Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..



I am engaged to the best man in the whole wide world.... or so i thought until i put him through a test that changed things..

He always told me how much he loves me and showed it and when he proposed it seemed my World was complete but i was curious to find out if he would cheat and i did what most foolish women do......

I sent my friend to seduce him and i told her exactly how to get him....His weak points and what he liked...She was to try and then get back to me to decide what i would do..

She got back to me after the set up was initiated and said she failed to succeed and i became the happiest woman but i noted my man was withdrawn and always watching me.....

On my Birthday this year, he took me out and we had a long talk and he confessed to what he had done..He said my friend lured him and they slept together they have been seeing each other secretly and my friend wants him to break up with me and has been threatening him that she would tell me.....

I died and woke up......

She also told him what we had planned and that is why he had been watching me from the side....
After the long talk, he broke up with me and walked out on me......He told me he was done with the two of us and feels used..... but he said he still loved me and was hurting so bad.
I have blocked my friend on all social media and on whatsapp and i am trying to get my man back...How do i go about this? I dont want to involve anyone cos it may complicate things....

What do i do?

Hmmmmmmmm why did you do this??????? You pushed your man to cheat!

Please move on, the relationship has gone down the drain and this issue will always come up...You have opened a dangerous door for him and it will continue......Why are you cutting off from your friend? No be you send am message? If she had told you, what would you have done? You got what you asked for, please unblock her talk things over.....I prefer your friend that didnt tell you to your man that told you.....

Move on from that relationship..imagine blaming you after he don gbensh your friend well well, and it was not even only once...Mscheeeew!


  1. Ladies when will you learn?.

    1. You were wrong but your boyfriend isn't it at all. He slept with your friend whether set up or not and that is an error. Move on from both of them and hopefully you have learnt from this

    2. I hate testers and examiners regardless of gender .

      If any man decides to 'test' me with flinging pounds and dollars all over his house again ehn!

      Bcos that's the female version. Don't throw money around women = dobt throw cheap girls at men.

      Stella, its good she cut the friend off, dem give her assignment, she chop clean mouth dey lie hence she failed assignments.

      Poster keep begging him, while pressing his weakness as a man that he is, he will take you back.

    3. 17:24, i have passed that test twice, not sure I will the third time. Very painful and wicked test

    4. Anyone that decides to test their fiance/fiancee this way deserves whatever they get. What were you planning to do if he failed the test?

  2. Why won't he blame her? She gave her friend to him on a platter

    1. The Original ShugarGirl14 February 2024 at 14:18

      This is tantamount to foolishness.
      So now you don't want to involve anyone else bcz it will get thinhs complicated but you introduced your friend even when things were so pure and good only to make it complicated.

      Where did you keep your brain?

  3. Don’t know what some of you really want.
    Did he not know she was your friend?
    You see that friend of yours, cut her off for life!!
    No matter how much she apologizes, sends mutual friends or even family, do not ever accept her back into your life, she is a snake.
    And as for you, you need to grow up!!


  4. That guy is a play boy. He will cheat in marriage. He is not worth your trouble. You were foolish to do what he did, again I'm happy you did. If he can cross the line with your friend, he can never be trusted. Let him go. Or take him back and continue to write chronicles. He go show you shege promax.

  5. Oya So pe o ti lo…e don go

  6. Sorry to say but naija women una get fish brain sometimes I wonder how you all think.
    Reasons most men are running away from naija women.
    Good say the man move on.
    I pity who they take naija women serious.Your friend self couldn't even advice you well or say no.why do I feel like both of you have been partner in runs before

    1. Tim. Aya replies.😁

    2. It's because you don't have common sense, and you must be dealing with those that you think have fish brain ,for you to think Nigeria women have fish brain.

  7. You and your friend just gave the man free p***y ..move on and forget about laid the bed,now lay on it

  8. Replies
    1. Good question

      Mmmmeeeee, ntooor, nta ta cetamol to you poster🤣🤣


    2. She sounded young and naive so yes,how old are you?

    3. So are we saying Nigerian men have zero self control? Okay!!!

  9. Well you got the answer. Something in you knew he had this side to him that’s why you carried out the test
    Move on and find someone else

  10. You ARE engaged??
    No, my dear. You WERE engaged! You are clearly living in the past!

    Do you really want to be with a man that not only slept with your friend ("by mistake") once, but continued to do so?

    You really believe a man that dumped you on your birthday is the best man in the whole world? He couldn't do it on any other day? Will it not be a lasting negative memory, or you think you can still celebrate your birthday in a great mood from next year and beyond?

    My advice: move on!

    I disagree with Stella on the unblocking friend part. Whilst you did send her on the mission, and she may claim she didn't tell you that your ex fell in the trap, because she didn't want to hurt your feelings...why has she been threatening him with exposure, and asking for him to leave you?! That is not a woman you want in your circle!

    1. The man may be lying on that part to fully set them at each other.

  11. Some of you will just use Una hand and invite problem into your life. Just move on please and I hope for ur mental health that he didn’t break up with you to start dating dat ur friend cos that’s when you fit DIE and not WAKE UP. And stay very faaaaaaaaaaaaar away from that friend of yours she’d kill you if she has the chance.

  12. Three senseless people. Two senseless womem and a cheat. So you are on this blog and you haven't learnt anything?

  13. Correct friend and correct guy don't blame your friend at all .

  14. How old are youv

  15. You set your man up with your friend, and you even gave her all the clues and expos necessary to nail him. Is this chronicle real?

    Anyway, one thing you don't know is that when you plan with someone to test your partner, they will go to the extreme to make your partner fall for three reasons:

    Firstly, their ego;

    I am sure you would send one of your most beautiful friends with the right ammunition for the job. Someone who feels she is a hot cake and every man's cup of tea. Now imagine a man turning her down. Do you know how much that would bruise her pride and chatter her illusion? Knowing he turned her down because of you! You, who don't even hold a candle to her in any way (in her mind maybe), it would be an ego trip for you but an insult to her if he didn't fall for her, and for that reason alone, he must fall by fire by force.

    Secondly, to humble you,

    I believe at the onset he was able to ward her off, and if he succeeded, that would reinforce your supposed value, right?  You people who test your partners or send people to test your partners do sit on an invincible high horse. You have an overinflated opinion of yourself, and someone like your friend may want to bring you down from there. Who knows the kind of men she has been coming across so far? They could have cheated, lied, and treated her badly only to meet a man like yours who refused to fall despite all the seductive moves in a world where "all men are scum." One is now proven stubborn. Haa! She no go gree oo She would be triggered and do everything in her power to make sure he fell, and the next thing she would be thinking is, "What is so special about you?" or think, "What does she have that I don't have?"Yes, that was not in the agreement, but over time, it will no longer be about you or the test but about her desirability, the capabilities of her womanly wiles, and little by little, without her realising it, emotions will be involved and all over the place, and it will now turn into a game of who better pass, you or her? Unless the person you are sending is not human but a robot or the person you are testing is not human, please continue to test your partners.
    You played with your man's emotions, and you trivalised your friends'.  

    Thirdly, if you can fall for your man, why do you think others can't? If he is truly all that you applaud, then who knows? The lady you sent to seduce him may have been eyeing him for a while, and you played into her hands. 

    Your man would not have confessed to you if she hadn't threatened him. He would have continued with her if only she stayed in the background while being full of disgust for you and deep-seated anger. He is just ashamed that he failed your test, and you will get to find out, so he respectfully broke it off. If he had passed, he would have broken up with you, still, but with pride and his head held high. Yes, whichever way it turned out in the end,  the man needed to break up with someone like you. 

    In your next relationship, respect yourself, you hear?

    Words on Marble.

  16. Hmmm hmmmer hmmmmest. I have no words for you


  17. You sent a full grown woman to go and test your fiance honestly I hate reading stupid stories like the one up there, it takes the grace of God for men to be faithful in a relationship continue to beg him he will listen.

    1. Una too look dan on men for dis blog.

      Men pass this test. And will continue to pass. Men of Joseph kind. Some draw the lines that even prevent any solo contact with their women friends or with any woman

      Those who failed would have failed at any other opportunity.

      Poster succeeded at her test. She got the result she sought.

      Why she's still about the man is the real issue now.

  18. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Why do people test their partners like this, and cry when they fall for it??

  19. You told her how to get him and his weak points. Na wa o.

    1. So it was not a test.
      The woman carry expo.
      She was certain to pass with colours as she did.

  20. If you ask me na who I go ask,the matter when you see so e heavy for mouth..

  21. I sincerely pray you never get him back, because you're a foolish woman. Good men that people like me have been looking for, is what you got and threw it away like that... Nawa

    1. The man is not really good. She knew. She wanted to confirm and did. Except good does not include sexual fidelity.

      By the way, I am a man.

    2. 17:51 I too don’t see any loss here
      This shouldn’t be a hard test to pass

  22. This sort of trap ll never get me. So why would it get him?
    Once I m with someone, I m blind to everyone else. Just how I was built

    1. Gbam. Poster knew…I think the way he ended it with her shook her. He’s emotionally blackmailing her. Poster if you take him back, be prepared for him to cheat well well in your marriage. He’s not to be trusted. In your next relationship, look for a man like Joseph. A real God fearing man. It might take a little bit of time but pray specifically for that type of men. That way, you won’t have to bother testing him because you will know there’s no need to. Your instincts were right after all. Move on please and pray for healing. 💕

  23. Sometimes we take for granted the things we get so easily. Poster,I guess, you are wiser now.pls move on.

    1. She saw something that
      "sweeps her off the feet" and she took it for granted. For her mind he belongs to her and nothing can change his mind .
      Even when she put him in danger like she did to set him up for seduction,he will still come back to her.
      Now she is here to ask how to get her man back.

  24. Her first line made me laugh, she was like " I'm engaged to the best man in the whole wide world".
    She has scattered it by herself.
    Not everyone can handle good in a person.
    Who told her how to know whether your man will cheat is to set him up with another woman ??
    Abeg economy is not smiling and some are making life hard for themselves.
    Madam carry your cross, you brought it to yourself.

    1. She didn’t scatter it herself. He did when he showed he lacked self control. If that was me , I would have broken up with him there and then before he even comes around to it. What nonsense. Btw, how did economy entree this matter ehnn anon?. If relationships are poverty alleviation for you, trust that not everyone is on your level .

  25. Well, now you know he ain’t perfect. If you get him back do you really think you will be happy again? I don’t think either of you will view each other in the same way, the innocence and peace is gone. What you are fighting for is not to be the loser here. You set a game in motion and you end up the loser, you probably feel stupid and ridiculous. But at the end of it all you got a revelation about two ppl you held in high esteem. Yes, you paid a very high price, but you may have ended up paying the same price after marriage and you would have remained friends with a treacherous person. So you learned a harsh lesson, never share everything about your partner with anyone, never test anyone and every human is imperfect and will disappoint us at times in life. Move on and put the knowledge you have gained to good use.

    1. Poster why did you want to get him back?. If you beg him , you would have given him a huge pass to cheat. After all you knew he was a cheat and begged him. Let him be. Be proud na and have self respect or even pretend to. Cmon.
      Now , if he comes back to beg you, that’s a different story altogether…

  26. What about the man that fell yakata? Should he not be blamed also?

  27. Poster deep down either you knew you couldn't fully trust him or due to low self esteem you felt so undeserving and insecure of such a man. Well either way congratulations you played yourself. And I strongly disagree with Stella. Keep that your friend blocked. A good friend would not have participated in that testing foolishness and instead would have told you off.

  28. Stories like these just make me want to spank the person. How can you be testing the someone when you're not God. Make una dey stop this nonsense

  29. Poster, never ever beg a cheating man. Are you even ok?. He should be the one begging you please. Imagine if the tables were turned…

  30. No woman begs a man as a person.
    Most beg for what the man can do to better their lives and or what they cannot or believe they cannot get otherwise.

  31. I disagree with Stella completely, why should you reveal your partners weakness to a third party with the intent to bring him down.

  32. I hope you learn your lesson. Trust nobody

  33. Come and test me too nah..

    I no know why no babe don try this thing with me😂😂 I go just nack sara..
    Imagine you even telling her his weakness and all.. weakness you got to know from being his girlfriend and him being vulnerable around you, I don't know what you expected would happen after going to that length.. na Una type dey k!LL man like Dililah..
    That man is the victim.. he trusted you, opened up to you, you found out his weakness and use it to set him up.

    You are evil personified.

    He dodged a bullet..

    1. How is he a victim?? He is a cheat period! So he can’t stop the girl as soon as she started seducing him??? And let his wife to be know what’s up?? Come on nowwww.

  34. Everyone, regardless of gender will cheat when put in a compromising position. That's why it's best to avoid putting yourself and your partner in comprising situations. You, your friend and your now "ex-fiance" have all messed up! Might not be easy but move on!!! I wish you all the very best.

  35. Chika(hello iya boys)10 February 2024 at 21:11

    Poster You know Pass

    See As You Open Ya Eyes Korokoro scatter ya Relationship

    Una you Shabi ooo

  36. Are there no faithful friends these days or what? How could she sleep with your man? Even if she is not your friend, can't she just stick to the business you called her for? Is this how people fall easily for these things? Na wa o.

    Chai! What a height of betrayal. She even made you believe that she did nothing with the dude.

  37. Why then did you set him up since you knew you weren't going to leave him if he fails the test?

    If you beg to have that guy back just bear in mind that he will cheat to your face in marriage and will blame you for it because you exposed him to it so nothing to hide anymore .

  38. I am still surprised. So I can actually seduce any man in a serious relationship leading to marriage very soon and he would fall for it? Just like that? People can't pass simple test again. Na wa o.

  39. If this test is the other way round the comment section would've been different abi, putting people tru test is not a wrong thing to do,men do it all the time here and no one blames them, poster thank your stars that God exposed unfriendly friends in your life, 1st one mistake what of the other one's? Both are evil people thank God for his delivering you, please keep away from female friends oo

  40. Gbam. Poster knew…I think the way he ended it with her shook her. He’s emotionally blackmailing her. Poster if you take him back, be prepared for him to cheat well well in your marriage. He’s not to be trusted. In your next relationship, look for a man like Joseph. A real God fearing man. It might take a little bit of time but pray specifically for that type of men. That way, you won’t have to bother testing him because you will know there’s no need to. Your instincts were right after all. Move on please and pray for healing. 💕

  41. Gbam! Stella you said it all! Imagine blaming her and breaking up with her after gbenshing her friend!!!!

  42. My own thing is, they both betrayed you but na only your friend you blocked everywhere. But the guy gets grace to come back into your life?? I don’t get it. They both messed up. They both need to go! Do not let this guy use reverse psychology on you because he’s doing a good job doing that. Do NOT call him. If he calls, give him a piece of your mind very well and tell him not to call you again! He FAILED the test. He FAILED woefully actually because he kept banging your so called friend. Don’t feel bad, let him also GO.

  43. You pushed your boyfriend to fall by sending your friend to seduce him, and you made matters worse by telling your friend about his weakness. Your friend is likewise greedy, but this is not her fault. My beloved, move on. Even if he contemplates coming back into the relationship, it will never be the same again, since you will never trust him.


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