Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


Monday, June 10, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Hi Stella
Thank you for giving us your ardent readers a platform to share our bugging concerns, God bless you .
Let me go straight to the point and keep this as simple as possible.
I am seeing someone and I really love him so much , we connect on a lot of levels in every aspect of life and both doing great for ourselves individually.
We both agreed before this on abstinence till marriage, which was something we discussed.
We tell ourselves anything, I remember he once told me he had a trace of hepatitis b the last time he went for a body check up some years back.
I ensured I didn’t make him feel otherwise when I heard as I continued being supportive but to be honest, there was a time I had a flashback to that conversation and I felt sad.
I understand the concerns around this and I’m asking myself, do I let this slide and help him stay healthy , as I advised him we both do another check up since it’s been awhile he had that test and he agreed or what else do I do? Letting this courtship go? Quite hard
I’m open to your thoughts.
Stella,health experts or anyone , please advise !!!

Help him stay healthy for a while but dont date him again please...No Nigerian man will agree to even date you if you tell him you have okripoto for yansh sef.....They will disengage!!!
This one he told you one, there might be more. follow him to do the tests and wait for results together or go back with him....


  1. This guy is sincere with you, please help him stay healthy and go for the next check up together.

    I won't advice you to leave him just like that, his sincere and abides by the rules you both wanted, take your time to understand him better health wise.

    1. A man I know married a woman who was HIV positive, even when he was negative himself. Nigerian men can also love unconditionally. On behalf of all Nigerian men, I forgive madam Stella for thinking we cannot love without conditions.

  2. Great to know that he was very open about it. I'm sure he'll have no reticence in running needed tests. I think the relationship should be given a chance.

  3. What are the dangers of marrying someone with hepatitis B? Is hepatitis a plague? Don't hepatitis patients have normal life?

    1. Learnt it's worse than HIV.... don't know how true that is.
      Let me go read

  4. He had it years back and was treated . Is it incurable?? Why are you scared?? Both of you should go and do check up Incase you are having double

  5. Abeg shine your eyes wella. Some of these guys after gbenshing the gbensheable and discover they have stds will now be behaving as good guys. Anything you say, they will agree sharp. My dear shine your eyes well.
    Do various tests including SC.

    Mao Akuh

    1. Mao,

      Hep B is not contacted just by sexual activities. Please educate yourself.


    2. Anon yes it is an std

    3. 16:57,

      Please read my comment again. And this time, read and comprehend.

      Thank you.

    4. Sir or Madam you’re not the only anon on this thread
      Be calming down

    5. It can also be contacted by sweat of the carrier. Not just through gbenshing alone

  6. I am not sure there is a permanent cure for hepatitis B,it can only be managed and you need to consider that,it can also be transferred to you.
    This is a tough case ooo

    1. Mariam,

      Most times, it goes away on it's own in a few months. Statistically, about 8/9 out of 10 adults actually recover from it. However, about 1/2 in 20 people who get hepatitis B as adults become carriers.

      Odds are the guy may no longer be infected.

    2. Anony 16:01
      Where is the hepatitis disappearing too after few months? Please educate yourself more. Hepatitis B that will further curse liver issues if not managed. Google is free abeg.

    3. Sisi Nene,

      Kindly use correct resources and ensure to read and understand the materials you choose to use.

      Again, please go back and read to understand.

    4. Sisi Nene and anonymous at 16.01. You are both correct. I am a Gastroenterologist ( GI and liver specialist, practicing in the US).
      1) From the information provided by the OP, we have no way of knowing if the patient/boyfriend was acutely infected with hepB at the time of his test, or had gone on to develop chronic hep B, which is incurable at this time, but viral load can be suppressed with meds in certain conditions. Only way for us to know is to undergo a hepatitis B panel where he is checked for HepB surface antigen, HepB e antigen status and HepB viral load, and his liver function is checked to see if the Hepatitis B is affecting it
      2) You are both correct because 90% of infants infected with HepB ( via maternal transmission during pregnancy or birth), will go on to develop chronic HepB ( whereas only 5-10% of folks who get infected as adults develop chronic Hepatitis B, meaning if one comes down with the infection as an adult their body can take care of it and they are less likely to develop chronic Hep B.
      3) Once a patient goes on to Chronic Hep B it is almost lifelong, and can lead to liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer. So folks with chronic HepB need to be followed by a health professional, and will need surveillance by a health professional who can guide their management
      4) Hepatitis B is transmitted via coming in contact with blood , semen, or body fluids of infected folks. Pregnant women with HepB need antiretroviral to prevent mother to child transmission
      5) Commonest means of infection as adult depends on the population, in some countries it is mostly sexually transmitted. Common means of transmission in kids is from their mum. So you are both correct, because we have no way of knowing what stage of the disease process OPs boyfriend is in. Was it just acquired, or something he has carried since childhood? Only way of knowing is as I stated above ( getting a repeat hepatitis B panel, and checking his liver function tests which are aspartate transaminases, Alanine transaminases, total and direct bilirubin).
      6) Hepatitis B is VERY VERY PREVENTABLE. Practise safe sex, there are vaccines available. So if you have the means, and at risk ( i.e not practising safe sex, or partnering with someone not practising safe sex, then prioritize your health. Get your hepatitis B vaccine. And while you are at it get the HPV vaccine to help prevent against Cervical cancer. Also get your kids vaccinated.
      7) I dont start antiretrovirals in all folks with chronic Hepatitis B, depending on a combination of what their viral load, hepatitis panel, and liver test is doing... because it is a lifelong commitment ( at least as per 2024) i.e you cant wake up one day and decide to stop medications via faith. . Intepreting a hepatitis B panel is complex and not all doctors understand what the tests mean, and what labs to order, so ensure that you are speaking with a professional.
      6) As science advances, better and cheaper treatments become available. Eg HIV that ravaged our community back in the 90s, is no longer an issue! Science has gotten soo good that people can now get a once monthly injection! Rather than the many fat pills that patients had to endure in the early 2000s! So the goal is to stay alive with whatever chronic ailment you have to be able to benefit from scientific progress! I shudder when I remember patients with HIV that were lost to miracle seeking churches back in the 90s, 2000s, that would have been alive right now. ( I digress).
      If you've made it this far, then you probably went to a UNITY secondary school, are not a Gen Z or are a health care professional. I am happy to answer any questions yall have about HepB and happy to correct a lot of misinformation I see posted on this blog, but dont have the time to respond to because ( WHERE MAN GO START!) Thanks for coming to my TEDTALK

      Stellas's Prof

    5. Hahahaha..I am a Gen Z and I read to the end

    6. I went to a Unity secondary school and i read to the end. thank you so much for this information.

    7. You are both welcome. I didnt expect anyone to read to the end

    8. I’m not a Jen z but I read to the end.Amso not a health professional..Thanks for the knowledge

  7. 🤣🤣 Stella and using Okripoto, anyway woman help him get treatment.but let go ooo,make you no go carry wentin no concern you.

    1. Shuga and Co,

      Hep B is not only contacted through sexual contact.

      It can also be passed on through some types of body fluids, at birth or in the early years of a person's life(childhood). You can also get it during an unsafe medical procedure eg dental procedure.

      Please be educated!

    2. Anything wey concern me taking drug count me out of it.
      Even love can never make me like medicine, I can smell medicine a thousand miles away and begin to throw up immediately!
      Pls if u are like me check if it's transferrable then runnnnn
      If not stay true love hard to find now o

    3. Anon you seem to be an adult carrier of this disease cos why so defensive?

    4. Shooter,

      If I was, I won't hide it.

      I'm just very mindful about how much harm a lack of truth, correct information or misinformation/ misrepresentation etc has caused and keeps on causing us as a nation.

      Take care shooter.

    5. It is well oooooo
      If is you that have it now will he stay by you
      Just think about it
      Anyway help him to stay healthy oooooo
      It is well oooo..

      Hello iya boys

  8. Traces of Hep B doesn’t sound like something to worry about
    Talk to your doctor to get more informed About it. Many people have hep B and never even find out and they live just fine

  9. help him stay healthy even if that is the only sacrifice you will do for friendship, do not walk away now that you already knows his gist. Please follow him for checkup and see if he is okay or not, when you are not comfortable with his health status no need to sugar coat it just say it and allow the poor guy breath.

  10. "There's no cure for hepatitis B. The good news is it usually goes away by itself in 4 to 8 weeks. More than 9 out of 10 adults who get hepatitis B totally recover. However, about 1 in 20 people who get hepatitis B as adults become “carriers,” which means they have a chronic (long-lasting) hepatitis B infection."

  11. What if you resentment sets in later in life... or he cheats, will you remain understanding in the face of Hep B?

  12. Its the ''Okripoto'' for me😂
    I like his sincerity but even at that both of you should go for a general checkup together. There could be more, who knows🤷‍♀️

  13. Poster my advice is for you to be discrete and sensitive in your actions...Since he has told about his health challenges. Why not go for the health check together and from there, you can decipher what your next actions will be....Provided he is good to you and you don't sense any form of pretense from his end, then you are good to go....

    While at the doctor's office, please ask him/her all the questions about Hepatitis B so you can arm with information....

    Even if you guys don't end up being together at the end of the day, at least treat him with kindness and show empathy...However, at the end choose YOU and look out for yourself too

    All the best

    1. I agree with this 💯 💯💯💯. Poster go with him to a reputable hospital and get a full panel of tests. If he does have hepatitis, then get ALL the information getable, then you can know if this is something you can live with.. this is NOT something you can leave to chance! Use your head!

  14. Hepatitis B
    Hepatitis B is a liver infection that is spread through blood, semen and vaginal fluids. The chance of getting it in the UK is low. There's a vaccine if you're at high risk or travelling to a country where it's more common.

    The infection usually only lasts for a few months, but some people can have hepatitis B long-term.

    How you can get hepatitis B
    Hepatitis B is caused by a virus that is spread through blood, semen and vaginal fluids.

    You can get hepatitis B from:

    having vaginal, anal or oral sex without using a condom or dam
    injecting drugs using shared needles
    being injured by a used needle
    having a tattoo or piercing with unsterilised equipment
    having a blood transfusion in a country that does not check blood for hepatitis B. Blood transfusions in the UK are checked for hepatitis B.
    If you're pregnant and have hepatitis B, you can also pass it onto your baby during pregnancy or birth.

  15. It can be cured if treatment is started early that doesn't mean he can't infect an healthy person ,I think you should both visit the doctor that is treating him and asked for his expert opinion about both of you getting married,pls both of you should be present so that you can make a decision whether to marry him or not.

  16. It can be cured if treatment is started early that doesn't mean he can't infect an healthy person ,I think you should both visit the doctor that is treating him and asked for his expert opinion about both of you getting married,pls both of you should be present so that you can make a decision whether to marry him or not.

  17. A trace eh? I applaud his honesty. But hepatitis B is a lifetime thing eventually leading to liver disease or cancer. My dear, you have been practising abstinence for a reason, and one of those reasons is to have a clean sex life with a disease feee monogamous man. Hep B is usually a sexually transmitted, although that is not the only route of transmission, are you sure of his sex life? Do you know what he is doing when you are not around? You need to make sure you know exactly who this man is before you sacrifice yourself on the wrong altar and write a different kind of chronicle years down the road.

    If you feel that you can’t let him go and must be with him then get the hepatitis vaccine that provides protection against hepatitis B and other types. Talk to your doctor and tell them everything, do not hide anything and they will let you know the effectiveness of the vaccine. The vaccine has been around for a very long time so they have good data on it. The one they give in my country is done over a six months period, three shots. They always encourage travellers to get it so they are protected when they travel. So it is not marketed at any high risk groups and carries no stigma if you ask for it. I got it about 25 years ago when they had a big marketing campaign and you could get it free. Now you have to pay out of pocket or have insurance for it. Maybe it will be free where you are. It’s still good protection to have whether or not you choose to stick with this relationship.

    1. Very informative 👍🏿

  18. What if he didn't disclose this to you?pls be glad he both need to run series of tests together and you need to see the results yourself to be very sure of what you are going into.
    Hepatitis B isn't something to joke with.its a very serious infection.he needs to go for treatment and stick with a partner because keeping multiple is dangerous.

    1. You shouldn’t be glad he did
      As a responsible adult you should be requiring everyone you are in a relationship with to do tests at a good lab

  19. You need to channel this your concern to a professional so that you can get a pro opinion before going strong with this relationship

  20. Marriage is a tedious and lifelong journey, so is the journey with hepatitis B. It is not curable but can be managed. You need to be sincere with yourself, if you really love this guy and willing to embark on this journey with him then observe him very diligently. but firstly, PLEASE go take up all the vaccine shots (i think 3 abi 4) for Hepatis B & C immediately, do note; it is time bound not a one time shot o i think 6months time frame - i'm not too sure. Emzor pharmaceutical gives that between 6-18k.

    i took the first shot and yet to complete mine sef. Emzor team came to the catholic church and that was where i started. i need to complete mine. back to your matter!

    Take him to a Tier 1 diagnostic center such as Mecure, Ever care, Clina Lancet Laboratories for a full test after which if he was truly honest and you sincerely want to go on with the relationship. He needs to assure you that he will take good care of his health, and that he will make sure to keep his regular visits to the doctor and maintain a healthy lifestyle. He must involve you in every step of the journey, You must make sure you are ready to give him your support when it comes to treatment options and keeping a healthy lifestyle. It won't be easy o. Do your due diligence make emotions no carry you go where you no know.

    Please go and start the Hepatis B vaccine shots immediately. - This is recommended for everyone please including me

  21. Stella,nawa for this your advice.Young woman stay with ur man.Get vaccinated.And let him go for LFTs and viral load after 6 months.

  22. Hepatitis B is not a death sentence dear, help him stay healthy but I believe you should confirm there aren't other health challenges.Hope you guys have done genotypes too? All the best.

  23. Go look for a man or wait to be found by a man who does not have any health issue that will trouble your heart before marriage.

    After all, you clarified that you are doing great for yourself individually. So, you do not need him now to be financially responsible for you.

    With knowledge and hindsight, it is best to go into marriage without any nagging doubt other than the certainty of nobody knowing tomorrow.

    I am a married man. I would tell myself the above for good and better reasons if I were to be a Bachelor today.

  24. Poster, I am married to the best man for me and he has hepatitis B. We found out when he tried to donate blood before marriage. We had no sex before marriage. I had no fear because I knew this is my husband and he ensured I got fully vaccinated and tests were done before the wedding. We have been married for over a decade with children and I dont even think of it as myself and the children have no form of exposure as we are fully vaccinated. Here abroad, tests carried out shows almost undetected traces as he went through some treatments. He is a doctor by the way. That's my story, not to encourage you but to let you know that some one else has pass through that stage.

    1. This is my story too. Cried when i found out before marriage. He told me himself when he went for a full check up. We had no sex throughout our courtship. Married for 5 years with 2 kids. I got vaccinated before marriage and the kids got vaccinated as well. He doesn’t play with his check ups and so far we’ve been told that hepatitis won’t be his cause of death cause his viral load is insignificant. I love him with every fiber of my being and he loves me and our kids. I couldn’t have married anyone else!

    2. I’d also add that I got vaccinated in England . After the course of vaccines they test you to determine if you are now protected. If you are not they repeat the course of vaccines. So keep this in mind.

  25. As a health worker I must let you know that it's not a treath to your love life. You both need vaccines that's all. Alot of people have it without knowing.

  26. For him to open up and tell you this, he's a nice person. Please stay with him and help me figure this out

  27. I'M happy to share my encounter with Dr. Iyabiye to the general public. He cured me of HEPATITIS B. I had severe headache and my stomach was swollen. I went to hospital and was diagnosed with hepatitis B. They gave me antiviral drugs to reduce the viral load but it didn't work hence the pain increased. And out of frustration I went online for an alternative solution, and I saw a recommendation about his medication. I gave it a trial and I was cured after taking his medication. It's about a year since I got cured and no pain or a sign of the disease. You too can be safe, contact the doctor through: +234 815 857 7300 (


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