Stella Dimoko SHOCKING Story Of How A Pastor Allegedly Misled A Man To Almost Ending The Lives Of His 3 Kids


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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

SHOCKING Story Of How A Pastor Allegedly Misled A Man To Almost Ending The Lives Of His 3 Kids

A Lady Narrated How Her Husband Agreed To end the lives of Their Three Children Because a Fake Pastor Told him That They Are Reincarnated Ancestorial Village Witches disturbing his life and finances.

''My husband was working with Chevron as a senior supervisor/staff before we got married in 2016. He was doing very well financially, we decided to get married and immediately after our wedding, I have birth to our first son and that same week I have birth, my husband was sacked for no reason.

It was so hard for us but we believe that things were going to sort themselves out.
Not so long after I gave birth to my first child, I took in again and gave birth to a second child, that was when the suffering intensified. Nothing we did made sense, we tried different businesses but all failed.
I didn't give up, we continued to try our best to survive. I have birth to the third child soon after and the Doctor warned me against another pregnancy due to the strain on my womb lining. My husband wasn't understanding the whole temptation hitting us. He decided to use his car to start Taxi business just to make ends meet. The very day he entered the road to hustle, his car brakes failed and his leg almost got destroyed. I didn't know what to do, depression was already setting in.

My mother-in-law came to visit us and asked us to follow her to one of her own prophets to help us see to the root of all these problems. On reaching there, the prophet looked at me and my children and started speaking his language. He told my husband in their language that our children were our biggest problem.

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks... He categorically told my husband that his children are agents of darkness in human form fashioned against him. This prophet told me to let them stay with him so that he can conduct deliverance on them. These children are 4 years, 2 years & 7months old.

Before I could say anything, my mother-in-law dragged my children from me and my husband supported her by shielding me away from my babies. There were shouting and crying helpless as the prophet locked them up in a room, I heard him flogging them mercilessly.

My husband kept on saying: 'Suffer a witch not to live'. Aahhh! This man is in support of such wickedness. I cried and started looking for help, I didn't want to leave them there because I didn't know my way in or out of the area. My breast milk was rushing because my baby was hungry and crying. I fought my husband screaming my head off, this prophet came out and told my mother-in-law that they need to unalive the children to get to the evil spirit, and that they had to do it before my husband would be set free. He said the children were after my husband's life and he had just a few days before my children will take his life. My husband didn't even think twice before he accepted to do it.

My husband agreed to what the prophet said without arguing, I couldn't feel my legs anymore. My children were screaming Daddy! Mummy! from the room where this prophet locked them in.
I tried calling my mother but she wasn't picking up, my siblings and I were not on talking terms because of this marriage I entered. They warned me not to marry him, I didn't listen to them and they blocked me for over 4 years after after my wedding! Nobody to call for help

I began to fight my husband and his mother... They beat me up and left me there! My husband was so furious, he said that I was protecting these same children that took everything from him and are also after his life. I couldn't believe he accepted that his own innocent flesh and blood knew anything about whatever predicament haunting him.

I stopped hearing my 7 months old baby crying, this wicked prophet had beaten him to stupor. I ran like a madwoman into the streets to look for help. People were avoiding me on the streets. Aahh! My children are being tortured and nobody is doing anything about it, I didn't know where to start from in the middle of the night.

I went to the Police station I saw but they were wasting time asking too many questions and they were reluctant to even follow me. I ran out of the place desperate for help. Luckily for me, I saw a group of vigilantes and I narrated everything to them crying bitterly.

They followed me and raided the prophet's house, the man ran away with my oldest child while my 2-year old and 7 months baby had bruises everywhere, both lying helpless and lifeless on the floor. My husband and his mother did this to me and my children
We found my child some days later with the help of these vigilante group, they were sent by God to help me and my children. They raided my house too and arrested my husband after beating him blue and black. My mother-in-law was apprehended too and facing the law with her son.
I have moved out of that house and marriage for good, my children are currently receiving treatment in a good general hospital in Delta State.''


  1. Haaaaa. Please detach your self from that evil man by stop calling him my husband my husband, he's not your husband but a devil incarnate and a son of a witch. Haaaaa, thank God your kids survived ooo, without mincing word,your mother in-law is probably the root of you people's problem , she was too eager to sacrifice her grandchildren to cover up her track, Ile aye akamara

    1. The mother in law may be evil but let's not add to the false accusations.

    2. What did I just read??? ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก
      I swear somebody will go and say hello to baba God that day๐Ÿ˜ก

  2. As a mother and wife, this is not something nice to read this morning.

    Sometimes, we to redefine our moral values. In doing that relationships should be based on understanding the mentality and mindset of one's partner. Such a callous man.

  3. Ahhh!!! See how innocent children were tortured for what they know nothing about. Thank God for saving them from that wicked and heartless prophet.

  4. Another victim of brainwashing.
    Abeg, what happened to the prophet?
    Where are the youths in that area? They should set his church ablaze.
    I can’t even imagine what those kids are going through right now.
    If we decide to “look” further, you’d be shocked that his own mom is responsible for his misfortune/woes.


    1. His mother is not responsible for his problems. He should have looked for solution through pure African traditional way, maybe some deities are unhappy with him and need settlement.
      Not through this imported religion called christianity that's full of scammers and demons.
      Note that there are scammers also in African traditional religion but it's nothing compared to this imported religion.
      But the man and his mother are total fools for believing that demonic prophet.
      Thank God for the lives of those babies.

  5. Your mother inlaw wants to kill the kids, send you out of the marriage empty and give another woman of his choice to her son for marriage. She does not like you and I'm sure you noticed it before marriage but you wanted to marry Chevron oga by fire.

    Meanwhile, there is another vital lesson in this story, women, educated women, you know how to prevent pregnancy, pls do it if things are not smooth in your marriage.
    She had the first child, her hubby lost his job but instead of raising that one and looking for ways to better their finances, she went on to have another one in a short time, things got worse and she had a third child, inside that suffering. Why won't the man be frustrated and bitter?
    You kept having s*x in your penury without prevention of pregnancy, are you daft?

    1. That part of her popping the babies got me so annoyed. She actually put her kids to what they are going through.

  6. Please the commissioner for humanitarian or women affairs in the state should be urged to get involved. It is important that the so called prophet, professional child killer and kidnapper is arrested and prosecuted. It would be good to hear from him how his own Jesus that said "suffer the children to come unto me and forbid them not, for their's is the kingdom of heaven" is now saying that the same children should be flogged to death. People actually kill children for lack of knowledge. Wow!!!

    Imagine being surrounded by people unmoved by infanticide raised to power 3!

    I've not heard an official filing for divorce and sole custody with care benefits. It's needed for the children's safety.

  7. Meaning that this story happened in 2020 or 2021 since they got married in 2016 and gave birth shortly after.
    Anyways, it shows how some men are controlled by their mothers.
    Ladies , watch out for mummy's boys.

  8. It is well some mothers sometimes wonder if they should ever be called mother

  9. ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก. Going as far as beating a 7months old baby. Jeeeeez!

  10. What kind of twisted mind is this?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  11. No one is a victim here. If u are too lazy to dig deeper into the act of reasoning, what u can deduce as facts and way of life, u will Subject to all this corrupt reasoning. This act of religion is evil and gives room to all kinds of confusion. Who brought the concept of a supreme being to our minds and why shld there be? Deny all u want, what will be will be

    1. So, the children subjected to that kind of tortures are what? Even if you didn't see the woman as a victim all because she married an idiot. What about the children?

    2. I see your point however, the belief is as old as man and because of it, many have been victimised.

      It's interesting that both married adults didn't think having more children than they could cater for at the time would make them poorer, more frustrated and vulnerable to superstition.

  12. Poster you fought like a lion and God being on your side. Thank God this children were alive. God will sort you out.

  13. What did I just read!It is well ooo
    Wives,mother's shine your eyes very well.

  14. When advised not to marry , gently ask why and pray about it

    Marriage proposal maybe invitation to slavery, this is an abomination not a Marriage

    1. As na men dey center, Dante is silent

  15. That prophet deserve to be punished, innocent children.

  16. This is evil..Will i even blame the fake pastor? Nop.

    I blame that bastard called husband who doesn't know how to talk to God himself but gullible enough to be deceived by a mere human.


  17. I almost couldn't breathe until I finished reading. Thank God it ended in praise. Religion has destroyed many.

  18. What??? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    I really feel for those little ones ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

  19. What are these wolf in sheep's clothing turning Christianity to?

  20. Anonymous 9:01, you know that idle & struggling men only knows how to knack. Check out okada riders and barrow pushers. lol

  21. OMG ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”

  22. My mouth wide open as I read through. What? did? I? just? read???????????????

  23. Gosh! To think that those kids could have been deleted!!!
    The woman acted so fast!

  24. What a Heart-Wrenching Story.

    That Man is from the deepest abyss of Hell.

    Thank God for the VIGILANTE GROUP that came to your Aid.

    Your husband and mother in law are pure Evil

  25. Jeez. I can't believe what I just read. Poverty can turn some people's brains upside down. Very sad.

  26. you had sex and babies continuously even after losing a job and you are wondering why you are suffering ? and its for a reason that chevron sacked him he came home to lamba for you ...better take those kids and run far away.He's a psychopath ...

  27. A grandmother that expects to be respected and a father of children others are trusting God for stood by , hearing the gut wrenching screams of children ages 7 months, 2 and 4 years screaming to the point of passing out because they were being flogged for the grevious sin of being conceived. and yet, these miserable two they colluded, finding nothing wrong with it? Those vigilante boys completely should have taken out the trash.

    Is it not a good preventive measure, according to their logic, to then castrate the unfortunate man to prevent his evil member from breeding more evil children?

  28. My chest is paining me right now due to this horror that I just read๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
    Hey God oooo!!!, Baba God please heal these children and bless this woman to take care of them


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