Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Friday, February 16, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



I don't know why some workers don't know how to be professional. My younger brother was very sick, he was coughing seriously so the doctor asked us to conduct tuberculosis test on him, he referred us to the hospital which specializes on we took him there. He tested positive to the results. 

They also asked us to also conduct the test since we are close to him, we accepted, they collected our blood samples,I asked them why they are collecting our blood ,that was when they informed us that they will conduct hiv test first before they conduct the TB test.

I was mad but I just kept calm because I don't want them to suspect anything, i found out I was hiv positive five years ago but I haven't disclosed it to anyone in the family, not even friends. So when they asked me if I knew I said yes , he was asking questions, I stopped him and informed him that I wasn't here for me that my younger brother is on oxygen and wel have wasted so much time there , he ask me to come back later on I say OK.

I left the doctors office, the receptionist asked me to give her my results will I did , she found I was positive she started talking also I gave her eye contact because my younger ones were there, she was still talking, that I should come and fill form she called the people in charge  of hiv patients, they were still insisting I document my details, as I turned back my younger ones were just looking at me.

 I shouted at the receptionist, they all came to around ask what the problem is,I informed them that they are forcing me to do the TB test which I declined because I was not close to him, they asked what my results was I told them negative.

My younger brother found out that my mood had changed so they asked one of the workers what the problem is and why we are arguing ,she told them the Same thing I said and we left.

We lost our brother the next day . We later found out that our last born who was taking care of him was coughing seriously, so we asked him to go back to the hospital to conduct the TB test which he did yesterday.
Asked him how far, he said they said he should come back the next day for the results, I said OK, he informed that they are asking of me , I said for what ,he said he didn't know, that the receptionist said its ""confidential ".

Now everyone in the house including my dad is asking if am positive. The pressure is on me since yesterday I couldnt even sleep last night, I don't know what to do, I cant tell them now we just lost a brother not up to two weeks. I cant even tell them cos I know how they will feel, I don't want that eye of pity from them. 

I know what my dad will pass through if he heard it from me.i know my family very well I can't tell, never.

I am planning to go back to the hospital on Monday to confront them. Then ask them to call my family and inform them because that is what they want. I am so heartbroken right now, I am so confused.

*heartbroken, Yes i understand because you lost a brother but what are you confused about? You have been HIV positive since 5 years and hiding it with your full chest?Could it be that you have infected your family members? You didnt tell us if you taking the drugs and injections...
And why will you go to a hospital and knowing fully well you are positive, you gave them your blood to check? You should never have done that at all, so i dont blame the staff for wanting to document you...They cannot just let you walk away.... They also want to find out if you are treating yourself...
I agree that they are not professional but what you have is not childs play and you are not properly documented....
You better confess to your family so that they will all go for check up as it is possible they are all infected as well..
Your second brothwr coughing definitely has what killed the first one and that is one of the illnesses of the sickness...Since the coughing was done at home,ya all may have it as well...Be upset but be realistic and move fas tto save the others before your whole family goes down!


  1. Replies
    1. Poster you are very selfish. By hiding your status while living with your family, you might have transmitted it to them. Your brothers might have used the same razor or shaving stick as you. You are actually wicked.

    2. Ah abeg take easy o , there all tested negative even my late brother. I was the only one who tested positive in the family.

    3. Poster, are you on ARVs ?. What’s your viral load???. You have been avoiding this question. If you are on ARVs you don’t need to tell them. Call the hospital today and blast them. Don’t tell your family if you’re sure they can’t handle it

    4. First and foremost, this poster is not a good person, how can you hide that you are positive? what kind of mentality is that? and then you live in a house with pple who dont know this meaning you can out them at risk...
      you did not state that you are on medication and you did not tell us the test result of your borther before he died and we still dont know the one of the one who went for test and coughing.....
      this is the same way a whole family was wiped out becos one person brought it home and lived in denial for years until he spread it to his wife and kids...they are all gone now.
      to be alble to live with pple and not spread this, it needs to be a house with enough space so that u can avoid people when need be

      those of you who think you know too much here, can you please stop insulting others?gutter behaviour is worse than HIV AIDS...

  2. Stella how could she have infected her siblings? Is HIV now airborne?

    1. What if he is gay ?and have sex with his siblings because brother is hiding many things ,which useless unprofessional is he talking about

    2. No, Yvonne, if u are living with q’a known HIV+ patient, there is a way u respect urslf not to contract the disease, but if u dnt kno, particularly a sibling that you are close with, u might be very careless wt things, and that is not fair. If she means well for them, she shud disclose her status esp if she is living in the same house wt the rest of the family, but if she doesn’t live wt them, thats fine.

    3. I don't understand Stella sometimes. Stella you live abroad but sometimes you talk like you haven't been exposed to how things work in a developed society.
      HIV is not a reportable disease. They have no business trying to document poster. Poster is entitled to the expectation of privacy from the workers in that hospital.
      And for you Stella to be asking if she infected her siblings, did any of them test positive for HIV?

      Poster I wish there was a way for you to report that hospital. Because first of all why are they testing you for HIV before doing a TB TEST when you aren't even the patient in question?

    4. What did you say? Gay and sleeping with his siblings?. How did that sound in your ears. Na wah.

    5. Am so sorry dear for everything!
      For the loss of your brother, for the one sick and for ur health am so sorry!
      I understand this situation in this country like this!
      Go to God this night and ask him for peace and comfort OK?

    6. @16:27.... HIV is closely related to T.b here. It's endemic here and therefore REPORTABLE. Tired of people making unnecessary comparisons with the 'abroad' without understanding the basis of it. Secondly, the Poster Cannot be excused for her attitude. She's putting all the others at risk with her non disclosure. 0.1% risk is still a risk.
      Granted, the staff could've been a little more professional but then the protocol isn't wrong.
      Also, as an aside, T.b isn't that virulent normally except..... Someone asked if she's due she hasn't inadvertently infected others and I also would like an answer. The hospital testing all family members indicates...... I say no more

    7. Yvonne I tire o. In this 2024 when positive and negative people are marrying. E come be just housemates. Haa.
      You guys educate yourselves on the strides medicine has made in HIV care.
      RIP to those that died before these improvements

    8. Siblings mistakenly use each other’s razor, toothbrush, etc so while HIV is NOT airborne it is in good faith to let some close to you know. Btw it’s a felony to have sex without disclosing it to your potential partner in some countries. Poster should have informed and EDUCATED them. It’s not a death sentence if she is taking all her meds but not telling could cause transmission. Family members share so many things and body fluids are not just sexual. Think of others’ safety since you said you are trying to protect them✌🏾

    9. @21:30
      I have practiced nigeria and abroad. HIV is not a reportable disease anywhere! You're only required to tell people you are sexually intimate with. And HIV is closely related to TB everywhere, it does not excuse the hospital staff's flagrant disregard for confidentiality

  3. Please take easy. I know it's a whole lot to take in but please do as Stella says
    May God help you

  4. What a complicated situation. May God come through for your family

  5. This reminds me of how we haboured my dad's youngest brother who had TB. Everyone abandoned him. This was over twenty years ago. Now we are his enemies. How my late mum did it only God knows we were all on ago and herbal medicine so we won't contract the ailment. As God will have it all eight of us never had TB till date.... Then we had to do xrays every three months. We thank God for his mercy.

    Dear poster, y'all need to go for comprehensive check up because you may have contracted it or maybe they contracted from you and have low immune system

    1. Poster as you already know you have HIV you need to be careful so you don't get TB, they probably test for HIV first because TB is usually a symptom of it, as many HIV positive people come down with it as an opportunistic infection. I don't believe they were out to get you, but probably the standard for them. They were wrong for not being more discreet though. I noticed that in many hospitals patient privacy is what they pay lip service to in Nigeria. It is as if they could care less how you feel, like they don't have to owe you that, since they are treating you. Generally in Nigeria they really have to work on professional service in all sectors. I remember ex President Obasanjo tried with SERVICOM, but it didn't really take.

  6. I think her narrative says they conducted the HIV test for all of them so I want to believe she's the only one that came out positive asuch she has been protecting her family members so far besides if she wasn't on ARVs these 5yrs I'm pretty sure the TB would have raced down her lungs like Usain... Overall poster calm down visit the hospital and clear things up with them and yes tell your family at a later time maybe. Divine healing to you and your other brother.

  7. Don’t listen to Stella
    Dont tell anyone
    Tell the hospital if they ask for you one more time you’ll go straight to the medical board
    You don’t have to tell your family
    And what does Stella mean by infecting her family. Is she having se. X with them

    1. See how ignorant you sound! Are you educated at all? In this age and time, it's still baffling that people think HIV is only contacted through sex.

    2. 16:03 oga madam any other way is so minuscule as to be ignored
      Go read first. Sexual contact is the primary way
      Drug infested needles extra can happen too but that’s not an exposure for her or did she tell you she’s injecting anyone

    3. Exactly! Don't listen to Stella. You don't have to tell anyone anything you don't want to, as long as you're on antiretrovirals and your viral load is LOW and you're taking steps to prevent spread. After all the same Stella advices women not to tell their intended spouses about their previous abortions and infertility.

      Do people with herpes tell their family members? Syphilis nkọ? Hepatitis kwanu? Are all these not spread in similar ways as HIV? Some of them even spread easier than HIV. Why is this telling reserved for only people with HIV?
      Poster don't tell nobody shii!

    4. Educated mugu bird of the same feather.

  8. Stella, there a thing called 'human rights '. You don't force anyone to be treated. The should decide how they wish to disclose their HIV status.
    The hospital is very unprofessional.
    Why didn't they take her contact details and follow up?
    Why force it on her there and then?
    What's the receptionist business with a patient's HIV status?
    She's not even the patient or the spouse!

  9. If you were on drugs there's no issue,but not being on drugs is dangerous to you and your family please . Besides hiv isn't a death sentence, I don't support you telling your family cos things will never be the same again after telling them. Hiv is just one of few diseases out there and if properly managed it's one of the easiest disease to live with. Yes I'm positive and I'm healthy, I take my drugs very well,my hiv results is always negative for more than 10 years but I know it's still there albeit very little in my blood

  10. Are u sure you dont even have the TB? Cos it goes along with hiv. You can tell your siblings about your hiv status but warn them not to tell your dad cos it will break his heart. May the lord heal your family.

    1. No be all hiv patient get the abeg

  11. My condolences dear
    May your brother's soul rest in peace

  12. If it is abroad not informing people you had sex with of your status is a criminal offence ,so what is hiding ,he shouldn't have gotten it in the first place

    1. Did he have sex with his family members? You say 'if it's abroad' as if you have lived in a functioning society before. You that your comments reek of 1800 mindset.
      If it was in a sane society, poster would report the receptionist and maybe the hospital as a whole for violation of HIPAA.

    2. It’s not abroad so far your viral load is low. Educate yourself please

  13. Please could @Stella or anybody tell us how a Hiv patient could have infected his or her family members? Please oo knowledge is power.

    1. Sharing razors, shaving stick, sewing needle etc, can spread HIV.

    2. 21:26 these things won’t give you hiv
      There’s just not enough blood transmitted into the blood stream to do that

    3. You people sound like it isn’t easy to do away with needles and razors and shaving sticks. Many parents who are positive have negative children. Many men and women who are positive have negative spouses.
      You guys should keep up with technology please.
      Razor: nail clippers
      Needles : take to tailor
      Shaving stick : dispose immediately after use or wax or no shaving at all.
      What else? Is she sleeping with her family?. Even couples who sleep with each other are positive and negative

  14. She is not obligated to tell the family.
    The hospital is not been professional

  15. poster from the moment you knew that HIV test was conducted on you was the time you should have seen a doctor and inform him/her that you knew about your status but don't want your family member to know about it. You should have tell them to treat it as confidential than allow the receptionist to drag you and bring any suspected moves.

    Your family already know you are positive with what transpired on that day with the receptionist, remember the said receptionist has also told your younger brother that you need to come back to the hospital cos is confidential. Don't think your family are not smart or they don't know but want a confirmation from you before they will all accept it.
    You need to visit the hospital and ask to see the first doctor who attended to you before any discussion with the receptionist. Do you want to open up to your family about it or you still want to hide it till when? HIV is not a dead sentence, i know you have been on medication the reason why you are strong till now. But do not allow it to break you down cos the deed has already been done but you need great measures to handle it. If you feel that you want some more time before you speak to your family about it, please let the hospital keep it till you are ready to share the information with anyone. Once you threaten to report the hospital, they will sit up.

    Sorry for the death of your brother and i pray that the good lord will comfort your family. Please you people should take care of your younger brother that is also coughing. Most time those who take care of sick people fell seriously sick when they pass away. Is not easy to take care of sick people, you all should be careful while taking of him to avoid more family members contacting it.

    1. Thank so much

    2. Poster, you made no mention of you being on medication.
      Are you on ARVs?. ?????
      If not please go and start, you’re playing with fire

  16. The doctor doesn’t need to be told to treat as confidential
    It’s automatically confidential
    Anything about your health is confidential
    The know this
    The nurse was wrong to even hint about it and she has opened the hospital to liability

  17. I understand how unprofessional they were and I con.demn that.
    But if you are living with your family and didn't tell them, that's very very bad to me. Because, you can't be careful enough. You might want to avoid sharing sharp object, etc, but a family ember won't think twice before using your stuff in the most intimate way. Either in your presence and especially in your absence. That's how family roll.

    You owed them to have disclosed this vital information: or you would have moved out and live by yourself.

    This here is being very selfish to me.
    You didn't think of their safety or wellbeing in anyway.

    1. She doesn’t owe it to her family
      You don’t know her family so don’t tell her how to handle them
      This is how people get killed
      It’s not every thing you share even with family
      She has also told you her fathers heart can’t take it

    2. Anon if she decided to stay back and live with them, then she owes them that information.
      Most times, try to consider other people and not only yourself.

      If you love people genuinely amd sincerely, your first instinct is to protect them.
      If she didn't want to tell them, then she should have left the house and go stay by herself. Or join d community and share apartment with someone in d community.

      There's no ground for supporting this act.

    3. And she shared it here, meaning she wanted everyone's opinion. So you can't dictate how I should advice her plssss.

      Moreover, HIV Is not a dead sentence. There's alot of awareness on it now.
      To successfully not infect another, you have to keep a distance or make them keep a distance from sharing your sharp objects and many more.
      How is this possible in a family setting that isn't even aware?
      How can they successfully protect her and themselves?

    4. I’ve told you HF
      Not every time share

    5. Leave house because of hiv? Lmao. I hope you know the status of all the people in your space . With this kind of your mindset any hiv positive around you should just shut it

    6. Anon 18: 14 ok noted.
      Anon 18:25 I had to reply this, to avoid any misconceptions.
      I have actually worked with HIV sensitization groups before. In my NYSC days, that was where I chose. And in my community, I was known in the whole community for this. Because I was running campaigns round the whole community. Sensitising and educating. Africare and UNICEF branches in my area got wind of this and became interested in my works and they partnered with me. They always send their staff down with test kits et all. After NYSC, I worked briefly with them. As a matter of fact, I met many positives and we were all cool till we lost contact.

      Why all these story you may ask, it's because of your wrong conclusion of me.
      HIV is not a dead sentence. Infact there are more deadly disease. But you must protect yourself and others.

      In conclusion, if you feel its best your family shouldn't know, then find way to protect them. Because main reason of people infected is IGNORANT.

      Now you have made me share my personal life. If anyone ever troll me on this, I am coming for you. Lol

      Hope you understand now anon or need more explanation?

    7. Since you don do unicef work, tell us how she can infect her family. Is she injecting drugs or what?. You as a person what sharp object are you using that you cannot do away with?. I’m negative but I don’t use razors, shaving sticks, needle etc. I don’t even have them in my house

  18. Hiv makes tuberculosis spread faster and you would have told your family or rent an apartment. It’s emotionally draining but you have to think of others. Please, it will be good to go for counseling because it would help you a lot. Go and tell your parents what you are going through and Pray to God for forgiveness. Remember life is expensive to play with! May God please let the soul of your brother Rest In Perfect Peace. Amen 🙏💐

    EUM Cali

    1. Pls. If a patient with HIV has a good CD4 they are just as healthy as you. The issue is AIDS. Stop this stigma. Sp because he has HIV he should rent an apartment?

    2. Nkogheri. The person who had tb was negative and the positive person is tb negative. Use your brain and data and educate your self

  19. This is the type of hospital patients sue abroad and make a scapegoat. They are unprofessional and annoying. Go there and give them the warning of their lives.

  20. May your brother's soul rest in peace

  21. Poster, telling your family is not a must. Hiv is no longer a death sentence. It's only deadly when the Carrer isn't aware of his or her status. Besides they're all negative,so stand on it that you're not positive. I don't support you telling them.

  22. The hospital has no right to make you tell your family your status especially when you are mentally capable and have been on medication.
    1. Contact an NGO lawyer (Threating them without a lawyer might not have any effect since the staff have chosen to assume that they are doing you a favour).
    2. Go to the hospital with only the lawyer and be sure that your family members would not be present that day.
    3. A closed door meeting with the doctor and nurses involved.
    4. You lawyer should list out the effects on your family especially at a time of grieving.
    5. Tell them your demands (I leave this to your discretion on how to take the doubts and worry off your family)
    6. Tell them what your action would be if this issue ever raises its head again.

    If you follow this you should know that the doubts might not disappear immediately from your family as they might still likely watch over you or check for things that might clear there doubt. You would have to put up a brave face and be more careful with leaving anything that might confirm their fears.
    If you do decide to tell them about your status ( I leave the time you choose, to your discretion) but I would advise you do it on your own terms.
    Assure them you have been living with it for years and you are healthy and fine.
    They don't need any details of how you got it. Be mentally strong when you tell them. If you handle it like its not the end of the world , they might cry, feel down but would get over it.
    If you breakdown like your world crumpled because of it, they would feel like life is playing a cruel one on them.
    Most important advise don't loose your cool with the hospital, don't go there shouting or crying, treat everything professionally then they would know you are not joking.
    For NGO lawyers -check on twitter.
    This is just a phase and it would pass.
    I'm sorry you are going through this at such a time.
    I hope this helps.

  23. Stella you are wrong, HIV is not a big deal, Aids is. And how is it even possible to infect family members witht he virus? It's not air borne na. Maybe you people ahould really read up on the virus. I was a member of HIV and AIDS club in secondary school and I learnt a lot. I don't see it as a big deal at all.

    Poster, no need informing your family seeing all the misconception about the illness. Go back to the hospital, let them know you are aware of your status and co.e up with something to tell your family members.

    1. He can infect his family members if he shares sharp objects like blade, sewing needles, hair needle, unsterilised clippers, manicure/pedicure sets. Stella e be like say na night school most of your bvs go. Na air full their head.

    2. @winnie the Pooh, they all tested nagative to hiv and the only in the who is nagative. Even my late brother tested nagative too.

    3. Winnie all those things won’t transmit hiv in reality
      But you’re still warned to be careful

    4. Winnie you’re the airhead here. I’m negative and I don’t even have those things lying around me.
      blade : nail clip
      sewing needles when tailor dey?
      hair needle in this wig era?.
      unsterilised clippers she dey barb?
      manicure/pedicure sets I use brand new at the salon and take it with me and dispose immediately after.
      Why would anyone have razor blades in their house in 2024???

  24. Poster, sorry for the death of your brother.
    Why are you still testing positive? If you have been taking your drugs the virus should be undetectable by now. Your viral load should have been so low that you wouldnt test positive. Pls visit a primary health that supports HIV treatment or any general hospital, HIV treatment to free.

    1. The diagnostic test for HIV is different from viral load testing. Diagnostic tests look for HIV antigens or antibodies or a specific protein associated with the virus.
      So even if low viral load, a person with HIV will still test positive

    2. Anon 22:10. Correct. You can never test negative. If you do , na error oo. DNA PCR which is the best test will still test positive.

  25. Get in touch with NACA and report the health facility

  26. Poster, you don't need to tell your family. You know them best. Don't listen to Stella's advice.

  27. Omo this one weak me.
    Poster sorry for your loss and everything.
    But I hope you have been careful about not letting your family members get infected with the virus.
    If you don't want them to know its best you don't live with them.
    Stay safe, may Gof help una

  28. Poster your health status and info is yours and yours alone to protect and decide who to disclose it to. That’s a fundamental human right and nobody has a right to blackmail you into disclosing it. For the pseudo intellectuals bleating about needle sharing, shavers etc you are just exhibiting your ignorance for all to see. Do you think that poster knowing she is positive will be sharing needles etc with family. In addition the family was tested and are negative so obviously if she did not infect them all these years why now. As some one said this is just ignorance on steroids and discrimination. Loads of you have aborted and have/had STD. How many of you told your family members? Go read up more on HIV/AIDS instead of giving useless advice that just exposes your lack of exposure.

  29. Mehn this is tough I hope you have been taking your medications PLEASE guys go for your medical check up ,I thank God I have been doing me yearly physicals and I am very clean na make me they wear rain coat and i Nor dey Lick anything if you nor wan knack without I go wear my cloth waka

  30. HIV/AIDS is not a public health notifiable disease, the hospital is wrong, Stella is wrong, the reception is an idiot as she has no business with even discussing results with a patient. Patients privacy right was breached in every way possible and imaginable, remain to shout it from the PAS or put it on the news abi?

  31. Apart from the Bedding BV and some others, it seems HIV positive folks in Naija are being selfish. You really think it’s only sexual transmission that spreads HIV or it’s not reportable to authorities by those who treat you? I heard if siblings who got it by mistaking using each other’s toothbrush after the another family member infected one of them. As to the “I use disposable BV”, people get fungal toe infections at the nail salon even after the so called disposables and after all care is taken. There are SO MANY WAYS family members in a close space could potentially transmit it and the poster HAS NOT confirmed she is on ARV though she is answering every other question in the comment section. The day you got your diagnosis your name entered MULTIPLE databases even up to several countries who FUND treatment of these meds globally. Did you know a single month supply of some ARV meds has a cash price if $500 to $1000? Who do you think funds it? Nigerian goverment? No! In fact with syphilis in some states you have to get your treatment from certain locations only. With HIV too depending on your licatikn. The idea of not informing sexual partners being a crime here is because it’s ASSUMED you already took precautions that will protect those around you else YOU could get sued yourself if someone caught it due to your negligence. No stigma does not mean reckless endangerment of loved ones.

    You inform and educate them not hide it so if you share bathrooms and place your toothbrush in another spot by mistake and your sibling uses it and contracts it it’s ok? It’s all the ignorant BVs that need to educate their selfish ignorance as it seems they are the ones living with it and trying to mistake de-stigmatization for normalization. It’s not the same thing. As to “hospitals” in Nigeria, most of them are “offices” or “centers”, Google what standard a place must have to qualify for the descriptive term “hospital” in developed societies. Is it the one a physician is abusing a nurse like a maid or the physician sits down and gets called that a critically ill patient is convulsing that is a hospital? There is a reason we take so many exams before we are allowed to practice here. The gap is huge. Condolences on your brother’s loss but please infirm and educate your siblings pleading with them not spare your dad who you may not interact with as much as your siblings depending on your living arrangements.

    1. Na you mumu pass. Hiv can't be transferred through tooth brush , the chemical in toothpaste is enough to kill the virus not to talk about the acid in the saliva

  32. See people dey talk. When you dey rush bus Shebi you for don pack HIV come back?

  33. I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES.

  34. I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES.


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