Read this story and watch your mechanice very well if you take your car there....

This criminals and their Alhaji stole my car without knowing the car has a GPS tracking device.
And Nigerian police officers in Abuja swat office area 3 is helping them to get away with it.
Shame on them!!
After all the evidence that shows the car belongs to me and I don’t want to sell my car, they still released my car back to Alhaji that said he bought it from the criminals that stole it.
A very intelligent officer will know this is an organized criminals. The steal cars update them and sell them. Bunch of criminals that need to be in prison.
How can you update a car that does not belong to you, forged the paperwork and swap the plate number with another car in 3 days and you say you bought the car from a legitimate dealer.
Alhaji you are a criminal!!
They changed everything on the car inside and out, both the engine.
forged fake car documents while I still have the Original car documents.
I tracked the car and found it in Kogi state.
I sent the mechanic that played me to release the car to him to fix and find a buyer for the car, not knowing the guy was setting me up.
He went with the police to kogi state, they couldn’t get the car.
After 4 day the car GPS tracked the car back in Abuja. I sent my staff to go check the car.
When he got there is a car wash, he saw the car but the criminals have changed everything on the car that will make us recognize the car.
But he used the car key to remote unlock the doors.
When my staff approached the criminals they called their police, their police came to intimidate my staff and leave with my car. my staff refused to let them go and call the mechanic and the police station they made the stolen car report at.
They came and explained to them the car was reported stolen.
The police took my car to the policestation with the Man they found the car with and his police guys he called.
After 3 days they had a meeting with people I sent to get my car and the Alhaji they found the car on his position that said he bought the car from another Alhaji, after the meeting the police now decided that I must sell the car to the criminals because I gave the car to the mechanic to sell. I told them no way I will never sell my car to. Criminals.
After they runaway with my car and didn’t pay me now I found my car they want me to collect money from the criminals
I tried to explain to them that I never gave the mechanic full right to sell my car, I told him I’m the one that will negotiate and give the final approval to release the car..
My car broke down while my driver was driving it.
He called me in America and told me about the car,
I called the mechanic that usually fix the car and explain to him the noice the driver said that was coming out from the car.
Mechanic ; (Simon) said it will cost 1million to fix.
I told the mechanic NO I’m not gonna fix it yet since is going to cost 1million to fix Because I know him, he will tell me is 1 million now from 1 million to 2 million so I’m not ready for that.
After 2 weeks the mechanic called me and asked me, Oga do you want to sell that your car I have some people that wants to buy it.
I told him yes if the price is good, the people can come to the house and look at it and make me an offer.
The mechanic said no they will price it cheap that he will fix the car before we can sell it.
I told him I don’t have the 1 million to fix it now.
I got some I’m doing with money at the time.
The mechanic now said he will fix the car with his own money that if the people buy the car I’ll balance him the 1 million back plus his commission for bringing a buyer….
I told him ok. I will release the car to him but, I have to be the one that will negotiate the price with the buyers. And if he don’t sell the car i will balance him the 1 million he used in fixing the car and take my car back.
He agreed.
After 3 months of no serious buyers, I called him telling he is about time to return the car since he couldn’t find a serious buyer for it.
He said no I should give him more time he will find a serious buyer.
And that I should please send him 80k to fix a smoke that’s coming out from the car.
We argued about how that smoke problem developed, he said is from the buyers test driving the car.
I told him I hope you haven’t been using my car for your own benefit.
He said no.
After 1 month our last chat I called the mechanic ending of November to return my car and take his 1 million. the mechanic never picked up my calls and never responded to me.
I didn’t take it as anything till December.
I called him again to return my car he didn’t answer. after a week I used another number to call him he answered the call, I asked him where is my car?.
The mechanic said the car is parked at his mechanic shop. I asked him to return it because I don’t wanna sell it anymore. He said ok, I asked him for the mean time send me take a picture of the car where is parked now, he said his not in Abuja he traveled to his village for Christmas holidays that he will take the picture and send to me when he return to Abuja January.
January came I called the mechanic he refuse to pickup my call while I can clearly see his online on WhatsApp.
I started getting worried and send my staff to his mechanic shop to find out what’s really going on.
My staff got to the shop, saw the mechanic and asked him about the car he told my staff his currently looking for the car and the guy he gave the car to. “Belo” that’s why he has been avoiding my calls.
My staff told him I’ve been calling him that he need to call me.
The mechanic called me I missed the call, he left me a voice message on my phone telling how he gave the car to some guy name BELLO the car to park on hold car stand now they have demolished the car lot and he can’t find the BELLO and his not picking up his calls.
I got really upset. And told the mechanic SIMON, i never gave you a permission to release to BELLO and I don’t know that BELLO.
I asked him to give me the Belo number he did.
I called the BELLO he picked up.
I asked him to return my car, He said he gave mechanic 1 million naira for the mechanic to release the car to him to sell.
I told him I never gave the mechanic permission such or release the car to anybody and the mechanic SIMON didn’t tell me Belo paid him 1 million.
I told BELLO I’m gonna report the car stolen to the police if he don’t return my car.
He said he can not do that he has a buyer that has paid him BELLO some balance on the car and his waiting for the rest of the balance.
I told him I’m not selling the car anymore.
BELLO said no he has committed to sell the car to the Alahaji that I have no send me account number for him to pay me.
I thought about it and sent the account number thinking the guy is telling me the trust.
He said the next day the money will come to my account.
I waited for 2 days nothing happened.
I didn’t know this BELLO was buying time to run.
I called him he didn’t answer.
I send him a text message telling him I hope he didn’t do me 419 because I’m gonna find him and my car.
And report him to the police.
I called my staff to report it to the police he has the mechanic has reported the case to the police, they are currently tracking BELLO’s cell phone number.
And That the mechanic said him SIMONE the police traveled to kaduna to look for BELLO.
After 2 days the couldn’t find BELLO,
I called my manager in Lagos to call the tracking company to track to car.
The company said I have to pay for 2 years before they can update the GPS tracker to track the car.
We paid them, we tracked the car and find it in Kogi state.
They sent me all the information to find car in Kogi state . I sent information to the mechanic SIMONE and my staff, I told them to go get the car with the police.
They got to Kogi state where the was parked but couldn’t go inside the compound because the police said they need a warrant.
After 3 day in Kogi state they came back to Abuja without the car.
The next day I opened the GPS tracker and found the car back in Abuja.
This is when I had to send my staff to go check if the car is really on that location in Abuja.
He got there, it was a car wash. While they was wash the car my staff used the spare key to remote open the car doors. He confirmed it’s the car,
he saw they have changed the car body.
Updating the car so nobody can recognize the car anymore. Unlucky for them the car has a working GPS
The guy that with my car called his police and the police the mechanic reported the case to came.
They now took the car to the police station
Now the police is forcing me to sell my car because they said my intention from the beginning with the mechanic was to sell the car.
So my Question?? is this how you buy a car in Nigeria?
You take someone’s car without their permission, runaway with the without paying them, change the body inside and outside. Change the engine..runaway with the car not knowing the has a GPS tracker.
Ok supposing if the car doesn’t have a GPS tracker, the car would have been GONE FOREVER!
Unfortunately for them and fortunately for me the car has a working GPS tracker.
Now tell me why the police don’t wanna do their job to arrest criminals and release my car to me.
But the released my car to the criminals on bail and block the car GPS Tracker from me tracking it.
because of what????
I’m the victim and I’m being victimized.
while they suspect are enjoying with my car.
Well I guess they don’t get paid well.
Broke Nigerian police.

This criminals and their Alhaji stole my car without knowing the car has a GPS tracking device.
And Nigerian police officers in Abuja swat office area 3 is helping them to get away with it.
Shame on them!!
After all the evidence that shows the car belongs to me and I don’t want to sell my car, they still released my car back to Alhaji that said he bought it from the criminals that stole it.
A very intelligent officer will know this is an organized criminals. The steal cars update them and sell them. Bunch of criminals that need to be in prison.
How can you update a car that does not belong to you, forged the paperwork and swap the plate number with another car in 3 days and you say you bought the car from a legitimate dealer.
Alhaji you are a criminal!!
They changed everything on the car inside and out, both the engine.
forged fake car documents while I still have the Original car documents.
I tracked the car and found it in Kogi state.
I sent the mechanic that played me to release the car to him to fix and find a buyer for the car, not knowing the guy was setting me up.
He went with the police to kogi state, they couldn’t get the car.
After 4 day the car GPS tracked the car back in Abuja. I sent my staff to go check the car.
When he got there is a car wash, he saw the car but the criminals have changed everything on the car that will make us recognize the car.
But he used the car key to remote unlock the doors.
When my staff approached the criminals they called their police, their police came to intimidate my staff and leave with my car. my staff refused to let them go and call the mechanic and the police station they made the stolen car report at.
They came and explained to them the car was reported stolen.
The police took my car to the policestation with the Man they found the car with and his police guys he called.
After 3 days they had a meeting with people I sent to get my car and the Alhaji they found the car on his position that said he bought the car from another Alhaji, after the meeting the police now decided that I must sell the car to the criminals because I gave the car to the mechanic to sell. I told them no way I will never sell my car to. Criminals.
After they runaway with my car and didn’t pay me now I found my car they want me to collect money from the criminals
I tried to explain to them that I never gave the mechanic full right to sell my car, I told him I’m the one that will negotiate and give the final approval to release the car..
My car broke down while my driver was driving it.
He called me in America and told me about the car,
I called the mechanic that usually fix the car and explain to him the noice the driver said that was coming out from the car.
Mechanic ; (Simon) said it will cost 1million to fix.
I told the mechanic NO I’m not gonna fix it yet since is going to cost 1million to fix Because I know him, he will tell me is 1 million now from 1 million to 2 million so I’m not ready for that.
After 2 weeks the mechanic called me and asked me, Oga do you want to sell that your car I have some people that wants to buy it.
I told him yes if the price is good, the people can come to the house and look at it and make me an offer.
The mechanic said no they will price it cheap that he will fix the car before we can sell it.
I told him I don’t have the 1 million to fix it now.
I got some I’m doing with money at the time.
The mechanic now said he will fix the car with his own money that if the people buy the car I’ll balance him the 1 million back plus his commission for bringing a buyer….
I told him ok. I will release the car to him but, I have to be the one that will negotiate the price with the buyers. And if he don’t sell the car i will balance him the 1 million he used in fixing the car and take my car back.
He agreed.
After 3 months of no serious buyers, I called him telling he is about time to return the car since he couldn’t find a serious buyer for it.
He said no I should give him more time he will find a serious buyer.
And that I should please send him 80k to fix a smoke that’s coming out from the car.
We argued about how that smoke problem developed, he said is from the buyers test driving the car.
I told him I hope you haven’t been using my car for your own benefit.
He said no.
After 1 month our last chat I called the mechanic ending of November to return my car and take his 1 million. the mechanic never picked up my calls and never responded to me.
I didn’t take it as anything till December.
I called him again to return my car he didn’t answer. after a week I used another number to call him he answered the call, I asked him where is my car?.
The mechanic said the car is parked at his mechanic shop. I asked him to return it because I don’t wanna sell it anymore. He said ok, I asked him for the mean time send me take a picture of the car where is parked now, he said his not in Abuja he traveled to his village for Christmas holidays that he will take the picture and send to me when he return to Abuja January.
January came I called the mechanic he refuse to pickup my call while I can clearly see his online on WhatsApp.
I started getting worried and send my staff to his mechanic shop to find out what’s really going on.
My staff got to the shop, saw the mechanic and asked him about the car he told my staff his currently looking for the car and the guy he gave the car to. “Belo” that’s why he has been avoiding my calls.
My staff told him I’ve been calling him that he need to call me.
The mechanic called me I missed the call, he left me a voice message on my phone telling how he gave the car to some guy name BELLO the car to park on hold car stand now they have demolished the car lot and he can’t find the BELLO and his not picking up his calls.
I got really upset. And told the mechanic SIMON, i never gave you a permission to release to BELLO and I don’t know that BELLO.
I asked him to give me the Belo number he did.
I called the BELLO he picked up.
I asked him to return my car, He said he gave mechanic 1 million naira for the mechanic to release the car to him to sell.
I told him I never gave the mechanic permission such or release the car to anybody and the mechanic SIMON didn’t tell me Belo paid him 1 million.
I told BELLO I’m gonna report the car stolen to the police if he don’t return my car.
He said he can not do that he has a buyer that has paid him BELLO some balance on the car and his waiting for the rest of the balance.
I told him I’m not selling the car anymore.
BELLO said no he has committed to sell the car to the Alahaji that I have no send me account number for him to pay me.
I thought about it and sent the account number thinking the guy is telling me the trust.
He said the next day the money will come to my account.
I waited for 2 days nothing happened.
I didn’t know this BELLO was buying time to run.
I called him he didn’t answer.
I send him a text message telling him I hope he didn’t do me 419 because I’m gonna find him and my car.
And report him to the police.
I called my staff to report it to the police he has the mechanic has reported the case to the police, they are currently tracking BELLO’s cell phone number.
And That the mechanic said him SIMONE the police traveled to kaduna to look for BELLO.
After 2 days the couldn’t find BELLO,
I called my manager in Lagos to call the tracking company to track to car.
The company said I have to pay for 2 years before they can update the GPS tracker to track the car.
We paid them, we tracked the car and find it in Kogi state.
They sent me all the information to find car in Kogi state . I sent information to the mechanic SIMONE and my staff, I told them to go get the car with the police.
They got to Kogi state where the was parked but couldn’t go inside the compound because the police said they need a warrant.
After 3 day in Kogi state they came back to Abuja without the car.
The next day I opened the GPS tracker and found the car back in Abuja.
This is when I had to send my staff to go check if the car is really on that location in Abuja.
He got there, it was a car wash. While they was wash the car my staff used the spare key to remote open the car doors. He confirmed it’s the car,
he saw they have changed the car body.
Updating the car so nobody can recognize the car anymore. Unlucky for them the car has a working GPS
The guy that with my car called his police and the police the mechanic reported the case to came.
They now took the car to the police station
Now the police is forcing me to sell my car because they said my intention from the beginning with the mechanic was to sell the car.
So my Question?? is this how you buy a car in Nigeria?
You take someone’s car without their permission, runaway with the without paying them, change the body inside and outside. Change the engine..runaway with the car not knowing the has a GPS tracker.
Ok supposing if the car doesn’t have a GPS tracker, the car would have been GONE FOREVER!
Unfortunately for them and fortunately for me the car has a working GPS tracker.
Now tell me why the police don’t wanna do their job to arrest criminals and release my car to me.
But the released my car to the criminals on bail and block the car GPS Tracker from me tracking it.
because of what????
I’m the victim and I’m being victimized.
while they suspect are enjoying with my car.
Well I guess they don’t get paid well.
Broke Nigerian police.
Na wa o
ReplyDeleteThe Nigerian police are the worst criminals on earth, pray never to have an encounter with them
One of my prayer points
DeleteÍ swear they are the worse especially the females making me wonder if they even have shame
DeleteThat's the reality.
DeleteOne of the strongest prayer points anybody should pray.
ReplyDeleteMay Go deliver us from wolves in sheep's clothing around us oooo.
ReplyDeleteIndeed nah person wey know you, fit betray you.
He ended his write up badly. If he shames the Nigerian police, how will they help him recover the car yo save face, since its now a public issue.
The car's working GPS tracker was his saving grace. Unfortunately, the police still did him shege.
ReplyDeleteThis is so bad 😌😌😌
ReplyDeleteNa wa ooooooo
ReplyDeleteNigerian police
This is so Evil
ReplyDeleteSimon is the primary thief, he should have had him arrested since inception when he stopped picking his calls maybe he would have been able to retrieve the car before it got to Bello!! ATI Simon oh, ATI Bello oh, Ole Ni everybody. People and being freaking greedy.
ReplyDeleteThe kind of car theft going on around the globe is unbelievable.
To think I saw a story similar to this just last night, difference being that the car was stolen right from his house here in Canada, he had apple airtags on it because that was his second car being stolen within a short while, he was able to track it to the shipping wharf in Montreal, all the while alerting the police here, by the time the police got to answering him and following him to the car's current location, they had loaded the car onto a cleared, outbound shipping container.
Police said it is beyond their jurisdiction to open up a sealed container, that's how this guy watched his car being shipped across the continent all the way to Dubai! A GMC truck, the car was cleared and as at the time he released that video, it was already listed for sale on one of them sales website, these criminals did not even tamper with the body of his car in his own case, just paperwork, he still has not been able to do anything about it, omoooo I shock oh.
Of course,he won't move a muscle because the insurance cover is heavy in Canada. These Arab guys will still move those cars to New Jersey - USA then to West Africa,just few days.
DeleteCheck buycars or in few weeks to come, you'll see it there but with Google codecs and Google lens you can trace some.
That GMC truck is likely with a push to start ignition, once they buy lock picks of about $80, they'll scan car key fob signals and amplify it to duplicate the key and return to open the car doors.
Drop your car key fob in a thick aluminum cup or in a pouch it came with, those thick ones with short handles or stick fobs behind a thick magnetiic stack on the wall. They can't copy signals from there.
Secondly,advise peeps around you to always use steering lock when home , if possible a dog or front view cameras.
That port pole under steering where the diagnostic tool is connected to computer to run checks on cars, once it's plugged with pick,the car is gone.
All those.plenty Toyota cars especially Lexus LX and RX 350 all over Lagos,Ilorin and Onitsha. Na dem.
Plus Highlanders, people's sweat. So sad.
*hole under steering
DeleteOh dear
ReplyDeleteCriminals. If not for the GPS, his car is gone o. Nigeria police works for the highest bidder
ReplyDeleteThis is bad
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for him reading this...
All this mechanics are thieves themselves
Trust Nigeria police at your own risk.
ReplyDeleteHe left the car with mechanic for too long. He should have sent his staff to have the car taken to his house or office where it would have been safer.
ReplyDeleteNever leave your car with any mechanic most of them are criminals.
Nigerian artisans are one of the most dubious people on earth. From mechanic to tailor, to carpenter o, electrician o. They're thieves and masters of lies. Tufiakwa
ReplyDeleteIndeed thieves and master of lies! And like someone said up there, pray you do not have to ever meet a Nigerian policeman, even if it's hello/hi.
DeleteNigeria police only work for the highest bidder and people with connections.
ReplyDeleteAll these mechanics are thieves, if they see a new car or direct Belgium, it is how to steal the catalyst in the silencer and original parts in the car they would be looking for.
This is very bad.
ReplyDeleteNigerian police hardly you see any good news about them..
ReplyDeleteThis is not good at all na wao.
ReplyDeleteTruth be told the Police has no fault. His intentions are clear about sales even though he was conned into that decision by his mechanic . He is the one at fault totally here . He knew the mechanic is dubious yet he left his car with him , that makes no sense. Plus too long …I am assuming he is a rich guy thats why he no pepper am for body . How can you tell mechanic to use his million to fix your won car ? Penny wise pound folish.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know.their relationship. It's possible.
DeleteIf anyone contacts me to advertise a car,even if I know the family that's been using it.
Know the ladies office in island or mainland,I run checks still, no fit shout. VIN pere!
These mechanics have spraying centers.
Especially Abuja and Ilorin.
What a sad story.. I'm ashamed that Nigeria Police was indicted. They usually soil their uniform with all sorts of stain. No shame , no integrity.
ReplyDeleteThis shock me , my God mother son got her a car last year and she travel to her village to " work on the car " her car was stolen right in front of her house where she park it . She never bothered to look for it , the thief return it back with apologies letter 🤣🤣. Any time I remember the incident I go just dey laugh 🤣🤣
ReplyDelete@Baboni how she take do am?
DeleteSpeechless... Nigeria police.