Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Friday, May 31, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


Anytime I eat in dreams, I always vo**mit everything, and the way I always vomit it, the vomit would be hard like sticking on my tongue but I will drag everything out. I don't know why I keep having that dream.
Yesterday night, I had a dream that I was in my mother's kitchen cooking with my sister, we were cooking vegetable, different types bitter leaf and ebolo, she wanted to pour the vegetables without washing the bitterness out, I was now begging her to please give it to me that she shouldn't pour it into the soup like that, that the soup will be bitter. 
She later gave me and I washed everything before I now poured it into the soup. Though I ended up throwing up everything I ate in the dream too. I don't understand all these dreams....

Hmmm this does not sound well........However i dont understand this dream too let me step back for others to help Interpret...


  1. Possible interpretations. Maybe only one applies, maybe they all apply.

    1. You have a stomach illness that is growing, or have undiagnosed food allergies.

    2. You do not express your true voice or swallow whatever others dish out to you without speaking up. Maybe you are desperate to speak up for yourself and decide to swallow it back and it is making you spiritually sick.

    3. You need to be careful of where you go out to eat or you eat from a place regularly that you should stop eating from. They are unhygienic or lying about what they are serving, probably they are claiming chicken while they are serving bushmeat.

  2. I feel like eating it's a good a thing that you vomit whatever you eat in the dream

  3. Just keep praying about it..and talk to any trusted man or woman of God too.

  4. Hmm this one is deep oh...You need to fast, study the word and ask God to unveil the true meaning of your dreams. Seeing bitter leaves in dream connotes suffering and struggling to get even the simplest things but thank God you averted that by washing the leaves off....

    Eating in the dream is not good, and you vomiting shows an outright rejection of whatever that has come your way or an initiation.....

    Please note not all familiar faces in your dreams are involved in something malicious or evil.. It could be the person needs help or the person is a representation of something that is to be unveiled...

    Please embark in prayers to unveil the hidden truths

    All the best

  5. Vomiting in the dream is not that bad,, just that you need to be more focused and firm in your decisions in other to have a breakthrough in life, most importantly be prayerful.

    Licious babe

  6. Cancel the dream

  7. Thank God you always vomit everything out, they are trying to afflict you with disease or initiate you into witchcraft, keep praying.

  8. It's a good thing your spirit is refusing evil. Keep praying. Eating in a dream is not a good thing.

  9. Eating in the dream is another form through which the enemy plant sickness, and evil vices inside people.
    My advice? pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the plans of the evil ones to you, be it sickness or whatever so you can pray and hit your target and not pray amiss.

  10. May God help us. I cancel every eating dream in my life in Jesus name, amen.
    Mao Akuh

  11. It's a repetitive dream. That's so scary.. please pray about it

  12. Hello dear, I want to answer you from scriptures. The bible says OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS and young men(which include women) shall see VISIONS Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17. If you are less than 70years of age, dreams should have no effect. If you are a young person, you will and should receive supernatural messages via visions. So my dear FEAR NOT.


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