Stella Dimoko Singer Portable's Wife Deletes 'Self Made' Birthday Post After He Threatened To Throw Her Out


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Singer Portable's Wife Deletes 'Self Made' Birthday Post After He Threatened To Throw Her Out

Awwwww a wife that Obeys!
Bewaji Ewatomi, the wife of controversial Nigerian singer Portable), yielded to her husband’s demand over a social media post made on her birthday and deleted it. 

In the post shared on her Instagram page, she described herself as a ‘self-made’ queen and thanked God for the incredible journey of another age. 
Portable who was displeased with the social media caption, scolded his wife for taking pride in her achievements, stressing that he is behind her success.
 He also warned her to calm down and avoid being used as a tool by his enemies against him and during an Instagram live session, he threatened to send her packing from their matrimonial home if she did not edit or delete the social media post. 
Bewaji has since deleted the birthday post and edited her Instagram profile bio to reflect what he demanded


  1. Pele dear,get a job and self esteem 🙄🙄🙄

    1. It does not matter what your economic status is.

      Give your husband (especially if he is responsive to your needs) his due especially in public.

      The male ego is extremely fragile. An intelligent woman won't lose anything to tend it.

    2. Ego is a liability not an asset
      Pride goes before a fall

    3. 11:59,

      I see you miss the point.

    4. She doesn't mean to call herself "a queen of herself" na English failed her, what age meant to say is, a Queen herself.

    5. 9:59 you are actually right. I agree

  2. To remain married or continue answering MRS. Is not easy.
    All women go through just to retain the title Married Woman 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆

    1. Excited courtesy,

      Let's be mindful of our words.

      ANY relationship that's important to you should be respected.

    2. She agreed to marry to him. She must submit to her husband.

  3. What a tramp she is. So you are not self made… it’s really all portable’s money. That’s how they will be deceiving young girls that they are self made with houses and cars instead of telling them the truth that they either chase after very rich men or marry the razzest human as third wives for money.
    Very dirty girls

    1. Tramp ? Really? And an uncouth you felt name calling a woman who took her husbands humiliation riddled correction is ?

    2. Tramp ke ? Take it easy

    3. Anonymous 12.01… her husband ke? You men their husband since they are all sharing the same oily D. And yes she is a tramp. Have you thought about all the young girls these tramps deceive? Some of the young girls look up celebrities but when they are happy to go after trashy men with money as 3 wives then the young girls thing that is okay. Mrs portable then comes out to say self made … working hard… boss lady and all that crap.

    4. Portable has already implied she is a tramp because look how he humiliated and disgraced her publicly

  4. Potable is a no nonsense man, chop my mouth and give me my flowers else i throw you away sharp sharp.😄😂🤣
    Self made queen in the potopoto😃😃😃
    Poti na you fit this gold diggers

  5. Eeyah.. obedient Queen portable.

  6. In all ur doing as a woman,pls make ur own money. I beg u again,then I plead. Biko,abeg!!!

    1. No matter how much money you have, respect your relationships!

    2. There is respect then there is arrogance, this is humiliation not correction

    3. Of course,respect your relationship but what's wrong with saying she's queen of herself? She didn't in any way belittle or insult him or am I missing something..

    4. I intentionally used the word "relationships". Any type.

      There's absolutely nothing wrong in calling herself queen. But we must all know the personalities of the people in our relationships, and deal accordingly.

      However, just as I responded in a previous comment, you also seem to miss a very basic and simple point.

    5. @, I just weak for this women who can sleep with anything for money

  7. She can be the Queen of Herself in her papa house. Case closed. She can't be dragging leadership with her husband after all she chose to marry him and wasn't forced. Portable na man. He did wetin many useless males cannot do.

    1. Disrespectfully he did

    2. CongratuF*CKINGlations on calling your fellow men useless. Pot calling kettle black.

    3. You people don't get it, she wanted to write "a Queen herself" but English failed her

  8. It might even be portable that typed that.

  9. Loyal to the money

  10. I didn’t know he was so serious about the post. Wow! Queen Portable, have a happy belated birthday.

  11. She a sizeable following, she could monetize her social media and create a YouTube too. She has an opportunity to at is readily available.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 you are funny, YouTube for what? What will the content be? Her husband gave us a summary of her, let all his wives or baby mamas just enjoy the fame with him, none of them is trying to brush up, they are quick to fix eyelashes like canopy and their funny stylist will make sure their frontal touches their brow.
      I doubt the money is touching their hand directly with the way his kids are or they only spend it on photoshoot and hair.
      School is not a scam anyway

  12. She respected her husband 👍

    1. Mariam,

      Exactly! End of discussion.

  13. Slow men crave power and fear , to be needed

    Smart men crave genuine respect and love, to be wanted

  14. Choose your fight,you can't be dependent on a king and be enjoying all the benefits of his "kingdom" and then come online to crown yourself "Queen of herself"

  15. Wow Portable is fully in charge. There can't be two captain in a ship.
    A wise woman will always listen and adherr to instructions from her husband as far as it is not harmful advice, afteral family is everything. Yes she must obey her husband why the husband will love and cherish her according to the Bible. It's not a big deal. She did the right thing. But l don't support the way and manner portable presidented the issue, the issue can be resolved without a third party or social media meddling in the matter..

    Licious babe

  16. 😂😂 Porty baby na no nonsense man, hope she no chop beating before she deleted the post.

    1. Hahaha A queen can't be beaten nah, but can only be corrected.

      Licious babe

  17. I'm a woman and I attribute all my achievements to God Almighty and to my husband. A wise person must not forget his or her benefactor. I'm in support of Portable.

    1. Lol it’s like she didn’t have parents or any one that took care of her before his marriage of 5 seconds

  18. Submissive wife baa?

  19. Even if Portable needs to boast his ego must he humiliat the woman like this? All of you supporting this nonsense I rais my hands for you tueeh 🤮

    1. Tueehx2 to you, must we all have the same opinion. Rubbish.

  20. Submission is one of the most bastardized words in 🇳🇬. The Bible says “men, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”, if he loved her will he have three or so other women after her? Is money equal to love? How much does the he even have? If it’s not the poverty ravaging 🇳🇬 + the lack of population control, all these so-called “moneyed” “ SM billionaires” in Nigeria that don’t ever make it to any credible list will not mistake humiliation for correction. There is humiliation and there is correction after-all it’s not her last birthday. It was her birthday and he made it about himself.

    Dear Young Men & Women, Read 1Cor 13 love chapter. Love does not vaunt itself, it’s not easily provoked, it does not seek its own etc… and tell me if most men who condone or who will do this understand what love is. Maybe because I’m a professional in a sane country & I can take care of myself but if a man makes me one out of three or four & expects me to correct this on SM, I will not. Ego is another word for PRIDE. God hates pride. No offense but ladies, many Gen Z professionals earn six figures, take care of themselves, travel the world, buy designer paid for without hook up or a man’s money, so they command respect. My husband buys things for me but my closet is filled with things I got with my own money even for him! Nobody but God “can supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Jesus” so stop making any man your Jehovah Jireh else they will demand worship! You think he will call her out or treat her like this if she was from an affluent home or made her own $100000+ per annum income? She won’t even be married to him and if she did, he won’t dare!

    The psyche & self esteem of many women in Naija has been battered & damaged by poverty and corrupt governance that they feel they cannot survive, must do olosho (she is his first wife and not oloso), or be married to men that maltreat them. It was not like this in the same Nigeria! We got good education nearly free, got jobs, married and worked side by side with men or have them report to us! Get a life skill, marriage is a marathon. With the way he is marrying women up & down who knows whether he will be able to provide a decent life in 10 years time? King Sunny Ade whom I respect a lot had a Rolls Royce parked in London as at 1994! Too many women depleted him & at 75 he is still working earn a living! Look beyond today’s money! Think 30 years from now! The man lives to trend on any news without considering this woman’s feelings. Any marriage built on the misery of one person can only last so long.

    1. King Sunny Ade still sings because he enjoys music not because he is poor or he can't live on his already saved funds for retirmeent.

      You can rant all you want about your wokeism, but don't bring an accomplished musician into your wahala simply because you don't agree with the fact that he married multiple women.

      At 75, even if he chose to retire, his millions of fans won't let him. Do you know how many people are on his calendar to perform for for the next 5 years?

      Evangelist Obey Fabiyi is another musician who only had one wife. baba is not agile anymore, but his fans won't take no for an answer.

      Truth is - Portable is right to tell his wife off. If you earn $1,000,000 and your husband choose to be a simp, that is your own perogative.

      If portable decides that his wife cannot call herself queen of herself, he has a right to it. And nothing you can do about it.

      Most of you women even think your money actually move men. It does not!

      Keep living in your abroad where mens ball has been castrated. Oshisko.

    2. King Sunny Ade has several women & dozens of children that the moms mostly took care of like many in such settings are doing now! Shouldn’t you try to figure out how you will take care of four or ten women before gathering them? If he were to take care of his family the way he would have loved to or like when he was rich & was younger, he won’t be able to afford it. Period. I do not think you knew them back then! Feel free to believe he performs because he “likes to” as if he is in the league of Beyoncé or Taylor Swift God forbid any sickness then it’s your taxpayers the goverment will use in taking him abroad. Like so many we have read about who lived larger than their raining day preparation in good times!

      FYI, Oney did not have one wife. You think he has one. Not like KSA though. Make your points without insults as you do not know me or my husband. From my write up you can tell I knew folks like Sunny and Obey way before many BVs were born, they composed lyrics for old moneyed people at naming ceremonies, birthdays etc & many women followed them! Google one of the duo’s daughter’s recent wedding, tell me he would have done it on that scale in his hey days. Nothing lasts forever especially with a permanently drunk or high guy who only humiliated this woman because he thinks he has “money” and feels like Lucifer that he is to be worshipped even on HER birthday.

      She accepted the humiliation because of the acidic poverty in Nigeria that leaves many women at the mercy of narcissist men like this. If he is not complaining that a 4th woman, Dami is reluctant to birth for him, it’s about his fragile ego not being massaged via a SM post by his wife! Do you realize it costs over $300k to give a child a very good life up till 18 years? Does he look like he cares about those details? Is it about birthing or planning & caring for those you bring to the world?
      Your response to my comment says more about you than the musician, no offense. I am not woke. I live by the unchanging standards of the Bible. Love is not humiliation and does not humiliate and a true Bible believer cannot be woke, it’s an oxymoron. Dorcas, Lydia, Deborah all had careers in the Bible which does not equate humiliation with submission. The foundation of God is sure, “ the Lord knows them that are his but let everyone that names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity”. It’s in Timothy.

      Read up about narcissists. Who makes another person’s birthday about themselves because you “provide” for them? As Jehovah Jireh the giver of life & breath? You can be impolite on SM but SDK has a lot of readers of various socioeconomic & intellectual backgrounds so save your insults for the petty low-life blogs, you do not know me enough to tell me to stay in my “abroad” or describe my husband in his sixties as a “simp”. Folks like you limit the contribution by folks with intellect & exposure because they hate insults something some do when they have no better points. I was born, raised and grew up in Nigeria where even when moms were nurses, lecturers and teachers or civil servants, the men did not “flaunt” multiple women or degrade women but those inclined were at least “discrete” about it (which doesn’t make it right! You are actually the “woke” SM one who thinks Mr portable, a man who makes money by being a bad influence on youths (always high & drunk) is worthy of emulation). Your wokeness is why he can even be on the headlines almost daily. In Nigeria of forty years ago, he will not make headlines. Where are the real thinkers and quiet intellectuals of all ages when woke entertainment idolizes have silenced them all. The West did not build bridges & space or internet by dancing or acting, no offense!
      Life is a marathon not a sprint and if you like have 4 wives at 30 or 28 children by 40 & pretend that you took care of them because they have a couple of designer wears! It shows the dumbing down of public discoursep. I am not surprised that some folks cannot pass their original thoughts without insults.✌🏾


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