Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Please treat as urgent. My sister has been battling with ill health since last year. She finds it difficult to walk about, presently, she crawls. Initially, she went to the hospital and the Dr saw nothing, only to tell her to shed weight. Meanwhile, before this issue started, she has been indulging in exercises. At a point, she resorted to prayers. All revelations were that the sickness is not ordinary.

Latest revelation by 3 different persons points out that the person responsible for this is someone close. One mentioned that the husband is responsible. My family is not the type that believes in prophecies but past and recent happenings is trying to make us to believe this particular prophecy.

Meanwhile, let me tell you how the 3 prophecies came about.
The first was where she attended prayers. The woman said in idiom ' The ant that is stinging the buttocks is closer to it.' My sister was confused and the woman went ahead to say that the husband is responsible.
The second prophecy came from someone who has never set eyes on my sister. He told a friend who went for prayers that someone is responsible for my sister's ill health and the person is someone close to her.
The third came from a Yoruba man that sells all this local soap and co. My sister went to mix soap and picked interest in the man's advert for all he does and she then discussed this same health issue with him. His reply was if anti poison is added to the medicines and that since the different medications she has taken works initially and at a point, it stops working. It shows that someone is responsible and the person is very close to her. 
She decided to tell us her siblings first.
Please bvs, we need urgent advice on how to tackle this issue as she cannot walk presently.

She cannot walk and you people are suspecting her husband? Why would he wanna kill her or cripple her? Is she rich? does he wanna take her money?This is a strong allegation and can scatter her marriage finally but then what do i know...All her siblings and other family members should gather at her house and have a meeting with the husband and ask him what his wife did to him....Tell him about the prophecies...It is like he is slowly feeding her with poison? or is it spiritual?


  1. You don't have to accuse the husband please, if you can take your sister with you and let her treat herself away from her matrimonial home, let's see the outcome.

    *Larry was here*

    1. Very good. If she is being poisoned slowly, it would stop and there might be improvement.

      The insinuations point at ritual things not herbal or chemical poisoning. But those could be wrong.

      Sources of wickedness include the market place (co-traders / unnecessary altercations with sellers and other market shoppers), work colleagues, co-residents, all family members, undertaking steps without proper knowledge of repercussions or strictly complying with instructed steps, and reversal of arrows sent by a person.

    2. Listen to all these fake and hungry people at your own/sister's peril. Your sister obviously has a bone/joint/muscle related ailment, possibly, arthritis. Hence why the doctor asked her to lose weight. I don't know what's wrong with most of you - you falsely accuse people and create enemies, by not following medical advice through and through. Has your sister gone back to the doctor?

    3. Be careful of these fake prophets and prayer warriors your family/friends are listening to. That was how our late mum was accused of bewitching one of our siblings by himself and his wife (and their various prophets/prophetesses), just because money stopped flowing due to their financial recklessness. But when money was flowing endlessly, our mother didn't bewitch them? Now she is dead and cycle is repetitive. Nobody to blame again - wife has left him to seek a more stable life cos she is tired of "money today, no money tomorrow". But she is part of the reasons for rhe financial instability. People don't do self retrospection but look for others to blame. Stop shopping for fake prophecies and seek adequate medical attention for your sister.

    4. True words, Starry. They can start from there before confronting anyone.

    5. What is your sister's weight first?
      What has her BMI?
      Since her doctor told her he cant see anything according to you, did you go to other hospitals?
      Get 2nd, 3rd or even 4th opinion before visiting all these roadside sewers that call themselves prophets that like to see from inside the walls of their belly?
      Before you accuse an innocent man, make sure you lot have done your due diligence.

  2. Hmmm. Be sure before you accuse him falsely o.

  3. I understand the fear of not doing anything or not taking the prophecies seriously and losing your sister, but suggest that your family should trend carefully and ask God the revealer of all secrets to step in and help you people.
    May God intervene for your family, Amen.

  4. Your biggest problem in life would start the moment you marry a religious butterfly,or someone who goes from one prayer house/herbalist to another..

    Avoid religious wanderers if you value your peace.

    See as man don dey guilty before trial begin;it is well.


    1. Kai religious butterfly 🤣 🤣 🤣
      Nothing but the truth. 👍

    2. Thank you, Martins.

    3. Martins the thing tire me...Why not take her to a government or specialist hospital and get other medical opinions....Why do you always meet diviners that will cause division in your family?

      I understand the enemies of a man are in his household but please be careful...Forget these prophesies and look for solution...Believe in God's report and don't allow enchanters to distract you by apportioning blames instead of seeking for more solutions for your sister.

      Is it not anyone that is involved in people's medical condition..Most times it is the decision people make too about their help...

      All the best and please be FOCUSED

    4. You only know so much

    5. Martins be grateful for the type of people you have around you,if only you know what's happening out there. Yorubas will say "Nkan Nkan enikan lomo"

  5. Poster,please take your sister to a renowned orthopedic hospital. God's speed on her. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

    1. I pity some of you who think all prophecies are fake....if it is spiritual trust me the best orthopedic will not is very spiritual and a lot of people are cheated through this life out of ignorance. anyways no matter what you go through in life first go to God in prayers then move on to the hospital

    2. It was a Dr. at National orthopaedic hospital that told her to shed weight.

    3. 16:00
      Did she do too much too soon?
      Why was she told to shed weight?
      Seek another opinion from a neurologist?
      Teaching hospital where all specialists are generally available or can be called on is a better option.

    4. Poster, you guys should take her away from that house, and send the sickness back to sender.

      Mao Auh

  6. Take her away from her home and see if treatment will work.if it does then the hubby have a question to answer..

    1. it might not even be the hubby it might be another close relative sef. and yes spouses jazz each other. stella money is not the only reason. when people are in the occultic they can take out anyone for any flimsy reason

    2. Or someone is using her hubby s face..
      In this world anything is possible

  7. Wickedness is increasing by the day, before you confront the hubby take your sister home and see if her treatment will work. As well as pray for back to sender kind of prayers, it will work if her hands are clean.

  8. Pls take her out of that house for the meantime before you start confronting the husband
    And pls join the Altart of Fire. It will be well

  9. "She was taken to the hospital initially"... then things got worse, please take her back to the hospital for proper check up while not neglecting the place of prayer.

  10. Getting your facts right is key in this situation, so you don't go accusing people wrongly. The best thing to do is taking her out of that space you suspect might be responsible and then double up on prayers for her. May God heal her totally in Jesus name Amen

  11. You guys should take her out of that house immediately to see if the treatment given to her will work. Then again I remember a bv that was in a similar situation, the husband was responsible. Do not overlook anything or anybody.

  12. There's no power greater than the power of God! Please, your family can go on agreement fasting and prayer for your sister, do midnight prayer, find scriptures on healing and pray it over your sister's life. Your sister herself must open her mouth and pray for herself with every faith she can muster within her. Let her leave church shopping for now and focus on the scripture, let her read the psalms, study the new testament and place her life in the hands of God. If she does not trust her present environment, she can visit home and stay with family for the time being. As she prays, and you all pray for her, please she can continue on the exercise, dieting, and medical treatment from an accredited medical care provider. It is well.

  13. Very daisy situation.. please trade carefully poster. Start by taking her away from that environment. Have evidence before any confrontation.

  14. Three revelations and they couldn't show the person. Watch and be careful though.
    Betrayers and evil humans will always be those that know you or close to you.

  15. The prophecy might be true. Spiritual control the physical. The annoying thing is that the prophecy can't bring solution.

    My advice is that she should take a break from her husband and go somewhere else and pray. Reading psalm 34,35,109 at midnight. This will help

  16. Poster it might not be the hubby maybe the hubby people.join midnight prayers,via Facebook or YouTube.. title ( commanding the day midnight prayers) miracles,testimonies,healing and alot by" Dr Paul enenche" DUNAMIS Church! start by 11pm to 12:30 and be sure of her healing

  17. Well, the poisoning can be confirmed or refuted through a toxicology screening. Find a medical facility that offers a wide range of testing (incl. cyanide; fentanyl etc).

    Whilst you await the results, get a new set of medications for her. Keep it under lock and key at a different house.
    Don't toss out the old batch; just keep throwing them away, one by one, so that it looks like it's still being taken, as prescribed.

    All the best!

  18. No need to confront anyone
    A prophecy without a solution is just heartbreak
    Go back to them then and ask for solution
    Before that take your sister to ahold hospital
    Spend proper money on a good doctor
    What are the symptoms she is experiencing
    How did it start and what is happening now
    Also google google google the symptoms to get a better idea of what’s happening to her

  19. Dear poster do not take these prophecies lightly. I repeat do not take these prophecies lightly.
    Leave all these ajebo Christians e.g Martin's and Stella and look for a true man of God or preferably MFM and save your sister's life.
    Men want to bail and the fastest way is blood money and no 1 victim are wives , kids and relatives

  20. Extreme caution and wisdom is needed here. OP, do whatever you can to get your sister away from that environment for a while. So she can undergo treatment away from the husband. But that's just a perfunctory measure.

    The people who are saying the husband is responsible can't they also provide a solution? I mean, revelation without deliverance is useless!

    Whatever you do, don't confront the man. He may just be innocent. It is also possible there's someone outside your sister may be sleeping with. That's closeness as well since conjecture is being used in place of facts.

    Any busy body that tells you your sisters husband is responsible for her ailment should also be able to tell you how to break whatever it is he has done. Otherwise, it is better they say nothing.

  21. Some diseases are progressive and affect the nerves system. It may generate to muscle weakness and the person may slowly lose the ability to walk and use their muscles. Try and get a diagnoses and probably a cure from a teaching hospital and ask for a specialist neurologist. Just a blood test and brain electrical conduct test EEG may give answers.

  22. Has she been tested for cancer? Start massaging her body with black seed oil and give her a tablespoon to be taken daily. Get the pure high quality black cumin seed oil. The massaging will help to reduce inflammation in her body. Also research anti inflammatory foods and get her on that eating plan. She could also be suffering from an undiagnosed autoimmune disease. If money is not an issue please get her properly tested with blood tests and a mri. All of this could get quite expensive so be prepared. But the massaging of the body with the oil can start right away. Let her stop using body lotions and perfume. And go 100% all-natural. Come off Maggie seasoning and anything like that, return to fresh herbs and natural spices. She should not eat Indomie, drink anything in a plastic bottle, only drink packed in glass bottles and tetra packs. If she can afford water bottles in glass then let her drink it, there is water in tetra packs too. She should use a natural laundry detergent that is scent free. Products used to clean the home should be non-toxic, like baking soda, lemons and vinegar. She can bathe herself with black soap. Also she should get sun therapy of about 10-20 minutes sitting in the sun, with direct sunlight on the skin, her spine also needs to get direct sunlight during the sun therapy, if she lives in a place with privacy where she can take her sun therapy only in her underwear this is good. Coconut water, lots of citrus foods and adding a little lemon of lime juice to her drinking water will help.

    The clothes she wear should be free of dyes. If she can change out all her underwear to organic unbleached cotton and in white or cream this is good. The clothing she wears during the healing treatments matters too, clothes full of dyes that you can see the dyes running during washing should be completely avoided. Get her into white clothes, this way we know there are no dyes and do not wash anything with bleach. If stains come up use natural methods to remove.

    I wish you all the best

    1. Absolutely, she needs further investigations, MRI and autoimmune antibody tests etc. Xxbarbiexx

  23. Take her out of the house unannounced and pray. Search the scriptures on verses for mercy and healing and pray for her.
    Do not jump around to prayer houses.

    Re -dedicate yourself to Jesus Christ. Look unto him and him alone .
    Stand on the power in the blood of Jesus that speaks better than any covenant and pray.

  24. Join Hallelujah challenge on your sister's behalf,it started yesterday and Strip yourself naked at 3o' clock and pray back to sender prayers on her behalf with appropriate bible verses starting with Psa27

  25. I think the first step should be to take her out of her current environment.

  26. Don’t accuse the husband. If you are wrong-the damage is irreversible. If you are right and he decides to do something out of desperation, what next? Remove her from the house and if possible do operation back-to-sender on her behalf.

  27. Poster please take your sister to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment if money is not the issues

    1. They’ve gone na

    2. 19:01 is there only 1 hospital in the whole country????

  28. If can remember that back to sender prayer posted here ones, do that too.

  29. This is a very dicey situation. Na wa oooo. What would be the motive of the husband? She should.enter serious prayers. Maybe the husband will confess

  30. What is different between this sort of accusation and that of kids who are accused of being witches in Akwa-Ibom? What a country! Words fail me! The real enemy isnt humans that you see but the devil himself!

  31. You people should take your sister put from that family and see if she will get better, if her husband is behind it then she will feel better.

    You people should not say anything to her husband before you all will destroy your sister's mirrage.

  32. It could even be ulcer .

    You should go to a specialized place where they use phantom machine to scan through to check the overall health of the person. If they confirm the ailment please don't buy their drugs if you have not seen testimonies of who they successfully treated. You will look for other alternatives of treatment using the knowledge of the ailment. Keep the prophecy aside for now until you do this.

  33. Poster all three people cannot be wrong nahhhh you see check am....For some reason i believe those pastors. As a sister , can you enter prayer and fasting ..Stand in gap for your sister. tell God to reveal whoever is behind this first before you go to the husband.

  34. I m not suprised. Most of the issues and challenges we have in Nigeria, are actually as a aresult of household wickedness. More like 98%. If household wickedness is conquered, families will prosper . The church is not even addressing it. Mother's behind their kids travails, father's behind mother's travail. Its shocking but we are all blind to it

  35. A lot of conditions might be responsible for that sudden debilitating illness, a quick Google search might even be more beneficial than monies spent elsewhere. It might necessarily be a bony issue but a Neuro -muscular issue or possibly one of those rare autoimmune illnesses.
    A prompt work-up and diagnosis is the best advice anyone can give you. Prayers needs to have a direction as well not just based on speculation, so it''s a Win-Win.


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