Have an amazing weekend ahead..❤️..
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

  2. Relaxation is a form of self care. It is a gift we give ourselves to nurture our overall well being.

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope we had a restful night? Please create time to rest and relax, it is a necessity for good health. I wish us a beautiful weekend. Stay safe.

    1. You're right. The body needs some relaxation atimes in order not to break down.

    2. Wishing you same 🌹🌹

    3. You're right
      Wishing you same

    4. I tell you! These days I just keep my phone away aside and REST!!

    5. Me I only relax with my phone o except if sleep comes knocking,then I jejely drop the phone.


    Everything on earth has its own time and…season.’ Ecclesiastes 3:1 CEV

    What happens when you try to implement change at the wrong time? For that matter, when is the right time to do it?

    From a leadership perspective, there are actually better times than others to make changes. Dr John Maxwell, who wrote the best seller The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, says: ‘I developed the following checklist to help me navigate the process: Will this [change] benefit the followers? Is [it] compatible with the purpose of the organisation? Is this change specific and clear? Are the top 20 per cent (the influencers) in favour of [it]? Is it possible to test this change before making a total commitment to it? Are physical, financial and human resources available to make this change? Is [it] reversible? Is this change the next obvious step? Does [it] have both short- and long-range benefits? Is the leadership capable of bringing about this change? Does everything else indicate the timing is right? Before implementing a big change, I run through this checklist and answer each question with a yes or no. If too many questions have a no by them, then I conclude that the timing may not be right.’

    Timing is so important. The Bible says: ‘To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under Heaven…He has made everything beautiful in its time’ (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11 NKJV). If you’re thinking of making a change, talk to God ‘the timekeeper’ and ask him
    (1) What should I do? and
    (2) When should I do it? Then step out in faith and trust him to guide you!
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

  4. Some people like to impose their likes, opinion, preference and interest on others. What they fail to understand is that people have different family, up bringing, environment, experience, conviction and other factors influence all they do


  5. People of SDK ville, I greet you all this fantastic Friday morning 🧡. It's with joy and excitement that I land on today's SP. My son went for a scholarship examination yesterday & out of the 70 pupils that went for the exam, he took first position and was awarded a 3-year scholarship. This means that from September till the next 3 years, hubby and I will not bother ourselves with anything regarding this boy's school fees. Isn't God Wonderful? 💃💃💃💃💃

    Narrating how everything went, he said, mummy, after we were done with the exams, they started announcing from 10th position downwards. I was hoping to get 2nd position. But when someone else was announced for that position, I became sad & felt I had lost out because I was really hoping to make you and my daddy proud. But I was so shocked when I heard my name as the person who took first position. Mummy, I'm still in shock, I can't believe I did it. Watching and listening to him utter those words just melted my heart. I'm so proud of my son 💃💃💃

    1. Congratulations to your son.

    2. Congratulations to your family.

    3. Congratulations to your Sonshine 🎉🎊
      More Wins in your family too

    4. Wow,big congratulations to your son and family. It's Lord's doing and it's marvellous in our sights. 🙏🏿🙌

    5. Congratulations to you and yours 🎊🎊🥳

      He'll continue to be a source of joy to your family 🙏

    6. This really touched me. Awww.. congratulations to your Son, Mo. May he continue to make you all proud. God bless and keep him always. 🌹👍🏾

    7. Congratulations 🎊. Goodluck to him in life

    8. Awwwh 💃💃💃💃
      Dancing with you sis .
      Congratulations to your family.
      Pls let me hug him 🤗🤗🤗. This is just a stepping stone to a greater one in Jesus name 🙏

    9. Congratulations to your boy and family.

      © TEEJAY

    10. This is a very good news. Congratulations to your family. May he continue to make you proud

    11. Congratulations sis ♥️

    12. Congratulations dear. I am so happy for him and the family. May our children always make us proud.

    13. Congratulations 🎉 to your son Mo

    14. Awwww!
      May he keep winning.

    15. Wow!!
      Congratulations to your family.

    16. So sweet.i was smiling from start to finish of this read .this is just d beginning,he will go places.pls kip encouraging him and show him how happy and proud he has made u both.cheers!!!

    17. Awww Mo😭😭
      Your heart melted abi you cried your heart out? I know nobody can hold me if it's me. Awww this is so wonderful. I'm so happy for you. Your heart must be bursting with pride. May he continue to make you proud❤️

    18. This is absolutely beautiful! May this boy continue to bring you joy, peace and glad tidings. I celebrate him indeed. E nor easy!
      Congratulations sis. 🤗

    19. This is a beautiful news,see me smiling 💃💃💃💃💃
      Glory be to Jesus!
      Congratulations to you and yours...more success and I pray that the light of God will continue to shine on his path and he will continue to make your family proud in Jesus name.

    20. Awwwww. This is soooo kool. 💃💃💃💃💃💃. Congrats to him.

    21. Awwwwww congratulations to your son and More of God's blessings.

    22. Congratulations. He will continue to bring honors to the family.

    23. I love this💕💕💕

      Congratulations to your Genius

      He will always bring nothing but Happiness to your Family, Always 🙏🙏🙏

    24. Awwwww. Congratulations to your son. He will continue to make you proud in Jesus name 🙏

    25. This is such a great feat
      Congratulations to your golden son and family. May he continue to prosper.

    26. Wow 👏🏼 👌🏼 this is grand
      I'm so happy for your family.
      Congratulations to your son.
      Many more blessings 🙌🏽 🙏 ✨️

    27. Congratulations to your son. He will keep making you proud inshallah 🤲

    28. Yippieeee!!! Yaaay!!!! I love hearing news on Academic Excellence!!! Congratulations to your sonshine..May he continue to excel always...Wow one less worry about school fees..I am so happy for you!!!

    29. Congratulations 🥰🥰🥰
      This is the best news for today

    30. Congratulations
      I tap into this grace for my kids in Jesus name

    31. Thank you Jesus. Tell him we are proud of him, please. The sky is his starting point. Congratulations to him

    32. Congratulations to your family..he will continue to bring goodluck and success to your family..Amen

    33. Wow, congratulations to your Genius!

    34. Congratulations to your family

    35. Hearty congratulations to your darling son🎊🎈🎉
      May he continue to soar higher as he makes his parents proud.

    36. Wow! This is a great News. So happy for you Morayo

      More wins ijn 🙏🙏

    37. Oh wow! Soooo happy for your family. CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💐💐💐

    38. See as I'm smiling reading your second paragraph.
      Indeed God is wonderful.

      Congratulations to your amazing son,he'll continue to make you and hubby proud.

    39. Keep being proud of him and keep telling him so. Kiaaa God will continue to cover and protect him.
      Congratulations sis
      God has done you well

    40. Awwwwwww...... God is so good. You should have seen my smile while reading this. Thank You Jesus!!!

      I wish your son greater heights. That boy is destined for greatness.

  6. Good morning everyone
    It's weekend already
    Happy weekend to y'all
    The weather is bright and beautiful here
    May God bless our hustles today

  7. Heavenly Father, we thank you for another beautiful friday morning.
    We thank you for your grace is beyond measure.
    Lord may your power and grace help us to overcome the obstacles in our lives. Lord may the things that stand in our ways become examples of your limitless power and miracles in our lives in Jesus name 🙏
    Lord we pray our lives would be a testimony of your grace and love. Give us the strength to endure, the power to overcome and the peace to be content in every circumstance. To you be all the praise and honor in Jesus name 🙏

  8. Celebrate the end of the week with a Greatful and and a joyful spirit, Happiness is a choice and today we have to choose to be happy no matter what comes our way..Good morning house and have a wonderful day ahead

    1. Have a fruitful Friday.

    2. We choose to be happy 🌹💃💃

    3. Yes o I choose happiness over worries.
      Good morning purest Pure nwannnem 💕😘

  9. Oh God! You have the final say.

    Your submission is supreme.

    © TEEJAY

    1. God have the final say. Remember by his stripes you are healed in Jesus name 🙏

    2. And He will perfect everything that concerns you.
      Good morning Ezege world wide.

  10. 𝗬𝗮 𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗵..
    Free our hearts from shirk and hypocrisy,
    Guide our moral conduct, our tongues from falsehood and our eye's from treachery, and forgive our sins, what we commit knowingly or unknowingly.
    Give us life full of peace where sadness has no place.
    Life full of truth where gratitude fills our heart with Imaan and Taqwa. Ameen.
    Good morning and Jumu'at Mubarak everyone 🎉

  11. Good morning everyone 🥳

    May the Lord unlock and release every treasure in your life that has been held captive till now.

    May the peace of God reign over every turbulence in and around you today and always.

    I wish you all ablessed and exciting weekend

  12. I read a comment on IHN yesterday. The woman said that she aborted for a married man during her single days and she is married today with kids and husband who doesn't cheat. She said it is God's grace.
    If by tomorrow you catch your husband cheating or find out that he is cheating, when calling him out for cheating and calling all men scum and white stainer, please kindly tell us how as a single lady, you made a married man cheat on his wife with you without a condom and you got pregnant and aborted for him.

    Most of you married women with cheating husbands , you people dated married men during your single days, which you people always confess her under anonymous, but will never say that part when calling your cheating husbands scum.

    1. It's too early for this.

    2. I'm not the Anon but let me ask you something, the cheating married man, what would be his own punishment?
      Also, the single men who sleep with married women, they are the ones whose wives later cheat on them in marriage right? Or is it only women that get punished for sleeping with married men?
      Ok, the decent ladies who married dogs, what was their own offence while single?

      You all just like to decieve yourselves. A man will cheat if he will cheat, a man will be faithful if he will be faithful, whether his wife was decent or not. And yes, there are faithful and God fearing men out there who will remain God-fearing to the end, no matter what their wives did as single ladies.

    3. Anon 8:36
      I will answer you, because the way you are triggered by my comment shows that you are guilty of the crime/sin.
      I don't believe in karma, so I'm not saying it is their karma when their husband cheat.
      What I'm saying is that, when calling your husband out for cheating and labelling all men scum, please kindly tell us how you dated a married man or aborted for them when you were single. Stop telling the story to gain sympathy and paint all men black.

      Next time,, read to understand and not with your guilty emotions.

    4. It's too early for this talk abeg. Somebody is celebrating a very brilliant child. Allow us bask in that euphoria 😕

    5. 08:36, it will not answer the questions cos it doesn't have answers to them. Yeye people. Maybe the good girls with bad horsebands are suffering for the sins of their great grand-mothers who slept with married men.
      Stop explaining to them, let them keep yarning dust.

    6. Exactly dear Fidel this issue about cheating men has been over flogged.

    7. The man that wanted to marry me as second wife married his wife as a virgin, and he's so ready to spend anything. The day I heard how humble, beautiful and well trained that woman is, is the day I chased that ungrateful soul , though I collected small money from him, na him dey look for wetin no loss and I told him the truth, make him no go find trouble bring to his doormat

  13. Building Spiritual Sensitivity!!
    Psalm 119:105.

    "There’re many who are ignorant of spiritual matters, and for that reason, they’re buffeted by the crises of life and walk on in confusion. So, it’s important to build your spiritual sensitivity. For that to happen, you've got to study and understand the Word, to know the mind of God."

    "Also, in training yourself to be more spiritually sensitive you must be filled with the Spirit every day. Incorporate praying in the Spirit into your spiritual routine."


    As I study and meditate on the Word, my spirit is conditioned to respond swiftly to God’s guidance, promptings, ideas and thoughts. Also, my spiritual sensitivity is increased and heightened because I’m full of the Spirit always, praying in the Holy Ghost. I’m perceptive, insightful, filled with the Spirit of wisdom for revelation, to know and walk in the perfect will of God today and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  14. Ok, so now I am beginning to think some of these IG "chefs" are doing way too much, cos what in the name of food is mango stew, watermelon stew, and pear (ube) sauce??? Like this lady made mango stew, (she no blend am o, just pack the thing for pot), added spice and all, and was stirring like na real stew. I don't even wanna imagine what it'd taste like. Then the pear sauce, he roasted them in a pan, fried onions and tomatoes, added spices and then added the pear. Like ah ah. Allow us eat our pear and corn in peace na. And to think I had a rethink about the cucumber stew (people were saying it wasn't bad), but with all these, naaaaaaaa.

    1. It is not only tomatoe stew that is in the World.....Its not called stew, its called sauce, even the one you called stew is called tomatoe sauce...I make pineapple sauce, corn sauce or whatever, they are healthy and really taste nice honestly...I made pineapple and chicken sauce for rice th other day,...expand your view and you will enjoy other types of fodd oh...

    2. Inukwa. Just wondering how they'll taste. Greetings, Candilicious 😘

    3. Na wa,'I can not fit not'.Let me eating the one way I sabi

    4. Good morning beautiful Candy. As our registered explorer,please check with online chefs and what SDK said.😍😍😍

    5. Mango 🥭 sauce will be too sweet na. They should enjoy no be everything person go try.

    6. Mango stew kwa 🙄, abeg I no dey for all these kinikan stew jare

    7. Mango sauce again. It's well

    8. God abeg! Abeg abeg e gats be content because weti be that?!

    9. Stella, I know we have other types of stew o. I have tried pineapple and chicken sauce, pizza with pineapple toppings, but abeg you see this one na content. I no fit try am.
      Mo bebe, hhelp us try it na. 🏃
      Olori, like I can't even try it o.
      BB darling, yeah yeah, so much love for me right. 😅😅😅
      Cyn, my dear and it was a lot o. Abeg, there are some things that I will never try.
      MercyBee, babes na content jare, cos why??????
      Big Mama, na so I see am.
      Fidel, I bet you na content, cos haba na.

    10. They are creating contents and most of stew are not new but international cuisine.
      Nah,I wouldn't use any sweet fruits to make my sauce even though I love to experiment.

    11. You can take away the sweetness of the mango sauce by adding vinegar or lemon juice....I am open to try it such oh....I love expanding my palate

    12. Apart from tomatoes stew, banga stew and chicken sauce I dont think I am ready to taste any other stew..

    13. Sebi a bv made pawpaw stew and said it was good.
      Make Dem dey enjoy their "fruity stew and sauce" dey go. I'll rather use only dry pepper or grounded pepper sef. 😗

    14. Mariam, na content
      Phoenix, I can try stuff, but na, not this one o.
      Purest Pure, I can, but you see that mango stew, it's a NO NO for me.

  15. Goodmorning Everyone.
    Day 180 of 366!!!!
    Rose of Sharon.
    Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
    Lily of the Valley.
    Author and Finisher of our Fate .
    Unchangeable Changer

    1. Awesome GOD 🙌
      Thank youuuuuu for everything!

    2. Promise Keeper, we hail Thee 🙌

    3. Jehovah Elroi.the God who See's us.

    4. Well done, our SDK calendar🙌🙌🙌🙌. You are doing a great job, cos e no easy.

    5. The All sufficient God I thank you.

  16. Good morning beautiful peeps. Do have a great. Please remember to smile it keeps you energized. Love y'all

  17. Good morning everyone.
    Thank God is Friday.

  18. This God is too much. Good morning Fam 🥰

  19. Female real estate agents
    make una take am easy ooo
    Because dey go knack u finish without buying anything from you.

    Use your brain before those men use you oooo. They are not ready to buy anything but they keep engaging you.

    Ire oooo

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
      Pinky haff finish breaking the table

  20. Good morning everyone 🥰🥰🥰

    Have you ever realised that vast numbers of people have never engaged in any sort of introspection or self-analysis? They've never thought about their actions or thoughts beyond the most basic surface level. It's terrifying.

    Y'all have a great day ahead 😘😘😘

    1. True because normally, people fear accountability...It has to be some fault either by a human, phenomenon or a force of nature...Self reflection is a very healthy way to live a conscious and focused life...You find out that doing this makes you take charge of your life in all aspects

  21. Good morning SDK and BVs. Fantastic Friday. Oghene migwor. Thank you Jesus,for being my source,I am eternally grateful. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  22. So yesterday, someone wanted to nominate Bv Chocolat Noir for WCW giveaway but said she has money and won't need it.

    This is the problem with most poor people(please who ever made that comment, I'm not saying you are poor. I'm only trying to pass an information).
    Just like when rich person gift another rich person something expensive, you will see people saying "he/she is pouring cup of water inside a sea. Why not give it to the poor person that needs it".
    You see why rich people avoid poor people, because they take and take without giving back.
    Who can't give when it is small, can't give when it is big.
    The pure truth is that rich people appreciate gift more than the poor. No matter how small the gift is, they appreciate it.
    Have you seen a rich person with entitlement mentality? Like you send them money, they won't call to say thanks.
    Rich people gift themselves because they know that rich person will gift back and can as well bring business opportunity.
    Do you think that as a poor person, if you buy 5 tubers of yam and 1 parent cook and give Obi Cubana to use it and cook white soup and pounded yam he won't appreciate it? He will definitely appreciate it and never forget it.
    You bvs that always collect giveaways , have you people for one day thought it wise to tell Stella that this coming Christmas, don't give us giveaway. Just post your account number, we will contribute money for you to buy things and celebrate Christmas and show you appreciation for all the giveaway you have been giving? I guess you people see it as waste of money and backing it up with the saying "she has it all and doesn't need it "

    All I'm saying is, as you give, give both the rich and the poor, irrespective of your financial status.
    Stop assuming the rich don't need gift/giveaway.

    1. I was the one who made that statement.
      I wanted to type a long response to this your comment but on a second thought, I felt no need for it.
      I wasn't assuming and if you read well, you would have seen that I typed that, "People might..."
      You and zaram and whoever else might think, assume or say what you want but, please, by God's grace, I ain't poor. And I sure do give to the rich. I have a "testimony" of a gift I gave a SUPER DUPER WEALTHY PERSON, that came in handy.
      Thanks and do have a pleasant day.

    2. I'm with you on this. And yeah, Stella will probably say she doesn't need it, but it'll be nice to do something for her, to show how much we appreciate and love her. (Stella, this one no be a&& licking o)

    3. Yeah,rich people also appreciate gift.
      A rich friend of ours will always appreciate washed and dried bitterleaf,chopped bitter leaf sticks as if we gave him Milions.

    4. Hmmm, I visited my rich family one time and I used almost all my savings to get her and her family farm products like Palm oil, gari , onions and yam. Guess what,she told me they have enough o, that why did I bother,she grudgingly ask her cook to pack it in ,not a single thanks. I'm not saying you're right but that experience never leaves my mind. The other one came for family function and I gave her children 1k each,she told me why I dey waste my money that the kids don't need it. Even though this people never returned those gifts but their attitude ehn, it is well. I'm sure choc noir is a very sweet and wouldn appreciate but we shouldn't generalise that every rich people appreciate gifts o

    5. I love this line of thought.
      Let's do this this Christmas.
      Every bv should contribute to say thank you for all the love Stella has shown us.

    6. Why not show us the Bible verse on giving to the rich.
      You can give to the rich but no reward from God .
      The rich will definitely pay you back.
      But when you give to the poor your reward comes from heaven that's the difference

    7. How do we really know who is rich and poor on a blog? We have so many greedy people and we have people who claim to be what they are not? When it comes a blog giveaway, everyone has a right to participate or be nominated except the person says otherwise with his or her own mouth.

  23. It is raining
    All around me
    I can feel it
    The latter rain
    Ride on Jesus
    Give us more rain
    Until we are wet
    Until we are soaked
    In the latter rain....

    It's actually raining here. Have a wonderful day, people!

    1. Ride on Jesus 💃💃💃

    2. Lol, was watching davido wedding and I saw the way them dey throw dollars, oluwa o. One fell on one of the bouncers standing, she do like say she no see am hanging on her bwest, Omo ogbon 🤣

    3. Raining here too. Have a great day

  24. Good morning 🌞🌞🌞
    Thank God it's Friday 🎉🥳
    I need rest
    Thank God it's weekend
    Have a wonderful day 💗

  25. Good morning everyone
    Wishing us all a great day

  26. Good wet Friday
    Nigerians has devices a new means to get efcc of their backs at parties now.They will rather spray dollars than courting problems. If only mommy of lagos knew,if he was around Idris would have been trending.

    1. Nigerians have devised*
      Devise(verb) is different from device(a noun)

      Off their backs*

  27. Good Morning Ndi Nkem
    Ututu OMA


  28. Good morning everyone.Jummah Mubarak to our Muslim brothers and sisters.

  29. Beautiful morning everyone, thank God it's Friday and may we all have a fulfilled day.

  30. Dear kings,
    Don't ever be with a woman you cannot control. You are the head. You're supposed to be the logical one. I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to her, No o, she's human, but you should be able to stop her from taking stup!d actions.
    But if you like, go ahead and wife a 'feminist', you'll learn the hardest way.

    Please ehn, as I no follow you talk, gently jump my comment, like that one that was saying she hopes her daughter doesn't meet someone like me, who told you I want to ever have anything to do with someone YOU gave birth to😂.. some of you ehn..

  31. It's a beautiful day 🥰
    Good morning everyone 🥰

  32. Good morning and happy weekend my people

    I don collect my uncle pikin account number say I go send something ,the way him papa take promise me that year.. Everybody go reap wetin he sow🙄🙄

  33. Awesome God you are more than what we call you. Ancient of days thanks for today. Good morning everyone

  34. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    I'm going to refill my teeth this morning, a bit nervous I must say 😮‍💨😭 please pray for me 🙏

    1. All the best Helen..Don't fret..You will be fine 🥰

    2. You are a brave woman. I have 2 holes in my teeth. Fear will not allow me go to the dentist because my mind is telling me they will extract my teeth😭😭
      I already lost 1. So I have 31 now. If they now minus 2, it will be 29.
      Before I will really old now, how many teeth will remain?😭😭

      Salt solution forever for me🥺

      Go well Helen!

    3. It will be a success by His grace.

    4. No shaking, you'll go well and return well .it is well with you 🫂

    5. No shaking babes. It's not a painful procedure..
      Fidel, when will you be serious eh. 😂😂😂😂. Abeg go and extract them, before it gets worse o. The 2nd time I extracted my tooth, it didn't hurt, as in I felt nk pain.

  35. "keeping silent really make fool look wise"

    Imagine wanting your friends to inherit your enemies,. shey na cult? 🤣

    It has come to this, you have to choose between me or anons (cowards with IDs)

    @Big Stellz
    @Dark Choco
    @Teacher NK

    Hehehehe God Abeg o🤣
    Make Una no dey carry dey respect people until Una hear as him take dey reason o

    1. I no kuku understand wetin this one type 🤷

    2. I honestly used to 8t you before but that 8tred has now turned to pity. Boy o boy I pray you heal

    3. What is this one writing or insinuating?

  36. Excellent Friday morning ❤️❤️. Rain just stop in my area now. Make I go out to hustle.
    Wishing everyone a great day!!❤️

  37. Yes,it's another Friday💃💃💃
    Wishing everyone a wonderful day
    No evil is permitted to come near us or our loved ones.
    Stay happy always,one love❤❤❤

  38. Good morning beautiful people. Nothing interests me anymore, not even my fave things.

  39. Wishing you all a blessed day
    Good morning Blogfam


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