Stella Dimoko TUESDAY MORNING Spontaneous Post


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

TUESDAY MORNING Spontaneous Post

 #dontworry #behappy #tuesdayjoy #testimonyfilledday #amiraclethatsoundslikealieloading #smile

Guten Tag!
Gott Segne euch alle..
Oluwa bless us all...
Ogheneme wo ruro
May your day be filled with words of praise for God who will only let you stumble to bless you...


  1. Why do many Nigerians find joy in posting images and videos of dead bodies online, especially mangled accident victims or those killed gruesomely? I wish we'd always put ourselves in the position of the bereaved families. I doubt anyone will like to see bodies of their loved ones, scattered all over the Internet. Sometimes sef, family never hear say person don die, Nigerians don rush post picture of the dead body. If only we know how traumatizing this is for the families!
    We live in a generation that has prioritized content, over sympathy. And it's extremely unfortunate. Let's all do better! ❤️

    1. Hmmm,Ali I have blocked so many contacts on my WhatsApp because of this very wicked and evil habit.Why traumatize your contacts with such?I feel people that posts such are heartless and are emotionally stunted.God forbid.

    2. It's the mental illness of becoming emergency camera(wo)man that's the cause of all these,.
      I wish people get arrested for posting the image of someone else online without their consent..

      Person go fall enter gutter, instead of helping, them go commot camera dey form photo journalist..

      Person go get accident,. Camera go fly come out..

      You go carry babe go club, she got dey ask if she fit video the stippers..

      Person go drawn, as them dey try revive am, you go pull out camera dey do commentary..

      You go dey nack, phone go fly out say make Una record, as per porn starπŸ™„

      What's all these madness nah.. do we have to be doing mental test before allowing on purchase a camera phone?..

      I really hope people start getting sued for these shii

    3. Very unfortunate my brother. May we not be victims of these unfortunate incidents.

    4. It's very sad and unfortunate.

    5. Like, I also don’t get it. I can’t even watch such video when I know it involves death talk more of actual downloading or saving it ok my phone.

    6. It's very offensive and immoral to humanity to post the photos or videos of a dead person on social media, also without taking permission from the family or relative of the deceased. People don't consider others feelings and emotions be4 posting such pictures or videos, and anything you post on social media goes viral immediately. Social media is not a good place to post such photos. I think it's so disheartened to see your dead family member or relative photos /videos online.
      God abeg.

      Licious babe

    7. Strippers*

      Amotekun lawyer

    8. Dante: everything now na for clicks, likes and comments. People dey rush to post bad news like say award dey for who first post. And they will not rush to post good news like that o.
      Meanwhile, you're spot on with the things you listed. Na the generation wey we dey be dat o. Internet enter Naija with morning flight, that same evening, common sense leave Naija with night bus. Sad!

      Disco Dancer: I have also blocked quite a few, especially on Facebook. Many people no just get conscience at all. God help us.

    9. It's really disheartening 😞

    10. Eka: you'd even see grown peeps commenting "abeg send me the video". Humanity no dey inside some people at all. Honestly, we must do better.
      Congrats on your latest win. May your story go from grace to grace. Keep winning.

      Licious Babe: very very unfortunate. Hopefully, more people will realize this error, and stop this nonsense.

    11. Not just on their status, but forwarding to people. Someone forwarded one gory video to me, I thought it was a normal video till I opened it. I gave him a piece of my mind, blocked and deleted his number.

    12. Do that in the West and you will be arrested! It is dehumanising to take photos of the dead, but trust the zoo society to know no better! Tuehhh!

    13. Ali, I can excuse all these teenagers doing it, but you see full blown adult doing such and wonder where is their sympathy? I have blocked so many people cos of these wicked acts. Person is dying and you could do is make video to post onlineπŸ˜”. No help or calling for help at all.

    14. Very sad situation
      No more sympathy, human conscience all because of clicks and like

  2. Oh Lord God Almighty, we appreciate all your goodness and your loving kindness towards us and our families . Lord , we give you all the glory.
    Heavenly father, it's another Tuesday morning, we pray for your guidance over us throughout today and beyond in Jesus name πŸ™
    May we flourish in all our endeavors in Jesus name πŸ™
    Anything we lay our hands on shall prosper explosively in Jesus name πŸ™
    May our unrepentant enemies fall victims of their plans and may they go from shame to shame until they are totally disgraced out of our ways in Jesus name πŸ™
    May every chapter of troubles opened against us and our households be closed down forever in Jesus mighty name we pray πŸ™

  3. Heaven Rules!!
    Daniel 4:17. NIV.

    "As long as you’re proclaiming the truth of God’s Word, be bold. Don’t keep quiet. Declare boldly before anyone the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, meaning God in the flesh. He’s the way, the truth and the life, and no one can come into a relationship with God except by Him."

    "Jesus rules; Heaven rules and the whole world must acknowledge it."


    Dear Father, thank you for giving us power and authority in the Name of Jesus to reign and rule in this life. I proclaim, as a representative of your Kingdom here on earth, that your righteousness is established in every nation as the Gospel permeates into the hearts of all men, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


    From the days of John the Baptist the kingdom of God suffereth violence.
    Satan declared war on mankind when he lost his place in christ and God used man to replace him.

    Instead of going back to his creator to beg, he decided that he will cause man to end up like him.

    Do you know that there is war already going on between the human race and satanic race.
    How prepared are you?
    Don't let the war swallow you, swallow the war.

    Fight back with God by

    Reading the bible
    Prayer and
    Worshipping God.

    1. Paprika where is your source?
      Always qoute where you lifted your preaching from, stop plagiarism, SDK has warned you all several times.

  5. There's this parallels line between

    Jerry I just took in, Baby the doctor just confirmed we are pregnant πŸ₯‚


    Jude I don get Belle..... how we go do am?

  6. Excellent morning loveliesπŸŽ‰
    Have a lovely week ahead peeps.

  7. Cherish those moments tomorrow isn't promised.
    Good morning everyone, have a great day ahead

    1. Beautiful morning Slimzy.

    2. Good morning Blacky πŸ’ž

    3. Yes oh! Cherishing and relishing every moments πŸ’…

      Good morning Blackie Boo πŸ©΅πŸ–€

  8. Good Morning one big and happy family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Which type of coin wey them just lunch wey people just they tap anyhow? Inside church on Sunday the girl in front of me no let her phone rest, she just they tap tap, even yesterday for where I they eat, one elderly man no just let him phone rest, I suspect na one of him son handwork be that.
    Nah so e take happen with PI up till now we never hear anything about PI, I pray something comes out of this.
    Congratulations to your brother, Eka Joy, nah your type of blessings and miracles I wan tap from, I love the way God has been blessing you and your household.
    Have a nice day ahead guys One Love.

    1. Thank u Triple C and amen.

    2. You just local anyhow

    3. My brother the thing tire me fa. On Sunday I was with a friend and she was busy tapping on her phone,she said it's tapswap. We even booked appointment so she'll put me through πŸ˜‚

    4. @anon 08:50, leave am like that make e local, you wey posh, you don chop belle full? Bitter entity!

  9. Good morning everyone.
    God bless your day. πŸŒΊπŸ’ž


    'If you need wisdom, ask our generous God.' James 1:5 NLT

    When you need to pass a difficult test or exam. The fear of failing can cause your brain to freeze just when you need your thoughts to flow freely.

    When you know you have done your best to study the material and prepare yourself, trust God with the outcome and stand on his word: 'Trust in the good...and feed on his faithfulness. Delight the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, him, and he shall bring it to pass' (Psalm 37:3-5 NKJV). 'Call to me...I will answer...and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know' (Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV). 'He shall call upon me, and I will answer...I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him' (Psalm 91:15 NKJV). 'The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name...will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you' (John 14:26 NKJV). 'Whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight' (1 John 3:22 NKJV).

    Don't be afraid; God will go with you when you take that test or exam. Long before you prayed, he was already preparing your heart and mind: 'Before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear' (Isaiah 65:24 NKJV). So square your shoulders and walk into that exam room knowing God is with you!
    Word For Today

    1. Thank you for sharing, sis.

    2. Thank you and remain blessed πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’•

  11. Thank you Jesus for another day ⭐⭐
    Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  12. “My pain may be the reason for somebody's laugh. But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody's pain.”
    ― Charlie Chaplin

    © TEEJAY

    1. Hnmmm. This one is deep.

    2. Word

      Licious babe

    3. My pain should not be the reason for somebody's laugh, my laugh should not be the reason for somebody's pain. Let everyone be on their own πŸ™„

    4. Good morning Ezege world wide.

  13. Good morning everyone..Heavenly father as we begin this Tuesday, we come before you with a heart filled with Gratitude for the joy of knowing and serving you. We thank you for the Gift of another day and the opportunity to Experience your joy in our lives, lord we ask for the blessings that only you can provide to lead us today..Amen.

    1. Father in Heaven..we thank u for everything. Blessed day to us all.

  14. Good morning everyone
    Happy Tuesday
    Hope we all are doing good
    Hope the weather is friendly
    Lord send down some rain
    Happy international cultural day to us all
    Stay blessed.

  15. Productive day to you all πŸŒΊπŸ’œ

  16. There's a video that's viral. Two girls are seen fighting, and one pushed the other. She falls and hits her head on the arm of the chair that's iron. She just went out. She was lifted and blood was coming out of her nose. I thought she had died. Heard she made it. So if she had died, the other girl would have become a murderer at that age. What even annoyed me is the people around them "gingering" them to fight. Not one person tried to intervene. It's so sad that little kids are becoming bullies.

    1. I saw the video and was very sad.
      Thank God she survived it

    2. Honestly, that video left me in shock.

    3. It's just unfortunate, we learn everyday. Kids will be kids, they don't know better.

      We did this gingering back in school..

      Infact, if we don change am for eachother small for class, for after school hours, we go go field or empty class go fight Lol..
      E get one time wey me and one gbenga guy change am for ourselves, na so him go tell the 'crew' say he wants make the set up ring for us after school hours,. Omo, me as a Gee no dey run from battle, you run and your rep is gone..

      Me and that guy throw punches ehn, if we hold oursef, then go separate us, just strictly boxing.. no pushing, no kicking, no holding Lol.. we fought until we became tired, then we shaked and went home together 😁.. tho, we were still talking about the punches we gave eachother.. when I reach house, na hot water I use dey press my faceπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Thank God no one d!ed from this our 'games'

    4. That's how my son's classmate pushed him in school two weeks ago & he hit his chest on a desk. My son nursed that pain for some days before getting himself. When I asked why his classmate pushed him that way, he said that's the way that boy behaves. I don't know what's becoming of this generation.

    5. Thank God,she survived.πŸ™πŸΏ

    6. Extremely unfortunate. There's a lot of work to be done in this parenting ish.

    7. Amy Viv, thank God she did o.
      NN, when she hit her head, I felt it.
      Pinky, sad video.
      Dante, the bullying these days even starts from pry schools.
      Morayo, my nephew had one like that in hks class. We had to change his class when his teacher didn't do anything to correct it.
      BB, Thank God for her.
      Ali B, a whole lot.

    8. Saw the video too and honestly that k God the girl made it alive. Fighting back is not always the ideal solution when we talking about this bully thing. The end of every fight or problem is not what one can predict.

    9. Morayo, your son nursed chest pain from the push his classmate gave him? I hope you reported to the school management? Such acts should be reported before he kills an innocent child. A badly behaved child is a menace to others in any setting.

    10. While watching the video, I was so vexed at those kids with them videoing instead of separating the fight. I am sure immediately it happened, most of them will run away from the scene.

      May we not be in need of help and people who are supposed to help are busy making videos and taking pictures πŸ™

    11. NK, I was happy when I saw the update that she was alive. Cos hitting her head hard like that, could have been the end for her.
      Justyswt, very annoying. Cheering them on and recording the whole thing. Amen to you prayer o, cos na 9ja we dey.

    12. @Boss Dante see you see fight 🀣🀣🀣
      Morayo sis, pls I hope you took that matter up in school so that it doesn't repeat itself. That boy needs to be dealt with. Bullying from this age.

    13. Thank God she survived. Like @justyswt. My anger was on those videoing them. All of them should be punished.

  17. The girl in yesterday's video survived. I saw a picture of her in a hospital, in same t-shirt. She looked fine, although there was dried blood stains beneath her nostrils. I'm relieved. I hope the two girls have learnt their lessons.

    Have a good day, beautiful souls.

    1. I was very relieved seeing that video. Infact I kept opening the comments of every post of that girl (without watching the video, I could never) just because I badly needed to see that she survived it. I hope it’s permanent.

    2. Thank God she survived.

    3. God, please I pray you take them to a good hospital for CT scan and MRI because of that blood from the nostrils.
      I Pray for your healing upon her LordπŸ™
      EMU Cali

    4. Yes I saw the video too. Thank God she survived.

    and stop fighting over
    increments of salaries,
    it still won't be enough.

    Good morning great people

  19. He is God all by himself.he has the power to create and destroy.(John 15:5) Says, I am the vine, you are the branches,he that abides in me and I in him, will bring forth much fruit,CUT OFF FROM ME, YOU CAN DO NOTHING.
    Good morning πŸ’•

  20. Good morning everyone
    Wishing us all a beautiful day

  21. Good Morning Everyone ❤️

    Up.and grateful for the gift of life and sound mind ✨️ to us all and our family and loved ones ❤️ ♥️ πŸ’• πŸ’– πŸ’™

  22. I have a collection of oldies especially Igbo songs. I pay attention to the lyrics because they are educating. There is is particular one that says *having money is different but having the mind to spend the money is also different**.
    This plays out daily.
    If you need it, If you can afford it, please buy it for yourself.
    If you can afford it please take good care of your parents
    Going out daily and coming back whole is a privilege

    1. The one and only Oliver d' coque...
      Ogene 76!

    2. I can't agree more
      Well written with less gbagauns

    3. Listen to Ogiriga wara na nwa by the late music maestro Oliver de Coque.

      Indeed, Aku ne sie obi ike.

      © TEEJAY

    4. Wanna go philosophical listen to Celestine Ugwu πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

    5. Wow. Thanks my people.

      Anon 08:55. Don't forget your drugs next time.

  23. Good morning Stella and blog family

  24. Good morning lovely people of Sdkville
    Have a blessed day y'all πŸ’•

  25. What makes one overcome challenges is not how many times he/she falls but how many times he/she can pick him/herself up after falling.

    A man who hasn't fail before won't know the value of success.

    Ire oooo

  26. A lovely morning to you allπŸ’“πŸ’œπŸ’™❤πŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’ŸπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ˜πŸ’‹πŸ˜˜

    Happy 3rd birthday to my Miracle bobo ADONAIJAH ERINAYO may God bless your new age my loveπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸ’“πŸ’œπŸ’™❤πŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’ŸπŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ˜πŸ’‹πŸ˜˜I

    1. Happii birthday πŸŽ‚ ERINAYO ! Grow up in Lord's wisdom and sound health

    2. Happy blessed birthday to your baby.

    3. Is he a bv?

    4. Happy birthday to your Bobo. God bless his new age.

    5. Happy birthday and many God bless your child. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    6. Happy birthday to him. May he make you proud

    7. Happy birthday to your son

    8. Happy birthday to your baby boyπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    9. Happy birthday BoboπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

    10. Happy birthday to your son. God's blessings and protection be upon him πŸ™

    11. Happy birthday to him. May he live long

    12. Happy birthday to him

  27. I'm in dancing mood this morning, my son won a term school fees for taking first position in dancing competition yesterday. Plus the money given to him randomly.
    My heavenly Awemazing father I'm happy for this unexpected blessings.

    1. Oh wow! May he continue to make u proud in all aspects of his life.

    2. Big congratulations to your family.

    3. This is amazing. Congratulations πŸŽ‰

    4. Wow! Congratulations
      May his talent open more doors for you and him. Pls encourage him

    5. Congratulations! School fees no be moimoi

    6. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    7. Congratulations sis more miracle on the way.

    8. Congratulations to your family.

    9. Congratulations to your son. More wins to come.

    10. The whole term's fees? It is a big deal. Congratulations, God bless the school and pls encourage him to practice more and be very good at it. Everything is money now

    11. Great news. Congratulations to him. May be continue to make you proud in every aspect of life

    12. Congratulations!! What a thoughtful gift. I am happy for you

    13. Congratulations to your son.

    14. Thank you every one,
      Your blessings will never pass you all. We appreciate 😍😍😍

  28. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord arise in mercy and nullify every word of condemnation and evil verdict spoken over you and all yours...

    Blessed and victorious day, I wish you!!!


  29. WHAT IF?
    That friend you think is avoiding you is battling depression, internal ailment or spending his life savings on medications.
    WHAT IF?
    That friend you consider as stingy is struggling to pay a huge debt.
    WHAT IF?
    That friend doesn't really think in any direction you may have probably placed him or her.
    WHAT IF?
    You find out that the few times you reluctantly called him or her, you literally talked that friend out of suicide without knowing.
    Stop waiting for who reaches out first. You can never be too sure of what the next person is battling behind closed doors.
    There are hidden tears and pains behind many smiles.
    Check on your family and friends..
    BE kIND!

  30. Good morning everyone, let's have a fruitful day today.

  31. Ruth Kadiri really needs to update her writing skills because what in the nonsense is that Hello Pot movie?

    1. And she starred Timini and Uche Montana o. Everything was just happening. It's a lot tbvh😁
      She's asking for scripts sha, people with good stories to sell. So...

    2. I think it’s because she is always releasing movies back to back. Great movies are not made in a rush.

  32. Goodmorning Stella.
    Goodmorning Beevees.
    Day 142 of 366!!!
    Awesome God

  33. Good morning everyone 😍😍😍

    Let me guess, you're in a stage where you're not sad about it but you think about it often. You regret it but also glad it happened. You're not angry but disappointed. You don't miss it but miss the feeling it gave you. I think one of the biggest lessons I'm learning is that it's important to know how to be alone. But it's equally important to know how to let others in. Don't erase the good parts of yourself because someone took advantage of them. Your ability to love so deeply and forgive so easily is not a weakness. Your loyalty and kindness should be cherished. Don't lose an important part of yourself because someone mistreated your love. You're learning as you go. Not everything you were taught is meant to be stuck with you forever. It is okay to let go of what doesn't serve you, remind yourself it's okay to listen to you too. You got this. Trust yourself. The life you want requires consistency, balance, discipline and patience. You decide your own worth. If you're confident no one can touch you.

    Y'all have a productive day ahead 😘😘😘

    1. Omo Brianna good morning and have a nice dayπŸ₯°

  34. Good morning everyone
    Up and grateful to God for life.

    Licious babe

  35. Guten tag Sdk Alles leibe geben ..yep...

  36. Good morning SDK and BVs. Thankful Tuesday. Thank you Jesus,for loving me unconditionally. πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

  37. When you get married, make sure your husband changes the mattress before you start calling it matrimonial bed.
    E get why o.

    1. I ensured he bought a new mattress the moment I traveled down after the wedding

    2. Why? 🀣
      Praise I checked out that gospel song New generation on YouTube, I enjoyed listening to it

    3. Yes Praise, this is very necessary especially if he was not a virgin πŸ€”

  38. Good morning house
    I sincerely appreciate the birthday wishes yesterday. Thank you all. May celebrations never cease in your lives.
    Enjoy your day.

  39. See what the Lord has done
    What I've been praying for...even the one that I didn't know I needed...he has done it....
    Thank you Lord for your miracles on me and my family

    GoldenTulip ✍️πŸ•Š️

  40. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️😍
    I saw something that broke me this morning while dropping my kids in school, I saw a young child of 5 years with a stomach like a woman that is nine months pregnant, she was going out with her mother, whatever it is, God please intervene πŸ™ show mercy.

  41. Good morning SDK and bvs
    There is this advert that pops up on my chrome browser while I'm on SDK blog, it says I should answer questions and get paid in dollars. My head will be telling me to try it, my mind will be telling me to ignore it.
    Who has tried it here?
    Looking for something to do with data and get paid as I'm not good with content, skit and all that, I'm on the shy side.

    1. Most of them will just waste your time and data, time to cash out the supposed dollars you earned, war will start, you won't be able to cash out. So just ignore them

    2. If you can write well and correct mistakes, and also have enough time to check the site and bid for jobs, attend to jobs , register on freelancer.

  42. It's a great day
    Morning my people

  43. Good morning everyone
    Have a beautiful day

  44. Amen Jewelu πŸ™πŸ»
    Madame and I spoke this morning. Exams done and dusted , Thank God !
    While some will be going for IT this period., Hers is at the end of their 300L. She has started announcing already where to perch for the IT.
    ( Mass Com ). May God Make a way for a favourable place ... Amen !

    Beautiful Morning pleasant family ❣️

  45. Wonderful morning to everyone on this blog, May the good Lord continue to bless our hustle amen.

  46. Beautiful morning to y'all 🌞
    Blessed Tuesday guys 🀞

  47. I need a miracle that will sound like a lie to the ears of listeners in my life right now. God abeg run am for me πŸ™

  48. Good morning everyone
    It's about to rain here. This is what they say about saving for the rainy day but the present Economy is savings friendly.

    1. Gifted did you mean not savings friendly? It's not savings friendly o

  49. BV Teemah G, thanks alot for your reply to my comment yesterday, I really do appreciate your detailed advice . Thanks πŸ™

  50. Good morning neighbors 😊

  51. Good morning
    Congratulations for seeing today. Yes, it's a privilege.
    The day is bright and beautiful, I am positive that today will be a good day as I set out.
    Game mistress, sales is slow for us that sell non consumables. Some days, I don't sell anything, I waste money on Transport fare and pay transport fare the following day too for nothing.
    Currently I'm learning how to sew simple casuals from Youtube videos so that I can make some of the materials that I sell into beautiful pieces and sell too. When people see that you can sew,it increases sales, they pay for the fabrics and you pick a style for them and make it .
    I can make simpe free gowns now. Hoping to go for physical training later so I can make more complicated styles.

    1. Nice one Losty. It's good to think fast in the face of difficulties like you did. Simple inexpensive ready to wear attires are selling. Activate your social media skills and market them there too.

  52. WINNER, YES I AM!21 May 2024 at 11:31

    I be late comer, Good morning all!

  53. Many are toxic like that, the ones I have around all they wish others are nothing but evil, downfall, death, and sickness. I don't give them a chance, like I always tell them that darkness and light have nothing in common. I don't know how they reason with such dark souls. .... Guard my space


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