Stella Dimoko MONDAY Spontaneous Post


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Monday, February 19, 2024

MONDAY Spontaneous Post

 #monday #newday #itiswhatitis #neversaynevertopositivity #smile #awesomeGOD #Godisgoodallthetime #miraclesloadingforusall #ohLordmoreofyourglory #yes #smileagain

Good Morning..
Every day is a Blessing and a gift...
Monday is a day for reflections but please do not reflect on the things that hurt you or the things that have passed away...
You have new sheet to correct the things you failed to last week.

Have a day so beautiful that tonight, you will retire to yourbed with a smile.


  1. "Therefore I tell you, don't worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Look at the birds, they do not farm, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Can any one of you by worrying, add a single hour to your life?
    And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin, yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his Wealth, was dressed like one of them. So, do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ Your heavenly Father knows what you need. But seek first God's kingdom, and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will sort itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" - MATTHEW 6:25-34. (Paraphrased and edited).

    May God come through for each and everyone of us. It is well!
    Una Gud Morning..♥️..#ALiSpeaks

    1. Amen ooo, good morning to you.

    2. Perfectly said!
      God's choice does not depend on a person's will or effort, but only God himself that shows mercy.

      Licious babe

    3. Obianuju Augustina19 February 2024 at 08:39

      Amen and Amen 🙏

    4. This particular passage of the Bible has been ringing in my hear for some time now . Sometimes twill looks if someone is whispering it in my ears.
      Lord Let your Grace see us through... Amen

      Beautiful Morning blog famZ ❣️


  2. A Kingdom Run By Words!!
    2 Corinthians 3:3.

    "Something very important about the Kingdom of God into which you’ve been born and of which you’re a part is that it’s a kingdom run by words. So, the words you speak are very important. They must be consistent with the Word of God, and that way, your life, which is the outward manifestation of your words, will be excellent and full of glory."

    "We’re admonished in the Scriptures to be filled with the knowledge of God’s Word because out of that abundance, our words will come forth."


    Through the help of the Spirit and consistent meditation on the Word, I consciously speak wholesome, gracious, inspiring, motivating, encouraging words. With my words, I create success, victory, divine health and prosperity from within, establishing God's righteousness in my world, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  3. Good Morning,


    You don’t have enough time to get it all done. But you always have enough time to do what you can.

    The clock is ticking. But then, it always is.

    You can fret and complain about your limited amount of time. But that will drain even more time away.

    Instead, go ahead and do just a little bit of what needs doing. And although it might only be a fraction, it’s a whole lot better than nothing.

    Then eventually you’ll have a little more time. With that time you can do a little more, and even more with the time that will surely come later.

    And you’ll discover that by doing what you can when you can, something amazing will happen. You’ll get it all done.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good Morning and Happy New Week One Big and Happy family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    People wey don build house before now, don't know what God did for them, one bag of cement 13k and there are speculations that it could get to 15k, make I just they manage my father old house atleast no one is chasing me away.
    Have a nice day ahead guys one Love.

    1. When I heard the price I was shocked 😳. That’s why these landlords increase rent all the time. I pray things get better.

    2. You no kuku get any problem Chilaka
      As the first son, you can even get married and live with your wife in that your father's old house. No one can ever drag it with you

  6. Heavenly Father, we thank you for another beautiful Monday morning.
    Because of the increase of wickedness,the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.(Matt.24:12-13)
    Beloved of God, the signs of the end time is evident in our world; We pray today, may the lord God increase our love and faith in him in Jesus name 🙏.
    May the elevated wickedness of this time never keep us wavering, rather may the holy spirit stand us firm through the end of this tunnel in Jesus name 🙏.
    Lord we decree this day,our labour of love shall never be in vain in Jesus name 🙏



    Examples of the inner child manifesting in adult behavior include:

    1.) Temper Tantrums: Adults who struggle with regulating emotions may display tantrum-like behavior when faced with stress or frustration, echoing a child's response.

    2.) Need for Approval: Seeking constant approval or validation from others can stem from a desire for the affirmation often sought during childhood.

    3.) Fear of Abandonment: A deep-seated fear of abandonment or rejection may be rooted in early experiences of feeling neglected or unloved.

    4.) Playful Activities: Engaging in activities purely for fun and enjoyment, without a specific goal, can be a way of reconnecting with the joyful and playful aspects of the inner child.

    5.) Avoidance of Responsibility: Some adults may avoid taking on responsibilities, echoing a child's resistance to chores or duties.

    6.) Creative Pursuits: Exploring creative outlets, such as art or imaginative play, can be a way of reconnecting with the creative and curious dimensions of the inner child.

    7.) Attachment Patterns: The way adults form and navigate relationships, including patterns of attachment and intimacy, can be influenced by early experiences with caregivers.

    8.) Repetition of Patterns: Repeating patterns or behaviors from childhood, even when they are no longer beneficial, may indicate the influence of the inner child.

    Exploring and understanding these manifestations can be a therapeutic process to address unresolved issues and promote personal growth.

  8. It's a beautiful day already. May we have testimonies this week. Amen. 🙏🏽

    Good morning my people.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Happy blessed week to us 🙏
    Good morning everyone 💞💞💞

  11. Sometimes we lost hope because , we only saw our sins and could not see what is greater which is Allah's mercy.
    Good morning everyone 🎉

  12. Someone, somewhere is praying to have at least one thing you have right now.
    Don’t ever take your blessings for granted.

  13. Monday greetings SDK ville ♥️. May God go before us this week as we go in search of our daily bread. Wishing us a blessed week ahead.

  14. Whatever Protest they push for anytime soon, Obidents🙏 pls do not join them against the government. Make them cry their cry themselves while you watch and sip your zobo.

    Be a patriotic Nigerian.

    Don't join them to disturb or destroy the government of Asiwaju. He deserves two term in office just like others before him.

    Listening to Prof Usman Yusuf interview where he said it looks like this administration is drowning and the South East is keeping quiet. I asked, Pls Sir what would you have wanted the Igbo tribe to do? He should come out plain and stop speaking in riddle.

    If it's protest he's implying for the Igbo to join them as they're initiating to start one, then whoever gave him that idea or assurance to convince us need a refund of his money.

    The same way it was Haram to protest under Buhari, so also it's a taboo in Igbo land to protest as well.

    We'll all stand on this mandate till the end of 8yrs. Nobody will protest anything and if they do anyhow to disturb this government, they shouldn't be spared but all arrested.

    Them go see anyhow and e go clear for their eyes.

    One undisputable fact is that, the Igbo man always outlive their oppressors.. We'll not protest but continue doing our business peacefully and law abiding. Those who said they want to teach us a lesson are already learning theirs in a hard way.

    © TEEJAY

    1. Someone have this to say and I agreed with her 100%

      ''Ndị Igbo, go & buy insurance policies for your goods & assets across the country.

      If you sell food or anything, go an extra mile to protect your goods & yourselves.

      They're slowly shouting protest #protests, if it starts, they'll leave the people that caused the economic crisis and unleash their venom on you.

      Don't be caught napping.''

      © TEEJAY

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 TJ you made me laugh so much this morning.

      *Don't join them to disturb or destroy the government of Asiwaju. He deserves two term in office just like others before him.*

      At this point yeah, I’m more of a spectator than participant even in conversations. Some people are benefiting real-time in a huge from this regime either by cash or foodstuffs or both. Just like Buhari’s regime, they are giving out cash allowances to be given to the masses but certain persons are swallowing it up wit so much greed. They have the latest SUVs for starters. I know this because the ones occupying public positions around my area are displaying and splurging.

      The last time I posted on what transpired, my comment wasn’t enabled. In all, if you support what is being done/has been going on, it will come back to that person, good or bad. The universe always has a way of rewarding one in their own special coins 😁.

    3. Hope you posted this your advice on your social media accounts for plenty obidients to see it?

    4. Teejay you sound so pessimistic like each time I read your comment it's either sad news or negative.
      Guess is not the environment or the circle of people around you that affects your thinking or that's just you.

  15. Good morning everyone
    Happy Monday making money
    Happy new week
    Fir the gift of life, Lord I say thank you 😊 🙏
    I don't know how I am surviving everything happening to me but I am happy that I have life, not in the hospital.

    Have an amazing week everyone.

  16. Don't regards your cup as being half-full or half-empty but be thankful that you have a cup.

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope we had a restful weekend? I wish us a stress-free day ahead. Stay safe.

  17. It's a New Day, good morning as bright as the morning,so will your life shine!!
    Isaiah 33:3
    May the Lord be gracious to you and your family.
    Be your strength every morning.
    Save you and yours from the stress of the times.
    Fills you with righteousness and justice.!
    Go and come back with lorry loads of testimonies.
    Have a gracious working week 👍

  18. Good morning everyone
    Happy new week to y'all
    May God bless and protect us this week, Amen.

  19. Up and greatful 🙏. Good morning everyone.

  20. Good morning everyone

    1. Obianuju Augustina19 February 2024 at 08:44

      Hello Bidex, good morning.

  21. Good morning to y'all on this space
    It's the start to a new week and 👋 go get all of them Benjamins.
    I am here to ask again, why do Nigerians derive pleasure in fleecing and extorting people even in their down moments?
    Y'all can't just see that some Nigerians are greedy, unkind and going way overboard right? I know what I am on about cause I have had first hand experiences here, no jokes
    Taking advantage of one is not something that should be tolerated trust me


    1. Don't mind them. They will end up cheating themselves.
      Went to Nyanya market on Saturday and the boutiques were giving Wuse market prices. I was just laughing. To say those stores were empty of customer. You are calling 27k for one simple gown. You will end up wearing your gown.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 😂🤣😹 @Abionah
      Na to wear am by themselves o
      Some Nigerians have got no iota of sincerity in them

  22. It's a beautiful day 🌞🌞🌞
    Good morning everyone 🥰🥰

  23. Good morning SDKville Fam 💐

    It's another week to go hard or go broke.May God's grace and blessings shower on us all 🙏

  24. Father God, forgive us for not always recognizing you as the highest power in our lives. Help us to stay open to your call and to be in the right place to hear it. Remind us of all you have done for us, so that you will always be the Lord of our lives. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
    I pray that whosoever is going through any burden here that has taken your peace away be it at work place, or in the family I pray God will come through for you and still every storm in your life IJN amen🙏🙏🙏
    God will remember you for good this week ☺️😘🙏
    Beautiful morning to y'all my SDKERIANS and do have a beautiful and stress free day🙏😘😍♥️

  25. Marvelous Monday to you all ✌️✌️

    1. Wishing you a splendid Monday, dearest ♥️

    2. Good morning beautiful 😘😘😘

  26. Good and blessed Monday to us

  27. Good morning everyone 🥰🥰🥰

    Please do not ever abandon yourself again. Especially not in the name of being seen, heard, and validated by a temporary connection. Stop holding on to things that don't demonstrate respect for your value. You deserve more. 💯💯💯

    Y'all have a great day ahead 😘😘😘

  28. You don't understand why a certain region is quite under the circumstances, oga may that understanding forever elude you oh.
    when we talk they label us enemy of state, we don't talk still problem.
    God will visit all una

    1. Oh you saw that too from Prof Usman Yusuf.

      I just love my people so much. In the end, lessons will be learnt.

      © TEEJAY

  29. The Nigeria market of today has morning price, afternoon price and evening price.

    1. How come the time affects the price??

  30. Father,we thank you for the gift of life. May help locate us this day

  31. Good morning.

    Abeg is it only my area Nepa has has been epileptic? They just bring for 10 mins and that’s all till midnight. I had to wash at midnight 😩

    Have a beautiful day people.

    1. It's not only in your area oo. Power supply is not palatable these days.

    2. E be like Abuja own worse.

    3. Kubwa inclusive
      I don't get this their 20 minutes light o
      It's more like they are flashing it
      I can't even charge my power bank

  32. Thanking God for giving good health . This weather showed me shege. The malaria hold me no be small . Thanking God for his mercy.

    How una dey now..I don miss una oooo
    Glam Granny
    Ola Wealth

    1. Sorry Pinky. Hope you're better now?

    2. Awwwwn @Mc Pinky miss you too brother.
      Thank you for checking 😊🙏

    3. Kpele. How body? Welcome back...

    4. The weather is harsh. Be well Pinky.


    5. Welcome back, the pink man. Hope you're better now???

  33. Goodmorning Stella.
    Goodmorning Beevees.
    Day 50!!!!!
    Busy Mobday

  34. Good morning blogfam
    I wish weekends were a little bit longer😜
    May our steps this week be ordered by God,no evil is permitted to come near us or our loved ones.
    Where men say there is a casting down,we say there's a lifting up.We will eat the good of the land,this is God's word for us.
    Stay blessed people,one love❤❤❤

    1. Where men say there is a casting down, I say there's a lifting up for me & mine.

  35. If you and yours are healthy in this period, you don't know what you have. I was in the hospital yesterday to check on a friend who is on admission, the things I saw , I left with Thanksgiving for my own situation and with prayers for the sick. In my presence, they brought Bill, 217k for the three days that he has been there, this does not include the initial deposit of 150k before he was attended to when he was taken there.

    My other friend whose father is sick, they pay consultation fee of 35k every week before they can see the consultant. This does not include drugs and tests o. Just to see the doctor, which they do weekly.
    May God heal all the sick.

    1. We honestly do not know how blessed we are when we're enjoying good health. May God heal the sick 🙏

    2. Me I thank God o.
      My mum too is not that well but it's only Hbp drugs that she buys and it's not draining.
      May God heal all who are sick

    3. My colleague had serious eye issues. There was a growth from her eyes protruding. It was really big and she was already scheduled for a surgery. When she went to visit her mum, the mother just went to the back of the house to fetch some leaves, squeezed them and used the juice to run her eyes. Before the lady returned, her eye was clear. Most times, remedy to all sicknesses are just within our reach but we don't know.

    4. I love that your first line. You never know what God has done for you for being healthy and strong. Like year to year you don't know what being sick feels like.....It's a privilege

  36. Good morning Bvssssssssssss🥰🥰🥰

  37. Today we pray to you Lord that you restore peace unto our nation
    Wipe our tears
    Erase our lamentations
    Clear off all thsoe who are disturbing our economy.

    These and many more we ask oh God.

  38. Yes ooo Thank You Lord 🙏🏻 For Life, not taking it for granted.
    A Living Dog is better than a dead lion.

    Blissful Day Ahead ❣️

  39. In my home, I throw away smoked fish heads, they are bony, filled with sand, filth and insects (dead and alive).
    So I visited this big aunty on Sunday. She was in the kitchen and I joined her there. She now asked me to help sort the smoked fish which was soaked in salty water already.
    I sorted it the way I do in my home, removed all the bones and heads and tied them in a nylon bag for disposal.

    When she wanted to pour it in the soup, she asked for the heads, I told her what I did to them and that it is how I normally sort mine cos of bones and dirt. She flared up, warned me never to bring my own method into her home without asking, here is not my house..

    She now commanded me to pick the nylon which I kept in a bowl on the sink, I should pick all the heads , wash them well and put them in the soup.
    I felt embarrassed and pained for how she addressed me.
    I couldn't even wait and eat the food due to anger. When it was still on fire I just stood up and told her I was leaving.
    Never will I join anyone I visit in their kitchen again, apart from my mum and mum in-law, we all understand ourselves and are on the same page.

    1. It is the economy, don't blame the woman

    2. I throw away fish heads too, dried fish. Then for crocker, I ask them to slice off the head.

    3. Miss betty, what silly excuse is this? So the economy is an excuse to be rude and stupid ba mtcheww

      Shooter Gyal

    4. I also throw away dried fish heads. For fresh fish heads, I throw away panla, sardine(shawa) and tilapia heads.
      Sorry jare Gifted, some people don't k ow how to talk. Dont visit her again

    5. The way or tone used might be wrong but you were also in the wrong by not asking but assuming. She’s right, it’s her house so her rules. Don’t always assume that everyone is on the same line of thoughts with you. That’s wrong. Kindly learn to inquire beforehand to prevent future embarrassment.

      Sorry 🙌🏽

    6. Gifted, please don’t go there again till maybe next year.
      She could have told you in a more civil and respectful manner.


  40. Good morning SDK and BVs. Marvellous Monday. Blessed day and week. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  41. is it true that postinor is now 18k? make I know how to position

    1. Are you for real??? 😱. I still want a baby but Oga no want. He said I should use family planning I told him I can't because I still want children.

    2. Saw it yesterday at a pharmacy.. its 2200.

    3. Loool

      Shooter Gyal

  42. Someone up there said we should just be happy we have a cup even if there is nothing in the cup. Oh God, abeg help us in Nigeria with the way we think.

    1. 😂😂😂
      When number 6 is written, someone else might see it as 9, it all depends on the angle you're seeing it from.

    2. Ah! I thought I was the only one who saw it. All these motivational talks that make no sense. What is the use of a cup when there is nothing to drink in it?

  43. Good morning o my people

    How much is rice in your area?

    I'm happy that Nigerians have started drifting away from rice. They now buy more of spaghetti, macaroni, beans, u am , potatoes, plantain, etc.
    As a foodstuff seller, I sell more of spaghetti and macaroni and beans than rice these days. The prices of spaghetti and macaroni did not increase like that, just #150 increase from last year.
    In all, let's drink plenty water and eat small food. That's the best method now.
    Purewater has increase in price, locate a clean borehole in your area and fetch for drinking.
    Have a beautiful week 😜

    1. The price did not increase that much but the quantity did.

    2. Yes Abionah, I think the quantity of spaghetti alone decreased. Macaroni is still the same. Wayo full the hands of those manufacturers

  44. With the comments on yesterday BEP, Bv's are very rich ooo....5000dollars as broke money

  45. Beautiful Monday to you all
    Thank you Lord for this beautiful morning 🙏 I pray for goodness and mercy for the week oh Lord 🙏
    Blessed week guys 🙏

  46. Good morning everyone 😘💜
    Thank you stella for the motivation,God bless you 💓

    Bvs have a great day.
    E go surely be ✌️

  47. Blessed Monday to everyone........Is like Sdk blog and Glo they quarrel,my Glo mb nor gree open sdk MTN mb open am,and MTN nor dey last for mb o .....Na so una own dey do una?............... Josaria


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