Stella Dimoko WEDNESDAY Spontaneous Post


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

WEDNESDAY Spontaneous Post

 +midweek #womancrushwednesday #wcw #selflove #ceΓΆebration #makeyourselfsmile #makeyourselfhappy #independentspirit #neversaynever #itiswhatitis

Good Morning...
Wednesdays are a reminder that you should not forget to love yourself the way you should.....
Today is your day ......Be at leace knowing that you love yourself more than anyone else....
Give yourself a treat today and gist us about it later today or tomorrow.....

Enjoy the day!



  1. Good Morning,


    You are here today to experience life in all its richness. Embrace every opportunity to do so.

    Succumb to the pleadings of your curiosity. Exercise the power of your courage.

    Offer healthy challenges to your mind, your body, and your assumptions. Grow stronger in all dimensions by working honestly through those challenges.

    Share who you are, what you know, how you feel with the other people who inhabit your life. With your words and especially your actions, fortify existing bonds and seek to build new ones.

    Though it can be all too easy to repose endlessly in your habitual comforts, you know you deserve much more. Ignite your sense of adventure by intentionally stepping away from what’s comfortable and expected.

    There are specific pathways today that will show you how intensely alive you can be. Choose one, follow where it leads, then keep the richness going.

  2. Today's a good day to remind ourselves that:
    1. Just because you are kind to people, doesn't mean they will be kind to you. Some people you are kind to, their hearts are darker than the devil's armpit.....
    2. No matter how good or nice you are, you will always be bad in some people's narrative about you. Don't let it bother you. After all, no be everybody go like you.
    3. Always tell yourself you aren't perfect. You will make mistakes. You will falter. You will offend. But through it all, learn to apologize, forgive and move on.
    4. Trying to please everyone is an ERROR!!
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

  3. Heavenly Father,we thank you for being the rock upon which we build my lives.
    Thank you for being our fortress, our refuge, and our salvation.
    Lord, we need your strength to continue to pursue the race before us.
    Abba father ,we lift up a sincere request for happiness during this time of difficulty. We also know that with you, all things are possible and our testimony is sure in Jesus name πŸ™
    We also ask, that you keep our focus only on you during this difficult time in Jesus name πŸ™

  4. He Came To Us In The Holy Spirit!!
    John 14:3.

    "when He said, “I will come to you,” He meant “I’ll come to you in the Holy Spirit.”

    "And thanks be unto God! On the Day of Pentecost, He fulfilled that precious promise: “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4). He’s in you today in all His fullness."


    Thank you blessed heavenly Father for the fullness of the Spirit in me and the glory and excellence of my life as a result of your indwelling presence. By the Holy Spirit, my faith is strengthened and stirred to do the will of God and fulfil God’s purpose for my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  5. My WCW today is me,myself and me. I am strong, thoughtful,lovely, hardworking, unproblematic and of course beautiful. Always ready to put smiles on people's face.Always pushing through the moment, knowing better days are ahead.I love people a lot but always ready to Ignore things and people that aren't worth it. Never looking for anyone's trouble;never looking condescending on anyone;pretending not to notice certain things, even though i am completely aware of all that is going on;just giving peace a chance always;always empathising with people but being able to speak the truth when it calls for it.
    This won't be complete without me saying that I love and fear the Lord so much,He is being my saviour,my deliverer,my defender,my protector,my help and my strength, He is always with me all the time.
    I love the person I have become.Many years ago, I thought I wouldn't make it,I thought I wouldn't survive but now I sit and just give God all the Glory,I just can't stop praising Him.
    Have you given up hope? do you feel God has failed you? Are you in a place where you see no light at the end of the tunnel? Hold on my friend, don't through in the towel yet. Only God knows what tomorrow will bring, don't give up yet,still hold on;don't kill yourself yet,still give God a chance, He is the Alpha and the Omega,things happen in His own time not ours.Life may not be fair but I assure you that God is faithful.
    Today I celebrate me.
    Good morning.

    1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŽŠ
      Good morning dear, I celebrate you too.

    2. "Only God knows what tomorrow will bring".

    3. Way to go 😘. I celebrate myself too for being through thick and thin and still standing strong

    4. I celebrate you too πŸ˜˜πŸ’“πŸ’“

  6. Good morning to y'all on here.
    Etemeya nini? I have made up my mind to only buy whatever I need from people that are not doing too much and taking advantage of others. How can you be selling something that most people sell for #100 or #120 at your own price of #150?
    Don't come here and tell me old stock(s) cause that's not the case. I won't patronize extortionists anymore and that's on periodt!


    1. I have resolved to show them some pepper. Yesterday I carried teabags but forgot to take milk. I said I will buy from the malam down the junction. The price the guy called, I just knew he was exaggerating. I turned away and he called me back to come get at a reduced price. You see.

    2. Why don't you just buy in bulk from the person selling at #120 instead of wailing every morning bcos #30???

    3. Most Aboki, who dash am money to buy in bulk?
      Also, you yourself, do you buy in bulk? Birds of a feather, Kogi brother and sister, mind your tailoring work and leave the poor boy alone. You don start , warn yourself. Agbaya!

    4. Why all this wailing from agbados nah.. kilode?πŸ™„πŸ™„
      BTW, I have unfinished milk and last weekend, I bought 2 more refills just for keeps.. same with Milo and ovatine..
      You know Obidients buy big things in bulks😁😁

    5. your money ur choice. you can as well decide to eat the cash, ba wahala. stop disturbing our ears every morning

    6. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Dante your own dey your body

    7. Dante, I also bought 4 packs of refill milk and 2 milo to last me february and Match cos I got it cheap( #1700 and #2000 as against the #2500 and #2200 they told me in the first shop) but now I cant even take tea bcos of heat. I should have used the money to buy rice.

    8. Dante, keep hyping yourself like Paris Savannah every Friday night - since it makes you happy. The big boys and girls here don't make noise about milo and milk in satchets/refill packs (can you imagine😁), eggs etc. Shame on you for trying to intimidate that little boy.

    9. Ohhh🀦
      I promised myself not to respond to any anonymous this year,.
      Please can anyone that wants a reply from me use a known ID, i would like to disclose more things without bragging as usual 😁😁

      E dey pain them..
      Big boy and girl except on giveaway days wey dem go dey embarrass themselves because of 5k 10k giveaways,
      People wey won commit suicide because Abionah load more recharge cards, recharge cards of 200 naira oh..


      I'll later delete my message above, cos I don't roll like that,. It's all cruise,. But for the main time, make Una cry small😁😁

    10. 😁😁E pain you! Beverage refill pack vendor cum big boy🀣🀣🀣🀣


    'They thought he was joking, and they laughed at him.' Genesis 19:14 CEV

    Make your life an open book. Establish a system of values against which all of life is judged. Walk with God; maintain your integrity, especially at home, and you will make the right choice every time. Lot failed to do this, and it cost him dearly. 'Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law...and said, "Get up, get out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city!" But to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking' (Genesis 19:14 NKJV).

    When you lose your integrity, you lose your credibility. If you're a parent, guard your children physically when they're young, and emotionally as they mature. Teach them to respect others and get to know the people they're dating. Be sure to check what they (and you) watch on TV and do on the internet. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be fun to be around. Show your lighter side. Don't be so preoccupied with work or church that you're a prude or a bore. 'A happy face means a glad heart' (Proverbs 15:13 TLB). The point is, if you 'talk the talk', be sure you 'walk the walk'. When Lot tried to warn his family, they 'looked at him as though he had lost his senses' (Genesis 19:14 TLB). Was he too busy making a living to teach them what mattered most in life? Did he say one thing and do another? We don't know. But any way you cut it, his loss was tragic.

    The truth is that your integrity, or the lack of it, will have consequences in your own life and in the lives of your loved ones.
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. Thanks for sharing, sis 🧑

    2. When you lose your integrity,you lose your credibility {words on marble}

      Thanks for sharing Nneoma πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’–πŸ©·

    3. God bless you more my everyday crush πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’œ

  8. Good morning everyone

  9. May your day be as beautiful as you’re 🫢🀩
    I am my everyday crush

  10. Good morning is another day to celebrate all the hardworking women in this space..may God continue to strengthen us all in Jesus name..Amen..

  11. Today, I celebrate myself and my beloved sisters on this our ogbonge blog. Truth be told, it isn't easy being a woman.

    Here's hoping that the following blog visitors are okay:

    Eka Joy
    Jos Shopper
    Ms Tee

    It's been a while here, my people. Hope all is well with you guys?

    Fidel sis, I do believe that the funeral went well. Stay strong dear.

    A blessed day ahead everyone πŸ’š

    1. Hey Fidel, stay strong babe. πŸ«‚

    2. Good morning beautiful 😘😘😘

    3. When you people says it's not easy for a woman, I really don't know what that means. Pls can you throw more light. You guys make it seems as if the men have it all figured out in life.

      For your information, I have women friends I kmow balling very well. As in classic babe.

      © TEEJAY

    4. Good morning darling Mo ♥️♥️ I pray all them are fine

    5. Ezege, when you get married, you'll understand better. I'm not saying that being a man is easy, but I think it's easier than being a woman. As a woman, you go through the stress of carrying another human being in your wimb for 9 good months, then face labour pains after which you go through the phase of breastfeeding the baby, coupled with sleepless nights etc. While doing all of that, you still have your business to run so as to bring something to the table. Ezege check am nah πŸ˜‚ E no easy my brother.

    6. Teejay, the same way we also have some men balling very well, real Kings. Not the men who come on social media to announce it when they manage to buy one bottle of beer and peppersoup

    7. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @Ezege,

      It's the victim manipulations oh .
      Be a victim or d!e mentality 😁😁..

      Make we sef begin do our own..
      Let the best victim win😁

      The annoying thing be say when we talk our own now, them no go mind their business, they'll come and be telling us to be a man and that what we should sit up like other men and stop complaining πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      You see these people ehn! Very special gender

    8. Morayo,

      Everyone in life passes through one thing or the other. Life isn't favorable to any of the gender alone. No one has it rosy I must be sincere to you. Do you know if roles where to be swapped, 95% of women may not like to become a man let alone doing the things men do to keep the family.

      For two nights straight I haven't slept and it's not something I should complain about. We are all trying to see how best to survive and get the mula

      Who be this anno @09:07😁😁😁 I hope you know how much beer(Heineken) is currently and a plate of pepper soup.

      © TEEJAY

  12. The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope we had a relaxing night? May all hardworking women enjoy great success today. I wish us a splendid day ahead. Stay safe.

    1. Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. The price of success is hard work indeed. Nothing good comes easy.



    Validation can be expressed in various ways, and it involves both verbal and non-verbal communication. Here are some ways validation is expressed:

    1.) Active Listening: Paying full attention to the speaker, making eye contact, nodding, and providing non-verbal cues to show that you are fully engaged in understanding what the person is saying.

    2.) Verbal Affirmation: Using words to acknowledge and affirm the other person's feelings or experiences. For example, saying, "I hear you," or "Your feelings are valid," communicates understanding.

    3.) Empathetic Responses: Demonstrating empathy by expressing understanding of the person's emotions. Phrases like "I can imagine that must be tough for you" or "I understand why you feel that way" convey empathy.

    4.) Reflective Responses: Mirroring or paraphrasing what the person has said to demonstrate that you are actively listening and trying to comprehend their perspective.

    5.) Avoiding Judgment: Refraining from criticizing, blaming, or dismissing the person's feelings or experiences. Instead, accepting their emotions as valid, even if you don't necessarily agree.

    6.) Physical Presence: Providing a supportive physical presence, such as offering a comforting touch or a reassuring gesture, when appropriate and welcomed.

    7.) Validation of Identity: Acknowledging the person's identity, values, and experiences without judgment. This is particularly important in recognizing diversity and individual differences.

    8.) Offering Help: If appropriate, offering assistance or support in finding solutions or coping mechanisms, demonstrating a commitment to the person's well-being.

    Expressing validation fosters a sense of connection, trust, and understanding in relationships. It's a powerful tool for creating an emotionally supportive environment where individuals feel accepted and heard.

  14. I greet you all this morning.
    God bless and make today beautiful for us all. Amen. ❣️πŸ’•

    Hello Fidel and Shyla. I trust you babes are doing great today it is well. Stay strong and blessed. ❤️🌺

  15. Good morning beautiful people πŸ’•
    My WCW is Paree πŸ—Όthe enjoyment minister. Ma'am what's the content of the dream you saw me in? 😁 I didn't even see the comment until this morning.

    1. Awww πŸ₯°πŸ₯° thanks Baby Boo πŸ’œπŸ’– I celebrate and appreciate you.. thanks so much

      Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ nothing serious,I met you somewhere and you introduced yourself as Supernova,so I asked if it's the blog own and you affirmed so..but I was surprised you claimed Edo in the dream πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ very funny

    2. Paree nwa oma πŸ˜˜πŸ’œ my forever crushπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

      Good morning super 😘 I celebrate you too.

    3. I celebrate you too Nnukwute Nwanyi and Osundi 😘

      πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Anyways one day we'll sha meet and I'll introduce myself to you.

  16. Good morning SDKville Fam

    Dear supermoms,I celebrate us. πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ₯³πŸ’ƒ

    To the world,we are mothers

    But to our family,we are their world,safe place,favourite person. In us lies a lot of strength and abilities.We rock✌️

  17. Good morning beautiful people πŸ’œ.
    Long time no post.

    Halla to all the beautiful hardworking ladies on this blog. May grace of God continue to sustain Us. πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

  18. Goodmorning Stella.
    Goodmorning Beevees.
    Day 51!!!!.
    Thank You Lord

  19. Best time to work online and earn in dollars.

    Best gift to someone in Nigeria now is food. Purchase food and make someone happy.

  20. WCW πŸ’‹πŸ’‹❤️
    You all enjoy your day ✌️

  21. Dear sisters. Telling u to marry a brother who fears the Lord is not telling u to marry a pastor or a Minister. Fear of the lord is not a title but a way of life.

  22. Ekaaro gbogbo ile

    I celebrate myselfπŸ’“iπŸ’“meπŸ’“and all the beautiful women here❤may God continue to bless each and everyone of us😍😍

  23. Good morning SDK and BVs. Wonderful Wednesday. Fidel darling,stay strong πŸ™πŸΏπŸ˜˜.

    1. A beautiful day ahead darling 😘

    2. Morning WCW is all u lovely ladies in dis space making tins happen out dia .God's gat all of us stay strong.naija no go kill us .

  24. People leave this world but few lives after they left.

  25. Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    Sis, stop letting people consume you. They didn't call? Go to sleep. They didn't message you? Put your phone down and have a better day. They left you on read? Delete the conversation. They didn't make an effort? Match their energy. Never let your happiness depend on anyone. Believe that better days are ahead. Be intentional about self-care now, so you can sustain your wellbeing when your dream become reality.

    Happy Women Crush Wednesday to all Queens on here. Stay happy always πŸ’•❤️πŸ’‹

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 😘😘😘

    1. I love this.
      Never let your happiness depend on anyone.

    2. Thanks πŸ‘ I chose to stay happy always.

    3. When you finish whining yourself, you'll go back to bothering yourself on why that guy is not showing interest in you..

      No be una..
      Overthinking gender..

      Be playing oh🀣

    4. Chai my beauty and brains 😘 you've said it all and this is so me. Thank you πŸ’“πŸ’“ my WCW.

    5. Queens, stay happy always. Never let anyone consume you πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

      Dante, dey playπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Some of us are strong-willed though. Self care doesn't mean negative thoughts won't cross the mind. The ability not to dwell or act on such thoughts is called self-care.

  26. Person go stress herself make food, only to forget the food for house because of hurry hurry. Oh God, no be JuJu be that? Now na to go dey buy food. Well, amala central to the rescue.

    1. Pele πŸ€— but shey na Amala you wan eat this early morning?

    2. I believe say hurry hurry no let you lock your door. I de come tiff that food now πŸ˜‚

    3. Hahahhahah@paris. Truth be say I fit eat amala this morning oo but I go take tea and bread but go buy the amala later.

    4. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Abi baby πŸ˜‚ you crack me up all the night.

    5. Hahahhahaha@Mo, stealing my food is a wasted sin. Allah, na only me fit eat the nonsense wey I dey cook.

    6. BV Osundi, all night ke? Hope you are not dreaming of me oo. I get yam legs oo, come get hairs for legs. Lol.

  27. Good morning my people. Let's keep hope alive! Things will surely be better soon.

    I remember one time when TV stations use to announce the programmes for the day, so an announcement was made that they'll be showing " the rich also cry" in the evening, my grandmother doesn't really understand English, I heard her telling her co wife that the way things are going in the country that not only the poor are feeling it o, that they announced on the TV that the rich people all over the nation are going to cry on the TV in the evening in her words "won ni awon olowo naa Fe sunkun lake eni", that they're all feeling the heat of the situation of the country, time reach they gather round TV waiting for Dangote and co to start crying πŸ˜‚ only for the TV to show a soap opera titled the rich also 😭

    1. In the days when that show was airing, there was no Dangote yet. We had the likes of Chief okoya of eleganza group, Chief Samuel Adedoyin, etc.

    2. This is funny 🀣🀣🀣

    3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Good morning GM.

  28. Meanwhile, Wizkid is packing πŸ†πŸ€€

    1. Lmao πŸ˜‚


    2. Hahahahaha πŸ˜…
      That's why Jada doesn't give chances at all.

    3. You eh! 🀣🀣

    4. Shu Shu packing what oh..
      Park what..
      AHH.. Kelv NNE na WA had better come 'correct' ohπŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️

    5. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ my Shooter baiby always talking the one wey concerns herπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    6. Most beautiful 😍😍😍

  29. Good Morning Everyone πŸ’•πŸ’ž❤πŸ’–πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  30. The wrong partner will set you back Financially,Spiritually, Mentally and Physically πŸ€”πŸ€”


    Udo ✌🏻 ✌🏻 ✌🏻

  31. Bonjour Blogfam 😍♥️
    What men don't understand is...
    Nobody cooks for her, Nobody cleans for her, Nobody makes her meals. Nobody does her laundry, lNobody makes sure she's okay, Nobody caters to her period.

    A woman is always instantly looked at as someone who needs to take care of everyone.

    So take care of her, because life doesn't bless you with a good woman twice.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Forget, this scope don expire..
      Update new format, we don Sabi this one🀣

    2. Can I say is how the society perceive girl-child. Domestic chores is always shift to them because they believe she will leave home some day and get married.
      When men try to assist or help out, they see it as being romantic. #Mindset

  32. I don't have any motivation to give you this morning, the only thing I can tell you all is, breathe in and breathe out. It is well with your soul.

  33. WCW

    I celebrate all women in here.... Enjoy ur day and don't forget to work wise

  34. The people putting us in this mess are the people calling twitter X, they are the reason government thinks we will surely adapt to the situation of things as times goes on ,what happened to the generation that refused to call NEPA their new name? Now government already knows this generation are quick to adapt

  35. Good morning blogfam
    Another day to be grateful to God
    Celebrating myself and all the wonderful women in the houseπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
    Our sacrifice and labour of love will not go unnoticed by the Almighty and he will reward us bountifully.
    Stay safe and keep grinding,e go soon pure.
    One love y'all ❤❤❤

  36. I can't kii myself oh... Allow me to flexπŸ’ͺ oh... 🎡
    I am a Woman...♀️
    I am made in the Image and Likeness of God...
    I stay strong even in the face of storms...
    I am my Woman Crush πŸ₯°
    WCW πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


  37. Beautiful wedsday morning salutations from warri.

    WCW to me my self and I 😍😍😍🀩😍πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  38. Its a beautiful Wednesday to celebrate our amiable women again. I celebrate all mothers. May you eat the fruits of your labour on your children.

  39. Goodmorning fam
    Today is my niece's birthday,my late brother's child,it's so sad that he is not here to see his child grow,it's well.
    Happy second birthday Baby Davina

    1. Happy birthday princess,God bless your new age πŸ™πŸΏπŸ˜˜

    2. Happy birthday to baby Davina.

  40. Now that the country is hard, fraudsters and scammers have increased their formats.
    Federal government is not sharing any money to ease hunger o. Don't call any number to claim 85k from APC o. Block any number that sends you any message telling you to call any number or click on any link or send any code to claim any amount of money.

  41. Good morning
    I celebrate everyone here,we keep making it out of things,situations that should have broken us,but God has always been there.hold on still,He is still GOD.
    Have a blessed day alk

  42. Dear Kings..

    Shine your eyes wella ohπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    I'm shouting it now.. you better don't let fickle things deceive you..

    I just went through my WhatsApp status and you remember that girl I spoke of that I and my friend met her standing on the road at night, base on 'night shift' things 😁.. Omo na that What God Cannot Do pastor preaching she post oh, with a long prayer caption attached.. AHH πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️πŸ™†πŸ½‍♂️

    Nobody should come and tell me she might have repented oh... Repented ko, repented nii.. .

    Kings.. hmmm..
    I no fit kee myself for Una oh..
    This is the best I can doπŸ™

    1. I keep saying and advising guys that are single and searching to always be prayerful and make adequate enquiry before getting committed.

      The worse thing ever to happen to any man in this life is to allow a veteran and a retired olosho to use him as her retirement plan.

      Most men that tried to convert an olosho to a house wife didn't live to tell the story.

      © TEEJAY

  43. I celebrate myself. I'm a strong determined woman and I will keep pushing till I get there. I am trying and I applaud myself. May God crown my efforts with glory.

    Today is Open Day in my child's school. I will go later
    this afternoon and check her books and also collect her midterm test result. I kept a N1000 note that I will give to her class teacher, teaching is not easy.

    Rain fell here in Ibadan two days ago and the weather has been better since then. The heat has reduced. We now sleep better. Halleluyah.

    Have a nice day everyone

  44. Good morning Everyone πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  45. I was in one area like that yesterday to greet a customer who gave birth to twins. Suddenly, I heard people shouting and hailing someone "Emefiele baba o!" "Baba Emefiele!" I almost had heart attack 🀣 my heart missed a beat.
    I was wondering that which Emefiele are they hailing? Someone that should be stoned. Then I went outside to see, this old man smiling and waving at the boys hailing him.
    They said Emefiele was his nickname that they gave him during the cash crunch of last year because he had cash and was helping people with it.

  46. Wcw#
    Hailings to all hardworking women here, we shall get there. Keep striving, keep your heads up, you are great.

    I reassure myself everyday that it is not over yet, I will keep myself in the race and work towards the trophy. Do the same and get the strength to carry on.
    Stay blessed πŸ™

  47. Good morning my lovely blogfam 😘
    Thank you so much Stella for that motivation,I read it with a smile on my face and I'm surely gonna give myself a treat today.

    Crushing on you Jewelu star woman πŸ’•πŸ˜˜ you are an inspiration.
    Crushing on all the beautiful, amazing and strong women hereπŸ’•πŸ’• I love you all.

    E go surely be ✌️

  48. As today is WCW , someone is celebrating hardworking women. It reminds me small small ' winch" (es) around here that once they open shop, they keep muttering nonsense word you won't understand, not like anybody is talking to them. (mad).
    Reason is that they are confused with their lives thinking someone around is the cause of their problem.
    They didn't warn them to leave bitterness at home before coming out...

    Abeg Super women where thou art?? You guys rock!!!

  49. How sick some can be. Someone you don't know or have met, how you imagine or think you can force your opinion on her just like that? and by fire by force. Mehn!! Like what are they thinking??? When they think everything is by ' gra' gra' .
    ill mannered humans,I can't deal.
    Many don't hear word.

  50. Well done my blog family
    Na who get go fit give treat na lol.
    Anyway make we try enjoy our day. Atleast cruise na free. Just try get small data & you fit laugh
    Takecare guys

  51. Good afternoon blog fam hope we re good ,I celebrate all the super and amazing women world wide .Enjoy your day everyone


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