Stella Dimoko Stella's Singles Mingles Update


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Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Stella's Singles Mingles Update

 Lets find out the progress of the Febraury 10, 2024 Stellas singles mingles post...... Did anyone connect or having problems connecting?


  1. Oya that anon come and rant here

  2. I made a comment on the last SnM post. And honestly, I was then SUPER DUPER BUSY for two weeks following, no thanks to work.
    To even chat my contacts sef was wahala, talk more of the few from SnM who contacted me. But...
    1. I stated my age preference, yet, a few, way below the stated age reached out to me. They said they READ my post oh.
    2. Two or three females who added me up, won't chat me up, till I do. Then why reach out?!

    1. You are the cause of the outcome you had.
      Read your first and second paragraphs then connect them to your last statement.

      You were super busy yet you were expecting those you ignored to chase you.

    2. 13:46, u Kuku see am na. He’s the man yet he expects the women to do the chasing.

    3. You hardly have time, but you have time to type all these. Yeye dey smell. Better wake up and smell the coffee.

    4. You were busy but you had your bath, cooked, and slept too, right? You even ate and washed your dishes and cleaned your house.
      You are very unserious

      That is one thing with some of you men who post your details, you become complacent and feel since the women contacted you first they must be the ones to forever chase you instead of you to man up and take the lead from them. You rested in your feminine energy like a woman hoping to be pursued. You don't know how unattractive that made you look and they ignored you you. When they are not lesbians why should they keep interacting with a man giving off girlie vibes and wanting to be chased?

    5. It's as if you were one of the two guys I copied their contacts on the snm.

      To think I reached out to him on WhatsApp and he asked me how I was, which I replied later that day after the close of my work(no usage of phone at working hours, company policy). I asked him how he was too, lo and behold, this guy didn't respond to me untill almost two weeks later.
      And when he decided to chat back, he ignored replying my chat of almost two weeks, and accused me that I stopped checking up on him.
      I reminded him that he still hadn't replied to my chat of two weeks ago, and he was saying I stopped checking up on me.
      I told him I don't force myself on ppl. He said he works and was busy. I told him I have a job too and busy.

      I think this particular man wants ladies that contacted him to be doing the chasing and running around like a desperado or something.

      He wants to be wooed and toasted by the ladies.
      Oga Samuel forming busy, you never ready.
      Even though I am in my 30's, I don't pray for a man like you in my life.

      So that later, you will be boasting and insulting the lady that eventually ends with you that she was the one that asked you out.

  3. I read through the post, made screenshots of a few comments.
    1. I chatted up the first person. My first two chats, you no reply am but come dey bombard me with questions. Then boom, you were asking if I can marry one from your religious group. Under a space of how many minutes?! You didn't want to chat but wanted to make video/voice calls, saying you don't chat. Abeg, why state that one can chat you up on....when you know it's only WhatsApp calls you want to be making?
    2. This fellow, for days he didn't reply the simple "Hello". And one night, I just jejely deleted his number.

    Ire o...

    1. Voice call is so they make sure you’re not a fellow man messing with them

    2. You sef no ready to date.

  4. Stella, Firstly, I need to apologise because this is going to be a long read.🙈

    I am sure it bothers you when every year you put up, a single and mingle post, yet complaints abound and you don't get to hear the good news you anticipate in droves.

    Ma'am, I am here to tell you, not to sweat it, because It's not your fault. Some of these men that partake are just... Not to mention they are vain.

    After your name, the first thing they quiz you about is, "What do you do?"
    I bet they don't know how they appear when they direct such a classist question to someone they just met within a minute. I am sure most of them only ask you your name first, just to be civil and your job is honestly the first question on their minds. If I was a man and the second question a lady asked me after my name was my kind of job, I would be wary of her, honestly.

    Even As a lady, I have never asked a man, "What do you do" except we met at a work conference and the situation warranted it, because, I believe as time progresses and we get to know each other I will find out without having to ask or the discussion we have will eventually lead to it. That has never been my priority.

    1. Many men are gold diggers hence the question "what do you do?" yet you see them all over the place saying that the laddies are gold diggers for asking them such questions at the beginning of the relationship. Some men go as far as asking you how much you earn. If this is not gold digging from their end then tell me what else it should be.

    2. How is asking someone about their source of livelihood an inappropriate question? You ladies will never cease to amaze me. If you feel a guy is interested in you because of money, why not lie about what you do to test him?

    3. Go and read her comment again, Binam. This time slowly.
      If you think asking someone, what do you do? Right after you ask their name, is a good conversation starter, then you know nothing.

    4. This is not to cause any argument but the what you do question to me is part of the knowing process.

      Allow the man be himself then you sieve the chaff from the wheat

      Wanting a man to ask you questions that you really think are okay is making the man robotic and this is not really cool.

    5. Thank you @Ada. She has a list of questions she considers appropriate and inappropriate. If a potential suitor asks the ones she considers inappropriate, especially when it relates to career, he is a gold digger. If you work as a banker, tell him you are a cleaner at a bank. If he leaves, then you know he is after your money.

      Anon 13:28 is not ready for a relationship.

    6. Ada, I get the anon and slim shady. Ask light questions first and as you are getting to know the person more ask deeper question Besides There are plenty of things to talk about that have nothing to do with work and are far more revealing if you want to get to know someone. There are 1001 and one question you can ask abeg

      Can you still call it getting to know someone if they are feeding you with fabu nawa oo

    7. Am I the only one that understood what she wrote. She said don't ask rightaway after you ask the name,she did not say dont ask at all. Even me I was upset when someone ask where I am working and to send pictures instead of genotype and age first or even location.

    8. What do you do is not always gold digging. Some people have work related spec and don't want to waste time on people out of their spec.

    9. 20, 04 you are saying the same thing she said nah but in a different way. She already said it is a classist question.
      Me, I think it is a covert attempt to size people up. Asking immediately is like you don't care to know who they are as a person in some way rather what they do to pay their bills.

      17, 05 I understand her points too

    10. Thank you all.

  5. Continuation


    Some lack refinement
    They get so brazen and the first reply you get is, "Send your pictures". How can I send my pictures to a stranger I am not yet sure I will like enough to continue conversing with? Someone I don't know past a few exchanged pleasantries? Send my pictures after exchanging just the first Hellos. Forgive me, but that's weird.

    Some are vain
    They will ask where is your location. Okay, this is important, but for a man who claims not to be bothered about location, why are you still curious about the exact location when I already told you I live in Abuja? Why do you want to know the exact area or street? We only exchanged names and you demand such explicit information.

    I am glad I didn't reveal deep details too soon. most were impatient to know you anyway, they just wanted to know if you had a very good job and if you had good looks. Like, that is the basis for a good relationship. It's fine if it is important to you, but you don't put that at the forefront of meeting someone.

    1. You never ready ,continue whats wrong by asking your occupation and what you look like?if some some of us have pictures on our Dp that questions what even come up.

  6. For females especially, I think we should be careful and cautious. SSM is a good platform to meet and mingle in sincerity however unfortunately there are so many "bad people" out there wanting to use the platform for their evil schemes.

  7. Good luck to the singles .

  8. Continuation,


    Some are condescending
    I also noticed they feel because you are in your thirties, you are not worth pursuing or you are not desirable and that is why you are single. That's not true, Some people have good and demanding jobs that don't give enough room to socialise, and now marry that with being an introvert.

    I always go back to read old posts I have missed whenever I take a break from work and I stumbled upon one who came to say all the women who participated are single mothers.
    I had to go back to check If I mistakenly lied about myself, meanwhile, I have never even had sex let alone gotten pregnant before. But as long as you are in your thirties, most think negatively of you.

    Even if single mothers participated, that should tell you that it automatically means, somewhere in the world, some percentages of men are single fathers as well, even amongst those who partook in SNM. It takes two to tango, right?

    That aside, why feel shocked because some people are still unmarried in their 30s? What archaic reasoning is that? Can every single person be married in their 20s? Is that even possible in this life? And I say this for men and women.

    Anyways, I wish those who would still partake in upcoming ones, good luck.

    1. You sound like a sweet person. Sorry about your experiences with some of my gender here. Not all of us are like that. Hope someone as kind as you locates you soon.

    2. Some men are still 'manchild ' they have refused to be enlightened,even the so called exposed ones, what will they now say one adult singles( 40 upwards,both male and female? )Insidelife hnmmm, they feel nothing of such can happen to them because the are super humans,hehe he,I laugh in Spanish,hand go meet them. Never-ending, trust in God and see Him sort you out only if you believe, shalom.

    3. 21:58, Amen, and thanks.
      God bless you.

      11:00, Yes, I believe it will happen in God's time and it will be beautiful and lasting. Thanks and God bless you too.

  9. Too much hunger in the land so snm is a place for too many broke girls and boys especially dudes ,No decent lady would want to waste and insult herself by putting up her details here

    1. 🙄🙄, please don't say what you don't know.
      Do you know how many decent and rich people that met their soul mate here?..

    2. Chis It is your type anon above you is complaining about

  10. Stella when are we having a mingling of BVs from the same location gender or marital status not a factor.strictly people who share the love for this blog in common.i think there used to be something like that back in the day.Would be nice to repackage the idea again.

    1. This one sounds okay. Also do that of age brackets, please. Thanks.

  11. Last single and mingle, I thought to reach out to a lady who claimed to be looking for female friends 'with a good head on their shoulders'.
    I foolishly thought that the person would also have a functional head on her shoulders too.
    Foolish me.
    Please note I'm female too.

    I introduced myself. My 9am-5pm, personal business, name, just the basics.

    Aunty was online but I guess responding was not a priority. No wahala.

    Aunty answered hours later, didn't bother to introduce herself and the only thing she could say condescendingly is: 'How old are you?'


    I don leave aunty to gada mucour in my inbox. There's a reason why you will continue to place your number in fora like this, year in , year out. Years rolling by.

    Because you yourself are not wirth vring a friend so how can you attract good peoole into your life?

    1. You are not feeling fine. Didn't you READ the age stated? Why send a message abi chat when you were below the stated age. Like you are worth being a FRIEND yourself.
      Ogbeni, shift biko.

    2. Loll Aunty is that you? Headache on two rheumatic legs. Don't worry post your deets on the next snm as you do every year.
      Hopefully before 60, you'll see what you're looking for.

    3. Eyaaaah, so because someone is below your 48 years of age, it means you shouldn't have manners? Or just opportunity to exhibit your rude empty self? No wonder you're reaching out to people on the internet. Who would want to associate with this kind of skanky in real life? Are there not enough challenges in life as it is? They said with age comes wisdom. Appears some bananas fell off the bunch.😁

  12. too many complaints by insecure people. nothing wrong with getting to know you by asking relevant questions. what are you hiding? or you would prefer to talk for two weeks before revealing your ugly face then you are left? it's better not to waste anyone's time.

    1. So if 7 guys contacted you and ask photos,
      you will quickly give out your pictures like palliatives to all 7 strangers you have not even spoken to more than a a few seconds outta fear that they may leave later if they later see your ugly face.

    2. Anon 15:36, smart and well-put together people know that you should get to know someone a bit before sending out some personal details. It means being cautious.

      A lot of these comments just shows that some people are not good conversationalists and does not know the fine art of socializing.

  13. Dear Kings, kindly take your time to read through these comments; especially the ones from the ladies and make of it what you will. In all, refuse to be a SIMP!!! If you meet a lady on here, never be afriad to ask all the relevant questions you wish to, refuse to be manipulated into any senseless "my past is my past" Cliché. Drill into her past if you will, it's all for your own good. My work is done!!!

    Dibia Alphonsus

    1. She should also drill into him his past abi it is only women that have a past.

    2. This one follow for King too? Taa! Dibia nsi na aro

    3. Una funny here.

    4. Crayfish sef dey follow call himself King-Fish..lmao 🤣🤣 Dibia Ko, agwoturumbe ni

    5. Mr Tony weldone

    6. Anon 18:20 na kindred him be not king. He made a mistake

  14. Awon Omo Oro nbinu o

  15. You as a lady want female friends, yet you can't start a convo or even keep it going. Smh. Convos are always one sided, yet you claim you don't have friends.

    How can you have friends when you don't even know how to be a good conversationist? Who has the time to be the first to chat you up always?

    The energy that I get during our first chat will determine if I'll text you a second time. Let's do better.

    1. Lollll. You dey mind the itinerant gremlins. They have nothing upstairs, just dust and yesterday's bills and yet are the ones with laundry list of likes and dislikes. Be asking 'how old are you're? As if they are at death's door looking for who to drag through with them. Aged weirdos.

  16. That Abiola guy that complained in one of the IHN of last week that no one contacted him probably because his name is Abiola, I put it to you that you are a werey.

    Olopa will deal with you. Mad man.

  17. I can't partake in any s/m again,I will call his name because he is a fraudstar and I want others not to to make the same mistake I made,kayode sanusi chatted me up in the last s/m we introduced ourselves he seems like a nice person but I don't no that he is a cunning fraudstar.the story long sha but to summarize the whole thing he dupe me.kayode sanusi I swear it shall never be well with you wherever you are I promise

  18. The idea of setting a hangout for BVs based on age, location & marital status (if need be) may not be bad at all. Infact we would be killing many birds with one stone.

  19. My take I am a man the last SnM was although did not see what i am looking for whats wrong with some of us hiding our age ,occupation why tell lies ? you tell a lady about yourself she wont answer same question's you ask her.

  20. Wow reading through all these stories and complaints, I must say I am lucky then. I contacted someone in the last SnM and I can tell that the relationship is moving slowly and sweetly in the desired direction. The man I contacted is a MAN and more, a KING in all ramifications, I look forward to sharing the testimony soon.

    1. So do I, I look forward to sharing testimony. Ehmm I hope we don't have the same MAN.

    2. Congratulations, Ladies.🤗


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